SOCI 100 The Real World Ch 1-3

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Which of the following are offshoots of symbolic interactionism?

- ethnomethodology - conversation analysis

What process involves conducting a group of interviews at the same time?

A focus group

Which of the following are negative questions?

Correct: - Do you not have any male teachers? - Which of the following courses did you not take last semester? Incorrect: - How many teachers have you seen during office hours? - How many courses do you need to graduate next year?

If a sociologist is worried that his presence is affecting interactions between the people he is studying, he is concerned with ________.

Reflexivity Reactivity

Place each component on the macro-micro continuum.

Self -> Interaction -> Socialization -> Roles -> Groups -> Social Inequality -> Social Institutions -> Culture -> Society

Associated with Durkheim's Theories

Social bonds in society positivist sociology

What can modern ethical guidelines or codes of ethics adopted by professional associations for different academic disciplines trace their origins back to?

The Nuremberg Code

What is the difference between microsociology and macrosociology?

the level of analysis

Erving Goffman's concept of dramaturgy draws upon a metaphor in what area to describe how we engage in a strategic presentation of ourselves to others?


What, according to Auguste Comte, is the job of the sociologist?

to develop a secular morality

Any physical object that has social meaning can be considered a part of material culture.


Modern cultural imperialism is most closely linked to the proliferation of Western media.


Which of the following are important elements in Weberian theory?

- "verstehen" - the role of the Protestant religion in transforming European economies

A new religious cult in the United States has been discovered that does not use any modern technology, lives in primitive conditions with no electricity or running water, and treats women as less valuable than men. Children born into this cult are forced to work sixteen-hour days beginning at the age of ten.

- A child born into the cult escapes at the age of sixteen and travels to the nearest large city. -A sociologist goes undercover and becomes a member in an effort to learn more about the cult.

Which of the following statements accurately describes culture?

- Culture includes both symbolic and material elements. - Culture acts as a lens through which individuals view the world. - Culture is handed down from generation to generation.

Which of the following are important tenets laid out by Herbert Blumer regarding symbolic interactionism?

- Meanings can change or be modified through interaction - We act toward things on the basis of their meanings - Meanings are not inherent; rather, they are negotiated through interaction with others

Which of the following statements accurately describes the ways that sociologists focus on culture?

- Sociologists often focus on culture within their own society. - Sociologists may engage in the process of "othering" by studying the unusual, extraordinary, or deviant in cultural groups.

Which of the following are examples of cultural leveling?

- The existence of Walmart, Starbucks, McDonald's and other chain stores in the vast majority of American towns. - The worldwide dominance of American music, movies, and other media in many countries throughout Europe and Asia.

Which of the following are among the key tenets of the Chicago School in American sociology?

- The self emerges from a process of interacting with other selves - Human behavior and personality are shaped by social and physical environments. - Society is conceptualized as a "generalized other."

Which of the following are examples of moral holidays?

- halloween - the night in the home city of the team that wins the Super Bowl

Which of the following elements could be considered culture?

- historical artifacts - films - style of dress

Relative to American culture today, which of the following could be considered a subculture?

- skateboarders - hunting enthusiasts

Which of the following are examples of cultural diffusion?

- the spread of hip-hop music among white youth - the spread of anime programs like Dragon Ball airing in the United States during the last two decades

Which of the following are among the goals of conflict theory?

- understanding the role of conflict at all scales of investigation—from the family to the nation - understanding how conflict is essential for social change

Identify each statement as a value, a norm, or neither.

- value: treat police officers with respect norm: striking a police officer is against the law. neither: police officers are more important to society than firefighters or teachers.

Order each ritual according to its appearance in Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema."

1. An individual enters the shrine room 2. An individual bows her head before the charm-box 3. An individual mingles different sorts of holy water in the font 4. An individual proceeds with a brief of ablution

- culture not only includes signs, gestures, and language, but also values and norms. - are specific types of norms that formally codify what is permissible or forbidden, while - often include severe repercussions and public condemnation. The most powerful of all norms are -.

1. symbolic 2. laws 3. mores 4. taboos

While (1)____ is most closely associated with value-free sociology, pre-existing values are not the only reason a sociologist might be biased. The notion of (2)____ can be skewed by the direction and focus of prior research. Additionally, the concept of (3)____ suggests that researchers can also influence those who are being studied.

1.) Basic Research 2.) Objectivity 3.) Reactivity

Before collecting data, social researchers must identify a (1)_____ from which to select their (2)_____. After that, if they want to interview (3)_____, sociologists must first get (4)_____, which means that participants agree to be interviewed and know what they are getting into.

