Surgical Technology - General Surgery

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An indirect hernia occurs at the_______ring and may extend to the______ring.


Inguinal hernias occur_____the abdominocrural crease; femoral hernias occur_____the abdominocrural crease


Nine regions of the abdomen



1) Refers to the outer portion of a cavity or organ. 2) Pertaining to the parietal bone of the cranium. 3) Pertaining to the parietal lobe of the cerebrum


A crater-like lesion that is usually circular in shape & penetrates the skin; may be very deep, resulting from infection


A secretion of the liver that breaks down fats, preparing them for digestion & absorption in the small intestine


A thin serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity


A white liquid that consists of products of digestion, chiefly emulsifies fats, that passes through the small intestine into the lymphatic system

A femoral hernia occurs as a defect in the

Abdominal wall


Abnormal collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity

Identify the three regions of the retroperitoneal space and the organs that are located in each

Anterior pararenal; Pancreas and parts of the duodenum and colon. Parirenal; Holds structures of the ruologic & vascular concern Posterior pararenal; Contains NO organs


Any organ of a body cavity

Identify where the bilateral abdominocrural creases are located

Between the thigh & abdomen


Bile, gall


Breaking down/Dissolving

Identify the five major segments of the stomach and the purpose of each section

Cardia; secretes mucous to ease passage of food. Fundus; produces hydrochloric acid. Corpus; produces acid & secretes pepsinogen & mucous. Antrum; non-acid producing secretes mucous & gastrin. Pylorus; food storage area before is passes in the duodenum.

What is the purpose of the mesentary?

Contain blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels that serve the adjoining organs.


Controlling/Stopping the flow of

What is the function of the Sphincter of Oddi?

Controls the flow of bile into the duodenum

Chronic condition with weight loss, abscess, or bleeding

Crohn's disease


Cut made with a sharp instrument


Cyst, urinary bladder, sac of fluid

Sac or pouch/enlargement of intestinal wall


Identify the duct(s) that transport enzymes from the pancreas to duodenum.

Duct of Santorini, Duct Wirsung

Difficulty swallowing due to motility disorder


The pancreas is classified as both an________and_________gland.

Exocrine; Endocrine

Bile secreted in the duodenum works to emulsify the food substance_____


The enzyme lipase begins digestion of the food substance_____


Perianal abscess


The small intestine is responsible for the digestion and absorption of_____

Food & nutrients

The three segments of the gallbladder manipulated during removal include:

Fundus, body, Hartman's Pouch

Which section contains the majority of the small intestines:

Hypogastric Region

Lower GI tract

Ileocecal valve; Cecum; Ascending Colon; Hepatic flexure; Transverse colon; Splenic flexure; Descending colon; Sigmoid colon; Rectum; Anus

Where are the islets of Langerhans located and what is their function?

In the pancreas for the production of insulin.



Telescoping of intestine within itself


What is the purpose of the mesoappendix?

It supplies blood to the appendix

Left ovary


Splenic Flexure


Most of the stomach




Tail of pancreas


What is the largest parenchymal organ in the normal abdominal cavity. Identify the blood supply of this organ.

Liver; Hepatic portal vein

Where can varicose veins occur?

Lower extremity, but can also be; lower esophagus, spermatic cord, and in anorectal region.

What is the major function of the thyroid gland?

Makes, stores and releases the hormones, T4 & T3.

Congenital outpouching located in the ileum

Meckel's diverticulum

Trace the alimentary pathway

Mouth; Uvula; Pharynx; Epiglottis; Esophagus; Cardiac sphincter; Fundus of stomach; Cardia of stomach; Body of stomach; Pylorus of stomach; Pyloric sphincter; Duodenum; Jejunum; Ileum; Ileocecal valve; Cecum; Ascending colon; Hepatic flexure; Transverse colon; Splenic flexure; Descending colon; Sigmoid colon; Rectum; Anus.

The four layers of the wall of the digestive tract are

Mucousa; Submucousa; Muscularis External; Serosa



Varicose veins

Normal veins that become elongated, dilated and tortous

Describe the parathyroid glands

Number from 2-6 and are small, flat, oval structures lying on the dorsal side of the thyroid gland.

The movement of food through the intestines by the muscles of the alimentary canal is called______


Identify the two layers of the peritoneum

Parietal & Visceral


Pathological, surgical, or traumatic formation of an opening between two normally separate organs

Occurs in the sacrococcygeal area with sinus formation

Pilonidal disease

Mucosal growth considered a precursor to dysplasia


List the functions that are performed by the cells of the liver.

Produce bile; Metabolize carbs, fats, & proteins; Store sugar as glycogen; Store fat soluble vitamins, A,D,E & K, plus iron & copper; Detoxify harmful substances via phagocytosis.

The enzyme pepsinogen secreted in the stomach begins digestion of the food substance_____


What is the primary function of the peritoneum

Provide a slippery surface of which the viscera can glide

The biliary tree outlined during an intraoperative cholangiogram my include:

R & L Hepatic ducts, Common hepatic duct, Cystic duct, Common bile duct.





Sigmoid Colon


Describe the typical location of the appendix.

RLQ; Attached to the cecum





Head of pancreas




Hiatal hernia causing mucosal trauma

Reflux disease

The folds of the stomach are called



Rythmic contractions of smooth muscle layers that force food through the GI tract urine through the ureters, and bile through the common bile ducts

List the significant tissues and landmarks of the groin area.

Skin & subcutaneous tissues, Scarpa's fascia, interparietal fascia, internal oblique muscle, transverse abdominus muscle, transversalis fascia, Cooper's ligament, rectus abdominus muscle and peritoneum.



The enzyme amylase secreted in the oral cavity begins digestion of the food substance_____



Surgical incision, to cut


Surgical removal


Surgically creating a new opening or mouth

What happens if all parathyroid glands are removed?



The breaking down of large fat globules into the intestines into smaller, uniformly distributed particles

What nerve requires careful dissection during thyroid surgery?

The laryngeal nerve


The thick, semifluid contents of the stomach formed during digestion

Severely increased basal metabolic rate (BMR)



Tissue death


To remove/Removal of


To take in or soak up

Surgical intervention for prolonged intubation



Tumor, growth, neoplasm

Parasympathetic innervation to the stomach is provided by the ______ nerve. This nerve and the main left and right gastric arteries run primarily along ________ of the stomach. The left gastroepiploic artery is located primarily along the _____ of the stomach.


Portal venous system

Venous system that carries blood to a second capillary bed prior to returning blood to the general circulation

Twisting of bowel


The large intestine is responsible for absorption of_____

Water & electrolytes

A direct hernia occurs withing

the Hesselbach's triangle;

Linea alba literally means_____ ____ and will be found in the ______ abdominal wall.

white line; rectus

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