the STARLING exam

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157 The recommended orthosis for an adult hemiplegic with spastic gastrocnemius and soleus is:

AFO with plantarflexion stop

35 The muscles that boarder the anatomical "snuff box"

Extensor Pollicis Longus Extensor Pollicis Brevis ABductor Pollicis Longus

Extension at the MP joint is produced by:

Extensor digitorum communis

Which muscle most closely duplicates the function of the anterior tibialis?

Extensor hallucis longus

334 An orthosis having a pelvic band and twister cables may be used to :

Externally rotate lower limb

212 What orthosis would best treat Spondylolisthesis :

LSO ( Williams )

38 another name for a Knight orthosis is a

LSO sagittal/coronal control

300 Would you fit a tibial fracture brace on a patient with an open wound on the tibia.

NO, fracture bracing is contraindicated with open wounds

76 A pt is able to extend their knee against maximum resistance and passes the break test, what grade muscle does the pt have ?


250 The gelatinous center of the spinal disc is called the :


Scoliosis is sometimes sub-divided into different types. What are signs of neuromuscular scoliosis

Right lumbar and left thoracic curves are often signs of neuromuscular scoliosis

The most commonly occurring curve pattern in idiopathic adolescent scoliosis is a:

Right thoracic, left lumbar

? Which body movement are typically used to power cable driven tenodesis orthosis

glenohumeral flexion and biscapular abduction

57 a Trendelenburg sign is caused by loss of the

gluteus medius

? all the following are possible causes to hyperpronation

tight achilles tendon posterior tibialis weakness forefoot varus

407 The RGO is not recommended for children with Duchenne's muscular dystrophy because :

these patients become progressively weaker .

The method used to find the baseline for corset measurements is:

(inferior costal margin to iliac crest) divided by two







97 The correct location of the mechanical ankle joint is at the:

Distal border of the medial malleolus

38 when aligning the bail component of a cam lock knee joint for a KAFO the posterior aspect of the ball should be angled


293 Name 2 mechanical principles for treating heel spurs:

Distribute and reduce pressure in arch support UCB for hindfoot and forefoot control

140 Objectives of the treatment of Pes Cavus are:

Distribute weight over the entire foot Balance hindfoot-forefoot pressures reduce load on metatarsal heads

268 What type of ankle joint would you use to encourage PLANTARFLEXION ?

Do NOT need to encourage plantarflexion ; gravity helps with this unless patient has a tendency for knee buckling

391 A patient having a pathomechanical condition exhibiting weakness of the quadriceps, hip extensors, and ankle dorsiflexors would require what type of orthosis.

KAFO with offset knee joints and plantarflexion stops

111 Which muscle remains functional in a quadriplegic patient with a complete lesion below the C6 root?

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

185 Which muscle extends the distal phalanx of the thumb?

Extensor Pollicis Longus

63 a posterior lean is most commonly seen with paralysis of which muscle group

Hip Extensors

288 Name 2 reasons why you might not use preTibial AFOs for a patient who walks with a crouched gait ?

Hip Flexion Contracture Lack of Ankle ROM Inability to donn

270 How do you determine if a patient requires locks on his KAFO versus free knee ?

Hip and/or Knee Extensor weakness

133 What is the best orthosis for a patient with a complete neurologic lesion just below T 12 ?

KAFO with double stop ankle joint Why?

106 The following can cause hip hiking

KAFO with knee locked in extension contralateral limb shortened knee ankylosis

265 What are the minimum clearances for ankle knee joints ?

KNEE: medial 1/4" or 6mm Lateral 1/8" or 3mm ANKLE: medial 1/4" or 6mm lateral 3/16" or 5mm

154 The gastrocnemius muscle produces what knee and ankle motions:

Knee Flexion and ankle Plantarflexion

161 High heeled shoes tend to increase


30 A patient with an inferior lumbar Myelomeningoccele may develop hip flexion contractures due to

Lack of hip extensors to act as antagonists Parental non-compliance with home stretching program

220 Spondylolisthesis is a condition best described as :

Lateral - Anterior migration of L5-S1 disc

59 Tennis elbow exhibits inflammation most commonly at what boney landmark?

Lateral Epicondyle

357 The grey matter of the spinal cord is found in the :

Lateral Horn Ventral Horn Dorsal Horn

10 Fro correction of GENU VALGUM, forces should be applied over the :

Lateral Thigh distal to the greater trochanter Lateral aspect of the foot Medial condyle of the femur

254 The erector spinae muscles are active as:

Lateral flexors of the spine Extensors of the spine

22 Unilateral contracture of the sternocleidomastoid that is indicative of torticollis would cause what clinical presentation?

Lateral head flexion to Ipsolateral side and rotation to the contralateral side

52 When fabricating an AFO to resist Genu Recurvatum, the orthotist should :

Maintain the ankle in DorsiFlexion

331 When fabricating an AFO to resist genu recurvattum the orthotist should :

Maintain the foot in DORSIFLEXION

36 in the WHO: Ratchet type tenodesis, the variable locking mechanism :

Maintains Prehension

39 When treating an adult patient with an anterior hip dislocation, it is important to:

Not allow hip to extend past 3o degrees of flexion

28 Why is a SOMI not effective in controlling cervical extension?

Occipital pad pivots in the sagittal plane Componentry is not rigid enough to stop extension

201 A guide in measuring the distance between posterior uprights on a LSO is the:


338 What orthoses would be used for congenital hip dislocation:

PAVLIK Harness ILFELD orthosis Triple Diapers

99 It is important to place a calf band distal to the fibular head to avoid impingement on which nerve?


66 The ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) attaches the _____ aspect of the femur to the ______aspect of the tibia.

Posterior (femur) Anterior (Tibia)

310 Shortening the overall length of an AFO and using plantarflexion stop will serve to increase pressure at the :

Posterior Calf Band

253 C1 - C2 joint allows:

Rotation Flexion Extension

What structure assists the deltoid in glenohumeral abductions?

Rotator cuff

319 The Plantar Flexors are innervated by spinal level:

S 1

Having a patient perform a heel raise, screens what myotomal level

S1 having a patient plantarflex is a screening technique for S1 myotome. Often in the clinic a clinician will have a patient walk on their toes for S1 myotome screen and then walk on their heels for L4-5 screen

13 upon looking at the surface anatomy of the back, the spine of the scapula is at which approximate vertebral level ?

T 3

56 A COLLE's fracture is a fracture of the distal aspect of the ________ and the mechanism of injury is wrist ______ and _______.

RADIUS Extension , Radial Deviation

202 Lateral bending of the spine always includes what additional motion ?


262 A TLSO ( BOSTON ) is effective in controlling a curve as high as :

T 8

15 swan neck deformity causes the PIP joint to

hyperextend and the DIP joint to flex

? all of the following could be considered the fracture site for spondylolysis

isthmus, pars interarticularis, neural arch

1 A complete lesion of the femoral nerve as it leaves the lumbar plexus affects

knee extension

16 Secondary Lymphedema is caused by:


54 For someone with weak or absent wrist extensors, the wrist can be positioned with a :

Ratchet type flexor hinge WHO Static positioning WHO External powered WHO

71 A pt demonstrating good hip strength, but Poor quadriceps and poor plantarflexors. What setting of a double action AFO would be the most appropriate treatment ?

anterior pins maintaining a few degrees of plantarflexion

True or false, To find the anatomical waist you must measure the distance between the inferior costal margin and the posterior superior spine, and divide be two

False The anatomical waist is measured by finding the distance between the inferior costal margin and iliac crest, and divide by two

True or false, when fabricating a williams flexion LSO for spondylolisthesis, the anterior corset panel should be fabricated out of an inelastic material

False, When fabricating a williams flexion LSO for spondylolisthesis, the anterior corset panel should be fabricated out of an elastic material so as not to limit sagittal plan flexion

select all that are found in scarpa's triangle (femoral triangle)

Femoral nerve, femoral artery, sartorius muscle inquinal lymph nodes are all found within the scarpa's triangle> it is also important to remember is sail: Sartorius, adductor longus, inquinal ligament

348 The anterior cruciate ligament attaches the :

Femur to the Tibia Anteriorly

An orthotic patient's wrist is positioned in ulnar deviation and flexion. You should try to reposition the patient's wrist

In 30 degrees of extension

341 The _____ are responsible for the majority of muscular activity in decelerating the limb at the end of swing.


60 Which of the following muscle groups are responsible for the majority of muscular activity in decelerating the limb at terminal swing?


375 All of the following are true of the diaphragm :

It is innervated by the phrenic nerve Its peripheral muscle fibers insert into a central tendon

HIV is present in blood, seaman, vaginal secretion, breast milk, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid What is it NOT in?

HIV is not present in saliva, tears, blisters fluid, urine, facces, vomit, sweat

A hemiplegic patient presents with zero hip extensors, fair quadriceps, zero calf. Which of the following would you recommend?


168 The most appropriate device for a patient with a median and ulnar nerve laceration at the wrist is :

HO (short opponens with thumb post) HO (short opponens with MP stop)

For a median nerve injury at the wrist which is the most appropriate orthosis?

HO with thumb post

255 The position of the thoracic articular facets are most disadvantageously positioned to allow for :


264 How do you determine band length :

Half circumference + 1 1/2" or 38mm

100 A dorsiflexion stop performs some of the functions of which muscle?


31 Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of C2 is known as a _____. If it is unstable, it is best managed with a _______.

Hangman Fracture HALO

53 the greatest amount of dorsiflexion occurs during which part of stance

Heel Off

121 During which phase of locomotion is antero-rotary instability of the knee MOST evident?

Heel Strike

9 At which part of gait are the most number of muscles active?

Heel Strike

Maximum dorsiflexion occurs during which phase of gait?

Heel off

Gait cycle is described by the activity between

Heel strike on one side and the following heel strike on the same side

During which phase of gait are the hip extensors most active?

Heel strike to foot flat

93 A patient with a weak quadricep wearing a floor reaction orthosis will usually walk with a:

Heel-toe gait Flat foot gait

Abdominal muscles

Help increase intracavitary pressure Reduce loading on vertebral discs Decrease excessive lordosis

137 Pes Cavus is a condition in which the foot has a :

High Longitudinal Arch

41 the Coleman Lateral Block Test is used to assess mobility for which deformity

Hindfoot Varus

346 A posterior lean is most commonly seen in what type gait paralysis :

Hip Extensor weakness

A patient with Duchennes muscular dystrophy is seen to ambulate with increased lumbar lordosis secondary to which muscular weakness

Hip extensor. Individuals with duchennes muscular dystrophy often present with weakness of the hip extensors. By increasing lumbar lordosis the position of their center of mass is posterior to the hip joint which locks the hip against the Y-ligament allowing for stability in the sagittal plane.

405 Mechanically, the RGO creates :

Hip flexion via Contralateral Hip Extension

30 At the wrist, a WHO wrist driven flexor hinge orthosis functions to _____ motion in the coronal plan


23 What is true about the quadriceps femoris :

It is the primary extensor of the knee It inserts into the tibial tubersity it consists of four parts, only one of which acts across the hip joint

54 What is true statement about the Jewett style TLSO?

It stops Flexion and is free in extension

240 The MP extension stop should be placed :

Just Proximal to the PIP joints

39 The ideal placement of a MP extension stop is

Just proximal to the PIP joints

179 Which of the following is a birth injury to the Brachial Plexus?

KLUMPKE's palsy

134 A complete lesion of the femoral nerve at the level of the inguinal ligament would affect:


Damage to the femoral nerve will result in weakness of what main muscle group.

Knee extensors The femoral nerve (L2, L3 and L4) innervates the quadriceps femoris muscle which serves to extend the knee. The hip extensors are innervated by the sciatic nerve. Hip abductors are innervated by the superior gluteal nerve. Ankle dorsiflexors are innervated by the tibial nerve

A patient is seen in clinic whom has been diagnosed with guillain-barre syndrome. The patient has weak knee extensors, knee flexors, and ankle plantarflexors, and ankle dorsiflexors. What muscle groups would you expect to regain strength first if the syndrome begins to remit.

Knee extensors Knee flexors .....will regain strength first as individuals recovering from guillian-barre regian motor function proximal to distal.

1 The TLSO; sagittal control is best suited to manage:

Kyphosis secondary to Osteoporosis

373 In an adult, the spinal cord terminates about the level of :

L 1

? In an adult the spinal cord terminates at about the level of


45 hypokyphosis can be defined as having a sagittal curve magnitude in the rage of

0-20 degrees

244 The mobile segment of the transverse arch of the hand is formed by metacarpals :

1 - 4 - 5

? the mobile segments of the hand's transverse arch are metacarpals

1, 4, and 5

122 For an adult of average height, the knee joint in a KAFO should be located:

1.9 cm (3/4") proximal to the medial tibial plateau

36 during late stance phase of the gait cycle, the hip joint requires how much extension for normal function

10 degrees

12 What is the maximum acceptable malalignment of a tibial fracture that can be managed with an off the shelf fracture orthosis?

