social psych

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Which of the following are identity contingencies, based on Steele's definition?

African Americans are more likely to get pulled over for a cracked windshield than other racial groups. -all of the other options are correct Women can't be Catholic priests. Boys don't cry.

Which of the following have researchers found to differ between genders?

Boys exhibit more behaviors of unprovoked aggression.

In science, a possible explanation that can be tested through research is called a ________.

a hypothesis

In most of the experiments that Steele describes, the independent variable involves the task ________.


________ refers to the complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being, and is not just the absence of disease or infirmity.


What do researchers use in order to make sure that their priming technique affected the participants?

manipulation check

The cognitive effects of which of the following counteract the cognitive effects of stress?


When each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to a particular group, the research design uses

random assignment

_________ an attachment figure would be considered to fall at the low extreme end of attachment behaviors? (Conceptual)

visual searching for

Based on the Carnegie reading, what terms would William James have used to explain why most humans enjoy "winning", even winning meaningless competitions and/or prizes?

"the craving to be appreciated"

A person who is high in the characteristic of other-oriented empathy would be most likely to make which of the following statements?

"we have a moral obligation to help others when they are in need"

What was the overall percentage of findings that were successfully replicated by the Open Science Collaboration in 2015?


Which of the following is associated with the biology of love?

-All of the other options are correct. cortex oxytocin vagus nerve

Which of the following neural structures/areas is/are part of the "desire system"?

-All of the other options are correct. mesocortical dopamine circuits orbitofrontal cortex mesolimbic dopamine circuits

Which of the following are associated with serotonin levels in locusts?

-all of the other options are correct physical changes famine behavioral changes

Jacqueline and Raquel have been married for 7 years, and both rate their marriage as happy and successful. One contributor to this is the rate of positive versus negative interactions that the two women have with each other. According to Gottman (1994), over time happy couples like this have at least _____ positive interactions to every one negative interaction.


Dr. No studies flirting by observing teenagers at the mall. She concludes that flirting happens with strangers more often than it happens with friends. Dr. Yes evaluates these findings by observing the same set of behaviors with an adult sample at a local bar. Which of the following best describes Dr. Yes' research?

A conceptual replication of an earlier study

What is a primary obstacle that prevents people from engaging in cooperative actions?

A divide between personal and collective interests.

In the experiment described by Jeff and colleagues, being told that an experimental task was a measure of intelligence inhibited the performance of ________, whereas being told that it was a measure of natural athletic ability inhibited the performance of ________.

African Americans, Whites

Uncritical trust in authority can lead to significant problems for several reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Authority figures quite often have hidden agendas that must be protected against.

Which theorist noted that each person in a family has a specific role to play, and that each role is attached to certain rules and expectations?


Which is an example of using a downward comparison?

Britni, who has earned a Master's degree, feels that she is better than her sister, Alicia, who never graduated from college.

How do attachment figures tend to differ from children to adults?

Children's primary attachment figures are usually parents; adults' primary attachment figures are usually a romantic partner.

Which type of instrument would be useful for measuring the electrical activity that is generated by the brain's neurons?


According to Carnegie, what would be the best way to convince a person to stop exhibiting a racist behavior?

Fool them into thinking that they've decided to stop being racist on their own.

Which of the following is an example of the planning fallacy?

Gerard believes he can complete a term paper within a one-week time frame. He is surprised when he cannot complete the project as quickly as he anticipated.

One of the earlier pioneers of I/O psychology, Frederick Taylor, is noted for having studied how workers shoveled coal. Which of the following was not one of the results of his analyses?

He implemented a policy where workers were paid based on the total weight of coal they shoveled in a shift.

Dalton is hired by a store to pretend to be a customer. When a real customer shows interest in watches or jewelry Dalton-who is browsing nearby-says "oh, that is really nice." The store owner finds this drives more sales. What is Dalton doing?

He is the store's confederate.

Olen has been described as having a secure attachment to both of his parents. Based on this information, which of the following can you predict during Olen's childhood?

