Study Guide NSCI 115 (FINAL)

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Fill in the blank: Acid mine drainage

Acid mine drainage (runoff) is a serious problem in many mining districts where mine tunnels and piles of waste rock (tailings) contain sulfide minerals that react with air and water to produce sulfuric acid and release heavy metals The highly toxic and acidic water then drains from the mines and waste piles and flows into nearby streams where it destroys aquatic ecosystems.

Poplar trees that absorb toxins and nutrients from sewage in India, would be an example of which of the following terms?


Fill in the blank: greenhouse gas emissions %

CH 15: pink are wrong Incomplete With respect to greenhouse gas emissions by different nations, China and the United States account for 45% of all emissions worldwide. In contrast, all the Western European nations combined emit 25% of that of China, and the Russian Federation emits 10% of that of China. Options: -25% -45% -75% -50% -10%

Drag the different components to complete this table of water pollutants that can affect human health.

Categories -Pathogens -Inorganic chemicals -Radioactive materials Examples: -Bacteria, viruses, parasites -Salts, acids, caustics, metals -Uranium, thorium, cesium, iodine, radon Sources: -Human and animal excreta -Industrial effluents, household cleansers, surface runoff -Mining and processing of ores, power plants, and natural sources.

Place a sustainable and unsustainable practice that addresses each of the environmental issues

Environmental Issues / Sustainable: - Protecting soil / Planting "cover" crops to prevent erosion -Protecting atmosphere / Use of renewable energies -Reducing effects of population growth / Reduce poverty and increase health care Environmental Issues / Unsustainable: - Protecting soil / Overgrazing of heard on grasslands -Protecting atmosphere / Use of fossil fuels -Reducing effects of population growth / Raise everyone to the standard of living affluent countries

Taxonomists classify all life into three domains according to their cell structure: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Based on the images shown below the Eukarya domain, label its four Kingdoms within the Eukarya.

Eukarya = 1-Protists 2-Plants 3-Fungi 4-Animals

Plants require certain elements, called nutrients, for proper growth. Classify each of the following elements as either nutrients or non-nutrients.

Nutrients: -Carbon -Oxygen -Hydrogen -Nitrogen -Phosphorous -Potassium Non-nutrients: -Chlorine -Bromine -Sodium -Silicon -Aluminum -Iron

Before European settlement, prairies covered most of the middle third of what is now the United States. Properly place the labels of the various prairies and savanna locations on the figure.

Options: -Shortgrass prairie -Savanna -Mixedgrass prairie -Tall grass prairie

Match the percentage of energy we are saving, when we use recycled materials rather than using ore or other raw material sources to produce various materials.

Roughly 97% energy saving (Aluminum) Roughly 88% energy saving (Copper) Roughly 50% energy saving (Steel) Roughly 33% energy saving (Paper

The largest student environmental group in North America is the _______ _______ ______ _______.

Student Environmental Action Coalition

Fill in the blank: US Map with electrical transmission lines

The light and dark green lines on this map represent the existing high-voltage electrical transmission lines in the U.S., whereas orange represents proposed new transmission lines. Notice that the existing lines are not all interconnected, carrying power to only certain parts of the country. Because major wind and solar producing regions are restricted geographically, the new transmission lines are needed to interconnect the entire grid and to carry electricity from the regions where it's being produced to the more populated areas where electrical demand is high.

Environmental policies are the rules and regulations that govern protection of the environment and public health. Drag the terms to complete the illustration explaining the cyclic nature of creating policy.

Top (clock-wise_ -Identify problem -Set agenda -Develop proposals -Build support bottom -Enact law or rule -Implement policy -Evaluate results -Suggest changes

Fill the blank: food pyramid

Unlike other food pyramids that represent a healthy diet, the Harvard food pyramid emphasizes a foundation of exercise and values whole bread over white bread and starches.

In 2007 the United Nations announced a "billion tree campaign" in the hope of gathering pledges to plant one billion new trees around the world. What Nobel Peace Prize laureate inspired this campaign?

Wangari Maathai

Fill the blanks in the following passage with one of the following words (increasing, decreasing, mechanization, urban).

With a_increasing need for labor in agriculture because of mechanization , there has been a(n) increasing decreasing move to urban areas.