10 degrees of varus or valgus 20 degrees of anterior -posterior angulation

151 When a 120lb man is standing normally, how much weight is borne on his left first metatarsal head?

10 lbs

Normal cadence is about:

100-120 steps a minute

In an LSO what is the superior margin of the paraspinal bars?

10mm inferior angle of the scapula

11 what is the correct posterior superior trim line for a polymer TLSO ( not for scoliosis )

10mm inferior to the level of the spine of the scapula

6 the correct anterior pin placement for a HALO is ______ in the ______

10mm superior to the eyebrow, lateral 1/3 of the eyebrow

247 The second MP joint is ABducted by the

1st DORSAL Interosseous

5 A patient has suffered a radial nerve injury. Which component would you most likely add to your orthotic recommendation?

1st MP ABduction stop

When fabricating a rancho style HO (hand orthosis), what length would you terminate the thumb post at

1st digit mid finger nail bed. When fabricating a rancho style HO the thumb post is terminated at the 1st digit mid nail bed so as to avoid interference with prehensile activities

? the 2nd MP joint is abducted by the

1st dorsal interosseus

196 During human locomotion, how much does the center of gravity shift from side to side ?

2 "

245 The middle of the long finger has :

2 dorsal interossei and one radial lumbrical

263 How do you determine stirrup length :

2 times the height of the distal tip of the medial malleolus + width of heel + 1/4" or (6mm)

The range of motion at the ankle is:

20 degrees dorsiflexion, 50 degrees plantarflexion

During normal gait heel strike, the forward hip is how flexed?

25 degrees flexed

370 In fitting a Milwaukee CTLSO, the height of the neck ring is located _____in relation to the chin.


22 In relation to the apex of the greater trochanter, where is the mechanical hip joint located?

25 mm proximal 12 mm Anterior

392 The medial proximal edge of the proximal thigh band on a standard metal KAFO should be positioned :

3 cm distal to the perineum

62 A pt presents with MORTON's Neuroma. Based on your knowledge of this pathology, the position of the met pad will most likely be proximal to the met head with the apex of the pad between the met heads # :

3 rd and 4 th

307 LEGG-CALVE-PERTHES' disease generally occurs in:

3 to 10 yo males and is a result of avascular necrosis of the femoral head

82 In picking up an object from a table what is the best position of the wrist?

30' Extension

40 when genu varum is present on a lower-limb schema, the mid sagittal line connects the perineum and the mark made

30mm medial to the knee ( ????? ANkle????)

61 A UniLateral pelvic band should be what percentage of the circumference ?

33 %

? in fitting milwaukee CTLSO, the height of the neck ring is located _____ to the mandible

36mm inferior

The oblique diameter of a patient's malleoli is 3 5/8" (90mm). What should the inside dimension of the ankle joints be?

4 1/16" (101mm)

A cycle of gait consists of

40% swing phase, 60% stance phase

A 240lbs female bears how much weight collectively through her right 2nd-5th MTP joints while standing evenly on both feet.

40lbs A 240lbs patient when standing evenly on both feet 120lbs on each foot. 50% goes through the calcaneus and 50% goes through the MTP joints. MTP's 2-5 receive 66.6% of the total weight on the forefoot. .666X60lbs=40lbs

172 an MP stop should stabilize the metacarpophalangeal joint in what degree of flexion ?

45 degree

251 The Lumbar spine consists of how many vertebrae


52 You fit a TLSO to a patient with idiopathic scoliosis. What is the minimum amount of correction that should be acceptable?

50 %

When a HALO application is finished all pins for an adult should be torqued to ______ and between 24-48 hours the pins should be______

6-8 inch pounds re-torqued When applying a HALO for an adult all pins should be torqued 6-8 inch pounds, and in the following 24-48hours should be re torqued to 6-8 inch pounds as the HALO may settle

In normal gait, maximum knee flexion reaches approximately

60 to 65 degrees knee flexion durning swing phase in normal gait

The stance phase of gait makes up what percent of the gait cycle durning ordinary swelling speeds

60% Stance phase makes of 60% oft the gait cycle while swing phase makes up the other 40%

35 if a patient is wearing a KAFO with bilateral ring locks engaged, the clearance at the knee joint should be

6mm medially and 3mm laterally

52 A patient suffered a mid shaft humeral fracture in an MVA. When are you most likely to initiate orthotic management of this fracture ?

7 days

? an individual with neuromuscular scoliosis will most likely exhibit cardiopulmonary compromise when the curve reaches what magnitude

70 Degrees

177 How many pairs of nerve roots arise from the cervical area of the spinal cord ?


101 The measured M/L at the ankle is 8.3cm (3.25"). what is the inside diameter of the mechanical ankle joint when laying out an AFO?

9.4 cm (3 11/16")

78 when fitting the orthosis for CDH which of the following fitting parameters is best indicated for this infant

90 degree hip flexion and 45 degree hip abduction

26 if the oblique diameter of the anatomical malleoli is 83mm, the inside diameter of the mechanical ankle joint is

94 mm

A swan neck deformity causes the PIP joint to:

Hyperextend and the DIP joint to flex

The soft tissue contracture of the hand which is likely to develop following paralysis of the ulnar and median nerves includes:

Hyperextension of the MP joints and Flexion of the IP joints of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers

True or false, when designing a ground reaction AFO "GRAFO" foot plate length can be full or sulcus length

False GRAFO's tend to be fabricated with full foot plates so as to utilize a longer lever arm to resist knee instabilities throughout stance phase of gait

241 A dynamic IP extension assist with an MP stop should be used :

If patient has weakness of the lumbricals

105 the major flexor of the hip joint is the


291 Name 3 mechanical principles for treatment of CHARCOT joints :

Immobilize in total contact Minimal weight bearing Rocker Bottom

True or false. A child wearing a pavlic harness in treatment for congenital dislocation of the hips should have their hips oriented in flexion and adduction

False a child wearing a pavlic harness in treatment for congenital dislocation of the hips should have their hip oriented in flexion and abduction

363 The paraspinal muscles primarily consist of which of the 4 layers within the deep muscles of the back :

Longitudinal Group

360 The muscles that flex the neck are :

Longus Colli Rectus Capitis Lateralis Scalenes

362 The muscles make up the erector spinae group are:

Lonissimus Spinalis Iliocostolis

118 The measurements for a TLSO (anterior hyperextension orthosis) should be taken with the patient in what position?


175 Articulation between the sternum and clavicle occurs at the :


343 In the quadrilateral brim, the proximal self of the ____ should be parallel with the floor.


24 The most important sensory distribution in the hand when considering 3 pt palmar prehension is along the :


217 Loss of the OPPONENS POLLICIS is the result of an injury to the :

MEDIAN nerve

33 The intrinsic muscles of the thenar eminence is mostly innervated by the :

MEDIAN nerve

260 A ________ orthosis is used to treat Kyphosis :


171 The intrinsic muscles of the hand function to produce what actions at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints?


184 An orthosis to immobilize a fracture of the carpal navicular must include the:

MP joint of the thumb

the following best describes legg-calve-perthes disease (osteochondrosis)

Male greater then females average onset 6 years old, psoatic limp due to psoas major weakness, lower extremity moves into external rotation, flexion and adduction, MRI will show collapse of subchondral bone at femoral neck

When you are working with a patient with left hemiplegia you would expect that they would be least likely to respond to you if you were emphasizing

Maximum use of demonstration and gesture. A patient with left hemiplegia has difficulty with sequencing, producing language, difficulty processing in formation and will have visuospatial deficits. Maximum use of demonstration and gesture would not be appropriate

94 What is a disadvantage of the round caliper shoe attachment?

Mechanical joint axis distal to anatomical axis

336 The Three points of pressure implemented with a SABOLICH trimline to correct a VARUS deformity of the ankle include pressure around the :

Medial aspect off calf Lateral aspect of ankle Medial aspect of foot

88 When measuring and fabricating a TLSO (Taylor orthosis), the superior end of the posterior uprights should terminate at the:

Medial border of the scapular spines

55 The 3 points of pressure implemented with a SABOLICH trimline to correct a VARUS deformity at the ankle include pressure around the medial aspect of the :

Medial calf Lateral Ankle Medial foot

147 The MAJOR weight bearing areas of a PTB orthosis are the patellar tendon and the :

Medial tibial Flare

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome results from compression of which nerve?


169 ADduction and ABduction of the fingers occur at which joint :


At what phase of gait is medial lateral stability of the knee most important?

Mid stance

74 the talocalcaneal or talocalcaneonavicular joint forms which joints

Midtarsal ( ??? subtalar ???)

329 The pelvic band on a HKAFO should be located :

Midway between the ILIAC CREST and the greater TROCHANTER of the femur

50 The pelvic band on a HKAFO should be located :

Midway between the iliac crest and greater trochanter of femur

295 What effect would posterior placement of knee joints have on a KAFO ?

Migrates Proximally Pressure on anterior calf cuff

Scoliosis is sometimes sub-divided into different types. What are signs of congenital scoliosis

Wedge, bar, and hemi-vertebrae are common radiographic findings for congenital scoliosis

When applying a HALO CTLSO for pediatric applications, how may your protocol differ from adult application

When applying a HALO on a pediatric patient, it is important to use more pins with less torque to distribute the pressure more evenly across the cranium as well as to avoid andy potential dural punctures

327 You are asked to treat a patient with Genu Varum that cannot be corrected with moderate pressure. The orthosis should:

be fabricated to conform to the limb and prevent further deformity

47 What is the most likely mechanism of injury for a seatbelt fracture (CHANCE fracture)

flexion & distraction

22 a boutonniere deformity consists of PIP

flexion with DIP hyperextension

283 What implications do weak hip flexors have in your design of a KAFO ?

a lightweight design could encourage hip flexion at swing phase

? the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disc

absorbs shock and equalizes stress

37 for a typical right thoracic, left lumbar adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curve the superior aspect of the window should be ____ while the superior aspect of the axillary extension should be approximately at the level of ___

at least one rib superior to the apical rib, T5

298 How would you treat a stable, ten day old, distal 1/3 femoral fracture with acute signs of swelling and pain absent?

functional femoral fracture brace with free knee and ankle

? which test would be useless if the patient presents with bilateral CDH

galeazzi test

? which stage of menarche would be mast suitable for orthotic management

greater than six months pre-menarche

18 the proper location of the knee joint on a KAFO is

half the distance between the adductor tubercle and the medial tibial plateau

11 A dynamic IP extension assist with and MP extension stop should be used if a patient

has lumbrical weakness and has hyperextended MP's

In normal ambulation, the quadriceps are the most active At mid stance just after:

heel strike

4 a cycle of gait may be defined as all activity that occurs between

heel strike on one limb and subsequent heel strike on the same limb

The cane can substitute for which of the following muscle weaknesses

hip extensors and hip abductors

? two adjacent vertebrae and their intervening tissue are known as a

motion segment

? which one is not considered neuromuscular scoliosis


68 A favorite outcome in orthotic management of a tibial fracture is:

no more than 5 Degrees of angulation in any plane

34 In dupuytren's contracture, the ______ is most often involved

palmar aponeurosis

19 What does it mean when there is a grade II pedicle rotation

pedicle is rotated 2/3 toward midline

43 the schema for a conventional KAFO should indicate the knee and ankle joint axes to be

perpendicular to the mid sagittal line

A patient is seen in clinic with flaccid ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors. Choose appropriate double action joint configurations

pins in the anterior and posterior channels or springs in the posterior channels and pins in the anterior channels both these configurations will provide anterior and posterior support for flaccid ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors

A scoliosis patient is seen in clinic. Upon radiographic reading you note that the thoracic curve apex is located at T6. Which orthosis is appropriate

Milwaukee CTLSO. The Milwaukee CTLSO system is utilized for scoliosis curves T7 and higher. In some instances additions can be built into a boston brace system to simulate the effectiveness of a Milwaukee system which can increase patient comfort and compliance

344 In the treatment of burns you must :

Minimize hypertrophic scarring Contain edema Prevent flexion contracturess

110 A soft cervical collar is most effective in:

Minimizing forward flexion

8 In the WHO wrist driven, the ratchet box does what?

Modulates the amount of wrist extension to achieve prehension

Sarmiento style fracture orthoses utilize which biomechanical principles for fracture management. Choose all that apply:

Multiple 3-point pressure systems total contact long level arms hydrostatic tissue loading Because the orthoses are typically bi-valved hydrostatic loading can be maintained as swelling or muscular atrophy occurs by simple modifications to tighten the orthosis versus a fiberglass/plaster cast which has a fixed volume

The calf band on a conventional AFO is placed 20 mm distal to the neck of the fibula to:

Provide a long lever arm to counteract forces

? where should the metatarsal pad be located in relation to the metatarsal heads


278 A patient's KAFO has free motion knee, but the mechanical joint is 1" distal to the anatomical joint. In flexion the resulting pressures will be :

Proximal posterior thigh Distal anterior thigh braces migrates proximally

13 The correct distal trimline of the opponens bar is :

Proximal to 1st MCP

170 A properly fitted C-bar terminates on the thumb just:

Proximal to the MP joint

141 Where should a metatarsal pad be located ?

Proximal to the met heads

The distal transverse arch of the foot is:

Proximal to the metatarsal heads

The opponens bar should be located

Proximal to the thumb MP joint

279 What is the advantage of an offset knee joint for treating recurvatum?

Puts the WEIGHT LINE ANTERIOR to the knee joint, making it unnecessary to lock the knee

14 Who would would most likely use a balanced forearm orthosis?

Quadriplegics with fair shoulder power

45 A WHO: wrist extension assist could be used for nerve damage at what level ?

Radial Nerve at Mid-Humeral Level

You see a patient with wrist drop, paralysis of the triceps, brachioradialis, supinator, and extensor muscles of the wrist and digits. What nerve is responsible for this and where likely is the injury.

