Statistic Formulas

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(6a) find the percentile for a given amount ex-find the percentile for a diastolic pressure of 78

# of values less than x, divided by / total amount, then multiply by 100

What requirements make a probability disribution


"0r more"

1-binomial cdf(n,p,r-1)

"atleast "


(12) Construct a conf interval for proportion

1propzint(enter info)




Distances, weights, measurements, salaries, time

(11c)Find p#

Invnorm(#, mean, sd)

(AND) lets you know to


(11b) Normal distribution -greater than or less than

Normalcdf(#, 9999, m,sd) for greater and Normalcdf(-9999,#, m, sd) for less than

(11d) normal distributed ,given an amount , ex-if 40 different applicants are randomly selected, find the probability that their Mean is above 215

Normalcdf(215,9999,m,sd/square root 40)...above means greater than 215, so 215,9999 then mean, and sd given then divide and square root and #.

Odds against

P(-A)/P (A) find the compliment of the probability, and divide by the probability ...cancel denominators

Multiplication rule, with replacement . Ex a batch consist of 15 defective capacitors and 85 good,If six capacitors are chosen with replacement what is the probability that all are Good?

P(a)* P(a)* P(a).*P(a)*P(a)*P(a).....85/100 , 6times... because 85 is the amount of good and 100 is total is with replacement numbers stay the same.

(Or) lets you know to


How to find the mean

add all the data then Divide by the number of data

how you construct a cumulative freq. dist

add the frequency to each frequency below the first frequency.

how to find the mean of the data summarized in a frequency distribution

add your class then divide by two then multiple answer by number of frequency ...repeat steps for all classes then add your data and divide by the frequency sum

complement of "none"

at least one


can be placed in order but order does not matter. Ranks, grades, soft-hard, consumer ratings poor,good

How to construct a pie chart

class frequency / sum of all example class frequency amound divided by total amount


divide the population into sections then randomly select some of the sections and then choose all the members from those selected

(9c)addition rule a+b-ab, ex getting a republican or a man..or means add

find a (getting a republican) the find B (getting a man) then subtract what they have in common(republican man) a+b-ab

find the percentile of a data point

how many less than data point /divided by total numbers to choose from then multiple by 100



range rule of thumb

mean +2(sd)...Mean -2(sd)

(5) Box plot

min, q1 med q3 max

complement of "at least one"


(11a) Normal distribution -between given mean and stan dev find the probability of ratings between 170,120.

normalcdf(#,#,mean,stand dev)

(8a) Multiplication without replacement. Ex- a batch consist of 15 def and 85 good capacitors, if two capacitors are selected without replacement what is the probability that all are Good

number divided by /total , multiplied by *, 1-number divided by / 1-total ex - 85/100 * 84/99

(9a)find the probability

number of xdivided by total available x/n

standard deviation

number x minus mean then squared

addition rule

p(a) + P(b)-(ab)

conditional probability

p(b?a)= P(Aand B)/ P(a)....GIVEN IS ALWAYS A


put info in order if odd number then you pick the middle..if even you take two middle..add both and divide by two

(9b)find the probability using the addition rule (or means add) example probability of getting republicans or a independent

republicans/total sum of all, plus independent/total sum

convenience sampling

results that are easy to get

(9d)additional rule using "given"..ex-getting a democrat "given"that person is a male

rule find given amout of a first then find b from a . ex-given person is a male(total male amount from all , then find democrat from a.

Systemic sampling

select a starting point and then select every kth one such as every 50th

standard deviation



standard deviation squared


subdivide the population into atleast two different subgroups then draw samples from each group

(13) construct a conf interval, mean


(6b) How to find P# ( # th percentile) ex-Find the diastolic pressure at the 40th percentile

use formula P/100*n ..then if whole number count that many then add the next number and divide by two. if not whole count the amount and round up 1

(7c) determine if an amount is unusual . ex-would a diastolic pressure of 96 be considered unusual for a woman?

use the range rule of thumb- Mean-2(sd) and Mean+2(sd)


usually means without replacement


value that occures more than once

(7a) how to find the zscore

x-mean/sd = number minus mean Divided by stand dev

(7b) given a z score find x . Ex. Find a womans diastolic pressure that would give a zscore of -1.5

x= mean, -zscore(stand dev) (multiply zscore by standard deviation then subtract the mean to get x)


you can categorize but can not be placed in order eye color, hair color, Types of movies,political party preference

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