unit 3 sec. 1 - reconstruction CL - 3/3/21

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which excerpt best shows that the federal government goal in creating the 14th amendment was to protect formally enslaved Americans from discrimination based on local laws?

"... no state shall make or enforce..."

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" this statement is part of the...

13th amendment to the constitution

following reconstruction, the passage of Jim Crow laws in South limited the effectiveness of...

14th and 15th amendments

"With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherished a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations" - Abraham Lincoln, second inaugural address, March 4, 1865 this statement reveals President Lincoln support for...

A fair and generous peace

which leader founded a locational training institution in the late 1800s to improve economic opportunities for African-Americans?

Booker T. Washington

The word jurisdiction appears twice in the excerpt from the 14th amendment. Used in this context, the word jurisdiction means...


which newspaper headline would have appeared during the reconstruction period after the Civil War?

Former slaves made citizens

which argument was used by President Abraham Lincoln to explain his policy of leniency toward the south after the Civil War?

Healing the nation's wounds quickly is essential

how were many African-Americans in the south affected after reconstruction ended in 1877?

Jim Crow laws placed major restrictions on their rights

The literacy test and poll tax were devised mainly to...

Limit the number of African Americans qualified to vote

which historic period was marked by the military occupation of a portion of the United States, attempts to remove the president from office, and major constitutional revisions?


which form of agriculture was created and became dominant in the south in the decades immediately following the Civil War?


what is the main idea of the strong government cartoon from the reconstruction era?

Southern society was oppressed by radical Republican policies

" all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction there of, our citizens of the United States and of the state where in they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law" - 14th amendment, section 1, 1868 One conclusion that can be drawn from the text of the 14th amendment is...

The federal government has set the guidelines for protection of all citizens

what was a major result of the Civil War?

The power of the federal government was strengthened

which statement is a valid generalization about the experience of African-Americans during the early reconstruction period (1865-1870)?

They achieved legal rights through constitutional amendments

speaker a: succession for the union caused this war, and all those who supported it must now be punished speaker b: The nation's sounds will heal most quickly if we give the Southerners and welcome them back into the union speaker c: The freedmen must be given economic assistance and guaranteed the constitutional right to protect themselves speaker d: The war may have ended, but the fight must continue to preserve the system of white supremacy in the south which two speakers best represent the attitude of the radical Republicans who controlled Congress during the reconstruction?

a and c

as the Civil War ended, which action was supported by President Abraham Lincoln and the radical Republicans?

abolishing the institution of slavery by a constitutional amendment

slavery throughout the United States was permanently abolished by the...

adoption of the 13th amendment to the Constitution

which statement best describes how the statue of African-Americans in the south changed soon after the end of reconstruction in 1877?

african Americans faced increasing discrimination and segregation

after the Civil War, many owners of large plantations in the south responded to the loss of enslaved labor by...

creating tenant farms and sharecropping

poll taxes and grandfather clauses were devices used to...

deny African Americans the right to vote

many southern states tried to limit the effects of radical reconstruction by...

enacting Jim Crow laws

The military districts were created during reconstruction to...

govern the former Confederate states

what was the common goal of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution?

granting basic rights to formerly enslaved persons

what was the common purpose of the three amendments added to the United States Constitution between 1865 and 1870?

granting rights to African Americans

after the Civil War, the purpose of adding the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution was to...

guarantee African Americans equal treatment under the law

A primary reason for the passage of the 14th amendment in 1868 was to...

guarantee citizenship rights to the newly freed slaves

The 14th and 15th amendment, passed during reconstruction, resulted in...

increased individual rights for African-Americans

literacy tests and grandfather clauses were enacted in the south after the reconstruction era primarily by...

limit the number of African-American voters

what pair of circumstances represents an accurate cause-and-effect relationship?

more jobs in factories - migration of African Americans from the south to northern cities

following the Civil War, few immigrants settled in the south because...

most factories that employed unskilled laborers were located in the north

after the Civil War, southern state legislatures attempted to restrict the rights of formerly enslaved persons by...

passing black codes

The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868 primarily to...

protect the rights of formerly enslaved persons

after the Civil War, the sharecropping system emerged in the south primarily as a way to...

provide a labor supply to plantation owners

constitutional amendments adopted during reconstruction were intended to...

provide legal and political rights for African Americans

The institution of slavery was formally abolished in the United States by the...

ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865

The most long-lasting victory for civil rights achieved during reconstruction was the...

ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the United States Constitution

before the former Confederate states could be readmitted to the union, the congressional plan for reconstruction required them to...

ratify the 14th amendment

what was a result of the dispute presidential election of 1876?

reconstruction ended as federal troops were removed from the south

The compromise of 1877 brought an end to radical reconstruction by providing for the...

removal of federal troops from Southern states

following the Civil War, many southern states enacted black codes to...

restrict the rights of formerly enslaved persons

literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and poll taxes were enacted by southern states to...

restrict the voting rights of African Americans

President Abraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction after the Civil War included...

reuniting the nation as quickly as possible

The supreme court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 had a major impact on the lives of African-Americans because it ruled that...

separate but equal public facilities were legal

The dispute between President Andrew Johnson and Congress during the reconstruction era illustrates the constitutional principle of...

separation of powers

after the Civil War, a significant cause of the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the radical Republicans in Congress was disagreement over...

the plans for restoring Southern states to the Union

what was one major result in the North's victory in the Civil War?

the supremacy of the national government was upheld

after the Civil War, freedmen in the south had difficulty improving their economic condition because...

the system of sharecropping kept them in a cycle of poverty

after the Civil War, which development limited economic opportunities for African-Americans in the south?

use of the sharecropping system

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