The Reconquista

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One of the greatest tragedies in the history of humanity in terms of scale and duration

What was the problem with the cities producing their own supplies?

The Spaniards feared they were becoming too independent, so they passed laws on the colonies forbidding them from making certain products.

Who initiated the colonial expansion under the Spanish empire?

The Spanish Conquistadors

What was the name of the official police and judicial force connected to the Catholic Church?

The Spanish Inquisition

Who destroyed the Aztec and Inca cultures?

The Spanish conquistadors

What were the Moluccas known as?

The Spice Islands- because they were so rich in spices

What did the Portuguese seize control of, to get control of the Moluccas?

The Strait of Malacca


The aide by the Portuguese king to the slave merchants was the start of private slave trade companies

What resulted in the genocide of the Ameridians?

The course of New World explorations by the Spanish, as they were filled with violence and disease

What were some main products that the settlers in the New World were forbidden to make? Why was this important

The creation of canvas for sails, hemp for rope and tar for sealing ships. Important because this was an age where you had to sail to get anywhere

Line of Demarcation

The imaginary line through the Atlantic Ocean

The Spanish government and religious officials proclaimed what?

The need for a pure and unified Spanish-Christian race

What was the result of the Spanish viewpoint that they were to convert the Native Americans?

The result was a race for control of people more than land, and abuses became the norm

How did the Spanish justify the mistreatment of the Native Americans?

They believed that it was their God-given duty to convert the Native Americans and the European notion of eternal salvation was a reward great enough to justify the mistreatment

What was the role of the Monarchy of Spain in the colonial expansion?

They developed the colonial expansion through administrators and missionaries

What did the Spanish have to promise in order to get title to land and ownership of the villages on the land?

They had to promise to convert the Native Americans to Christianity and then were able to use the land and labor as they saw fit

What was the Portuguese slave merchants' relationship with the government?

They received a special monopoly from the king to trade in slaves, and then gave a percentage of their earnings to the government.

What did the Native Americans have to pay to the Spaniards for rent?

They were given quotas of gold to pay as rent

How did the Spanish get the supplies they needed in the New World, at first?

They were shipped from Spain

Where did Portugal build a bustling trade empire?

Throughout the Indian Ocean

Why were the African colonies dependent on guns?

To defend themselves from other trade groups

What was the purpose of the Spanish Inquisition?

To detect heretics

Why did Europeans want to go to Asia?

To establish their own trade empires in the East.

Firearms to maintain control of their territory, that had been acquired through warfare and slave raids

What did the Benin society need and why?

New route to Asia

What was Christopher Columbus trying to find?

Fur industry and a respectful relationship with the Ameridians

What was developed in New France?

Exploitation if land and Native American labor

What was the economy based on during the Spanish colonial period?

Sugar PLantations

Where the slaves worked for the Portuguese

The Dutch

Who did the Ashanti trade with?

Portuguese and the British slave companies

Who did the Kingdom of Benin trade with?

Companies from Portugal

Who were the the first to send slaves to the Americas?

what agreement did the sultan of Granada negotiate?

a peace that would allow Moors to leave Spain unharmed

What regions and continents did the slave trade involve?

Africa, America, Europe, sometimes the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean

What was suggested in an effort to keep peace between Spain and Portugal?

An imaginary dividing line be drawn through the Atlantic Ocean, giving all lands to the west of the line to Spain, all lands to the East to Portugal

Where had Columbus really reached?

An island in the Caribbean Sea

What kingdoms were included in the Iberian Peninsula?

Aragon, Portugal, Castile

Columbus thought he had sailed to where?


Why did the government turn to the Spanish Inquisition to help restore the economy?

Because many of the conversos were very wealthy and this was an embarrassment to the native Spanish

Why were the Spanish monarchs envious of Portugal?

Because of Portugal's direct trade sea route to Asia

El Mina

Biggest coastal slave prison built by the Portuguese

The people who ruled Andalus were what race?

Black North Africans

Who received more than 40% of all the slaves reaching the Americas?


Black Legend

Brutal practices of the conquistators

How was Portugal's complaint resolved?

By moving the line further west to include parts of modern-day brazil for the portuguese

How did the Portuguese take control of the spice trade from Muslim merchants?

By sinking all trade ships, other than their own

How did the Spanish Inquisition restore the economy in Spain?

By taking the wealth of hundreds of thousands of Jews and former Jews as a form of revenge and to take their money

Who were completely wiped out by disease?

Caribs and Arawaks of the Caribbean

Bartolome de las Casas

Catholic friar who fought for the rights of the Amerindians

Who replaced the Portuguese as a dominant supplier of slaves?

