Unit 6 - Plants

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Figure 39.12 The ethylene-induced triple response. In response to ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone, germinating pea seedlings grown in the dark undergo the triple response—slowing of stem elongation, stem thickening, and horizontal stem growth. The response is greater with increased ethylene concentration.

Senescence Consider the shedding of a leaf in autumn or the death of an annual after flowering. Or think about the final step in differentiation of a vessel element, when its living contents are destroyed, leaving a hollow tube behind. Such events involve senescence—the programmed death of certain cells or organs or the entire plant. Cells, organs, and plants genetically programmed to die on a schedule do not simply shut down cellular machinery and await death. Instead, at the molecular level, the onset of the programmed cell death called apoptosis is a very busy time in a cell's life, requiring new gene expression. During apoptosis, newly formed enzymes break down many chemical components, including chlorophyll, DNA, RNA, proteins, and membrane lipids. The plant salvages many of the breakdown products. A burst of ethylene is almost always associated with the apoptosis of cells during senescence

Figure 37.4 A massive dust storm in the American Dust Bowl during the 1930s.

Soil mismanagement continues to be a major problem to this day. More than 30% of the world's farmland has reduced productivity stemming from poor soil conditions, such as chemical contamination, mineral deficiencies, acidity, salinity, and poor drainage. As the world's population grows, the demand for food increases. Because soil quality greatly affects crop yield, soil resources must be managed prudently. Today, the most productive lands are already being used for agriculture, so there are no more frontiers for farmers to clear. Thus, it is critical that farmers embrace sustainable agriculture, a commitment to farming practices that are conservation minded, environmentally safe, and profitable. Sustainable agriculture includes the prudent use of irrigation and soil amendments, the protection of topsoil from salinization and erosion, and the restoration of degraded lands.

In many plants, sugar movement into the phloem requires active transport because sucrose is more concentrated in sieve-tube elements and companion cells than in mesophyll. Proton pumping and H+ /sucrose cotransport enable sucrose to move from mesophyll cells to sieve-tube elements or companion cells (Figure 36.16b).

Sucrose is unloaded at the sink end of a sieve tube. The process varies by species and organ. However, the concentration of free sugar in the sink is always lower than in the sieve tube because the unloaded sugar is consumed during growth and metabolism of the cells of the sink or converted to insoluble polymers such as starch. As a result of this sugar concentration gradient, sugar molecules diffuse from the phloem into the sink tissues, and water follows by osmosis.

Figure 39.15 Action spectrum for blue-light-stimulated phototropism in maize coleoptiles. Phototropic bending toward light is controlled by phototropin, a photoreceptor sensitive to blue and violet light, particularly blue light.

(a) This action spectrum illustrates that only light wavelengths below 500 nm (blue and violet light) induce curvature. (b) When coleoptiles are exposed to light of various wavelengths as shown here, violet light induces slight curvature toward the light and blue light induces the most curvature. The other colors do not induce any curvature.

Stomata also open in response to depletion of CO2 within the leaf's air spaces as a result of photosynthesis. As CO2 concentrations decrease during the day, the stomata progressively open if sufficient water is supplied to the leaf.

An internal "clock" in the guard cells ensures that stomata continue their daily rhythm of opening and closing. This rhythm occurs even if a plant is kept in a dark location. All eukaryotic organisms have internal clocks that regulate cyclic processes. Cycles with intervals of approximately 24 hours are called circadian rhythms (which you'll learn more about in Concept 39.3).

Figure 37.2 Soil horizons.: The A horizon is the topsoil, a mixture of broken-down rock of various textures, living organisms, and decaying organic matter. The B horizon contains much less organic matter than the A horizon and is less weathered. The C horizon is composed mainly of partially brokendown rock. Some of the rock served as "parent" material for minerals that later helped form the upper horizons.

Inorganic Components: The surface charges of soil particles determine their ability to bind many nutrients. Most of the soil particles in productive soils are negatively charged and therefore do not bind negatively charged ions (anions), such as the plant nutrients nitrate (NO3 - ), phosphate (H2PO4 - ), and sulfate (SO4 2- ). As a result, these nutrients are easily lost by leaching, percolation of water through the soil. Positively charged ions (cations)—such as potassium (K+ ), calcium (Ca2+ ), and magnesium (Mg2+ )—adhere to negatively charged soil particles, so are less easily lost by leaching.

Irrigation: Because water is often the limiting factor in plant growth, perhaps no technology has increased crop yield as much as irrigation. However, irrigation is a huge drain on freshwater resources. Globally, about 75% of all freshwater use is devoted to agriculture. Many rivers in arid regions have been reduced to trickles by the diversion of water for irrigation. The primary source of irrigation water, however, is not surface waters, such as rivers and lakes, but underground water reserves called aquifers. In some parts of the world, the rate of water removal is exceeding the natural refilling of the aquifers. The result is land subsidence, a gradual settling or sudden sinking of Earth's surface (Figure 37.5). Land subsidence alters drainage patterns, causes damage to human-made structures, contributes to loss of underground springs, and increases the risk of flooding.

Irrigation, particularly from groundwater, can also lead to soil salinization—the addition of salts to the soil that make it too salty for cultivating plants. Salts dissolved in irrigation water accumulate in the soil as the water evaporates, making the water potential of the soil solution more negative. The water potential gradient from soil to roots is reduced, diminishing water uptake (see Figure 36.12)..

Agricultural and Ecological Importance of Mycorrhizae: Good crop yields often depend on the formation of mycorrhizae. Roots can form mycorrhizal symbioses only if exposed to the appropriate species of fungus. In most ecosystems, these fungi are present in the soil, and seedlings develop mycorrhizae. But if crop seeds are collected in one environment and planted in foreign soil, the plants may show signs of malnutrition (particularly phosphorus deficiency), resulting from the absence of fungal partners. Treating seeds with spores of mycorrhizal fungi can help seedlings form mycorrhizae, facilitating recovery of damaged natural ecosystems (see Concept 55.5) or improving crop yield.

Mycorrhizal associations are also important in understanding ecological relationships. Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi exhibit little host specificity; a single fungus may form a shared mycorrhizal network with several plants, even plants of different species. Mycorrhizal networks in a plant community may benefit one plant species more than another. Other examples of how mycorrhizae may affect the structures of plant communities come from studies of invasive plant species. For instance, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), an exotic European species that has invaded woodlands throughout the eastern United States, does not form mycorrhizae but hinders the growth of other plant species by preventing the growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

A high degree of cytosolic interconnectedness exists only within certain groups of cells and tissues, which are known as symplastic domains. Informational molecules, such as proteins and RNAs, coordinate development between cells within each symplastic domain. If symplastic communication is disrupted, development can be grossly affected.

Phloem: An Information Superhighway: In addition to transporting sugars, the phloem is a "superhighway" for the transport of macromolecules and viruses. This transport is systemic (throughout the body), affecting many or all of the plant's systems or organs. Macromolecules translocated through the phloem include proteins and various types of RNA that enter the sieve tubes through plasmodesmata. Although they are often likened to the gap junctions between animal cells, plasmodesmata are unique in their ability to traffic proteins and RNA.

Plant tissue culture is important in eliminating weakly pathogenic viruses from vegetatively propagated varieties. Although the presence of weak viruses may not be obvious, yield or quality may be substantially reduced as a result of infection. Strawberry plants, for example, are susceptible to more than 60 viruses, and typically the plants must be replaced each year because of viral infection. However, since the apical meristems are often virus-free, they can be excised and used to produce virus-free material for tissue culture.

Plant tissue culture also facilitates genetic engineering. Most techniques for the introduction of foreign genes into plants require small pieces of plant tissue or single plant cells as the starting material. Test-tube culture makes it possible to regenerate genetically modified (GM) plants from a single plant cell into which the foreign DNA has been incorporated. The techniques of genetic engineering are discussed in more detail in Chapter 20. In the next section, we take a closer look at some of the promises and challenges surrounding the use of GM plants in agriculture.

Many organisms, including certain vertebrates, fungi, bacteria, and many species of plants, have proteins that hinder ice crystals from growing, helping the organism escape freezing damage. First described in Arctic fish in the 1950s, these antifreeze proteins permit survival at temperatures below 0°C. They bind to small ice crystals and inhibit their growth or, in the case of plants, prevent the crystallization of ice. The five major classes of antifreeze proteins differ markedly in their amino acid sequences but have a similar three-dimensional structure, suggesting convergent evolution. Surprisingly, antifreeze proteins from winter rye are homologous to antifungal defense proteins, but they are produced in response to cold temperatures and shorter days, not fungal pathogens. Progress is being made in increasing the freezing tolerance of crop plants by engineering antifreeze protein genes into their genomes.

Plants respond to attacks by pathogens and herbivores: Through natural selection, plants have evolved many types of interactions with other species in their communities. Some interspecific interactions are mutually beneficial, such as the associations of plants with mycorrhizal fungi (see Figure 37.15) or with pollinators (see Figures 38.4 and 38.5). Many plant interactions with other organisms, however, do not benefit the plant. As primary producers, plants are at the base of most food webs and are subject to attack by a wide range of plant-eating (herbivorous) animals. A plant is also subject to infection by diverse viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can damage tissues or even kill the plant. Plants counter these threats with defense systems that deter animals and prevent infection or combat invading pathogens.

Assessing the impact of GMOs on human health also involves considering the health of farmworkers, many of whom were commonly exposed to high levels of chemical insecticides prior to the adoption of Bt crops. In India, for example, the widespread adoption of Bt cotton has led to a 41% decrease in insecticide use and an 80% reduction in the number of acute poisoning cases involving farmers.

Possible Effects on Nontarget Organisms: Many ecologists are concerned that GM crops may have unforeseen effects on nontarget organisms. One laboratory study indicated that the larvae (caterpillars) of monarch butterflies responded adversely and even died after eating milkweed leaves (their preferred food) heavily dusted with pollen from transgenic Bt maize. This study has since been discredited, affording a good example of the self-correcting nature of science.

Improving Plant Nutrition by Genetic Modification: In exploring plant nutrition so far, we have discussed how farmers use irrigation, fertilization, and other means to tailor soil conditions for a crop. An opposite approach is tailoring the plant by genetic engineering to better fit the soil. Here we highlight two examples of how genetic engineering improves plant nutrition and fertilizer usage.

Resistance to Aluminum Toxicity: Aluminum in acidic soils damages roots and reduces crop yields. The major mechanism of aluminum resistance is secretion of organic acids (such as malic acid and citric acid) by roots. These acids bind to free aluminum ions and lower the levels of aluminum in the soil. Scientists have altered tobacco and papaya plants by introducing a citrate synthase gene from a bacterium into the plants' genomes. The resulting overproduction of citric acid increased aluminum resistance.

Figure 36.18 Inquiry Does phloem sap contain more sugar near sources than near sinks? Experiment The pressure-flow hypothesis predicts that phloem sap near sources should have a higher sugar content than phloem sap near sinks. To test this idea, researchers used aphids that feed on phloem sap. An aphid probes with a hypodermic-like mouthpart called a stylet that penetrates a sieve-tube element. As sieve-tube pressure forced out phloem sap into the stylets, the researchers separated the aphids from the stylets, which then acted as taps exuding sap for hours. Researchers measured the sugar concentration of sap from stylets at different points between a source and sink.

Results The closer the stylet was to a sugar source, the higher its sugar concentration was. Conclusion The results of such experiments support the pressureflow hypothesis, which predicts that sugar concentrations should be higher in sieve tubes closer to sugar sources.

Strigolactones are xylem-mobile chemicals that stimulate seed germination, suppress adventitious root formation, help establish mycorrhizal associations, and (as noted earlier) help control apical dominance. Their recent discovery relates back to studies of their namesake, Striga, a colorfully named genus of rootless parasitic plants that penetrate the roots of other plants, diverting essential nutrients from them and stunting their growth. (In Romanian legend, Striga is a vampire-like creature that lives for thousands of years, only needing to feed every 25 years or so.) Also known as witchweed, Striga may be the greatest obstacle to food production in Africa, infesting about two-thirds of the area devoted to cereal crops. Each Striga plant produces tens of thousands of tiny seeds that can remain dormant in the soil for many years until a suitable host begins to grow. Thus, Striga cannot be eradicated by growing non-grain crops for several years. Strigolactones, exuded by the host roots, were first identified as the chemical signals that stimulate the germination of Striga seeds.

Responses to light are critical for plant success: Light is an especially important environmental factor in the lives of plants. In addition to being required for photosynthesis, light triggers many key events in plant growth and development, collectively known as photomorphogenesis. Light reception also allows plants to measure the passage of days and seasons. Plants detect not only the presence of light signals but also their direction, intensity, and wavelength (color). A graph called an action spectrum depicts the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of radiation in driving a particular process, such as photosynthesis (see Figure 10.10b). Action spectra are useful in studying any process that depends on light. By comparing action spectra of various plant responses, researchers determine which responses are mediated by the same photoreceptor (pigment). They also compare action spectra with absorption spectra of pigments; a close correspondence for a given pigment suggests that the pigment is the photoreceptor mediating the response. Action spectra reveal that red and blue light are the most important colors in regulating a plant's photomorphogenesis. These observations led researchers to two major classes of light receptors: blue-light photoreceptors and phytochromes, photoreceptors that absorb mostly red light.

Figure 36.11 Generation of transpirational pull. Negative pressure (tension) at the air-water interface in the leaf is the basis of transpirational pull, which draws water out of the xylem. In transpiration, water vapor (shown as blue dots) diffuses from the moist air spaces of the leaf to the drier air outside via stomata. At first, the water vapor lost by transpiration is replaced by evaporation from the water film that coats mesophyll cells.

The evaporation of the water film causes the air-water interface to retreat farther into the cell wall and to become more curved. This curvature increases the surface tension and the rate of transpiration. The increased surface tension shown in step pulls water from surrounding cells and air spaces. Water from the xylem is pulled into the surrounding cells and air spaces to replace the water that was lost.

Figure 39.13 Ethylene triple-response Arabidopsis mutants.: ) ein mutant. An ethyleneinsensitive (ein) mutant fails to undergo the triple response in the presence of ethylene.

ctr mutant. A constitutive triple-response (ctr) mutant undergoes the triple response even in the absence of ethylene.

Table 37.1 Macronutrients in Plants:

memorize the table

A fruit usually ripens about the same time that its seeds complete their development. Whereas the ripening of a dry fruit, such as a soybean pod, involves the aging and drying out of fruit tissues, the process in a fleshy fruit is more elaborate. Complex interactions of hormones result in an edible fruit that entices animals that disperse the seeds. The fruit's "pulp" becomes softer as enzymes digest components of cell walls. The color usually changes from green to another color, making the fruit more visible among the leaves. The fruit becomes sweeter as organic acids or starch molecules are converted to sugar, which may reach a concentration of 20% in a ripe fruit. Figure 38.12 examines some mechanisms of seed and fruit dispersal in more detail.

In this section, you have learned about the key features of sexual reproduction in angiosperms—flowers, double fertilization, and fruits. Next, we'll examine asexual reproduction.

Figure 36.16 Loading of sucrose into phloem.

(a)Sucrose manufactured in mesophyll cells can travel via the symplast (blue arrows) to sieve-tube elements. In some species, sucrose exits the symplast near sieve tubes and travels through the apoplast (red arrow). It is then actively accumulated from the apoplast by sieve-tube elements and their companion cells. (b) A chemiosmotic mechanism is responsible for the active transport of sucrose into companion cells and sieve-tube elements. Proton pumps generate an H+ gradient, which drives sucrose accumulation with the help of a cotransport protein that couples sucrose transport to the diffusion of H+ back into the cell.

In contrast to the unidirectional transport of xylem sap from roots to leaves, phloem sap moves from sites of sugar production to sites of sugar use or storage (see Figure 36.2). A sugar source is a plant organ that is a net producer of sugar, by photosynthesis or by breakdown of starch. In contrast, a sugar sink is an organ that is a net consumer or depository of sugar. Growing roots, buds, stems, and fruits are sugar sinks. Although expanding leaves are sugar sinks, mature leaves, if well illuminated, are sugar sources.

. A storage organ, such as a tuber or a bulb, may be a source or a sink, depending on the season. When stockpiling carbohydrates in the summer, it is a sugar sink. After breaking dormancy in the spring, it is a sugar source because its starch is broken down to sugar, which is carried to the growing shoot tips.

Environmental Stresses: Environmental stresses, such as flooding, drought, or extreme temperatures, can have devastating effects on plant survival, growth, and reproduction. In natural ecosystems, plants that cannot tolerate an environmental stress either die or are outcompeted by other plants. Thus, environmental stresses are an important factor in determining the geographic ranges of plants. In the last section of this chapter, we will examine the defensive responses of plants to common biotic (living) stresses, such as herbivores and pathogens. Here we will consider some of the more common abiotic (nonliving) stresses that plants encounter.

. Since these abiotic factors are major determinants of crop yields, there is currently much interest in trying to project how global climate change will impact crop production (see the Problem-Solving Exercise). Figure 39.24 Rapid turgor movements by the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica). (a) Unstimulated state (leaflets spread apart) (b) Stimulated state (leaflets folded)

Figure 38.6 The life cycle of angiosperms. For simplicity, a flower with a single carpel (simple pistil) is shown. Many species have multiple carpels, either separate or fused. 1)In the megasporangium of each ovule, the megasporocyte divides by meiosis, producing four megaspores. One survives and gives rise to a female gametophyte. 2) in the anther of a stamen, each microsporangium contains microsporocytes that divide by meiosis, producing microspores. 3) A microspore develops into a pollen grain. The generative cell of the gametophyte will divide, forming two sperm. The tube cell will produce the pollen tube.

4)After pollination, eventually two sperm cells are discharged in each ovule. 5) Double fertilization occurs. One sperm fertilizes the egg, forming a zygote. The other sperm fertilizes the central cell, forming the endosperm (a food supply, 3n in this example). 6) The zygote develops into an embryo that is packaged along with food into a seed. (The fruit tissues surrounding the seed are not shown.) 7) When a seed germinates, the embryo develops into a mature sporophyte.

Fruit Ripening: Immature fleshy fruits are generally tart, hard, and green—features that help protect the developing seeds from herbivores. After ripening, the mature fruits help attract animals that disperse the seeds (see Figures 30.10 and 30.11). In many cases, a burst of ethylene production in the fruit triggers the ripening process. The enzymatic breakdown of cell wall components softens the fruit, and the conversion of starches and acids to sugars makes the fruit sweet. The production of new scents and colors helps advertise ripeness to animals, which eat the fruits and disperse the seeds.

A chain reaction occurs during ripening: Ethylene triggers ripening, and ripening triggers more ethylene production. The result is a huge burst in ethylene production. Because ethylene is a gas, the signal to ripen spreads from fruit to fruit. If you pick or buy green fruit, you may be able to speed ripening by storing the fruit in a paper bag, allowing ethylene to accumulate. On a commercial scale, many kinds of fruits are ripened in huge storage containers in which ethylene levels are enhanced. In other cases, fruit producers take measures to slow ripening caused by natural ethylene. Apples, for instance, are stored in bins flushed with carbon dioxide. Circulating the air prevents ethylene from accumulating, and carbon dioxide inhibits synthesis of new ethylene. Stored in this way, apples picked in autumn can still be shipped to grocery stores the following summer.

Many strategies are being pursued with the goal of preventing transgene escape. For example, if male sterility could be engineered into plants, these plants would still produce seeds and fruit if pollinated by nearby nontransgenic plants, but they would produce no viable pollen. A second approach involves genetically engineering apomixis into transgenic crops. When a seed is produced by apomixis, the embryo and endosperm develop without fertilization. The transfer of this trait to transgenic crops would therefore minimize the possibility of transgene escape via pollen because plants could be male-sterile without compromising seed or fruit production.

A third approach is to engineer the transgene into the chloroplast DNA of the crop. Chloroplast DNA in many plant species is inherited strictly from the egg, so transgenes in the chloroplast cannot be transferred by pollen. A fourth approach for preventing transgene escape is to genetically engineer flowers that develop normally but fail to open. Consequently, self-pollination would occur, but pollen would be unlikely to escape from the flower. This solution would require modifications to flower design. Several floral genes have been identified that could be manipulated to this end.

The relationship between primary and secondary growth is seen in the winter twig of a deciduous tree. At the shoot tip is the dormant apical bud, enclosed by scales that protect its apical meristem (Figure 35.12). In spring, the bud sheds its scales and begins a new spurt of primary growth, producing a series of nodes and internodes. On each growth segment, nodes are marked by scars left when leaves fell. Leaf scars are prominent in many twigs.

Above each scar is an axillary bud or a branch formed by an axillary bud. Farther down are bud scars from whorls of scales that enclosed the apical bud during the previous winter. In each growing season, primary growth extends shoots, and secondary growth increases the diameter of parts formed in previous years

The Role of Auxin in Cell Elongation :One of auxin's chief functions is to stimulate elongation of cells within young developing shoots. As auxin from the shoot apex moves down to the region of cell elongation (see Figure 35.16), the hormone stimulates cell growth, probably by binding to a receptor in the plasma membrane. Auxin stimulates growth only over a certain concentration range, from about 10-8 to 10-4 M. At higher concentrations, auxin may inhibit cell elongation by inducing production of ethylene, a hormone that generally hinders growth. We will return to this hormonal interaction when we discuss ethylene.

According to a model called the acid growth hypothesis, proton pumps play a major role in the growth response of cells to auxin. In a shoot's region of elongation, auxin stimulates the plasma membrane's proton (H+ ) pumps. This pumping of H+ increases the voltage across the membrane (membrane potential) and lowers the pH in the cell wall within minutes. Acidification of the wall activates proteins called expansins that break the cross-links (hydrogen bonds) between cellulose microfibrils and other cell wall constituents, loosening the wall's fabric (Figure 39.7). Increasing the membrane potential enhances ion uptake into the cell, which causes osmotic uptake of water and increased turgor. Increased turgor and increased cell wall plasticity enable the cell to elongate.