He will have good relationships with his peers.

Kylo is taking a social psychology course and his teacher asks students to take a computerized test that asks them to sort pictures into different categories, such as "good" and "bad." The goal of this test is to help identify automatic preferences of which a person may not be consciously aware. What is this test called?

Implicit Association Test (IAT)

Which of the following is a key element of a cross-cultural study?

It uses standard forms of measurement, like Likert scales, to compare people across cultures and identify differences.

Which social psychologist suggested that our need to compare ourselves to others is rooted in a basic human desire called self-evaluation?

Leon Festinger

Which husband and wife team conducted time and motion studies, worked for General Electric to develop foot-pedal trash cans and redesign shelves in refrigerators, and had their lives documented in the book Cheaper By the Dozen?

Lillian and Frank Gilbreth

If people, on average, are more likely to remember male rather than female fire fighters this would be because:

Males conform to common gender schemas of firefighters.

Jacqueline is trying to decide what occupation will be best for her. She wants to gather information about what knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed for various careers, as well as learning about the responsibilities and tasks of those jobs. Which resource should she explore?


Which of the following sayings is the best summary of the concept of heterogamy in the process of finding a partner?

Opposites attract.

Which of the following statements is true of Asch's research on conformity in groups?

Participants conformed with the group norm on about a one-third of the total trials.

People are usually motivated in some way when making social judgments and decisions. What often occurs as a result of having directional goals?

People may be skeptical about evidence that goes against their directional goal.

What is a potential positive outcome of the planning fallacy?

People might attempt projects that otherwise might have been avoided had the amount of effort or time needed been understood.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about affective forecasting?

People tend to be accurate with predicting whether event will result in positive or negative feelings but inaccurate regarding the strength or duration of these emotions.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding blatant biases?

People who openly hate one group of people also tend to hate others.

Studies of emotional responding tend to focus on three facets of emotional response. Which of the following includes one example of each of those three facets?

Physiological: how fast one's heart beats; Experiential: whether one reports feeling happy; Behavioral emotion display: whether one is smiling

Rafael has joined the Spanish Club at his school. According to the social identity theory, what is Rafael likely to do when he meets individuals from the German Club or French Club and defines them as outgroup members?

Rafael will exaggerate the similarities amongst outgroup members.

Why is it important to use random assignment when determining which research participants will comprise the different treatment groups in the study?

Random assignment balances out the differences that might naturally exist between participants.

Walking down the street, Areanna is approached by a police officer. The police officer encourages Areanna to be a Good Samaritan and put money in a parking meter that's about to expire on a stranger's car. What factors might lead Areanna to obey this police officer's order and help pay for the parking meter?

She views the police officer as an authority figure.

________, which involves imitation of other peoples' behaviors or feelings, might help us understand other people better.


What is the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination?

Stereotypes are based on beliefs, prejudice is based on emotions, and discrimination is based on behavior.

How do subjective social variables differ from objective social variables?

Subjective social variables are based on personal opinions and feelings, while objective social variables are based on facts.

Deindividuation is most closely associated with which of the following?

The Bystander Effect

Which of the following rely on ultimate causes to the greatest extent to explain human behavior?

The Theory of Inclusive Fitness

When people think about culture they often overlook processes such as the learning of gender roles. Why is this?

The learning of gender roles is often an invisible process.

Ethical concerns have been raised about Stanley Milgram's obedience research. Specifically, some have suggested that the project caused too much distress in the participants, distress that could not be justified. Which of the following is the most accurate defense of this research?

The majority of participants reported that they were pleased to have participated in the research, so it does not seem to have been damaging to most of those who were involved.

Which of the following is an example of manipulating the trustworthiness of a speaker?

The speaker presents his/her message as educational or objective information.

How have new resources such as the Center for Open Science and helped to solve the replication crisis?

They have created outlets where the results of replication attempts can be made available.

