Stats big test chapters 1-4

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Which of the following is true about finding a sample that represents your population?

A very heterogeneous population requires a larger sample.

The ______ of a primary research article provides a brief overview of the entire study.


The correct order of sections of a primary research article is ______.

Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References

Chris wants to assess whether the responses to a self-control scale are internally consistent. She could do this by computing the ______ reliability of her scale.

Correct split-half

External validity is the extent to which ______.

Correct the results of one study might generalize to other settings, samples, or procedures

Which of the following is an advantage of observational research compared to survey research?

Observational research examines what people actually do, not what they say they do.

Which of the following is an advantage of archival research?

Some archives span a large time frame so they allow for analysis of historical trends.

Hank is helping his friend Marie conduct a study on helping behavior by pretending to drop a pile of papers and seeing if people offer to help him pick them up. Hank's role in this study is as a ______.


The group of people, animals, or archives you are interested in examining is your


A research study is conducted about the effectiveness of a new drug in treating depression. If the study includes only 10 participants, the study might have limited ______.


The most rigorous peer-review process is most likely to be found in ______.

Correct academic journals

The purpose of the peer review process is to ______.

Correct help ensure the quality of published articles

After identifying your topic, you should ______.

Correct read and evaluate past research on the topic

A meta-analysis is a ______.

Correct scholarly source

Which of the following is true of nonprobability sampling?

It is less time-consuming than probability sampling.

Which of the following is true about debriefing?

It is not necessary for all studies.

Which of the following is true of scholarly works?

They aim to advance knowledge and scientific study in a field.

researches typically aim for a ________ confidence interval

5 percent

Researchers often choose a ______ confidence level.


The following statement appears in Chapter 1 of your textbook: Research should be a transparent process, and thus it is important that you make your results public so that others may learn from and build on your study. Which of the following would be OK to include in your own research report in that there is no evidence of plagiarism?

Adams and Lawrence (2014) state that research should be a transparent process (p. 25).

Which of the following organizations have essentially banned deception in research?

American Anthropological Association

______ occurs when a participant's responses are kept private, although the researcher may be able to link each participant to his or her responses.


______ is essential to a research study, but ______ is not always possible.

Confidentiality; anonymity

Which of the following statements describes the relationship between validity and reliability?

Correct A study must be reliable in order to be valid.

Which of the following is true about informed consent process?

Correct It includes informing participants of the risks and benefits of the study.

The American Psychological Association allows for the use of deception under certain circumstances. Which of the following is one of the necessary circumstances?

Correct The researchers debrief participants as soon as possible regarding the deception.

If you find an article published in a newspaper, you can be relatively certain that it is ______.

Correct a popular source

Criterion validity assesses the correlation between ______.

Correct a scale and a behavioral measure

Internal validity is the extent to which ______.

Correct a study demonstrates a causal relation between your variables

Which of the following is true?

Covert observation requires consideration of the ethics involved with observing someone without their awareness while overt observation does not.

______ research is designed to answer the who, what, where, when, and how questions.


In which section of a primary research article would the authors identify limitations of their study?


In which section of a primary research article would you be most likely to find the following sentence: Past research suggests that academic major can be an indicator of environmental values (e.g., Ewert & Baker, 2001), and this study found that students who majored in environmental studies, humanities, and art had higher levels of environmentally responsible behaviors.


Which of the following is true about validity and observational research?

External validity needs to be considered more than internal validity when conducting observational research.

After computing Cronbach's alpha on her scale of verbal aggression, Makayla finds α = .72. What can she conclude?

Her scale shows acceptable internal consistency.

Which of the following is a question that a researcher should consider when deciding whether or not to offer participants an incentive for participation?

How will I make it clear that the incentive will be given to participants even if they do not complete the entire study?

Which of the following statements about the scientific method is most accurate

If you complete one step in the scientific method, it may lead you to the next, or it may lead you to rethink an earlier step.

Identify the APA-format mistake in the following reference: Estow, s., Lawrence, e., & Adams, k. (2011). Practice Makes Perfect: Improving Students' Skills in Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism with a Themed Methods Course. Teaching of Psychology, 38, 259-261. doi:10.1177/0098628311421325

In the article title, only the first letter of "Practice" and "Improving" should be capitalized.

In order to conduct a study, you often must get approval from the ______ of your college or university.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Runners rate their energy level on a 10-point scale as they finish the race. This measure represents the ______ scale of measurement.


Temperature is a good example of a(n) ______ variable because it lacks a true zero.


