staffing final

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advantages of _________ - more valued as team member, more helping behaviors, fewer deviant behaviors disadvantages: lower success, less able to cope with conflict, give more lenient ratings


Talent management systems and informal methods are used extensively, suggesting that many organizations continue to rely on _________ rather than _______ systems

closed, open

_____- is an aptitude test that measures perception, memory, reasoning, verbal, and math expression


________________ -most valid (r=.50) - generalizes across organization, job, and applicant, produce large economic gains and provide competitive advantage, higher validity the more complex the job

cognitive ability test

multiple predictor model: - scores on one predictor are simply added to scores on another to yield a total score, advantage is that is recognizes that people have multiple talents and that different constellations of talents may produce success on the job, disadvantage is that the level of proficiency for specific talents cannot be compensated for by others for other proficiencies - four procedures may be used: clinical, unit weighting, rational weighting, multiple regression

compensatory model

Advantage of ________ - better overall job performers, higher level of satisfaction, more likely to emerge as leaders, fewer deviant work behaviors, higher retention disadvantages - lower adaptability


issue of _________ addresses the issue of what constitutes a minimal qualified candidate techniques include minimum standards, top down hiring, and banding Separates applicants who advance from those who are rejected

consequences of cut scores

_____ engaged workers, _____ not engaged, _______ actively disengaged

32, 51, 17

________ % of the big five traits are inherited


refers to possibility the disproportionate number of women and minorities will be rejected to the possibility

adverse impact

A review of many studies indicated that, overall, _______ correlated poorly with job performance after personality traits were considered because it is so closely related to intelligence and personality and that once you control for these factors, it has nothing unique to offer.


High- vs. low-fidelity tests (level of realism) -

realistic equipment and scenarios to stimulate actual tasks

refers to the correlation between predictor and criterion scores

validity coefficient

- Combine information on selection ratios, base rates, and validity - Conclusion is that selection tools are most valuable when the selection ratio is low, the base rate is low, and validity coefficient is high

Taylor Russell tables

_________ is a measure that assess an individuals capacity to function in a certain way - 15% of organization use

ability tests

discussion on whether to use a predictor with a high validity or one that has a low

adverse impact

method of setting the minimum cut score needed to proceed in the selection process, experts go through the content of the predictor and determine the proportion of individuals with a minimum level of competence who would answer each item correctly, problem with this approach is that is that it is time consuming and that it is dependent on the SME and it is unclear how much agreement there must be among SMEs when they evaluate test items

angoff method

An elaborate employee selection method that is primarily used internally and for higher level jobs, it consists ofa collection of predictors used to forecast success and is used for higher level jobs because of the high costs involved in conducting the center Main concern is predicting an individuals behavior and effectiveness in critical roles, usually managerial Need to carefully identify and assess KSAOs, multiple methods will be required Should result in higher validity than could be obtained from a single assessment method or assessor Based on job analysis that results in the identification of relevant KSAOs and as a result a selection plan must be developed when using assessment centers

assessment centers

Role-play: candidate must play work related role with interviewer Fact finding: candidate needs to solicit information to evaluate an incomplete case Oral presentations: candidate must prepare and make an oral presentation on assigned topic are additional types of

assessment methods

substantive method with low use, high cost, high reliability, high validity, high utility

assessment methods

For external and internal, top down is the highest in validity in utility but is criticized for ignoring the possibility for small differences between scores are due to measurement error and its potential for adverse impact Banding refers to the procedure where applicants who score within a certain range are considered to have score equally Results in decreases of adverse impact but it sacrifices validity

banding in hiring

- Defined as the proportion of current employees who are successful on some criterion or HR outcome (number of successful employees / number of employees) - When everyone an organization hires can do the job at an acceptable level, __________ is high, means its an easier job

base rate

Useful to bench mark turnover data in order to have comparative statistics that will aid in the interpretation of the organizations turnover data Internal benchmarking - looking at trends in the organizations own turnover data over time, useful for identifying where turnover problems are worsening or improving and for evaluating the effectiveness of retention initiatives External - where the organization compares its own data with the current turnover rates and trends of other organizations