Why do some salespeople try to start a new interaction by asking for something small from a potential customer (e.g., "Just answer one quick question")?

They know getting small acts of cooperation may lead to larger actions in the same direction.

What was one correct outcome of Asch's classic research on conformity in groups?

Three-quarters of the participants conformed to the incorrect group norm at least one time.

Which of the following is the best statement regarding our collective attitude toward attractiveness?

We are ambivalent about attractiveness.

`According to research which are the most stressful events in a person's life?

When they experience a loss of a relationship.

Which circumstance provides an example of social facilitation?

When working out at the gym, Josh runs faster on his treadmill when another customer is running on the treadmill beside him than he does when he's all alone.

Which of the following would lead to an increased likelihood of strangers helping someone in trouble?

X decreasing the danger of the situation increasing the proportion of males in the group of potential helpers all of the other options are correct increasing the size of the group of potential helpers

If you were in graduate school for psychology right now, would I/O psychology be a good choice based on career prospects?

Yes, estimates suggest that the field is expected to grow significantly in coming years.

Which of the following is most closely analogous to the concept of "self"?

a book Wikipedia intelligence -all of the other options are correct

Kelly is at a college party and notices everyone is drinking. She concludes that the majority of students on campus must also drink alcohol frequently. What would we call Kelly's perception of what most people are doing?

a descriptive norm

The "expensive = good lesson of social influence" is an example of _________.

a judgmental heuristic

Dru is reading about the different types of research. If he reads, "This type of research has the primary advantage of allowing a scientist to determine cause and effect relationships," what kind of research method is he studying?

a laboratory experiment

A belief that characterizes people based merely on group membership is __________.

a stereotype

Which of the following types of thought is likely the most important prerequisite for the concept of self?


An temporary committee to address company policy on promotions was formed at the Iwanna Workhere Corporation. The group had five meetings, ironed out new wording for the promotion procedures, and is now deciding that future meetings are no longer necessary. In Tuckman's model of group formation, what stage is this group now in?


The definition of which of the following constructs includes the others?


A hostile attribution bias is most likely demonstrated by __________ individuals.


Which of the following refers to the offering of assistance to others without expectation of immediate reward?


Aversive racism is an example of ________ bias.


Juanita wants to be closer to her boyfriend of 3 weeks, but she often feels that if she lets him get too close she will get hurt. So she spends time with him but pushes him away when it feels like he's trying to get to know her better. Her relationship is an example of ________ attachment, which may exist among about 20% of adults.


Steele's descriptions of stereotypes as being "in the air", is most similar to the notion of ________.


When Bradon is placed in his crib, he watches as his father leaves the room. Although he is tired Bradon does not want to sleep yet. He begins to whine and soon cries loudly until his father comes back in, sits and rocks him for a bit, and then puts him down to sleep. Bradon's action are an example of ________.

attachment behaviors

What is Cialdini referring to when he writes "click, whirr"?

automatic processing

The behavior of individual actors in a hive mind can be controlled ___________.

automatically, in the absence of awareness explicitly intentionally -all of the other options are correct

In the hive/brain analogy, what part of the hive corresponds to the neuron?


While walking out of a convenience store, Nicholas openly mocks the clerk's accent to his friend. "EVERY convenience store I go into is owned by an Indian," he says. "Can't they do anything else?" Nicholas's open expression of his opinion and his lack of embarrassment suggests that this is a(n) ________ bias.


Having conscious beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of hostility toward outgroup members that you are perfectly willing to admit reflects what type of bias?

blatant bias

Lewis was raised by his mother and father, but when they divorced he went to live with his father. When his father got re-married, Lewis was happy to live with his father, his stepmother, and his new step-sister. He is now living in a stepfamily, which is also called a(n) ________ family.


The Actor-Observer bias ________ stereotype threat.

can exacerbate

Investing resources in the emotional health of employees ________ productivity and profit.

can increase

Identity contingencies ________ stereotype threat.

can result from

Dionna just received word that she has been accepted to a doctoral program after months of application and interviews. She calls her husband to let him know. Dionna's desire to share this exciting news is called ________.


