The Reformation & Religious Wars

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French Calvinists.


Becoming a monk after seeing a "vision" from God, he nailed a list of reforms on a door of a Catholic church in Wittenberg.

Martin Luther

The clerical practice of holding more than one church benefice (or office) at the same time and enjoying the income from each.


A leader who puts the interest of the state before his/her own.


Issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements.

Pope Leo X

He directed a council of Cardinals to investigate indulgence selling, approved the Jesuit Order, and used the Inquisition to seek out heresy in papal territory.

Pope Paul III

The name originally given to Lutherans, which came to mean all non-Catholic Western Christian groups.


The fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 1588 against England as a religious crusade against Protestantism. Weather and the English fleet defeated.

Spanish Armada

Third phase of the 30 Years' War


List three things the Council of Trent accomplished.

Transubstantiation, seven sacraments, the efficacy of good works and salvation, index of Forbidden Books, Sale of Church offices was curtailed, better trained clergy, emphasized Religious Mysticism and Saints' stories in Theology

The alliance of seven northern provinces (led by Holland) that declared its independence from Spain and formed the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

Union of Utrecht

Creator of The Calling of St. Matthew.


Youngest child of Isabella and Ferdinand, she gave Henry VIII a daughter, Mary I, but was forced into a divorce for failing to provide a male heir.

Catherine of Aragon

The Catholic Church's effort to reform itself.

Catholic Reformation

Became king of France when he was only 13. He was convinced to favor a Huguenot plan for intervention against the Spanish in the Netherlands.

Charles IX

Devout Catholic who opposed Luther's teachings and summoned him to stand trial in the Holy Roman Empire.

Charles V

List three causes of the Protestant Reformation.

Conciliarism, church corruption, distrust of clergy, Avignon papacy, greed of clergy, indulgences

Second phase of the 30 Years' War.


Event that sparked the 30 Years' War.

Defenestration of Prague

A document issued by Henry IV of France in 1598, granting liberty of conscience and of public worship to Calvinists, which helped restore peace in France.

Edict of Nantes

This document ordered that all of Luther's books be burned and declared Luther an outlaw and heretic.

Edict of Worms

A Catholic who inherited Bohemia thus sparking the 30 Years' War.

Ferdinand II

List three effects of the French Civil War.

France was left religiously divided, royal power was weakened, Bourbon family replaced the Valois family.

King of France who became a tool of the Guise family. He died after many unsuccessful attempts on his life.

Francis II

This person was named king on behalf of the Bohemian people. He quickly lost the battle against the future HRE during the 30 Years' War.

Frederick II

Disobeyed Luther and helped Luther by providing shelter.

Frederick of Saxony

Fourth phase of the 30 Years' War.


Leader of France who converted to Catholicism after declaring that, "Paris is worth a Mass."

Henry of Navarre, Henry IV

8. The official Roman Catholic agency founded in 1542 to combat international doctrinal heresy.

Holy Office

A document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins.


9. Members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola, whose goal was the spread of the Roman Catholic faith.


Appointed to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, he led the way in selling indulgences for the Pope.

Johan Tetzel

Believing that the ideal government was a theocracy, he attempted to create a utopia in Geneva. He also wrote a book where he argued that God has already preselected who will be "saved."

John Calvin

Scottish preacher who established church communities led by elders known as presbyters.

John Knox

The idea that people could win salvation only by faith in God's gift of forgiveness.

Justification by Faith Alone

List three ideas found in Martin Luther's 95 Theses

Justification by Faith Alone, all church teachings should be clearly based on the words of the Bible, both the pope and church traditions were false authorities, all people with faith are equal therefore people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them

Document that declared that each Prince in the HRE would decide the religion of his own state.

Peace of Augsburg

The peace solution to the 30 Years' War.

Peace of Westphalia

Creator of Daniel in the Lions Den

Peter Paul Rubens

Revolt over the closing of monasteries and Henry VIII's takeover the Catholic Church.

Pilgrimage of Grace

The teaching that God has determined the salvation or damnation of individuals based on his will and purpose, not on their merit or works.


Creator of the The Night Watch.


Conflict that insured after Catherine de Medici exploited rivalries between the Bourbon and Guise family in order to assassinate Gaspard de Coligny and gain stronger control over her son, Charles IX.

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Calvin's formulation of Christian doctrine, which became a systematic theology for Protestantism.

The Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Legislation that prevented financial payments to the Pope.

Act of Annates

Legislation that forbade appeals to Rome, which stopped Katherine from appealing her divorce.

Act of Restraint of Appeals

Legislation that declared Henry VIII, not the Pope, as the head of the English church.

Act of Supremacy

Swedish general who claimed that "all the wars of Europe were now blended into one."


Baptized only those people who were old enough to decide to be Christian. They also taught that church and state should be separate, refused to fight in wars, and were disliked by both Catholics and Protestants.


Henry VIII's second wife who was accused of committing incest and adultery and, thus, executed despite providing the King with a daughter (Elizabeth I).

Anne Boleyn

Opposition to the clergy.


Creator of Judith and Holofernes

Artemisia Gentileschi

List the three ideas propagated by Jan Huss and John Wycliffe in the 15th century.

BAD: Bible had more authority than church leaders, advocated church reform, denied the pope had the right to worldly power

School of art that utilizes chiaroscuro and sfumato to expresses raw emotions and stories. It literally translates to "odd shaped pearl."


First phase of the 30 Years' War.


Huguenot family who controlled the southern part of France during the 16th century.


Catholic family who controlled the northern part of France during the 16th century.


Last powerful Valois family king.

Henry II

Catherine de Medici's favorite son who led military campaigns against the Huguenots and eventually became ruler of Poland.

Henry III

Son of Henry VII of Tudor and Elizabeth of York who broke away from the Catholic Church despite being nicknamed the "Defender of Faith."

Henry VIII

Creator of The Girl With The Pearl Earring


Military general during the 30 Years' War who conquered Northern Europe on behalf of the HRE during the 17th century. He was subsequently fired and assassinated for his assistance.


He began religious reform by openly attacking the abuses of the Catholic Church in Switzerland after being influenced by Erasmus's idea of Christian Humanism.


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