Replacement employee better performer and organization citizen than last employee New KSAO and motivation infusion to organization Opportunity to restructure work unit Savings from not replacing employee Vacancy creates transfer or promotion opportunity for others Replacement less expensive in salary and seniority-based benefits

benefits of turnovers

substantive method with low use, low cost, moderate validity

case analysis

type of assessment center Cases can be presented to candidates and each one is asked to provided a written analysis of the case, describing the nature of the problem, likely causes, and recommended solutions oral presentations are scored as well

case analysis

Due to extremely poor person/job matches particularly a mis match between job requirements and KSAOs, employee failing to follow rules

cause of involuntary turnover

Staffing level mismatch in which organization is or projected to be overstaffed, head count exceeds the head count required due to lack of forecasting, inaccuracies in forecasting or unanticipated changes in labor demand and supply

cause of involuntary turnover due to labor markets

Depends on three general factors, perceived desirability of leaving, ease of leaving, and alternatives to leaving Desirability is often an outgrowth of a poor person job organization match, or difference between what an employee wants and what the job provides or find it desirable to leave for personal non job reasons that are unavoidable Ease of leaving represents a high likelihood of finding a new job with minimal sacrifice for leaving, ease is higher when employment rate is low or if the employee possesses KSAOs that he or she thinks will be desirable to other employers, highly engaged employees are less likely to leave Alternatives - offers from other company's

causes of voluntary turnover

when managers use their judgment to arrive at a total for each applicant, done by initial screening interviewers or hiring managers, advantage is that it draws on the expertise of managers to weight and combine predictor scores, problem with this approach is that reasons for the weightings are known only to the manager, and are consistently shown as less accurate than mechanical decisions question to ask when selecting the right scheme: Do selection decision makers have considerable experience and insight into selection decisions, and is managerial acceptance of the selection process important?

clinical prediction

It must add value to the prediction of job success, more useful if it has a smaller correlation with other predictors and a higher correlation with the criterion Always generate a matrix Can use multiple regression to take the correlation among other predictors into accounts Likely to be highly correlated with one another when their content domain is similar Not helpful to use both biodata and application blanks

correlation with other predictors

______________ - trivial validities - correlations to trait and performance is low (r=.23) - faking - individuals answering dishonestly - negative applicant reactions - applicants believe it is less valid

criticisms of personality test

___________ Used to separate people who receive job offers from list of finalists (assumes each finalist is considered fully qualified for position) Often very subjective, relying heavily on intuition of decision maker Factors other than KSAOs are evaluated Assess person/organization match Assess motivation level Assess people on relevant organizational citizenship behaviors Should involve organization's staffing philosophy regarding EEO/AA commitments

discretionary assessment methods

features of an effective ___________ Emphasize drug testing in safety-sensitive jobs Use only reputable testing laboratories, and ensure that strict chain of custody is maintained. Ask applicants for their consent, and inform them of test results Use retesting to validate positive samples from the initial screening test Ensure that proper procedures are followed to maintain the applicant's right to privacy Review the program and validate the results against relevant criteria (accidents, absenteeism, turnover, job performance); conduct a cost-benefit analysis

drug testing program

the average _______ was 3.6 times more likely to be involved in an accident received 3 times the average level of sick benefits was 5 times more likely to file a workers' compensation claim missed 10 times as many work days as nonusers 31% of all fatal truck accidents were due to alcohol or drugs

drug user

The ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and action

emotional intelligence

advantage of ________: better overall performers, higher levels of job satisfaction, more effective leaders, higher retention disadvantages: less able to identify threats, more likely to engage in high risk behaviors

emotional stability

measures of the big five

emotional stability, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to new experiences

Structure interview format should be used that contains questions about unavoidable and avoidable reasons for leaving and for the avoidable category questions should focus on desirability for leaving, ease of leaving, and alternatives. Should be conducted by a neutral person Interviewers should be trained in how to put employee at ease and explain purpose, take good notes, and how to end interview on a positive note Should be conducted in a private place, and interviewee should be told that the information is confidential

exit interviews

substantive method with high use, low cost, high reliability, moderate validity, high utility, positive applicant reactions, and mixed adverse impact


advantages of _______ - perform better in sales, more likely to emerge as leaders, higher levels of satisfaction disadvantages- higher absenteeism, more accidents


criticisms of integrity tests

faking, stigmatization, negative applicant reactions

vacation of hiring that is often used when candidates come to the attention of the hiring person, sequentially one at a time, rather than having a total pool of candidates from which to chose the finalists rather than having a total pool of candidates from which tot choose the finalists

first acceptable candidates

reduced labor costs, and elimination of unqualified employees, essential to include assessment of retention costs and benefits and the design of retention initiatives that provide positive benefits at a reasonable cost to the organization - focus on who is getting retained

function outcome of turnover

Performance test vs. work sample (all or some)