Whenever he travels to Denver for business meetings, Calvin notices that he gets bad headaches that don't go away until he returns home to Toronto. He assumes that it is just the travel that causes his migraines, but he does not consider that the elevation change and atmospheric pressure might be at fault. Calvin is making incorrect ________ conclusions about his headaches.


Which of the following is the best definition of conformity?

changing one's attitude or behavior to match a perceived social norm

Common principles for optimizing collaboration have been examined in the context of _________.

class projects -all of the other options are correct Broadway musicals corporate settings

Which of the following are tools we use for psychological self-defense?

cognitive biases

Before they got married, Mitzi and Jason decided to move in together and live in an apartment to "test" their relationship. Both felt that this would give them insights as to whether a future marriage would be a good idea. What is the name for this sort of living situation?


Given the complexity of the scientific questions of today, more than ever, scientists must rely on _________ to be successful.


After her high school football team loses a game, Maricella reminds herself that they are still at the top of their division, and are likely to make it to the championship at the end of the season. By taking pride in the team's superiority, Maricella is bolstering her feelings through _________.

collective self esteem

The tendency of a group to spend more time discussing information that several (two or more) group members know than information that is known by fewer members is called the ________ effect.

common knowledge

After a new library opens in the community guests borrow almost all of the books within the first week. The manager of the library did not anticipate such interest so she now places a limit of two books on loans so that more people will have access to them. In this case the books in the library are serving as a ________.

common-pool resource

A number of negative consequences of being a male in a "macho" culture can be alleviated with increased _________.


After William went to college, he decided to join the Young Republicans club. He went to make sure that his political beliefs where shared and supported by others, and that he could feel confident that his positions were legitimate. According to Leon Festinger, William's decision to join this group was driven by the process of social ________.


In modern terms from social psychology, what is Bernays describing in the italicized portion of the excerpt below? "When an Imperial Wizard, sensing what is perhaps hunger for an ideal, offers a picture of a nation all Nordic and nationalistic, the common man of the older American stock, feeling himself elbowed out of his rightful position and prosperity by the newer immigrant stocks, grasps the picture which fits in so neatly with his prejudices, and makes it his own. He buys the sheet and pillow-case costume, and bands with his fellows by the thousand into a huge group powerful enough to swing state elections and to throw a ponderous monkey wrench into a national convention."

confirmation bias

According to the stereotype content model, what would be a person's most likely response to a person who is perceived as being low in warmth and low in competence?


John is a Canadian having dinner with his friends from China. He openly shows both his enthusiasm and his anger about various topics as they speak. John notices that his friends smile and nod but that they do not display strong emotions. This is an example of ________.

cultural influence on emotion norms

According to the affect valuation theory, __________ factors shape how a person ideally wants to feel, while __________ factors shape how a person actually feels.

cultural; temperamental

"I need the group to work quickly and come up with an answer. We don't have time to spare, so make a decision as soon as possible!" If this instruction as given to a group who was charged with making an important decision, groupthink would be more likely to occur as a result of:

decisional stress

Sometimes, a researcher's study is meant to be deceptive, but it actually contains hints and clues about its true nature. These hints are known as

demand characteristics

Chukwudi believes that atheists cannot be trusted. As a result, he refuses to hire anyone who does not regularly attend church. Chukwudi's action is an example of __________.


The series of experiments that Steele describe support the notion that stereotype threat can influence behavior without ______.


The stereotype content model suggests that when we interact with homeless people we feel what type of emotional prejudice?


In a popular movie about the Mafia, the head of the family chastises one of his sons, Sonny, for letting other people know what he was thinking and feeling. "Never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking," the Mafia boos says to Sonny. From an emotions perspective, the father is speaking about _________.

display rules

What is the correct term for a pattern of variation that is noted in a given data set?