Figure 39.23 Thigmomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. The shorter plant on the right was rubbed twice a day. The untouched plant (left) grew much taller. A remarkable feature of rapid leaf movements is the mode of transmission of the stimulus through the plant. If one leaflet on a sensitive plant is touched, first that leaflet responds, then the adjacent leaflet responds, and so on, until all the leaflet pairs have folded together. From the point of stimulation, the signal that produces this response travels at a speed of about 1 cm/sec. An electrical impulse traveling at the same rate can be detected when electrodes are attached to the leaf. These impulses, called action potentials, resemble nerve impulses in animals, though the action potentials of plants are thousands of times slower.

Action potentials have been discovered in many species of algae and plants and may be used as a form of internal communication. For example, in the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), action potentials are transmitted from sensory hairs in the trap to the cells that respond by closing the trap (see Figure 37.16). In the case of Mimosa pudica, more violent stimuli, such as touching a leaf with a hot needle, causes all the leaves and leaflets to droop. This wholeplant response involves the spread of signaling molecules from the injured area to other parts of the shoot.

Manure, fishmeal, and compost are called "organic" fertilizers because they are of biological origin and contain decomposing organic material. Before plants can use organic material, however, it must be decomposed into the inorganic nutrients that roots can absorb. Whether from organic fertilizer or a chemical factory, the minerals a plant extracts are in the same form. However, organic fertilizers release them gradually, whereas minerals in commercial fertilizers are immediately available but may not be retained by the soil for long. Minerals not absorbed by roots are often leached from the soil by rainwater or irrigation. To make matters worse, mineral runoff into lakes may lead to explosions in algal populations that can deplete oxygen levels and decimate fish populations.

Adjusting Soil pH: Soil pH is an important factor that influences mineral availability by its effect on cation exchange and the chemical form of minerals. Depending on the soil pH, a particular mineral may be bound too tightly to clay particles or may be in a chemical form that the plant cannot absorb. Most plants prefer slightly acidic soil because the high H+ concentrations can displace positively charged minerals from soil particles, making them more available for absorption. Adjusting soil pH is tricky because a change in H+ concentration may make one mineral more available but another less available. At pH 8, for instance, plants can absorb calcium, but iron is almost unavailable. The soil pH should be matched to a crop's mineral needs. If the soil is too alkaline, adding sulfate will lower the pH. Soil that is too acidic can be adjusted by adding lime (calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide).

Because sexual reproduction generates variation in offspring and populations, it can be advantageous in unstable environments where evolving pathogens and other fluctuating conditions affect survival and reproductive success. In contrast, the genotypic uniformity of asexually produced plants puts them at great risk of local extinction if there is a catastrophic environmental change, such as a new strain of disease. Moreover, seeds (which are almost always produced sexually) facilitate the dispersal of offspring to more distant locations. Finally, seed dormancy allows growth to be suspended until environmental conditions become more favorable. In the Scientific Skills Exercise, you can use data to determine which species of monkey flower are mainly asexual reproducers and which are mainly sexual reproducers.

Although sexual reproduction involving two genetically different plants produces the most genetically diverse offspring, some plants, such as garden peas, usually self-fertilize. This process, called "selfing," is a desirable attribute in some crop plants because it ensures that every ovule will develop into a seed. In many angiosperm species, however, mechanisms have evolved that make it difficult or impossible for a flower to fertilize itself, as we'll discuss next

Carnivorous plants are photosynthetic but supplement their mineral diet by capturing insects and other small animals. ey live in acid bogs and other habitats where soils are poor in nitrogen and other minerals. Pitcher plants such as Nepenthes and Sarracenia have water-lled funnels into which prey slip and drown, eventually to be digested by enzymes. Sundews (genus Drosera) exude a sticky uid from tentacle-like glands on highly modied leaves. Stalked glands secrete sweet mucilage that attracts and ensnares insects, and they also release digestive enzymes. Other glands then absorb the nutrient "soup." e highly modied leaves of Venus ytrap (Dionaea muscipula) close quickly but partially when a prey hits two trigger hairs in rapid enough succession. Smaller insects can escape, but larger ones are trapped by the teeth lining the margins of the lobes. Excitation by the prey causes the trap to narrow more and digestive enzymes to be released.

An unusual aspect of the Rhizanthes example is that the insect does not profit from interacting with the flower. In fact, the blowfly maggots that emerge on Rhizanthes flowers find no carrion to eat and quickly perish. More typically, a plant lures an animal pollinator to its flowers not with offers of false carrion but with rewards of energy-rich nectar or pollen. Thus, both plant and pollinator benefit. Participating in such mutually beneficial relationships with other organisms is common in the plant kingdom. In fact, in recent evolutionary times, some flowering plants have formed relationships with an animal that not only disperses their seeds but also provides the plants with water and mineral nutrients and vigorously protects them from encroaching competitors, pathogens, and predators. In return for these favors, the animal typically gets to eat a fraction of some part of the plants, such as their seeds or fruits. These plants are called crops; the animals are humans.

Methods of Pollination: Pollination is the transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant containing the ovules. In angiosperms, this transfer is from an anther to a stigma. Pollination can occur by wind, water, or animals (Figure 38.4). In wind-pollinated species, including grasses and many trees, the release of enormous quantities of smaller-sized pollen compensates for the randomness of dispersal by the wind. At certain times of the year, the air is loaded with pollen grains, as anyone plagued with pollen allergies can attest. Some species of aquatic plants rely on water to disperse pollen. Most angiosperm species, however, depend on insects, birds, or other animal pollinators to transfer pollen directly from one flower to another.

Animal pollinators are drawn to flowers for the food they provide in the form of pollen and nectar. Attracting pollinators that are loyal to a given plant species is an efficient way to ensure that pollen is transferred to another flower of the same species. Natural selection, therefore, favors deviations in floral structure or physiology that make it more likely for a flower to be pollinated regularly by an effective animal species. If a plant species develops traits that make its flowers more prized by pollinators, there is a selective pressure for pollinators to become adept at harvesting food from these flowers. The joint evolution of two interacting species, each in response to selection imposed by the other, is called coevolution. For example, some species have fused flower petals that form long, tubelike structures bearing nectaries tucked deep inside. Charles Darwin suggested that a race between flower and insect might lead to correspondences between the length of a floral tube and the length of an insect's proboscis, a straw-like mouthpart. Based on the length of a long, tubular flower that grows in Madagascar, Darwin predicted the existence of a pollinating moth with a 28-cm-long proboscis. Such a moth was discovered two decades after Darwin's death (Figure 38.5).

Figure 37.10 Make Connections Mutualism Across Kingdoms and Domains Some toxic species of fish don't make their own poison. How is that possible? Some species of ants chew leaves but don't eat them. Why? The answers lie in some amazing mutualisms, relationships between different species in which each species provides a substance or service that benefits the other (see Concept 54.1). Sometimes mutualisms occur within the same kingdom, such as between two species of animals. Many mutualisms, however, involve species from different kingdoms or domains, as in these examples. Fungus-Bacterium: A lichen is a mutualistic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner. In the lichen Peltigera, the photosynthetic partner is a species of cyanobacterium. The cyanobacterium supplies carbohydrates, while the fungus provides anchorage, protection, minerals, and water. (See Figure 31.22.)

Animal-Fungus:Leaf-cutter ants harvest leaves that they carry back to their nest, but the ants do not eat the leaves. Instead, a fungus grows by absorbing nutrients from the leaves, and the ants eat part of the fungus that they have cultivated.Leaf-cutter ants bringing leaves to a nest. Ants tending a fungal garden in a nest. Plant-Fungus: Most plant species have mycorrhizae, mutualistic associations between roots and fungi. The fungus absorbs carbohydrates from the roots. In return, the fungus's mycelium, a dense network of filaments called hyphae, increases the surface area for the uptake of water and minerals by the roots. (See Figure 31.4.) A fungus growing on the root of a sorghum plant (SEM) Plant-Animal: Some species of Acacia plants are aggressively defended from predators and competitors by ants that live within the plant's hollow thorns. The plant provides nourishment for the ants in the forms of protein-rich structures at the bases of leaves and carbohydrate-rich nectar. (See Figure 54.8.) Protective ants harvesting protein-rich structures from an Acacia plant

Other xerophytes have unusual physiological or morphological adaptations that enable them to withstand harsh desert conditions. The stems of many xerophytes are fleshy because they store water for use during long dry periods. Cacti have highly reduced leaves that resist excessive water loss; photosynthesis is carried out mainly in their stems.

Another adaptation common in arid habitats is crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), a specialized form of photosynthesis found in succulents of the family Crassulaceae and several other families (see Figure 10.21). Because the leaves of CAM plants take in CO2 at night, the stomata can remain closed during the day, when evaporative stresses are greatest. Other examples of xerophytic adaptations are discussed in Figure 36.15

Removing the apical bud, a major site of auxin biosynthesis, causes the auxin and strigolactone levels in the stem to wane, particularly in those regions close to the cut surface (see Figure 39.8). This causes the axillary buds closest to the cut surface to grow most vigorously, and one of these axillary buds will eventually take over as the new apical bud. Applying auxin to the cut surface of the shoot tip resuppresses the growth of the lateral buds.

Anti-aging Effects Cytokinins slow the aging of certain plant organs by inhibiting protein breakdown, stimulating RNA and protein synthesis, and mobilizing nutrients from surrounding tissues. If leaves removed from a plant are dipped in a cytokinin solution, they stay green much longer than otherwise.

Stems: A stem is a plant organ bearing leaves and buds. Its chief function is to elongate and orient the shoot in a way that maximizes photosynthesis by the leaves. Another function of stems is to elevate reproductive structures, thereby facilitating the dispersal of pollen and fruit. Green stems may also perform a limited amount of photosynthesis. Each stem consists of an alternating system of nodes, the points at which leaves are attached, and internodes, the stem segments between nodes (see Figure 35.2). Most of the growth of a young shoot is concentrated near the growing shoot tip or apical bud.

Apical buds are not the only types of buds found in shoots. In the upper angle (axil) formed by each leaf and the stem is an axillary bud, which can potentially form a lateral branch or, in some cases, a thorn or flower. some plants have stems with alternative functions, such as food storage or asexual reproduction. Many of these modified stems, including rhizomes, stolons, and tubers, are often mistaken for roots (Figure 35.5).

We have discussed the signal transduction involved in the de-etiolation response of a potato plant in some detail to give you a sense of the complexity of biochemical changes that underlie this one process. Every plant hormone and environmental stimulus will trigger one or more signal transduction pathways of comparable complexity.

As in the studies on the aurea mutant tomato, the isolation of mutants (a genetic approach) and techniques of molecular biology are helping researchers identify these various pathways. But this recent research builds on a long history of careful physiological and biochemical investigations into how plants work. As you will read in the next section, classic experiments provided the first clues that transported signaling molecules called hormones are internal regulators of plant growth.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction: An advantage of asexual reproduction is that there is no need for a pollinator. This may be beneficial in situations where plants of the same species are sparsely distributed and unlikely to be visited by the same pollinator. Asexual reproduction also allows the plant to pass on all its genetic legacy intact to its progeny. In contrast, when reproducing sexually, a plant passes on only half of its alleles. If a plant is superbly suited to its environment, asexual reproduction can be advantageous. A vigorous plant can potentially clone many copies of itself, and if the environmental circumstances remain stable, these offspring will also be genetically well adapted to the same environmental conditions under which the parent flourished.

Asexual plant reproduction based on the vegetative growth of stems, leaves, or roots is known as vegetative reproduction. Generally, the progeny produced by vegetative reproduction are stronger than seedlings produced by sexual reproduction. In contrast, seed germination is a precarious stage in a plant's life. The tough seed gives rise to a fragile seedling that may face exposure to predators, parasites, wind, and other hazards. In the wild, few seedlings survive to become parents themselves. Production of enormous numbers of seeds compensates for the odds against individual survival and gives natural selection ample genetic variations to screen. However, this is an expensive means of reproduction in terms of the resources consumed in flowering and fruiting.

Figure 39.18 Sleep movements of a bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris). The movements are caused by reversible changes in the turgor pressure of cells on opposing sides of the pulvini, motor organs of the leaf.

At the heart of the molecular mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms are oscillations in the transcription of certain genes. Mathematical models propose that the 24-hour period arises from negative-feedback loops involving the transcription of a few central "clock genes." Some clock genes may encode transcription factors that inhibit, after a time delay, the transcription of the gene that encodes the transcription factor itself. Such negativefeedback loops, together with a time delay, are enough to produce oscillations.

Subsequent research showed that a chemical was released from coleoptile tips and could be collected by means of diffusion into agar blocks. Little cubes of agar containing this chemical could induce "phototropic-like" curvatures even in complete darkness if the agar cubes were placed off-center atop the cut surface of decapitated coleoptiles. Coleoptiles curve toward light because of a higher concentration of this growth-promoting chemical on the darker side of the coleoptile. Since this chemical stimulated growth as it passed down the coleoptile, it was dubbed "auxin" (from the Greek auxein, to increase). Auxin was later purified, and its chemical structure determined to be indoleacetic acid (IAA). The term auxin is used for any chemical substance that promotes elongation of coleoptiles, although auxins have multiple functions in flowering plants. The major natural auxin in plants is IAA, although several other compounds, including some synthetic ones, have auxin activity.

Auxin is produced predominantly in shoot tips and is transported from cell to cell down the stem at a rate of about 1 cm/hr. It moves only from tip to base, not in the reverse direction. This unidirectional transport of auxin is called polar transport. Polar transport is unrelated to gravity; experiments have shown that auxin travels upward when a stem or coleoptile segment is placed upside down. Rather, the polarity of auxin movement is attributable to the polar distribution of auxin transport protein in the cells. Concentrated at the basal end of a cell, the auxin transporters move the hormone out of the cell. The auxin can then enter the apical end of the neighboring cell (Figure 39.6). Auxin has a variety of effects, including stimulating cell elongation and regulating plant architecture.

Results This tree diagram breaks down the relatedness of bacterial communities into finer and finer levels of detail. The two explanatory labels give examples of how to interpret the diagram. Conclusion The "species" composition of the bacterial communities varied markedly according to the location inside the root versus outside the root and according to soil type.

Bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle: Because nitrogen is required in large amounts for synthesizing proteins and nucleic acids, no mineral deficiency is more limiting to plant growth than a lack of nitrogen. The forms of nitrogen that plants can use include NO3 - and NH4 + . Some soil nitrogen derives from the weathering of rocks, and lightning produces small amounts of NO3 - that get carried to the soil in rain. However, most of the nitrogen available to plants comes from the activity of bacteria (Figure 37.12). This activity is part of the nitrogen cycle, a series of natural processes by which certain nitrogencontaining substances from the air and soil are made useful to living things, are used by them, and are returned to the air and soil (see Figure 55.14).

Reducing Fossil Fuel Dependency: Global sources of inexpensive fossil fuels, particularly oil, are rapidly being depleted. Moreover, most climatologists attribute global warming mainly to the rampant burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, and the resulting release of the greenhouse gas CO2. How can the world meet its energy demands in the 21st century in an economical and nonpolluting way? In certain localities, wind or solar power may become economically viable, but such alternative energy sources are unlikely to fill the global energy demands completely. Many scientists predict that biofuels—fuels derived from living biomass—could produce a sizable fraction of the world's energy needs in the not-too-distant future.

Biomass is the total mass of organic matter in a group of organisms in a particular habitat. The use of biofuels from plant biomass would reduce the net emission of CO2. Whereas burning fossil fuels increases atmospheric CO2 concentrations, biofuel crops reabsorb by photosynthesis the CO2 emitted when biofuels are burned, creating a cycle that is carbon neutral.

Xylem Sap Ascent by Bulk Flow: A Review: The cohesion-tension mechanism that transports xylem sap against gravity is an excellent example of how physical principles apply to biological processes. In the long-distance transport of water from roots to leaves by bulk flow, the movement of fluid is driven by a water potential difference at opposite ends of xylem tissue. The water potential difference is created at the leaf end of the xylem by the evaporation of water from leaf cells. Evaporation lowers the water potential at the air-water interface, thereby generating the negative pressure (tension) that pulls water through the xylem.

Bulk flow in the xylem differs from diffusion in some key ways. First, it is driven by differences in pressure potential (cP); solute potential (cS) is not a factor. Therefore, the water potential gradient within the xylem is essentially a pressure gradient. Also, the flow does not occur across plasma membranes of living cells, but instead within hollow, dead cells. Furthermore, it moves the entire solution together—not just water or solutes—and at much greater speed than diffusion. The plant expends no energy to lift xylem sap by bulk flow. Instead, the absorption of sunlight drives most of transpiration by causing water to evaporate from the moist walls of mesophyll cells and by lowering the water potential in the air spaces within a leaf. Thus, the ascent of xylem sap, like the process of photosynthesis, is ultimately solar powered.

Control of Cell Division and Differentiation: larly in roots, embryos, and fruits. Cytokinins produced in roots reach their target tissues by moving up the plant in the xylem sap. Acting in concert with auxin, cytokinins stimulate cell division and influence the pathway of differentiation. The effects of cytokinins on cells growing in tissue culture provide clues about how this class of hormones may function in an intact plant. When a piece of parenchyma tissue from a stem is cultured in the absence of cytokinins, the cells grow very large but do not divide.

But if cytokinins are added along with auxin, the cells divide. Cytokinins alone have no effect. The ratio of cytokinins to auxin controls cell differentiation. When the concentrations of these two hormones are at certain levels, the mass of cells continues to grow, but it remains a cluster of undifferentiated cells called a callus (see Figure 38.15). If cytokinin levels increase, shoot buds develop from the callus. If auxin levels increase, roots form.

Issues of Human Health: Many GMO opponents worry that genetic engineering may inadvertently transfer allergens, molecules to which some people are allergic, from a species that produces an allergen to a plant used for food. However, biotechnologists are already removing genes that encode allergenic proteins from soybeans and other crops. So far, there is no credible evidence that GM plants designed for human consumption have allergenic effects on human health. In fact, some GM foods are potentially healthier than non-GM foods. For example, Bt maize (the transgenic variety with the Bt toxin) contains 90% less of a fungal toxin that causes cancer and birth defects than non-Bt maize.

Called fumonisin, this toxin is highly resistant to degradation and has been found in alarmingly high concentrations in some batches of processed maize products, ranging from cornflakes to beer. Fumonisin is produced by a fungus (Fusarium) that infects insect-damaged maize. Because Bt maize generally suffers less insect damage than non-GM maize, it contains much less fumonisin.

Figure 37.16 Exploring Unusual Nutritional Adaptations in Plants Epiphytes: An epiphyte (from the Greek epi, upon, and phyton, plant) is a plant that grows on another plant. Epiphytes produce and gather their own nutrients; they do not tap into their hosts for sustenance. Usually anchored to the branches or trunks of living trees, epiphytes absorb water and minerals from rain, mostly through leaves rather than roots. Some examples are staghorn ferns, bromeliads, and many orchids, including the vanilla plant. Staghorn fern, an epiphyte Parasitic Plants: Unlike epiphytes, parasitic plants absorb water, minerals, and sometimes products of photosynthesis from their living hosts. Many species have roots that function as haustoria, nutrient-absorbing projections that tap into the host plant. Some parasitic species, such as orange-colored, spaghetti-like dodder (genus Cuscuta), lack chlorophyll entirely, whereas others, such as mistletoe (genus Phoradendron), are photosynthetic. Still others, such as Indian pipe (Monotropa uniora), absorb nutrients from the hyphae of mycorrhizae associated with other plants. Mistletoe, a photosynthetic parasite. Dodder, a nonphotosynthetic parasite (orange. ▲ Indian pipe, a nonphotosynthetic parasite of mycorrhizae

Carnivorous Plants: Carnivorous plants are photosynthetic but supplement their mineral diet by capturing insects and other small animals. ey live in acid bogs and other habitats where soils are poor in nitrogen and other minerals. Pitcher plants such as Nepenthes and Sarracenia have water-lled funnels into which prey slip and drown, eventually to be digested by enzymes. Sundews (genus Drosera) exude a sticky uid from tentacle-like glands on highly modied leaves. Stalked glands secrete sweet mucilage that attracts and ensnares insects, and they also release digestive enzymes. Other glands then absorb the nutrient "soup." e highly modied leaves of Venus ytrap (Dionaea muscipula) close quickly but partially when a prey hits two trigger hairs in rapid enough succession. Smaller insects can escape, but larger ones are trapped by the teeth lining the margins of the lobes. Excitation by the prey causes the trap to narrow more and digestive enzymes to be released.

Flower Structure and Function: The flower, the sporophytic structure of angiosperms specialized for sexual reproduction, is typically composed of four types of floral organs: carpels, stamens, petals, and sepals (Figure 38.2). When viewed from above, these organs take the form of concentric whorls. Carpels form the first (innermost) whorl, stamens the second, petals the third, and sepals the fourth (outermost) whorl. All are attached to a part of the stem called the receptacle. Flowers are determinate shoots; they cease growing after the flower and fruit are formed.

Carpels and stamens are sporophylls—modified leaves specialized for reproduction (see Concept 30.1); sepals and petals are sterile modified leaves. A carpel (megasporophyll) has an ovary at its base and a long, slender neck called the style. At the top of the style is a sticky structure called the stigma that captures pollen. Within the ovary are one or more ovules, which become seeds if fertilized; the number of ovules depends on the species. The flower in Figure 38.2 has a single carpel, but many species have multiple carpels. In most species, the carpels are fused, resulting in a compound ovary with two or more chambers, each containing one or more ovules. The term pistil is sometimes used to refer to a single carpel or two or more fused carpels (Figure 38.3).

Cells in apical and lateral meristems divide frequently during the growing season, generating additional cells. Some new cells remain in the meristem and produce more cells, while others differentiate and are incorporated into tissues and organs. Cells that remain as sources of new cells have traditionally been called initials but are increasingly being called stem cells to correspond to animal stem cells that also divide and remain functionally undifferentiated.