Radial Nerve; superior to the triceps brachii muscle. The radial nerve innervates the wrist extensors and injury will cause wrist drop. If the injury causes triceps weakness hen the clinician would conclude that the injured nerve occurred proximal to the triceps brachii muscles, injury within the radial groove the triceps usually is not completely paralyzed

403 The fundamental principle of the RGO is:

Reciprocating Hip motion is induced

33 Intra-abdominal pressure is used in spinal orthotics to:

Reduce AXIAL load on lumbar vertebrae/ intervertebral disc

152 What is the primary purpose of a PTBBB orthosis?

Reduce weight bearing through the tibia

102 What is a characteristic of an ankle valgus correction strap?

Reduces foot eversion

20 Metatarsal pads function to _____as well ass _____.

Relieve metatarsal heads Elevate the transverse arch

361 The intermediate muscle group of the back is primarily responsible for :

Respiratory function

206 Wearing a spinal orthosis may have what effect on the trunk muscles ?

Results in DISUSE atrophy

12 A 30 yo patient with a C1 fracture has been referred to you. It is 6 weeks post injury and the physician has deemed that the involved area is relatively stable and shows signs of callous formation with return, of neurological function. The orthosis of choice at this point would be:

Rigid Cervical Orthosis

Parkinson's diseases is a chronic, progressive disease of the CNS with degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. What are the four hallmark symptoms of PD

Rigidity, bradykinesia, tremor, and impaired postural reflexes. Rigidity, bradykinesia known as slowed movement, tremors usually pull rolling tremors, and impaired postural reflexes are the classic symptoms of parkinson's disease. Radiculopathy is a peripheral nervous system dysfunction. Lhermitte's sign can be seen with upper motor neuron disorders such as MS but not PD

7 an adolescent female with idiopathic scoliosis presents in your facility with a prescription for orthotic management. Base on the prescription how is the patient most likely to present

Risser sign of 1+, cobb angle of 25 degrees

55 Which orthosis for idiopathic scoliosis, uses a dynamic strap attached to a pad to increase corrective forces ?


142 Which shoe modification is designed to simulate dorsiflexion?

SACH heel

232 What is primarily a sensory nerve :


237 A mobile base of support for the arm is the :


91 Which nerve divides into the common peroneal and tibial nerves in the distal thigh?


81 When presented with a 5 yo pediatric pt whoo has CP and Plantar Flexion Contractures. The best recommendation is :


23 You are assessing a patient at a rehab hospital for possible upper extremity management. The patient presents with a tight web space that the therapist says he/she will stretch. What component will you include in your recommendation?

Thumb ADduction Stop

With a traction injury to the anterior division of the brachial plexus you would expect, weakness of the elbow flexors, wrist flexors and forearm pronators. What other muscles group would you expect to be weak

Thumb abductors. Anterior nerve root gives rise to C6 nerve root, median nerve which abducts the thumb

44 tibialis posterior is innervated by which nerve

Tibial Nerve

A patient is seen in clinic. the patient is utilizing a KAFO for post polio syndrome. The ankle joint height is located correctly but the mechanical ankle joint is in need of replacement for the third time. What could cause this

Tibial torsion was not build into the KAFO. If premature wear is notice in a KAFO ankle joint that is located at the proper height often times tibial torsion was not build into the othosis causing a lick of congruency between the anatomical and mechanical ankle joint

67 Muscles that assist in ankle dorsiflexion :

Tibialis Anterior Extensor Hallucis Longus Peroneus Tertius

200 A patient returns to you complaining that her LS corset is sliding up. Your initial recommendation should be to:

Tighten the straps distally to proximally

The relationship of the long axis of the foot to the line of progression as measured from the knee axis is:

Toe out and toe in

26 What is the most important biomechanical principle when managing a neuromuscular spine ?

Total Contact

In a right thoracic curve, the spinous processes rotate:

Towards the concavity

381 A lumbar pad for a CTLSO should be placed over the:

Transverse Processes of L2 / L3

Bunnell (cock-up) splints are frequently used for


the radial nerve is injured within the radial groove. What muscle would not be paralyzed.

Triceps the triceps muscle is innervated by the radial nerve, but when injury occurs at the radial groove usually it is just weakness not paralyzed. All the muscles in the posterior compartment will be paralyzed leading to wrist drop

True or false, guillain-barre syndrome progresses in a ascending order

True Guillian-barre syndrome progresses in an ascending order "distal to proxi

True or false, when fabricating a KAFO the distal/posterior thigh band and the proximal/posterior calf band should be located equidistant from the knee axis

True When fabricating a KAFO the distal/posterior thigh band and the proximal/posterior calf band should be located equidistant from knee axis so as not to impede knee flexion and soft tissue impingement in the popliteal fossa

True or false, an RGO allows forward progression by harnessing energy from one hip extension and t

True by harnessing energy from one hip's extension and translating it into contralateral hip flexion and RGO can facilitate forward progression

True or false, the duration of double support varies inversely with the speed of walking and in running double support is absent

True in slow walking double support increase compared to the swing phase.

166 In a HO, which component holds the thumb in ABduction ?


162 Volar surface is the same ass :

PALMAR surface

198 A CHARCOT joint results from :

Disruption of the sensory pathways to the joint

257 the TAYLOR spinal orthosis would be classified as a:


231 The normal hip reaches maximum extension during :


377 The motor neuron cell body is found in the :

ANTERIOR horn cell

120 The PRIMARY purpose of the axillary straps on a TLSO (Taylor) is to resist:

Thoracic extensionnnnnnn

The pad most commonly used in conjunction with a CTLSO is a:

Thoracic pad

41 In scoliosis an apical vertebra at T12 would indicate what kind of curve pattern


29 solid stirrup length is determined by calculating the height to the

(Distal tip of medial malleolus to floor + sole thickness ) x 2 + heel width +6

315 Stirrup length is determined by calculating the height to the :

(Medial Malleolus + shoe thickness) x 2 + heel width

A knight taylor TLSO is classified as _______ where a taylor TLSO is classified as _____

AP, ML, control AP control A knight taylor is an AP, ML, control TLSO, while a taylor is an AP control TLSO

27 Name the most characteristic clinical sign of Left CVA, right-sided hemiplegia.


51 a burst fracture if the vertebral body is most likely associated with which mechanism of injury

AXIAL load

What is the best position for managing the chronically dislocating gleno-humeral joint?

Abducted and externally rotated

The first dorsal interosseous assist

Abducts the second digit to oppose the thumb

Injury to the tibial nerve on the right leg, would cause which gait deviation

Absent push off durning gait cycle, decrease step length on unaffected side. The tibial nerve innervates muscles on the posterior leg (i.e triceps surae, posterior tibialis etc.) which will cause decrease push off durning gait along with shortened step length on the contralateral side. Foot drop would be seen with injury to common fibular nerve which innervates anterior tibialis

174 The most prominent and highest point on the shoulder girdle is the:

Acromion Process

146 Corrugations are incorporated in plastic orthotic designs to:


A 16 year old patient has suffered an L2 complete spinal cord injury. What would be the most likely functional expectation and orthosis for this patient.

Ambulation with bilateral AFO's and canes. A lesion at the level of L2 would be a lower motor neuron lesion as it is a cauda equina injury. You would expect that the patient would have intact hip flexion, hip adduction, and knee extension. This patient would only need AFO's as bracing for the knee is not needed due to knee extension is still intact

313 A stirrup that hinges or rotates at the base of the sole instead of the ankle joint would cause :

Calf band migration during plantarflexion & dorsiflexion

87 A 56 yo CVA patient with left hemiparesis arrives in your office with an RX for a left PLS AFO. Upon gait analysis, you notice the patient has 15 degrees of knee hyperextension as well as a drop foot. You should.

Call the physician to suggest a solid ankle AFO

354 The bony matrix that is know as "trabeculae" is most prominently formed in :

Cancellous bone

In a fixed equinus deformity, which of the following shoe modifications is most likely to be used?

A heel elevation

A patient is seen in the hospital. The patient presents with a T11 anterior compression fracture from a bike accident. The patient is neurologically intact and the fracture is stable. Which orthosis would be most appropriate

A CASH or Jewett TLSO both are effective for anterior compression fractures near the thoracolumbar junction. By placing the thoracic spine in extension, pressure is removed from the anterior portion of the vertebral body allowing natural bone remodeling to occur

17 What shoe modification is most likely used for a fixed equinus deformity?

A Heel Lift

16 A Flexible varus hindfoot might be corrected using

A Lateral Heel Wedge

195 Which of the following describes aponeurosis?

A Thin flattened tendon

256 SCHEUERMANN's disease typically produces :

A Thoracic Kyphosis

A patient is seen in the hospital. The patient presents with a L1 burst fracture from a snowmobile accident. Which orthosis would be most appropriate

A polymer TLSO. When choosing the most appropriate orthosis you must make sure you coverage spanning several levels above and below the pathologic site.. Burst fractures are most unstable in the transverse plane. Custom polymer TLSO in the most effective at rotation control and has the

You are seeing a patient in acute rehab with a physical therapist. The patient has had a CVA. Upon examination you see foot drop durning gait, weak dorsiflexors grade 2, weak inversion and eversion grade 2, and increased tone in her plantar flexors. What would be and appropriate orthotic devise.

A solid ankle AFO. A solid ankle AFO is indicated for a patient with drop who is also has spasticity as a spiral AFO and dorsiflexion assist AFO might increase her tone and are not sufficient to control spasticity.

125 The orthosis for a patient with good hip control but fair minus quadriceps is:

AFO with dorsiflexion stop

299 What would you recommend for a three week old tibial plateau fracture ?

AK fracture brace with free knee and ankle

You are seeing a patient with a one year history of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. She is ambulating with bilateral canes, shows limited endurance and foot drop. Base on the diagnosis what device would you recommend for trial

ALS is a progressive degenerative disease where due to the progressive nature you feel trial of ankle foot orthosis would be appropriate due to her fatigue and foot drop. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive motor neuron disease where the goal for mobility are to maximize current function and provide access to devices that allow for independence including orthosis.

356 The polio virus attacks the _____ of the spinal cord


233 A metal single axis (free motion) orthotic hip joint will control what motions at the hip :

ABduction ADduction External Rotation Internal Rotation

229 The Serratus Anterior performs what action :

ABduction and Upward rotation

178 What is a function of the Serratus Anterior muscle?

ABduction of the Glenohumeral joint

The "unhappy triad" includes injury to what structures

ACL, MCL, Medial meniscus. The unhappy triad includes injury to ACL, MCL and medial meniscus from forces that cause genu valgum, flexion and external rotation applied at the knee when the foot is planted.

218 The primary purpose of a C-bar is:

ADduction stop

127 The OBTURATOR nerve innervates what muscle?

ADductor longus

A patient is seen in clinic, you are filling in for a sick practitioner whom delivered a KAFO 1 week earlier. The patient was provided the KAFO as he has 30 degree genu recurvatum and a 15 degree fixed plantarflexion contracture. The patient patient states he has a hard time getting over his foot at midstance and that while his knee extension is decreased he feels excessive pressure on the posterior aspect of his knee. What adjustments or additions can you make to remedy this problem

Add a 15 degree tapered heel wedge to the foot plate and add a contralateral heel lift. By adding a 15 degree tapered heel wedge you will neutralize the KAFO in the sagittal plane allowing for a smoother rollover at midstance. It will also be necessary to add a contralateral shoe lift equal to the height of the tapered heel wedge to maintain a level pelvis as well as to assure proper clearance of the KAFO durning swing phase of gait.

A patient is seen in clinic. The patient has bilateral pars fractures at L5 and is currently utilizing a custom polymer overlapping style LSO with decreased lumbar lordosis. The physician is not satisfied with the orthosis resulting and wants to know what you can do to further immobilize the fracture site

Add a hip spica to the LSO. By adding a hip spica to the LSO you adjust how much hip flexion and extension is allowed which can further immobilize the patient and the fracture site.

A patient is seen in clinic for a follow up appointment and is disappointed with the results of his custom orthotics. The patient is being treated by you for a mortons neuroma (between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals). The foot orthotics you provided has utilized "MLA support and carlson modification". What modification would be most effective to increase the effectiveness of the foot orthotics.