what a person actually does; internships, job tryouts

type of assessment center A small group of candidates is given a problem to solve, as candidates discuss assessors sit around the perimeter of the group and evaluate how each candidate behaves in an unstructured setting They look for skills such as leadership and communication

group discussion

refers to increase in the proportion of successful new hires that is expected to occur as a result of adding a new predictor to the selection system leads to greater utility

hiring success gain

Most commonly used 82%, usually contains memoranda, reports, phone messages and letter that require a response. The material are presented to a candidate and he or she is expected to respond by prioritizing them, drafting responses, scheduling meetings, and so forth. It is timed and the candidate usually has two to three hours to complete it. type of assessment center

in basket

substantive method with low use, moderate cost, moderate reliability, moderate validity, high utility, mixed applicant reactions, mixed adverse impact

in basket exercise

May be suspect in terms of relevance to actual job performance and are Common especially in small companies, they may have limited validity because they are quite subjective

information discussions and recommendations

____ minimize the costs associated with substantive methods by reducing the number of people assessed

initial assessments

Attempt to assess an applicants honesty and moral characters, some use polygraph test (however it is illegal for most) or interviewer evaluations

integrity test

validity of __________- Especially good at predicting counterproductive performance, like negative work behaviors Generally good at predicting job performance, although there is some controversy regarding this issue

integrity tests

Assess activities individuals prefer to do on & off the job; do not attempt to assess ability to do these - not often used - useful for self selection into job types - MBTI or vocation interest blank - unlikely to predict job performance - may help in assessing person organization fit and job satisfaction

interest values and preference inventories

_____- is a test that attempts to assess an applicants ability to comprehend job requirements, correlate highly with cognitive ability test scores

job knowledge test

substantive method with low use, moderate costs, high reliability, high validity

job knowledge test

in an __________ it is Important to distinguish between cognitive ability which predicts learning potential, and ______ which reflects what has already been learned

job knowledge tests

includes elements of both ability and seniority, taken mostly using paper and pencil tests or on a computer, highly specified, and is therefore a good predictor

job knowledge tests

sources of information: Line manager and director descriptions of strategic impact of performance across domains what is evaluated: Changes in economic performance from enhanced levels of different types of employee skills links to other areas: Tool from marketing, manager judgments regarding critical competencies are incorporated additional information: used to evaluate how customers of a business react to product attributes, designed to show a level an outcome relates to changes in the product, usually illustrating points of diminishing returns or increasing returns, comparison of payoff across performance areas is the essential point that differentiates kano for other techniques, not especially useful for quantifying how much economic gain can occur from a change in focus, it is very useful for assessing and selection tools are performing adequately and identifying areas where increased rigor in selection will yield larger improvements in performance

kano analysis

substantive method with low use, low cost, moderate reliability, moderate validity

leaderless group discussion

primary issues with internal assessment methods

logic of prediction, avoiding favoritism

Higher-ups given considerable influence in promotion decisions

managerial support

________ - employee survey comprising of tests of 10 specific abilities, take less than five minutes to assess - wonderlic - most widely used, 12 minutes, 50 items, ranging from spatial to numerical to analogies, get harder the longer it goes - cognitive is least expensive to test

measures of cognitive ability test

___________ Clear purpose - assess employee attitude towards theft - questions about antitheft attitude and questions about the frequency and degree of involvement in theft or other counterproductive activities General - assess employee personalities with the idea that personality influences dishonest behavior

measures of integrity tests

________________: - most common are self report surveys - IPIP - found online and contains several big five measures - personal characteristics inventory - asks applicants 150 statements in an agree disagree fashion and is at a 5th grade reading level - hogan - can be scored to yield reliability and service orientation

measures of personality

assessment scores: More complicated and time consuming More complete picture of the candidates

multiple predictors

weights are established on the basis of statistical procedures rather than judgments, weights are developed from correlation of each predictor to criterion and the correlations among the predictors, region weights provide optimal weights in the sense that they will yield the highest total validity, however it is only realized only under a certain set of circumstances question to ask when selecting the right scheme: Are the conditions under which multiple regression is superior (relatively small number of predictors, low correlations among predictors, and large sample) satisfied?

multiple regression

advantages to ___________ - higher creativity, more effective leaders, more adaptable disadvantages - less committed, more deviant behaviors, more accidents


________ test assess actual performance and have a validity of .50

performance and work samples

substantive method with moderate use, moderate cost, moderate validity

performance appraisal

advantages of _________: Readily available, capture both ability and motivation and can offer a completely look of a persons qualifications - care must be taken in using because there is not always a direct correspondence between the requirements of the current job and the requirements of the position applied for.