Cells displaced from the meristem may divide several more times as they differentiate into mature cells. During primary growth, these cells give rise to three tissues called primary meristems—the protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium— that will produce, respectively, the three mature tissues of a root or shoot: the dermal, ground, and vascular tissues. The lateral meristems in woody plants also have stem cells, which give rise to all secondary growth.

The symplast is highly dynamic: Although we have been discussing transport in mostly physical terms, almost like the flow of solutions through pipes, plant transport is a dynamic and finely tuned process that changes during development. A leaf, for example, may begin as a sugar sink but spend most of its life as a sugar source. Also, environmental changes may trigger responses in plant transport processes. Water stress may activate signal transduction pathways that greatly alter the membrane transport proteins governing the overall transport of water and minerals. Because the symplast is living tissue, it is largely responsible for the dynamic changes in plant transport processes. We'll look now at some other examples: changes in plasmodesmata, chemical signaling, and electrical signaling

Changes in Plasmodesmatal Number and Pore Size: Based mostly on the static images provided by electron microscopy, biologists formerly considered plasmodesmata to be unchanging, pore-like structures. More recent studies, however, have revealed that plasmodesmata are highly dynamic. They can open or close rapidly in response to changes in turgor pressure, cytosolic Ca2+ levels, or cytosolic pH. Although some plasmodesmata form during cytokinesis, they can also form much later. Moreover, loss of function is common during differentiation. For example, as a leaf matures from a sink to a source, its plasmodesmata either close or are eliminated, causing phloem unloading to cease.

Transduction: Receptors can be sensitive to very weak environmental or chemical signals. Some de-etiolation responses are triggered by extremely low levels of light, in certain cases as little as the equivalent of a few seconds of moonlight. The transduction of these extremely weak signals involves second messengers— small molecules and ions in the cell that amplify the signal and transfer it from the receptor to other proteins that carry out the response (Figure 39.4). In Concept 11.3, we discussed several kinds of second messengers (see Figures 11.12 and 11.14). Here, we examine the particular roles of two types of second messengers in de-etiolation: calcium ions (Ca2+ ) and cyclic GMP (cGMP).

Changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels play an important role in phytochrome signal transduction. The concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ is generally very low (about 10-7 M), but phytochrome activation leads to the opening of Ca2+ channels and a transient 100-fold increase in cytosolic Ca2+ levels. In response to light, phytochrome undergoes a change in shape that leads to the activation of guanylyl cyclase, an enzyme that produces the second messenger cyclic GMP. Both Ca2+ and cGMP must be produced for a complete de-etiolation response. The injection of cGMP into aurea tomato leaf cells, for example, induces only a partial de-etiolation response

Population-Level Defenses: In some species, a coordinated behavior at the population level helps defend against herbivores. Some plants can communicate their distress from attack by releasing molecules that warn nearby plants of the same species. For example, lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) plants infested with spider mites release a cocktail of chemicals that signal "news" of the attack to noninfested lima bean plants. In response, these neighbors instigate biochemical changes that make them less susceptible to attack. Another type of population-level defense is a phenomenon in some species called masting, in which a population synchronously produces a massive amount of seeds after a long interval. Regardless of environmental conditions, an internal clock signals each plant in the population that it is time to flower. Bamboo populations, for example, grow vegetatively for decades and suddenly flower en masse, set seed, and die. As much as 80,000 kg of bamboo seeds are released per hectare, much more than the local herbivores, mostly rodents, can eat. As a result, some seeds escape the herbivores' attention, germinate, and grow.

Community-Level Defenses: Some plant species "recruit" predatory animals that help defend the plant against specific herbivores. Parasitoid wasps, for example, inject their eggs into caterpillars feeding on plants. The eggs hatch within the caterpillars, and the larvae eat through their organic containers from the inside out. The larvae then form cocoons on the surface of the host before emerging as adult wasps. The plant has an active role in this drama. A leaf damaged by caterpillars releases compounds that attract parasitoid wasps. The stimulus for this response is a combination of physical damage to the leaf caused by the munching caterpillar and a specific compound in the caterpillar's saliva.

Blue-Light Photoreceptors: Blue light initiates a variety of responses in plants, including phototropism, the light-induced opening of stomata (see Figure 36.13), and the light-induced slowing of hypocotyl elongation that occurs when a seedling breaks ground. The biochemical identity of the blue-light photoreceptor was so elusive that in the 1970s, plant physiologists began to call this receptor "cryptochrome" (from the Greek kryptos, hidden, and chrom, pigment). In the 1990s, molecular biologists analyzing Arabidopsis mutants found that plants use different types of pigments to detect blue light.

Cryptochromes, molecular relatives of DNA repair enzymes, are involved in the blue-light-induced inhibition of stem elongation that occurs, for example, when a seedling first emerges from the soil. Phototropin is a protein kinase involved in mediating blue-light-mediated stomatal opening, chloroplast movements in response to light, and phototropic curvatures (Figure 39.15), such as those studied by the Darwins.

he mechanism by which a signal promotes developmental changes may depend on transcription factors that are activators (which increase transcription of specific genes) or repressors (which decrease transcription) or both. For example, some Arabidopsis mutants, except for their pale color, have a light-grown morphology when grown in the dark; they have expanded leaves and short, sturdy stems but are not green because the final step in chlorophyll production requires light directly. These mutants have defects in a repressor that normally inhibits the expression of other genes that are activated by light. When the repressor is eliminated by mutation, the pathway that is normally blocked proceeds. Thus, these mutants appear to have been grown in the light, except for their pale color.

De-etiolation ("Greening") Proteins: What types of proteins are either activated by phosphorylation or newly transcribed during the de-etiolation process? Many are enzymes that function in photosynthesis directly; others are enzymes involved in supplying the chemical precursors necessary for chlorophyll production; still others affect the levels of plant hormones that regulate growth. For example, the levels of auxin and brassinosteroids, hormones that enhance stem elongation, decrease following the activation of phytochrome. That decrease explains the slowing of stem elongation that accompanies de-etiolation.

Practical Uses for Auxins Auxins, both natural and synthetic, have many commercial applications. For example, the natural auxin indolebutyric acid (IBA) is used in the vegetative propagation of plants by cuttings. Treating a detached leaf or stem with powder containing IBA often causes adventitious roots to form near the cut surface. Certain synthetic auxins are widely used as herbicides, including 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Monocots, such as maize and turfgrass, can rapidly inactivate such synthetic auxins. However, eudicots cannot and therefore die from hormonal overdose. Spraying cereal fields or turf with 2,4-D eliminates eudicot (broadleaf) weeds.

Developing seeds produce auxin, which promotes fruit growth. In tomato plants grown in greenhouses, often fewer seeds are produced, resulting in poorly developed tomato fruits. However, spraying synthetic auxins on greenhousegrown tomato vines induces normal fruit development, making the greenhouse-cultivated tomatoes commercially viable.

The Angiosperm Life Cycle: An Overview: Pollination is one step in the angiosperm life cycle. Figure 38.6 provides a complete overview of the life cycle, focusing on gametophyte development, sperm delivery by pollen tubes, double fertilization, and seed development. Over the course of seed plant evolution, gametophytes became reduced in size and wholly dependent on the sporophyte for nutrients (see Figure 30.2). The gametophytes of angiosperms are the most reduced of all plants, consisting of only a few cells: They are microscopic, and their development is obscured by protective tissues.

Development of Female Gametophytes (Embryo Sacs): As a carpel develops, one or more ovules form deep within its ovary, its swollen base. A female gametophyte, also known as an embryo sac, develops inside each ovule. The process of embryo sac formation occurs in a tissue called the megasporangium 1 within each ovule. Two integuments (layers of protective sporophytic tissue that will develop into the seed coat) surround each megasporangium, except at a gap called the micropyle. Female gametophyte development begins when one cell in the megasporangium of each ovule, the megasporocyte (or megaspore mother cell), enlarges and undergoes meiosis, producing four haploid megaspores. Only one megaspore survives; the others degenerate.

The nucleus of the surviving megaspore divides by mitosis three times without cytokinesis, resulting in one large cell with eight haploid nuclei. The multinucleate mass is then divided by membranes to form the embryo sac. Near the micropyle of the embryo sac, two cells called synergids flank the egg and help attract and guide the pollen tube to the embryo sac. At the opposite end of the embryo sac are three antipodal cells of unknown function. The other two nuclei, called polar nuclei, are not partitioned into separate cells but share the cytoplasm of the large central cell of the embryo sac. The mature embryo sac thus consists of eight nuclei contained within seven cells. The ovule, which will become a seed if fertilized, now consists of the embryo sac, enclosed by the megasporangium (which eventually withers) and two surrounding integuments.

Development of Male Gametophytes in Pollen Grains: As the stamens are produced, each anther 2 develops four microsporangia, also called pollen sacs. Within the microsporangia are many diploid cells called microsporocytes, or microspore mother cells. Each microsporocyte undergoes meiosis, forming four haploid microspores, 3 each of which eventually gives rise to a haploid male gametophyte. Each microspore then undergoes mitosis, producing a haploid male gametophyte consisting of only two cells: the generative cell and the tube cell. Together, these two cells and the spore wall constitute a pollen grain. The spore wall, which consists of material produced by both the microspore and the anther, usually exhibits an elaborate pattern unique to the species. During maturation of the male gametophyte, the generative cell passes into the tube cell: The tube cell now has a completely free-standing cell inside it.

Figure 38.12 Exploring Fruit and Seed Dispersal A plant's life depends on finding fertile ground. But a seed that falls and sprouts beneath the parent plant will stand little chance of competing successfully for nutrients. To prosper, seeds must be widely dispersed. Plants use biotic dispersal agents as well as abiotic agents such as water and wind.

Dispersal by Water: Some buoyant seeds and fruits can survive months or years at sea. In coconut, the seed embryo and fleshy white "meat" (endosperm) are within a hard layer (endocarp) surrounded by a thick and buoyant fibrous husk. Dispersal by Wind: With a wingspan of 12 cm, the giant seed of the tropical Asian climbing gourd Alsomitra macrocarpa glides through the air of the rain forest in wide circles when released. The winged fruit of a maple spins like a helicopter blade, slowing descent and increasing the chance of being carried farther by horizontal winds. Tumbleweeds break off at the ground and tumble across the terrain, scattering their seeds Some seeds and fruits are attached to umbrellalike "parachutes" that are made of intricately branched hairs and often produced in puffy clusters. These dandelion "seeds" (actually one-seeded fruits) are carried aloft by the slightest gust of wind.

Figure 35.2 An overview of a flowering plant. The plant body is divided into a root system and a shoot system, connected by vascular tissue (purple strands in this diagram) that is continuous throughout the plant. The plant shown is an idealized eudicot.


Sperm Delivery by Pollen Tubes: After the microsporangium breaks open and releases the pollen, a pollen grain may be transferred to a receptive surface of a stigma—the act of pollination. At the time of pollination, the pollen grain typically consists of only the tube cell and the generative cell. It then absorbs water and germinates by producing a pollen tube, a long cellular protuberance that delivers sperm to the female gametophyte. As the pollen tube elongates through the style, the nucleus of the generative cell divides by mitosis and produces two sperm, which remain inside the tube cell. The tube nucleus leads ahead of the two sperm as the tip of the pollen tube grows toward the micropyle in response to chemical attractants produced by the synergids. The arrival of the pollen tube initiates the death of one of the two synergids, thereby providing a passageway into the embryo sac. The tube nucleus and the two sperm are then discharged from the pollen tube 4 in the vicinity of the female gametophyte.

Double Fertilization: Fertilization, the fusion of gametes, occurs after the two sperm reach the female gametophyte. One sperm fertilizes the egg, forming the zygote. The other sperm combines with the two polar nuclei, forming a triploid (3n) nucleus in the center of the large central cell of the female gametophyte. This cell will give rise to the endosperm, a food-storing tissue of the seed. 5 The union of the two sperm cells with different nuclei of the female gametophyte is called double fertilization. Double fertilization ensures that endosperm develops only in ovules where the egg has been fertilized, thereby preventing angiosperms from squandering nutrients on infertile ovules. Near the time of double fertilization, the tube nucleus, the other synergid, and the antipodal cells degenerate.

Many types of dormant seeds germinate when ABA is removed or inactivated. The seeds of some desert plants break dormancy only when heavy rains wash ABA out of them. Other seeds require light or prolonged exposure to cold to inactivate ABA. Often, the ratio of ABA to gibberellins determines whether seeds remain dormant or germinate, and adding ABA to seeds that are primed to germinate makes them dormant again. Inactivated ABA or low levels of ABA can lead to precocious (early) germination (Figure 39.11). For example, a maize mutant with grains that germinate while still on the cob lacks a functional transcription factor required for ABA to induce expression of certain genes. Precocious germination of red mangrove seeds, due to low ABA levels, is actually an adaptation that helps the young seedlings to plant themselves like darts in the soft mud below the parent tree.

Drought Tolerance ABA plays a major role in drought signaling. When a plant begins to wilt, ABA accumulates in the leaves and causes stomata to close rapidly, reducing transpiration and preventing further water loss. By affecting second messengers such as calcium, ABA causes potassium channels in the plasma membrane of guard cells to open, leading to a massive loss of potassium ions from the cells. The accompanying osmotic loss of water reduces guard cell turgor and leads to closing of the stomatal pores (see Figure 36.14). In some cases, water shortage stresses the root system before the shoot system, and ABA transported from roots to leaves may function as an "early warning system." Many mutants that are especially prone to wilting are deficient in ABA production.

Fruit Structure and Function: Before a seed can germinate and develop into a mature plant, it must be deposited in suitable soil. Fruits play a key role in this process. A fruit is the mature ovary of a flower. While the seeds are developing from ovules, the flower develops into a fruit (Figure 38.10). The fruit protects the enclosed seeds and, when mature, aids in their dispersal by wind or animals. Fertilization triggers hormonal changes that cause the ovary to begin its transformation into a fruit. If a flower has not been pollinated, fruit typically does not develop, and the flower usually withers and dies.

During fruit development, the ovary wall becomes the pericarp, the thickened wall of the fruit. In some fruits, such as soybean pods, the ovary wall dries out completely at maturity, whereas in other fruits, such as grapes, it remains fleshy. In still others, such as peaches, the inner part of the ovary becomes stony (the pit) while the outer parts stay fleshy. As the ovary grows, the other parts of the flower usually wither and are shed.

Although meristems enable plants to grow throughout their lives, plants do die, of course. Based on the length of their life cycle, flowering plants can be categorized as annuals, biennials, or perennials. Annuals complete their life cycle—from germination to flowering to seed production to death—in a single year or less. Many wildflowers are annuals, as are most staple food crops, including legumes and cereal grains such as wheat and rice.

Dying after seed and fruit production is a strategy that enables plants to transfer the maximum amount of energy to production. Biennials, such as turnips, generally require two growing seasons to complete their life cycle, flowering and fruiting only in their second year. Perennials live many years and include trees, shrubs, and some grasses. Some buffalo grass of the North American plains is thought to have been growing for 10,000 years from seeds that sprouted at the close of the last ice age.

The Hypersensitive Response The hypersensitive response refers to the local cell and tissue death that occurs at and near the infection site. In some cases, the hypersensitive response restricts the spread of a pathogen, but in other cases it appears to be merely a consequence of the overall defense response. As indicated in Figure 39.26, the hypersensitive response is initiated as part of effector-triggered immunity. The hypersensitive response is part of a complex defense that involves the production of enzymes and chemicals that impair the pathogen's cell wall integrity, metabolism, or reproduction.

Effector-triggered immunity also stimulates the formation of lignin and the cross-linking of molecules within the plant cell wall, responses that hinder the spread of the pathogen to other parts of the plant. As shown in the upper right of the figure, the hypersensitive response results in localized lesions on a leaf. As "sick" as such a leaf appears, it will still survive, and its defensive response will help protect the rest of the plant.

Systemic communication through the phloem helps integrate the functions of the whole plant. One classic example is the delivery of a flower-inducing chemical signal from leaves to vegetative meristems. Another is a defensive response to localized infection, in which chemical signals traveling through the phloem activate defense genes in noninfected tissues.

Electrical Signaling in the Phloem: Rapid, long-distance electrical signaling through the phloem is another dynamic feature of the symplast. Electrical signaling has been studied extensively in plants that have rapid leaf movements, such as the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) and Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula). However, its role in other species is less clear. Some studies have revealed that a stimulus in one part of a plant can trigger an electrical signal in the phloem that affects another part, where it may elicit a change in gene transcription, respiration, photosynthesis, phloem unloading, or hormonal levels. Thus, the phloem can serve a nerve-like function, allowing for swift electrical communication between widely separated organs.

Figure 38.7 The development of a eudicot plant embryo. By the time the ovule becomes a mature seed and the integuments harden and thicken into the seed coat, the zygote has given rise to an embryonic plant with rudimentary organs.

Endosperm Development: Endosperm usually develops before the embryo does. After double fertilization, the triploid nucleus of the ovule's central cell divides, forming a multinucleate "supercell" that has a milky consistency. This liquid mass, the endosperm, becomes multicellular when cytokinesis partitions the cytoplasm by forming membranes between the nuclei. Eventually, these "naked" cells produce cell walls, and the endosperm becomes solid. Coconut "milk" and "meat" are examples of liquid and solid endosperm, respectively. The white fluffy part of popcorn is another example of endosperm. The endosperms of just three grains—wheat, maize, and rice—provide much of the food energy for human sustenance.. In grains and most other species of monocots, as well as many eudicots, the endosperm stores nutrients that can be used by the seedling after germination. In other eudicot seeds, the food reserves of the endosperm are completely exported to the cotyledons before the seed completes its development; consequently, the mature seed lacks endosperm.

Plant roots absorb essential elements from the soil: Water, air, and soil minerals all contribute to plant growth. A plant's water content can be measured by comparing the mass before and after drying. Typically, 80-90% of a plant's fresh mass is water. Some 96% of the remaining dry mass consists of carbohydrates such as cellulose and starch that are produced by photosynthesis. Thus, the components of carbohydrates—carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen—are the most abundant elements in dried plant residue. Inorganic substances from the soil, although essential for plant survival, account for only about 4% of a plant's dry mass.

Essential Elements: The inorganic substances in plants contain more than 50 chemical elements. In studying the chemical composition of plants, we must distinguish elements that are essential from those that are merely present in the plant. A chemical element is considered an essential element only if it is required for a plant to complete its life cycle and reproduce. To determine which chemical elements are essential, researchers use hydroponic culture, in which plants are grown in mineral solutions instead of soil (Figure 37.7). Such studies have helped identify 17 essential elements needed by all plants. Hydroponic culture is also used on a small scale to grow some greenhouse crops.

Plants may detect gravity by the settling of statoliths, dense cytoplasmic components that settle under the influence of gravity to the lower portions of the cell. The statoliths of vascular plants are specialized plastids containing dense starch grains (Figure 39.22b). In roots, statoliths are located in certain cells of the root cap. According to one hypothesis, the aggregation of statoliths at the low points of these cells triggers a redistribution of calcium, which causes lateral transport of auxin within the root. The calcium and auxin accumulate on the lower side of the root's zone of elongation. At high concentration, auxin inhibits cell elongation, an effect that slows growth on the root's lower side. The more rapid elongation of cells on the upper side causes the root to grow straight downward.

Falling statoliths, however, may not be necessary for gravitropism. For example, there are mutants of Arabidopsis and tobacco that lack statoliths but are still capable of gravitropism, though the response is slower than in wild-type plants. It could be that the entire cell helps the root sense gravity by mechanically pulling on proteins that tether the protoplast to the cell wall, stretching the proteins on the "up" side and compressing the proteins on the "down" side of the root cells. Dense organelles, in addition to starch granules, may also contribute by distorting the cytoskeleton as they are pulled by gravity. Statoliths, because of their density, may enhance gravitational sensing by a mechanism that simply works more slowly in their absence.

Figure 35.12 Three years' growth in a winter twig.

Figure 35.10 Exploring Examples of Differentiated Plant Cells: Parenchyma Cells: Mature parenchyma cells have primary walls that are relatively thin and flexible, and most lack secondary walls. (See Figure 6.27 to review primary and secondary cell walls.) When mature, parenchyma cells generally have a large central vacuole. Parenchyma cells perform most of the metabolic functions of the plant, synthesizing and storing various organic products. For example, photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplasts of parenchyma cells in the leaf. Some parenchyma cells in stems and roots have colorless plastids called amyloplasts that store starch. The fleshy tissue of many fruits is composed mainly of parenchyma cells. Most parenchyma cells retain the ability to divide and differentiate into other types of plant cells under particular conditions—during wound repair, for example. It is even possible to grow an entire plant from a single parenchyma cell.

Figure 35.16 The shoot tip. Leaf primordia arise from the flanks of the dome of the apical meristem. This is a longitudinal section of the shoot tip of Coleus (LM). Figure 35.15 The formation of a lateral root. A lateral root originates in the pericycle, the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder of a root, and destructively pushes through the outer tissues before emerging. In this light micrograph, the view of the original root is a cross section, but the view of the lateral root is a longitudinal section (a view along the length of the lateral root).

Figure 35.14 Organization of primary tissues in young roots. Parts (a) and (b) show cross sections of the roots of a Ranunculus (buttercup) species and Zea mays (maize), respectively. These represent two basic patterns of root organization, of which there are many variations, depending on the plant species (all LMs). (a) Root with xylem and phloem in the center (typical of eudicots). In the roots of typical gymnosperms and eudicots, as well as some monocots, the stele is a vascular cylinder appearing in cross section as a lobed core of xylem with phloem between the lobes. (b) Root with parenchyma in the center (typical of monocots). The stele of many monocot roots is a vascular cylinder with a core of parenchyma surrounded by a ring of xylem and a ring of phloem

Figure 35.18 Leaf anatomy.:

Figure 35.17 Organization of primary tissues in young stems. (a) Ground tissue Vascular bundles Cross section of stem with vascular bundles forming a ring (typical of eudicots). Ground tissue toward the inside is called pith, and ground tissue toward the outside is called cortex (LM). (b) Cross section of stem with scattered vascular bundles (typical of monocots). In such an arrangement, ground tissue is not partitioned into pith and cortex (LM).