Dutch West Indies Company

Emperor Atahualpa

Emperor of the Inca Empire, captured at the Battle of Cajamarca

Who brought infectious diseases to the New World?


True or False - Andalus did not have any universities, hospitals, libraries or schools for the people


Which Spanish explorer arrived in the Philippines?

Ferdinand Magellan

Why were the Spanish Christians outraged by the Jews?

For their having been protected by the Muslim Moors of Andalus

Defender of the Indians

Friar Bartolome de Las Casas

Ashanti Kingdom

Gained firearms and began trading with the Dutch -one of the important African states developed at that time

Da Gama's voyage of 27,000 miles

Gave Portugal a direct sea route to India

What city did the Portuguese capture, that became the capital of their trading empire?


What was a huge draw for the conquistadors and later SPanish Settlers?


The reconquest was complete in which city?


How did Las Casas help the Indians?

He engaged in a series of debates before the Pope, stating that the Indians were rational human beings capable of converting to Christianity. This resulted in the pope signing an order that they could no longer be slaughtered for sport or profit

What did Da Gama say to get the mayor to let him into the port?

He said that he would sink all of the ships in the harbor if they did not trade with him

What did Las Casas believe about why God delivered the New World to Spain?

He thought it was a test to see if the loyal Catholic nation of Spain could be merciful and just

Why did the mayor of Calicut not want to let Da Gama into their port?

He thought they were pirates

What happened to the Encomienda System?

It turned into something close to outright slavery. Native Am were paid extremely low wages, if at all to perform hard labor on plantations and mines


Jungle town created in Brazil as a community for runaway slaves

Infectious diseases

Killed many Ameridians ahead of the European invasions

Hernan Cortes

Led the Spanish Conquistadors in the attack against the Aztecs

Francisco Pizarro

Led the invasion at the Battle of Cajamarca

Viceroyalty of Peru

Located in Lima, Peru and controls South America

Were taxes low or high in Andalus?


Slave Trade

Made European colonies wealthy

How did a critical mass of Spaniards change the provision of supplies?

Major population centers like Mexico City, Lima, and Vera Cruz began producing some of these items themselves

What town did the Portuguese capture in Indonesia?

Malacca, on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula

How were the slaves captured?

Merchants and traders made contact with the coastal kingdoms to capture slaves from the interior

Viceroyalty of New Spain

Mexico City was its capital which controlled Mexico, Central America and Caribbean

How much silver did Potosi yield?

More silver than had existed in all of Europe up to that time

Weapons and gundpowder

Most important commodities in slave trade

What religion ruled Andalus?


Who was forced to convert to Christianity in Spain?

Muslims and Jews


Muslims and Jews who converted to Catholicism

Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, England, France

companies from what countries participated in the trade?

Hernan Cortes

conquistador who destroyed the Aztec Empire

Francisco Pizarro

conquistador who destroyed the Inca Empire

New World - Columbian Exchange

corn, potatoes, chili peppers, chocolate, turkey, silver, sweet potatoes, tobacco, quinine

Small Pox

deadliest disease

Sugar cane

dominant crop for encomiendas and later African slave plantations

Minas Gerais

gold mine discovered in Brazil

What was Las Casas horrible mistake?

he signed a document arguing for bringing African slaves to the New World as an alternative to the enslavement of the Indians. His signature held the greatest weight in bringing the African slave trade to the new world

Columbian Exchange - Old World

horse, cows, sheep, rice, wheat, coffee, bananas, African slaves, diseases, sugar, cotton, religion, guns/gun powder

What wa forbidden in Spain during this time of religious fantaticism

intermarriage between Christians and conversos or Jews

What happened to the encomienda system?

it wa officially abolished in 1717


people of Spanish descent who were born in the New World (inferior to Peninsulares)


people of mixed race (european, Spanish, Indian)


plantation run by former conquistadors that enslaved the Amerindians

limpieza de sangre

purity of blood

Viceroyalty of New Spain

responsible for the control of Central America, Mexico, and North America - located in Mexico City

Vasco da Gama

sailed around the coast of Africa and into the Indian Ocean and into Calicut India

Potosi, Peru and Zacatecas, Mexico

silver mines

Bartolome de Las Casas

spanish Friar who became famous for his defense of the native people in the Americas

The long Reconquista caused the Spanish people to be what?

strongly devoted Christians and militaristic-minded

What products did the slave ships bring to Europe from America?

sugar, cotton, coffee, tobacco and rice

Encomienda system

system set up to protect native people as well as teach them the Spanish language and Catholic religion

What started the era of exploration and colonization?

the Treaty of Tordesillias

Spanish conquest of Maya civilization

the campaign that lasted much longer than the campaign against the Aztecs

What was the political justification for the Spanish Inquisition?

the existence of a threat to the monarchy

Transatlantic Slave Trade

triangular trade


What did Christopher Columbus actually find?

