The Art of Public Speaking - Ch. 2
Weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards are guidelines
Ethical decisions
Speech making is a two-way street
Ethical listening
-be courteous and attentive -avoid prejudging the speaker -maintain free and open expression of ideas
Ethical listening guidelines BAM
-be honest -avoid name-calling and abusive language -put principles into practice -be fully prepared -make ethically sound goals
Ethical speaking guidelines HAPPS
The branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs
Stealing from single source and passing it off as one's own
Global plagiarism
-as a public speaker, you will face ethical issues at every stage of the speech making process, from the initial decision to speak through the final presentation of the message -ethical dilemma of whether the ends justify the means -your ethical decisions will be guided by your values your conscience and your sense of right and wrong -sound ethical decisions involve laying a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards and guidelines
Importance of ethics
Failing to give credit for parts borrowed from other sources
Incremental plagiarism
Using language to defame demean and degrade individuals or groups
Name calling 3D
To restate or summarize an authors ideas in one's own words
Stealing ideas, language from two or three sources and passing it off as one's own
Patchwork plagiarism
Presenting language, ideas of another as one's own
Cite sources when using internet materials and take careful notes
Plagiarism & Internet
-Patchwork -incremental -Global
Types of plagiarism PIG