Figure 35.22 Anatomy of a tree trunk. Figure 35.20 Cross section of a three-year-old Tilia (linden) stem (LM).

Figure 35.21 Research Method Using Dendrochronology to Study Climate Application Dendrochronology, the science of analyzing growth rings, is useful in studying climate change. Most scientists attribute recent global warming to the burning of fossil fuels and release of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, whereas a small minority think it is a natural variation. Studying climate patterns requires comparing past and present temperatures, but instrumental climate records span only the last two centuries and apply only to some regions. By examining growth rings of Mongolian conifers dating back to the mid-1500s, Gordon C. Jacoby and Rosanne D'Arrigo, of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, and colleagues sought to learn whether Mongolia has experienced similar warm periods in the past. Technique Researchers can analyze patterns of rings in living and dead trees. They can even study wood used for building long ago by matching samples with those from naturally situated specimens of overlapping age. Core samples, each about the diameter of a pencil, are taken from the bark to the center of the trunk. Each sample is dried and sanded to reveal the rings. By comparing, aligning, and averaging many samples from the conifers, the researchers compiled a chronology. The trees became a chronicle of environmental change. Results This graph summarizes a composite record of the ringwidth indexes for the Mongolian conifers from 1550 to 1993. The higher indexes indicate wider rings and higher temperatures.

Figure 35.24 A summary of primary and secondary growth in a woody shoot. The same meristems and tissues are present in woody roots. However, the ground tissue of a root is not divided into pith and cortex, and the cork cambium arises instead from the pericycle, the outermost layer of the vascular cylinder.

Figure 35.23 Is this tree living or dead? The Wawona Sequoia tunnel in Yosemite National Park in California was cut in 1881 as a tourist attraction. This giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) lived for another 88 years before falling during a severe winter. It was 71.3 m tall and estimated to be 2,100 years old. Though conservation policies today would forbid the mutilation of such an important specimen, the Wawona Sequoia did teach a valuable botanical lesson: Trees can survive the excision of large portions of their heartwood.

Figure 35.5 Evolutionary adaptations of stems.: Rhizomes. The base of this iris plant is an example of a rhizome, a horizontal shoot that grows just below the surface. Vertical shoots emerge from axillary buds on the rhizome. Stolons. Shown here on a strawberry plant, stolons are horizontal shoots that grow along the surface. These "runners" enable a plant to reproduce asexually, as plantlets form at nodes along each runner. ◀ Tubers. Tubers, such as these potatoes, are enlarged ends of rhizomes or stolons specialized for storing food. The "eyes" of a potato are clusters of axillary buds that mark the nodes.

Figure 35.3 Root hairs of a radish seedling. Root hairs grow by the thousands just behind the tip of each root. By increasing the root's surface area, they greatly enhance the absorption of water and minerals from the soil.

Figure 35.7 Evolutionary adaptations of leaves. Tendrils. The tendrils by which this pea plant clings to a support are modified leaves. After it has "lassoed" a support, a tendril forms a coil that brings the plant closer to the support. Tendrils are typically modified leaves, but some tendrils are modified stems, as in grapevines. Spines. The spines of cacti, such as this prickly pear, are actually leaves; photosynthesis is carried out by the fleshy green stems. Storage leaves. Bulbs, such as this cut onion, have a short underground stem and modified leaves that store food. Reproductive leaves. The leaves of some succulents, such as Kalanchoë daigremontiana, produce adventitious plantlets, which fall off the leaf and take root in the soil.

Figure 35.6 Simple versus compound leaves.: Simple leaf: A simple leaf has a single, undivided blade. Some simple leaves are deeply lobed, as shown here. Compound leaf: In a compound leaf, the blade consists of multiple leaflets. A leaflet has no axillary bud at its base. In some plants, each leaflet is further divided into smaller leaflets.

Figure 35.9 Trichome diversity on the surface of a leaf. Three types of trichomes are found on the surface of marjoram (Origanum majorana). Spear-like trichomes help hinder the movement of crawling insects, while the other two types of trichomes secrete oils and other chemicals involved in defense (colorized SEM).

Figure 35.8 The three tissue systems. The dermal tissue system (blue) provides a protective cover for the entire body of a plant. The vascular tissue system (purple), which transports materials between the root and shoot systems, is also continuous throughout the plant but is arranged differently in each organ. The ground tissue system (yellow), which is responsible for most of the metabolic functions, is located between the dermal tissue and the vascular tissue in each organ.

Figure 36.13 An open stoma (left) and closed stoma (SEMs).

Figure 36.14 Mechanisms of stomatal opening and closing. Changes in guard cell shape and stomatal opening and closing (surface view). Guard cells of a typical angiosperm are illustrated in their turgid (stoma open) and accid (stoma closed) states. The radial orientation of cellulose microbrils in the cell walls causes the guard cells to increase more in length than width when turgor increases. Since the two guard cells are tightly joined at their tips, they bow outward when turgid, causing the stomatal pore to open. (b) Role of potassium ions (K+) in stomatal opening and closing. The transport of K+ (symbolized here as red dots) across the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane causes the turgor changes of guard cells. The uptake of anions, such as malate and chloride ions (not shown), also contributes to guard cell swelling.

Sinks vary in energy demands and capacity to unload sugars. Sometimes there are more sinks than can be supported by sources. In such cases, a plant might abort some flowers, seeds, or fruits—a phenomenon called self-thinning. Removing sinks can also be a horticulturally useful practice. For example, since large apples command a much better price than small ones, growers sometimes remove flowers or young fruits so that their trees produce fewer but larger apples.

Figure 36.17 Bulk flow by positive pressure (pressure flow) in a sieve tube. Loading of sugar (green dots) into the sieve tube at the source (in this example, a mesophyll cell in a leaf) reduces water potential inside the sieve-tube elements. This causes the tube to take up water by osmosis. This uptake of water generates a positive pressure that forces the sap to flow along the tube. The pressure is relieved by the unloading of sugar and the consequent loss of water at the sink. In leaf-to-root translocation, xylem recycles water from sink to source.

The coordinated transport of materials and information is central to plant survival. Plants can acquire only so many resources in the course of their lifetimes. Ultimately, the successful acquisition of these resources and their optimal distribution are the most critical determinants of whether the plant will compete successfully.

Figure 36.19 Virus particles moving cell to cell through plasmodesma connecting turnip leaf cells (TEM).

Figure 36.3 Emerging phyllotaxy of Norway spruce. This SEM, taken from above a shoot tip, shows the pattern of emergence of leaves. The leaves are numbered, with 1 being the youngest. (Some numbered leaves are not visible in the close-up.)

Figure 36.4 Leaf area index. The leaf area index of a single plant is the ratio of the total area of the top surfaces of the leaves to the area of ground covered by the plant, as shown in this illustration of two plants viewed from the top. With many layers of leaves, a leaf area index value can easily exceed 1.

Some rhizobacteria are free-living in the rhizosphere, whereas other types of rhizobacteria are endophytes that live between cells within the plant. Both the intercellular spaces occupied by endophytic bacteria and the rhizosphere associated with each plant root system contain a unique and complex cocktail of root secretions and microbial products that differ from those of the surrounding soil. A recent metagenomics study revealed that the compositions of bacterial communities living endophytically and in the rhizosphere are not identical (Figure 37.11). A better understanding of the types of bacteria within and around roots could potentially have profound agricultural benefits.

Figure 37.11 Inquiry How variable are the compositions of bacterial communities inside and outside of roots? Experiment The bacterial communities found within and immediately outside of root systems are known to improve plant growth. In order to devise agricultural strategies to increase the benefits of these bacterial communities, it is necessary to determine how complex they are and what factors affect their composition. A problem inherent in studying these bacterial communities is that a handful of soil contains as many as 10,000 types of bacteria, more than all the bacterial species that have been described. One cannot simply culture each species and use a taxonomic key to identify them; a molecular approach is needed. Jeffery Dangl and his colleagues estimated the number of bacterial "species" in various samples using a technique called metagenomics (see Concept 21.1). The bacterial community samples they studied differed in location (endophytic, rhizospheric, or outside the rhizosphere), soil type (clayey or porous), and the developmental stage of the root system with which they were associated (old or young). The DNA from each sample was purified, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify the DNA that codes for the 16S ribosomal RNA subunits. Many thousands of DNA sequence variations were found in each sample. The researchers then lumped the sequences that were more than 97% identical into "taxonomic units" or "species." (The word species is in quotation marks because "two organisms having a single gene that is more than 97% identical" is not explicit in any definition of species.) Having established the types of "species" in each community, the researchers constructed a tree diagram showing the percent of bacterial "species" that were found in common in each community.

The mutualism between Rhizobium ("root-living") bacteria and legume roots involves dramatic changes in root structure. Along a legume's roots are swellings called nodules, composed of plant cells "infected" by Rhizobium bacteria (Figure 37.13).

Figure 37.13 Root nodules on a legume. The spherical structures along this soybean root system are nodules containing Rhizobium bacteria. The bacteria fix nitrogen and obtain photosynthetic products supplied by the plant.

Epiphytes, Parasitic Plants, and Carnivorous Plants: Almost all plant species have mutualistic relationships with soil fungi, bacteria, or both. Some plant species, including epiphytes, parasites, and carnivores, have unusual adaptations that facilitate exploiting other organisms (Figure 37.16).

Figure 37.15 Mycorrhizae. Ectomycorrhizae. The mantle of the fungal mycelium ensheathes the root. Fungal hyphae extend from the mantle into the soil, absorbing water and minerals, especially phosphorus. Hyphae also extend into the extracellular spaces of the root cortex, providing extensive surface area for nutrient exchange between the fungus and its host plant. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (endomycorrhizae). No mantle forms around the root, but microscopic fungal hyphae extend into the root. Within the root cortex, the fungus makes extensive contact with the plant through branching of hyphae that form arbuscules, providing an enormous surface area for nutrient swapping. The hyphae penetrate the cell walls, but not the plasma membranes, of cells within the cortex.

Roots, however, do not absorb mineral cations directly from soil particles; they absorb them from the soil solution. Mineral cations enter the soil solution by cation exchange, a process in which cations are displaced from soil particles by other cations, particularly H+ (Figure 37.3). Therefore, a soil's capacity to exchange cations is determined by the number of cation adhesion sites and by the soil's pH. In general, the more clay and organic matter in the soil, the higher the cation exchange capacity. The clay content is important because these small particles have a high ratio of surface area to volume, allowing for the ample binding of cations.

Figure 37.3 Cation exchange in soil Roots acidify the soil solution by releasing CO2 from respiration and pumping H+ into the soil. CO2 reacts with H2O to form H2CO3, which releases H+ upon disassociation. H+ ions in the soil solution neutralize the negative charge of soil particles, causing release of mineral cations into the soil solution. Roots absorb the released cations.

Many forms of irrigation, such as the flooding of fields, are wasteful because much of the water evaporates. To use water efficiently, farmers must understand the water-holding capacity of their soil, the water needs of their crops, and the appropriate irrigation technology. One popular technology is drip irrigation, the slow release of water to soil and plants from perforated plastic tubing placed directly at the root zone. Because drip irrigation requires less water and reduces salinization, it is used mainly in arid agricultural regions.

Figure 37.5 Sudden land subsidence. Overuse of groundwater for irrigation triggered formation of this sinkhole in Florida.

We have discussed the importance of soil conservation for sustainable agriculture. Mineral nutrients contribute greatly to soil fertility, but which minerals are most important, and why do plants need them? These are the topics of the next section.

Figure 37.6 Contour tillage. These crops are planted in rows that go around, rather than up and down, the hills. Contour tillage helps slow water runoff and topsoil erosion after heavy rains.

Figure 37.8 The most common mineral deficiencies, as seen in maize leaves. Mineral deficiency symptoms may vary in different species. In maize, nitrogen deficiency is evident in a yellowing that starts at the tip and moves along the center (midrib) of older leaves. Phosphorus-deficient maize plants have reddish purple margins, particularly in young leaves. Potassium-deficient maize plants exhibit "firing," or drying, along tips and margins of older leaves.

Figure 37.7 Research Method Hydroponic Culture Application In hydroponic culture, plants are grown in mineral solutions without soil. One use of hydroponic culture is to identify essential elements in plants. Technique Plant roots are bathed in aerated solutions of known mineral composition. Aerating the water provides the roots with oxygen for cellular respiration. (Note: The flasks would normally be opaque to prevent algal growth.) A mineral, such as iron, can be omitted to test whether it is essential. Control: Solution containing all minerals Experimental: Solution without iron Results If the omitted mineral is essential, mineral deficiency symptoms occur, such as stunted growth and discolored leaves. By definition, the plant would not be able to complete its life cycle. Deficiencies of different elements may have different symptoms, which can aid in diagnosing mineral deficiencies in soil.

Figure 38.11 Developmental origin of different classes of fruits. (a) Simple fruit. A simple fruit develops from a single carpel (or several fused carpels) of one flower (examples: pea, lemon, peanut).b) Aggregate fruit. An aggregate fruit develops from many separate carpels of one flower (examples: raspberry, blackberry, strawberry).(c) Multiple fruit. A multiple fruit develops from many carpels of the many flowers that form an inflorescence (examples: pineapple, fig). d) Accessory fruit. An accessory fruit develops largely from tissues other than the ovary. In the apple fruit, the ovary is embedded in a fleshy receptacle.F\

Figure 38.10 The flower-to-fruit transition. After flowers, such as those of the American pokeweed, are fertilized, stamens and petals fall off, stigmas and styles wither, and the ovary walls that house the developing seeds swell to form fruits. Developing seeds and fruits are major sinks for sugars and other carbohydrates.

Figure 38.17 Non-Bt versus Bt maize. Field trials reveal that non-Bt maize (left) is heavily damaged by insect feeding and Fusarium mold infection, whereas Bt maize (right) suffers little or no damage.

Figure 38.18 Fighting world hunger with transgenic cassava (Manihot esculenta). This starchy root crop is the primary food for 800 million of the world's poor, but it does not provide a balanced diet. Moreover, it must be processed to remove chemicals that release cyanide, a toxin. Transgenic cassava plants have been developed with greatly increased levels of iron and betacarotene (a vitamin A precursor). Researchers have also created cassava plants with root masses twice the normal size and others containing almost no cyanideproducing chemicals.

Flowers, double fertilization, and fruits are key features of the angiosperm life cycle: The life cycles of all plants are characterized by an alternation of generations, in which multicellular haploid (n) and multicellular diploid (2n) generations alternately produce each other (see Figure 13.6b). The diploid plant, the sporophyte, produces haploid spores by meiosis. These spores divide by mitosis, giving rise to multicellular gametophytes, the male and female haploid plants that produce gametes (sperm and eggs). Fertilization, the fusion of gametes, results in a diploid zygote, which divides by mitosis and forms a new sporophyte. In angiosperms, the sporophyte is the dominant generation: It is larger, more conspicuous, and longer-lived than the gametophyte. The key traits of the angiosperm life cycle can be remembered as the "three Fs"—f lowers, double fertilization, and fruits. We'll begin by discussing flowers.

Figure 38.3 The relationship between the terms carpel and pistil. A simple pistil consists of a single, unfused carpel. A compound pistil consists of two or more fused carpels. Some types of flowers have only a single pistil, while other types have many pistils. In either case, the pistils may be simple or compound. Figure 38.2 The structure of an idealized flower.

Climate change may be affecting long-standing relationships between plants and animal pollinators. For example, two species of Rocky Mountain bumblebees now have tongues that are about one-quarter shorter than those of bees of the same species 40 years ago. Flowers that require long-tongued pollinators have declined under the warmer conditions in the Rockies. As a result, there has been selective pressure favoring bumblebees with shorter tongues.

Figure 38.5 Coevolution of a flower and an insect pollinator. The long floral tube of the Madagascar orchid Angraecum sesquipedale has coevolved with the 28-cm-long proboscis of its pollinator, the hawk moth Xanthopan morganii praedicta. The moth is named in honor of Darwin's prediction of its existence

Pollination by Birds: Bird-pollinated flowers, such as columbine flowers, are usually large and bright red or yellow, but they have little odor. Since birds often do not have a well-developed sense of smell, there has been no selective pressure favoring scent production. However, the flowers produce the sugary nectar that helps meet the high energy demands of the pollinating birds. The primary function of nectar, which is produced by nectaries at the base of many flowers, is to "reward" the pollinator. The petals of such flowers are often fused, forming a bent floral tube that fits the curved beak of the bird. ▶ Hummingbird drinking nectar of columbine flower

Figure 38.5 Coevolution of a flower and an insect pollinator. The long floral tube of the Madagascar orchid Angraecum sesquipedale has coevolved with the 28-cm-long proboscis of its pollinator, the hawk moth Xanthopan morganii praedicta. The moth is named in honor of Darwin's prediction of its existence.

In garden beans, for example, a hook forms in the hypocotyl, and growth pushes the hook above ground (Figure 38.9a). In response to light, the hypocotyl straightens, the cotyledons separate, and the delicate epicotyl, now exposed, spreads its first true leaves (as distinct from the cotyledons, or seed leaves). These leaves expand, become green, and begin making food by photosynthesis. The cotyledons shrivel and fall away, their food reserves having been exhausted by the germinating embryo. Some monocots, such as maize and other grasses, use a different method for breaking ground when they germinate (Figure 38.9b). The coleoptile pushes up through the soil and into the air. The shoot tip grows through the tunnel provided by the coleoptile and breaks through the coleoptile's tip upon emergence.

Figure 38.9 Two common types of seed germination. ) Common garden bean. In common garden beans, straightening of a hook in the hypocotyl pulls the cotyledons from the soil. ) Maize. In maize and other grasses, the shoot grows straight up through the tube of the coleoptile.

Figure 39.9 Effects of gibberellins on stem elongation and fruit growth. Some plants develop in a rosette form, low to the ground with very short internodes, as in the Arabidopsis plant shown at the left. As the plant switches to reproductive growth, a surge of gibberellins induces bolting: Internodes elongate rapidly, elevating oral buds that develop at stem tips (right). The Thompson seedless grape bunch on the left is from an untreated control vine. The bunch on the right is growing from a vine that was sprayed with gibberellin during fruit development.

Figure 39.10 Mobilization of nutrients by gibberellins during the germination of grain seeds such as barley. After a seed 1 imbibes water, the embryo releases gibberellin (GA), which sends a signal to the aleurone, the thin outer layer of the endosperm. The aleurone responds to GA by synthesizing and secreting digestive enzymes that hydrolyze nutrients stored in the endosperm. One example is α-amylase, which hydrolyzes starch. Sugars and other nutrients absorbed from the endosperm by the scutellum (cotyledon) are consumed during growth of the embryo into a seedling.

Figure 39.14 Abscission of a maple leaf. Abscission is controlled by a change in the ratio of ethylene to auxin. The abscission layer is seen in this longitudinal section as a vertical band at the base of the petiole. After the leaf falls, a protective layer of cork becomes the leaf scar that helps prevent pathogens from invading the plant (LM).

Figure 39.11 Precocious germination of wild-type mangrove and mutant maize seeds. Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seeds produce only low levels of ABA, and their seeds germinate while still on the tree. In this case, early germination is a useful adaptation. When released, the radicle of the dart-like seedling deeply penetrates the soft mudats in which the mangroves grow. Precocious germination in this maize mutant is caused by lack of a functional transcription factor required for ABA action.

In addition to helping plants detect light, phytochrome helps a plant keep track of the passage of days and seasons. To understand phytochrome's role in these timekeeping processes, we must first examine the nature of the plant's internal clock. Figure 39.17 Phytochrome: a molecular switching mechanism. The absorption of red light causes Pr to change to Pfr. Far-red light reverses this conversion. In most cases, it is the Pfr form of the pigment that switches on physiological and developmental responses in the plant.

Figure 39.16 Inquiry How does the order of red and far-red illumination affect seed germination? Experiment Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture briefly exposed batches of lettuce seeds to red light or far-red light to test the effects on germination. After the light exposure, the seeds were placed in the dark, and the results were compared with control seeds that were not exposed to light. Results The bar below each photo indicates the sequence of red light exposure, far-red light exposure, and darkness. The germination rate increased greatly in groups of seeds that were last exposed to red light (left). Germination was inhibited in groups of seeds that were last exposed to far-red light (right). Conclusion Red light stimulates germination, and far-red light inhibits germination. The final light exposure is the determining factor. The effects of red and far-red light are reversible.

Figure 39.19 Photoperiodic control of flowering. (a) Short-day (long-night) plant. Flowers when night exceeds a critical dark period. A flash of light interrupting the dark period prevents flowering. b) Long-day (short-night) plant. Flowers only if the night is shorter than a critical dark period. A brief flash of light artificially interrupts a long dark period, thereby inducing flowering.

Figure 39.20 Reversible effects of red and far-red light on photoperiodic response. A flash of red (r) light shortens the dark period. A subsequent flash of far-red (fr) light cancels the red flash's effect.

Classic experiments revealed that the floral stimulus could move across a graft from an induced plant to a noninduced plant and trigger flowering in the latter. Moreover, the flowering stimulus appears to be the same for short-day and long-day plants, despite the different photoperiodic conditions required for leaves to send this signal (Figure 39.21). The hypothetical signaling molecule for flowering, called florigen, remained unidentified for over 70 years as scientists focused on small hormone-like molecules. However, large macromolecules, such as mRNA and proteins, can move by the symplastic route via plasmodesmata and regulate plant development. It now appears that florigen is a protein. A gene called FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is activated in leaf cells during conditions favoring flowering, and the FT protein travels through the symplasm to the shoot apical meristem, initiating the transition of a bud's meristem from a vegetative to a flowering state.

Figure 39.21 Experimental evidence for a flowering hormone. If grown individually under short-day conditions, a short-day plant will flower and a long-day plant will not. However, both will flower if grafted together and exposed to short days. This result indicates that a flower-inducing substance (florigen) is transmitted across grafts and induces flowering in both short-day and long-day plants.

