SLS Final Flash Cards

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How much would your monthly payment be on a $30,000 loan versus a $100,000 loan if you wanted to pay it off in 10 years and the interest rate was around 4%

$15,300 less

What are some of the negative consequences of using and abusing alcohol


What's the difference between cognitive and outcome feedback

cognitive come during studying, outcome comes after a test or quiz with feedback

How can you find out the purpose for an assignment

conduct a thorough and large review

What are the typical requirements needed to earn a bachelor's degree?

core education, major requirements, minor or free electives

Can you use materials and resources when taking an online exam

depends on the test

What is the difference between direct and opportunity cost

direct is any cost associated with getting a degree, and opportunity is any cost lost in attending college

What is the definition of academic integrity

engaging in academically honest behaviors

What is networking

establishing and maintaining personal and professional relationships with others


feeling like you are welcomed in the place where you are currently at

What is the most productive way to interpret mistakes

focus on what's within your control

How do most people find jobs

focus on your network that is most likely to lead to job offers

How do employers use social media

for the hiring screening process

What are social motivators

friends, family, building relationships with others classmates, staff, professors, etc.

What are the advantages of studying abroad

get to make progress towards your degree while being involved and immersed in a different culture and language

When revising your work, what should you focus on first

give yourself time to reflect and relax

What are the steps involved in academic self regulation

goal setting, learning strategies (monitoring progress), self reflection (making changes needed)

What are some strategies you can use to engage the audience during a presentation

good eye contact, elaborate on topics, discuss instead of reading, use active learning strategies

What are some basic, but effective stress management techniques

good night's sleep, eat well, exercise

How can you develop a professional presence online

google yourself, review your social media posts, etc.

What is grit

having a deep commitment


having confidence in yourself and where you are

How can your advisor assist you

help you determine interests, values, and abilities; assist with identifying possible career pathways, provide access to academic and career resources, inform you of academic and professional opportunities, provide encouragement and motivation, expand your network, assist with course selection, serve as a member of your support system

What are some self reflective questions you can ask yourself

how well do I understand the assignment, how well is my approach, what other strategy approach might work better, do I need help with the task, how does my draft compare to any models or rubrics that were provided, am I on track

Why is it important to celebrate our accomplishments

increases motivation and willingness to work

Who benefits from mindfulness

individuals who practice it

How much time should you spend on each step if you want to write a good essay response

one fifth of the time you have for the question each

Why are internships or co ops valuable

opportunities to gain work experience in your field

According to cognitive psychologists, what motivates us

our interpretations of situation, or our mood of a situation

What is self determination theory

our needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness impact our personal growth and well being

What are program and course learning outcomes, and what is their relationship to assignment

outline what students will be able to know, think, or do as a result of taking a course

What can you do to establish good credit

pay bills on time, getting a credit card, using credit card wisely

What are the three steps associated with writing a good response to a short answer essay question

planning, writing, proofreading

How would you describe the writing process

planning, writing, reviewing

Why are rewards so effective

positive consequences lead to positive feelings

what is the best way to combat performance anxiety


What campus supports exist

professors, tutoring, advisors, librarians, personal and career counselors, disability service providers, resident advisor

How can you increase your self efficiency or build confidence

take risks, identify action steps to take, reflect on academic experience, expect mistakes, access help when needed

What are the two types of bad mistakes

A mistake that causes harm, the same mistake

When do you need to cite sources

Cite all ideas unless they are purely your own or considered common knowledge

Why is financial planning important

Financial choices college students make today can have long lasting results so it is best to make a plan


Follow safety codes, lock doors, be careful in public, carry around a little weapon if needed

Physiological needs

Have shelter, eat a good breakfast and sleep well in order to get to self-actualization

What is the most common mistake students make when selecting a topic

Identifying a topic that is too broad

What is a negative consequence of being overconfident

It causes inaccurate self reflections

Are most students accurate with their self assessments? What research supports your answer

No, overconfidence figure

Why is it important to have accurate self-assessmnets

People with accurate self reflections tend to perform better

What are the steps of Maslow's figure

Physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self actualization

If you are concerned about yourself or others, where can you go for help?