Add a metatarsal pad. By adding a metatarsal pad you can relatively increase the distance between each metatarsal and its adjacent metatarsal whereby decrease pressure or shear against the morton's meuroma

155 In a metal AFO with a locked ankle joint, what could help diminish a knee flexion moment at heel strike?

Adding a SACH heel wedge

What are the symptoms of erb's palsy?

Adduction and internal rotation of the humerus

351 Which muscles are hip ADductors :

Adductor Longus Pectineus Gracilis

The femoral or Scarpa's triangle is bordered by

Adductor longus, sartorius and inguinal ligament

A muscle grade of "fair" means that the person is able to get through complete range of

Against gravity

236 When taking plaster bandage impressions for upper extremity orthoses :

Align the second MP joint posterior to the first

2 The greatest advantage the a dorsal style WHO has over a volar style is :

Allows TACTILE sensation

287 Six weeks post ACL repair - how do you cast? What two mechanical principles do you want?

Cast in SLIGHT FLEXION * Prevent HyperExtension * Control Rotation

197 Spasticity does NOT result from which condition :

Cauda Equina Injury (does NOT cause spasticity)

261 What is a GOLDTHWAITE's orthosis primary function:


A patient is seen in clinic. The patient presents with DX: lower lumbar stenosis and a RX: LSO align appropriately. Which option would you recommend

An LSO aligned in flexion will allow the spinal canal to relatively decrease occlusion and whereby increase space for he spinal cord

What are some of the biomechanical principals behind a LSO corset

An LSO corset provides a kinesthetic reminder to use proper posture and to discourage certain motions. Increased intra-abdominal pressure solidifies soft tissue hydrostatically whereby providing support to the lumbar spine. Three point pressure systems work to hold proper alignment and resist or stop certain motions

317 A compound fracture :

Causes a break in the skin either from within or without

The placement of the mechanical hip joint is 25 mm proximal

And 12 mm anterior to the greater trochanter

305 A lesion in the vertebral canal involving the S1 nerve root would generally affect :


23 A 31 yo female presents with an L1 burst fracture. Before taking the impression and maintaining optimal sagittal alignment, you would first want to know the status of which ligament?

Anterior Longitudinal ligament

208 The purpose of the anterior hyperextension orthosis is to reduce pressure on the :

Anterior Vertebral Body

321 A correct statement about the popliteal artery is that it divides into the :

Anterior and Posterior TIBIAL arteries

During swing phase of the gait cycle what muscle are active to achieve dorsiflexion

Anterior tibialis, extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum longus. These muscle are slightly active during the swing phase to prevent the foot and toes from dragging

With regards to spondylolisthesis, what are the radiiographic signs that contraindicate orthotic intervention and indicate a surgical candidate

Anterior translation of the angulations of 50 degree relative to the inferior vertebrae are indications to discontinue bracing and explore alternative treatment and or surgical intervention

Choose all that describes the design of a GRAFO

Anterior/distal and posterior/proximal openings Posterior/distal and anterior/proximal areas of AFO contact. NOTE: it is important to make sure the patient can fit their foot and lower leg through the opening which tends to be narrow, but it is important to trim carefully so as not to lose the supportive structure of the GRAFO

380 The hip flexor muscles :

Anteriorly tilt the pelvis

Injury to the medium nerve will result in what characteristic appearance when a patient tries to make fist app

Ape hand hand of benediction Injury to the median may result in loss of opposition and flexion of the thumb resulting in the ape hand deformity. Also the of benediction results from injury of the median nerve at the elbow or upper arm.

75 Where should an arch support pad be placed ?

Apex of the medial Longitudinal arch, Beneath the Sustententaculum Tali, & Proximal to the 1st Met head

Choose all answers that are clinical "visible by the eye" signs of scoliosis

Arm gap, shoulder asymmetry, pelvic obliquity, rib hump, and prominent scapula

32 The UCBL is contraindicated for which condition?

Arthritis at ankle joint

77 Talipes Equinovarus can present in which Pathology?


A patient is seen in clinic. She presents with severe chronic bilateral posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction "PTTD". She has worn custom UCBL's in the past but they were ineffective. What would be the most appropriate recommendation given her presentation and past

Articulated AFO Given that UCBL's were ineffective, articulated AFO's would be appropriate as they grasp the lower legs and can help to modify internal tibial rotation. By decreasing internal tibial rotation, pronation will decrease whereby decreasing the work load of tibialis posterior muscle

At heel strike the knee joint is at ____ while the ankle joint is at_____

At neutral/full extension, 90 degrees/neutral. At heel strike the knee is at neutral or full extension while the ankle is at 90 degrees/neutral

30 In SCHEUERMANN's disease, where should the thoracic pd for a CTLSO: Milwaukee style be placed ?

At the APEX of the curve

368 The placement of the inferior border of the pelvic band should be :

At the Sacrococygeal junction

272 Name 3 orthoses used for Legge-Calve-Perthes?


A patient sustains a hangman fracture. This fracture can cause quadriplegia. What vertebrae and location of the fracture is damaged

Atlas, lamina (pars interarticularis) C2. Hangman's fracture occurs from fracture through the lamina of the axis. Another injury to the axis is displacement of the den

271 What is LEGGE-CALVE-PERTHES disease ?

Avascular Necrosis of the femoral head, usually occurring in boys ages 9-14. Femoral head will return to normal if the leg is ABDUCTED & INTERNALLY ROTATED to place the femoral head into the acetabulum.

The superior portion of a Milwaukee CTLSO should be carefully fabricated so as to...

Avoid excessive pressure on the mandibular angle

224 In fabricating a PTB type orthosis, it is necessary to carefully form the material in the popliteal area to:

Avoid pressure against the posterior tibial artery

57 in a JEFFERSON fracture, what is the primary mechanism of injury?

Axial load to skull

A patient is seen in clinic, DX: sheurmann's kyphosis apes=T9 RX: orthosis. What type of orthosis would you recommend

Custom TLSO. When managing a patient with sheurmann's kyphosis apex location T8 or lower are managed with a custom TLSO and apex location of T7 or higher are managed with a custom CTLSO

The most effective orthosis to prevent rotation is:

Custom molded TLSO body jacket

180 A Musculocutaneous nerve lesion will cause loss of function of which muscle ?


6 What deformity in the fingers is most similar to a hammer toe?


55 _______is where the patient can understand what is being said to him, knows what he wants to say, but cannot verbalize it .

BROCA's Aphasia

47 you are asked to treat a patient genu varum that cannot be corrected with moderate pressure, the orthosis should

Be fabricated to conform to to the limb and prevent further deformity

56 In the lumbar spine, where does most of the sagittal motion occur?

Between L5 and S1

A heel wedge is placed:

Between the shoe and the stirrup

326 Which muscles of the thigh LATERALLY rotates the thigh :

Biceps Femoris

A cable-driven tenodesis orthosis is activated by:

Biscapular abduction

73 a condition where there is growth disturbance on the medial proximal aspect of the tibia is

Blount's disease

183 Which of the following muscles in the forearm do NOT cross the wrist joint ? Flexor Carpi Radialis Extensor Pollicis Longus Abductor Pollicis Longus Brachioradialis Extensor Indicis Proprius


42 Which level quadriplegic would benefit from the use of a balanced forearm orthosis ?

C 5

189 Which component is the most effective for a hand lacking thumb ABductor strength ?


36 Which Cervical level exhibits the most sagittal motion?


? a jefferson fracture is a fracture of _____ while a hangman fracture is a fracture of____

C1 and C2

29 the following nerves roots form the brachial plexus


138 The subtalar joint is an articulation between the talus and the:


1 Inflammation anterior to the flexor retinaculum is called:


371 The most common pathology causing a paralytic scoliosis is :


49 Flexion and extension of the 1st MP occur in which plane ?


216 ABduction and Adduction occurs in the :


130 Anteroposterior instability of the knee is caused by a tear of which ligament?


89 Which orthosis is the MOST effective for scoliotic curves with the apex above T7?

CTLSO (Milwaukee)

90 Which orthosis will will MOST effectively treat juvenile epiphysitis of thee spine ( SCHEURERMANN'S Disease)?

CTLSO (Milwaukee)

113 The orthotic treatment indicated for a fracture of T3 is:


Choose all the pathologies that indicate the need for a first ray relief and lateral wedge in a functional foot orthotic

Cavo varus foot peroneal tendon dysfunction chronic lateral ankle sprains jones fracture All of these pathologies can be treated with a decreased in MLA support and increase in 1st MTP relief with a lateral extrinsic wedge. Provides neutral alignment to decrease likelihood of multiple pathologies. Decrease work load of peroneal tendons, provides canting to decrease lateral ankle sprains, decreases pressure under the 5th metatarsal. Individuals prone to these pathologies in most instances have a cavo varus foot (rigid foot shape). Softer material used in fabrication will promote a more compliant foot orthotic which is indicated to achieve goals

204 What pathologies can result in Upper Motor Neuron Lesion?

Cerebral Vascular Accident Multiple Sclerosis Spinal cord transaction

378 In general, the greatest amount of rotational motion occurs in the :

Cervical Spine

355 The orthotic management of T3 level fracture will have its best 3 point pressure system via :

Cervical orthosis with thoracic extension

396 What are indications for an axial resist AFO?

Charcot Joint Degenerative arthritis of the ankle joint

Patellar tendon bearing AFO is indicated for which pathologies

Charcot joint, avascular necrosis of the talus osteoarthritis of the ankle joint calcaneal fracture are all pathologies potentially utilize a PTB AFO to un-weight the affected area during weight bearing

A patient is seen in clinic for a follow up appointment and is disappointed with the results of his custom solid ankle orthotic as he still has a pronounced knee hyperextension moment during stance phase of gait. You noticed this at his last follow up and had your technician and 1/4" heel lift to relatively dorsiflex the SAFO to decrease the knee extension moment in stance. What should your first reaction be to this

Check the durometer of the 1/4" heel lift your technician added. Often times practitioners add a heel wedge to an SAFO to decrease knee hyperextention thrust but, the durometer of the heel wedge is most important as a soft heel wedge will cause ground reaction forces to remain anterior to the knee durning loading response whereby increasing knee hyperextention. By utilizing a firm durometer for the heel wedge you can promote knee flexion. Note: check quadriceps strength prior to doing this as they must be able to control the flexion moment.

404 In general, the RGO is recommended for:

Children or young adults with lower trunk and lower limb paralysis

When fabricating and AFO the lateral proximal trim lines is located approximately 1 inch inferior to the fibular neck. What is the anatomical structure are you trying to avoid by doing this

Common fibular nerve. The common fibular nerve "common peroneal nerve" runs just inferior to the fibular head superficially. Trim lines should be design to avoid impingement of this nerve when fabricating a AFO

You see a patient who describes pain in her shoulder after chopping wood. You find on physical examination weakness with shoulder flexion and you note scapular winging. The patient's problem could accounted be what most likely

Compression of axillary nerve. Continuos overhead activities can cause inflammation of soft tissue, placing pressure over peripheral nerves such as the long thoracic nerve. With compression this nerve would then cause weakness in the serattus anterior. You would note winging of the scapula especially with arm abduction greater then 90 degrees. Suprascalular nerve innnervates part of the rotator cuff (supraspinatus and infraspinatus) and would not cause winging. Rotator cuff trendonitis also would not cause winging, but could cause flexion weakness

64 The most important principle in orthotic management of fractures is :

Compression of soft tissue

397 When is an axial resist AFO contra-indicated ?

Condition of the leg in which pressure around the knee cannot be tolerated.

85 A patient wearing a Dennis Brown Orthosis exhibits undesirable Eversion, you should

Contour the crossmember convex to the patient to supinate the feet

What are the characteristics of the congenital abnormality in infants called torticollis

Contracture of the sternocleidomastoid, ipsilateral head tilt, and contralateral head rotation.

