Social Media Online Exam

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Internal teams working within large organizations create content and stories for _________ and external audiences, monitor and listen to conversations about their organizations online, and engage in proactive practices, addressing concerns from customers with social care.


A social media strategist takes more of a ______________ role than a technician role, meaning he or she not only is in charge of understanding the tactical elements that go into a strong social media plan, but also understands the comprehensive picture of the campaign.


To determine whether or not we have achieved our objectives, we need to establish a set of key _______________ indicators (KPIs). Key KPIs should be determined before the social media strategic plan is implemented.


Social media filed and workplace is seeing a shift of focus from return on ______________(RoR). According to Ted Rubin (2015), RoR is a must-have for professional today since "social media drives engagement, engagement drives loyalty and advocacy, and both correlate directly with increased sales."


Today, within the social media community, not only does your ________________ need to be managed and invested in, it also has to be sustainable and consistent.


Social media platforms are filled with insights, knowledge, and connection, and professionals must be able to understand how ___________ engine optimization (SEO) works for business, connections, and personal opportunities.


Which of the following is NOT true to consider important factors for your decision regarding particular social media platforms?

Authoritarian: The power of controlling messages from your audiences. True: relationship, personality, content

All of the roles in social media have become more _______________ driven and focused on the analytics of what people are saying and talking about and how to strategically apply these findings into actionable insights.


Understanding each audience will help you develop effective key ____________ featuring strong points that resonate with each audience member.


Nonprofits must produce creative content that will _________________ others to donate and engage with them on social media.


As one of best practices for nonprofits, it is important to allow people the opportunity to _________ their stories in social media.


Which of the following is true to explain the importance of audience segmentation for a social media campaign?

(a) Being more effective in your paid advertisements on social media. You Answered (b) Having a clear idea of who you are reaching and what is important to them. You Answered (c) Understanding the range of different touch points for each user.

Which of the following is true to create content on social media?

(a) Each individual and brand has a distinct voice and perspective, and it is important to determine how and why to share these on certain social media platforms. (b) Having strong brand awareness. (c) Gaining respect and reputation in the industry as a trusted resource. (d) Tying into the search engine optimization capabilities

Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to explain role of social media community manager?

A social media community manager focuses on advocating for the brand on social media.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about social media professionals?

According to the textbook, a social media director who has multiple tools, skills, and trainings on average makes $47,422 annually. TRUE: (b) Before you start applying for internships or jobs, make sure you do your research and understand the expectations and responsibilities for each role. (d) If you have one job in social media, that many not be enough. (a) Social Media professionals play key parts in many communication, marketing, public relations, business reporting, and strategy processes.

Which of the following is NOT true to explain steps for setting up a proactive social care program?

Assign general tasks for all employees and how they will participate in each conversation offline. TRUE: (a) Establish a team of professionals trained in customer relationship management tools. (b) Create designated responsibilities and training protocols for customer service duties for each team member. (d) Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to determine success or failure for customers service on social media.

Explain the difference between content creation and content curation.

Content curation is the process of sorting through data to generate the best posts possible while content creation is the generation of the content idea itself. Content curation helps to illustrate the medium in which the content creation will be presented.

Which of the following is NOT true to explain the role of social media from the perspective of journalism?

Disengage with readers TRUE: (a) Share breaking news (b) Report on stories in real time (d) Find stories

Which of the following is NOT related to questions to detect "real influencers."

Do they have good employees to create, curating and engaging with content to their business. TRUE: (a) Does their network include fellow colleagues or other influencers who help create a mutually beneficial relationship? (b) Are they focused on their numbers rather than the connections and health of their communities. You Answered (c) Are they actually publishing their knowledge openly rather than just getting paid endorsements?

Which of the following NOT true to explain goals of nonprofits when they integrate social media into their organization?

Expanding business programs to make a profit

A social media strategic plan doesn't look at how the forest is connected to the mountains, lakes, and other surroundings area, but rather looks at all of the trees in the forest.