______ are one-on-one conversations directed by a researcher.


The hypothesis can usually be found at the end of the ______.


The rationale for the study is provided in the ______ of a primary research article.


Which of the following is one of the potential benefits of the scientific approach?

It can help individuals make better decisions.

What is one of the arguments against using deception in research?

It may damage the reputation of the discipline.

Which of the following is true of probability sampling?

It relies on random selection.

Which is true of the semi-structured interview?

It requires more training to administer than a structured interview.

How is inter-rater reliability different from the other forms of measurement reliability?

It requires that at least two observers or raters provide independent scores.

Runners rate their energy level on a 7-point scale as they finish the race, with 1 = no energy and 7 = a great deal of energy. This measure is a commonly used type of interval scale response and is called a(n) ______.

Likert-type scale

Which of the following is an advantage of using questionnaires rather than interviews?

Maintaining anonymity is easier with questionnaires.

In which section of a primary research article would the authors provide detailed information about the participants, measures, and procedures?


In which section of a primary research article would you be most likely to find the following sentence: Participants ranged in age from 18 to 32 (M = 22.50, SD = 4.25).


In which section of a primary research article would you be most likely to find the following sentence: The items were rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale from rarely to usually and had demonstrated internal consistency (α = .88).


Which of the following was a social psychological experiment that is considered ethically questionable because of the use of deception?

Milgram's obedience study

motivation behind the Nuremberg code?

Nazi experiments

who stated that a nonscientific approch might be our default way of appraching the world

Ornstein and Ehrlich

Which of the following is an advantage of conducting interview research?

Participants tend to take them more seriously than questionnaires.

Which of the following databases would help you identify the most quality sources in psychology?


example of how research was used to inform public policy

Research on eyewitness reports informed national guidelines for collecting unbiased eyewitness testimony.

In which section of a primary research article would you be most likely to find the following sentence: A one-way ANOVA revealed that academic major was significantly related to frequency of visits (F (6, 114) = 5.65, p < .001, η2 = .24).


Specific information about the outcome of statistical analyses would be reported in the ______ of a primary research article.

Results section

Which of the following statement is most accurate?

Science is a process, not an outcome.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Supporting, refining, and refuting the results of a study are key aspects of scientific process.

A researcher conducts a study examining the relationship between participants' preferred ice cream flavors and their weight. What might be a good title for the research report?

The Relationship Between Preferred Ice Cream Flavor and Weight

Identify the APA-format mistake in the following reference: P. Schuetze, (2004). Evaluation of a brief homework assignment designed to reduce citation problems. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 257-259. doi: 10.1207/s15328023top3104_6

The author's last name should be followed by a comma and the first initial of the first name.

Identify the APA-format error of the following citation: Estow, Lawrence, and Adams, 2011, found that repeated exposure to the topic of plagiarism helped improve students' ability to identify and avoid plagiarism.

The date should be in parentheses.

Which of the following is true about the size of a probability sample?

The larger the sample, the closer it will be to representing the full population.

What is one of the benefits of using conference papers or posters as sources?

The research presented for a conference is likely more recent than that found in journals.

A researcher wants to conduct a study in which he throws cold water on unsuspecting participants and observes their reactions. He wants to forgo the informed consent process because he believes that the participants would not act naturally if they were told ahead of time about what the study involves. Under which of the following would this study be considered ethical?

This study would never be considered ethical because of the potential to cause participants physical and emotional pain.

Which of the following was the motivation behind the Belmont code?

Tuskegee syphilis experiments

The Tuskegee syphilis experiments occurred in what country?


Identify the APA-format error of the following citation: Repeated exposure to the topic of plagiarism may help improve students' ability to identify and avoid plagiarism (Estow, Lawrence, and Adams, 2011).

When a citation appears in parentheses, there should be an "&" instead of "and" before the last author.

Which of the following statements about doing a keyword search is true?

When starting a keyword search, you should start with broad keywords relating to your topic.

When a study involves interviews with 16-year-old subjects, which of the following is true?

You must obtain informed consent from the parent or legal guardian

Which of the following types of designs would be most appropriate to use to understand if age is related to choice of video games?