The former Environmental Protection Agency administrator William K. Reilly, called for ___________ ___________ in which every citizen is fluent in the principles of ecology and has a "working knowledge of the basic grammar and underlying syntax of environmental wisdom."

environmental literacy

Which of the following would be considered an example of water pollution (choose all that apply)?

-High levels of bacteria that would make people sick. -Oil that leaks into ground water that prevents drinking the water. -Increase in water temperature from a factory dumping clean but warm water back in that reduces some of the species from occurring there.

Mark each of the following statements about population growth as either true or false:

-Many resources such as water and food are limited on our planet. TRUE -A population cannot grow indefinitely. TRUE -When a population overshoots its carrying capacity, it starts to gradually level off. FALSE -A graph of human population numbers show signs that we have passed our carrying capacity. FALSE -When a population damages its environment, it can lower the carrying capacity of its population. TRUE -Exceeding carrying capacity leads to dieback of the population. TRUE -Resources that are needed by humans are also needed by other organisms (e.g. space, clean water, timber, etc.). TRUE

Match each dietary issue on the left with its associated health risks.

-Obesity = Diabetes, heart attacks, osteoarthritis -Protein deficiency = Low resistance to diseases and infection; potentially permanent mental and/or physical disabilities. -Vitamin/mineral deficiency = Blindness, goiter, neurological defects.

All restoration projects involve some common activities, check all that apply.

-Removing physical stressors.Removing physical stressors. -Controlling invasive species.Controlling invasive species. -Replanting.Replanting. -Captive breeding and reestablishing fauna.Captive breeding and reestablishing fauna. Monitoring.

Drag the boxes with rock type and boxes with examples to complete the illustration explaining the rock cycle.

-Sedimentary -Igneous -Metamorphic

A survey of environmental experts and and leaders around the world chose the following books as some of the most influential and popular environmental books on nature and the environment. Please match the title with its author.

1-Man and Nature = George Perkins Marsh 2-Wilderness and the American Mind = Roderick Nash 3-The Population Bomb = Paul Ehrlich 4-Walden = Henry David Thoreau 5-Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness = Edward Abbey 6-A Sand County Almanac = Aldo Leopold 7- State of the World = Lester Brown and the Worldwatch Institute 8-Silent Spring = Rachel Carson 9-Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered = E. F. Schumacher

Fill in the blank: Light bulbs

This graph shows the total costs of buying and operating three types of light bulbs: standard incandescent (blue), compact fluorescent (red), and LED (green). LED bulbs are the most expensive to purchase, but use far less electricity compared to incandescent bulbs. Over time then, LED bulbs can save consumers significant amounts of money, particularly when one considers the number of light bulbs used in an average household.

The hydrologic cycle describes the movement of water through the Earth system. Using the list of terms, label the hydrologic processes that take place on and near the land surface.

Top-left to top-right -Transpiration from plant surfaces -Precipitation -Evaporation from land and water surfaces Righ-Middle -Runoff -Infiltration Middle-bottom -water table -groundwater

Which of the following are the two traits most commonly targeted for enhancement in genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (select all that apply)?

-Pest resistance -Herbicide resistance

Modern environmental policies in the U.S. really started in the late 1960's with the National Environmental Policy Act. Below are four major environmental policies of the U.S. Match the policies below to one of its missions.

NEPA, 1969 Make federal agencies take into account environmental impacts for projects Clean Water Act, 1972 Regulates components that cause acid rain Clean Air Act, 1970 Regulates contaminants such as nutrients and salts Superfund Act, 1980 Helps remediate abandoned toxic waste sites

Match the use of water to the percentage of our daily use it makes up.

-Dishwasher 1.4% -Bath 1.7% -Other 2.3% -Leaks 13.7% -Faucets 15.7% -Showers 16.7% -Laundry 21.6% -Toilets 26.7%

Drag the different components to complete this table of environmental threats that can disrupt ecosystem function.

-Pollution / -Drought / -Eutrophication -Sewage/ -Sediment/erosion /-Over withdrawal

Check all that apply to the various characteristics of "urban sprawl".

-Unlimited outward extension. -Great fiscal disparities among localities. -Reliance on deteriorating older neighborhoods for low-income housing. -Widespread strip malls and "big-box" shopping centers. -Leapfrog development that consumes farmland and natural areas. -Fragmentation of power among many small units of government. -Centralized planning or control of land uses???

Which of the following population characteristics is generally associated with developing countries?

