Test 1

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An example of "Glocalization" might be:

Adapting a global brand to the needs of local consumers

The "internet of things" can be described as:

All the internet devices that have the capability of connecting to other .internet powered devices, sharing data and information with each other

Which of the following was the main reason given why the US decided to openly participate militarily in WWII?

The attacks by the Japanese against the U.S. at Pearl Harbor, HI

The benefits that ALL International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) offer their members include:

The creation of habits of cooperation between states

What is the byline at the top of the first slide on the "Overall Descriptions" tutorial?

"A dynamic, holistic tool that allows users to undertake insightful, clinical diagnoses of countries and international topics."

Evidence of Globalization can be found (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

- When the Atlanta Braves Jerseys are found outside the United States - in the spread of Covid 19 across the world - in the popularity of CNN in foreign countries - On US grocery store shelves, stocked with items from all over the world -with the diffusion of cultural values rejecting human rights abuses -With the spread of air pollution from China

Nationalism is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-A force that arises from different sources, such as shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, and history -One of the most important forms of human identity -A shared sense of identity that has a purpose of gaining or keeping control of a group's destiny

Nationalism and Religion (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Are generally considered the only two forces that can legitimate social violence( as opposed to personal violence) -Can be considered the two most powerful forms of identification in the world today

Sovereignty (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Can be seen in a negative form when a repressive state throws a person in jail for trumped up or fabricated reasons -Can be seen in a positive form when a state fairly and effectively enforces traffic laws -Is seen when a state deports immigrants who have illegally crossed borders fleeing violence or looking for a better life -Can be seen in a negative form when a repressive state throws a person in jail for trumped up or fabricated reasons

In addition to millions of other people, how many Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany and its collaborators (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-Close to two out of every three Jews in Europe were murdered -Close to 6 million Jews were murdered (out of the estimated 9 million in Europe)

Nationalism can be seen in (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Gandhi's drive for independence from Great Britain before and after WWII -The singing of the national anthem at baseball games -Nazi repression of Jews, Gypsies, and others during WWII -The push by the Kurdish people for self-determination -

What are sources of identity that can contribute to a sense of nationalism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-Geographic -proximity -Ethnicity -Language -Historical memory -religion -feelings of civic community

The French Revolution (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Greatly strengthened the idea of popular sovereignty -Was an important moment in setting the roots of modern nationalism -Was a catalyst for the spread of nationalism throughout Europe and, gradually, the rest of the world

Civic Nationalism

-Has examples such as the united states and canada -Is a more inclusive nationalism than ethnic nationalism -unites society through such factors as territory, citizenship, and legal rights

International Governmental Organizations or IGOs (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Include such organizations as the United Nations and the World Bank -Are formed by countries to achieve common goals that they cannot solve on their own

A state (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Is a political unit that has sovereignty over a geographic area -Has roots in the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 -Is synonymous with a country

cultural imperialism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Is where dominant groups (primarily in wealthier countries) press their culture on others -Has lead some countries, such as France, to adopt policies to regulate foreign influences -Is one reason cited for animosity of some Arabs toward the US

The Cold War was "cold" because (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-It never led to an outright war between the superpowers in Europe -It never led to a military confrontation involving the actual territory of the two superpowers

What was the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-It was the official start of the U.S.'s expansion of military involvement in Vietnam -It was a congressional authorization to give the president power to defend U.S. forces and to prevent further aggression in Vietnam

Which of the following are examples of where the Cold War rivalry between the superpowers became "hot" (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-Korea -Vietnam

Which of the following were consequences of the 2003 U.S. war in Iraq (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-News of U.S. military personnel abusing Iraqi detainees -Decade of conflict -Large number of civilians caught in crossfire -Increasing Sunni-Shia sectarian violence in Iraq with spill-over across borders -Overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime

The drawing of state borders on maps during the age of exploration and colonialism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-Paved the way for rulers to exert sovereignty over specific areas, as opposed to the fuzzy boundaries found under feudalism -Led to the enhancement of sovereignty and national identity in world affairs