1.) Target population 2.) Sample 3.) Respondents 4.) Informed consent

What is the definition of a hypothesis?

A proposed relationship between two variables

A sociologist fields a survey that collects data on where high school students apply to college. After some preliminary analysis, he attempts to use his data to create a new program that will encourage low-income students to apply to more rigorous colleges that may be a better fit for them. The researcher hopes that the program will increase the percentage of low-income students who attend elite colleges. What type of research is this?

Action research

Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema" is about what group of people?


What is a key difference between anthropology and sociology?

Anthropology largely concentrates on traditional, small or indigenous cultures, whereas sociology is interested in societies at all levels of development.

Which social theorist coined the term "sociology"?

August Comte in 1842 in the book "Introduction to Positive Philosophy"

Which social theorist sought to bring the scientific method to the discipline of sociology?

Auguste Comte

Which social theorist introduced the idea of the sociological imagination?

C. Wright Mills

A sociologist wants to examine how black men have been portrayed in television shows in the past year. What type of study should she conduct to examine this research question and compare the portrayal of black men across different television shows?

Content analysis

A team of sociologists is commissioned to study the effects of lighting levels and amount of time for breaks on workers' productivity in an office setting. Before the study begins, office workers are told why the researchers are there. When the team analyzes their data, they find that no matter what they do, productivity levels go up while they are physically present. When the team is not physically present, productivity levels return to normal. What is the likely explanation of these findings?

Correct choicethe Hawthorne effect

Which of the following are important elements in Émile Durkheim's theory?

Correct: - positivist sociology - division of labor

A simple random sample is also which of the following?

Correct: - probability sample - sample Incorrect: - spurious sample - representative sample

Choose the sociological concept that best exemplifies the story of Roger Lextrait, caretaker of Palmyra, and his return to Western society.

Culture Shock


Deconstruction is a type of critical postmodern analysis that involves taking apart or disassembling old ways of thinking.

Other existing sources research might come from data that is naturally generated by people's involvement on the Internet. Nicholas Christakis, Jason Kaufman, and Andreas Wimmer were some of the first researchers to use Internet data from what major website?


A question using a Likert scale format could not be a closed-ended question.


If two variables are correlated, a change in one must directly produce a change in the other.


Microsociology is like a wide-angle lens perspective on society, whereas macrosociology is like a zoom lens perspective on society.


Microsociology is like a wide-angle lens perspective on society, whereas macrosociology is like a zoom lens perspective on society. True or False


Identify each scenario as violating a folkway, a more, or neither.

Folkway: a man walking down the street with no shirt on More: a woman walking down the street with no shirt on Neither: a three-year-old walking down the street with no shirt on

Match each discipline to the way in which it overlaps with sociology.

Geography - examines places History - examines society's past Political Science - examines a social institution Psychology - examines internal states of individuals

People Associated with the Development of Sociology

Harriet Martineau Herbert Spencer

People Associated with Classical Sociology

Herbert Blumer George Herbert Mead

Which social theorist believed that societies could evolve through time by adapting to changing conditions?

Herbert Spencer

Match each item to the correct concept.

Hypothesis: "Teenagers are more susceptible to internet advertising than young adults." Variable: Age Operational definition: total number of advertisements clicked on by an individual each day

A sociologist thinks he has discovered a very interesting and unique finding. His data show a correlation between children's shoe size and their reading test scores. He thinks that children with bigger feet must be smarter. When he tells a colleague about his finding, the colleague suggests that both shoe size and reading test scores are correlated with a child's age. In this case, which of the following is the correct classification for the child's age?

Intervening correlation

What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

It is the idea that language structures thought and that ways of looking at the world are embedded in language

What is one of the main points that Horace Miner's article "Body Ritual among the Nacirema" demonstrates?

It is to take one's own culture for granted

What is one of the biggest problems with non-academic uses of research methods?

It often has a lack of rigorous standards.

Otaku culture originated in what country?


Latent Function

Latent functions are less obvious and sometimes unintended but are often as important as manifest functions.

A sociologist creates a questionnaire but is not sure if the questions will be suitable for the research hypotheses she wants to test. What type of study should she conduct to test the validity of her survey?

Pilot Survery

Identify each item as either practical or scientific knowledge.

