TTMIK Level 8

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how to say I hope... I wish... It would be nice if... I would like it if...

-(으)면 좋겠어요 • 겠 means I would.. they would.. that would be (assuming) • there are two different structures, this one and (았/었/였)으면 좋겠어요. they have similar meanings but the past one is similar to using I wish, I wish it was snowing • 빨리 끝나면 좋겠어요 = i hope this finishes quickly • 빠리 끝났으면 좋겠어요 = i hope this finishes quickly ••• you can also use (았/었/였)으면 좋을 텐데 (it would have been nice if..) or 아/어/여서 아쉽네요 (too bad it is..)

what more advanced and figurative phrase of saying Right after / As soon as + V-ing

-기가 무섭게 / 기가 바쁘게 • 무섭게 is used more. these are not used in imperative sentences or in Let us sentences. they're usuallt used in past / present tense. another similar is -자마자 • 수업이 끝나기가 무섭게 = as soon as the class ended; as the class was finishing (수업이 끝나자마자) • 말이 끝나기가 무섭게 = as soon as he finished talking • 문을 열기가 바쁘게 = as soon as i opened the doors • 밥을 다 먹기가 바쁘게 = as soon as he finished eating

what to use to say N + that (someone) used to + V

-던 • similar to other ways that express past actions but this expresses you used to do or be something and that state didnt continue or has been completed. if you say 간 곳 it means a place you went to in the past. 가던 곳 means you used to go there but the act of going came to an end • 어제 보던 영화 = a movie one was watching yesterday (but didnt finish it / didnt continue to watch it)

how to say If on it's not... If only it were not

-만 아니면 • to say things like If only it we're not +Noun, If you were not my brother, i would not hang out with you. or I'd totally meet you for coffee but i have work to do. if what you would have done is obvious and can be easily guessed by the listener you can just omit the rest of the sentence • 직장 상사만 아니면... If only he were not my boss at work

Various types Future tense / 미래시제 총정리

1) -(으)ㄹ 거예요 2) -(으)ㄹ 게요 / cant use when talking about other people 3) -(으)ㄹ 계획이에요 / youre planning to do something 4) -(으)ㄹ 예정이에요 / similar to top but 예장 is more formal situations. 계획 is more certain 5) -(으)ㄹ 것 같아요 / some ppl say 거 instead 6) -(으)ㄹ지도 몰라요 and (으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 / means you might do smth or might happen 7) (으)ㄹ까 생각 중이에요 / ㄹ까 is a question for oneself. 생각 중이에요 means Im thinking or Im in the middle of a thought 8) -(으)ㄹ까 해요 / same meaning as top. it doesnt need 생각 중이에요, but also 고민 주이에요, 생각하고 있어요, or other phrases. 해요 is commonly used 9) -(으)려고 해요 / express ones intention to do smth or when smth seems anout to occur

Advanced situational expression : Agreeing Part 1

1) 네 = yes 2) 맞아요 = that's right / this is correct • 맞습니다 is formal 3) 그렇죠 = thats righr / that is true • 그렇습니다 4) 좋아요 = good / sounds good / i like the idea • 좋습니다 5) 물론이죠 = of course / sure / for sure • 물론입니다. 물론 means no discussion 6) 당연하죠! = of course 7) 그럼요! = sure • this is a rhetorical question cuz it means If not, then what?. the pronunciation is 그러묘, but most people say it as 그럼뇨

Various Types Present Tense (현재이지 총정리)

1) 아/어/여 2) -시 + 어여 (it's suppose to become -셔요 bur that was in the old days so people say -세요 3) -고 있다 4) -고 싶다 5) -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 6) 아/어/여야 되다 (가야 돼요 is i have to go) 7) -지 않다 8) -지 마세요 9) 아/어/여요 10) -(으)ㄴ 것 같다 11) -(으)ㄹ 수도 있다 (석진 씨가 알 수도 있어요)

Various past tense / 과거시제 총정리

1) 았/었/였요 2) 았/었/였었어요 / emphasize past more 3) -고는 했어요 / talk about smth you use to do regularly or habitually & dont do it no mo. you can shorten it to -곤 했어요 4) -(으)ㄴ / make verb into noun 5) -던 6) -(으)ㄹ 뻔했어요 / smth almost happened or almost did smth 7) 아/어/여 봤어요 / to give smth a try or i have done smth before 8) -(으)ㄴ 적 있어요 / i have done smth before, similar to top