performance appraisals

disadvantages to ________: - Subject to man influences that have nothing to do with the likelihood of of success in a future job, decision makers appear to be swayed not only by a persons level of performance but also by his or her trajectory - Peter principles - idea that individuals rise to their lowest level of incompetence If organizations promote individuals on the basis of their pst performance the only time that people stop being promotes is when they perform poorly into the job in which they were last promoted to, Over time, organizations will hav internally staffed positions with incompetent individuals

performance appraisals

the role of _______ is to - describe behavioral, not emotional or cognitive traits

personality test

________ is an ability test that measures strength, endurance, and movement quality


Motor vs verbal work samples (action or thought) -

physical manipulation of things; driving tests

Increase confidentiality, reduces administrative burden of individual interviews Cover same topics as interview and should be sent shortly after the employees last day Open ended can be used to gather more detailed information from the employees pov Close ended are easier to compile and compare

post exit surveys

Usefulness of a predictor is determined on the basis of

practical and statistical significance

the extent to which the predictor adds value to the prediction of job success and is assessed by examining the sign and magnitude of the validity coefficient uses sign and magnitude

practical significance

sources of information: Historical information on performance outcomes for business units what is evaluated: Contribution of different characteristics of the workforce to performance outcomes links to other areas: Existing "hard" data from organizational records for valued outcomes

predictive analysis

care must be taken when using: ____________ Caution must be exercised, if employees receive separate evaluations for purposes of performance appraisal promotability and pay they may receive mixed messages Care must be taken to show employees the relevant judgments being made in each assessment Must be based on not only past performance but on skill acquisition and opportunities for advancement


____________: Made at the same time that performance appraisals Placement and succession planning frequently uses both types of assessment Not only useful from a selection perspective but also from a recruitment standpoint By discussing what is needed to be promotable employee development may be encouraged as well as coupled with organizational sponsorship of the opportunities needed for development

promotability ratings

substantive method with low use, low cost, high reliability, high validity

promotability ratings

_________ is an ability test that measures thought/body movement coordination


methods of final choice

random selection, ranking, grouping, ongoing hiring

when each predictor receives a differential weighting, establish weights based on the degree to which they each predict job success, advantage is that it considers the relative importance of each predictor and makes this assessment explicit, however it is an elaborate procedures question to ask when selecting the right scheme: re there differences in importance across predictor areas, and can these be better assessed through judgment rather than through statistical tools?

rational weighting

Departing employees are reluctant to complain because they do not want to burn bridges or jeopardize future references Possible that employees don't have appropriate insight in to their own reactions to identify actions the organization might take to reduce turnover - so predictive analytics are important Simplest way is by using breaking out turnover rates across various employee and organization characteristics - factors include type of turnover, type of employee, job category, and geographic location, these help identify how much variation in turnover there is around the overall average and pockets of the most and least severe turnover HRIS are designed to process and track employee depatures so data are often readily available regarding when are why and why employees are leaving You cn also use multiple regression analysis as a tool

reasons for leaving : predictive analysis

- staffing costs for new hire, hiring inducements, hiring manager and work unit employee time, orientation program time and materials, hr staff induction costs

replacement costs

- influenced by job satisfaction, shocks they experience and personal reasons - of these only job satisfaction can be meaningfully influenced by the organization. Reward preferences can be asked at all stages of the staffing process - extrinsic rewards - fair allocation of, and rewards for retention and performance - intrinsic - work characteristics, org support, social environment, work life balance - work life balance

retention initiatives

seeks to ensure that the organization is able to keep enough employees with important ksaos to generate future success

retention management

Good way to discover the types of job rewards that are most dissatisfying to employees that may have been part of their reason for leaving Has the advantage of learning from all employees rather than just those who have already left, also give the organization information it can use to hopefully preempt turnover by making changes that will increase job satisfaction

satisfaction surveys

- Number of people hired/number of applicants - Direct index of how constrained the company is hiring - The more successful a companys recruiting methods the higher the selection ratio - low ratio means the company can be more selective

selection ratio

Job incumbents asked to evaluate own skills to determine promotability

self assessments

characteristics of emotional intelligence

self awareness, other awareness, emotional regulation

Content of __________ is valid because it reflects on the job experience Information is easily obtained, protection of employees from capricious treatment and favoritism and is often socially acceptable


