TestOut Network+ 5.6
Global Unicast Address
-Assigned to individual interfaces that are globally unique -All IPv6 addresses that aren't specifically reserved for other purposes -Global Routing Prefix assigned by ISP is 48 bits long (/48) (range = /32 - /56) -All subnet IDs within the same org. must begin with the same Global Routing Prefix --uniquely identified using a different value in subnet field -Define separate IPv6 subnets by: --Network segments separated by routers --VLANS --Point-to-Point WAN links
5.6.9: You are the IT administrator for a small corporate network. The company has obtained the registered globally unique IPv6 /48 network address 2620:14F0:45EA. You need to configure your server with this address so you can begin testing IPv6 in your internal network. This is your first network, so you will use a subnet address of 0001. Your network router is not configured for IPv6 yet, so you must manually configure the address for now. To simplify the configuration, use the server's IPv4 address to create the interface ID. In this lab, your task is to configure the external vEthernet network adapter with the following IPv6 address: -Prefix: 2620:14F0:45EA:0001 -Interface ID: 192:168:0:10 -Subnet prefix length: 64 *Use ipconfig to verify the information.
1. Right-click the Network icon in the notification area and select Open Network and Sharing Center. 2. On the left, select Change adapter settings. 3. Right-click the vEthernet (External) adapter and select Properties. 4. Select Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) - Select Properties. 5. Select Use the following IPv6 address. 6. In the IPv6 address field, enter 2620:14F0:45EA:0001:192:168:0:10 as the IPv6 address. 7. In the Subnet prefix length field, enter 64. 8. Click OK - Close. 9. Select Command Prompt (Admin) to verify the address configuration. 10. Enter ipconfig /all and view the IPv6 Address.
Features of an IPv6 Address
128-bit binary number 32 hexadecimal numbers org. into 8 quartets Each quartet rep. as hexadecimal number between 0 and FFFF Each quartet reps 13 bits of data (FFFF = 1111 1111 1111 1111) leading zeros can be omitted in each section (0284 = 284) Consecutive zeros (only 1 location) can be replaced by :: (FEC0:0:0:78CD:1283:F398:23AB = FEC0::78CD:1283:F398:23AB) (Address Compression)
Prefix (Global Routing Prefix)
1st 64 bits Ids geographic region, ISP, network, & subnet Ids # of bits (/64) Generally ids host location
Which of the following are characteristics of Teredo tunneling? (Select three.) A. Works through NAT. B. IPv4-only hosts communicate with IPv6-only hosts. C. Dual stack hosts. D. Dual-stack routers. E. Tunnel endpoints configured on hosts.
A, C, E
Allows IPv6 hosts/sites to communicate over the existing IPv4 infrastructure. A device encapsulates IPv6 packets within IPv4 packets for transmission across an IPv4 network, and then the IPv6 packets are de-encapsulated by another device at the other end
Unicast Addresses
Assigned to a single interface for the purpose of allowing 1 host to send and receive data
Built-in Quality of Service
Built-in support for bandwidth reservations makes guaranteed data transfer rates possible. (Add-on in IPv4)
Which of the following is a valid IPv6 address? A. FEC0:9087:AB04:9900:7GA2:7788:CEDF:349A B. FEC0:AB98::A7::9845:4567 C. FEC0::AB:9007 D. FEC0:AB04:899A E.
Stateless Autoconfiguration
Clients auto-generate interface ID and learn subnet prefix and default gateway through the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) -NDP uses messages for autoconfiguration: --Router Solicitation (RS): client sends to request router response --Router Advertisement (RA): router sends in response to RS messages and to inform clients of the IPv6 subnet prefix and default gateway address -NDP provides enough info to address the client and for clients to learn other client's addresses
Which of the following tunneling methods is used to send IPv4 traffic through an IPv6 network? A. Toredo tunneling B. 6to4 tunneling C. ISATAP D. 4to6 tunneling
Teredo Tunneling
Establishes tunnel between individual hosts so they can comm. through a private/public IPv4 network -Configured between individual hosts -Uses dual stack hosts and performs IPv6 tunneling to send on the IPv4 network -Works through NAT
Built-in Security Features
IPv6 has built-in support for security protocols such as IPsec. (add-on for IPv4)
Unique local address IPv6
Indicates an IP address is a private IP address
Link-local (IPv6 Unicast Address)
Indicates that the IP address was configured by default
Local Loopback
Local Host: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (::1 or ::1/128) Local Loopback address is not assigned to an interface. It can verify that the TCP/IP protocol stack is properly installed on the host
Tunneling Solutions
Manually Configured 6-to-4 4-to-6
Stateful Autoconfiguration
Obtains interface ID, subnet prefix, default gateway, & other configuration info from DHCPv6 server
Global unicast IPv6 address
Publicly routable and can be used on the internet
Interface ID
Rightmost bits of the IPv6 address used to uniquely id a network card (interface) in a host
Static Full Assignment
The entire 128-bit address and all other configuration information is statically assigned to the host.
