Unit 2 Joints

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What is a cartilaginous joint in which hyaline cartilage binds the bones together called


Synovial fluid is rich in (choose all that apply) _____

albumin and hyaluronic acid

The type of joint where adjacent bones are bound by collagen fibers that emerge from the matrix of one bone, cross the space between them, and penetrate into the matrix of the other bone are _____ joints


The knee, which move in one plane with very little movement in any other direction is a _____ joint


The type of joint that moves in only one plane is ______


The patella and its ligament form the _____ joint with the femur


The collagen fibers that extend from the jaw into a tooth, anchoring it in place, is called a _______ ligament


An elongated cylindrical bursae wrapped around a tendon is a ______ ______

tendon sheath

An elongated cylindrical bursae wrapped around a tendon is called a _____

tendon sheath

Define meniscus

A crescent shaped pad of fibrocartilage between bones

How are individual joints typically named

Based on the names of bones involved in the joint

Which structure cushions muscles and helps tendons slide over joints


Synchondroses and symphyses are types of what kind of joint


Match the structural features of a synovial joint with the correct description: Ligament Fibrous capsule Tendon Meniscus Bursa Synovial membrane

Collagenous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone Outer layer of joint capsule continuous with the periosteum Collagenous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone Crescent shaped piece of fibrocartilage that functions to absorb shock and stabilize the joint Fibrous sac filled with synovial fluid Inner layer of joint capsule

In addition to the glenohumeral ligaments, what are the other ligaments that support the shoulder joint

Coracohumeral ligament and transverse humeral ligament

True or false: Joints are movable interfaces between two bones


True or false: The anatomical name of a joint is determined by the manner in which the bone ends are connected at the joint


True or false: The most common shoulder dislocation is the upward displacement of the humerus due to lack of protection superiorly by the rotator cuff


Which structure is found between the bones of the temporomandibular joint

Fibrocartilage pad

Which class of joints includes sutures and gomphoses


In regard to the degree of movement allowed, most synovial joints are which of the following

Freely movable

What is the anatomical name for the shoulder joint

Glenohumeral joint

The patellofemoral joint is an example of which class of synovial joint


Identify examples of ball-and-socket joints. (Choose all that apply.)

Hip and Shoulder

The function of the anterior cruciate ligament is to prevent which action


Of the list given, indicate all of the joints that are synostoses

Joint between left and right half of mandible and Closure of epiphyseal plate

Match the structural features of a synovial joint with the correct description: Articular cartilage Fibrous capsule Joint cavity Meniscus Bursa

Layer of hyaline cartilage on the surface of the articulating bones Outer layer of joint capsule continuous with the periosteum Space in between articulating structures filled with synovial fluid Crescent shaped piece of fibrocartilage that functions to absorb shock and stabilize the joint Fibrous sac filled with synovial fluid

Define synovial membrane

Lining of joint capsule of synovial joint that secretes synovial fluid

Within the knee joint, which structures absorb shock

Menisci and articular cartilages

Match each synovial joint with the correct description: Ball-and-socket Condylar Saddle Plane

Multiaxial joint with a hemispherical head that fits into a cuplike depression Biaxial joint with an oval convex that fits into a complementary shaped depression Biaxial joint; concave in one direction and convex in the other direction Usually a biaxial joint between flat surfaces or surfaces that are only slightly concave and convex

Match each synovial joint with the correct description: Ball-and-socket Hinge Pivot Plane

Multiaxial joint with a hemispherical head that fits into a cuplike depression Monaxial joint with a convex surface that fits into a concave depression Monoaxial joint in which a bone spins on its longitudinal axis Usually a biaxial joint between flat surfaces or surfaces that are only slightly concave and convex

List the three types of sutures

Serrate, lap, plane

Tendons can serve which of the following functions? Select all that apply

Stabilize a joint Attach muscle to bone

What are four important muscles that help stabilize the shoulder joint

Supraspinatus Teres minor Infraspinatus Subscapularis

The tendons of which muscles form the rotator cuff

Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis

List three types of fibrous joints

Suture, gomphosis, syndesmosis

Intervertebral discs comprised of fibrocartilage are found within what type of joints


What type of joint is found between the costal cartilage of rib one and the sternum


The fusion of the right and left mandible into a single mandible bone during fetal development is an example of the formation of what kind of joint


In which type of joint are the bones separated by a narrow, fluid-filled, encapsulated space


Which structure attaches a muscle to bone and helps stabilize a synovial joint


What are the two primary stabilizing structures of the knee

Tendon of the quadriceps femoris Tendon of the semimembranosus

In addition to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, what other muscles stabilize the shoulder joint

Teres minor, biceps brachii, and subscapularis

What factors contribute to the fact that the most common shoulder dislocation is downward displacement of the humerus? (Choose all that apply)

The rotator cuff protects the joint in all directions except inferiorly and the shoulder is protected from above by the coracoid process, acromion, and clavicle

What are the functions of the menisci of the knee? Select all that apply

To absorb shock To prevent side-to-side sliding of femur

What is the function of the posterior cruciate ligament

To prevent the tibia from being displaced backward

What are the three ligaments that support the shoulder joint

Transverse humeral ligament Coracohumeral ligament Glenohumeral ligaments

True or false: Bony joints are formed by ossification of either fibrous or cartilaginous joints


True or false: The manner in which the adjacent bones of a joint are bound to each other will correspond to differences in how freely the bones can move


Synovial fluid is rich in _____

albumin, hyaluronic acid

A cartilaginous joint, one with bones whose ends are linked by cartilage, is most likely a(n) _____