Zimbardo's prison experiment

The main difference between a primary research article and a literature review is ______.

a literature review does not include results of original research

Which of the following is an example of a cluster?

a neighborhood

Which of the following is the best definition of critical thinking?

a process of considering information based on current knowledge in a field while carefully avoiding personal bias

An example of a primary research source in the social and behavioral sciences is ______.

a report of original research

An example of a secondary research source in the social and behavioral sciences is ______.

a review of past research

Which of the following should be included in the introduction of a primary research paper?

a review of past research

Validity deals with ______, while reliability deals with ______.

accuracy; consistency

A ______ observer in a study doesn't know what the study's hypotheses are.


what do simple and stratified random samples have in common

both require the researcher to identify all members of the population

Jesse is conducting an observational study of fast food purchases and before starting the observation period, he creates a list of possible purchases (e.g., soda, hamburger, fries ) so when collecting data, he can quickly mark what each person purchases. He has chosen to use a ______ to collect his data.


Questionnaire items that use a Likert-type response are one example of a(n) ______.

close-ended response format

The most recent research is most likely to be found in ______.

conference papers or posters

A ______ is an estimation of the margin of error for your scores.

confidence interval

Although Joan found that the type of cell phone ring affected test scores, she also discovered that over half of the students in the control (no ring) condition wore earplugs while taking the test. The earplugs are a possible ______.

confounding variable

Alex studies the literature before developing items for his scale on plagiarism. He then sends the scale to three faculty members who have published in this area for their evaluation of whether the items represent plagiarism. Alex is trying to establish the ______ validity of his scale.


A sample that is made up of those volunteers or others who are readily available and willing to participate is known as what type of sample?

convenience sample

Alice has developed a scale assessing the extroversion of young adults. She has college students complete her new scale and an existing scale of extroversion. She is hoping to find that scores on the two scales are positively correlated. Alex is testing the ______ of her scale.

convergent validity

Which type of research design involves examining relationships among variables, but does not involve manipulation of any variables?

correlational research

Hank is helping his friend Marie conduct a study on helping behavior by pretending to drop a pile of papers and seeing if people offer to help him pick them up. Marie hides behind a tree and observes the interactions. This is an example of ______.

covert observation

The scientific approach is a specific type of ______.

critical thinking

The Tuskegee syphilis experiments are considered unethical because of the use of ______.


Too much focus on the internal validity of a study tends to ______ the external validity of the study.


What is the first step in simple random sampling?

define the population

The goal of which type of research design is to describe the variables, not examine relationships among the variables?

descriptive research

Which of the following types of designs would be most appropriate to use to understand which age group plays the most video games?

descriptive research

Walt is conducting an observational study on cell phone use in public places so he records how long participants spend on their cell phones. In other words, he's measuring ______.


What is the first step you should complete before entering data for analysis?

enter codes for missing data

Which of the following represent the moral values and ideals of a discipline?

ethical principles

Which of the following represent the specific rules of an ethical code of conduct?

ethical standards

Which of the following types of designs would be most appropriate to use to understand whether or not playing a video game causes an increase in aggressive drives?

experimental research

Which type of research design is used to examine a causal relationship and involves manipulating one variable, randomly assigning participants or subjects to different levels of that manipulated variable, and measuring the effect of that manipulation on another variable?

experimental research

A research study is conducted about the effectiveness of a new drug in treating depression. If all the participants in the study were males, the study might have limited ______.

external validity

Many studies in psychology use students in lower level psychology classes as participants. This fact means the ______ of these studies may be limited to students in these classes.

external validity

The degree to which we can say that a study's results are accurate for other settings and people assessed with different procedures is called ______.

external validity

A questionnaire assessing attitudes toward the importance of energy-saving behaviors uses 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree to answer items. This closed-ended response format is a(n) ______ response format.


The external validity of a study refers to the ability to ______.

generalize findings to other settings generalize findings to other people generalize findings to other methods

A preliminary study with a small sample to test measures and/or procedures is known as a(n) ______ study.


Most primary research articles are organized in a similar way, with the shape of the article best described as a ______.


What information do you need to estimate the minimum sample size required for a descriptive study using probability sampling?

how large the population is, the confidence interval, and the confidence level

Which of the following is an essential component of the scientific approach?

identifying personal biases that might impact how you think about a topic

A meta-analysis ______.

includes results of data analyses

Which of the following represents the best operational definition of plagiarism?

including a phrase of more than three words from another source without citing that source

A research study is conducted about the effectiveness of a new drug in treating depression. If all the participants in the study take the new drug (i.e., there is no comparison group), the study has limited ______.

internal validity

The degree to which we can say that changes in one variable were caused by changes in another variable is called ______.

internal validity

Although Joan found that a cell phone ring affected test scores, she also discovered that over half of the students in the control (no ring) condition wore earplugs while taking the test. This fact calls into question the _____.

internal validity of her study

Which of the following can minimize social desirability bias?

keeping responses anonymous

A researcher repeats a study in exactly the same way. This is called a ______ and tests study ______.

literal replication; reliability

Which of the following is a variable?

marital status

The number each runner is assigned to wear in a 5K race represents the ______ scale of measurement.