RA's on campus, or counselors

Why is it a good idea to keep track of your accomplishments in one place

Reviewing everything you have accomplished at once is a very good motivator compared to reviewing in chunks

What is an elevator speech? what are some strategies that will help you develop an effective elevator speech

a brief description of your skills and goals

What is resilience

a person's ability to bounce back from a traumatic event

What is service learning

another way to learn beyond the classroom walls

What strategies do high performing students use when taking a multiple choice test

anticipating answers, reading all choices, eliminating wrong answers, skipping difficult questions, writing on the exam to highlight key terms, draw figures, or diagrams, and mark questions, change your answer if you have good reason

How do emotions play a role in financial decision-making

as emotions go up, logical decisions go down

What does it mean to persevere

being able to get through struggling with any challenge for one goal

Based on what you learned about mindset, what is the most important piece of advice you would give to a friend

believe in yourself

How can you become resilient and gritty

by persevering, having a good mindset, and having good support

Why is It important to have good credit score

it helps banks determine how reliable you are

Why is academic integrity important

it is important for others to have a positive image of your college or university so that the work you and others do there is valued

How can you expand your network

join clubs, organizations, or a sport

What is attribution theory?

looks at how we interpret our successes and failures

What can you do to strengthen current relationships in your network

maintaining contacts, volunteering for tasks, participating in community events, professional activities

What is the first step when developing a plan for a paper or presentation

mapping out the organizational structure of the paper or presentation

Why is it beneficial to have a mentor

mentor can help guide you to getting a job or get through college classes

How do take home and online exams differ from traditional exams

more time consuming, can be planned out on your own time, less stressful

Where can you go if you want to talk with a professional counselor or psychologist

my college's professional counselors and psychologists

What is the difference between need- and merit-based aid

need is based off financial situation and merit is based off academic excellence

What are some of the pros and cons associated with online courses

pros: convenient, flexible, save travel time, higher level discussions, opportunity to review course content, possibly more social connections cons: more difficult to identify main points, easy to forget to go to class, technology problems, missing immediate feedback, delay in getting questions answered, social connections may be less personal

What are the benefits associated with networking

reliable sources for people who are considering to hire you or not

How can you prepare for a job interview

researching what the company you're applying for values most

What are some strategies you can use for staying within your budget

shop around and renegotiate pricing

What is mindfulness

state of being attentive and aware

What powerpoint strategies did you learn from Mayer's (2009) multimedia research

students pay more attention to pictures or videos more than words

What is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans

subsidized don't accrue interest

What is the definition of paraphrasing

summarizing ideas into your own words

What does return on investment mean? Does education have a good return on investment?

the financial benefits associated with investing your money in something such as education or the stock market


the realization of your importance in an area

How does Maslow's hierarchy of needs relate to motivation

they are steps to increase lists of needs that impact our motivation

What will make your resume and cover letter stand out

visual appeal and organization

According to behaviorists, what should you do to motivate yourself

with rewards

Is it a good idea to change your answer when taking a multiple choice test

yes if you have good reason

What's the difference between a double major and having a major and a minor

you get to take a lot of courses for your minor, while you meet two sets of required classes for a double major

Why should you get involved with sports, clubs, or other organizations

you increase your motivation from meeting new people through getting involved

How many people should you have in your support system

you only need the important people in your life

What are the similarities between Seligman's learned optimism, Rotter's locus of control, and Dweck's growth mindset?

you take control of your mindset

Why is it important to have learning goals

you will learn more and achieve a higher level

Why is it a good idea to meet with your advisor

your advisor has expertise that your friends and family most likely do not have

What is self efficiency

your beliefs on your abilities to be able to perform tasks

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