Advanced Situational Expression: Agreeing Part 2

8) 바로 그거죠! = Exactly / that is what im saying • 바로 그겁니다 is formal 9) 좋은 생각이에요 = that is a good idea • 좋은 생각입니다 10) 저도 그렇게 생각해요 = i think so too / my thoughts exactly • 저도 같은 생각입니다 11) 거렇게 하면 되겠네요 = that will work / that will do 12) 알겠어요 = I got it / i see • 알았어요 is similar but not as polite 13) 그럼 그렇게 해요 = then lets do it that way • 그럼 그렇게 하시죠 14) 안 될 거 없죠 = why not? / there is no reason we cannot do it that way • 와 안 돼요 is similar 15) 찬성이에요 = I agree • 찬성입니다. you can add 저는 to this or 찬성해요 to imply you somewhat agree but not sure what others think

안 가고 싶다는 말이에요?

Are you saying that you don't want to go?

이러지 마세요

Dont do this * typically you use this when you're really upset


Dont worry about it / i dont need that / im all set even without it • 됐습니다 = same but more formal * these are a little more harsh than the others above so if you say this, it'll sound like you're upset

어려울 것 같습니다

I dont think i can do it / I think it'll be difficult / I think it will be impossible * if someone says this, think of it as a "no"

생각이 없어요

Im not hungry / Im fine / No thanks (when offered food) • 생각이 없습니다 = same but more formal * you can say this also if you've said no and they keep offering


It's okay (even if you dont offer it to me) • 괜찮습니다 = same thint but more formal • 저는 괜찮습니다 = im good / im okay / i am fine without it * typically used in really formal situations or people much older than you


Its difficult and embarassing / I cannot do it • 곤란합니다 = same but more formal • 지금은 좀 곤란합니다 = i cannot do it now • 이러시면 곤란합니다 = you shouldnt do this / you're making things difficult for me by doing this * most times when yu say this phrase, 지금은 is used

예뻤던 경은 씨가 지금은...

Kyeong-eun, who used to be pretty, is now..


No (you dont have to) / No (I dont need it) • 아닙니다 = same but more formal • You can say 아니에요. 괜찮아요 * you can say these to refuse something or to say 'Im flattered' to a comment

안 돼요

No i cannot / No you cannot / It doesnt work / It is not allowed • 안 됩니다 = same but more formal • 이러시면 안 됩니다 = you shouldnt do this / you cant do this • 안 될 것 같아요 = i think this will be a problem / I think you should not do it

conjugations for (ㄴ/는)다는 + 뜻이에요

Noun + (이)라는 PRESENT TENSE Descriptive Verb + 다는 Action Verb + ㄴ/는 다는 PAST TENSE Action / Descriptive Verb + 았/었/였다는 FUTURE TENSE Action / Descriptive Verb + (으)ㄹ 거라는

가슴이 뛰다

One's heart beats / one's heart races / to be happily excited and motivated • mostly used for good situations but can be used for good or bad. such as you saw someone you like and your heart is racing or youre abojt to achieve smth you've wanted for so long • 지금 가슴이 너무 뛰어서 말이 안 나와요 = right now im so excited that i cant speak

가슴이 콩닥콩닥 (뛰다)

One's heart is pounding • 콩닥콩닥 is onomatopoeia that describes the sound of pounding heart but also describes how the heart pounds in a small n cute way. similar ones are 쿵쾅쿵쾅 / 쿵덕쿵덕 • 좋아하는 가수를 봐서 가슴이 콩닥콩닥 뛰었어오 = I saw my favorite singer so my heart was pounding

가슴이 아프다

Ones heart aches / it makes one sad • this coukd mean you have pain in your chest. if you say it to people they'll know you mean something js breaking your heart. you can also say 마음이 아프다 • 저는 이런 기사를 읽으면 너무 가습이 아파요 = if i read articles like this, im so sad / im so sad when i read articles like this

가슴에 와닿다

Something touched ones heart / to hit home • if a story or movie doesnt "hit home" and you arent touched by it, you can say 가슴에 와닿지 않다. 닿다 means to reach or to touch • 왜인지 모르겠지만 이 이야기는 가슴에 와덯지 않아요= I dont know why but this story did not touch my heart

그러면, 못 한다는 뜻이에요?

Then, does it mean that they can't do it?


To be dead, to be unable to hear • this can be used for someone who cant hear due to old age, but you can also hear people say 귀먹었어(요)? to someone who cant seem to understand or care about what they hear, even tho they physically are able to hear • 저 귀 안 먹었어요. 조용히 말해요 = im not deaf. speak quietly • 너 귀먹었어요? 왜 이렇게 못 알아 들어? = did you go deaf? why do you not understand what im saying?