-Urban -High child mortality -Easy access to healthcare

Fill the blank: biosphere reserve

A biosphere reserve, as illustrated below, is different from a traditional park or wildlife refuge in that there is no single, distinct boundary. Instead, a biosphere reserve consists of an outer ring where humans can live and harvest resources in a sustainable manner, followed by an inner ring where human activity is restricted. In the center is the core area where critical ecosystem functions and endangered wildlife are protected from nearly all human activity.

Fill in the blank: layers in a freshwater lake

As indicated in the figure, layers in a freshwater lake can be classified based on gradients of light, oxygen, temperature. The epilimnion is a warm, upper layer that is mixed by wind and thermal convection. The hypolimnion is a colder, deep layer that is not mixed. The thermocline refers to the sharp temperature boundary within the water column.

Drag the crops to the line that best represents their production in the U.S.

Corn. (higher) Soy Wheat (lower)

Fill in the blank: materials commonly recycled in the U.S.

Of the materials commonly recycled in the U.S., nearly 100% of auto batteries are recycled, because of a law designed to keep toxic lead out of the municipal solid waste stream. In contrast, only about 30% of plastic bottles and about 25% of glass containers are recycled.

Fill in the blank: Montreal Protocol

The Montreal Protocol is an international agreement that eliminated the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by 2000 as they were largely responsible for causing the hole in the ozone layer.

Fill the blank: The carbon cycle

The carbon cycle describes how the element carbon moves through the Earth System. During the process known as photosynthesis, plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and create organic matter. Eventually, most of the organic matter will undergo decomposition, releasing carbon dioxide and methane gas to the atmosphere in the process called respiration. Large quantities of carbon are transferred between the atmosphere and ocean through biological and chemical reactions. Large quantities of carbon are also sequestered from the atmosphere and oceans over long periods of geologic time through the process of sedimentation.

Match each ecosystem/biome with its traditional monetary benefit and its ecological service.

Wetlands = -Drained for farmland -Erosion protection Coral reefs =. -Exotic species fro pet industry -Biodiversity Tropical rainforest = -Lumber -Climate and water regulation

You can use purchasing power to lower your personal impact on forests and forest preserves. When purchasing forest products, checking the origins of the product can ensure that your purchase does not contribute to forest degradation. Match the products below with criteria for responsible consumption.

(Not sure, its my best guess) -Building materials= Product does not come from old-growth trees (particle board is a good choice) -Exotic hardwoods such as rosewood= Harvest comes from agroforestry plantations -Hamburgers= Product was not grazed on deforested rainforest land -Nontimber forest products such as cashews= Products are sustainably harvested from intact forests by native peoples

Sustainable development (SD) impacts many areas of society (i.e. population growth, consumption, poverty, health care, agriculture, etc.). Match the benefits of sustainable development (SD) to the area that it impacts the most.

-Consumption = SD increases the amount of resources available -Population growth =. SD increases social and economic stability of states and families. -Health care = SD reduces diseases and accidents, which saves lives and the state money. -Agriculture = SD reduces soil degradation

Which of the following characteristics typically leads to DECREASES in total fertility rates; mark all that apply.

-Country lacks social security -Rural communities -Access to contraception -Increased age to get married.

Drag the different components to complete this table of water pollutants that can disrupt ecosystem function.

Categories: -Plant nutrients -Sediment -Thermal changes Examples: -Nitrates, phosphates, ammonium -Soil, silt -heat Sources: -Fertilizers, sewage, manure -Land erosion -Power plants, industrial cooling

Place the correct label on the various soil horizons.

O Surface litter (Top) A Topsoil E Zone of leaching B Subsoil C Regolith Bedrock (bottom)

Which of the following energy sources could be considered renewable (mark all that apply)?

-Biomass -Coal -Wind -Solar

Match the human disturbance to the effect it has on biodiversity.