The degree to which a study finding has been obtained under conditions that are typical for what happens in everyday life is called ___________.

ecological validity

When you drink spoiled milk or put a rancid piece of cheese in your mouth, you may spit it out before you have any cognitive awareness of why you are feeling disgusted. From an evolutionary perspective, this demonstrates which concept?

emotions help us act with minimally conscious awareness

"In order to want to help other people, you must first imagine yourself in their situation and feel their pain." This statement summarizes the ________ model of prosocial behavior.


Which of the following refers to a uniquely human form of learning that is taught by one generation to another?


Dr. Gottlieb is an anthropologist who is studying an indigenous culture in Australia. She spends hundreds of hours observing people in this culture and interviews some of them. This is an example of a(n) ________ study.


What evidence supports the idea that social pain might be as devastating to a human being as physical pain?

fMRI imaging studies find similar brain areas activated by both experiences.

Of the various domains of attractiveness, ________ attractiveness has received the most attention in research studies.


Protecting the feelings of people collaborating on professional teams results in ______________.

fewer ideas generated

Adam, at age 2, thinks that if he puts on his mommy's dress he becomes a girl too. However, by age 4, Adam realizes that simply changing external attributes does not change one's gender. Adam has learned _______________.

gender constancy

The ability to arrive at broad conclusions based on smaller ones is known as __________. It requires that the sample under investigation be representative of the larger population from which it was drawn.


The Theory of Inclusive Fitness stresses the fact that natural selection operates on the level of ___________.


Which of the following predicts more effective collaboration?

greater physical proximity

Which of the following describes a way of thinking and behaving in groups whereby decisions are made not as a result of rational considerations and weighing of evidence, but as a result of group members not wanting to adversely affect group morale, make waves, or appear disloyal to leaders?


Which of the following can be thought of as possible results of the neural mechanisms of conformity?

groupthink gaze following locust plagues -all of the other options are correct

________ is a real-world example of a cognition problem.

guessing the number of jelly beans in a jar

In the hive/brain analogy, what part of the hive corresponds to inhibition?

head butt

The psychological coherence of an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors across development is called _______.

heterotypic stability

Which of the following combinations would most likely combine to create a person's schema of the "model minority" individual?

high in competence but low in sociability

The study of neuroendocrinology examines how the brain and ________ work together to coordinate the physiological functioning of the body.


In her research on social interactions, Dr. Fisher anticipates that people of the same racial background will interact more with each other than they will with people of different races. She then conducts research to test this idea. Dr. Fisher's prediction is an example of a(n) ________.


The Actor-Observer bias is at least in part a result of the fact that the information available to the observer to understand some behavior is necessarily __________.


In order to get a coworker to start contributing to a group project, you express feelings of annoyance, anger, and dislike. You hope that by expressing such emotions, your coworker will change their behavior. Using your emotions to impact the behavior of your worker is an example of:

independent self

The field of ________ psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior in organized settings and the application of psychology to understand work behavior.


__________ influence refers to conformity that results from a desire to act in a manner that is clearly socially approved such as speaking softly in libraries.


Nora has decided to visit the new community recreation center for a swim. As she enters the change room she notices both of the two other people present put their shoes into a locker. Before she walks out to the pool she does the same. What concept helps explain her actions?

informational influence

Carnegie believed that the desire to feel important is the primary cause of a broad range of human behaviors. His explanation would still be endorsed by many psychologists today, with respect to a number of these behaviors. However, some of what he suggests now seems anachronistic. Which of the following proposed results of the desire to feel important would most experimental psychologists dispute today?


When the Sigma Alpha Mu (SAM) fraternity plays the Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) fraternity in a baseball game, the brothers of the two groups are highly competitive and see each other as enemies. When the SAM and ZBT brothers work together for a charity fundraiser, they are more cooperative and work well together. The difference here represents ___________.

interindividual-intergroup discontinuity.