귀가 얇다 / 얇다

To be easily influenced by what others say / to be thin • if your ears are thin then it will be easy for words to penetrate your brain • 그 사람은 귀가 얇아서 설득하기 쉬워요 = hes easily influenced by what people say, so he's easy to persuade

가슴이 내려앉다

To be greatly surprised / to be startled / one's heart sinks • 내려앉다 means to sink or collapse. this expression is usually used in bad situations. people also say 가슴이 철렁하다. 철렁 is an onomatopoeia to describe a heart sinking • 그 소식 듣고 정말 가슴이 내려앉았어요 = My heart sank when i heard that news

가슴 벅차다

To be overwhelmed (with joy) / one's heart is overflowing with joy • 제 친구가 올림픽에서 금메달을 따서 정말 가슴이 벅차요 = My heart is overflowing with joy cause my friend won a gold metal in the olympic games

가슴이 두근거리다

To be thrilled / one's heart is pounding • 두근두근 means pit-a-pat (onomatopoeia for a beating heart) • 어젯밤에 가슴이 두근거려서 잠을 많이 못 잤어요 = i couldnt sleep a lot last night because i was so excited

가슴 깊이 후회하다

To deeply regret • you can use this without 가슴 but it adds a atrong naunce • 그때 제가 했던 말을 가슴 깊이 후회하고 있어요 = I am deeply regretting whar i said back then

가슴 깊이 뉘우치다

To deeply repent • similar to too, but 뉘우치다 is closer to repenting and realizing one's fault • 가슴 깊이 뉘우치고 있어요. 용서해 주세요 = Im deeply repenting what i did. Please forgive me

가슴이 답답하다

To feel a pressure on ones chest / To feel heavy with worry • 답답하다 means to be stuffy, to be stifling. this expression can be used to refer to a stuffy environment and about a situation or smth that doesnt work as well as one wants • 요즘에 걱정이 많아서 가슴이 답답해요 = I have a lot of things to worry about these days so i feel a pressure on my chest

귀가 간지럽다 / 간지럽다

To feel like someone is talking behind one's back / to feel itchy • you can use this when you refer to the fact that people talk about tou when youre not around and usuallt used in past tense after you found out people talked about you in your absense • 어쩐지 오늘 귀가 간지러웠어요 = i see that you talked about me / No wonder my ears were itchy today

귀가 밝다 / 밝다

To have good ears / to be bright • to hear well is 잘 들을 수 있다 or 잘 들리다, but its more natural to say this. 잘 안 들려요 means I cannot hear it clearly (due to other noise) • 젊었을 때는 저도 귀가 밝았는데, 지금은 소리는 잘 안 들여요 = i used to have good ears when i was young too but i cannot hear quiet sounds now

귀를 기울이다 / 기울이다

To pay attention to a sound or to what someone says / To tilt, to make something lean • when you want to pay attention to a certain sound you naturally want to move your ears closer to the source of the sound • 귀를 기울여서 잘 들어 보세요 = pay close attention to what you hear • 아이들이 선생님이 해 주는 이야기를 귀를 기울여서 듣고 있었어요 = the children were listening to the story their teacher was telling them with full attention

가슴에 맷힌 한을 풀다

To resolve one's deep sorrow • 한 is deep sorrow or resentment. 맺하다 means to form. its usually used with 눈물 (tears) 이슬 (dew) and 땀 (sweat) or 한. 풀다 means to resolve. this expression means to resolve some long overdue deep sorrow usually by finallt doing smth that one has not been able to do or by being forgiven by someone • 저회 어머니는 드디어 가슴에 맺힌 한을 풀었어요 = she finally got / achieved what she had been hoping for

귀에 대고 속삭이다 / 대다 / 속삭이다

To whisper into someones ears / to put something close to something else / to whisper • you can just say this without 대고 but its used to describe the action of going closer to someone before whispering • 귀에 대고 속삭이지 말고 크게 말해요 = Do not whisper to each other secretly. speak loudly (to everybody)

how to say It means...