Static Partial Assignment
The prefix is statically assigned and the interface ID is derived from the MAC address.
The version of DHCP used with IPv6. Operates in 2 modes, stateful and stateless. DHCPv6 uses port number 546 for client-to-server communications and port number 547 for server-to-client communications. -Stateful DHCPv6: DHCP server provides each client an IP address, default gateway, & other IP configuration info. DNS server tracks client status -Stateless DHCPv6: Supplies client with DNS server IP Address. Doesn't provide client an IP address/track status of client. Most useful when used with Stateless Autoconfiguration.
IPv6 Address Types
Unicast, Multicast, Anycast, LoopBack
Anycast Addressing
-Assigned to more than 1 interface typically belonging to different hosts -Packet is routed to the nearest interface having that address --Anycast address is same as Unicast address --Link-local|Unique Local|Global Unicast --Must explicitly id address as an Anycast Address to distinguish it from a Unicast Address -Can be used to locate the nearest specific type of server
loopback address
-Localhost = 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (::1 or ::1/128) -Not assigned to an interface -Can verify that the TCP/IP protocol stack is properly installed on a host
Unique Local Address
-Private addresses used for comms within a site/between a limited number of sites (do not cross public network) -Equivalent of private addressing in IPv4 -Cannot be used on a public network w/o address translation -Not globally routable -Each org defines its own prefix -Addresses beginning with a prefix of FC00 or FD00 --Following the prefix, the next 40 bits = Global Id (generated randomly) --Following the Global Id, the remaining 16 bits in the prefix = subnet info
Multicast Address
-Reps a dynamic group of hosts -Packets are sent to all interfaces identified by address --Only needed addresses will respond -Prefix: FF00::/8 (all multicast addresses) -Prefix: FF02::/16 (Restricted to Local Link - not forwarded by routers) --FF02::1 - All nodes on Local Link --FF02::2 - All routers on Local Link --FF02::1:2 - All DHCP servers/relay agents on Local Link -Prefix: FF01::/16 (Restricted to Single Node) --FFO1::1 - All interactions on node --FF01::2 - All routers on node-local
A unique address that is assigned to more than 1 interface, typically interfaces belonging to different hosts
Extended Unique Identifier 64 (EUI-64) Format
Each host has a unique 48-bit hardware address (MAC address) MAC address (burned-in address): assigned to each device by vendor EUI splits MAC address: -into 24-bit halves -inserts 16 bits (rep by hex FFFE) between halves -sets 7th bit (Universal/Local (U/L) Bit) in 1st byte (2nd hex value in Interface ID) to binary 1 --If U/L Bit = 0, MAC address is Burned-in --If U/L Bit - 1, Mac address has been configured locally
Dual Stacks
Enables a host to communicate with IPv4 and IPv6 hosts; the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks run concurrently on a host
Source Intelligent Routing
IPv6 nodes have the option to include addresses that determine part or all of the route a packet will take through the network.
IPv6 nodes simply need to discover their network IDs by communicating with a router (not in IPv4)
Multicast IPv6
Indicates that the packet is addressed to a number of hosts on the network, but not all hosts
Interface ID
Last 64 bits Unique address assigned (auto-generated) to interfaces (network connections) Must be unique within a subnet On Ethernet networks: can be auto derived from MAC address
Prefix ID (Network ID)
Leftmost bits of the IPv6 address, used for routing IPv6 packets
Link-local (Local Link) Address
Only valid on the current subnet Have FE80::/10 prefix All nodes must have at least 1 link-local address Used for auto address configuration, for neighbor discovery, or for subnets that don't have routers Do not use link-local IPv6 addressing on routed networks
IPv6 Address Management: IPAM
Plan, track, and manage IP addresses using integrated DHCP and DNS info. Manages: -IP addresses in use -Users -Free IP address space -Size of subnets, who uses them, and how may are in use -IP address status (permanent vs. temporary) -Default routers that the various network devices use -Host name associated with each IP address -Hardware associated with each IP address
Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)
Provides IPv6 comms over a private IPv4 network -Configured between individual hosts and an ISATAP router -Reqs special dual stack ISATAP router to perform tunneling and dual stack/IPv6-only clients -Does NOT work through NAT -Auto generates link-local addresses that includes the IPv4 address of each host --Prefix: FE80::/16 --Remaining Prefix values are set to 0 --First 2 quartets are set to 0000:5EFE --Remaining 2 quartets use the IPv4 address written in either dotted decimal/hexadecimal notation
IPv6 Configuration Methods
Static Full Assignment Static Partial Assignment Stateless Autoconfiguration Stateful Autoconfiguration DHCPv6
Match the IPv6 address configuration method with its definition: A. Clients automatically generate the interface ID and learn the subnet prefix and default gateway through the neighbor discovery protocol (NDP). B. Provides each client with an IP address, default gateway, and other IP configuration information. C. The prefix is statically assigned, and the interface ID is derived from the MAC address. D. The entire 128-bit address and all other configuration information is statically assigned to the host. E. Supplies the client with the DNS server IP address only. Does not provide the client with an IP address, and does not track the status of each client.
