The Responsibility of The Psychopath Revisited, Neil Levy
When somebody makes an action, no matter what it is, it relates to them as a person and their attitudes.
What part of the brain do psychopaths lack?
The emotional part of the brain, called the amygdala. They can also not distinguish the difference between transgressions because they are missing the emotional piece of their brain.
What is a psychopath?
They are a person that has consistent wrong doings and have no remorse or guilt for their past actions.
What kind of transgression do psychopaths believe in?
They only see congressional transgressions within their actions. They understand that things are against the rules, but since they have no moral codes and transgressions, they break the rules anyway.
Why are attribution accounts rejected?
Attributions do not know the difference between bad and blameworthy reasons, and this is because they do not look at the past history of the psychopath.
Congressional transgression
Authority or rule dependent (boy wearing a dress)
Are psychopaths morally responsible for their crime actions due to Levy?
Levy believes they are not responsible for the morally wrong actions because they do not have the right moral knowledge and are unable to control their moral actions.
What do psychopaths lack?
Moral knowledge
Moral transgression
Not authority or rule permitted (hair pulling is always wrong)