Defenses Against Herbivores: Herbivory, animals eating plants, is a stress that plants face in any ecosystem. The mechanical damage caused by herbivores reduces the size of plants, hindering ability to acquire resources. It can restrict growth because many species divert some energy to defend against herbivores. Also, it opens portals for infection by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Plants prevent excessive herbivory through methods that span all levels of biological organization (Figure 39.27, before the Chapter Review), including physical defenses, such as thorns and trichomes (see Figure 35.9), and chemical defenses, such as distasteful or toxic compounds.

Figure 39.26 Defense responses against pathogens. Plants can often prevent the systemic spread of infection by instigating a hypersensitive response. This response helps isolate the pathogen by producing lesions that form "rings of death" around the sites of infection. Pathogens often infect leaf cells and secrete effectors, proteins that bypass PAMP-triggered immunity In response to effectors, the hypersensitive response occurs in cells in and near the infected area: The cells produce antimicrobial molecules, seal off infected areas by modifying their cell walls, and then destroy themselves. This localized response results in lesions, regions of dead tissue that deprive the pathogen of nutrients, thereby helping to protect the rest of the infected leaf. Before the infected cells die, they release the signaling molecule methylsalicylic acid, which is exported to the rest of the plant. In cells remote from the 3 infected area, methylsalicylic acid is converted to salicylic acid, which induces systemic acquired resistance. This resistance consists of biochemical changes that protect the plant against a diversity of pathogens for several days.

The aurea mutant of tomato, which has reduced levels of phytochrome, greens less than wild-type tomatoes when exposed to light. (Aurea is Latin for "gold." In the absence of chlorophyll, the yellow and orange accessory pigments called carotenoids are more obvious.) Researchers produced a normal de-etiolation response in individual aurea leaf cells by injecting phytochrome from other plants and then exposing the cells to light. Such experiments indicated that phytochrome functions in light detection during de-etiolation.

Figure 39.4 An example of signal transduction in plants: the role of phytochrome in the de-etiolation (greening) response. 1)The light signal is detected by the phytochrome receptor, which then activates at least two signal transduction pathways. 2) One pathway uses cGMP as a second messenger that activates a protein kinase. The other pathway increases the cytosolic level of Ca2+, which activates a different protein kinase. 3) Both pathways lead to expression of genes for proteins that function in the de-etiolation response.

Auxin also rapidly alters gene expression, causing cells in the region of elongation to produce new proteins within minutes. Some of these proteins are short-lived transcription factors that repress or activate the expression of other genes. For sustained growth after this initial spurt, cells must make more cytoplasm and wall material. In addition, auxin stimulates this sustained growth response.

Figure 39.6 Inquiry What causes polar movement of auxin from shoot tip to base? Experiment To investigate how auxin is transported unidirectionally, Leo Gälweiler and colleagues designed an experiment to identify the location of the auxin transport protein. They used a greenish yellow fluorescent molecule to label antibodies that bind to the auxin transport protein. Then they applied the antibodies to longitudinally sectioned Arabidopsis stems. Results The light micrograph on the left shows that auxin transport proteins are not found in all stem tissues, but only in the xylem parenchyma. In the light micrograph on the right, a higher magnification reveals that these proteins are primarily localized at the basal ends of the cells Conclusion The results support the hypothesis that concentration of the auxin transport protein at the basal ends of cells mediates the polar transport of auxin.

Mineral deficiency symptoms depend not only on the role of the nutrient but also on its mobility within the plant. If a nutrient moves about freely, symptoms appear first in older organs because young, growing tissues use more nutrients that are in short supply. For example, magnesium is relatively mobile and is shunted preferentially to young leaves. Therefore, a plant deficient in magnesium first shows signs of chlorosis in its older leaves. In contrast, a deficiency of a mineral that is relatively immobile affects young parts of the plant first. Older tissues may have adequate amounts that they retain during periods of short supply.

For example, iron does not move freely within a plant, and an iron deficiency causes yellowing of young leaves before any effect on older leaves is visible. The mineral requirements of a plant may also change with the time of the year and the age of the plant. Young seedlings, for example, rarely show mineral deficiency symptoms because their mineral requirements are met largely by minerals released from stored reserves in the seeds themselves.

Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms: Many plant processes, such as transpiration and the synthesis of certain enzymes, undergo a daily oscillation. Some of these cyclic variations are responses to the changes in light levels and temperature that accompany the 24-hour cycle of day and night. We can control these external factors by growing plants in growth chambers under rigidly maintained conditions of light and temperature. But even under artificially constant conditions, many physiological processes in plants, such as the opening and closing of stomata and the production of photosynthetic enzymes, continue to oscillate with a frequency of about 24 hours.

For example, many legumes lower their leaves in the evening and raise them in the morning (Figure 39.18). A bean plant continues these "sleep movements" even if kept in constant light or constant darkness; the leaves are not simply responding to sunrise and sunset. Such cycles, with a frequency of about 24 hours and not directly controlled by any known environmental variable, are called circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa, approximately, and dies, day).

Plant hormones help coordinate growth, development, and responses to stimuli: A hormone, in the original meaning of the term, is a signaling molecule that is produced in low concentrations by one part of an organism's body and transported to other parts, where it binds to a specific receptor and triggers responses in target cells and tissues. In animals, hormones are usually transported through the circulatory system, a criterion often included in definitions of the term. Many modern plant biologists, however, argue that the hormone concept, which originated from studies of animals, is too limiting to describe plant physiological processes.

For example, plants don't have circulating blood to transport hormone-like signaling molecules. Moreover, some signaling molecules that are considered plant hormones act only locally. Finally, there are some signaling molecules in plants, such as glucose, that typically occur in plants at concentrations that are thousands of times greater than a typical hormone.

Cold Stress: One problem plants face when the temperature of the environment falls is a change in the fluidity of cell membranes. When a membrane cools below a critical point, membranes lose their fluidity as the lipids become locked into crystalline structures. This alters solute transport across the membrane and also adversely affects the functions of membrane proteins. Plants respond to cold stress by altering the lipid composition of their membranes. For example, membrane lipids increase in their proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, which have shapes that help keep membranes more fluid at low temperatures. Such membrane modification requires from several hours to days, which is one reason why unseasonably cold temperatures are generally more stressful to plants than the more gradual seasonal drop in air temperature.

Freezing is another type of cold stress. At subfreezing temperatures, ice forms in the cell walls and intercellular spaces of most plants. The cytosol generally does not freeze at the cooling rates encountered in nature because it contains more solutes than the very dilute solution found in the cell wall, and solutes lower the freezing point of a solution. The reduction in liquid water in the cell wall caused by ice formation lowers the extracellular water potential, causing water to leave the cytoplasm. The resulting increase in the concentration of ions in the cytoplasm is harmful and can lead to cell death. Whether the cell survives depends largely on how well it resists dehydration. In regions with cold winters, native plants are adapted to cope with freezing stress. For example, before the onset of winter, the cells of many frost-tolerant species increase cytoplasmic levels of specific solutes, such as sugars, that are well tolerated at high concentrations and that help reduce the loss of water from the cell during extracellular freezing. The unsaturation of membrane lipids also increases, thereby maintaining proper levels of membrane fluidity.

Plants respond to a wide variety of stimuli other than light: Although plants are immobile, some mechanisms have evolved by natural selection that enable them to adjust to a wide range of environmental circumstances by developmental or physiological means. Light is so important in the life of a plant that we devoted the entire previous section to the topic of a plant's reception of and response to this particular environmental factor. In this section, we will examine responses to some of the other environmental stimuli that a plant commonly encounters.

Gravity: Because plants are photoautotrophs, it is not surprising that mechanisms for growing toward light have evolved. But what environmental cue does the shoot of a young seedling use to grow upward when it is completely underground and there is no light for it to detect? Similarly, what environmental factor prompts the young root to grow downward? The answer to both questions is gravity. Place a plant on its side, and it adjusts its growth so that the shoot bends upward and the root curves downward. In their responses to gravity, or gravitropism, roots display positive gravitropism (Figure 39.22a) and shoots exhibit negative gravitropism. Gravitropism occurs as soon as a seed germinates, ensuring that the root grows into the soil and the shoot grows toward sunlight, regardless of how the seed is oriented when it lands.

Drought stress can also cause stomata to close. A hormone called abscisic acid (ABA), which is produced in roots and leaves in response to water deficiency, signals guard cells to close stomata. This response reduces wilting but also restricts CO2 absorption, thereby slowing photosynthesis. ABA also directly inhibits photosynthesis. Water availability is closely tied to plant productivity not because water is needed as a substrate in photosynthesis, but because freely available water allows plants to keep stomata open and take up more CO2.

Guard cells control the photosynthesis-transpiration compromise on a moment-to-moment basis by integrating a variety of internal and external stimuli. Even the passage of a cloud or a transient shaft of sunlight through a forest can affect the rate of transpiration.

Each legume species is associated with a particular strain of Rhizobium bacteria. Figure 37.14 describes how a root nodule develops after bacteria enter through an "infection thread" in a root hair. The symbiotic relationship between a legume and nitrogen-fixing bacteria is mutualistic in that the bacteria supply the host plant with fixed nitrogen while the plant provides the bacteria with carbohydrates and other organic compounds. The root nodules use most of the ammonium produced to make amino acids, which are then transported up to the shoot through the xylem.

How does a legume species recognize a certain strain of Rhizobium among the many bacterial strains in the soil? And how does an encounter with that specific Rhizobium strain lead to development of a nodule? Each partner responds to chemical signals from the other by expressing certain genes whose products contribute to nodule formation. By understanding the molecular biology underlying the formation of root nodules, researchers hope to learn how to induce Rhizobium uptake and nodule formation in crop plants that do not normally form such nitrogen-fixing mutualistic relationships.

Recent research supports the idea that the molecular "gears" of the circadian clock really are internal and not a daily response to some subtle but pervasive environmental cycle, such as geomagnetism or cosmic radiation. Organisms, including plants and humans, continue their rhythms even after being placed in deep mine shafts or when orbited in satellites, conditions that alter these subtle geophysical periodicities. However, daily signals from the environment can entrain (set) the circadian clock to a period of precisely 24 hours.

If an organism is kept in a constant environment, its circadian rhythms deviate from a 24-hour period (a period is the duration of one cycle). These free-running periods, as they are called, vary from about 21 to 27 hours, depending on the particular rhythmic response. The sleep movements of bean plants, for instance, have a period of 26 hours when the plants are kept in the free-running condition of constant darkness. Deviation of the free-running period from exactly 24 hours does not mean that biological clocks drift erratically. Free-running clocks are still keeping perfect time, but they are not synchronized with the outside world. To understand the mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms, we must distinguish between the clock and the rhythmic processes it controls. For example, the leaves of the bean plant in Figure 39.18 are the clock's "hands" but are not the essence of the clock itself. If bean leaves are restrained for several hours and then released, they will reestablish the position appropriate for the time of day. We can interfere with a biological rhythm, but the underlying clockwork continues to tick.

Structure of the Mature Seed: During the last stages of its maturation, the seed dehydrates until its water content is only about 5-15% of its weight. The embryo, which is surrounded by a food supply (cotyledons, endosperm, or both), enters dormancy; that is, it stops growing and its metabolism nearly ceases. The embryo and its food supply are enclosed by a hard, protective seed coat formed from the integuments of the ovule. In some species, dormancy is imposed by the presence of an intact seed coat rather than by the embryo itself.

If you split apart a seed of the garden bean, a type of eudicot, you can see that the embryo consists of an elongate structure, the embryonic axis, attached to two thick, fleshy cotyledons (Figure 38.8a). Below where the cotyledons are attached, the embryonic axis is called the hypocotyl (from the Greek hypo, under). The hypocotyl terminates in the radicle, or embryonic root. The portion of the embryonic axis above where the cotyledons are attached and below the first pair of miniature leaves is the epicotyl (from the Greek epi, on, over). The epicotyl, young leaves, and shoot apical meristem are collectively called the plumule.

For over 10,000 years, plant breeders have genetically manipulated traits of a few hundred wild angiosperm species by artificial selection, transforming them into the crops we grow today. Genetic engineering has dramatically increased the variety of ways and the speed with which we can modify plants.

In Chapters 29 and 30, we approached plant reproduction from an evolutionary perspective, tracing the descent of land plants from algal ancestors. Because angiosperms are the most important group of plants in agricultural as well as most other terrestrial ecosystems, we'll explore their reproductive biology in detail in this chapter. After discussing the sexual and asexual reproduction of angiosperms, we'll examine the role of humans in genetically altering crop species, as well as the controversies surrounding modern plant biotechnology.

Plants commonly acquire nitrogen in the form of NO3 - (nitrate). Soil NO3 - is largely formed by a two-step process called nitrification, which consists of the oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2 - ), followed by oxidation of NO2 - to NO3 - . Different types of nitrifying bacteria mediate each step, as shown at the bottom of Figure 37.12. After the roots absorb NO3 - , a plant enzyme reduces it back to NH4 + , which other enzymes incorporate into amino acids and other organic compounds. Most plant species export nitrogen from roots to shoots via the xylem as NO3 - or as organic compounds synthesized in the roots. Some soil nitrogen is lost, particularly in anaerobic soils, when denitrifying bacteria convert NO3 - to N2, which diffuses into the atmosphere.

In addition to NO3 - , plants can acquire nitrogen in the form of NH4 + (ammonium) through two processes, as shown on the left in Figure 37.12. In one process, nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen (N2) to NH3, which then picks up another H+ in the soil solution, forming NH4 + . In the other process, called ammonification, decomposers convert the organic nitrogen from dead organic material into NH4 + .

As it turns out, when the original researcher shook the male maize inflorescences onto the milkweed leaves in the laboratory, the filaments of stamens, opened microsporangia, and other floral parts also rained onto the leaves. Subsequent research found that it was these other floral parts, not the pollen, that contained Bt toxin in high concentrations. Unlike pollen, these floral parts would not be carried by the wind to neighboring milkweed plants when shed under natural field conditions. Only one Bt maize line, accounting for less than 2% of commercial Bt maize production (and now discontinued), produced pollen with high Bt toxin concentrations.

In considering the negative effects of Bt pollen on monarch butterflies, one must also weigh the effects of an alternative to the cultivation of Bt maize—the spraying of non-Bt maize with chemical pesticides. Subsequent studies have shown that such spraying is much more harmful to nearby monarch populations than is Bt maize production. Although the effects of Bt maize pollen on monarch butterfly larvae appear to be minor, the controversy has emphasized the need for accurate field testing of all GM crops and the importance of targeting gene expression to specific tissues to improve safety.

A Survey of Plant Hormones: Table 39.1 previews the major types and actions of plant hormones, including auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, ethylene, brassinosteroids, jasmonates, and strigolactones. Auxin: The idea that chemical messengers exist in plants emerged from a series of classic experiments on how stems respond to light. As you know, the shoot of a houseplant on a windowsill grows toward light. Any growth response that results in plant organs curving toward or away from stimuli is called a tropism (from the Greek tropos, turn). The growth of a shoot toward light or away from it is called phototropism; the former is positive phototropism, and the latter is negative phototropism.

In natural ecosystems, where plants may be crowded, phototropism directs shoot growth toward the sunlight that powers photosynthesis. This response results from a differential growth of cells on opposite sides of the shoot; the cells on the darker side elongate faster than the cells on the brighter side.

Addressing the Problem of Transgene Escape: Perhaps the most serious concern raised about GM crops is the possibility of the introduced genes escaping from a transgenic crop into related weeds through crop-to-weed hybridization. The fear is that the spontaneous hybridization between a crop engineered for herbicide resistance and a wild relative might give rise to a "superweed" that would have a selective advantage over other weeds in the wild and would be much more difficult to control in the field. GMO advocates point out that the likelihood of transgene escape depends on the ability of the crop and weed to hybridize and on how the transgenes affect the overall fitness of the hybrids. A desirable crop trait— a dwarf phenotype, for example—might be disadvantageous to a weed growing in the wild.

In other instances, there are no weedy relatives nearby with which to hybridize; soybean, for example, has no wild relatives in the United States. However, canola, sorghum, and many other crops do hybridize readily with weeds, and crop-to-weed transgene escape in a turfgrass has occurred. In 2003 a transgenic variety of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) genetically engineered to resist the herbicide glyphosate escaped from an experimental plot in Oregon following a windstorm. Despite efforts to eradicate the escapee, 62% of the Agrostis plants found in the vicinity three years later were glyphosate resistant. So far, the ecological impact of this event appears to be minor, but that may not be the case with future transgenic escapes

In gametophytic self-incompatibility, the S-allele in the pollen genome governs the blocking of fertilization. For example, an S1 pollen grain from an S1S2 parental sporophyte cannot fertilize eggs of an S1S2 flower but can fertilize an S2S3 flower. An S2 pollen grain cannot fertilize either flower. In some plants, this self-recognition involves the enzymatic destruction of RNA within a pollen tube. RNAhydrolyzing enzymes are produced by the style and enter the pollen tube. If the pollen tube is a "self" type, they destroy its RNA.

In sporophytic self-incompatibility, fertilization is blocked by S-allele gene products in tissues of the parental sporophyte. For example, neither an S1 nor an S2 pollen grain from an S1S2 parental sporophyte can fertilize eggs of an S1S2 flower or an S2S3 flower, due to the S1S2 parental tissue attached to the pollen wall. Sporophytic incompatibility involves a signal transduction pathway in epidermal cells of the stigma that prevents germination of the pollen grain.

Figure 35.19 Primary and secondary growth of a woody stem.: Primary growth from the activity of the apical meristem is nearing completion. The vascular cambium has just formed. Although primary growth continues in the apical bud, only secondary growth occurs in this region. The stem thickens as the vascular cambium forms secondary xylem to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside. Some stem cells of the vascular cambium give rise to vascular rays. As the vascular cambium's diameter increases, the secondary phloem and other tissues external to the cambium can't keep pace because their cells no longer divide. As a result, these tissues, including the epidermis, will eventually rupture. A second lateral meristem, the cork cambium, develops from parenchyma cells in the cortex. The cork cambium produces cork cells, which replace the epidermis.

In year 2 of secondary growth, the vascular cambium produces more secondary xylem and phloem. Most of the thickening is from secondary xylem. Meanwhile, the cork cambium produces more cork. As the stem's diameter increases, the outermost tissues exterior to the cork cambium rupture and are sloughed off. In many cases, the cork cambium re-forms deeper in the cortex. When none of the cortex is left, the cambium develops from phloem parenchyma cells. Each cork cambium and the tissues it produces form a layer of periderm. Bark consists of all tissues exterior to the vascular cambium.

Charles Darwin and his son Francis conducted some of the earliest experiments on phototropism in the late 1800s (Figure 39.5). They observed that a grass seedling ensheathed in its coleoptile (see Figure 38.9b) could bend toward light only if the tip of the coleoptile was present. If the tip was removed, the coleoptile did not curve. The seedling also failed to grow toward light if the tip was covered with an opaque cap, but neither a transparent cap over the tip nor an opaque shield placed below the coleoptile tip prevented the phototropic response.

It was the tip of the coleoptile, the Darwins concluded, that was responsible for sensing light. However, they noted that the differential growth response that led to curvature of the coleoptile occurred some distance below the tip. The Darwins postulated that some signal was transmitted downward from the tip to the elongating region of the coleoptile. A few decades later, the Danish scientist Peter BoysenJensen demonstrated that the signal was a mobile chemical substance. He separated the tip from the remainder of the coleoptile by a cube of gelatin, which prevented cellular contact but allowed chemicals to pass through. These seedlings responded normally, bending toward light. However, if the tip was experimentally separated from the lower coleoptile by an impermeable barrier, such as the mineral mica, no phototropic response occurred.

The identification of brassinosteroids as plant hormones arose from studies of an Arabidopsis mutant that even when grown in the dark exhibited morphological features similar to plants grown in the light. The researchers discovered that the mutation affects a gene that normally codes for an enzyme similar to one involved in steroid synthesis in mammals. They also found that this brassinosteroid-deficient mutant could be restored to the wild-type phenotype by applying brassinosteroids.

Jasmonates, including jasmonate (JA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA), are fatty acid-derived molecules that play important roles both in plant defense (see Concept 39.5) and, as discussed here, in plant development. Chemists first isolated MeJA as a key ingredient producing the enchanting fragrance of jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) flowers. Interest in jasmonates exploded when it was realized that jasmonates are produced by wounded plants and play a key role in controlling plant defenses against herbivores and pathogens. In studying jasmonate signal transduction mutants as well as the effects of applying jasmonates to plants, it soon became apparent that jasmonates and their derivatives regulate a wide variety of physiological processes in plants, including nectar secretion, fruit ripening, pollen production, flowering time, seed germination, root growth, tuber formation, mycorrhizal symbioses, and tendril coiling. In controlling plant processes, jasmonates also engage in crosstalk with phytochrome and various hormones, including GA, IAA, and ethylene.

Stimuli for Stomatal Opening and Closing: In general, stomata are open during the day and mostly closed at night, preventing the plant from losing water under conditions when photosynthesis cannot occur. At least three cues contribute to stomatal opening at dawn: light, CO2 depletion, and an internal "clock" in guard cells.

Light stimulates guard cells to accumulate K+ and become turgid. This response is triggered by illumination of blue-light receptors in the plasma membrane of guard cells. Activation of these receptors stimulates the activity of proton pumps in the plasma membrane of the guard cells, in turn promoting absorption of K+

If you walk amidst an aspen (Populus tremuloides) forest on a clear day, you will be treated to a fantastic light display (Figure 36.1). Even on a day with little wind, the trembling of leaves causes shafts of brilliant sunlight to dapple the forest floor with ever-changing flecks of radiance. The mechanism underlying these passive leaf movements is not difficult to discern: The petiole of each leaf is flattened along its sides, permitting the leaf to flop only in the horizontal plane. Perhaps more curious is why this peculiar adaptation has evolved in Populus.