Static Full Assignment: D Static Partial Assignment: C Stateless Autoconfiguration: A Stateful DHCPv6: B Stateless DHCPv6: E
Manually Configured Tunnel
Tunnel endpoints are configured as point-to-point connections between devices -used only when have a small number of sites or when want to configure secure site-to-site associations -Configured between routers at diff. sites -Reqs dual stack routers as tunnel endpoints -Works through NAT -Uses static association of IPv6 address to IPv4 address of destination tunnel endpoint
6-to-4 Tunneling
Tunneling endpoints are configured auto between devices -Used to dynamically connect multiple sites through the IPv4 internet -Easier to administer than Manual -Configured between routers at diff sites -Reqs dual stack routers as tunnel endpoints -Works through NAT -Uses dynamic association of IPv6 site prefix to IPv4 address of destination tunnel endpoints -Auto generates an IPv6 address for site using the 2002::/16 prefix followed by the public IPv4 address of the tunnel endpoint router
3 Types of Unicast IPv6 Addresses:
Link-local, Unique Local, Global Unicast
4-to-6 Tunneling
-Similar to 6-to-4 tunneling -Tunnels IPv4 traffic through an IPv6 network by encapsulating IPv4 packets within IPv6 packets
Which of the following are valid IPv6 IP addresses? Select all that apply. A. B. C. D. 6384:1319:7700:7631:446A:5511:8940:2552 E. 141:0:0:0:15:0:0:1 F. 343F:1EEE:ACDD:2034:1FF3:5012
--D, E An IPv6 IP address is a 128-bit address listed as eight 16-bit hexadecimal sections. Leading zeros can be omitted in each section. Therefore, 6384:1319:7700:7631:446A:5511:8940:2552 and 141:0:0:0:15:0:0:1 are both valid IPv6 IP addresses. A single set of all-zero sections can be abbreviated with two colons (::). Therefore, 141::15:0:0:1 is also a valid address. and are IPv4 IP address. 343F:1EEE:ACDD:2034:1FF3:5012 is a 48 bit MAC address.
IPv6 Address Configuration Process
1. Host generates an IPv6 address using Link-Local Prefix (FE80::/10) & modifies the MAC address to get the interface ID (MAC Address: 20-0C-FB-BC-A0-07 = Link-Local Address: FE80::220C:FBFF:FEBC:A007) 2. Host sends a Neighbor Solicitation (NS) message addressed to its own Link-Local Address to see if chosen address is is use: -If address is in use, other network host responds with Neighbor Advertisement (NA) message. Process stops and must configure host manually. -If address is not is use (no NA message recv'd), process continues 3. Host waits for an RA message from router to learn the prefix: -If an RA message is not recv'd, host uses the Multicast Address FF02::2 to send an RS message addresses to all routers on the subnet. -Router sends an RA message addressed to All Interfaces on subnet using the Multicast Address FF02::1. -If no routers respond, host attempts to use stateful DHCPv6 to receive configuration info. 4. RA message contains info that ids how the IPv6 address & other info should be configured (Stateful Autoconfiguration/Stateless Autoconfiguration) 5. If manual address/Stateful Autoconfiguration is used, host sends an NS message to make sure the address is not already in use. If Stateless Autoconfiguration is used, the NS message is unnecessary because the interface ID was verified in Step 2.
You manage a network that uses IPv6 addressing. When clients connect devices to the network, they generate an interface ID and use NDP to learn the subnet prefix and default gateway. Which IPv6 address assignment method is being used? A. Stateless autoconfiguration B. Static partial assignment C. Static full assignment D. Stateful DHCPv6
You manage a network with two locations, Portland and Seattle. Both locations are connected to the internet. All computers in both locations are configured to use IPv6. You would like to implement an IPv6 solution to meet the following requirements: Hosts in each location should be able to use IPv6 to communicate with hosts in the other location through the IPv4 internet. You want to use a site-to-site tunneling method instead of a host-to-host tunneling method. Which IPv6 solution should you use? A. 6to4 B. ISATAP C. 4to6 D. Teredo
You have a server at work with a custom application installed. Connections to the server that uses the custom application must use IPv6. The server is currently running IPv4. You are the only person who connects to the server, and you always use your Linux laptop for the connection. Your laptop supports both IPv4 and IPv6. The rest of your company network runs only IPv4. You need a cost-effective solution to allow your laptop to connect to the server. Your solution must also support communication through NAT servers. Which client software should you use to connect to the server? A. Miredo B. 6to4 C. ISATAP D. 4to6
A On Linux, Miredo client software is used to implement Teredo tunneling. Teredo tunneling establishes a tunnel between individual hosts. Hosts must be dual-stack hosts so they can tunnel IPv6 packets inside IPv4 packets. Teredo works through NAT. ISATAP and 6to4 tunneling both require at least one router. Because you only need to tunnel between two individual computers, Teredo is a more economical choice. Use 4to6 to tunnel IPv4 packets through an IPv6 network.