The science of joint structure, function and dysfunction is called _____


The narrow space separating bone ends within a synovial joint is called a(n) ______ cavity


When fibrocartilage forms a pad across the entire joint capsule of a synovial joint, it is called a(n) ______ disc


Synovial joints with a smooth hemispheric head that fits into a cuplike socket are _____ joints

ball and socket

A joint that can only move in two planes is ______


The application of mechanical forces to living organisms is referred to as ______


The application of mechanical forces to living organisms; includes mechanical processes within the body is _____


Joints can be classified according to the manner in which the adjacent ______ are bound to each other


Ossification of a fibrous or cartilaginous joint results in the formation of a ______ joint


Ossification of a fibrous or cartilaginous joint results in the formation of a ______ joints

bony, synostosis, or synostotic

Fibrous sacs filled with synovial fluid and located in areas where friction from tendons take place and must be reduced are called _____


The subdeltoid, subacromial, subcoracoid, and subscapular ______ cushion muscles and tissues within the shoulder joint


The suprapatellar, prepatellar, and deep infrapatellar ______ are three of several structures that cushion areas around the knee joint


The bone ends of an amphiarthrodial joint are most likely held together by _____


The bones of fibrous joints are bound together by _____


The type of fiber holding together the bones of a fibrous joint is ______


Biaxial synovial joints with an oval convex surface on one bone that fits into a depression on the other are classified as _____ joints

condylar (ellipsoid)

The radiocarpal joint of the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints are examples of _____ joints

condylar (ellipsoid)

The fibular collateral ligament and tibial collateral ligament are found outside of the joint capsule and are therefore referred to as ______ ligaments


The fibular collateral ligament and tibial collateral ligaments are found outside of the joint capsule and are therefore referred to as ______ ligaments


A suture is an example of a class of bony, immovable joints called ______


Joints involving an interosseous membrane (such as the ulnoradial and tibiofibular joints) are classified as _____ joints


The connective tissue that encloses a joint cavity and merges with the periosteum of the bone is the _____

fibrous capsule

A joint in which a hard object, such as a tooth, is held in a bone cavity is called a _____


A tooth in its socket is specifically classified as a _____ joint


The functions of the menisci of the knee include ______

guide bones across each other stabilize joint absorb shock

The glenoid cavity of the scapula articulates with the _____


The function of the anterior cruciate ligament is to prevent ______ , a movement in which the knee is forced backwards beyond zero position.


A point where two bones meet is called a(n) ______


The study of musculoskeletal movement is called _____


The _______ joint is the most complex of the diarthrotic joints


The ring of fibrocartilage found around the margin of the glenoid cavity is called the glenoid _____


The ring of fibrocartilage found around the margin of the glenoid cavity is called the glenoid ______


A suture in which the bone edges are beveled and overlap is a ______ suture


A strip of tough collagenous tissue attaching a bone to another bone is called a ______


The structures in the knee joint that absorb shock, stabilize the joint, and guide the bones across each other are the _____


The two C-shaped cartilages found in the joint cavity of the knee are collectively called the ______


A fibrocartilage pad found between the bones within the knee joint is called a(n) ______


Hinge joints have _____ movement


The type of joint that can move in any of the three fundamental mutually perpendicular planes are _____


Where are sutures found

only in the skull

The collagen fibers that extend from the jaw into a tooth, anchoring it in place, is called a ______ ligament


The structure that holds the teeth firmly in place and allows them to move a little while chewing is the _____

peridontal ligament

A synovial joint that is monaxial and spins around its longitudinal axis (such as the atlantoaxial joint) is a _____ joint


The joints that allow slight, yet complex movements such as the joints between carpals, tarsals and the articular processes of the vertebrae are examples of ______ joints


Synovial joints that have bone surfaces that are flat or only slightly concave and convex that allow the bones to slide over each other are _____ joints

plane (gliding)

The posterior cruciate ligament is critical to the stability of the knee. One of its functions is to ______

prevent the femur from sliding forward at the knee

Primary stabilizing structures of the knee include the tendons of _____

quadriceps and semimembranosus

Pivot joints include ______

radioulnar joints and atlantoaxial joints

In the shoulder joint, the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres major tendons form the ______ ______

rotator cuff

Synovial joints that are concave in one direction and convex in the other are classified as _____ joints


A suture in which the bone edges are interlocked together, appearing as a wavy line, is a ______ suture


A ligament is a _____

strip of collagenous tissue attaching bone to bone

Which fibrous joint is found only in the skull


Serrate, lap, and plane refer to three types of _____


Synarthrotic fibrous joints between the bones of the skull are called ______


The cranial bones are bound together by fibrous joints called _____


A joint in which fibrocartilage binds the bones together is called a(n) ______


Fibrous joints are also called ______


Types of cartilaginous joints include ______

synchondroses and symphyses

Joints involving an interosseous membrane (ulnoradial and tibiofibular joints) are examples of a type of fibrous joint called _____


The shafts of the radius and ulna are bound to each other by long collagenous fibers that are classified as a _____ joint


A ______ is a type of mobile fibrous joint in which the bones are held together by a band of long collagen fibers


A bony, immovable joint is called a(n) _____


The fluid within the articular (joint) cavity is called ______ fluid


The inner layer of a joint capsule that secretes synovial fluid is called the ______ membrane


What are the most structurally complex joints


Bursa are filled with _____

synovial fluid

Which are found in a joint capsule

synovial membrane and fibrous capsule

The largest and most complex diarthrosis of the body is the _____ joint


An example of a saddle joint is ______


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