Many hypotheses have been put forward to explain how leaf quaking benefits Populus. Old ideas that leaf trembling helps replace the CO2-depleted air near the leaf surface, or deters herbivores, have not been supported by experiments. The leading hypothesis is that leaf trembling increases the photosynthetic productivity of the whole plant by allowing more light to reach the lower leaves of the tree. If not for the shafts of transient sunlight provided by leaf trembling, the lower leaves would be too shaded to photosynthesize sufficiently

Drought: On a sunny, dry day, a plant may wilt because its water loss by transpiration exceeds water absorption from the soil. Prolonged drought, of course, will kill a plant, but plants have control systems that enable them to cope with less extreme water deficits.

Many of a plant's responses to water deficit help the plant conserve water by reducing the rate of transpiration. Water deficit in a leaf causes stomata to close, thereby slowing transpiration dramatically (see Figure 36.14). Water deficit stimulates increased synthesis and release of abscisic acid in the leaves; this hormone helps keep stomata closed by acting on guard cell membranes. Leaves respond to water deficit in several other ways. For example, when the leaves of grasses wilt, they roll into a tubelike shape that reduces transpiration by exposing less leaf surface to dry air and wind. Other plants, such as ocotillo (see Figure 36.15), shed their leaves in response to seasonal drought. Although these leaf responses conserve water, they also reduce photosynthesis, which is one reason why a drought diminishes crop yield. Plants can even take advantage of early warnings in the form of chemical signals from wilting neighbors and prime themselves to respond more readily and intensely to impending drought stress (see the Scientific Skills Exercise).

Nitrogen Fixation and Agriculture: The benefits of nitrogen fixation underlie most types of crop rotation. In this practice, a nonlegume such as maize is planted one year, and the following year alfalfa or some other legume is planted to restore the concentration of fixed nitrogen in the soil. To ensure that the legume encounters its specific Rhizobium strain, the seeds are exposed to bacteria before sowing. Instead of being harvested, the legume crop is often plowed under so that it will decompose as "green manure," reducing the need for manufactured fertilizers.

Many plant families besides legumes include species that benefit from mutualistic nitrogen fixation. For example, red alder (Alnus rubra) trees host nitrogen-fixing actinomycete bacteria (see the gram-positive bacteria in Figure 27.16). Rice, a crop of great commercial importance, benefits indirectly from mutualistic nitrogen fixation. Rice farmers culture a freefloating aquatic fern, Azolla, which has mutualistic cyanobacteria that fix N2. The growing rice eventually shades and kills the Azolla, and decomposition of this nitrogen-rich organic material increases the paddy's fertility. Ducks also eat the Azolla, providing the paddy with an extra source of manure and providing the farmers with an important source of meat.

Adaptations That Reduce Evaporative Water Loss: Water availability is a major determinant of plant productivity. The main reason water availability is tied to plant productivity is not related to photosynthesis's direct need for water as a substrate but rather because freely available water allows plants to keep stomata open and take up more CO2. The problem of reducing water loss is especially acute for desert plants. Plants adapted to arid environments are called xerophytes (from the Greek xero, dry).

Many species of desert plants avoid drying out by completing their short life cycles during the brief rainy seasons. Rain comes infrequently in deserts, but when it arrives, the vegetation is transformed as dormant seeds of annual species quickly germinate and bloom, completing their life cycle before dry conditions return.

Typically, a few millimeters behind the tip of the root is the zone of elongation, where most of the growth occurs as root cells elongate—sometimes to more than ten times their original length. Cell elongation in this zone pushes the tip farther into the soil.

Meanwhile, the root apical meristem keeps adding cells to the younger end of the zone of elongation. Even before the root cells finish lengthening, many begin specializing in structure and function. As this occurs, the three primary meristems—the protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium—become evident. In the zone of differentiation, or zone of maturation, cells complete their differentiation and become distinct cell types.

Figure 39.22 Positive gravitropism in roots: the statolith hypothesis. (a) Over the course of hours, a horizontally oriented primary root of maize bends gravitropically until its growing tip becomes vertically oriented (LMs). b) Within minutes after the root is placed horizontally, plastids called statoliths begin settling to the lowest sides of root cap cells. This settling may be the gravity-sensing mechanism that leads to redistribution of auxin and differing rates of elongation by cells on opposite sides of the root (LMs).

Mechanical Stimuli: Trees in windy environments usually have shorter, stockier trunks than a tree of the same species growing in more sheltered locations. The advantage of this stunted morphology is that it enables the plant to hold its ground against strong gusts of wind. The term thigmomorphogenesis (from the Greek thigma, touch) refers to the changes in form that result from mechanical perturbation. Plants are very sensitive to mechanical stress: Even the act of measuring the length of a leaf with a ruler alters its subsequent growth. Rubbing the stems of a young plant a couple of times daily results in plants that are shorter than controls (Figure 39.23).

Figure 38.13 Asexual reproduction in aspen trees. Some aspen groves, such as those shown here, consist of thousands of trees descended by asexual reproduction. Each grove of trees derives from the root system of one parent. Thus, the grove is a clone. Notice that genetic differences between groves descended from different parents result in different timing for the development of fall color

Mechanisms That Prevent Self-Fertilization: The various mechanisms that prevent self-fertilization contribute to genetic variety by ensuring that the sperm and egg come from different parents. In the case of dioecious species, plants cannot self-fertilize because different individuals have either staminate flowers (lacking carpels) or carpellate flowers (lacking stamens) (Figure 38.14a). Other plants have flowers with functional stamens and carpels that mature at different times or are structurally arranged in such a way that it is unlikely that an animal pollinator could transfer pollen from an anther to a stigma of the same flower (Figure 38.14b).

Flowering plants reproduce sexually, asexually, or both: During asexual reproduction, offspring are derived from a single parent without any fusion of egg and sperm. The result is a clone, an individual genetically identical to its parent. Asexual reproduction is common in angiosperms, as well as in other plants, and for some species it is the main mode of reproduction.

Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction: Asexual reproduction in plants is typically an extension of the capacity for indeterminate growth. Plant growth can be sustained or renewed indefinitely by meristems, regions of undifferentiated, dividing cells (see Concept 35.2). In addition, parenchyma cells throughout the plant can divide and differentiate into more specialized types of cells, enabling plants to regenerate lost parts. Detached root or stem fragments of some plants can develop into whole offspring; for example, pieces of a potato with an "eye" (bud) can each regenerate a whole plant. Such fragmentation, the separation of a parent plant into parts that develop into whole plants, is one of the most common modes of asexual reproduction. The adventitious plantlets on Kalanchoë leaves exemplify an unusual type of fragmentation (see Figure 35.7). In other cases, the root system of a single parent, such as an aspen tree, can give rise to many adventitious shoots that become separate shoot systems (Figure 38.13). One aspen clone in Utah has been estimated to be composed of 47,000 stems of genetically identical trees. Although it is likely that some of the root system connections have been severed, making some of the trees isolated from the rest of the clone, each tree still shares a common genome.

The stomatal density of a leaf, which may be as high as 20,000 per square centimeter, is under both genetic and environmental control. For example, as a result of evolution by natural selection, desert plants are genetically programmed to have lower stomatal densities than do marsh plants. Stomatal density, however, is a developmentally plastic feature of many plants. High light exposures and low CO2 levels during leaf development lead to increased density in many species. By measuring the stomatal density of leaf fossils, scientists have gained insight into the levels of atmospheric CO2 in past climates. A recent British survey found that stomatal density of many woodland species has decreased since 1927, when a similar survey was made. This observation is consistent with other findings that atmospheric CO2 levels increased dramatically during the late 20th century.

Mechanisms of Stomatal Opening and Closing: When guard cells take in water from neighboring cells by osmosis, they become more turgid. In most angiosperm species, the cell walls of guard cells are uneven in thickness, and the cellulose microfibrils are oriented in a direction that causes the guard cells to bow outward when turgid (Figure 36.14a). This bowing outward increases the size of the pore between the guard cells. When the cells lose water and become flaccid, they become less bowed, and the pore closes.

Figure 39.5 Inquiry What part of a grass coleoptile senses light, and how is the signal transmitted? Experiment In 1880, Charles and Francis Darwin removed and covered parts of grass coleoptiles to determine what part senses light. In 1913, Peter Boysen-Jensen separated coleoptiles with different materials to determine how the signal for phototropism is transmitted. Results; Darwin and Darwin: Phototropism occurs only when the tip is illuminated. Boysen-Jensen: Phototropism occurs when the tip is separated by a permeable barrier but not an impermeable barrier. Conclusion The Darwins' experiment suggested that only the tip of the coleoptile senses light. The phototropic bending, however, occurred at a distance from the site of light perception (the tip). Boysen-Jensen's results suggested that the signal for the bending is a light-activated mobile chemical.

Memorize table 39.1 overview of plant hormones

Figure 39.27 Make Connections:Levels of Plant Defenses Against Herbivores Herbivory, animals eating plants, is ubiquitous in nature. Plant defenses against herbivores are examples of how biological processes can be observed at multiple levels of biological organization: molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, organism, population, and community. (See Figure 1.3.)

Molecular-Level Defenses: At the molecular level, plants produce chemical compounds that deter attackers. These compounds are typically terpenoids, phenolics, and alkaloids. Some terpenoids mimic insect hormones and cause insects to molt prematurely and die. Some examples of phenolics are tannins, which have an unpleasant taste and hinder the digestion of proteins. Their synthesis is often enhanced following attack. The opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) is the source of the narcotic alkaloids morphine, heroin, and codeine. These drugs accumulate in secretory cells called laticifers, which exude a milky-white latex (opium) when the plant is damaged.

Given the importance of ethylene in the postharvest physiology of fruits, the genetic engineering of ethylene signal transduction pathways has potential commercial applications. For example, by engineering a way to block the transcription of one of the genes required for ethylene synthesis, molecular biologists have created tomato fruits that ripen on demand. These fruits are picked while green and will not ripen unless ethylene gas is added. As such methods are refined, they will reduce spoilage of fruits and vegetables, a problem that ruins almost half the produce harvested in the United States.

More Recently Discovered Plant Hormones Auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene are often considered the five "classic" plant hormones. However, more recently discovered hormones have swelled the list of important plant growth regulators. Brassinosteroids are steroids similar to cholesterol and the sex hormones of animals. They induce cell elongation and division in stem segments and seedlings at concentrations as low as 10-12 M. They also slow leaf abscission (leaf drop) and promote xylem differentiation. These effects are so qualitatively similar to those of auxin that it took years for plant physiologists to determine that brassinosteroids were not types of auxins.

Heat Stress: Excessive heat may harm and even kill a plant by denaturing its enzymes. Transpiration helps cool leaves by evaporative cooling. On a warm day, for example, the temperature of a leaf may be 3-10°C below the ambient air temperature. Hot, dry weather also tends to dehydrate many plants; the closing of stomata in response to this stress conserves water but then sacrifices evaporative cooling. This dilemma is one reason why very hot, dry days take a toll on most plants.

Most plants have a backup response that enables them to survive heat stress. Above a certain temperature—about 40°C for most plants in temperate regions—plant cells begin synthesizing heat-shock proteins, which help protect other proteins from heat stress. This response also occurs in heat-stressed animals and microorganisms. Some heat-shock proteins function in unstressed cells as temporary scaffolds that help other proteins fold into their functional shapes. In their roles as heat-shock proteins, perhaps these molecules bind to other proteins and help prevent their denaturation.

Fungi and Plant Nutrition: Certain species of soil fungi also form mutualistic relationships with roots and play a major role in plant nutrition. Some of these fungi are endophytic, but the most important relationships are mycorrhizae ("fungus roots"), the intimate mutualistic associations of roots and fungi (see Figure 31.14). The host plant provides the fungus with a steady supply of sugar. Meanwhile, the fungus increases the surface area for water uptake and also supplies the plant with phosphorus and other minerals absorbed from the soil. The fungi of mycorrhizae also secrete growth factors that stimulate roots to grow and branch, as well as antibiotics that help protect the plant from soil pathogens

Mycorrhizae and Plant Evolution: Mycorrhizae are not oddities; they are formed by most plant species. In fact, this plant-fungus mutualism might have been one of the evolutionary adaptations that helped plants initially colonize land (see Concept 29.1). When the earliest plants, which evolved from green algae, began to invade the land 400 to 500 million years ago, they encountered a harsh environment. Although the soil contained mineral nutrients, it lacked organic matter. Therefore, rain probably quickly leached away many of the soluble mineral nutrients. The barren land, however, was also a place of opportunities because light and carbon dioxide were abundant, and there was little competition or herbivory.

Inside each nodule, Rhizobium bacteria assume a form called bacteroids, which are contained within vesicles formed in the root cells. Legume-Rhizobium relationships generate more usable nitrogen for plants than all industrial fertilizers used today—and at virtually no cost to the farmer.

Nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium requires an anaerobic environment, a condition facilitated by the location of the bacteroids inside living cells in the root cortex. The lignified external layers of root nodules also help to limit gas exchange. Some root nodules appear reddish because of a molecule called leghemoglobin (leg- for "legume"), an ironcontaining protein that binds reversibly to oxygen (similar to the hemoglobin in human red blood cells). This protein is an oxygen "buffer," reducing the concentration of free oxygen and thereby providing an anaerobic environment for nitrogen fixation while regulating the oxygen supply for the intense cellular respiration required to produce ATP for nitrogen fixation.

Critical Night Length In the 1940s, researchers learned that flowering in short- and long-day plants is actually controlled by night length, not day length (photoperiod). Many of these scientists worked with cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), a short-day plant that flowers only when days are 16 hours or shorter (and nights are at least 8 hours long). These researchers found that if the photoperiod is broken by a brief exposure to darkness, flowering proceeds. However, if the night length is interrupted by even a few minutes of dim light, cocklebur will not flower, and this turned out to be true for other short-day plants as well (Figure 39.19a). Cocklebur is unresponsive to day length, but it requires at least 8 hours of continuous darkness to flower. Short-day plants are really long-night plants, but the older term is embedded firmly in the lexicon of plant physiology. Similarly, long-day plants are actually shortnight plants. A long-day plant grown under long-night conditions that would not normally induce flowering will flower if the night length is interrupted by a few minutes of light (Figure 39.19b).

Notice that long-day plants are not distinguished from short-day plants by an absolute night length. Instead, they are distinguished by whether the critical night length sets a maximum number of hours of darkness required for flowering (long-day plants) or a minimum number of hours of darkness required for flowering (short-day plants). In both cases, the actual number of hours in the critical night length is specific to each species of plant.

Organ-Level Defenses: The shapes of plant organs may deter herbivores by causing pain or making the plant appear unappealing. Spines (modified leaves) and thorns (modified stems) provide mechanical defenses against herbivores. Bristles on the spines of some cacti have fearsome barbs that tear flesh during removal. The leaf of the snowflake plant (Trevesia palmata) looks as if it has been partially eaten, perhaps making it less attractive. Some plants mimic the presence of insect eggs on their leaves, dissuading insects from laying eggs there. For example, the leaf glands of some species of Passiflora (passion flowers) closely imitate the bright yellow eggs of Heliconius butterflies.

Organismal-Level Defenses: Mechanical damage by herbivores can greatly alter a plant's entire physiology, deterring further attack. For example, a species of wild tobacco called Nicotiana attenuata changes the timing of its flowering as a result of herbivory. It normally flowers at night, emitting the chemical benzyl acetone, which attracts hawk-moths as pollinators. Unfortunately for the plant, the moths often lay eggs on the leaves as they pollinate, and the larvae are herbivores. When the plants become too larvaeinfested, they stop producing the chemical and instead open their flowers at dawn, when the moths are gone. They are then pollinated by hummingbirds. Research has shown that oral secretions from the munching larvae trigger the dramatic shift in the timing of flower opening.

Some plant species have become, over the course of their evolution, "touch specialists." Acute responsiveness to mechanical stimuli is an integral part of these plants' "life strategies." Most vines and other climbing plants have tendrils that coil rapidly around supports (see Figure 35.7). These grasping organs usually grow straight until they touch something; the contact stimulates a coiling response caused by differential growth of cells on opposite sides of the tendril. This directional growth in response to touch is called thigmotropism, and it allows the vine to take advantage of whatever mechanical supports it comes across as it climbs upward toward a forest canopy.

Other examples of touch specialists are plants that undergo rapid leaf movements in response to mechanical stimulation. For example, when the compound leaf of the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica is touched, it collapses and its leaflets fold together (Figure 39.24). This response, which takes only a second or two, results from a rapid loss of turgor in cells within pulvini, specialized motor organs located at the joints of the leaf. The motor cells suddenly become flaccid after stimulation because they lose potassium ions, causing water to leave the cells by osmosis. It takes about 10 minutes for the cells to regain their turgor and restore the "unstimulated" form of the leaf. The function of the sensitive plant's behavior invites speculation. Perhaps the plant appears less leafy and appetizing to herbivores by folding its leaves and reducing its surface area when jostled.

Studies of Arabidopsis mutants with abnormal triple responses are an example of how biologists identify a signal transduction pathway. Scientists isolated ethylene-insensitive (ein) mutants, which fail to undergo the triple response after exposure to ethylene (Figure 39.13a). Some types of ein mutants are insensitive to ethylene because they lack a functional ethylene receptor. Mutants of a different sort undergo the triple response even out of soil, in the air, where there are no physical obstacles. Some of these mutants have a regulatory defect that causes them to produce ethylene at rates 20 times normal. The phenotype of such ethylene-overproducing (eto) mutants can be restored to wild-type by treating the seedlings with inhibitors of ethylene synthesis.

Other mutants, called constitutive triple-response (ctr) mutants, undergo the triple response in air but do not respond to inhibitors of ethylene synthesis (Figure 39.13b). (Constitutive genes are genes that are continually expressed in all cells of an organism.) In ctr mutants, ethylene signal transduction is permanently turned on, even though ethylene is not present. The affected gene in ctr mutants codes for a protein kinase. The fact that this mutation activates the ethylene response suggests that the normal kinase product of the wild-type allele is a negative regulator of ethylene signal transduction. Thus, binding of the hormone ethylene to the ethylene receptor normally leads to inactivation of the kinase, and the inactivation of this negative regulator allows synthesis of the proteins required for the triple response.

Flooding: Too much water is also a problem for a plant. An overwatered houseplant may suffocate because the soil lacks the air spaces that provide oxygen for cellular respiration in the roots. Some plants are structurally adapted to very wet habitats. For example, the submerged roots of mangroves, which inhabit coastal marshes, are continuous with aerial roots exposed to oxygen (see Figure 35.4). But how do less specialized plants cope with oxygen deprivation in waterlogged soils?

Oxygen deprivation stimulates the production of ethylene, which causes some cells in the root cortex to die. The destruction of these cells creates air tubes that function as "snorkels," providing oxygen to the submerged roots (Figure 39.25).

Many soil bacteria, including some pathogenic varieties, get splashed onto the shoots of plants by raindrops. If these bacteria penetrate the plant, a specific amino acid sequence within flagellin is perceived by a Toll-like receptor, a type of receptor also found in animals, where it plays a key role in the innate immune system (see Concept 43.1). The innate immune system is an evolutionarily old defense strategy and is the dominant immune system in plants, fungi, insects, and primitive multicellular organisms. Unlike vertebrates, plants do not have an adaptive immune system: Plants neither generate antibody or T cell responses nor possess mobile cells that detect and attack pathogens.

PAMP recognition in plants leads to a chain of signaling events that lead ultimately to the local production of broadspectrum, antimicrobial chemicals called phytoalexins, which are compounds having fungicidal and bactericidal properties. The plant cell wall is also toughened, hindering further progress of the pathogen. Similar but even stronger defenses are initiated by the second plant immune response, effectortriggered immunity.

Defenses Against Pathogens: A plant's first line of defense against infection is the physical barrier presented by the epidermis and periderm of the plant body (see Figure 35.19). This line of defense, however, is not impenetrable. The mechanical wounding of leaves by herbivores, for example, opens up portals for invasion by pathogens. Even when plant tissues are intact, viruses, bacteria, and the spores and hyphae of fungi can still enter the plant through natural openings in the epidermis, such as stomata. Once the physical lines of defense are breached, a plant's next lines of defense are two types of immune responses: PAMP-triggered immunity and effector-triggered immunity.

PAMP-Triggered Immunity: When a pathogen succeeds in invading a host plant, the plant mounts the first of two lines of immune defense, which ultimately results in a chemical attack that isolates the pathogen and prevents its spread from the site of infection. This first line of immune defense, called PAMP-triggered immunity, depends on the plant's ability to recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs; formerly called elicitors), molecular sequences that are specific to certain pathogens. For example, bacterial flagellin, a major protein found in bacterial flagella, is a PAMP.

Figure 38.15 Cloning a garlic plant. (a) A root from a garlic clove gave rise to this callus culture, a mass of undifferentiated totipotent cells. (b and c) The differentiation of a callus into a plantlet depends on the nutrient levels and hormone concentrations in the artificial medium, as can be seen in these cultures grown for different lengths of time.

People modify crops by breeding and genetic engineering: People have intervened in the reproduction and genetic makeup of plants since the dawn of agriculture. Maize, for example, owes its existence to humans. Left on its own in nature, maize would soon become extinct for the simple reason that it cannot spread its seeds. Maize kernels are not only permanently attached to the central axis (the "cob") but also permanently protected by tough, overlapping leaf sheathes (the "husk") (Figure 38.16). These attributes arose by artificial selection by humans. (See Concept 22.2 to review the basic concept of artificial selection.) Despite having no understanding of the scientific principles underlying plant breeding, early farmers domesticated most of our crop species over a relatively short period about 10,000 years ago.

In nature, interactions between phytochrome and the biological clock enable plants to measure the passage of night and day. The relative lengths of night and day, however, change over the course of the year (except at the equator). Plants use this change to adjust activities in timing with the seasons.