A patient is diagnosed with a anterior cerebral artery stroke. You may need to assist with bracing. Based on the diagnosis you can expect that the patient will present with

Contralateral hemiparesis, leg more affected than the arm. Anterior cerebral stroke results in the leg more affected than the arm and contralateral sensory loss. Middle cerebral artery stroke results in hemiplegia, arm more affected than the leg. Basilar artery occlusion at the pons produces what is known as locked-in-syndrome causing quadriplegia with no motor function bet preserved consciousness

When examining a scoliosis radiograph, the vertebral body is seen to rotate toward the ____ in relation to the curve and the spinous process in seen to rotate toward the _____ in relation to the curve

Convexity, concavity. Scoliosis radiographs confirm that rotation of the vertebral body is toward the convexity of the curve and rotation of the spinous process is toward the concavity of the curve

135 Functions of a UCBL are :

Corrects Pes Planus Holds the calcaneus in a neutral position Adducts the forefoot

117 In which condition is a Milwaukee CTLSO NOT recommended?

Curve greater than 60 degrees

A Brachial plexus injury occurs resulting in decreased wrist and hand function. Choose which type of brachial injury would likely be the cause

Erb's palsy. Klumpke's palsy results in decrease wrist and hand function due to involvement of C8-C6. Trisomy 21 is another name for Down syndrome and ulnar neuritis may cause wrist and hand dysfunction but is not a brachial plexus injury

238 The muscle that can flex, abduct, extend, and support the shoulder joint is :


32 In what order should the HALO pins be tightened

DIAGONALLY opposed pins together

320 When aligning a cam lock for a KAFO, the posterior aspect of the bail should be ______ to the anterior aspect.


226 The sensory distribution of the spinal nerves is :


194 Sensation is transmitted through which of the following structures ?

DORSAL branch of the nerve roots

96 Which metal ankle joint is the functional equivalent of a plastic AFO trimmed anterior to the malleoli?


369 For the initial fitting of the TLSO : anterior control : the overall height measure should be :

Decreased by 72 mm (2 3/4 ")

79 Which of the following is a contra-indication for a plastic AFO?

Deep Peroneal nerve injury

The muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg are innervated by:

Deep peroneal nerve

145 What adjustment to a metal AFO would best accommodate 1 1/2" of tibial torsion?

Deflection of stirrup extensions

The axillary nerve innervates teres minor. What other muscles does it innervate

Deltoid The axillary nerve also innervates the deltoid. At times there is injury to this nerve with shoulder dislocation

249 What are the parts of a typical nerve cell:

Dendrite Axon Nucleus

311 What can be used to correct congenital equinovarus :

Dennis Browne Orthosis plaster Cast BiCAAL AFO

367 The cortico (brain) spinal tract is known as a :

Descending Pathway Motor Tract

In scoliosis management, lateral flexion radiographs are used to:

Determine if the curve is structural

In what order should the halo pins be tightened?

Diagonal pins together

379 The articular facets are classified as :


148 The major problem with using TWISTERS to correct for excess rotation of the leg is :

Difficulty with localizing rotary forces

84 What best describes the orthotic objective of the UCBL FO?

Diminish Calcaneus ML instability

58 A technician asks where to place the wrist joint on a WHO, you respond :

Distal Tip of Radial Styloid

365 The motor innervation of the deep muscles of the back along with sensory supply is provided by the :

Dorsal Rami of the THORACIC nerves

Which nerve innervates the rhomboid muscles and levator scapulae

Dorsal scapular nerve innervates rhomboids and levator scapulae while long thoracic nerve innervates serratus anterior. Axillary nerve innervates deltoid and teres minor muscles, suprascapular innervates supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles on the rotator cuff

The _____________ interossei abduct, while the __________________ interossei adduct.


You are seeing a patient with diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease. What is the common artery that you can palpate to asses blood flow

Dorsalis pedis. Clinicians at times will want to assess blood flow in a patient foot. One way it to palpate the dorsalis pedis pulse along with capillary refill

387 A patient with weak quadriceps wearing a KAFO without ring locks at the knee will need a _______ at the ankle .

DorsiFlexion stop (i.e. ground reaction AFO)

312 What ankle joint controls would be indicated for flaccid isolated paralysis of the plantar flexors ?

Dorsiflexion STOP

103 What are the major functions of the tibialis anterior muscle

Dorsiflexion and inversion

159 The primary purpose of a plastic AFO with trim lines posterior to the malleoli is to provide :

Dorsiflexion assist

45 Patient is a 20 yo male with a diagnosis of T10 incomplete spinal cord injury in 2007. Ambulation exhibits moderate extensor spasticity with 10 degrees of genu recurvatum. Ankle control of choice in the AFO is:

Dorsiflexion stop and Plantarflexion Stop

Excessive hip circumduction may result from:

Dorsiflexor weakness and Hip flexor weakness

83 What muscles contribute to spinal extension?

Erector Spinae Quadratus Lumborum Latiissimus Dorsi

24 which motion component is not considered part of supination


Gower sign is seen when a person gets up from the floor, walking hands up his legs to upright. Choose the most common diagnosis where this is seen

Duschenne muscular dystrophy is characterized by rapid loss of muscle, eventually leading to loss of ability to ambulate and death. By age 10 most are using braces to aide in walking. By 12 patients are usually wheelchair bound. Proximal weakness in the hips leads to the child using their arms to walk up their legs known as gowers sign.

324 What movement would be lost if the superficial branch of the common peroneal nerve is injured ?

EVERSION of the foot

158 If the patient has more internal tibial torsion than a KAFO allows, the foot will be forced to do what?


3 The Extensor Carpi Ulnaris works synergistically with the ____ to provide wrist extension.


136 Compared to the Balmoral style, the major advantage of the Blucher style shoe is:

Easier donning

Which of the following is a contra-indication for a spiral AFO?

Edema with frequent volume changes

Primary function of the brachioradialis is

Elbow flexion

The primary function of the brachialis is

Elbow flexion

What structure is at the distal end of the humerus?


79 Possible causes for hip circumduction during gait are :

Equinus Knee Arthrodesis Extensor Synergy pattern

Which of the following is often the result of an irregular birth?

Erb's palsy

42 Which motion would be lost if the superficial branch of the common Peroneal nerve is injured?

Eversion of the SubTalar joint

The lateral side bar on a conventional AFO should deflect posteriorly if the amount of external ankle rotation:

Exceeds 28 mm

219 The distal edge of the C-bar should :

Extend just proximal to the Pollicis IP

57 A person presents with mallet finger will be UNable to

Extend the PIP joint

214 What is the best means to accommodate valgus in a patient's lower limb ?

Extend the medial stirrup extension

When designing a thermoplastic KAFO for a patient with severe genu recuravatum, what can you incorporate that will help control the knee hyperextension

Extending the distal/posterior thigh trim lines more distally decreasing the depth of the thigh section extending the proximal posterior calf trim line proximally decreasing the depth of the calf section. All of these design modifications will aid in decreaseing genu recurvatum

The iliofemoral ligament limits:

Extension of the hip joint

164 Which of the following muscles do NOT abduct the thumb: Extensor Pollicis Brevis Opponens Pollicis Extensor Pollicis longus Flexor Pollicis Brevis

Extensor Pollicis Longus

What additions can you make to an AFO to decrease excessive pronation within the AFO.

Extrinsic medial wedge medial sabolich tab or trim line sustentaculum tali "ST" pad

48 True or False The Finkelstein test is used to asses the ABducctor Pollicis Brevis and Extensor Pollicis longus

FALSE its abductor pollicis LONGEST and extensor pollicis BREVIS

276 Evaluation of a patient with a gunshot wound to the hip reveals weak HIP FLEXORS. What Peripheral nerve is injured ?


126 Which nerve innervates the Sartorius muscle of the thigh?


115 When casting for the Milwaukee CTLSO, the patient's pelvis should be what position?


49 Posterior hip dislocations may occur in a MVA. What position of the hip has the highest risk of dislocation?


187 When a patient wearing a WHFO (wrist driven) dorsiflexes his wrist, it will cause what finger motion ?


49 What deformity is most likely to result from ankylosing spondylitis ?


5 A patient presents with disruption of the supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament, ligamentum flavum, capsular ligament and the intervertebral disc. There is sparing of the anterior longitudinal ligament and thee patient is neurologically intact. What is the most likely mechanism of injury?


333 An HKAFO with free hip motion in sagittal plane is used primarily to enhance :


273 Name 3 orthoses for the treatment of Hip Dysplasis?

FREJKA Pillow PAVLIK harness LLFELD splint

You have provided a patient with and articulated AFO and PF stop. When that patient ambulates you notice that they have pronounced knee flexion during loading response. Choose the options that can cause this

Firm extrinsic heel wedge PF stop is too dorsiflexed Both of these can cause ground reaction forces to translate posterior to the knee joint rapidly causing abrupt knee flexion during loading response

176 A complete Brachial Plexus injury results in:

Flaccid Paralysis

165 The actions of the first dorsal interosseous muscle on the index metacarpophalangeal joint are to:

Flex & ABduct

The lumbricals act to

Flex the MP joints and extend the IP joint. Lumbrials act to flex the MP joint and extend IP joints. The interossei muscles act to either adduction or abduct the digits along with pairing with the lumbricals to flex the MC joints and extend the IP joint

222 The Optimum hip angle of the patient during casting for a Milwaukee TLSO is :

Flexion Commensurate with minimum lordosis

234 An infant with bilateral dislocated hips is usually fitted with an orthosis that will hold the hips in:

Flexion and ABduction

163 Which muscle exerts its primary action on the proximal interphalangeal joint?

Flexor Digitorum Longus

191 Flexion of the distal interphalangeal joints is accomplished by which muscle ?

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

215 Which muscle flexes the middle phalanx ?

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

A patient you are working with has a medial nerve lesion, you would expect that they will have loss of all functions except one of the following

Flexor carpi ulnaris. Flexor carpi ulnaris in one of the few muscles that the median nerve does not innervate on the anterior compartment of the forearm. In general the median nerve serves the flexors of the forearm except for flexor carpi ulnaris which is innervated by the ulnar nerve. Lesion to the median nerve can produce carpal tunnel syndrome, ape hand deformity, denedictine deformity

144 Which muscles pass directly posterior to the medial malleolus ?

Flexor hallucis longus tibialis posterior Flexor digitorum longus

34 A polymer AFO is contraindicated for which condition:

Fluctuating edema of foot and leg

43 Where is the appropriate placement of the paraspinal bars for a LSO

Follow the apices of the paraspinal muscles

48 Which is the only orthosis known to control motion at the Atlanto-Occipital joint


A patient is seen at the local hospital ortho/neuro floor. The patient presents with an unstable odontoid fracture. Which orthosis would you recommend

HALO CTLSO is indicated for unstable C1 and C2 fractures. This orthosis spans a long distance to maximize end point control

114 What offers the greatest protection or immobilization for a fracture of the odontoid ?


160 The Peroneus Longus muscle causes what motions of the foot and ankle?

Foot Eversion & Ankle Plantarflexion

139 Reverse last or "OUTFLARE" shoes are generally prescribed to control:

Forefoot ADduction the shoes are turned outward

What is a Colle's fracture?

Fracture of distal radius

337 Fracture bracing may not be indicated for :

Fractures of the mid-shaft of the femur

92 Which component is NOT appropriate in a KAFO designed to unweight the limb?

Free ankle joint

A single cycle of gait is defined as the time

From heel off of one foot to heel off of the same foot

What is the most appropriate foot orthotic for a type two diabetic

Funtional/accommodative, fabricated out of diabetic multidensity trilaminated foam with a medicare approved foam base layer. When fabricating diabetic type insert it is still important to consider the individuals foot type so functional modifications may be necessary. I.E. a patient with a cavo varus foot is more likely to receive excess pressure on the lateral border of their foot. So, functional foot orthotic modifications need to be incorporated into the diabetic foot orthotic to decrease the likelihood of ulcer/callus development on the lateral border of their foot.

384 A mid-sagittal line falling more than 15 mm medial from the knee indicates:


A patient has failed conservative treatment for plantar fasciitis including foot orthotics, physical therapy, shoe wear modification. Choose all that are common surgical interventions

Gastroc lengething Plantar fascia release Ankle fusion and triple arthrodesis surgeries are not performed for plantar fasciitis. Usually treated arthritis with fusion of the calcanealcuboid, talonavicular, and talocalcaneal joints of the foot.

98 A patient with soleus contracture is likely to exhibit what characteristic during weight bearing?


27 What is a contraindication for a floor reaction AFO?

Genu Recurvatum Coronal instability of the knee

399 Where does "unloading" occur in an axial resist KAFO ?

Gluteal Fold

Trendeleburg gait can be seen in patients after they have total hip arthroplasty, injury to the superior gluteal nerve, and poliomyelitis. This is caused by weakness in what muscle

Gluteus medius. Weakness of the gluteus medius results in trendelenburg gait. durning the stance phase the pelvis on the opposite side drops due to weakness on the stance side

A child is seen in clinic. The child is playing on the floor and proceeds to use his hands to stand up by pushing off of his lower extremities until upright. What is the name of this maneuver and what diagnosis does this boy most likely have

Gowers sign Duchennes muscular dystrophy Duchennes muscular dystrophy is most common in you males and is characterized by the gowers sign "walking of the hands up lower extremities while standing" which is compensating for proximal lower extremity weakness

394 Pertinent lateral anatomical landmarks to be identified on the hip and pelvis when measuring for a HKAFO include:

Greater Trochanter and Iliac Crest

318 What are the principles of fracture orthoses :

Incompressibility of fluids Maintenance of total contact Stimulation of bone healing through early ambulation

A KAFO patient is seen in clinic for follow up. The patient has utilize a KAFO for three years but has developed avascular necrosis "avn" of the femoral condyles. What change could you make to the current KAFO to allow for minimal ambulation with out slowing the reversal of AVN

Incorporate ischial weight bearing. By fabricating an ischial weight bearing brim you can load proximally while unloading distally at the femoral condyles whereby allowing for minimal ambulation while treating AVN

294 How would elevating the shoe heel effect a solid ankle AFO ?

Increase Knee Flexion moment at Heel Strike

What modification can you make to and ulnar fracture orthosis to increase its effectiveness at immobilizing a distal 2/3 ulnar fracture

Increase pressure A/P for increased immobilization. Increased pressure A/P "interosseous membrane" creates tension between the radius and ulna. This tension is an effective immobilizer for ulnar fracture

143 The wire coil spring AFO (Matrix) is contraindicated for patients with moderate gastrocnemius spasticity because of:

Induced reflex contraction of the muscle

280 Describe GUILLAIN BARRE and it's effects on the patient?

Infectious PolyNeuritis with progressive muscle weakness distal to proximal, which may lead to paralysis. Prognosis usually full recovery, though in more severe cases the patient may have some residual weakness in distal extremities

Posterior trim lines on an LSO extend from the sacrococcyxgeal joint to just inferior to _____. Anterior trim lines extend from symphysis pubis to the _______.

