Sigmund Freud

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A term generally used to describe a nonpsychotic mental illness that triggers feelings of distress and anxiety and impairs functioning

Oral stage, Anal stage, Phallic stage, Latency stage, Genital stage

Psychosexual stages in order (Freud)


Unpleasant state of worrying of forthcoming danger

Cocaine and cigar abuse

What caused Sigmund Freud's unnatural death?

To maintain a healthy ego

What is the purpose of defense mechanism?


arousal of sexual feeling without an external stimulus

Collective Unconscious

Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' history

Deterministic Pessimistic Causal Unconscious Biologically influenced Uniqueness/Similarity middle ground

Concept of humanity Freud Psychoanalysis


refusing to believe or even perceive painful realities




excessive love of one's body or oneself


According to freud, a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes or wants. now known as information process of which we are unaware

Inferiority Complex

Adler's theory of the feelings of inadequacy or inferiority in young children that influence their developing personalities and create desires to overcome

Oral Stage

Freud's first stage of personality development, from birth to about age 2, during which the instincts of infants are focused on the mouth as the primary pleasure center.

Latency Stage

Freud's fourth stage of psychosexual development where sexuality is repressed in unconscious and children focus on identifying with same sex parent and interact with same sex peers

Genital Stage

Freud's last stage of personality development, from the onset of puberty through adulthood, during which the sexual conflicts of childhood resurface (at puberty) and are often resolved during adolescence)

Anal Stage

Freud's second stage of psychosexual development where the primary sexual focus is on the elimination or holding onto feces. The stage is often thought of as representing a child's ability to control his or her own world.

Freudian Slip

Freud's term for a seemingly meaningless slip of the tongue that reveals an unconscious thought


Freud's theory of personality and therapeutic technique that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts

Phallic Stage

Freud's third stage of personality development, from about age 4 through age 7, during which children obtain gratification primarily from the genitals

To understand behavior, psychotherapy uncovers the unconscious and make it conscious

Goal of Psychotherapy

By extreme use of only one mechanism like water dam analogy.

How can defense mechanism backfire?

They have to make their super ego strong through identification with parents/care givers.

How to remove oedipus complex?

Josef Breuer

Physician who became Freud's close friend and coauthored Studies on Hysteria. He was the first to use the "talking cure" while treating hysteria, which later evolved into Freud's technique of free association.


a detail, image, or character type that occurs frequently in literature and myth and is thought to appeal in a universal way to the unconscious and to evoke a response

free association

a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing

Projective Test

a personality test, such as the Rorschach or TAT, that provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one's inner dynamics

Thematic Apperception Test

a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes

Oedipus Complex

according to Freud, a boy's sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father


according to Freud, a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage, in which conflicts were unresolved

manifest content

according to Freud, the remembered story line of a dream

latent content

according to Freud, the underlying meaning of a dream

Perceptual Conscious System

acts as a medium for the perception of external stimuli

Karen Horney

agreed with Freud but believed that childhood social, not sexual, tentions are crucial for personality formation. childhood anxiety, caused by the dependent child's sense of helplessness, triggers our desire for love and security


an emotional reaction of the therapist that reflects the therapist's inner needs and conflicts


an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting

Erik Erikson

Neo-Freudian, humanistic; Contributions: created an 8-stage theory to show how people evolve through the life span. Each stage is marked by a psychological crisis that involves confronting "Who am I?"

Alfred Adler

Neo-Freudian; introduced concept of "inferiority complex" and stressed the importance of birth order

Realistic anxiety (covid,kidnapping,crime)

Non specific feeling of possible and realistic possibility (identifiable danger in real world)

Anna O (Bertha Pappenheim)

Often cited as the first psychoanalytic patient, she suffered from hysteria and was give hypnosis treatment which influenced Freud's psychoanalysis

Electra Complex

conflict during phallic stage in which girls supposedly love their fathers romantically and want to eliminate their mothers as rivals


contains a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that, according to Freud, strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives. It operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification


defense mechanism that offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions


disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others


gratification derived from being hurt or abused

Free Association

in psychoanalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing


in psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness

Defense Mechanisms

in psychoanalytic theory, the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality

oral-receptive phase

infants feel no ambivalence toward the pleasurable object and their needs are usually satisfied with a minimum of frustration and anxiety


modifying the natural expression of an impulse or instinct (especially a sexual one) to one that is socially acceptable


neurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks and disturbances of sensory and motor functions

positive transference

occurs when a client transfers feelings of intense affection, dependency or love to the analyst based on past relationships

Negative transference

patient redirects toward the therapist unconscious feelings of anger and hostility retained from experiences with authority figures


process by which a norm becomes a part of an individual's personality, thereby conditioning the individual to conform to society's expectations


psychic and emotional energy or urges behind human activity; sexual desire


psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others

Reaction Formation

psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites. Thus, people may express feelings that are the opposite of their anxiety-arousing unconscious feelings


psychoanalytic defense mechanism in which an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated


psychoanalytic defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person, as when redirecting anger toward a safer outlet

Neo Freudian

refers to theorists who broke with Freud but whose theories retain a psychodynamic aspect, especially a focus on motivation as the source of energy for personality

Psychosexual Stages

the childhood stages of development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital) during which, according to Freud, the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones


the largely conscious, "executive" part of personality that, according to Freud, mediates among the demands of the id, superego, and reality. It operates on the reality principle, satisfying the id's desires in ways that will realistically bring pleasure rather than pain

Rorschach Inkblot Test

the most widely used projective test, a set of 10 inkblots, designed by Hermann Rorschach; seeks to identify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots


the outward character or role that a person assumes


the part of personality that, according to Freud, represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment (the conscience) and for future aspirations


the patient's transfer to the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships (such as love or hatred for a parent)


the process by which, according to Freud, children incorporate their parents' values into their developing superegos


the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.


the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

Dream analysis (Freud)

transforming the manifest content of dreams into latent content


Straightforward nature according to freud



Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis

Moral anxiety (guilt)

Conscience breakdown because of conflict between ego and superego


Defense mechanism by which anxiety-provoking thoughts and feelings are forced to the unconscious.

Reaction formation

Defense mechanism by which people behave in a way opposite to what their true but anxiety-provoking feelings would dictate.


Enigma and mysterious according to freud

oral sadistic phase

Infants responds to others through biting, closing mouth, smiling, and crying


Jung's name for teh architype of the dark, morally repugnant side of human nature


Jung; male archetype as expressed in a woman; feminine side of man; originates in the collective unconscious; comes from men's experiences with women which combine into the concept of women; shows as an image of feelings/mood

The role of ego is to reduce it by employing defense mechanisms

Role of ego in sexual drive, aggressive drive and anxiety


Satisfying an unacceptable impulse to a socially acceptable way


Stage attained if a person passed through the developmental periods in an ideal manner according to freud.


a coping mechanism in which the person analyzes a situation from an emotionally detached viewpoint

Carl Jung

Student of Freud. Broke over Freud's emphasis of sexuality. Believed all people had a collective unconscious of the past generations, but the connection faded due to modernization

Dynamics of personality (Freud)

Umbrella term for all process,mechanism and changes in personality according to freud.


Unconscious responses used by patients to block their own progress in therapy

They may develop orderliness

What happens if children are forced to control their bowel movement?

They become aggressive due to frustration of toilet training

What happens to infant in early anal period?

They find pleasure and interested with their feces.

What happens to infant in late anal period?


a defense mechanism that conceals your undesirable shortcomings by exaggerating desirable behaviors

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