Photoperiodism and Responses to Seasons: Imagine the consequences if a plant produced flowers when pollinators were not present or if a deciduous tree produced leaves in the middle of winter. Seasonal events are of critical importance in the life cycles of most plants. Seed germination, flowering, and the onset and breaking of bud dormancy are all stages that usually occur at specific times of the year. The environmental cue that plants use to detect the time of year is the change in day length (photoperiod). A physiological response to specific night or day lengths, such as flowering, is called photoperiodism.

Phytochrome: Photoreceptors When introducing signal transduction in plants earlier in the chapter, we discussed the role of the plant pigments called phytochromes in the de-etiolation process. Phytochromes are another class of photoreceptors that regulate many plant responses to light, including seed germination and shade avoidance.

Phytochromes and Seed Germination: Studies of seed germination led to the discovery of phytochromes. Because of limited nutrient reserves, many types of seeds, especially small ones, germinate only when the light environment and other conditions are near optimal. Such seeds often remain dormant for years until light conditions change. For example, the death of a shading tree or the plowing of a field may create a favorable light environment for germination.

How does phytochrome switching explain light-induced germination in nature? Plants synthesize phytochrome as Pr, and if seeds are kept in the dark, the pigment remains almost entirely in the Pr form (see Figure 39.17). Sunlight contains both red light and far-red light, but the conversion to Pfr is faster than the conversion to Pr. Therefore, the ratio of Pfr to Pr increases in the sunlight. When seeds are exposed to adequate sunlight, the production and accumulation of Pfr trigger their germination.

Phytochromes and Shade Avoidance: The phytochrome system also provides the plant with information about the quality of light. Because sunlight includes both red and far-red radiation, during the day the Pr 4 Pfr interconversion reaches a dynamic equilibrium, with the ratio of the two phytochrome forms indicating the relative amounts of red and far-red light. This sensing mechanism enables plants to adapt to changes in light conditions. Consider, for example, the "shade avoidance" response of a tree that requires relatively high light intensity. If other trees in a forest shade this tree, the phytochrome ratio shifts in favor of Pr because the forest canopy screens out more red light than far-red light. This is because the chlorophyll pigments in the leaves of the canopy absorb red light and allow far-red light to pass. The shift in the ratio of red to farred light induces the tree to allocate more of its resources to growing taller. In contrast, direct sunlight increases the proportion of Pfr, which stimulates branching and inhibits vertical growth.

Erosion can also be reduced by a plowing technique called no-till agriculture. In traditional plowing, the entire field is tilled, or turned over. This practice helps control weeds but disrupts the meshwork of roots that holds the soil in place, leading to increased surface runoff and erosion. In no-till agriculture, a special plow creates narrow furrows for seeds and fertilizer. In this way, the field is seeded with minimal disturbance to the soil, while also using less fertilizer.

Phytoremediation: Some land areas are unfit for cultivation because toxic metals or organic pollutants have contaminated the soil or groundwater. Traditionally, soil remediation, the detoxification of contaminated soils, has focused on nonbiological technologies, such as removing and storing contaminated soil in landfills, but these techniques are costly and often disrupt the landscape. Phytoremediation is a nondestructive biotechnology that harnesses the ability of some plants to extract soil pollutants and concentrate them in portions of the plant that can be easily removed for safe disposal. For example, alpine pennycress (Thlaspi caerulescens) can accumulate zinc in its shoots at concentrations 300 times higher than most plants can tolerate. The shoots can be harvested and the zinc removed. Such plants show promise for cleaning up areas contaminated by smelters, mines, or nuclear tests. Phytoremediation is a type of bioremediation, which also uses prokaryotes and protists to detoxify polluted sites (see Concepts 27.6 and 55.5).

thus, sweet potato is a naturally genetically modified plant, a finding that adds to the controversies surrounding the regulation of genetically modified organisms, especially since plants that have been genetically engineered in the lab using Agrobacterium are currently subjected to heavy regulation. In a second example, the wheat species we rely on for much of our food evolved by natural hybridization between different species of grasses. Such hybridization is common in plants and has long been exploited by breeders to introduce genetic variation for artificial selection and crop improvement.

Plant Breeding: Plant breeding is the art and science of changing the traits of plants in order to produce desired characteristics. Breeders scrutinize their fields carefully and travel far and wide searching for domesticated varieties or wild relatives with desirable traits. Such traits occasionally arise spontaneously through mutation, but the natural rate of mutation is too slow and unreliable to produce all the mutations that breeders would like to study. Breeders sometimes hasten mutations by treating large batches of seeds or seedlings with radiation or chemicals.

Systemic Acquired Resistance: The hypersensitive response is localized and specific. However, as noted previously, pathogen invasions can also produce signaling molecules that "sound the alarm" of infection to the whole plant. The resulting systemic acquired resistance arises from the plant-wide expression of defense genes. It is nonspecific, providing protection against a diversity of pathogens that can last for days. A signaling molecule called methylsalicylic acid is produced around the infection site, carried by the phloem throughout the plant, and then converted to salicylic acid in areas remote from the sites of infection. Salicylic acid activates a signal transduction pathway that poises the defense system to respond rapidly to another infection (see step 4 of Figure 39.26).

Plant disease epidemics, such as the potato blight (see Concept 28.6) that caused the Irish potato famine of the 1840s, can lead to incalculable human misery. Other diseases, such as chestnut blight (see Concept 31.5) and sudden oak death (see Concept 54.5), can dramatically alter community structures. Plant epidemics are often the result of infected plants or timber being inadvertently transported around the world. As global commerce increases, such epidemics will become increasingly more common. To prepare for such outbreaks, plant biologists are stockpiling the seeds of wild relatives of crop plants in special storage facilities. Scientists hope that undomesticated relatives may have genes that will be able to curb the next plant epidemic.

Nevertheless, they activate signal transduction pathways that greatly alter the functioning of plants in a manner similar to a hormone. Thus, many plant biologists prefer the broader term plant growth regulator to describe organic compounds, either natural or synthetic, that modify or control one or more specific physiological processes within a plant. At this point in time, the terms plant hormone and plant growth regulator are used about equally, but for historical continuity we will use the term plant hormone and adhere to the criterion that plant hormones are active at very low concentrations.

Plant hormones are produced in very low concentrations, but a tiny amount of hormone can have a profound effect on plant growth and development. Virtually every aspect of plant growth and development is under hormonal control to some degree. Each hormone has multiple effects, depending on its site of action, its concentration, and the developmental stage of the plant. Conversely, multiple hormones can influence a single process. Plant hormone responses commonly depend on both the amounts of the hormones involved and their relative concentrations. It is often the interactions between different hormones, rather than hormones acting in isolation, that control growth and development. These interactions will become apparent in the following survey of hormone function.

nterpret The Data 1. How do the young leaves differ in appearance from the older leaves? 2. In three words, what is the most prominent mineral deficiency symptom seen in this photo? List the three nutrients whose deficiencies give rise to this symptom. Based on the symptom's location, which one of these three nutrients can be ruled out, and why? What does the location suggest about the other two nutrients? 3. How would your hypothesis about the cause of this deficiency be influenced if tests showed that the soil was low in humus?

Plant nutrition often involves relationships with other organisms: To this point, we have portrayed plants as exploiters of soil resources, but plants and soil have a two-way relationship. Dead plants provide much of the energy needed by soildwelling bacteria and fungi. Many of these organisms also benefit from sugar-rich secretions produced by living roots. Meanwhile, plants derive benefits from their associations with soil bacteria and fungi. As shown in Figure 37.10, mutually beneficial relationships across kingdoms and domains are not rare in nature. However, they are of particular importance to plants. We'll explore some important mutualisms between plants and soil bacteria and fungi, as well as some unusual, nonmutualistic forms of plant nutrition

Animal-Bacterium: Fugu is the Japanese name for puffer fish and the delicacy made from it, which can be deadly. Most species of puffer fish contain lethal amounts of the nerve toxin tetrodotoxin in their organs, especially the liver, ovaries, and intestines. Therefore, a specially trained chef must remove the poisonous parts. The tetrodotoxin is synthesized by mutualistic bacteria (various Vibrio species) associated with the fish. The fish gains a potent chemical defense, while the bacteria live in a highnutrient, low-competition environment.

Plant-Bacterium: The floating fern Azolla provides carbohydrates for a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that resides in the air spaces of the leaves. In return, the fern receives nitrogen from the cyanobacterium. (See Concept 27.5.)

Red light is the most effective color in interrupting the night length. Action spectra and photoreversibility experiments show that phytochrome is the pigment that detects the red light (Figure 39.20). For example, if a flash of red light during the night length is followed by a flash of far-red light, then the plant detects no interruption of night length. As in the case of phytochrome-mediated seed germination, red/far-red photoreversibility occurs.

Plants measure night lengths very precisely; some short-day plants will not flower if night is even 1 minute shorter than the critical length. Some plant species always flower on the same day each year. It appears that plants use their biological clock, entrained by night length with the help of phytochrome, to tell the season of the year. The floriculture (flower-growing) industry applies this knowledge to produce flowers out of season. Chrysanthemums, for instance, are short-day plants that normally bloom in fall, but their blooming can be stalled until Mother's Day in May by punctuating each long night with a flash of light, thus turning one long night into two short nights.

How does dodder locate its victims? Biologists have long known that it grows toward the shade (where better to find a stem?) but thought it just bumped into its victims. However, new studies reveal that chemicals released by a potential host plant attract dodder, causing it to rapidly set course in that direction. Dodder's behavior is unusual, but photosynthetic plants also sense their environment, taking advantage of available sunlight and nutrient-rich patches in the soil. These behaviors involve signal transduction pathways not far removed from some pathways by which you interact with your environment. At the levels of signal reception and signal transduction, your cells are not that different from those of plants—the similarities far outweigh the differences. As an animal, however, your responses to environmental stimuli are generally quite different from those of plants. Animals commonly respond by movement; plants do so by altering growth and development

Plants must also adjust to changes in time, such as the passage of seasons, to compete successfully. In addition, they interact with a wide range of organisms. All of these physical and chemical interactions involve complex signal transduction pathways. In this chapter, we focus on understanding the internal chemicals (hormones) that regulate plant growth and development and how plants perceive and respond to their environments.

Pollination by Moths and Butterflies: Moths and butterflies detect odors, and the flowers they pollinate are often sweetly fragrant. Butterflies perceive many bright colors, but moth-pollinated flowers are usually white or yellow, which stand out at night when moths are active. A yucca plant (shown here) is typically pollinated by a single species of moth with appendages that pack pollen onto the stigma. The moth then deposits eggs directly into the ovary. The larvae eat some developing seeds, but this cost is outweighed by the benefit of an efficient and reliable pollinator. If a moth deposits too many eggs, the flower aborts and drops off, selecting against individuals that overexploit the plant.

Pollination by Bats: Bat-pollinated flowers, like moth-pollinated flowers, are lightcolored and aromatic, attracting their nocturnal pollinators. The lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) feeds on the nectar and pollen of agave and cactus flowers in the southwestern United States and Mexico. In feeding, the bats transfer pollen from plant to plant. Long-nosed bats are an endangered species. ▲ Long-nosed bat feeding on agave flowers at night Pollination by Flies: Many fly-pollinated flowers are reddish and fleshy, with an odor like rotten meat. Blowflies visiting carrion flowers (Stapelia species) mistake the flower for a rotting corpse and lay their eggs on it. In the process, the blowflies become dusted with pollen that they carry to other flowers. When the eggs hatch, the larvae find no carrion to eat and die.

\Figure 38.4 Exploring Flower Pollination: Most angiosperm species rely on a living (biotic) or nonliving (abiotic) pollinating agent that can move pollen from the anther of a flower on one plant to the stigma of a flower on another plant. Approximately 80% of all angiosperm pollination is biotic, employing animal go-betweens. Among abiotically pollinated species, 98% rely on wind and 2% on water. (Some angiosperm species can self-pollinate, but such species are limited to inbreeding in nature.) Abiotic Pollination by Wind: About 20% of all angiosperm species are wind-pollinated. Since their reproductive success does not depend on attracting pollinators, there has been no selective pressure favoring colorful or scented flowers. Accordingly, the flowers of wind-pollinated species are often small, green, and inconspicuous, and they produce neither scent nor the sugary solution called nectar. Most temperate trees and grasses are windpollinated. The flowers of hazel (Corylus avellana) and many other temperate, wind-pollinated trees appear in the early spring, when there are no leaves to interfere with pollen movement. The relative inefficiency of wind pollination is compensated for by production of copious amounts of pollen grains. Wind tunnel studies reveal that wind pollination is often more efficient than it appears because floral structures can create eddy currents that aid in pollen capture.

Pollination by Bees: About 65% of all flowering plants require insects for pollination; the percentage is even greater for major crops. Bees are the most important insect pollinators, and there is great concern in Europe and North America that honeybee populations have shrunk. Pollinating bees depend on nectar and pollen for food. Typically, bee-pollinated flowers have a delicate, sweet fragrance. Bees are attracted to bright colors, primarily yellow and blue. Red appears dull to them, but they can see ultraviolet radiation. Many species of bee-pollinated flowers, such as the common dandelion (Taraxacum vulgare), have ultraviolet markings called "nectar guides" that help insects locate the nectaries (nectarproducing glands) but are only visible to human eyes under ultraviolet light.

Response: Ultimately, second messengers regulate one or more cellular activities. In most cases, these responses involve the increased activity of particular enzymes. There are two main mechanisms by which a signaling pathway can enhance an enzymatic step in a biochemical pathway: transcriptional regulation and post-translational modification. Transcriptional regulation increases or decreases the synthesis of mRNA encoding a specific enzyme. Posttranslational modification activates preexisting enzymes.

Post-translational Modification of Preexisting Proteins: In most signal transduction pathways, preexisting proteins are modified by the phosphorylation of specific amino acids, which alters the protein's hydrophobicity and activity. Many second messengers, including cGMP and Ca2+ , activate protein kinases directly. Often, one protein kinase will phosphorylate another protein kinase, which then phosphorylates another, and so on (see Figure 11.10). Such kinase cascades may link initial stimuli to responses at the level of gene expression, usually via the phosphorylation of transcription factors. As we'll discuss soon, many signal transduction pathways ultimately regulate the synthesis of new proteins by turning specific genes on or off.

Figure 39.3 Review of a general model for signal transduction pathways. As discussed in Concept 11.1, a hormone or other kind of stimulus interacting with a specific receptor protein can trigger the sequential activation of relay proteins and also the production of second messengers that participate in the pathway. The signal is passed along, ultimately bringing about cellular responses. In this diagram, the receptor is on the surface of the target cell; in other cases, the stimulus interacts with receptors inside the cell.

Reception: Signals are first detected by receptors, proteins that undergo changes in shape in response to a specific stimulus. The receptor involved in de-etiolation is a type of phytochrome, a member of a class of photoreceptors that we'll discuss more fully later in the chapter. Unlike most receptors, which are built into the plasma membrane, the type of phytochrome that functions in de-etiolation is located in the cytoplasm. Researchers demonstrated the requirement for phytochrome in de-etiolation through studies of the tomato, a close relative of the potato.

In the remainder of this chapter, we explore the prospects and controversies surrounding the use of GM crops. Advocates for plant biotechnology believe that the genetic engineering of crop plants is the key to overcoming some of the most pressing problems of the 21st century, including world hunger and fossil fuel dependency.

Reducing World Hunger and Malnutrition: Although global hunger affects nearly a billion people, there is much disagreement about its causes. Some argue that food shortages arise from inequities in distribution and that the most poverty-stricken simply cannot afford food. Others regard food shortages as evidence that the world is overpopulated—that the human species has exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet (see Concept 53.3). Whatever the causes of malnutrition, increasing food production is a humane objective. Because land and water are the most limiting resources, the best option is to increase yields on already existing farmland. Indeed, there is very little "extra" land that can be farmed, especially if the few remaining pockets of wilderness are to be preserved. Based on conservative estimates of population growth, farmers will have to produce 40% more grain per hectare to feed the human population in 2030. Plant biotechnology can help make these crop yields possible.

Figure 39.8 Effects on apical dominance of removing the apical bud. Apical dominance refers to the inhibition of the growth of axillary buds by the apical bud of a plant shoot. Removal of the apical bud enables lateral branches to grow. Multiple hormones play a role in this process, including auxin, cytokinin, and strigolactones.

Removal of the apical bud allows remaining buds to receive more sugars for growth. Auxin and strigolactone levels also decline, particularly near the cut surface. This decline allows the topmost axillary buds in particular to grow and take over as the new apical bud. The apical bud is a preferred sugar sink and a major site of auxin biosynthesis. Auxin moving downward from the apical bud produces strigolactones that repress the growth of axillary buds. Cytokinin coming from the root antagonizes the actions of auxin and strigolactone, allowing for a limited amount of axillary bud growth. Therefore, the axillary buds farthest from the apex are increasingly elongated.

Figure 38.14 Some floral adaptations that prevent self-fertilization. (a) Some species, such as Sagittaria latifolia (common arrowhead), are dioecious, having plants that produce only staminate flowers (left) or carpellate flowers (right). (b) Some species, such as Oxalis alpina (alpine wood sorrel), produce two types of flowers on different individuals: "thrums," which have short styles and long stamens, and "pins," which have long styles and short stamens. An insect foraging for nectar would collect pollen on different parts of its body; thrum pollen would be deposited on pin stigmas, and vice versa

Research on self-incompatibility may have agricultural applications. Breeders often hybridize different genetic strains of a crop to combine the best traits of the two strains and to counter the loss of vigor that can often result from excessive inbreeding. To prevent self-fertilization within the two strains, breeders must either laboriously remove the anthers from the parent plants that provide the seeds (as Mendel did) or use male-sterile strains of the crop plant, if they exist. If self-compatibility can be genetically engineered back into domesticated plant varieties, these limitations to commercial hybridization of crop seeds could be overcome.

However, the most common anti-selfing mechanism in flowering plants is self-incompatibility, the ability of a plant to reject its own pollen and the pollen of closely related individuals. If a pollen grain lands on a stigma of a flower of the same plant or a closely related plant, a biochemical block prevents the pollen from completing its development and fertilizing an egg. This plant response is analogous to the immune response of animals because both are based on the ability to distinguish the cells of "self" from those of "nonself." The key difference is that the animal immune system rejects nonself, as when the immune system mounts a defense against a pathogen or rejects a transplanted organ (see Concept 43.3). In contrast, self-incompatibility in plants is a rejection of self.

Researchers are unraveling the molecular mechanisms of self-incompatibility. Recognition of "self" pollen is based on genes called S-genes. In the gene pool of a population, there can be dozens of alleles of an S-gene. If a pollen grain has an allele that matches an allele of the stigma on which it lands, the pollen tube either fails to germinate or fails to grow through the style to the ovary. There are two types of selfincompatibility: gametophytic and sporophytic.

The interruption of xylem sap transport by cavitation is not always permanent. The chain of water molecules can detour around the air bubbles through pits between adjacent tracheids or vessel elements (see Figure 35.10). Moreover, root pressure enables small plants to refill blocked vessel elements. Recent evidence suggests that cavitation may even be repaired when the xylem sap is under negative pressure, although the mechanism by which this occurs is uncertain. In addition, secondary growth adds a layer of new xylem each year. Only the youngest, outermost secondary xylem layers transport water. Although the older secondary xylem no longer transports water, it does provide support for the tree (see Figure 35.22).

Researchers have recently discovered that cavitation in trees can be avoided in some cases by transfer of water from the phloem to the xylem. Using a fluorescent dye as a proxy for water molecules, researchers concluded that water can move symplastically at significant rates from the xylem to the phloem and back again through parenchyma cells in vascular rays (see Figure 35.20). Water is more likely to travel from the xylem into the phloem at night, when more water is available. It is then temporarily stored in the phloem until the tree needs it, at which point it moves back to the xylem.

Bacteria and Plant Nutrition: A variety of soil bacteria play roles in plant nutrition. Some engage in mutually beneficial chemical exchanges with plant roots. Others enhance the decomposition of organic materials and increase nutrient availability.

Rhizobacteria: Rhizobacteria are bacteria that live either in close association with plant roots or in the rhizosphere, the soil closely surrounding plant roots. Many rhizobacteria form mutually beneficial associations with plant roots. Rhizobacteria depend on nutrients such as sugars, amino acids, and organic acids that are secreted by plant cells. Up to 20% of a plant's photosynthetic production may be used to fuel these complex bacterial communities. In return, plants reap many benefits from these mutualistic associations. Some rhizobacteria produce antibiotics that protect roots from disease. Others absorb toxic metals or make nutrients more available to roots. Still others convert gaseous nitrogen into forms usable by the plant or produce chemicals that stimulate plant growth. Inoculation of seeds with plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria can increase crop yield and reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides.

Figure 39.25 A developmental response of maize roots to flooding and oxygen deprivation. (a) A cross section of a control root grown in an aerated hydroponic medium. (b) A root grown in a nonaerated hydroponic medium. Ethylene-stimulated apoptosis (programmed cell death) creates the air tubes (SEMs).

Salt Stress: An excess of sodium chloride or other salts in the soil threatens plants for two reasons. First, by lowering the water potential of the soil solution, salt can cause a water deficit in plants even though the soil has plenty of water. As the water potential of the soil solution becomes more negative, the water potential gradient from soil to roots is lowered, thereby reducing water uptake (see Figure 36.12). Another problem with saline soil is that sodium and certain other ions are toxic to plants when their concentrations are too high. Many plants can respond to moderate soil salinity by producing solutes that are well tolerated at high concentrations: These mostly organic compounds keep the water potential of cells more negative than that of the soil solution without admitting toxic quantities of salt. However, most plants cannot survive salt stress for long. The exceptions are halophytes, salt-tolerant plants with adaptations such as salt glands that pump salts out across the leaf epidermis.

Figure 37.9 Deficiency warnings from "smart" plants. Some plants have been genetically modified to signal an impending nutrient deficiency before irreparable damage occurs. For example, after laboratory treatments, the research plant Arabidopsis develops a blue color in response to an imminent phosphorus deficiency.