Practical Knowledge: - The location of your favorite restaurant. - The information needed to pay your bills online Scientific Knowledge: - How much water you need to intake on a daily basis to survive - The average education level of individuals whose parents graduated from college

Identify each question as one answered by either practical or scientific knowledge.

Practical: - How do I register for classes? - How do I cross the street safely? Scientific: - What classes are most likely to provide me with the knowledge that employers are looking for? - How does a traffic light help regulate traffic?

What is a key difference between psychology and sociology?

Psychology is focused on individuals' internal states of mind, whereas sociology is focused on individuals in relation to society.

Place the following components in their correct locations in the macro-micro continuum. Two have been placed for you.

Society, culture, social institutions (economics, politics, education, religion), social inequality (class, race, gender), groups, roles, socialization, interaction, self

What is the definition of "sociology"?

Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior

A sociologist thinks he has discovered a very interesting and unique finding. His data show a correlation between children's shoe size and their reading test scores. He thinks that children with bigger feet must be smarter. When he tells a colleague about his finding, the colleague suggests that both shoe size and reading test scores are correlated with a child's age. Thus, the original correlation between shoe size and reading test scores must be ________ .


Place the following technological changes in order from first to last.

TV -> Internet -> Smart Phones -> Self-Parking Cars

Which American sociologist's work closely embodies the functionalist concept of how best to analyze society?

Talcott Parsons


The concept of complete originality is absent in postmodernism. Rather, re-use, adaptation, and copies of copies are all highlights of this condition. The lines between art and reality are blurred. Culture is influenced, parodied, and referenced by other aspects of culture.

A sociologist wants to study racial discrimination in hiring, and decides to either distribute a survey asking employers about their hiring methods, or conduct an experiment that involves sending fake resumes to employers to see who gets an interview. Which method would best examine racial discrimination in hiring and why?

The experiment because the researcher can isolate the effect of race by creating otherwise identical resumes.

Important Elements in Weberian Theory

The role of the Protestant religion in transforming European economies "verstehen"

What, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination?

The sociological imagination enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger forces of history

Research shows that overall, men are more talkative than women, although there is significant variation by context. The evidence suggests that conversational differences are influenced more by social rather than biological forces.


Value-free sociology suggests that sociologists should not allow their personal beliefs to influence their research.


Moral Holiday

a specified place or time period during which some norm violations are allowed.

Bernard McGrane suggested that to better understand the world around us, individuals should adopt the practice known as ___________.

beginner's mind

The increased use of Facebook, Twitter, and other types of social media during the Arab Spring protest movement, is an example of what cultural phenomenon?

cultural diffusion

According to the textbook, what is culture?

culture is the entire way of life of a group of people that acts as a lens through which one views the world and that is passed from one generation to the next

Which pair of concepts consists of two direct opposites?

ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

We occasionally see stories in the media about a high profile individual, such as a religious or political leader who gets caught doing something the society views as wrong, despite the individual often being seen as a moral leader. These are examples of a disconnect between which two cultural concepts?

ideal and real culture

Which of the following cultural concepts correctly classifies the idea of equality in the United States?

ideal culture

Real Culture

many people slip up and violate these norms, thus falling short of maintaining these values on occasion.

Which of the following provides an arena for playing out culture wars?


Robert Merton called for a style of sociology that avoids extremes: it focuses on institutions, not tiny groups and not whole societies, and it holds theory and empirical observation in balance. This type of study is called _________ theory.


Select the term that best completes the passage. Robert Merton called for a style of sociology that avoids extremes: it focuses on institutions, not tiny groups and not whole societies, and it holds theory and empirical observation in balance. This type of study is called _________ theory.


What is another name for the methodology that Auguste Comte called "social physics"?


C. Wright Mills was critical of social science and worked to connect the academic side of sociology to more tangible social debates of the time. In fact, a final heart attack that led to his death came the night before he was scheduled to participate in a televised debate about Latin America. For these reasons, what term would best exemplify C. Wright Mills?

public intellectual

C. Wright Mills was critical of social science and worked to connect the academic side of sociology to more tangible social debates of the time. Mills was convinced that sociology had something to offer everyone, not just academics. For these reasons, what term would best exemplify C. Wright Mills?

public intellectual

What is the central message of postmodernism?

rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society

Identify the means of enforcing norms that includes positive and negative versions.