When researchers take special care to include and control for every possible variable, the study is likely to have high ___________, even though the results may not generalize to a more realistic situation.

internal validity

Wendy and her best friend Mayola have known each other for over 25 years. They know each other's private lives, share secrets, and have a strong emotional bond. From a psychological perspective, one would say that these women have a high level of ________ in their relationship.


In what important way is the development of social media, such as Facebook, important in its relationship to attachment relationships?

it allows people to stay connected despite physical distance between them

Dr. Shaw is conducting research on marital behaviors that predict divorce. He trains his students to observe and code videotapes of couples interacting. The students are looking for specific types of behaviors but they are unaware of the anticipated outcomes of the study. In this regard, the students are being ________.

kept blind to the research hypothesis.

A traditional tribe in Myanmar has a cultural preference for people with long necks. What explains this preference?

long necks are thought to resemble a mythical dragon that spawned them

Which of the following is the best way to isolate age effects?

longitudinal studies

In a situation where a thief needs to be confronted by a bystander, why might a man be more likely to intervene than a woman?

men tend to have more upper body strength than women and thus may be less likely to be injured when confronting the thief

Bernays calls a consistent effort to influence the relationship between the public and a group, idea, or enterprise __________.

modern propaganda

Mrs. Lee is an 8th grade teacher. According to research into the attractiveness halo effect she will judge Eli, who has attractive physical features, in all but which of the following ways?

more likely to misbehave

Dr. Milan is conducting research on attractiveness. She uses a computer program to design a face that is a combination of many different facial features. The resulting face is called a(n) ________ and can be changed in small ways by the researcher.


Wesley is at a bar and has had far too much to drink. He now focuses his attention on a man sitting across the bar, and for no particular reason decides he doesn't like the man. Wesley pays attention only to the fact that the man is smaller than he, and neglects the fact that the man is sitting with 3 larger buddies. If Wesley provokes a fight, it may be in part due to alcohol _______.


Donald is a real piece of work. He always thinks that his accomplishments are the best ever, does not give credit to anyone else, and is totally incapable of accepting criticism from others. His employees do not stay on his team for very long because he never recognizes their work. Donald has a high level of ________.


Ira brags about how wonderful he is, talks endlessly about his accomplishments, and pushes people to admire him. He lashes out when his inflated sense of importance is threatened by others. Ira would rate high in a measure of ________.


According to research by Baumeister and colleagues (2001), which of the following is true of negative encounters in a relationship?

negative events overpower positive events in people's lives

Jeremiah knows that his roommate Hank has a financial problem, but he really does not want to pay Hank's rent this month. He does so, however, so that he won't feel guilty and sad for declining to offer help. Jeremiah's decision to pay Hank's rent is based on the ________ model.

negative state relief

Conformity that results from a concern about what others think of us is called __________ influence.


Conformity can arise from _________ influences.

normative implicit -all of the other options are correct informational

Asch's study on conformity, where participants had to make line-judgments, can be best explained by what concept?

normative influence

Persuasion is most effective when individuals are:

not feeling that their freedom to make a choice is threatened

Research on social pressure and conformity suggests which of the following factors can help individuals resist conformity in a group?

observing just one person disagreeing with the majority

The family into which a person is born, called their family of ________, generally acts as the social context for young children to learn about relationships.


Paulette recently irritated some of the girls in a sorority at her college, so they have decided to exclude her from their group. The group of girls ignores Paulette-- shuns her-- and communicates that she is not welcome at their events. The group of sorority sisters is using ________ to communicate their displeasure with Paulette.


Sajit has just moved from his old school to a new school, and is having trouble fitting in. The other kids all know each other, and they won't include Sajit in their social circles. As a result of this ________, Sajit feels isolated and unhappy.


The likelihood that a research finding was due to random chance rather than being due to an actual observed change is called the __-value.


The extent to which a person behaves, thinks, and feels in a secure or insecure manner toward another individual is called an attachment ________.


