The Islamic World

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By becoming nomadic traders riding on the backs of camel; they form oasis to oasis to reach to reach the major cities to trade and sell their animals.

How did the Bedouins adapt to survive?

As the Muslims expanded their empire, they learned from the merchant with whom they traded. The Arabs adopted the best ideas, customs, and institutions they found.

How did the expansions contribute to advancements in field of science?

In about A.D. 800s Muslims learned a new number system using only 10 figures and it included a firgure zero meaning an empty place. This was called Arabics. They are still use today.

How did the influences of other countries affect the advancements in Mathematics?

When Muhammad died by A.D. 632- by many by using a combination of wise policies, tolerance and force and converted many to his religion and by the time of his death many Arab tribes were devout believers in Islam and it had spread across Arabia and the Middle East into North Africa

How did the spread of Islam progress after Muhammad?

They organized themselves into tribes and the leader of the tribe was called the Shiekh (title or sign of respect and knowledge and usually the elder of the tribe). They were nomadic tribes that herded sheep and camel and the went form one grazing area to the next. They kept themselves in small groups so they can manuever themselves much more quicly and efficeintly

How do the Bedouin tribes organize themselves?

Muslims swept eastward through parts of India and moved westward to conquer much of North Africa. Conquered islands in the Mediterranean Sea which gave them control of important trade routes and conquered Spain which brought Islam to Europe. And they attempted to conquer Constantinople but could not.

How was the progression of Islam after 100 years after Muhammad's death?

The Muslim empire included parts of Syria, Persia and North Africa.

How was the progression of Islam after 25 years after Muhammad's death?

Parents arranged marriage for their children but however the woman had the right to refuse the agreement. And the Groom was required to give his bride a marriage gift of property or money.

How were the marital affairs in the Islamic Empire?

Science,Medicine, Geography, Algebra, Art, Architectue and Literature.

In what fields did the Muslims have many advancements?

The question of who should be caliph. The murder of Umar's successor, Uthman he was killed because he suspected of favoring his won tribe. And the runner up for the spot of caliph was Ali but he was assasinated in AD. 661 because he believed that he was involved with the murder of Uthman by his relative Mu'awiyah who became caliph.

What events led to split of the Islamic Community?

Outside forces slowed Muslim expansion; Christians from the west captures in series of wars and the Mongols from the East had destroyed Baghdad.

What had caused the weakness of the Turks?

A desert

What is Arabian Peninsula mainly?

The Mosque in Cordoba built in A.D. 785 to AD. 988 and it still stands as a magnificent monument to Islam.

What is one Good example of the advancements in Architecture?

The central beliefs is only one God that each must obey obediently and worship him as an unequal and unique God.

What is the faith of Islam based on?

The Qur'an required of all Muslims to follow such as living humbly, being tolerant and generous and not eat pork or alcoholic drinks.

What is the holy book of Islam?

The Kaaba was a stone building filled with idols that some worshiped and people would go to Mecca to worship it. And after several years of war between Muhammad and merchant rulers, when Muhammad had surrendered and came back to Mecca in A.D. 622, the Kaaba was destroyed and Muhammad had made it a holy place for his followers and dedicated to Allah.

What is the significance of the Kaaba to Islam?

The Narrow strips of water

What is to the west of the Arabian Peninsula?

Difficult examinations in order to practice medicine

What kind of examinations that Muslim doctors must pass?

The Muslims established the world's first school of pharmacy and created the first encyclopedia of known drugs and thier medical effects.And there was a public hospital founded in Baghdad that had doctors that had learned to diagnose and treat deadly diseases small pox and other diseases.

What other contributions was made to science by Muslim doctors?

They made metal products from gold and silver, jewelry, perfumes, spices, pottery and glassware, fine leather belts from Artisans in North Africa.

What other products did the Muslims produce?

Through trade Arabs were influenced by many different types of cultures like for example they had traded with Jews, and Christianity and they were exposed to monotheistic religions and influenced the religion Islam which spread rapidly through the Arabian Peninsula.

What other than goods and money was procured from trade and how did that lead them to the Rise of Islam?