According to Pew Research Center (2019), Instagram is the most widely used online platforms among U.S. adults.


An assigned article (Park et al., 2016) in this week is to understand the current use of social media in the health sector. Furthermore, this study examined how health organizations communicate with their key publics through Instagram.


As one of best practices, social media managers should focus on the numbers and celebrity aspects of what makes an influencer and creator successful.


As one of strategies to establish a personal brand, the content strategy basically focuses on the relationships you have made on specific platforms.


Each area of entertainment has utilized social media to its advantage by decreasing awareness of brands and creating hype for upcoming competitions


Since each company has its own distinct titles, expectations, and duties assigned to designated individuals in charge of social media, some universal skills are not required for all social media professionals.


Social media crises are quite similar with traditional crises.


The strategies portion of content marketing focuses on the specific pieces of contents that need to be created, distributed, and evaluated for the campaign.


To curating the best content, it is recommend to share everything you can possibly get your hands on with your audiences.


You can't identify false influencers at an initial, superficial level just by looking a their publicly available metrics.


Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to explain challenges of health care professionals?

Growing use and prominence of online reviews and ratings.

Which of the following is NOT true to consider best practices for social media professionals when it comes to diving into the entertainment arena?

Have a strategy for a certain aspect only. TRUE: (a) Identify the platforms that can best serve your brand.(c) Get loyal fans and ambassadors behind your brand on social media (d) Be aware of trolls and how they can take a toll on the celebrity.

Which of the following is the most appropriate framework to indicate performance and decision action audit?

Inventory → Audit → Decision

Which of the following is NOT true to explain best practices after reviewing the importance of content creation, strategies tactics, and content curation.

Make the effort and provide as much as audiences expect. True: (a) Create content worth sharing. (b) Look at the data and see what the numbers tells you about the content you have shared. (d) Invest in the time to interact with audiences to find out what they are looking for on social media. (e) Find time to write when you think you don't have any.

The shoe company Adidas has approached its influencer program differently than other brands by using both influencers and micro influencers in tis campaigns for the last few years, especially on social media. What is a benefit of using micro-influencers in social media campaigns?

Microinfluencers maintain a specific focus and reach niche audiences that helps brands relate to target audiences.

How would YOU define a personal brand in social media?

My personal brand maintains an educated, classic personality that shows expertise in my age group. I like to share content others will enjoy.

Which of the following is NOT true to describe characteristics of Web 2.0?

NOT: static True: two-way communication, democratic, collaborative

Which of the following is NOT true to explain characteristics of personal brand?

Not influenced by word of mouth TRUE: (a) Evolving (b) Fragile (c) Constantly maintained and invested in

Which of the following is NOT true to explain employer characteristics of social media you need to access?

Owner's personality and ability to use social media TRUE: (c) Organizational structure for social media (b) Colleagues and what they have done. (a) Portfolio of work

Which media is the most effective channel when you expect high impact on your audiences within limited time in terms of an organizational campaign?

Paid media

Different campaign initiatives can be divided into three categories such as technical, managerial, and thought leadership. Which of the following is TRUE to explain "Thought Leadership."?

People in this level share strategy, storytelling, and perspectives of the bigger picture not only of what is happening now, but what might be the case in a few year.

Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to conceptualize audience?

People who use a particular communication medium.

Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to explain the components of a personal brand?

Personality, consistency, and expertise

Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to explain the meaning of Earned Media?

Publicity generated through editorial. Traditionally by targeting influencers like journalists.

A __________ analysis can be used to explore and identify solutions to problems, take advantage of new opportunities and ventures, decide which steps to take to help rejuvenate a community or brand online, or brainstorm new ways of engaging online through social media.


What differences between social media community manager and social media manager?

Social media community manager advocates for the brand and knows the target digital audience well, but the social media manager focuses on being the brand on social media and creating consistent content and voice. The social media manager may double check with the social media community manager to make sure the audience would like the content created.

Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to explain the role of social media to bridge the science (i.e., research or theory driven) and practice?

Social media has become a source for engagement and an opportunity for user and businesses.

How do you define social media? Since definition of social media in the textbook (p.7), you need to define by using three key words suggested in the lecture note. Define social media by using three key words.

Social media is the use of an personal, widespread online platform by an individual or company to communicate and develop a relationship with a large audience through branded content.

What does SMART in the book chapter stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Based

Which of the following statements would be most appropriate to describe social media crisis by Coombs (2013)?

Spreads virally to become a traditional news story

__________ ,the nuts and bolts of your social media plan, are the tools and applications within social media that you will use to accomplish your objectives and fulfill your strategies.


Which of the following is TRUE to explain "Brand Voice," one of components of a strategic plan?

This component, the overall tone, personality, and entity that you want to present online, is probably one of the most important elements to consider when looking at either establishing a brand from scratch or enhancing an established brand on social media.

Which of the following states would be most appropriate to explain "ambassadors" in social media?

Those who advocate for and promote your work; Individuals who leverage their own loyalty as a currency.

Vision and mission are similar concepts, which serve important roles within the strategic social media plan. What is the big difference between vision statement and mission statements?

Timing is the big difference between vision and mission. Mission statements focus on the present while vision statements focus on the future.

According to an assigned article of Chon and Park (2019), PR practitioners in CDC should cultivate positive relationships with citizens before a public health crisis outbreak because citizens who have good relationships with CDC are more likely to follow CDC's instructions during a public health risk.


Audience segmentation refers to the process of categorizing people into certain group based on specific criteria.


Content Marketing refers to the approach to promote content to people.


Increasing engagement via social media is positively associated with quality of relationship between an organization and its publics.


It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." — Benjamin Franklin.


No single person is an expert in one platform on social media since it is constantly changing, so determine what you can bring to the table either as a generalist or as a specialist.


Regarding best practices of international campaigns, PR experts need to learn the culture, people, food, and history by choosing platforms appropriately.


Social media can be used to proactively deal with organizational issues or problems by monitoring.


Social media communication audit allows use to evaluate what has been done, as well as the opportunities and challenges the organization or key personnel have failed to consider.


Social media is an integrated part of how reporters, mainstream media, news anchors, and bloggers communicate, share, and document their stories.


Social media platforms are divided by function and overall purpose. However, most social media platforms are indexed, edited, and revised overtime.


The perception of social media professionals has evolved over the last few years. More business, corporations, and even individuals who want to consult are realizing the growing industry that surrounds social media to this day.


Three brands such as NBC Sports, Cinnabon, and Adidas in the textbook show that they have a strategy behind every post, update, and piece of content they share.


Which of the following is an inappropriate question to ask yourselves when you want to conduct an internal audit?

Who were you in the past and what did you do?

To choose a particular platform a social media professional must consider ___________ and purpose of a social media platform.


Social media manager needs to consider conduct a content ________________ to determine which assets worked and the take away from these items in the past.


The entertainment industry wants to use social media strategically to help generate _________ to motivate others to take action in some way on or offline.


According to an assigned article (Chon & Park, 2019), activism is conceptualized as _______________ action of like-minded people to change a society, a policy, or an organization in relation to contentious issues.


Groundswell is defined as a social trend in which people use technologies they need from each other, rather than from traditional institutions like corporations. This is happening now because this comes from the _____________ of people, technology, and online economics.


Looking at the sports industry for inspiration is one way is to brainstorm new ideas, but also continue to build on the creative social media _____________ practices established in other areas.


Strong customer service and a social care program can help brands by making it easy for customers to get on with their business and perhaps spend more money in the process since they had a good customer service __________________________.


To hire social media professionals ___________________ is the first thing that employers want to see. They will ask you how many internships, projects, work experiences, and clients you have had before even applying for a job.


A social ____________ is the mark a person makes when he or she is present in a social media space. As we visit websites and web communities, we leave a digital trail behind.


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