Based on Bernays' conceptualization, in modern terms from social psychology, propaganda primarily takes advantage of ___________.

peripheral route persuasion

Which of the following neuroscience methods are not possible in humans, because of ethical considerations?

permanent electrode implantation lesioning hormone administration -All of the other options are correct.

Which of the following emotional prejudices might a person be most likely to experience in response to another person who is high in warmth but low in competence?


Earl recently got so caught up in his work that he forgot to bring his wife Tresa flowers on their anniversary. She was initially hurt by this, but she quickly thought of all of the kind things he had done for her in recent weeks. Earl's recent ________ helped to offset a negative interaction with his wife.

positive relationship deposits

__________ is an evaluation or emotion toward people merely based on their group membership.


When Diener and Seligman (2002) did research to determine what distinguishes the happiest 10 percent from the unhappiest 10 percent of undergraduate students, what did they find to be the key factor?

quality relationships

A ________ refers to a theoretical accounting of relationships in which positive deposits and negative withdrawals can be made during every interaction you have with that person.

relationship bank account

Which of the following is a potential negative effect of using downward social comparisons?


When she gets home from work as a dental hygienist, Jessica immediately begins straightening the house, doing laundry, and preparing dinner for the family before her husband, Bill, gets home. This additional set of duties that often falls to women who work outside of the home is called ________.

second shift

Researchers have found that children who are classified as ________ in the strange situation task are more likely to have functioning relationships with peers and to be assessed favorably by teachers.


It is a natural and adaptive social process to classify people into groups. However, because we inhabit one of these groups, we tend to favor our ingroup. What concept explains this tendency to put people, including yourself, into groups?

self-categorization theory

Human beings have a natural desire to increase their own capacities by seeking intimate relationships according to the ________ model.


I fail to turn on my turn signal before changing lanes, and almost cause an accident. I think to myself "That was close! I think that there may be too many cars on this road to eat this Whopper while I drive", I'd most clearly be demonstrating __________.

self-serving bias

Which of the following constructs explains most of the variance between the performance of black and white college students?

sense of belonging

Professor Sharma has physical features that many people might regard as being somewhat unattractive, and yet her students regularly describe her with adjectives that indicate higher attractiveness. What explains this apparent inconsistency?

she has a very warm and welcoming personality

In the movie The Craft, a fictitious story about adolescent witches, one young witch is thrown out of her circle of friends because she won't cast hurtful spells on other kids. If this punishment lasts a week or two, or until she starts engaging in the desired behaviors, it would be an example of ________.


The idea that self-esteem functions to mentally monitor one's degree of inclusion or exclusion in social groups is called the ________ model.

social comparison

During his early work, social psychologist Normal Triplett noted that cyclists were faster in races against other riders than they were when they were racing alone against a clock. This lead to his concept of __________.

social facilitation

Aaruna believes that all fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs are strong, tough people who are loyal in any circumstance. Since he has become a fan of that sports team, he starts to think of himself in exactly these ways, and describes himself as tough, strong, and loyal. Aaruna's adjusted self-concept reflects the basic concepts of ________ theory.

social identity

According to ________ theory, people tend to categorize each other into groups and then show favoritism to their own group.

social identity

The idea that one's self-concept and self-esteem is affected by the way in which an individual categorizes him- or herself as a group member is called ________ theory.

social identity

Colin and Greg are both members of the musical scene at school. Colin participates in every production, goes to the cast parties, and is good friends with everyone in the shows. Greg only occasionally participates, knows a few of the people, and rarely goes to cast parties or social events. These boys differ in their levels of _________ at their school.

social integration

Dr. Maweldi is studying children in his laboratory and he places Maryam and Tameika at a table together. The kids are given a plate of chocolates and Tameika is told to decide how many candies she will get and how many Maryam will get. Dr. Maweldi is studying Tameika's ________ when he examines how she allocates the treats to herself and her partner.

social value orientation

Which of the following would be good advice for treating aggressive tendencies?

start the treatment young, when people are still malleable and open to change

When Ashley conducts research and determines that the results are highly unlikely to have been due to random chance, she can state that her findings are

statistically significant.