Verb stem + - (ㄴ/는)다는 + 뜻이에요 • 사람이 많다는 뜻이에요 = It means that there are a lot of people • 다 나았다는 뜻이에요 = It means that you've completely healed 뜻이에요 means It is (...) meaning • using this alone is not enough. you need to include more information about what kind of meaning there is

'완료'가 무슨 뜻이에요? 끝났다는 뜻이에요

What does 완료 mean? It means that (something) has been finished

부푼 가슴을 안고

With a pounding heart • 안다 means to hug, 부풀다 means to inflate, so 부푼 가슴 is an inflated chest or heart. this means your mind or heart is full of hope and excitement. but this is used more in written language. this is a fixed expession • 부푼 가슴을 안고 10년 전에 서울로 이사 왔어요 = I moved to seoul 10 years ago, full of excitement for what i'd be doing

what should you add for descriptive verbs when using -던

With action verbs it's sufficient to just use 던 but you can make the meaning of the past stronger by adding 았/었/였. With descriptive verbs, you need to use both • 예쁘던 = less natural • 예뻤던 = more natural • 작던 = less natural • 작았던 = more natural • 비싸던 = less natural • 바쌌던 = more natural

안 그러셔도 괜찮아요

You dont have to do that / Please dont bother doing it • 안 그러셔도 괜찮습니다 = same but more formal

아침에 눈을 뜨기가 무섭게/바쁘게 집에서 나왔어요

as soon as I woke up in the morning I left the house

사람들은 공연이 끝나기가 무섭게/바쁘게 밖으로 나갔어요

as soon as the performance was over people went outside

문을 열기가 무섭게/바쁘게 손님들이 들어왔어요

as soon as we opened the door, customers came in

눈빛만 봐도 알 수 있다 / 빛 / 말 안 해도, 눈빛만 봐도 일수 있어요

can know with just one glance / light / Even if you don't say it, I know just by looking at your eyes • when you automatically know what a person wants or wishes to tell you just by looking at them, you can say 눈빛만 봐도 알 수 있다. the word 눈밫 does not literally mean light comes from one's eyes, but the way someone looks at something or the emotion you can sense from looking at their eyes


chest, heart, mind, breast

단점 / 초점 / 점수

drawback, shortcoming / focus, focal point (used a lot in photography) / score, mark, grade • 초점이 (안) 맞아요 = it is (not) in focus • 경화 씨, 학교 다닐 때 점수 좋았어요 = Kyung-hwa, did you get good grade in school?


눈을 마주치다 / 마주치다 / 치다 / 둘이 눈을 마주치고 웃었어요 / 그 사람하고 눈이 마주쳤는데, 창피해서 고게를 놀렸어요

eyes meet / to run into eachother; to bump into eachother / to hit someone / The two people's eyes met and they smiled / My eyes met his and I felt embarassed so i looked away

여기 있던 핸드폰 못 봤어요?

havent you seen the phone that was here?

비가 그치면 / 그쳤으면 좋겠어요

i hope it stops raining

내일 사람들이 많이 왔으면 / 오면 좋겠어요

i hope many people come tomorrow

내일도 날씨가 좋았으면 좋겠어요

i hope the weather is nice tomorrow as well

제 선물, 마음이 들면 / 들었으면 좋겠어요

i hope you like my present

내일 친구들이랑 만날 것 같은데, 날씨가 좋았으면 좋겠어요

i think i will meet my friends tomorrow, so i hope the weather will be nice

예전에 제가 자주 가던 곳이에요

i used to frequently go to this place in the past / it's a place that i often used to go to before

제가 스무 살이었으면 좋겠어요

i wish i were 20 years old

주연 씨가 지각 안 하면 / 했으면 좋겠어요

i would like it if jooyeon would not be late for work / I hope jooyeon isn't late for work

그 사람이 제 친구 친척만 아니면...

if only he were not related to my friend

저희 담임 선생님만 아니면, 따졌을 거예요

if only he werent my homero teacher, i would have started an argument

여기가 친구 집만 아니면, 지금 잠들었을 거예요

if only i were not at a friends house, i would have fallen asleep

공사 소리만 아니면 잘 잤을 거예요

if only it were not for the construction noise i would have slept well

이것만 아니면..

if only this did not exist..