Inferior angle of the scapula xiphoid process. LSO trim lines are chosen to span a distance above and below the pathological area to maximize control and or guide motion "longer lever arm = better control"

34 what is the method used to find the baseline for corset measurement

Inferior costal margin to iliac crest divided by two

258 The proper length measurement for a TAYLOR orthosis is:

Inferior scapular angle to inferior edge of the sacrum

95 What is the MOST important measurement of a quadrilateral brim?

Inguinal Ligament to Posterior

29 (3) fracture patterns indicated for orthotic management:

Inherently stable two column Single Column, one level with 25% compression All single column, multiple level fractures

309 The purpose of measuring tibial torsion is to:

Insure that the anatomical axis coincides with the mechanical ankle axis

11 The purpose of measuring external rotation of the ankle joint is to:

Insure that the mechanical ankle axis coincides with the anatomical ankle axis in the transverse plane

107 To promote healing in case of LEGG-PERTHES' disease, an orthosis should hold the hip joint in:

Internal rotation & ABduction

235 Combined MP flexion and IP extension are performed primarily by the

Interossei and Lumbricals

Simultaneous MP flexion and IP extension are performed primarily by the

Interossei and lumbricals

131 Fracture bracing is NOT indicated for :

Intertrochanteric fractures Fractures of the miid shaft of the femur

366 The dorsal and ventral roots unite as a mixed spinal nerve and emerge from the :

Intervertebral Foramen

400 What are 3 designs of axial resit KAFO's.

Ischial Ring Quadrilateral brim Normal shape, Normal alignment

you are working with a therapist on gait training for a patient that has a L1 complete spinal cord injury along with another patient hat has an L4 spinal cord injury. What bracing would you expect most appropriate for these patients and ambulation tolerance respectively

L1 spinal cord injury: independent ambulation with knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) household distance, L4 spinal cord injury: ankle foot orthosis, community ambulatory independent. With and L1 spinal cord injury the patient would likely need a KAFO due to iliopsoas weakness as inervated by L2 nerve root. Due to high energy cost only household distance would be expected. L4 spinal cord injury is a lower motor neuron lesion resulting in weakness of the ankle dorsiflexors, anterior tibialis, benefiting from use of an AFO due to foot drop

A patient is seen in clinic. The patient is utilizing foot orthotics with 3/8" heel lifts to decrease inflammation of her cord "achilles tendonitis". What lumbar pathologies could this aggravate.

L5-S1 spondylolisthesis DJD of the lumbar facet joints lumbar spondylolsis When recommending heel lifts for achilles tendonitis recognize that it will increase lumbar lordosis. The listed lumbar lumbar pathologies are all treated by decreasing lumbar lordosis and can be aggravated by heel lifts on a relative scale.

58 A patient exhibits Hallux Rigidus, which part of stance phase will the patient have the most discomfort :


248 A patient with a lesion located in the ____ would probably be aphasic :

LEFT brain lobe

8 ____ disease is an Osteochondrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis that generally occurs in ________.

LEGG_CALVE_PERTHES 3 to 10 yo males

316 A patient with a lower lumbar myelomeningocoele may develop hip flexion contractures due to:

Lack of hip extensors to act as antagonist Parental non-compliance with home stretching program

When selecting anterior pin placement in a HALO CTLSO application, where is the proper starting position

Lateral 1/3 of eyebrow, slightly superior to eyebrow. When choosing anterior pin placement for a HALO this placement gives you a relatively safe starting position to avoid puncturing sinuses, nervous system structures as well as to decrease superior migration of HALO ring.

44 A patient presents with C6 quadriplegia. He will not be able to manipulate objects with 3 point prehension. What other type of prehension will he use ?

Lateral pinch (key grip))

The erector spine muscles are found in the intermediate layer of the muscle layers of the muscles in the back. When they act bilaterally, they extend the vertebral column. When they act unilaterally what action do they perform

Laterally bend the vertebral column. The erector spine muscles act to extend the vertebral column and unilaterally act to laterally bend the column. Stabilize vertebrae durning local movements of the vertebral column is performed by the deep layer known as transversospinal muscles (multifidi, semispinalis, rotatores).

156 In constructing a metal AFO, fixed varus at the subtalar joint may be accommodated by:

Lengthening lateral stirrup extension

364 The superficial muscle group of the back consists of :

Levator Scapulae Rhomboideus Major and Minor Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi

223 The Pelvic band for an LSO or TLSO should :

Lie Halfway between the iliac crest and the greater trochanter

285 A polio patient has a FLAIL ANKLE, good knee muscles, good hip muscles, full ROM at knee with 25' RECURVATUM. Knee buckles when tired. What orthosis do you recommend? Describe the mechanical principles.

Lightweight KAFO Offset or Drop Lock knee Solid Ankle AFO section Rocker bottom shoe or double adjustable ankle joint

193 A patient with a well fitted orthosis for a wrist level median nerve injury does not use his hand functionally. This is most likely due to :

Limited ROM

211 Increasing intra-abdominal pressure by using spinal orthoses has the effect of:

Limiting diaphragmatic respiration

32 The main reason the thumb ADduction stop is placed on a wrist driven flexor hinge orthosis is because it ..

Prevents Chaffing into the web space

Which of the following nerves innervates all of the anterior muscles of the arm?


203 Hydrocephalus may accompany :


406 Three common pathologies for which the RGO is recommended include :

Myelodysplasia Muscular Dystrophy Spinal Cord Injury

269 How much plantarflexion would you allow a patient who has suffered a CVA ?


303 Should you put a femoral fracture brace on a proximal femoral fracture ?

NO never brace femoral fractures above the distal 1/3 rd

53 A major source of pain for the brachial plexus patient due to shoulder subluxation is :

Nerve Traction

210 The term CAUDA EQUINA refers to the:

Nerve roots below the level of the spinal cord

Mobile arm supports balanced forearm orthosis would be indicated for which patient?

Non-ambulatory patient with minimal shoulder power

345 The Primary nerve of the hip adductors is:


10 Which degenerative joint disease first affects thee articular cartilage ?




289 Give 4 contraindications for RGOs

Obesity Hip Flexion Contracture +20 degrees Spasticity Non-plantargrade foot Hip dislocation

53 A 13 yo female is seen for the first time in scoliosis. The curve span is from T7 - L1 and presents with a curve magnitude of 20 degrees. What should be the initial treatment?

Observation to prove progression

112 The superior articulating surfaces of the Atlas articulate with the:

Occipital Condyles

282 When would you recommend a bail lock on a KAFO instead of drop locks ?

Only one functional hand When crutches or canes are used with bilateral KAFOs

A scoliosis patient is seen in clinic. Upon radiographic reading you note that the patient has a risser sign of 5. How would you describe this risser sign

Osseous cap noted on 100 percent of the iliac crest apophyseal plate. A risser sign of 5 is described as complete osseous capping of the iliac crest apophyseal plate and signals skeletal maturity

14 Congenital Osetoporosis, along with fractures before and during birth is indicative of which condition?

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

What would you recommend for addition to and articulated AFO for drop foot and posterior lateral hyperextension thrust of the knee (mild tone is present)

PF stop will decrease drop foot in swing 1/4" heel/lateral wedge will negate the posterior lateral knee extension thrust the metatarsal pad in combination with elevation of the 2nd-5th MTP's and digits have been shown to decrease tone on a relative scale

323 At the time of "midstance" during gait, the floor reaction is :


221 In order to treat kyphosis with a Milwaukee TLSO the pads should be placed :


35 if you use a TLSO sagittal control and found the patient could not tolerate the strap pressure in the axilla what might be done?

Pad the straps Use a harness chest strap with sternal plate

376 I you used a TLSO: A/P control (TAYLOR) and found the patient could not tolerate the strap pressure in the axilla you might :

Pads the straps Use a harness chest strap with sternal plate

230 The hand orthosis ( HO ) controls :

Palmar arch and thumb position

186 Which muscles are supplied by the median nerve ?

Palmaris Longus Flexor Pollicis Longus Pronator Teres Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

395 The mechanical hip joint axes must be aligned. ____ to the ______ line.

Parallel, MidSagittal

A positive trendelenburg sign is an indication of:

Paralysis of hip abductors

398 What landmarks are required for the fabrication of an axial resist AFO ?

Patella Medial flare of the Tibia Crest of the Tibia

When taking and impression for a custom polymer LSO for patient with L5, S1 spondylolisthesis, How you position the patient if they were allowed to stand though the procedure

Patient should be asked to flex their hips and knees slightly. by having the patient flex their hips and knees slightly their lumbar lordosis will be reduced giving you optimal alignment for spondylolisthesis management

322 When Genu Varum is present on a lower limb schema, the mid-sagittal line connects the :

Perineum and a mark made 30 mm MEDIAL to the ANKLE

383 The average midsagittal line for a "normal" limb will intersect at what three points

Perineum bisect a point 15 mm medial to the leg at the knee joint axis a point 30 mm medial to the medial malleolus at the ankle joint axis

104 Foot drop is caused by a lesion of which nerve

Peroneal Nerve

267 What problems could you encounter in moving the bands ?

Peroneal nerve impingement Limited knee flexion of orthosis

349 Which muscles assist in dorsiflexion of the ankle :

Peroneus Tertius Tibialis Anterior Extensor Hallucis Longus

All of the following muscles are posterior to the medial malleolus EXCEPT:

Peroneus brevis

In the hospital you see a 6 year old girl with spina bifida. You are consulted due to the patient's club foot and 30 degree scoliotic thoracic curvature. Please circle on choice that would be part of the normal treatment for a child with spina bifida

Prevent contractors due to neurogenic deformities, with hydrocephalus, decompress and place shunt in place, prevent pressure sores and fit patient with a AFO and a TLSO. Spina bifida is caused by incomplete closure of one or more neural arches that can cause a wide range of impairments. Joint contractures and pressure ulcers are always a risk for a patient with neurological deficits

The definition of _____, is a cranial asymmetry " nonsynostotic origin" caused by external forces and sometimes attributed to the SIDS

Plagiocephaly is a deformity of the cranium that is usually rhomboid in the shape when viewed in the transverse plane. If caught early it can be managed with a cranial remolding helmet

70 The ligament on which the talus rests and which helps support the medial Longitudinal arch of the foot is the :

Plantar CalcaneoNavicular Ligament

During quiet standing, what muscles are acting on the ankle joint in the sagittal plane

Plantar flexors

A 20 year old female patient presents with flaccid anterior compartment and medial lateral instability in her right lower limb. Which of the following would you recommend?

Polypropylene AFO with trim anterior to the malleoli

81 What is the purpose of a thumb post?

Positioning for palmer prehension

228 The main reason for using a wrist hand orthosis instead of a hand orthosis is :

Positioning the wrist

40 all of these are clinical signs of scoliosis

Positive adams test asymmetrical gapping between arm and waist shoulder asymmetry.

132 What function should the knee component provide in a cast brace following repair of a torn anterior cruciate ligament?

Prevent full flexion Prevent full extension

207 A good purchase on the pelvis is required in spinal orthotics to:

Prevent increased motion at the Lumbosacral Junction

The goal(s) of treatment for Marie-Strumpell arthritis (ankylosing spondylitis) are:

Prevention of further deformity and Relief of pain

A patient in seen in clinic. The patient presents with a separated connective tissue in her symphysis pubis. What orthosis is recommended and what hormone can cause the elasticity of the symphysis pubis in increase during pregnancy

SI belt and relaxin hormone. Relaxin is a hormone that is released in pregnant women in which increases the elasticity of the connective tissue to assist the ease of birth. In some cases the pubic symphysis can become too elastic causing pain instability so a SI belt is utilized to provide increased stability to pubic symphysis joint.

