Separation Techniques- Gravity separation, Decanting, Sieving, Filtration, Magnetic Separates, Evaporation and Distilation

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Distillation- boiling point- making alcohol-spirits, taking salt out of water- desalination

you heat up a mixture. The component with the lower boiling point it evaporates but instead of the particles leaving they get trapped then condense and turn into a liquid.

Sieving- Size- straining pasta, tea bag in cup of water, flour in sieve, garden supply centre

you put the mixture into a sieve, the smaller particles got through and the bigger particles stay behind

Magnetic separation- Magnetism- rubbish and recycling, mining, iron out of cereal

you take a magnet and pass a magnet through it and the magnetic components will attract to it

Gravity separation separates soluble/insoluble components of a mixture based on their __________/_______

A1. Insoluble A2. weight/mass

the temperature that you heat the mixture up to needs to be hot enough to boil one component but cool enough that it doesn't boil the other component as well. For example, when separating water (BP=100 celsius) and ethanol (BP=78 celsius) you might heat it up to _____________ __________ ________ _____ ________ ___________ _________ ______, for example __________ celsius

A1. anything higher than 78 and lower than 100, for example 85

it works by attracting/repelling the magnetic/non-magnetic components towards/away from the magnet

A1. attracting A2. magnetic A3. towards

when filtering, filter paper can be folded in the shape of a ________ or a _________.

A1. cone OR A flute

the solute/solvent left behind will often form _____________

A1. crystals

Decanting is a type of gravity separation that lets the soluble/insoluble components of a mixture separate naturally based on their ____________ ________

A1. decanting wine

some examples of filtration are _____________ ___________, ______ ______ ___________,

A1. filtered coffee, air cons filters and vacuum cleaners

the filtration rate is higher/lower when using a ___________ shape, because there is more/less surface area in the contact with the mixture.

A1. fluted

you don;t have to bring the liquid to its boiling point (e.g. 100 Celsius for water ), because liquids will evaporate to some degree at any temperature this is above their freezing/condensation point (e.g. 0 celsius for water)

A1. freezing

the most common example of gravity separation is ________ _____________

A1. gold panning

it works by shaking and agitating the mixture back and forth until the heavier/lighter components sink/float to the top/bottom.

A1. heavier A2. sink A3. top

It works because a sieve has many _________ that large/small particles can/cannot get through but larger/smaller particles can/cannot get through

A1. holes A2. small A3. can A4. larger A5. cannot

it works similar to sieve in that a filter also has many _________ that let smaller/larger particles behind. The difference is that filters have much, smaller/larger holes than sieves

A1. holes A2. smaller A3. smaller

Filtration separates the soluble/insoluble components of a mixture based on their size

A1. insoluble

sieving separates the soluble/insoluble components of a mixture based on their _______

A1. insoluble A2. size

it works by heating the mixture until the components with a lower/higher boiling points starts to boil first. the vapour of this component is then taken elsewhere and cooled and frozen/condensed back into a liquid, which is then collected and know as the __________________. the component with a higher/lower boiling point is left behind in the flask, as it never gets hot enough for it to boil/condense.

A1. lower A2. condensed A3. higher A4. boil

magnetic separates soluble/insoluble components of a mixture based on whether they are ______________ or not

A1. magnetic

magnetic separation is often used in the following industries __________, ______________, and __________ ________.

A1. mining, recycling and scarp metal

an example of the use of evaporation in industry is _________ _______________.

A1. salt production

the size of the crystals that form depends on how fast the evaporation was: slower/faster evaporation will lead to bigger/smaller crystals being formed.

A1. smaller A2. bigger

Distillation separates the soluble/insoluble components of a mixture based on their different ______________ points

A1. soluble A2. boiling

Evaporation separates the soluble/insoluble components of a mixture by evaporating the liquid/solid solute/solvent, leaving behind the liquid/solid solute/solvent.

A1. soluble A2. liquid A3. solvent A4. solid A5. solute

unfortunately, when you evaporate a solution you lose the solute/solvent to the atmosphere and are only able to keep the solute/solvent

A1. solvent A2.solute

some examples of sieving include ____________ ___________, _______ _____________, and ___________ __________

A1.draining pasta A2. fish netting A3. sifting flour

a sieve that separates fertilizer beads (3mm wide) from soil particles (0.5 wide)

a possible grading would be anything between 0.5mm and 3mm (e.g. 1.5mm)

a sieve that separates gnocchi pasta (3cm wide) from risonni pasta (5mm wide)

a possible grading would be anything between 0.5mm and 3mm (e.g. 1.5mm)

a sieve that separates ping-pong balls (1 inch wide) and marbles (1/4 inch wide).

a possible grading would be anything between 1/4 and 1 inch (e.g. 2 inches

Gravity separation- Mass- Panning for gold, separating wheat

a stream of water is used to move the lighter particles away from the heavier particles, the heavy particles sink to the bottom

Filtration-Size- water, pool, fish tank, filtered coffee, copper carbonate from water, sand from water

same as sieving just smaller holes

Evaporation- boiling point- copper sulphate in water, making salt, drying clothes

the solution is heated so that the solvent evaporates and the leaves the dissolved solute behind

Decanting-Density- wine, oil and water, water and sand

to do this, allow the solids to settle to the bottom then gently pour the liquid off the top, trying not to shake the bottle. This will leave the sediment in the bottom of the bottle

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