Which of the following are values shared by most Americans and which are values in which Americans often differ?

shared: - freedom - democracy differing: - individualism - self-fulfilment

According to the textbook, and research by sociologist Philip Howard, what technology influenced the Arab Spring protest movement?

social media

Which of the following are simply subcultures and which are counterculture groups?

subculture: - marathon runners - comic book fans - motorcycle riders counterculture: - computer hackers

Ideal Culture

suggests that we be faithful to our spouses, engage in only limited alcohol use, and obey all traffic laws

Identify each statement as a value, a norm, or neither.

value: All people should have the chance to advance by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps." norm: Race-based job discrimination is illegal. neither: There is no inherent difference between different races.

Which of the following is an example of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

An indigenous people have no equivalent words for planet, Earth or world. They do not view a macro picture of multiple planets.

Which of the following are examples of postmodernism in popular culture?

Correct: - The move This is Spinal Tap - The Grey Album by DJ Danger Mouse - Copies of famous landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas

Which of the following measurement methods would yield results that can be generalized to the student population of a large university?

Correct: - Comprehensive school records are used to randomly select a sample group of 100 students who will fill out a short questionnaire. - School records are used to select 100 students from different categories (male and female, white and non-white, etc.) in numbers that mirror the overall student population. These students will fill out a short questionnaire. Incorrect: - Five students are randomly selected for in-depth interviews, each lasting half an hour. - Students passing by a campus booth are invited to fill out a questionnaire; several hundred do so.

Which of the following are disadvantages of ethnographic research?

Correct: - Ethnographic research suffers from a lack of replicability. - Ethnographic research often is not representative of a larger part of society. Incorrect: - Ethnographic research is not very rich in detail. - Ethnographic research often doesn't capture a full range of expression from the respondents.

Which of the following are advantages of existing sources research?

Correct: - Existing sources research allows researchers to work with information they could not obtain on their own. - Existing sources research allows researchers to use the same data that has been used for previous research and thus has high replicability. Incorrect: - Existing sources research allows researchers to avoid the unpredictable intrusions of the real world. - Existing sources research allows researchers to gain the context and interpretations of the original messages.

Which of the following are disadvantages of existing sources research?

Correct: - Existing sources research does not allow researchers to understand the interpretations of the original messages. - Existing sources research does not allow researchers to answer all questions. Incorrect: - Existing sources research has low replicability. - Existing sources research may have low validity because respondents are dishonest.

Which of the following are disadvantages of experimental research?

Correct: - Experiments are applicable only to certain types of research that can be constructed and measured in a controlled setting. - Experiments are not applicable when researchers want to study complex processes and interactions. Incorrect: - Experiments do not allow researchers to select their sample based on desired characteristics. - Experiments often include personal bias that can stem from the researcher's own prejudice.

Which of the following are advantages of survey research?

Correct: - Survey research is less concerned with interviewer or observer bias. - Survey research is usually quick and economical. Incorrect: - Survey research never has sampling problems - Surveys may help the researcher dispel certain preconceptions and discover issues that might have been otherwise overlooked.

Which of the following are disadvantages of survey research?

Correct: - Survey research often doesn't capture a full range of expression from the respondents. - Survey research may have low validity because respondents are dishonest. Incorrect: - Survey research has low reliability. - Survey respondents are sometimes difficult to talk to and other times try too hard to be helpful.

Which of the following are the two basic goals of social scientists when conducting experiments?

Correct: - to attempt to control for all possible variables except the one under investigation - to develop precise tools with which to observe, record, and measure their data Incorrect: - to set up two groups in a way so that they know who receives the experimental treatment and what the outcome should be in advance - to create a perfect experiment where a control group is unnecessary

militia movement

Members of this group hold that gun control, environmental protection laws, and other legislation violate individual and states' rights. They are inspired by events like the FBI's 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, to call for armed grassroots organization.

Identify each question as a topic in either microsociology or macrosociology.

Microsociology: - How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? - How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? Macrosociology - Why do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others? - Why does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy?

Match the theoretical perspective to its approach to culture.

conflict theory: values and norms are often contested by various groups in society. Dominant culture tends to represent and protect the values, norms, and interests of the most powerful groups in society. symbolic interactionism: values and norms are social constructions that may vary over time and in different contexts; meaning is created, maintained, and changed through ongoing social interaction. structural functionalism: values and norms are widely shared and agreed upon; they contribute to social stability by reinforcing common bonds and constraining individual behavior.

A postmodernist who analyzes the traditions and narratives of individuals within a number of Native American tribes without an eye toward universal narratives is engaging in what type of critical analysis?


A postmodernist writes an essay arguing that the "factual" history of a Native American tribe in a textbook is no more accurate than a collection of short oral stories about the tribe. The postmodernist is engaging in what type of critical analysis?