If a women had gotten divorced, she could keep her own money and was free to remarry. She could also inherit money and property.

What rights given to women because of the Qur'an?


What was one of the greatest forms of Islamic Art?

A trader named Muhammad was particularly interested in monotheistic religions and then he had a revelation about monotheistic religion when he was visited by the angel Jibreel or Gabriel. He had told Muhammad and revealed verses to recite and taught them. Islam spread like wild fire through out the Arabian Peninsula.

What was significance of Muhammad to Islam?

The Moors had conquered Spain and crossed the Mediterranean at the great rock that guards the strait between Africa and Europe. They conquered Spain and crossed the Pyrnees raid central France. And defeated by the Franks at the Battle of Tours and continued to rule parts of Spain for 700 years

What was the contributions of the Moors to the spread of Islam?

The Families

What was the core of the Muslim Daily life?

The Bedouin Tribes

What was the name of the dwellers?

Uhhh.... there isn't any; there are only trained in the Qur'an and Islamic Law to guide and worship.

What was the official clergy?

Caliph means "the successor of the prophet."

What was the position of caliph?

It was used as for a religious ceremonies as well as a place for the treasury have been kept at the site of the mosques and communities social, political and educational activities.

What were the Mosques used for other than religious purposes?

Silk, Cotton, Wool,and as well woven tapestries.

As trade grew increasingly what was items were on demand?

Umar was a strong leader with a well-run government and expansion continued by conquering their nieghbors and people began to share in the empire's wealth. Growing armies had conquered much of the Persian Empire and took control of Iraq. Every victory had encouraged conversion and acceptance of Islam.

Describe the reign of Umar and his contributions to Islam.

They forbid images of Allah they think it would be disrespectful instead they had used calligraphy the art of fine drawing. And they painted daily life.

Describe the religious art of Islam.

The towns and settlements grew up in the areas along the coast and the townspeople became traders. Goods from Asia and Africa entered the port of the Jidda in the Red Sea and form there they were transported inside the city of Mecca which was on a caravan route across the desert of Syria.

Describe trade in the areas along the coast.

Women were given a section in church to worship.

Were there any separations between men and women?

They made a more accurate way of measuring distances on earth and to make better maps. They adopted a Greek invention the astrolabe several centuries later and mariners through out Europe and the Muslim Empire were using astrolabe by the 1100s

What are some advancements in Geography?

Scientific advance in the use of herbs, foods and prepared drugs added to the Islamic World's vast store of knowledge. They also developed improved surgical instruments and processes.

What are the advancement in Medicine?

Abu Bakr helped the Arabic tribes together and began to expand Islam's influence northward.

What are the contributions that Abu Bakr made during?

Their belief in one God both unique and unequal. And they both had a set of standards to follow in order to follow the religion faithfully. They both had morality conduct like paying of Zakat and the paying of the Tieth. They both fasting on Lent and fasting Ramadan.

What are the similarities between Islam and Christianity?

The disagreement over who should be caliph like the churches in Rome they could not decide who could not decide who should be on charge of the church. In the Roman Catholic church they wanted the pope in charge and in Eastern Orthodox wanted the patriarch to be head of the church this started the split.

What caused the division of the Islamic Community and how is it similar to the split of the Roman Church?

They believed they would awarded in heaven

What did Muslims believe what would happen to martyrs?

They combined ideas of Greece, Rome and Asia,in their culture. From India, the Muslims got new ideas about astronomy and mathematics. From China, they learned about papermaking. They particularly learned from the writings of Greeks philosophers and scientists.

What did the Muslims adopt from other people?

The importance of the Jihad or "the struggle to defend the faith."

What did the faith of Islam emphasize?

"Submission to God"

What does Islam literally mean?

Yes, but in the areas along the coast.

Could the climate of the Arabian Peninsula support a big amount of people?

They entered many treaties without battle and they were very tolerant with other religions and did not demand them to convert to Islam. And they accepted the teaching of Jews and Christians as teachings of God. And gave them a choice to convert to Islam or pay extra taxes.

Describe Arabian Foreign Policy and it significance to the Spread of Islam.