Jason believes that all Asian people are good at math. What is this belief an example of?


In the story about Staples, who actually whistled Vivaldi as he walked around Hyde Park, which of the following was not reduced with his whistling?

stereotype threat for him

The fact that Native Americans, African Americans, and females all perform worse academically than white males is evidence for ________ as a factor.


Charlotte is forming a new medieval singing group on her college campus. There are 12 singers involved, and they are trying to determine how the group will exist. Right now there is a lot of disagreement and conflict among the singers, and they are trying to determine a solution that will make everyone happy. According to Tuckman's model, the group is in the ________ stage.


The fact that attractive men tend to have more short-term partners while attractive women tend to have more long-term partners is explained by which concept?

success for men depends on short-term mating opportunities, while success for women depends on long-term mating opportunities

A social network's provision of psychological and material resources that benefit an individual is referred to as social ________.


Mason has participants complete an online questionnaire. He then analyzes their responses for patterns. What type of study design is Mason using?

survey research

Which of the following trigger social behavior in locusts?

tactile stimulation

Which of the following is one suggestion for increasing the effectiveness of aggression-reducing interventions?

target as many aggression triggers as possible and deal with them all simultaneously

The double curse explanation provides a rational for which of the following?

the Dunning-Kruger effect

Which of the following best describes gender roles?

the behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits that are designated as either masculine or feminine in a given culture

Which of the following refers to the tendency for people to be less likely to offer assistance in an emergency when there are other people there who might reasonably be thought able to help?

the bystander effect

According to research by Rhodes, Simmons, & Peters (2005), attractiveness in men is positively related to ________.

the number of short-term, but not long-term, partners he has.

Which of the following is the primary trigger feature for turkey mothering behaviors?

the sound turkey chicks make

The Actor-Observer bias is at least in part a result of the fact that the actor has access to ________.

their own subjective experience

A possible conclusion of the story about the oil workers is that everyone could benefit from ____________.


Our emotions are influenced, in part, by our cultures. Culture provides information about which emotions it is ideal to have. How do people learn these cultural messages?

they are taught to us by our caregivers and through books, movies, advertisements and other cultural products.

The ________ family is defined as a family consisting of two or more people related by blood, marriage, and - occasionally - by adoption.


Jabon is given $50 to do with as he sees fit. He can decide how much to give to Alisa. Alisa can accept Jabon's money offer, or she can reject it. If she accepts it they both keep those amounts, but if she rejects it neither gets to keep any money. This situation is an example of the ________.

ultimatum game

Dr. Langmeier is presenting to her college's psychology club about the fact that human beings tend to experience similar feelings across different cultures. "Emotions developed in response to the similar environments of our common ancestors," she states. Dr. Langmeier is advocating for the __________ perspective in her discussion.


In the hive/brain analogy, what part of the hive corresponds to the action potential?

waggle dance

The stereotype content model suggests that we judge social groups on which two features?

warmth and competence

In the USA some people advocate for "Open Carry" legislation regarding having guns in public. They sometimes argue that having a gun will decrease violence because others will think twice before acting violently. According to the ________, however, the mere presence of a weapon can actually increase aggressive tendencies.

weapons effect

What is priming?

when a recent experience that an individual may or may not be aware of influences the individual's thoughts, feelings, or behavior

Leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to solve a problem is suboptimal when ___________.

when the "crowd" is virtual, instead of in-person

Under which of the following circumstances would a cost-benefit analysis be most likely to result in a person offering helpful assistance?

when the costs are low and the rewards are high

When he was a child, Trey watched as his mother worked as a researcher in the field of physics while his father was a "stay at home dad." Now, as an adult, Trey's wife is frustrated that he won't get a job outside of the home and just pushes her to have children so that he can raise them. Trey clearly has a very defined ________ of how a marriage should operate.

working model

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