Story Structure
The exposition "exposes" readers to the world of the story. In the exposition, readers are introduced to the setting (time and place of the story) and some or all of the characters. The exposition ends when the conflict or problem is introduced.
Inciting Incident
The inciting incident ends the exposition. This is the moment when the conflict is introduced. A story isn't much of a story if it doesn't have a conflict; it's more of a rambling, so most stories have a conflict. When the conflict enters the narrative, the exposition ends and the rising action begins. This moment is called the inciting incident.
Point of View (POV)
The perspective from which a story is told (who is telling the story and from where?)
Resolution, conclusion or Denouement
This terms refer to how the story ends.
A character or force in conflict with the main character
Moment of Final Suspense
A moment of final suspense occurs when the protagonist, after having experienced a change during the climax, meets or addresses the conflict.
Rising Action
Any event that occurs after the exposition but before the climax or turning point of the story is called rising action. During the rising action, the main character or protagonist of the story may struggle with the conflict but be unable to resolve it. If the story is comedic, the rising action is often a serious of unfortunate events for the main character. If the story is tragic, the rising action is often a series of favorable circumstances for the main character; however, at the climax the momentum of the story changes.
Central idea of a work of literature
Is the turning point of the story. Is the moment in the story when the momentum or feeling of the narrative shifts. The main character may change, learn a lesson, or meet an important person, and this change will prepare the main character to resolve the conflict in the story. If the story is comedic, the main character's situation will begin to improve. If the story is tragic, the main character's situation may begin to deteriorate.
Main character in a story
Sequence of events in a story
Falling Action
refers to any event after the climax right up until the end of the story.
where and when the story takes place