Which of the following are characteristics of newer peacekeeping (sometimes referred to as peacemaking) activities (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-Providing humanitarian relief in war-torn regions -Demilitarizing combatants -Rebuilding postconflict government institutions -Monitoring elections in postconflict zones -Rebuilding postconflict government institutions

Which of the following concepts were part of the post-WWI blueprint for international cooperation (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-Readjustment of territories and the creation of new states -The creation of the League of Nations -The principle of national self-determination

What did the events in Greece and Turkey mean to the U.S.'s understanding of its post-WWII role in the world (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-That a crisis in two faraway countries threatened the security of the US -That the U.S. as the only capable world power needed to resist the inevitable expansion of the Soviet Union and communism -That if the two countries were not helped, the Soviet Union would threaten the rest of Europe

Human security requires recognizing (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-That there are multiple and interconnected causes of insecurity -The fact that some of the main causes of death today are not from wars -That in addition to a lack of war, security needs to ensure that basic human needs are met -The importance of nonmilitary threats to security, including human rights abuses, environmental degradation, health issues, migration flows, poverty and more

What was the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union by the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-The Germans and other Axis Powers had invaded the Soviet Union -German forces had advanced deep into Soviet territory

In India (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The analyst notes that : "health care workers... have been sent in to fight a nuclear war with a stick" -Crematoriums have been running out of space for the victims of this virus because of a surge in cases -Prime Minister Modi refused to stop holding large political rallies and allowed for a huge Hindu religious festival to take place

The interconnection between COVID-19 and globalization can be seen in (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The disruption of global food supplies -The spread of the virus from China into a global pandemic -The temporary reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Some criticisms of globalization include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The flow of information is often "one-directional," from developed countries to developing countries -Globalization has increased the forces of "disintegration", for example, as seen in increased religious extremism

Which of the following are examples of nationalism as a powerful force (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The sense of shared identity that sparked oppressed peoples to overthrow their colonizers from India to Africa -The anticolonial movements that helped lead to the increase in the number of states from 57 in 1900 to almost 200 today -The feelings of national pride and preeminence that spurred European colonization throughout the developing world -The strong sense of superiority felt in Nazi Germany, leading to the death of millions -The creation of the United Nations, in as much as it was meant to restrain the destructive tendencies of nationalism -The ongoing struggle of the Kurds for autonomy or even their own state

While all aspects of globalization are interconnected, examples of "economic globalization" (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-The wide variety of choices consumers have when they go to the store -The creation of jobs by multinational corporations(MNCs) in poorer countries with cheaper labor

What are proxy wars (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-These are wars within or between smaller states where the conflict parties are supported by (and thus serve the interests of) other powers -The wars in Korea and Vietnam are examples of proxy wars in the twentieth century

What was the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union when the German army invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-They had agreed to divide territories in Poland and Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence -They had signed a non-aggression pact and agreed not to attack each other

What were some of the demands made by the more than 8,000 demonstrators engaged in a silent protest parade down Fifth Avenue in 1917 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

-They protested President Wilson's refusal to call out racist violence against African Americans who were preparing to fight in WWI -They asked that the U.S. be made safe for democracy

Which of the following are true about Vietnam's response to the virus (select all that apply, there are one to four possible answers)?

-Vietnam was very aggressive because the government knew its health care system could quickly become overwhelmed -Some of the steps the Vietnamese government took would be seen as draconian in the West -Vietnam's shelter in place and social distancing restrictions were strictly enforced -The government instituted mass quarantines and social distancing measures

Globalization can (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

-allow for opportunities to learn about other cultures -lead to unwanted external influence in a country, such as with the Russian interference in the 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections -help undermine the power of authoritarian governments -help create jobs in poor countries

When did World War I start?


Match the events to the dates

1914: Beginning of WW1 1917:US enters WW1 1918:End of WW1 1937:Japanese invasion of China (being WW2 in Asia) 1939:Germany invades Poland (begin WW2 in Europe) 1941: Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor;US enters WW2 1945: End of WW2

When did the Holocaust take place?


