technical writing differs from imaginative writing in its
"one-meaning-and-one-meaning-only" presentation
use ______ point serif font that mixes capital and lowercase letter
Most important quote in Technical writing
In technical writing, the needs of the reader dictate every decision the writer makes
knowledge level
add particular knowledge that your audience does not have. Leave out or quickly summarize knowledge your audience already has. Decide how much technical language to include. Use informal definitions or a glossary if necessary. Present complex information visually.
use ____ white space
adjust to, make concessions for
adjust tone and medium to personality. Provide facts, order, and evidence for the analytically minded; a personal touch for facilitators; and ideas and the overall picture for creative thinkers
design elements
aid reader's comprehension and keep them interested
appeal to known interests or try to create interest. Express agreement with and understanding of a point of view when possible. Provide evidence to help sway others to your point of view
target audience
audience message is written for, audience the writer is writing by using language this reader will understand
advantages of collaboration
brings together differ knowledge, brings together differ talents, allows differ perspectives and viewpoints, improves work relationships, is enjoyable, keeps one person from being responsible for entire project
disadvantages of collaboration
can be dreaded event, can lead to unequal workloads, can include conflict, can encourage groupthink, can take away personal motivation
What two things does the planning process include?
choosing a topic and shaping an idea
Examples of how to organize your outline topics
chronological order, spatial order, classifying, problem and solution, general to specific, simplest to most complex, background before new information, familiar to less familiar
technical communication
communication done in the workplace, involves a technical subject with specific purpose and audience, straightforward
audience for text messages, e-mails, memos, and letters all except the
communication to be brief, to target a specific reader or readers, to have a specific purpose, and follow standard format
double or multiple line graph
compare several trends and show how data is related
using positive work habits
complete your share of the work, come prepared to each meeting, be interested in project, be on time to meeting, do not take criticism personally
Communicate effectively and develop goodwill with
concise language, accuracy and completeness, professional appearance, conventional format, logical organization, standard english usage
expressive writing
convey personal observations or feelings
What re the final stages of the writing process?
copyediting and publishing
details of the document's arrangement
the audience's needs an wants should ________
dictate every decision a writer makes
organizing collaborative projects
different people write differ parts and use one editor, differ people submit data to a central person who compiles info, differ people write differ stages, groups divide research tasks and come together to write
writers use a ____ approach in good news messages
The second process of the writing process is
drafting and revising
early version of document that is subject to change, write 3-4
block letter style
easy to read, everything on the left margin
emotional overtones, businesslike, objective
verbal table
explain an idea using words set up in rows and columns
extent of treatment, activity, or influence that is what is and is not included
audience for letters
external audience
first stage of writing process, thinking of ideas, prepares to develop and research it
special features
font size and style, numbered/ bulleted lists, columns, colors, graphs and tables, clip art, sidebars
What are the strategies that can help you choose a topic?
freewriting, mapping, and journaling
technical research is written to _____
fulfill a need
technical writing is ___________
great connector/ written link
modified block letter style
hard to read, only paragraphs on left margin
letter parts
heading, dateline, inside address, salutation, body, complimetary closing, signature, reference initials
his/her responsibility before you begin writing
writers us a _______ strategy for persuasive messages
hook, convince, motivate
how information is conveyed
role (accommodations)
include knowledge the role requires. Write different sections for different roles. Be diplomatic with management, courteous yet straightforward with a peer, and respectful and direct with someone you supervise
writers use a ____ approach to buffer unpleasant news
tentative outline
informal, changeable plan for organizing topics and subtopics
information such as age, sex, income, and educational level of your group
audience for memos
internal audience
What makes up the rough draft?
introduction, body, and conclusion
use _____ justification with _____ edges
left, ragged-right
Analyzing knowledge level, roles, interests, cultural background, personality, and format are still important when communicating with a ______
multiple audience
open punctaution
no punctuation
possible medium choices are
paper media or electronic media
personal stories or people's statements that a concept, product, or service worked for them
positive statement
technical writing relies on data presented with _____
precision and accuracy
predictable, apparent
formal table
present numbers in easy to read rows and columns
informal table
present small amount of numerical data
organizational flowchart
present structure of an organization
technical writing differs from academic writing in its
presentation, approach to subject matter and audience
proofreading a document for correctness in spelling, grammar, and mechanics
closed punctuation
proper punctuation
What will help me focus on my ideas and figuring out subtopics?
questioning, reading, mapping, and outlining
planning text messages and e-mails
read and respond to e-mail promptly, represent yourseld and others well and fairly, communicate as clearly and rationally as possible
read your document and make changes to content. organization, and word choice
multiple audience
readers whose points of view differ
writing is _______, writing takes ______, writing is ______ for everyone
recursive, time, different
field research
research done in the field, especially through surveys and interviews
primary audience
responsible for first
secondary audience
responsible to after you met the needs of primary audience
sending your document to the person or people who need or requested it
in technical writing, often the need is to ______
share information or to have someone perform an action
specific audience
single person or a group whose point of view is the same
special belief, customs, and values specific to a particular group of people or particular region
specialized language of a particular discipline or technical field
Knowledge level, roles, interests, cultural background, and personality affect communication with a ______
specific audience
specific end or outcome to be obtained, to inform and persuade
writing process
stages of writing a document, includes planning, drafting and revising, and copyediting
what is the characteristics of technical writing?
subject, audience, organization, tone, style, and special features
targeted, carefully considered, must work hard to meet the reader's need
all careers rely on______ to get the job done
technical communication
what are the four types of brief correspondences that essential tools in the business world?
text messages, e-mails, memos, and letters
the main purpose of the document you're writing
the way an author uses words and sentences, gives audience an idea of the type of document they are reading, concise, direct
bar graph or pictograph
to contrast data and focus on differences
double or multiple bar graph
to contrast several sets of data and focus on differences
line graph
to follow a trend over time
to present a process
pie graph
to show how a whole is divided into parts that relate to the whole
decision flowchart
to tell how to make a decision
formatting memos
to, from, date, subject/not complete sentence
cultural background
understand how culture affects someone's beliefs and decisions. Learn about the cultural background of your audience and adhere to the cultural norms of that audience as much as possible
value of doing things that create mutual admiration and repect
visual representations of info
what you do after choosing a topic and gives it a direction
types of design elements
white space, text, headings, graphics, medium
determine a ______ heading
technical writing
writing done in the workplace, subject is technical, written carefully for a specific audience, organization is predictable, style is concise, tone is objective/ businesslike, special features are visual elements to enhance message
expository writing
writing to explain or inform
collaborative writing
writing with others in a group