Dr. Gomez wasn't able to collect data from 100% of his selected sample. Unfortunately, the people he was able to collect data from differed from those people who didn't provided data. In other words, he was dealing with ______.

nonresponse bias

Which of the following is considered deception?

not telling the participants the general topic you are examining

Survey research can allow researchers to ______.

obtain information about behaviors that cannot be observed

Questionnaire items that require respondents to generate their own answers use a(n) ______ response format.


A precise explanation of a variable in terms of how it is measured or manipulated is called a(n) ______.

operational definition

The order in which runners finish a 5K race represents the ______ scale of measurement.


A researcher uses scores of first year students on the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to predict whether the students will be active members of a campus club, sports team, or organization at the end of their first year. The researcher is testing the ______ of the survey.

predictive validity

A primary source published in an academic journal is called a ______.

primary research article

When all members of a population have an equal chance of being selected to participate in a study, you are using ______.

probability sampling

A researcher is interested in children's attention during reading lessons. She has second grade teachers write a summary of a different target child's behavior during the lesson each day for a week. This measure is an example of a(n) ______.

qualitative measure

A researcher is interested in children's attention during reading lessons. He has observers in a second grade classroom count the number of times a target child looks away from the reading passage within a 5-min period. This measure is an example of a(n) ______.

quantitative measure

Which type of research design involves examining relationships among variables, and includes a manipulation of one variable, but does not involve random assignment of participants or subjects to different levels of that manipulated variable?

quasi-experimental research

Which of the following is a type of nonprobability sampling?

quota sampling

The time it takes to run a 5K race represents the ______ scale of measurement.


A 12-item scale measures students' perception of their anxiety before a test. Higher scores reflect greater anxiety. One of the items on the scale states: I feel well prepared to take the test. If 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree, what would you need to do to this item in preparation for finding the total anxiety score?

recode the scores on this item

You are training for a 10K race and want to know if your running time is decreasing so you use your cell phone to time your runs which follow the same course each day. You find that your running times vary by more than 5 min and not always in the same direction. According to your cell phone, sometimes you go faster and sometimes slower. You begin to question the ______ of the stopwatch on your cell phone.


A researcher finds that her results regarding the effect of a welcoming email to the 30 undergraduates in her introductory psychology class at a small private college are similar to the results of a study about the effects of a welcoming email by an instructor of a class of 300 undergraduates in an introductory psychology class at a large state university. This is an example of ______.

reliability at the study level

Aaron found that educating first year undergraduates in an English class about the penalties for plagiarism resulted in fewer violations for the class than for those not exposed to the education. He then provided the same education program the next year to another group of first year undergraduates in an English class. The term used to describe the process Aaron followed is ______.


A commentary in an academic journal is a ______.

scholarly source

Which of the following is a good strategy to find primary research articles on your topic?

search the reference section of relevant journal articles you found through your library database

Holly decides to do archival research using data from several governmental agencies. In other words, she is using ______.

secondary data

Self-reports may be inaccurate due to the ______.

social desirability bias

The type of probability sampling that results in the sample representing key subpopulations based on specific characteristics is ______.

stratified random sampling

Which of the following is a type of probability sampling?

stratified random sampling

Gus is asking a standard set of questions to each of his participants one-on-one. He doesn't vary the order or manner in which they are asked. He is using which descriptive method?

structured interview

If Skyler asks people about their attitudes toward the current mayor, she is conducting ______.

survey research

A measure that assesses the reliability of scale scores over time is called ______.

test-retest reliability

Power is ______.

the ability to find a statistically significant pattern or relationship when one really exists

Validity and reliability are dealt with from two perspectives or in regard to ______.

the study level and the measurement level

A descriptive study would NOT be appropriate to use to meet which of the following goals?

to determine a cause-and-effect relationship between variables

The four attributes that determine the preciseness of a scale of measurement are ______.

true zero, identity, order, equal intervals

Noting the dirt paths at the end of the school year that were created by students as they walk across grass spaces on campus is an example of a(n) ______ measure.


A scale that measures what it is supposed to measure is ______.


A factor in a study with two or more possible values is called a ______.


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