Anti-State nationalism can be considered: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

A driving force of anti-colonialism -The type of nationalism that sparked uprisings against governments in the Middle East starting in 2010 (the "Arab Spring") -The ideology of people who want to overthrow what they see as an illegitimate government

What was "Operation Desert Storm"?

A large-scale air and ground operation to liberate Kuwait in 1991

In his best seller, The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman points out that:

Because of globalization, individuals and small companies have new found power to compete globally

Henry Nguyen, owner of the local McDonald's restaurants in Vietnam:

Believes cultural differences allowed the Vietnamese to be more accepting of stricter containment measures than Americans, citing a sense of commonality in terms of togetherness

On the Rank By Variable tile/tab (see the "Rank By Variable Tutorial"), aggregate variable histograms (i.e. histograms of variables that are a composite of multiple variables) are:

By RCII score distribution

How did President Truman convince a reluctant Congress to appropriate hundreds of millions of dollars to aid Europe?

By scaring the American people about the communist threat which in turn put pressure on Congress to act

How do users drill into country profiles (use the "Country Profile Tutorial")?

By using the arrows next to the four main dimensions: Governance, Economics, Operations, Society

What strategy was associated with the U.S. foreign policy during the entire period of the Cold War?


What was the main goal of the Truman Doctrine?

Containment of communism

The text identifies which type of actors as the most salient (or prominent) global players that we "continually" read about as they try to solve global issues?

Countries (states)

When did the United States enter World War II?

December 7th, 1941

Which of the following organizations is NOT an International Governmental Organization (IGO)?

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)

What is a common critique of Multinational Corporations (MNCs, sometimes called TNCs) as global actors?

Due to their economic strength and global networks, they exercise too much power

Match the type of globalization with its advantages and disadvantages

ECONOMIC: advantage: Can result in new jobs and investment capital, as well as more choices for consumers disadvantage:can lead to exploitative economic relationships and an increase in equality CULTURAL: advantage: offers exposure to different cultures. disadvantage: Cultural Imperialism POLITICAL: advantage: Can weaken the power of authoritarian governments Disadvantage: Can lead to an intrusion of unwanted influences on state sovereignty

Group the quality of nationalism under either civic or ethnic nationalism

ETHNIC NATIONALISM: -Society is united by a common language, religion,culture, and historical memory -Is a more exclusive form of nationalism, with membership limited by the unique elements of the group -has the kurds spread across Iraq, Turkey,Iran, and other countries, as an example CIVIC NATIONALISM: -Has the US as an example as witness by the country's diversity and founding ideals -A more inclusive nationalism,as anyone could become a member of the nation -Society is united by territory, citizenship, and legal rights, and codes transmitted to all members of

Which individual actor received significant international attention for her activism surrounding climate change?

Greta Thunberg

Nations are best defined as:

Groups connected by a unique mix of shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, history, and/or sense of civic community

Match the following terms with the concept of security

HUMAN SECURITY: -Importance of non-state actors -Multiple causes of insecurity -shared interests and cooperation between states -Basic human needs -Focus on interconnected security ("security through sustainable human development") TRADITIONAL SECURITY: -Importance of military "hard" power -Protect against external threat -Focus on a state's military preparedness ("security through armaments")

Beth Macy, the author of the book being discussed:

Has been to Indonesia and seen the positive impact of jobs moved overseas

PUSH Ministries is an NGO that:

Has people who have been laid off and can't pay their bills enter its doors everyday

Individuals serving as actors on the world stage include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Industry leaders, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg

Usage of the internet (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Is undertaken by a significant majority of the populations in Europe and North America Is rapidly increasing in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East Is over half in Asia as a percentage of worldwide internet use (because such a large percentage of the world's population lives in Asia)

According to the video, why did the furniture industry in southern Virginia and north Carolina decline?

Jobs shifted to Asia, with it's cheaper labor force

The superpowers used the conflicts in or between other countries (such as ______________ and _____________) as a way to increase their influence in the world.

Korea / Vietnam

Created after the First World War, the __________ was an attempt by states to create a broad IGO to help maintain peace and allow for the self-determination of peoples:

League of Nations

Which individual actor led Liberian women in non-violent protests against the violence in Liberia, winning the Nobel Peace Prize?