They organized them into provinces and arguments over should hold the position of caliph broke up the empire into 3 areas or caliphates ruled by caliphs in Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba.

Describe government in the Islamic Empire.

The Qur'an had given detailed instructions about having an organized society and the way people should live. They were expected to live out the laws of Islam publicly and privately.

Describe how the Qur'an affected the religious and daily life of Muslims.

Slavery was common although the Qur'an had urged them to free their slaves. Thus no free Muslim could be enslaved and the children of a female slave and master were free.

Describe slavery in the Islamic Empire.

Islam spread like wild fire through out the Arabian Peninsula. He had conflicts and battles with merchant ruler, Yathrib because they were intimidated by the spread of Islam so Muhammad and his followers went to Medina for peaceful worship but as so Muhammad gained followers from desert tribes. Tensions grew and after several years of war, Mecca submitted and Muhammad went back to Mecca.

Describe the conflicts between merchant rulers and Muhammad and his followers.

The government supported schools and libraries. Students attended religious study groups at the mosque. Advanced student could attend schools established for the study of science, mathematics or law.

Describe the kind of education in the Islamic Empire.

Trade was vital to the Muslim Culture. The Muslim Empire had became a center of trade networks that linked Europe, Asia and Africa. India and China sent Goods to ports in Syria and Egypt. Trade made the Islamic Empire Wealthy.

Explain the significance of trade to the Muslims

They converted to Islam because of contact with Arab and Persian Muslims. And they supported the Islamic Law but their growing power caused political authority to fall away from the caliph. And they were ruled by the sultan and settled around the great city of Baghdad. They became the dominant ruling force in the Islamic Worlds and seized Syria, Mesopotamia and much of the Asia Minor. They raided Northern India on Horeback.

What were the Turks contribution to Islam?


What were the followers of Islam?

The Qur'an restricted men from having more than 4 wives and he had to treat them equally.

What were the restrictions on polygamy?

The men were responsible for family needs, the women had the right to just treatment and they could control property but the Qur'an forbid the wife for contributed to the needs of the family.

What were the roles in a Muslim family?

The Sunni believed that Mu'awiyah should be caliph and that Muslims agreement on who religious and worldly matters. While the Shi'ah believed the descendants of Ali should be caliph and decide over worldly and religious matters.

What were the two groups of the Islamic Community?

After Muhammad's private courtyard Medina where he led the community in prayer.

When were the first mosques modeled to?

In mosques, they had no furnishing they only had mats and rugs in which to kneel and they were never images of Allah because they believe it is disrespectful

Where did Muslims worship?


Where did the Muslims adopt the idea of decimals?

The Arabian Peninsula is bordered on the south by Arabian Sea on the east by the Persian Gulf.

Where does the Arabian Peninsula border?

Asia, North Africa and Eastern Europe

Where is Islam common?

They studied the work of famous Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen. And they added to what the Greeks had done.

Who did they study for medicine?

His oldest friend and one of the first converts to Islam Abu Bakr in A.D. 632

Who had succeeded Muhammad?

Al-Khawarimi used them in an Arab arithmetic book and he wrote what he called al-jabr or restoring which became algebra in English.

Who is Al-Khawarimi and his contribution to Mathematics?

Scholars in the A.D. 1000s

Who visited the Muslims Schools in Spain to study Muslim arithmetic and algebra?

His work did much to raise the standards of the time and his illustrated book of surgical techniques and the first of its kind was circulated through out Europe.

Who was Abu al-Qasim and what was his contribution to Muslim Medicine?

He was a chief physician at the hospital in Baghdad in the early 900s. Al-Razi was best known for a paper he wrote about small pox and measles.

Who was al-Razi and what was his contribution to Science?

The family and the mosque.

Who was responsible for education?

The Turkish speaking people of central Asia and began to move west and the south. They were a tough and nomadic people that lived as much as fighting and raiding as by herds of people. And they were war-like people.

Who were the Turks?

It was easier to follow one God then several Gods and they had a simple code of standards like the Five Pillars and the Quaran. It also allowed more rights to women and supported education.

Why were so many people convert to Islam?

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