Describe the 3 steps of slave trade

1. Slave ships left Western Europe with goods to exchange for slaves. In Africa, captains traded their merchandise for slaves. 2. Cross the Atlantic 3. Connected America to Europe

What did Henry found?

A navigation school on the southwestern coast of Portugal

After the Reconquista, what period started?

A period of religious fantaticism

What was tremendously important in the Castile society?

A person's reputation and honor

What did Portugal think Columbus had done?

Claimed lands for Spain that were really lands that Portuguese sailors would have reached first

Viceroyalty of Peru

Controlled South America


Controlled by the kingdom of Portugal and receives most of the Africa slaves

Christopher Columbus

Convinced the Spanish to finance his plan to find a route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean

Middle Passage

Crossing of the Atlantic, where Africans were transported to America

What did Christopher Columbus' voyage do?

It opened up the way for European colonization of the Americas

Why was continued high volume of slaves necessary?

High slave mortality and low fertility on the sugar plantations

Coastal Prisons

How did the Portuguese control the slaves?

Eighteen months

How long did the entire circuit in the slave trade last?

5 million

How many Africans died during the initial capture and passage to the coastline where the slaves were loaded onto ships?

Treaty of Tordesillas

Imaginary line created to divide the world of trade between Spain and Portugal. Portugal received Brazil

Disease was slower to spread where?

In the scattered populations of North America

What was the immediate impact of Columbus' voyage?

Increased tension between Spain And Portugal

What killed millions of Ameridians?

Infectious diseases brought over from Europe

Spanish conquistadors

Invaded areas of Central and South America, looking for riches

Cape Verde

Islands off the coast of West Africa, colonized by the Portuguese

Indian and African Slaves

Part of new world caste system


Part of new world caste system, government officials born in Spain sent to rule in the Americas


People of mixed race (European, Spanish and African)

Who stepped in to keep peace between Spain and Portugal?

Pope Alexander VI

What country took the lead on overseas exploration?



Primary mineral mined in the New World

Who was the nation's most enthusiastic supporter of exploration?

Prince Henry

What was the period of time called where the northern kingdoms were taking control of Spain?


Transatlantic Slave Trade

Regarded as the first system of international trade or "period of globalization"


Remote mountaintop in Bolivia that yielded silver


Runaway slaves formed lasting communities here, blending W African, native Amerindian and European elements

Jacques Cartier

Sailed to present day Canada for the French government, and established New France

Who were hit the hardest by the diseases brought over from Europe?

Small populations with little built up immune systems - island based groups were annihilated

Pepper and Cinnamon

Some of the spices the Portugese sailors brought back to Portugal

Andalus is in what part of Iberia?


The Moors controlled which part of Spain?

Southern most part


T or F - Encomeienda system was a brutal form of slavery


T or F - Most Africans were farmers and unprepared to defend themselves


T or F - Resistance to slavery was a common occurance

What did Portugal complain about the line?

That it gave too much land to Spain

What did Bartolome de Las Casas believe about the treatment of the native Americans?

That not only was it a crime, but a mortal sin

What did the conquistadors believe?

That they held considerable military and technological superiority over the native cultures

Who shipped the most slaves to the New World?

The Dutch

Who did Northern Spain push out of Southern Spain?

The Moors

Motivation for colonial expansion

Trade and Spread of Christian faith

Biggest movement of humans in history

Transatlantic Slave Trade

What connected the economies of 3 continents?

Transatlantic Slave Trade

What was a determining factor in the creation of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century?

Transatlantic Slave Trade

Columbian Exchange

Transfer of diseases between the Old World and the New World

Treaty of Tordesillias

Treaty signed between Spain and Portugal where they agreed to honor the line

True or False - in Andalus, Christians and Jews had significant religious freedom?


True or False: items that the Portuguese purchased in Asia were about 1/5 of the cost they paid in Italy or through the Arabs?



True or False - most slaves did not live in family units


True or False: The English begain supplying their plantation colonies with slaves through their own British West Indies Company


True or false - many aspects of African culture survived

Viceroyalty of New Spain and Viceroyalty of Peru

Two massive kingdoms created by the Spanish in the Americas to control the native populations

What did Spain do with the proceeds from the silver?

Used it to wage nearly endless wars in Europe

How many people were sold as slaves?

approximately 12.5 million

Reasons the Americas suffered from the Columbian Exchange

because of the diseases which Amerindians had no immunities to

Reasons for European benefits from the Columbian Exchange

because of the foods which led to an increase in population

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