빨간불이 켜지면, 고장 났다는 뜻이에요

if the red light turns on, it means it's broken

제가 어제 읽던 책인데, 어차피 다 못 읽을 것 같아요

it's a book that i was reading yesterday but i didnt think i will be able to finish to anyway

what is the word 주 relate to in words

king, owner, main, autonomous

주원인 / 주원료 / 주뷰

leading cause, main reason / main material (usually used for chemical products) / housewife, homemaker

주류 / 주력 / 주동자

mainstream / main force / prime mover, leader (of a protest) • 주동자 isnt used often these days. it is usually used when talking about demonstrations or movements or to refer to a student who leads others to bully another student

어제 운동을 많이 한데다가, 일도 늦게 끝나서, 납기가 무섭게 잠들었어요

on top of working out a lot, work also finished late yesterday so i fell asleep as soon as I lay down

주장 / 주도권 / 주권

opinion, insistence / leadership, initiative (sometimes ppl use this when a couple is about to get married to see who decide on things in the household) / sovereignty

주인 / 주인공 / 주요

owner / main character / major, important • 이거 주인 누구예요? = who does this belong to • 주요 is a noun but often used before another noun as a modifier such as 조요 도시, major cities, 주요 장면, important scenes. the descriptive verb is 주요하다. if you wanna use it as a modifier conjugate it as 주요한

what is the word 점 related to in words

point, dot, or spot

문제점 / 관점 / 요점

problem, drawback / point of view, viewpoint / essential point, mainpoint • 요점을 잘 찾아야 돼요 = you need to find the main point

학점 / 점자 / 득점 / 점선

school grade (usually university) / braille / score, make a score (in a game) / dotted line • 저는 학점이 안 좋았어요 = my university grades were not good (점수 is for grades below univeristy) • 점선을 따라 오리세요 = cut along the dotted line • 점선을 따라 접으세요 = fold along the dotted line

작년에는 키가 작았던 석진 씨가 지금은 키가 커요

seokjin, who was short last year, is now tall

공통점 / 차이점 / 원점

something in common, common factors / difference / starting point, square one • 원점으로 돌아가다 = to go back to square one, to return to the starting point

주특기 / 주목적 / 주관 / 주어

specialty, special ability / primary goal, main purpose / ones own opinion / subject (grammar) • 여기 온 주목적이 뭡니까? = what is your main purpose in coming here? • Related Vocab: 고집 = stubbornness

강점 / 약점 / 장점

strong point, strength / weakness, weak point / advantage, merit, virtue • 경화 씨, 경화 씨의 강점은 뭐예요? = kyung-hwa what is your strong point?

음식이 주문하기가 무섭게/바쁘게 나왔어요

the food came out as soon as we ordered it

친했던 친구들이 지금은 다 외국에 살아요

the friends i used to be close to are all living overseas now

여기 있던 가게가 없어졌어요

the store that used to be here is gone

수업이 끝나기가 무섭게/바쁘게 학생들이 교식 밖으로 나갔어요

the students left the classroom as soon as the class was over

지난주에 이야기하던 거예요

this is what we were talking about last week (but didnt finish) (지난주에 이야기한 거예요 = we talked about this last week)

눈이 멀다 / 눈이 멀다 / 그 사람은 욕심에 눈이 멀었어요 / 시력을 잃다 / 눈이 안 보이다 (these two are the more common expressions for this)

to be blinded by something / to go blind / He's blinded by his greed / to lose one's eyesight / to not be able to see • 멀다 sounds the same as the verb to be far away but when used with 눈 it means your eyes are temporarily blinded by something. it's often used with the thing that caused you to be blinded in the form of Noun + 에 눈이 멀다

눈에 띄다 / 띄다 / 한국어 어떻게 공부해요? 실력이 눈에 띄게 늘었어요! / 경은 씨는 눈에 띄게 예쁜 사람이에요

to be difficult to miss; to stand out / to be spotted / How do you study korean? Your korean skills habe improved so much! / Kyeong-eun is an outstandingly beautiful person • 띄다 is almost always used with 눈. when someones fashion stands out cause it's amazing or weird, you can say 눈에 띄는 패션. if you wanna say someone's fashion has improved you can say 눈에 띄게 늘었어요

눈이 높다 / 높다 / 저 눈 안 높아요. 저는 그냥 성격 좋은 사람이면 다 좋아요

to be picky / to be high; to have high standards / I am not picky. Anyone who has a good personality is fine for me • 눈이 높다 literally means that your eyes are high, but in korean, if you say that your eyes are 높다, it means that you have high standards for things, or people. when someone is very picky anout the type of person they wanna date or the kind of things they wanna buy, you can say 눈이 높다

눈이 부시다 / 눈이 부시다 / 눈이 부시게 아름다워요

to be radiant / to be dazzling; to be too bright / Your beauty is dazzling • this means that something is so bright that you cant open your eyes to look at it directly. you can use this for light but also for someone's looks