Leymah Gbowee

Types of charts available on the Charts tile/tab include (see the "Charts Tutorial"):

Longitudinal, Bar, Radar, and Advanced Bar

Using the "Rankings Tutorial," determine which is the best in the RCII:

Low Rank (#1 is best) and high score (1000 is best)

When did the U.S. invasion of Iraq start (Operation Iraqi Freedom)?

March 2003

What event is seen as the "beginning of the end of the Cold War"?

Mikhail Gorbachev's ascension to power in 1985

what is an advantage of cultural globalization?

More opportunities to learn about other cultures

Which of the following is NOT true about Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and their impact on international affairs?

NGOs are solely responsible for inter-state cooperation

What led to the official start of World War II in Europe?

Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland

Multinational Corporations (MNCs, sometimes called TNCs) are:

Non-state (non-governmental) actors, focused on profit

Order the following regions of the world from highest internet usage per capita to lowest

North America, Europe,Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, Oceania Australia, Asia, Africa

Pro-state nationalism can also be considered:

Official nationalism, linking the people with their legitimate government

Use the "Maps Tutorial" to determine what happens when you place your cursor over a country on a map.

Opens details on the rank, score, and raw data

There is some evidence that the Indian government has:

Pressured doctors to keep the death count low so as not to cause alarm

Nation-states (one nation within one state):

Rarely exist in the strictest sense of the term, if national identity is based on ethnicity

Who were the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States that ushered in the eventual end of the Cold War?

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev

Which event is seen as a key catalyst for a return to a more traditional focus on military security?

September 11th terrorist attacks, 2001

For much of the 20th century:

Southern Virginia and North Carolina were home to the world's biggest furniture makers and suppliers

All of the following are Non-Governmental Organizations (or NGOs) except:

The United Nations

Who were the two main adversaries in the Cold War?

The United States and Soviet Union

One of the main driving forces of globalization is:

Technology, such as communication and transportation technologies

For accuracy, the RCII pre-calculates showing countries with at least 85% of the data (128 countries in the 2021 RCII). To create new versions of the RCII without the pre-calculated missing data threshold (i.e., all 199 countries), users must click on (use the "Navigation" tutorial to answer this question):

The Advanced Options tab at the top left of the page

What led to the official start of World War II in Asia?

The Japanese invasion of China in 1937

State sovereignty started to become a cornerstone of international affairs after the signing of which treaty:

The Treaty of Westphalia

This short video looks at:

The decline of the furniture industry in southern Virginia and North Carolina

Which of the following is NOT true about the Vietnamese response to the crisis?

The government was able to draw on a health care system surprisingly more advanced and available than in developed countries

As noted in the course text, "globalization" can be defined as:

The intensification of economic, political, social, and cultural relations across borders

In an era of Globalization, the media may lead us to believe that global conflict increasing, but in reality there is evidence that:

The number of wars has been decreasing

State sovereignty is:

The right of states to self-government, with political leaders determining the rules, laws, and processes within their territories

A key aspect of "political globalization" is:

The weakened ability of states to control both what crosses their borders and what happens inside them

How long did it take for the Vietnamese government to get a pandemic task force in place?

Vietnam's pandemic task force was operational in a week, instead of a month for the U.S.


Was one of the first countries to start reopening

John Bassett (select all that apply there are one to four possible correct answers):

he tried to adapt to globalization by changing the production techniques at his furniture factories in Virginia


is a powerful tool which can liberate,oppress, or empower a people

Samuel Huntington's (1998) "Clash of Civilizations":

sees globalization as leading to " clashes: between the many different world "Civilizations", including Islam and the West

match the following key points to the time period.

• Decline of French and British empires- World War II • Beginning of the Holocaust- Inter-war years (period between the wars) • Pearl Harbor- World War II • Trench warfare- World War I • End of Austro-Hungarian Empire- World War I • Rise of Nazi Party in Germany- Inter-war years (period between the wars) • Use of mustard gas- World War I • Japanese invasion of China- World War II • Collapse of Ottoman empire- world War I

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