9 how is the subluxed shoulder typically managed in hemiplegia


150 When selecting an AFO for a patient who has both knee instability at heel strike and genu recurvatum at midstance, the most effective ankle joint to use would be :


347 The best gait pattern that can be achieved with poor grade dorsi and plantar flexors has the most desirable control in a metal AFO with a :


358 A 30 yo patient with a C1 fracture has been referred to you. It is 5 weeks post injury and the physician has deemed that the involved area is relatively stable and shows signs of callous formation with return, of neurological function. The orthosis of choice at this point would be:


A patient with a diagnosis of Brown Sequard Syndrome (SCI) which occurred at C4 affecting his right upper extremity and right lower extremity comes to your clinic for and LE orthosis. He is ambulatory but requires minimal assistance. Initially, what assistive device would be most appropriate and in what extremity

SPC "cane" of the left side. Brown sequard syndrome will result in potential lost of motor function on the side of the lesion, with this individual you would have him trial using a SPC "single point cane" on the unaffected side to counterbalance the loss of function on the right. FWW would not be necessarily appropriate as it would require function of both extremities. It is usually recommended that the assistive devices be used on the sound side

119 Anterior displacement of one vertebra is called:


372 The most important goal when managing a paralytic spine is :


149 Inversion and eversion of the hindfoot occur at which joint:


339 In normal human locomotion, at heel strike the ____ are in a(n) ______position


173 The deltoid muscle will NOT initiate ABduction unless it is assisted by the:


50 A patient presents with a grade 3 spondylolisthesis and a 45' slip angle. Based on this information what would likely be the most effective treatment?


213 For Maximum leverage with an LSO, it should extend from the:

Sacrococcygeal area to 1" below the inferior angle of the scapula

The nominate bone of the pelvic girdle is known as

Sacrum The pelvic girdle is mad up of the innominate bones of the iliums that articulate with the sacrum known as the nominate bone

20 The 1st CMC is what type of joint ?

Saddle Joint

A patient is seen in clinic. The patient presents with a midshaft humeral (10 degree of varus is noted at the fracture sight). What orthosis would you recommend

Sarmiento humeral fracture orthosis. Midshaft humeral fracture can be manged with a sarmiento humeral fracture orthosis. Long term benefits of the sarmiento: Micro motion at the fracture sit promotes bone growth. Movement at elbow throughout the healing process minimizes stiff elbow that requires extensive rehab. Movement of the arm, once comfortable, promotes muscle pump action to aid circulation

325 Which muscles originate on the ASIS :

Sartorius Tensor Fasciae Latae

The posterior trim lines on a TLSO from the sacrocoygeal joint to just inferior to______. Anterior trim lines extend from symphysis pubis to the ______

Scapular spine, sternal notch. TLSO trim lines are chosen to span a distance above and below the pathological area to maximize control and or guide motion. "Longer lever arm = better control"

A 15 year old patient is seen in clinic for her initial evaluation. After cobbing her x-ray, you and her physician agree that she has a 20 degree left lumbar, 22 degree right thoracic curves with no sign of progression. What should your treatment consist of at this time

Scoliotic curve of a magnitude less than 25 degrees indicate a treatment plan of OBSERVATION and FOLLOW UP. NOTE: in some cases with very young patient's earlier management may be indicated due to a lack of skeletal maturity

A scoliosis patient is seen in clinic for her initial evaluation. After cobbing her x-ray, you and her physician agree that she has a 35 degree left lumbar curve with no sign of progression. What should your treatment consist of at this time

Scoliotic curves of magnitude 30-45 degrees should be managed with and orthosis immediately, regardless of progress

388 What special adaption should be incorporated in KAFOs for children ?

Segmental Length Adjustments

15 What is the best initial recommendation for a new born patient with talipes equino varus?

Serial Cast

Anterior displacement of the vertebral body on the lower vertebrae is called what

Spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis is described by the percentage of the anterior displacement of the vertebral body described by 4 grades (grade 1 0-25%, grade 2 25-50%, grade 3 50-75%, grade 4 75-100%) Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal column. Spondylosis is a term for osteoarthritis of the spinal column or neutral foramen. Spondylitis is inflammation of the vertebra

What pathology would indicate the use of a Williams Flexion LSO

Sponylolisthesis. The williams flexion LSO allows free lumbar flexion but stops lumbar extension making it a possible orthosis for management of spondylolisthesis

266 In a conventional KAFO what changes would you use to reduce recurvatum?

Shallow Bands Move calf band up distal thigh down increase heel height

386 What additional modification can be incorporated to a metal KAFO for Genu Recurvatum ?

Shallow distal Thigh Band Ankle Joint Positioned in 5' of dorsiflexion Shallow calf band

Why is sheurmann's kyphosis easier to manage with on orthosis compared to scoliosis

Sheurmann's kyphosis only has a sagittal plane component of deformity, whereas scoliosis has both sagittal and transverse components of deformity making it relatively more difficult to manage with an orthosis

7 A complete lesion of the tibial nerve on one leg will result in what gait deviation?

Shortened step length on contralateral side

47 Which type of orthosis would be used to manage a patient with skin grafts in the axillary region ?

Shoulder ABduction Orthosis

182 What problems can be anticipated fitting a complete brachial plexus injury with a functional orthosis ?

Shoulder Subluxation is difficult to control

Which types of scoliotic curves would you expect to progress more given only the location of the curve

Single lumbar, thoracolumbar. Single lumbar and thoracolumbar scoliotic curves have been shown to progress more in relation to thoracic and double major curves.

302 What is the best position for a patient to be in when being fitted with a tibial fracture brace ?

Sitting with legs dangling at 90'

393 In a two-stage impression for a plastic KAFO, it is helpful for the patient to be ______ in the first stage:

Sitting with their knee flexed and a partial weight bearing force applied.

242 Ideally, how soon after injury should a quadriplegic patient be fitted with an upper limb orthosis ?

Six Weeks

225 As an orthotist, your primary concern with a spinal injury patient is :

Skin Sensitivity to pressure

When selecting posterior pin placement in a HALO CTLSO application, where is the proper starting position

Slightly superior to ear, opposing the anterior pin directly, inferior to equator of the cranium. By placing the posterior pins of a HALO, slightly superior to ear, opposing the anterior pin directly, inferior to equator of the cranium you will optimize placement to avoid nervous system structures as well as superior migration of the HALO

16 List in order from least to most effective in controlling the cervical spine?

Soft Collar, SOMI, four poster CTO, HALO

277 Describe Chondromalacia and possible Orthotic tx.

Softness of the articular cartilage usually involving the patell-femoral joint. PALUMBO orthosis or other patellar stabilizing orthosis

65 with poor grade dorsi and plantar flexors, the most desirable control in a metal AFO is

Solid Ankle

286 How would you trim the AFO section for the above polio patient? WHY ?

Solid Ankle, Anterior Trim Flail ankle needs stability in all planes

A patient with an upper motor neuron disorder has a posterior loss of balance with immediate sit to standing due to either tight muscles or weakness. What would be the most likely cause of this

Spasticity of the gastrocnemius-soleus. The muscles around the ankle provide ankle strategies, the gastrocnemius-soleus moves the body posterior while the anterior tibialis helps move the body anterior

21 What condition should be positioned in sagittal flexion when managing with ann orthosis ?

Spinal Stenosis

56 SPASTIC Paralysis may result from :

Spinal cord or Brain injury Poliomyelitis

? The following make up the erector spinae

Spinalis, longissimus, lliocostalis

What is the superior margin of the paraspinal bars in a Taylor TLSO

Spine of the scapula

When turning a conventional AFO into a dorsiflexion assist AFO, how would you set up double action ankle joint

Springs in the posterior channel will produce dorsiflexion assist in double action ankle joint

The patient is seen in clinic with flaccid ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors. The patient also buckles at the knee during loading response/heel strike. You have choose to recommend a conventional with double action ankle joint. What would be the most appropriate configuration of the ankle joints

Springs in the posterior channels and pins in the anteriors channels. By having springs in the posterior channels and pins in anterior channels you will provide adequate anterior posterior support to the lower leg muscular imbalance but the posterior springs will allow controlled plantarflexsion during loading response whereby keeping the ground reaction forces anterior to the knee joint to decrease knee buckling

128 What is the MAJOR function of a parapodium?

Stabilizes the lower limbs and spine

48 You have assessed a spina bifida patient that would benefit from bilateral KAFOs. Which type of knee joint does not require the patient to manually lock the knee but would allow the patient to use their upper extremities to get to an erect posture.

Step lock Knee Joint

The axial skeleton is attached to the appendicular skeleton at the:

Sternoclavicular and sacroiliac joints

301 What could you do to a fracture brace to better align a lateral or medial tibial plateau fracture ?

Stress brace into Varus or Valgus (if directed by M.D.)

227 What is the affect of fitting a KAFO on a patient with insufficient external rotation?


The secondary function of the biceps brachii is


In general terms, the radial nerve of the brachial plexus innervates:

Supinators and extensors

The TLSO: Anterior control should be fitted with the patient in a

Supine position

296 How can you prevent a knee orthosis from migrating down ?

SupraCondylar Wedge SupraPatellar Strap Attach to foot plate lightweight belt

26 Which muscle ABducts the scapula.


50 two muscles function to ABduct the shoulder, one is the deltoid, the other muscle is :


The deltoid muscle acts to abduct the shoulder with what other muscle

Supraspinatus Supraspinatus part of the rotator cuff assists with a abduction of th

290 Name 3 clinical signs of Charcot Joints at ankle mortise.

Swelling instability Excessive joint mobility anaesthetic foot visual deformity

What is the primary target organ in rheumatoid arthritis?


108 A KAFO is seldom prescribed for paraplegic patients with lesions above :

T 12

359 Upon looking at the surface anatomy of the back, it can be said that the spine of the scapula is at the approximate vertebral level :

T 3

What level of paraplegia seldom gets braced

T6 & L5

167 The natural opposition of the thumb and fingers occurs when the wrist is in extension is known as :


10 The most common etiology of a stroke is:


4 A patient presents with no volitional strength to the thumb. What component will you recommend?


153 Loss of power in the gastrocnemius soleus group indicates injury to which nerve?


353 The orthosis best suited to manage a T7 anterior compression fracture with fractures of the posterior vertebral arch is :

TLSO : APL with rotary control

46 A 35 yo male is seen at a local hospital with an anterior compression fracture of L1. Based on the diagnosis, what is the best orthotic recommendation ?


4 which orthosis is best suited to manage a compression fracture 20% anterior compression at T11

TLSO anterior control

2 You are asked to recommend an orthosis for a 20 year old male how has sustained a L1 burst fracture. What is the best orthotic recommendation

TLSO polymer

3 Which orthosis is best suited to manage a T6, 1 column compression fracture

TLSO sagittal and coronal contral

What orthosis would be used to manage a patient with a T3 compression fracture?

TLSO: anterior control with cervical extension

109 The deformity caused by unilateral contracture of the sternocleidomastoid is known as :


44 A lumbar pad for a scoliosis TLSO should be placed over the

TRANSEVERSE processes of lumbar vertebrae

82 A fusion of the Talocalcaneal, Talonavicular & Calcanealcuboid is called ?


46 True or False. A patient presents with rheumatoid arthritis could also have carpal tunnel syndrome.


? the troclea is found on the superior border of which bone


78 In addition to the deltoid, the axillary nerve innervates the

Teres minor

259 The greatest amount of rotation occurs in :

The THORACIC spine

The sciatic nerve innervates all these muscles except

The gluteus medius is innervated by the superior gluteal nerve The sciatic nerve provides sensation to most of the leg and motor function of most of the posterior leg muscles, there is a tibial division and the common fibular division that innervates the bicpes femoris.

308 For correction of Genu Valgum, forces should be applied over the :

Thigh distal to the greater trochanter lateral aspect of the foot Medial condyle of the femur

390 During evaluation of a KAFO, a patient exhibits pressure from the calf band while sitting, but does not have any problems standing. What could be a possible cause ?

The mechanical knee axis is anterior to the anatomical

When taking and impression and delineation for a KAFO what landmark represents knee enter

The midpoint between medial tibial plateau and adductor tubercle. When taking and impression and delineation for a KAFO, knee center is represented by the midpoint between MTP and the adductor tubercle

42 Why is a CTLSO: Milwaukee NOT recommended for a person with a paralytic spine?

The person cannot provide active forces necessary for correction

You have a patient that presents for evaluation for an AFO after a stroke. You notice he has a forward flexion posture. What positive muscle length test would you expect to see associated with this posture

Thomas test. The thomas test tests for iliopsoas (hip flexion) tightness. often with hip flexor contractors he patient will present with a forward flexed posture when standing. Ober test assesses ilio tibial band tightness, hip extensor tightness would have opposite effect on the patient's posture.