Type the term that encapsulates the idea of someone reflexively believing his culture is naturally superior to others, and often judging other cultures by his own values.


For a group of people with distinctive values and behaviors to be considered a subculture, there must be general agreement within the group about which values are embraced and the extent to which shared meaning can be agreed upon by its members.


Which of the following social theorists were influential to sociology but were not technically sociologists because they lived before the discipline existed?

- Harriet Martineau - Herbert Spencer

Which of the following are important concepts in the writings and work of Jane Addams?

- Hull House - With Ellen Gates Starr, Addams co-founded Hull House as a community center for applying sociological theory in the lives of working-class Chicagoans. - Putting theory into practice

Which of the following correctly describes the concept of "equal opportunity for all"?

- It is a value held by some cultures but not others.

Some of the following thinkers are prominent figures in the positivist-functionalist tradition. Place the positivist-functionalist figures in chronological order of their contributions from first to last.

1. August Comte 2. Emile Durkheim 3. Talcott Parsons

Place each person or event in the appropriate location on the timeline. For people, use the year of their deaths.

1. Emile Durkheim wrote "Suicide" (1858-1917) 2. Max Weber wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (1864-1920) 3. World War 1 is fought (1914-1918) 4. George Herbert Mead wrote Mind, Self, and Society. (1863- 1931) 5. World War 2 is fought (1944-1948) 6. In his book, Goffman (1922-1982) introduced the theatrical metaphor of dramaturgy into sociology. (1922-1982)

Place each event in the appropriate location on the timeline.

1. Harriet Martineau wrote Society in America (1802 - 1876) 2. Auguste Comte wrote Introduction to Positive Philosophy (1798-1857) 3. Karl Marx wrote Manifesto of the Communist Party (1818-1883)

- is a paradigm that places trust in the power of science and technology to create progress, solve problems, and improve life. Conversely, - is a paradigm that suggests that social reality is diverse, pluralistic, and constantly in flux. Three of the most famous postmodern theorists include Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, and -.

1. Modernism 2. Postmodernism 3. Michel Foucault

Cultural - usually occurs in the direction from more-developed to less-developed nations, while cultural - occurs when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar to one another. A third type of cultural change is cultural -, or the imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through - rather than by -

1. diffusion 2. leveling 3. imperialism 4. media and consumer products 5. military force

Which of the following are characteristics of a sociologist, as described by Peter Berger?

Characteristics: - intellectually daring - passionate about human affairs - intellectually curious Not Characteristics: - mathematically inclined

Which of the following are examples of the experimental method?

Correct: - A researcher deliberately drops a wallet in a public place and observes the reactions of passersby. - A researcher compares the attitudes of two focus groups after each group watches a corporate training video. One video has sexist content and the other does not. Incorrect: - A researcher poses as a store clerk and documents several varieties of shoplifting behavior over a period of time. - A researcher sifts through data about divorce rates and gas prices, looking for a correlation.

Which of the following areas may present ethical concerns for individuals conducting social science research?

Correct: - Deception - Confidentiality Incorrect: - Reactivity - Unobtrusive measures

Which of the following are double-barreled questions?

Correct: - Do you support raising taxes to provide additional childcare subsidies to the poor? - When was the last time you ate pizza and what were the toppings you had on it? Incorrect: - How many times per week do you read? - On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 equals strongly disagree and 5 equals strongly agree), how much do you support the current president's policies?

Identify each research method as either qualitative or quantitative

Correct: - Each person at a gathering of academics is invited to talk about his or her political views. - An observer takes notes on the nonverbal behavior of members of a focus group for car commercials. Incorrect: - Each person in a sample group is recorded as being either a United States citizen or a citizen of another country. - The number of people in a large gathering is recorded.

Which of the following are advantages of experimental research?

Correct: - Experiments have high replicability. - Experiments can avoid the unpredictable intrusions of the real world. Incorrect: - Experiments are applicable to all types of research and can be used with most research questions. - Experiments allow researchers to work with information that they could not obtain on their own.

Which of the following are disadvantages of interview research?

Correct: - Interview respondents are sometimes difficult to talk to and other times try too hard to be helpful. - Interview research may lead to conclusions that cannot be applied to a larger group. Incorrect: - Interviews do not often allow respondents to speak their own words and reveal their own thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. - Interview research often suffers from personal bias from the researcher involved.

Which of the following are advantages of interview research?