-Urban development = Habitat fragmentation or loss -Invasive species = Changes in foodweb dynamics -Pollution = Typically becomes concentrated in wildlife, killing animals higher in the food chain -Overharvesting = Animals used for food are unable to maintain a viable population size

Which of the following are accurate descriptions of the properties of water? (select all that apply)

-Water molecules are polar, and thus dissolve other polar or ionic substances. -Water shrinks when it crystallizes, and ice is more dense than liquid water.

fill in the blank: Greenhouse gases

Pink answers are a guess Greenhouse gases are molecules that absorb outgoing radiation from Earth's surface and then release heat energy into the lower atmosphere. These gases include so-called halogens (CFCs, HCFCs, & HFCs), methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. As shown here, halogen gases are much more powerful in term of their warming potential compared to methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide, but their actual warming effect is relatively minor due to their low concentrations. The main problem with halogen gases is that they migrate into the upper atmosphere where they destroy ozone (O₃) molecules which block dangerous ultraviolet (UV) radiation from reaching Earth's surface. Options left: -release heat energy -ozone (O3) molecules -absorb outgoing radiation

Fill in the blank: Output model

Pink answers are my best guess Below are the results from a population, resources, and economic output model. This plot indicates that as ___Resources___ in a developed country decline, food output will be the first economic parameter to peak and begin to decline, followed by Industrial output . Shortly thereafter, population peaks and begins to decline.

Fill in the blank: municipal waste

Pink answers are my best guess Based on this pie diagram, the single largest type of material placed in our municipal waste stream is paper and paperboard. Of all the materials in this diagram, about 60% could potentially be removed from the waste stream via recycling, and about another 30% could be removed through composting.

Fill in the blank: US map shows the average wind speed

Pink is my best guess This map of the U.S. shows the average wind speed at 80 meters above the land surface, which is where most wind turbines operate. Based on this map, the regions in the U.S. with the greatest potential for using wind to produce electricity are on the vast Great Plains, within the actual Rocky Mountains, and the offshore areas along the west and east coasts. Options: -New England -Cascade Mountains -Appalachian Mountains -Great Lakes -Rocky Mountains

Fill in the blank: evidence that global warming

This set of measurements, obtained from the pristine environment on Mauna Loa, Hawaii, is one of the more compelling lines of evidence that global warming is following the modern rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂). From the graph one can see that average CO₂ concentrations rose from 315 to 400 parts per million (ppm) since 1957, at the same time average temperature increased nearly 0.9°C.

Check the following ways some Zoo's and other like Institutions, help save endangered species.

-Captive breeding programs. -Preservation of wildlife off site, by donations, patrols and international partnerships .

Science investigates the natural world in a systematic manner. From the list provided, place the labels in the proper order on the flow chart to illustrate the scientific process.

1. identify question 2.Form testable hypothesis 3.Develop a test of the hypothesis 4.Collect data 5.Interpret results 6.Report for peer review (2-5 Refine and revise original hypothesis)

Drag the economic benefits and ecological services to the appropriate ecosystems to complete table.

Grassland: -Economic Benefit = Slow water runoff to help recharge springs -Ecological Service = Provide carbon sink for 422 billion metric tons of carbon Forest: -Economic Benefit = Fuel and paper pulp are two of its biggest components -Ecological Service = More than 3 billion domesticated animals use this land (MY BEST GUESS, NOT SURE)

Primary succession in a boreal forest involves five main stages. Label the type of plant communities you would find in the five stages illustrated below.

Pioneer community -to- Climax community -Exposed rocks -Lichens Mosses -Grasses Herb Shrubs Tree Seedings -Aspen Black spruce Jack pine -White spruce Balsam fir Paper birch

Drag the boxes to complete the illustration explaining the distribution of energy sources used worldwide.

- Wind, etc. 1% - Nuclear 5% - Hydro 6% - Gas 24% - Coal 29% - Oil 35%

Rank the following types of energy in order from most used (1) to least used (4):

1 Oil 2 Coal 3 Wind, solar, hydro 4 Nuclear

Many urban areas experience severe air quality problems during an atmospheric temperature inversion, which causes pollutants to become concentrated near the ground rather than dispersing by rising up through the atmosphere. In the figure below, label the temperature conditions in the air during the daytime that would allow pollutants to rise and disperse, and the temperature conditions at night that would cause pollutants to become trapped.

Day -cooler -cool -warm Night -cooler -warm -cool

Supply and demand is a classical economics model that helps us to think about how demand for resources might change as its abundance changes. Drag the boxes that best complete the illustration.

Demand (red or pink arrow going down) Supply (blue or green arrow going up)

Dams provide many benefits to society, but they also create significant environmental problems. Classify each of the following characteristics of dams as either a positive benefit or environmental problem.