눈에 넣어도 아프지 않다 / 넣다 / 아이들이 그 나이 때 정말 귀여워서 눈이 넣어도 아프지 않아요

to be the apple of ones eye / to put in / Kids at that age are so cute that they are the apple of your eye • 눈이 넣다 literally means to put something into one's eyes, like eye drops but this expression means someone is so preciois that it will not hurt even if you put them into your eyes. think of it as being the apple of one's eyes or not hurting to look at someone. this is usually used towards children or when talking about someone you think is attractive

눈 밖에 나다 / 나다 / 저는 지극을 많이 해서, 선생님 눈 밖에 났어요

to get on one's bad side / to get out; to be out / i am frequently late so my teacher doesnt like me (i got on my teacher's bad side) • this expression is usually used on adults like teachers or bosses to students or employees, not amongst friends

눈을 붙이다 / 붙이다 / 눈 좀 붙이고 올게요 / 피곤하면 눈 좀 붙여요. 나중에 깨워 줄게요

to get some sleep, to take a nap / to paste, to glue things together / If you're tired, get some sleep. I'll wake you up later / I will go catch some sleep • 눈이 붙이다 literally means to glue one's eyes togethee, but it's used to mean gluing ones eyelids shut meaning that one naps or sleeps. this is not commonly used for sleeping at night

귀에 못이 *박히도록 (듣다) / 박히다

to have heard something too much already / to be embeded, to be stuck • 못 refers to a callus or the hardened skin on your hand due to heavy use. this means youve heard smth over and over again that it makes you sick or upset • 그 애기는 귀에 못이 박히도록 들었어요 = ive heard that story so much. i dont need to hear it again • 내가 귀에 못이 박히도록 *말했는데 왜 안 듣니? = i have told you so many times why are you not listening? (people use this with 말하다 or 이야기하다 to mean to tell someone a million times)

눈썰미가 좋다 / 한 번만 보고 어떻게 따라 해요? 눈썰미가 좋으시네요!

to learn things quickly; to pick things up quickly / How do you follow the moves just by looking at them once? You pick up things very quickly! • 눈썰미 refers to the ability to learn or understand how something is done just by watching someone doing it like when someone learns how to cook a korean dish by watching others or when someone picks up a dance moce quickly by imitating what they saw. you can say they have 눈썰미. 센스가 있다 has a similar meaning but it's a bit broader. if you're quick to figure out what to do or have an innate sensor feel for something people will say this phrase

눈 하나 깜짝하지 않다 / 깜짝하다 / 그 사람은 그런 말을 들어도 눈 하나 깜짝하지 않을 거예요 / 눈 깜짝할 사이에 (similar expression)

to not bat an eye / to blink / Even if you tell him that, he wouldn't bat an eye / In the blink of an eye • when someone is not surprised or affected by a threatening or shocking remark or action, you can say that person doesn't even blink at it • 사이 means a period of time • 눈 깜짝할 사이에 일을다 끝냈어요 = In the blink of an eye, they finished all the work • when koreans actually wanna say to blink they use 깜빡하다 instead

눈앞이 캄캄하다 / 캄캄하다 / 불을 끄면 캄캄해져요 / 눈앞이 캄캄했었는데, 석진 씨가 도와줬어요

to not know where to start; to have no hope/ to be dark; to be pitch black / If you turn off the lights, it will be dark / I panicked cause I didn't know how to solve the problem, but then Seokjin helped me • when it's dark you might panoc caude you cannot see anything in front of you. when you're confronted with a situation where you do not know what to do or you can't think of a way to get out of it, you can say this expression

'휴업'이 무슨 뜻이에요? 일을 안 한다는 뜻이에요

what does 휴업 mean? It means that you dont work (휴업 = to not provide service. when a restaurant is closed, you might see this on the door. 휴가 = to not work / vacation)

이거 누가 먹던 거예요?

who was eating this?

the 1st structure for 만 아니면 // Noun + 만 아니면 + verb stem + (으)ㄹ 텐데요 = If only I did not have / it were not / not for / + Noun, I would + Verb

• 오늘이 월요일만 아니면 거기 갈 텐데요 = if only today were not a monday i would go there • 숙제만 아니면 지금 갈 텐데요 = if only i did not have my homework i would go

뜻이에요 and 말이에요

뜻 (meaning) and 말 (speech/language) are interchangeable with each other. 말이에요 tho has a stronger focus on the intended meaning of the speaker rather than the definition of the expression itself • 좋다는 뜻이에요 = it means that it's good • 좋다는 말이에요 = im saying that it's good

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