Correct: - Interviews may help the researcher dispel certain preconceptions and discover issues that might have otherwise been overlooked. - Interviews allow respondents to speak their own words and reveal their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Incorrect: - Interview research has been a pioneer in methodological innovation. - Interview research is nearly always representative of the groups it captures.

Which of the following are differences between participant observation and autoethnography?

Correct: - Only in autoethnography are the feelings and actions of the researcher a focal point of the study. Incorrect: - Only in participant observation is the researcher a member in the social setting. - There are no differences; the two terms are interchangeable.

Which of the following statements apply to typical survey research?

Correct: - Survey research uses closed-ended questions. - Survey research is quantitative in nature. Incorrect: - Survey research uses only Likert scale questions. - Survey research focuses on the micro level.

A sociologist conducts an experiment to see how watching a documentary on young men in gay relationships affects individual attitudes toward gay marriage. The sociologist creates two control groups; one is all female and one is all male. The control groups do not watch the video and only answer a survey. The two experimental groups (one is all female and one is all male) watch the video first and then answer the survey. Which of the following are the dependent variables in this experiment?

Correct: - attitudes toward gay marriage. Incorrect: - exposure to a video on young men in gay relationships - answering a survey - sex/gender

Suppose a sociologist wanted to study a global community of online gamers who all play the same multiplayer game. Which of the following activities could realistically be part of the research?

Correct: - online interviews - becoming a player and observing interactions in real time - analyzing player statistics, such as time played and level achieved Incorrect: - In-person interviews

A sociologist includes the following interview question in his research: "Most people now believe gay marriage should be legal. How do you feel about gay marriage?" Which of the following categories should we use to classify this research question?

Correct: - open-ended question - leading question Incorrect: - closed-ended question - double-barreled question

A sociologist begins participant observation of a group of community college students in the hopes that she can learn more about how young people form new relationships. This group of students is diverse (in terms of race, gender, and age) and includes a Jewish woman, an older white man, and a middle-aged black woman. However, the community college they go to in Colorado, is not diverse. When the sociologist temporarily joins the faculty to teach an ethnography class, she is asked to hang out with the students and teach them more about ethnography in a small group setting. She quickly begins to see many of the group members as her friends, and participates in social events with them. Which of the following concepts from research methodology might be problematic for this study?

Correct: - representativeness - replicability - reflexivity Incorrect: - Bias

Which of the following are examples of existing sources research?

Correct: - using data collected during the administration of the SAT - finding newspaper stories about community leaders Incorrect: - giving your fellow classmates a survey about their knowledge of different types of research methods - Interviewing respondents about the necessity of the U.S. Census

_____________emerged out of legal scholarship in the 1970s and 1980s. This theory argues that _____________ is deeply embedded in American institutions, including our laws. A prominent sociologist who is strongly associated with this theory is _______________.

Critical race theory, racism, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

Type the term that best completes the passage. Robert Merton suggested two types of functions for different social structures. By keeping children busy and out of trouble for a good portion of the day, schools perform a _________ function.


Which of the following does your textbook suggest to be the most common of all non-academic uses of sociological methods?

Market Research

Identify the following as examples of either material or nonmaterial culture.

Material: - smartphones - a social media service, such as facebook Nonmaterial: - "do not feed the trolls" as a norm in online discussion forums - texting in place of spoken conversation

Who coined the phrase "value-free sociology"?

Max Weber

Identify each question as open-ended or closed-ended.

Open-ended: - How do you feel about the public education system? - What do you think about the current economic standing of the United States? Closed-ended: - How many children do you have? - What is your political affiliation?

Which of the following is a characteristic of otaku culture?

Otaku culture is an example of the East influencing the West


cannot exist without some defining shared characteristics such as concepts, values, and symbols, but that leaves room for strong disagreements

Identify each scenario as ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, or neither.

ethnocentrism: an American believes that learning a foreign language is not worth the time because English is the superior language. cultural relativism: an American believes that other languages should be respected and valued equally to English. neither: an American believes that he should learn Spanish because it could be of value to him.

Although American culture is highly visible worldwide via the media, the moral and political values of the country are not highly visible.


Identify Jane Addams's contributions to the fields of applied sociology.

founding Hull House founding the ACLU and the NAACP putting sociology as an academic program

According to the textbook, which counterculture group does the FBI consider as one of the greatest threats to law enforcement in the United States?

militia movement

The slogan "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is an example of what cultural concept?

moral holiday

Which of the following are examples of dominant culture in the United States?

music played on most radio stations

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