Positive Benefit: -Water supply -flood control -Hydroelectric power -recreational activities Environmental problem: -Discharges much colder water -limits sediments supply downstream -High evaporative water loss -reservoir fills with sediments

Match the social/ecological changes on the left with the appropriate effect on the prevalence of human disease on the right.

-High level of international travel = Increase in speed of spread of a disease outbreak -Overprescribing of antibiotics and overuse of pesticides =. Increase in resistance of vector and pathogens -Climate change and habitat destruction; upset of ecological balance =. Diseases introduced into new areas exhibit explosive growth

The majority of hazardous wastes are generated from only a few sources. Drag the different producers to the correct percentage of U.S. hazardous waste that they produce.

All other industries = 7% Metal processing and mining = 22% Chemical and petroleum industries = 71%

There are several scientific aspects of a depleted fishery. Place the individual research questions under their corresponding scientific discipline.

Problem: Depleted fishery -Population Biology = How many fish are needed for reproduction? -Ecology = How does the reef support fish? -Chemistry = What levels of oxygen, nutrients are best for reef health? -Political Science = How do we develop equitable fishing policies? -Anthropology, Religion = What is the cultural value of fishing in coral reefs? -Environmental Economics = What are the long-term costs and benefits of a marine preserve?

Match the Basic Principles of Science terms with their proper definition.

-Empiricism: We can learn about the world by careful observation of empirical (real, observable) phenomena; we can expect to understand fundamental processes and natural laws by observation -Uniformitarianism: Basic patterns and processes are uniform across time and space; the forces at work today are the same as those that shaped the world in the past, and they will continue to do so in the future. -Parsimony: When two plausible explanations are reasonable, the simpler (more parsimonious) one is preferable. This rules is also known as Ockham's razor, after the English philosopher who proposed it. -Proof is elusive: We rarely expect science to provide absolute proof that a theory is correct, because new evidence may always undermine our current understanding. -Repeatability: Tests and experiments should be repeatable; if the same results cannot be reproduced, then the conclusions are probably incorrect. -Uncertainty: Knowledge changes as new evidence appears, and explanations (theories) change with new evidence. Theories based on current evidence should be tested on additional evidence, with the understanding that new data may disprove the best theories. -Testable questions: To find out whether a theory is correct, it must be tested; we formulate testable statements (hypotheses) to test theories.

Fill the blank: global warming

Incomplete A common argument used against the scientific consensus that global warming is being driven by human activity is that the warming is caused by the Sun, not greenhouse gas emissions. The lower (red) plot shows that there has been no overall increase in solar output, whereas the average global surface temperature (blue) has been increasing??? These data strongly support the idea that global warming is being driven by greenhouse gas emissions. Options left: -decreasing -refute -significant increases -increasing

Match the following terms with their proper definitions, based on functions.

-A collection of rural households linked by culture, custom, family ties, and association with the land. = Village -A majority of the people are not directly dependent on natural resource-based occupations. = Urban area -Most residents depend on agriculture or other ways of harvesting natural resources for their livelihood. = Rural area -A differentiated community with a population and resource base large enough to allow residents to specialize in arts, crafts, services, or professions rather than natural resource-based occupations. = City

Rank the following human health risks from most to least threatening (#1 being the most and #5 being the least).

1 Smoking 2 Automobile accident 3 Fires 4 Dog bite 5 Falling space debris (8.4 Toxicity and risk assessmnet)

Place in correct order the twelve most pesticide contaminated foods.

1. Strawberries 2. Bell peppers 3. Spinach 4. Cherries (U.S.) 5. Peaches 6. Cantaloupe (Mexican) 7. Celery 8. Apples 9. Apricots 10. Green beans 11.Grapes (Chilean) 12. Cucumbers

Match the following major agencies of the Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government with their responsibility for resource management and environmental protection.

Pink answers are my best guess (run-out of time) WHITE HOUSE OFFICE -Overall policy and Agency coordination DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -Airplane noise, Mass transit, Oil pollution, and Roads COUNCIL ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -Environmental policy, Agency coordination, and Environmental impact statements DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY -Border and transportation security, Emergency preparedness, Information infrastructure protection, and Citizenship and immigration ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY -Air and water pollution, Noise, Pesticides, Solid waste, Radiation, and Toxic substances DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY -Energy policy and Petroleum allocation DEPARTMENT OF LABOR -Occupational health TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY -Electric power generation DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE -Environmental Litigation DEPARTMENT OF STATE -International environmental treaties DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR -Endangered species, Energy, Minerals, National parks, and Public lands

Small particulate material, less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, poses a greater health risk to humans than larger, coarse particles. Which of the following will reduce the amount of new pollution?