It is early in the recovery phase of patient with a L3 compete spinal cord injury. The expected outcome would most likely be

The spinal cord ends a level of L1 at the conus medularis,, form L1 distal (cauda equina lesion) a spinal cord injury would be damage to a peripheral nerve. Some recovery can be expected. A spastic bladder would be associated with the upper motor neuron injury

246 Upward rotation of the scapula is produced by:

The upper & middle segments of the TRAPEZIUS and SERRATUS ANTERIOR

A median nerve injury at the wrist clinically presents with:

Thenar atrophy, loss of thumb opposition, flexion and abduction

314 Why is more ankle joint clearance allowed for the medial malleolus ?

There is a valgus moment at the ankle during standing

37 The TIRR system is different from the IRM or Rancho systems in that it is usually made of

ThermoSet material

True or false, a patient with pes plano valgus foot and peroneal tendonitis should utilize their functional fort orthotics (MLA support, extrinsic medial wedge, and or carlson modifications) with a pronator motion control type shoe

True it is of the utmost importance to use a pronator "motion control" shoe in combination with a functional foot orthotic including a MLA support, extrinsic medial wedge, and or carlson modifications. Note: as general statement patient's don't necessarily choose appropriate shoe wear to compliment their functional foot orthotics. You should steer them in the right direction.

true or false, a patient utilizing an articulated AFO with a full foot plate complains that it is hard to roll over their foot smoothly throughout stance. Recommending rocker sole shoe and or cutting the foot plate to sulcus length would be appropriate (assuming the have good knee stability in the sagittal plane)

True sulcus length foot plates and rocker shoes can both contribute to a relatively smooth roll over in stance phase

80 a SPINA BIFIDA child presents with S1 intact. The orthosis indicated at this time would be :


A patient has sustained a stroke and you note that he has a flexion synergy pattern in this upper extremity and lower extremity, what best describes both synergy patterns?

UE: Shoulder abduction, external rotation, elbow flexion, forearm supination, wrist flexion LE: hip flexion, abduction, external rotation, knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, inversion.

190 Metacarpophalangeal hyperextension and interphalangeal semi-flexion of the ring and little finger characterizes a lesion of which nerve at the wrist ?


43 A physician uses the FROMENT's test to assess which nerve injury?

ULNAR nerve lesion

The claw hand appearance of the hand is due to damage to what nerve.

Ulnar nerve Damage to the ulnar nerve commonly occurs where it passes posterior to the medial epicondyle on the humerus. The patient is likely to have difficulty making a fist due to paralysis of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. Claw hand comes from inability to flex the 4th and 5th MCP joint

The claw hand appearance is characterized by an injury to what nerve

Ulnar nerve Ulnar nerve injury will result in 4th and 5th MCP joints exten

19 What are contraindications for an RGO ?

Unreliable family support Poor upper extremity strength Obesity

181 ERB's Palsy refers to paralysis from injury to the :

Upper Trunk of the Brachial Plexus

297 What is the basic theory of FRACTURE bracing ?

Using Hydrostatic pressure to stabilize the fracture micro motion at fracture site promotes healing mobilization of joints above and below fracture decreases rehab time

389 A torn medial collateral ligament MCL of the knee would create a moment, and tendency for the knee to move _______ in a KAFO .


292 Name 3 signs in evaluation of heel spur pain

Valgus foot Pes Planus Localized pain at loading

In an attempt to restore upper limb function to a C6 complete quadriplegic, which orthosis should you recommend?

WDWHO (flexor hinge) WHO with externally powered wrist and/or prehension

A patient is seen in clinic. The patient presents with her right radial nerve intact and severed median and ulnar nerves. What orthosis would you recommend

WHFO (wrist driven flexor hinge). With a radial nerve intact, the patient will still have extensor motion available. A wrist driven flexor hinge will capture the extensor motion and translate it into natural tenodesis to grasp objects with three point palmer prehension

Which orthosis would be recommended for a radial-ulnar nerve injury at the elbow?

WHO with MP extension stop and 4th and 5th IP extension assist

In an attempt to restore upper limb function to a C5 complete quadriplegic, which orthosis should you recommend?

WHO with externally powered wrist and/or prehension

80 Which orthosis would you recommend to a mid-humerus fracture which included injury to the radial nerve

WHO with thumb extension and finger extension assist

18 the axillary's extension of a boston brace style scoliosis for a double curve should extend from the

Window to about T5

A patient with C6 quadriplegia is able to use a tenodesis grip. What is the action that occurs

Wrist extension which causes MP flexion. C6 quadriplegic patients functionally uses tenodesis grasp. This is caused by wrist extension which allows passive MP flexion

13 for most patients the paraplegia to stand in KAFO's they must be allowed to rest on their iliofemoral ligaments. In order to facilitate this posture, how should the ankles be positioned in the sagittal plane

a few degrees of dorsiflexion

33 When using an AFO with a solid ankle joint, a smoother gait may be achieved thorough use of


192 Patients who have good extensor digitorum communis function but loss of intrinsics would require a hand orthosis with what component ?

an MP stop

46 at heel strike the ground reaction line passes

anterior to hip and posterior to knee

275 What is the cause of CHARCOT joints in the feet and ankle ?

any NEUROPATHIC Disease can have Charcot joints associated with it ( diabetes , herpes , syphilis )

54 Functionally, double action ankle joints can be effectively used in treating patients with paraplegia because they :

are highly adjustable

31 when putting a heel wedge on a shoe for a conventional AFO the wedge should be placed

between the stirrup and the sole

A patient is seen in clinic. The patient is utilizing a WHFO (wrist driven flexor hinge). The patient states that she can grasp objects but cannot maintain for long periods of time due to muscle fatigue. What addition can you add to this orthosis to allow for long periods of three point palmer prehension

by adding a ratchet lock at the wrist the patient can extend the wrist to the desired prehension width and lock it in place over the object while the having the ability to relax their wrist extensor muscles

330 in fitting an AFO, the orthotist must insure the calf band :

cannot impinge on the PERONEAL nerve

9 the orthotic management of a T1 level fracture will have its best 3 point pressure system with which orthosis?

cervical thoracic orthosis (CTO)

3 paralytic equinus during swing phase is often caused by injury to the

common peroneal nerve

27 in a scoliotic curve the spinous processes rotate toward the


? wedge vertebra bar vertebra and hemi vertebra are seen most frequently in which type of scoliosis


A patient is seen in clinic and presents with lumbar DJD. The patient has handed you a script with RX: LSO aligned appropriately. How would you align the patient in the sagittal plane

decrease lumbar lordosis

A patient is seen in clinic and presents with L5, S1 spondyloisthesis. The patient has handed you a script with RX: aligned appropriately. How would you align the patient in the sagittal plane

decrease lumbar lordosis causes lumbar flexion, which is the most appropriate position to prevent progression and allow for healing of the pathology

24 for the assembly of the TLSO anterior control what should be done to the overall height measurement

decreased by 72mm

58 ( ?? ) What effect does reducing decompensation have on the critical load of the spine

decreases ( ??? test said Increases )

274 What is TIBIAL TORSION and how is it measured?

difference between KNEE and ANKLE joint Axes as viewed in the TRANSVERSE plane. with the knee at 90' - measure apex of each malleolus to a surface behind leg

19 A humeral fracture can be managed orthotically if it is in the ____ of the humerus. The most important biomechanical principle when managing these fracture is______

distal 2/3s, soft tissue compression

51 When fitting a conventional AFO, you must ensure the calf band :

does NOT impinge on the Common PERONEAL nerve

? during closed kinetic chain supination the talus is in what position

dorsiflexed and abducted

21 which of the following ankle joint controls would be indicated for flaccid isolated paralysis of the plantarflexors

dorsiflexion stops

What is the primary function of brachioradialis

elbow flexion Brachioradialis muscle serves to flex the elbow

31 The two functions of the bicep brachii are

elbow flexion and forearm supination

? the TLSO anterior control has two anterior pads that provide a posteriorly directed force. The anteriorly directed force by the posterior pad should provide what amount of force

equal to that posteriorly directed force

? Causes for circumduction during gait is

equinus knee arthrodesis extensor synergy pattern

20 Which of the following is a modification that should be made to a scoliosis orthosis for a patient with hypokyphosis

extend the posterior superior trim line to T3

? and idiopathic scoliotic curve with an apex of T-12 should be managed with which type of pad

extended lumbar pad

18 in using the wrist driven tenodesis orthosis, wrist

extension causes MP flexion

17 Wrist driven orthoses in a C-6 quadriplegic are powered by

extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

? A C6 Quadriplegic would have all the following muscles intact except

extensor carpi ulnaris

2 the primary flexor of the hip is the


14 Which biomechanical principle would be most effective in unloading an intervertebral disc?

increased INTRAcavity pressure

72 a young boy with early signs of muscular dystrophy comes into your office. Since one of the first stages of this disease is weakness of the hip extensors, you would expect him to walk with

increased lordosis

25 Placement of a thoracic band on a conventional orthosis should be 10mm

inferior to the most inferior inferior angle of the scapula

281 Describe CHARCOT-MARIE TOOTHE disease

inherited NEUROMUSCULAR atrophy characterized by progressive weakness of the distal muscles of arms and feet, usually develops in childhood

41 abduction and adduction occur within the hand at

metacarpophalangeal joint

37 which phase of gait does a rocker sole most closely simulate

midstance to toe off (????? heel????)

15 the end point vertebrae in a scoliosis curve are the

last convergent vertebrae most superior and inferior to the null point

69 a varus control strap on a conventional AFO attaches to the ___ aspect of the shoe and wraps around the ____ side bar

lateral, medial

5 toe-out or toe-in is the relationship of the long axis of the foot to the

line of progression

? while under axial loading there is pressure on the nucleus pulposus which in turn causes the annulus fibrosis to stretch this phenomenon is most consistent which biomechanical mechanism

load sharing

40 the claw hand deformity is the result of injury to which nerve

medial and ulnar

Choose all the pathologies that indicate the need for medial longitudinal arch support in a functional foot orthotic

plantar fasciitis posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction knee osteoarthritis in the lateral compartment pes plano valgus. MLA support decreases pull across the plantar fascia, decreases work load of the patient, unloads lateral knee compartment and provides neutral alignment to decrease likelihood of other pathologies

? one action of the peroneus longus is to

plantarflex the first ray

25 what motion does a cushioned heel simulate

plantarflexion at heel strike

Consists of four parts, only one of which acts across the hip joint Is the chief extensor of the knee Inserts into the tibial tuberosity

quadriceps femoris muscle

335 Functionally, adjustable dorsi and platar flexion stops can be effectively used in treating patients with paraplegia because they :

reduce the possibility of incorrect alignment

51 A patient is wearing a WHO: MP stop, IP extension assist for a median nerve lesion. If the patient had recovery of the ulnar nerve, how would you modify the orthosis ?

remove MP stop and IP extension assist fro MPs 4 and 5

? in which condition would the fat pad plantar to the metatarsal heads migrate into the sulcus

rheumatoid arthritis

When evaluating to see if a scoliotic curve is non-structural what will you notice with forced lateral side bending

rotational components of the curve will correct themselves. Forced lateral side bending will show rotational correcting for non-structural curves and no rotational correction for structural curves

? what measurements are needed to fabricate a milwaukee CTLSO

sagittal diameter of neck, coronal diameter of neck, height to mandible

25 A peripheral nerve injury at the wrist of the ulnar nerve could be orthotically managed with a

short opponens HO with a MP extension stop

21 the most important motor acquisition of the C5 quadriplegic is

shoulder and elbow flexion

284 What is the Rx rational for a rocker bottom shoe ?

simulate normal foot biomechanics promote even weight-bearing distribution a patient with limited or no ankle motion

? Spastic paralysis may result from

spinal cord injury and brain injury

17 Which of the following conditions should be positioned in sagittal flexion when managing with a orthosis

spinal stenosis

The paraspinal bars of a TLSO: sagittal control should extend superiorly to the

spine of the scapula

6 the motion of inversion and eversion occurs primarily at which joint

subtalar joint

39 in what position should spinal orthoses be tightened on a patient


? the medial column of the foot consists of which bones

talus, cuneiforms, navicular, metatarsals 1-3

a patient wearing a KAFO is seen in clinic. The patient complains of anterior thigh pressure while sitting. What could be the cause.

the mechanical knee joint is too distal in relation to the anatomical joint. If the mechanical knee joint of a KAFO is too distal in relation to the anatomical joint the patient will experience pressure on the anterior portion of the thigh while sitting

28 More ankle joint clearance is allowed for the medial malleolus because :

the medial malleolus is more prominent

7 Volar surface of the forearm contains the ____ muscles, which, as a group, originate at the ______ humeral epicondyle

wrist flexor, medial

8 On which side of the orthosis should the trochanteric extension be placed

the side of decompensation

350 Just Prior to heel strike :

there is a KNEE EXTENSION moment

Why is a Milwaukee brace carefully molded superior to the iliac crests?

to Prevent distal migration

38 The desirable length of a thumb post is

to mid nail bed

? your patient has suffered a single level burst fracture. The greatest instability, given the nature of the fracture, would be in which plane


? what characteristic is unique to the cervical spine

transverse foramen

374 The thoracic pad for a CTLSO should fit :

two vertebral levels INFERIOR to the apex of the curve

? Of the three types of odontoid fractures, which is most common and tends to have the least favorable outcome

type 2

? the lower motor neuron cell body is found in the _____ while the upper motor neuron cell body is found in the ____

ventral horn of the spinal cord, motor cortex of the brain

12 The most common MP joint deformity in rheumatoid arthritis is

volar subluxation and ulna deviation

? All if these are characteristics of Sheuermann's Kyphosis

wedged vertebrae, schmoris nodes, osteochondrosis, self limiting disease

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