Most prevalent methods of internal selections, most unionized companies place heavy reliance on _____ over other KSAOs for advancement Matters more to wages and advances in unionized workfaces compared to ununionized


refers to the length of time with the organization while experience typically is broader and due to the kind of activities undertaken in those positions


substantive method with high use, low cost, high reliability, low validity, and high adverse impact


___________- is an ability test that measures detection and recognition of stimuli


- financial costs: HR staff time, managers time, accrued paid time off, temporary coverage - other costs: production and customer service delays or quality decreases, lost of inquired clients, employee goes to competitor or forms competitive business, contagion - other employees decide to leave, team work disruptions, loss of workforce diversity

separation costs

assessment scores: Simplifies the process Few employees would feel comfortable hiring applicants on the basis of a single attribute Utility increases as the number of valid predictors used in selection decisions increases

single predictor

_________ place applicants in hypothetical, job-related situations. Applicants are then asked to choose a course of action from several alternatives This type of test captures the validity of work samples and cognitive ability tests in a way that is cheaper than work samples and that has less adverse impact than cognitive ability tests

situational judgment tests

Assessed by probability or p values, if there is a reasonable p value, then chances are good that it would yield a similar validity coefficient if the same predictor was used with different sets of job applicants P <.05, less than 5 chances for a mistake in a group of 100 Must use caution, may have small sample sizes

statistical significance

________ are used to make more perceive decisions about applications - answer the question "among those who meet minimum qualifications for the job, who are the most likely to be the high performers"

substantive assessment methods

in _________ validity is critical, and the process is more involved than initial assessment methods

substantive assessment methods

Experience is more valid method of internal selection than seniority Experience is better suited to predict short term rather than long term potential Experience is more likely to be content valid if the past or present jobs are similar to the future job Employees seem to expect that promotions will go to the most senior or experienced employee, so it yields positive perception Experience is unlikely to remedy initial performance difficulties of low ability employees

summary of experience

Most organizations have a desire to internally select for both informational and motivational reasons, major problem with internal selection is finding out which employees have the desired skill - this tool helps with that

talent management and succession systems

less than half of multinational organizations have _________ in place, because itay be perceived as costly - however cost should be compared to cost of not using one Expertise to develop a system could not be available - work with vendor HRIS system - SAP or oracle/peoplesoft

talent management system

problems with ___________ include - problem with this is that quickly become outdated, for the system to be useful manager must systematically update the database with with the latest skills acquired by employees - Another limitation is that the KSAOs are often general rather than specific - it must be also aligned with an organizations strategies and used for internal selection decisions

talent management system

Might include number of vacancies to be filled and EEO AA. Requirements Cut scores are established by the number of applicants that need to be hired Advantage is that it is easy to administer and minimized judgment required because the cut score is determined on the basis of the demand for labor Drawback is that validity is often not established prior to the use of this predictor and there may be an overreliance on the use of a single predictor and cut scores whire other potentially useful predictors are ignored

top down approach in hiring

- formal training, on the job training, mentoring, socialization, productivity loss

training costs

Number of employees leaving / average number of employees x 100 Use of formular informs the time period of interest, type of employee counts, and determination of how to calculate the average number of employees over the time period such as straight or weighted average An alternative metric, focused on retention is assessing how long employees remain in job after hire

turnover rate

when each predictor is weighted the same at a value of 1.00, advantage is that it is simple and straightforward by it assumes that each predictor contributes equally to the prediction of job success, which is often not the case questions to ask when selecting the right scheme: : Is there reason to believe that each predictor contributes relatively equally to job success?

unit weighting

Relatively unplanned and "quick and dirty" Questions based on interviewer "hunches" or "pet questions" to assess applicants Casual, open-ended, or subjective questions Often contains obtuse questions Often contains highly speculative questions Interviewer often unprepared More potential for discrimination and bias Low validity

unstructured interviews

refers to the monetary returns minus costs associated with using the predictor


source of information: Data on predictor validity, applicant test scores, and estimated dollar value of performance variability what is evaluated: Expected value of improved job performance if a new selection tool is implemented links to other areas: Line manager judgments of employee value; expected financial returns for investing in selection additional info: originally developed as a complement to Taylor Russell tables, multiplies the improved validity from a new selection tool by the average standardized score of the new hires to show improvement in performance, useful for communication purposes, criticized because of the inherent difficulty in estimating how much additional revenue is produced by a worker who is one standard deviation above the average (however, this a common criticism for nearly any model in the industry)

utility analysis

refers to the relationship between predictor and criterion scores, relationship is often assessed using a correlation


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