-Filtering air emissions to remove particulates.Filtering air emissions to remove particulates. -Conserve energy.Conserve energy. -Buy clothes that can be washed rather than dry-cleaned. -Don't use polluting two-cycle gasoline engines if cleaner four-cycle models are available for lawnmowers, boat motors, etc. -Use alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power.Use alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power.

Match the appropriate ecological consequence to the property of water that allows it to occur.

-High specific heat = aquatic habits do not vary much in temperature -Cohesion = water moves up trees due to capillary action -Solid form is less dense than liquid = insulates aquatic habitats -High heat of vaporization = evaporative cooling

Match the threat to biodiversity to the proposed solution that you can bring about.

-Invasive Species = Do not release fish or vegetation from fish tanks into the wild. -Overharvesting = Buy fish from stable populations such as farm-raised catfish and avoid slow growing top predators such as bluefin and albacore tuna. -Fragmentation = Buy shade-grown coffee, which is grown with other vegetation that provide habitats for different species of animals.

Match the following terms with their proper definitions.

-Modern, western economic theories of the effects of resource scarcity, monetary policy, and competition on supply and demand of goods and services in the marketplace. = Classical economics -A branch of economics that attempts to apply the principles of modern science to economic analysis in a mathematically rigorous, noncontextual, abstract, and predictive manner. = Neoclassical economics -A branch of economics concerned with modes of production, distribution of benefits, social institutions and class relationships. = Political economy -A relatively new field in economics that brings the insights of ecology to economic analysis. = Ecological economics

Immediately after an ecosystem has been exposed to the pesticide DDT all the organisms will have a similar amount of pesticide; however, over time the concentrations will change. Model the biomagnifications of DDT in an ecosystem by dragging the concentration of pesticide to the organism that you would likely find it in after a few months have elapsed.

-25 ppm -2 ppm -0.5 ppm -0.04 ppm

Match the terms below with their definitions.

-Conservation = A philosophy that primarily emphasizes protection of organisms and systems as they are used for human recreation, survival, and development. -Preservation = A philosophy that emphasizes the fundamental rights of all organisms to exist and pursue their own ends without human interference.

By using relative dating techniques, geologists have been able to place all of Earth's sedimentary rocks in their proper chronological order, which is called the Geologic Time Scale shown here - radiometric dating was later used to determine the actual age of the rocks. From the list provided, label the names of the 4 geologic Era's in the Geologic Time Scale.

-Cenozoic -Mesozoic -Paleozoic -Precambrian

Green cities are ones that are organized to best provide cultural resources while preserving environmental resources. Drag the green city benefit to the picture that best depicts the structure that leads to that benefit.

-Cools local microclimates and provide habitats (lake) -Increases mobility for old and young people (bus or train) -Reduces transit distances (row houses) -Support local growers reducing transportation costs (buying food)

Fill in the blank: open ocean communities can be characterized

As indicated in the figure, open ocean communities can be characterized by their water depth and proximity to shore. Communities that lie within the water column are referred to as pelagic and those on the on the bottom are called benthic.

Place the label on the proper section of the pie graph according to the how much money American's think the government should spend on environmental protections.

-Don't know 3% -Decrease 16% -Keep same 35% -Increase spending 46%

Connect the method of increasing water supplies to the cost that it best matches.

-Requires a great deal of energy = Desalination -Difficulties in changing lifestyles = Efficiency/conservation -Can create additional areas with dry conditions = Water diversion -Requires relocation of people and blocks movement of nutrients/animals = Damming

Fill the blank: average life expectancy in a country

As indicted in the graph, the average life expectancy in a country tends to increase as its citizens become more affluent. This results in a direct relationship between life expectancy and economic output as measured by GDP.

fill in the blank: acid precipitation

As shown in this 2000 map, acid precipitation (rain) was a serious problem over much of the eastern United States, where it resulted in extensive damage to forests and aquatic ecosystems along with concrete highways and bridges and limestone monuments. Acid rain was primarily caused by the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases from the burning of fossil fuels, but in recent years has been greatly reduced through reductions in power plant emissions.

Fill the blank: The "Arc of Destruction"

Brazil's Cerrado region is a fast-growing area of mechanized soybean production. The "Arc of Destruction" refers to the edge of the Amazon rainforest that is being cleared by displaced ranchers and farm workers from the Cerrado region.

Match the description that best characterizes the following terms and expressions:

Gross National Product (GNP) = Measure of progress that takes into account sum of all items and services bought and sold in an economy Genuine Progress Index (GPI) - Measure of progress that takes into account per capita income, quality of life and environmental damage and natural resource depletion. Internalizing cost- System where those that benefit from a resource also bear the costs. Externalizing cost- System where those that benefit from a resource are able to pass the costs on to others.

Which of the following statements does NOT support the consensus of the scientific community regarding testing the validity of theories?

I GOT IT WRONG, AND I DON'T HAVE THE CORRECT ANSWER BUT AT LEAST YOU KNOW WHICH ONE NOT TO CHOOSE. Multiple Choice : -It is possible (although not probable) that the theory of evolution could eventually be disproven. Incorrect -It is impossible to have a truly complete sample of a population in an experiment. -All explanations that arise from scientific experiments are tentative. -Once we have approximately 25 rigorous experiments that support the theory, and none that disprove it, we consider the theory proven. -It is possible that although 10 rigorous experiments support the theory, the next experiment could disprove the theory.

Fill in the blank: crude oil reserves

In terms of proven crude oil reserves, Venezuela holds has the world's largest reserves followed by Saudi Arabia and then Canada. Interestingly, the United States holds about 2% of the world's proven reserves

There are many different considerations to weigh when choosing a form of disposal. Drag the description to the disposal type that it best describes.

Incineration: -Contributes to acid rain -Releases dioxins -Can produce electricity Landfill: -Produces leachates -Sources of a biofuel -Expensive

Fill in the blank: concentration of greenhouse gases

Incomplete If the concentration of greenhouse gases continues to increase unchecked, sea level is expected to rise between 0.5 and 1.0 meters??? by 2100. If we make rapid and aggressive cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, sea level should rise between 0.3 and 0.6 meters. The reason sea rise will continue despite even our best efforts is because the greenhouse gases already released by natural sources???? will stay in the atmosphere for decades, causing global temperatures to keep rising. Options left: -Humans -0.3 and 1.0 meters -0.5 and 1.0 meters -natural sources

Fill in the blank: concentration of greenhouse gasses

Incomplete This graph shows the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere over the past 2000 years. The abrupt increase in concentration that occurred in the late 1800s coincides with the --- where large quantities of greenhouse gases were released mostly because of --- Options: -the burning of fossil fuels -agricultural revolution -end of the ice age -the planting of row crops -a large number of volcanic eruptions -industrial revolution

Below are five environmental problems for which humans have the capability to lessen the impact, or solve completely. Match each environmental problem with the indication that conditions are improving.

Indicators = Environmental problems -The average number of children born per woman has decreased over the last 25 years. = Limited food availability -A general decrease in disease and increase in life expectancy over the past century. = Limited access to clean water. -Increased interest in conservation of land and marine resources. = Biodiversity loss. -Research on renewable energy. = Diminishing supplies of fossil fuels. -Reduction in pollution and wasteful resource use over the past century. = Reduced air quality.

Your actions can impact environmental issues such as overharvesting and invasive species. Drag each of the following actions to the environmental issue it helps address.

Invasive species: -Use native plants in your garden/yard -Never release fish or vegetation from fish tanks into the wild or sewer/storm drain Overharvesting: -Buy farm-raised fish to eat -Avoid slow growing fish species such as swordfish or bluefin tuna. -Buy sustainably harvested wood products. -Don't buy exotic pets or plants

Place the following labels in the proper column when choosing between the use of a "paper bag" or a "plastic bag".

Plastic Bag: -Doesn't decompose in an air-tight, water-tight landfill. -Take up less space in a landfill -Recycles more easily and produces less pollution in the process. -Generally less energy-intensive to produce and market. -Causes less water pollution and air pollution during manufacturing process Paper Bag: -Takes up more space in a landfill -Recycles less easily and produces more pollution in the process. -Generally more energy-intensive to produce and market -Consumers water and causes more water and air pollution during manufacturing.

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