Scientific Skills Exercise Making Observations What Mineral Deficiency Is This Plant Exhibiting? Plant growers often diagnose deficiencies in their crops by examining changes to the foliage, such as chlorosis (yellowing), death of some leaves, discoloring, mottling, scorching, or changes in size or texture. In this exercise, you will diagnose a mineral deficiency by observing a plant's leaves and applying what you have learned about symptoms from the text and Table 37.1. Data The data for this exercise come from the photograph below of leaves on an orange tree exhibiting a mineral deficiency

Collenchyma Cells: Grouped in strands, collenchyma cells (seen here in cross section) help support young parts of the plant shoot. Collenchyma cells are generally elongated cells that have thicker primary walls than parenchyma cells, though the walls are unevenly thickened. Young stems and petioles often have strands of collenchyma cells just below their epidermis. Collenchyma cells provide flexible support without restraining growth. At maturity, these cells are living and flexible, elongating with the stems and leaves they support—unlike sclerenchyma cells, which we discuss next.

Sclerenchyma Cells: Sclerenchyma cells also function as supporting elements in the plant but are much more rigid than collenchyma cells. In sclerenchyma cells, the secondary cell wall, produced after cell elongation has ceased, is thick and contains large amounts of lignin, a relatively indigestible strengthening polymer that accounts for more than a quarter of the dry mass of wood. Lignin is present in all vascular plants but not in bryophytes. Mature sclerenchyma cells cannot elongate, and they occur in regions of the plant that have stopped growing in length. Sclerenchyma cells are so specialized for support that many are dead at functional maturity, but they produce secondary walls before the protoplast (the living part of the cell) dies. The rigid walls remain as a "skeleton" that supports the plant, in some cases for hundreds of years. Two types of sclerenchyma cells, known as sclereids and fibers, are specialized entirely for support and strengthening. Sclereids, which are boxier than fibers and irregular in shape, have very thick, lignified secondary walls. Sclereids impart the hardness to nutshells and seed coats and the gritty texture to pear fruits. Fibers, which are usually grouped in strands, are long, slender, and tapered. Some are used commercially, such as hemp fibers for making rope and flax fibers for weaving into linen.

Figure 35.13 Primary growth of a eudicot root. In the micrograph, mitotic cells in the apical meristem are revealed by staining for cyclin, a protein involved in cell division (LM). Figure 35.11 Visualizing Primary and Secondary Growth Primary Growth (growth in length): Apical meristem cells in a shoot tip or root tip are undifferentiated. When they divide, some daughter cells remain in the apical meristem, ensuring a continuing population of undifferentiated cells. Other daughter cells become partly differentiated as primary meristem cells. After dividing and growing in length, they become fully differentiated cells in the mature tissues. he addition of elongated, differentiated cells lengthens a stem or root. Secondary growth (growth in thickness) is made possible by two lateral meristems extending along the length of a shoot or root where primary growth has ceased. Primary growth (growth in length) is made possible by apical meristems at the tips of shoots and roots.

Secondary Growth (growth in thickness) The lateral meristems, called the vascular cambium and cork cambium, are cylinders of dividing cells that are one cell thick. Increased circumference: When a cambium cell divides, sometimes both daughter cells remain in the cambium and grow, increasing the cambium circumference. Addition of secondary xylem and phloem cells: When a vascular cambium cell divides, sometimes one daughter cell becomes a secondary xylem cell (X) to the inside of the cambium or a secondary phloem cell (P) to the outside. Although xylem and phloem cells are shown being added equally here, usually many more xylem cells are produced. Addition of cork cells: When a cork cambium cell divides, sometimes one daughter cell becomes a cork cell (C) to the outside of the cambium. When the vascular cambium and cork cambium become active in a stem or root, primary growth has ceased in that area. A stem or root thickens as secondary xylem, secondary phloem, and cork cells are added. Most of the cells are secondary xylem (wood).

Seed Development: 6 After double fertilization, each ovule develops into a seed. Meanwhile, the ovary develops into a fruit, which encloses the seeds and aids in their dispersal by wind or animals. As the sporophyte embryo develops from the zygote, the seed stockpiles proteins, oils, and starch to varying degrees, depending on the species. This is why seeds are such a major nutrient drain. Initially, carbohydrates and other nutrients are stored in the seed's endosperm, but later, depending on the species, the swelling cotyledons (seed leaves) of the embryo may take over this function. When a seed germinates, 7 the embryo develops into a new sporophyte. The mature sporophyte produces its own flowers and fruits: The life cycle is now complete, but it is necessary to examine more closely how an ovule develops into a mature seed.

Seed Development and Structure: A Closer Look After successful pollination and double fertilization, a seed begins to form. During this process, both the endosperm and the embryo develop. When mature, a seed consists of a dormant embryo surrounded by stored food and protective layers.

Abscisic Acid: In the 1960s, one research group studying the chemical changes that precede bud dormancy and leaf abscission in deciduous trees and another team investigating chemical changes preceding abscission of cotton fruits isolated the same compound, abscisic acid (ABA). Ironically, ABA is no longer thought to play a primary role in bud dormancy or leaf abscission, but it is very important in other functions. Unlike the growth-stimulating hormones we have discussed so far— auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, and brassinosteroids—ABA slows growth. ABA often antagonizes the actions of growth hormones, and the ratio of ABA to one or more growth hormones determines the final physiological outcome. We will consider here two of ABA's many effects: seed dormancy and drought tolerance.

Seed Dormancy Seed dormancy increases the likelihood that seeds will germinate only when there are sufficient amounts of light, temperature, and moisture for the seedlings to survive (see Concept 38.1). What prevents seeds dispersed in autumn from germinating immediately, only to die in the winter? What mechanisms ensure that such seeds do not germinate until spring? For that matter, what prevents seeds from germinating in the dark, moist interior of the fruit? The answer to these questions is ABA. The levels of ABA may increase 100-fold during seed maturation. The high levels of ABA in maturing seeds inhibit germination and induce the production of proteins that help the seeds withstand the extreme dehydration that accompanies maturation.

Sporophyte Development from Seed to Mature Plant: When environmental conditions are conducive for growth, seed dormancy is lost and germination proceeds. Germination is followed by growth of stems, leaves, and roots, and eventually by flowering.

Seed Germination: Seed germination is initiated by imbibition, the uptake of water due to the low water potential of the dry seed. Imbibition causes the seed to expand and rupture its coat and triggers changes in the embryo that enable it to resume growth. Following hydration, enzymes digest the storage materials of the endosperm or cotyledons, and the nutrients are transferred to the growing regions of the embryo. The first organ to emerge from the germinating seed is the radicle, the embryonic root. The development of a root system anchors the seedling in the soil and supplies it with water necessary for cell expansion. A ready supply of water is a prerequisite for the next step, the emergence of the shoot tip into the drier conditions encountered above ground.

Smart Plants: Agricultural researchers are developing ways to maintain crop yields while reducing fertilizer use. One approach is to genetically engineer "smart" plants that signal when a nutrient deficiency is imminent—but before damage has occurred. One type of smart plant takes advantage of a promoter (a DNA sequence indicating where the transcription of a gene starts) that more readily binds RNA polymerase (the transcription enzyme) when the phosphorus content of the plant's tissues begins to decline. This promoter is linked to a "reporter" gene that leads to production of a light blue pigment in the leaf cells (Figure 37.9). When leaves of these smart plants develop a blue tinge, the farmer knows it is time to add phosphorus-containing fertilizer.

So far, you have learned that soil, to support vigorous plant growth, must have an adequate supply of mineral nutrients, sufficient aeration, good water-holding capacity, low salinity, and a pH near neutrality. It must also be free of toxic concentrations of minerals and other chemicals. These physical and chemical features of soil, however, are just part of the story: We must also consider the living components of soil.

As discussed in Concept 36.1, plants obtain nutrients from both the atmosphere and the soil. Using sunlight as an energy source, they produce organic nutrients by reducing carbon dioxide to sugars through the process of photosynthesis. They also take up water and various inorganic nutrients from the soil through their root systems. This chapter focuses on plant nutrition, the study of the minerals necessary for plant growth. After discussing the physical properties of soils and the factors that govern soil quality, we explore why certain mineral nutrients are essential for plant function. Finally, we examine some nutritional adaptations that have evolved, often in relationships with other organisms

Soil contains a living, complex ecosystem: The upper layers of the soil, from which plants absorb nearly all of the water and minerals they require, contain a wide range of living organisms that interact with each other and with the physical environment. This complex ecosystem may take centuries to form but can be destroyed by human mismanagement in just a few years. To understand why soil must be conserved and why particular plants grow where they do, it is necessary to first consider the basic physical properties of soil: its texture and composition.

Gibberellins: In the early 1900s, farmers in Asia noticed that some rice seedlings in their paddies grew so tall and spindly that they toppled over before they could mature. In 1926, it was discovered that a fungus of the genus Gibberella causes this "foolish seedling disease." By the 1930s, it was determined that the fungus causes hyperelongation of rice stems by secreting a chemical, which was given the name gibberellin. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that plants also produce gibberellins (GAs). Since that time, scientists have identified more than 100 different gibberellins that occur naturally in plants, although a much smaller number occur in each plant species. "Foolish rice" seedlings, it seems, suffer from too much gibberellin. Gibberellins have a variety of effects, such as stem elongation, fruit growth, and seed germination.

Stem Elongation The major sites of gibberellin production are young roots and leaves. Gibberellins are best known for stimulating stem and leaf growth by enhancing cell elongation and cell division. One hypothesis proposes that they activate enzymes that loosen cell walls, facilitating entry of expansin proteins. Thus, gibberellins act in concert with auxin to promote stem elongation. The effects of gibberellins in enhancing stem elongation are evident when certain dwarf (mutant) varieties of plants are treated with gibberellins. For instance, some dwarf pea plants (including the variety Mendel studied; see Concept 14.1) grow tall if treated with gibberellins. But there is often no response if the gibberellins are applied to wild-type plants. Apparently, these plants already produce an optimal dose of the hormone. The most dramatic example of gibberellin-induced stem elongation is bolting, rapid growth of the floral stalk (Figure 39.9a).

Early studies by plant physiologists and pathologists came to differing conclusions regarding pore sizes of plasmodesmata. Physiologists injected fluorescent probes of different molecular sizes into cells and recorded whether the molecules passed into adjacent cells. Based on these observations, they concluded that the pore sizes were approximately 2.5 nm— too small for macromolecules such as proteins to pass. In contrast, pathologists provided electron micrographs showing evidence of the passage of virus particles with diameters of 10 nm or greater (Figure 36.19).

Subsequently, it was learned that plant viruses produce viral movement proteins that cause the plasmodesmata to dilate, enabling the viral RNA to pass between cells. More recent evidence shows that plant cells themselves regulate plasmodesmata as part of a communication network. The viruses can subvert this network by mimicking the cell's regulators of plasmodesmata.

Sinks usually receive sugar from the nearest sugar sources. The upper leaves on a branch, for example, may export sugar to the growing shoot tip, whereas the lower leaves may export sugar to the roots. A growing fruit may monopolize the sugar sources that surround it. For each sieve tube, the direction of transport depends on the locations of the sugar source and sugar sink that are connected by that tube. Therefore, neighboring sieve tubes may carry sap in opposite directions if they originate and end in different locations.

Sugar must be transported, or loaded, into sieve-tube elements before being exported to sugar sinks. In some species, it moves from mesophyll cells to sieve-tube elements via the symplast, passing through plasmodesmata. In other species, it moves by symplastic and apoplastic pathways. In maize leaves, for example, sucrose diffuses through the symplast from photosynthetic mesophyll cells into small veins. Much of it then moves into the apoplast and is accumulated by nearby sievetube elements, either directly or, as shown in Figure 36.16a, through companion cells. In some plants, the walls of the companion cells feature many ingrowths, enhancing solute transfer between apoplast and symplast.

Micronutrients function in plants mainly as cofactors, nonprotein helpers in enzymatic reactions (see Concept 8.4). Iron, for example, is a metallic component of cytochromes, the proteins in the electron transport chains of chloroplasts and mitochondria. It is because micronutrients generally play catalytic roles that plants need only tiny quantities. The requirement for molybdenum, for instance, is so modest that there is only one atom of this rare element for every 60 million atoms of hydrogen in dried plant material. Yet a deficiency of molybdenum or any other micronutrient can weaken or kill a plant.

Symptoms of Mineral Deficiency: The symptoms of a deficiency depend partly on the mineral's function as a nutrient. For example, a deficiency of magnesium, a component of chlorophyll, causes chlorosis, yellowing of leaves. In some cases, the relationship between a deficiency and its symptoms is less direct. For instance, iron deficiency can cause chlorosis even though chlorophyll contains no iron, because iron ions are required as a cofactor in an enzymatic step of chlorophyll synthesis.

In grafting, a severed shoot from one plant is permanently joined to the truncated stem of another. This process, usually limited to closely related individuals, can combine the best qualities of different species or varieties into one plant. The plant that provides the roots is called the stock; the twig grafted onto the stock is known as the scion. For example, scions from varieties of vines that produce superior wine grapes are grafted onto rootstocks of varieties that produce inferior grapes but are more resistant to certain soil pathogens. The genes of the scion determine the quality of the fruit. During grafting, a callus first forms between the adjoining cut ends of the scion and stock; cell differentiation then completes the functional unification of the grafted individuals.

Test-Tube Cloning and Related Techniques Plant biologists have adopted in vitro methods to clone plants for research or horticulture. Whole plants can be obtained by culturing small pieces of tissue from the parent plant on an artificial medium containing nutrients and hormones. The cells or tissues can come from any part of a plant, but growth may vary depending on the plant part, species, and artificial medium. In some media, the cultured cells divide and form a callus of undifferentiated totipotent cells (Figure 38.15a). When the concentrations of hormones and nutrients are manipulated appropriately, a callus can sprout shoots and roots with fully differentiated cells (Figure 38.15b and c). If desired, the cloned plantlets can then be transferred to soil, where they continue their growth.

Plants produce ethylene in response to stresses such as drought, flooding, mechanical pressure, injury, and infection. Ethylene is also produced during fruit ripening and programmed cell death and in response to high concentrations of externally applied auxin. Indeed, many effects previously ascribed to auxin, such as inhibition of root elongation, may be due to auxin-induced ethylene production. We will focus here on four of ethylene's many effects: response to mechanical stress, senescence, leaf abscission, and fruit ripening.

The Triple Response to Mechanical Stress Imagine a pea seedling pushing upward through the soil, only to come up against a stone. As it pushes against the obstacle, the stress in its delicate tip induces the seedling to produce ethylene. The hormone then instigates a growth maneuver known as the triple response that enables the shoot to avoid the obstacle. The three parts of this response are a slowing of stem elongation, a thickening of the stem (which makes it stronger), and a curvature that causes the stem to start growing horizontally. As the effects of the initial ethylene pulse lessen, the stem resumes vertical growth. If it again contacts a barrier, another burst of ethylene is released, and horizontal growth resumes. However, if the upward touch detects no solid object, then ethylene production decreases, and the stem, now clear of the obstacle, resumes its normal upward growth. It is ethylene that induces the stem to grow horizontally rather than the physical obstruction itself; when ethylene is applied to normal seedlings growing free of physical impediments, they still undergo the triple response (Figure 39.12).

Cytokinins: Trial-and-error attempts to find chemical additives that would enhance the growth and development of plant cells in tissue culture led to the discovery of cytokinins. In the 1940s, researchers stimulated the growth of plant embryos in culture by adding coconut milk, the liquid endosperm of a coconut's giant seed. Subsequent researchers found that they could induce cultured tobacco cells to divide by adding degraded DNA samples.

The active ingredients of both experimental additives turned out to be modified forms of adenine, a component of nucleic acids. These growth regulators were named cytokinins because they stimulate cytokinesis, or cell division. The most common natural cytokinin is zeatin, so named because it was discovered first in maize (Zea mays). The effects of cytokinins on cell division and differentiation, apical dominance, and aging are well documented.

The polar transport of auxin from the leaf margin also directs the patterns of leaf veins. Inhibitors of polar auxin transport result in leaves that lack vascular continuity through the petiole and have broad, loosely organized main veins, an increased number of secondary veins, and a dense band of irregularly shaped vascular cells adjacent to the leaf margin.

The activity of the vascular cambium, the meristem that produces woody tissues, is also under the control of auxin transport. When a plant becomes dormant at the end of a growing season, there is a reduction in auxin transport capacity and the expression of genes encoding auxin transporters. Auxin's effects on plant development are not limited to the familiar sporophyte plant that we see. Recent evidence suggests that the organization of the microscopic angiosperm female gametophytes is regulated by an auxin gradient.

The symptoms of a mineral deficiency may vary between species but in a given plant are often distinctive enough to aid in diagnosis. Deficiencies of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen are most common, as in the example of maize leaves in Figure 37.8. In the Scientific Skills Exercise, you can diagnose a mineral deficiency in orange tree leaves. Micronutrient shortages are less common than macronutrient shortages and tend to occur in certain geographic regions because of differences in soil composition. One way to confirm a diagnosis is to analyze the mineral content of the plant or soil.

The amount of a micronutrient needed to correct a deficiency is usually small. For example, a zinc deficiency in fruit trees can usually be cured by hammering a few zinc nails into each tree trunk. Moderation is important because overdoses of a micronutrient or macronutrient can be detrimental or toxic. Too much nitrogen, for example, can lead to excessive vine growth in tomato plants at the expense of good fruit production.

The cotyledons of the common garden bean are packed with starch before the seed germinates because they absorbed carbohydrates from the endosperm when the seed was developing. However, the seeds of some eudicot species, such as castor beans (Ricinus communis), retain their food supply in the endosperm and have very thin cotyledons. The cotyledons absorb nutrients from the endosperm and transfer them to the rest of the embryo when the seed germinates.

The embryos of monocots possess only a single cotyledon (Figure 38.8b). Grasses, including maize and wheat, have a specialized cotyledon called a scutellum (from the Latin scutella, small shield, a reference to its shape). The scutellum, which has a large surface area, is pressed against the endosperm, from which it absorbs nutrients during germination. The embryo of a grass seed is enclosed within two protective sheathes: a coleoptile, which covers the young shoot, and a coleorhiza, which covers the young root. Both structures aid in soil penetration after germination.

The Effect of Light on the Biological Clock: As we have discussed, the free-running period of the circadian rhythm of bean leaf movements is 26 hours. Consider a bean plant placed at dawn in a dark cabinet for 72 hours: Its leaves would not rise again until 2 hours after natural dawn on the second day, 4 hours after natural dawn on the third day, and so on. Shut off from environmental cues, the plant becomes desynchronized. Desynchronization happens to humans when we fly across several time zones; when we reach our destination, the clocks on the wall are not synchronized with our internal clocks. Most organisms are probably prone to jet lag

The factor that entrains the biological clock to precisely 24 hours every day is light. Both phytochromes and bluelight photoreceptors can entrain circadian rhythms in plants, but our understanding of how phytochromes do this is more complete. The mechanism involves turning cellular responses on and off by means of the Pr 4 Pfr switch. Consider again the photoreversible system in Figure 39.17. In darkness, the phytochrome ratio shifts gradually in favor of the Pr form, partly as a result of turnover in the overall phytochrome pool. The pigment is synthesized in the Pr form, and enzymes destroy more Pfr than Pr. In some plant species, Pfr present at sundown slowly converts to Pr. In darkness, there is no means for the Pr to be reconverted to Pfr, but upon illumination, the Pfr level suddenly increases again as Pr is rapidly converted. This increase in Pfr each day at dawn resets the biological clock: Bean leaves reach their most extreme night position 16 hours after dawn.

Stimuli and a Stationary Life: Slowly, the hunter slinks through the brush toward the shade, where its prey can best be found. It began its hunt with only a week of provisions. If it does not find food soon, it will perish. At long last, it detects a promising scent and steers toward the source. When it's within reach, it lassoes its quarry. Then it senses even better prey! It sets course for this new target, lassoes it, and taps into the vital juices of its nutritious victim

The hunter is a parasitic, nonphotosynthetic flowering plant called dodder (Cuscuta). Upon germination, a dodder seedling, fueled by nutrients stored during embryo development, searches for a host plant (Figure 39.1). If a host is not found within a week or so, the seedling dies. Dodder attacks by sending out tendrils that coil around the host, as seen in the small photo. Within an hour, it either exploits the host or moves on. If it stays, it takes several days to tap into the host's phloem by means of feeding appendages called haustoria. Depending on how nutritious its host is, dodder grows more or fewer coils.

Figure 38.16 Maize: a product of artificial selection. Modern maize (bottom) was derived from teosinte (top). Teosinte kernels are tiny, and each row has a husk that must be removed to get at the kernel. The seeds are loose at maturity, allowing dispersal, which probably made harvesting difficult for early farmers. Neolithic farmers selected seeds from plants with larger cob and kernel size as well as the permanent attachment of seeds to the cob and the encasing of the entire cob by a tough husk.

The natural genetic modification of plants began long before humans started altering crops by artificial selection. For example, researchers recently concluded that an early ancestor of the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) came into contact with the soil bacterium Agrobacterium (the vector commonly used to genetically engineer plants), upon which a horizontal gene transfer event (see Concept 26.6) occurred.

Figure 37.14 Development of a soybean root nodule: Roots emit chemical signals that attract Rhizobium bacteria. The bacteria then emit signals that stimulate root hairs to elongate and to form an infection thread by an invagination of the plasma membrane. The infection thread containing the bacteria penetrates the root cortex. Cells of the cortex and pericycle begin dividing, and vesicles containing the bacteria bud into cortical cells from the branching infection thread. Bacteria within the vesicles develop into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids. Growth continues in the affected regions of the cortex and pericycle, and these two masses of dividing cells fuse, forming the nodule

The nodule develops vascular tissue (individual cells not shown) that supplies nutrients to the nodule and carries nitrogenous compounds into the vascular cylinder for distribution throughout the plant. The mature nodule grows to be many times the diameter of the root. A layer of lignin-rich sclerenchyma cells forms, reducing absorption of oxygen and thereby helping maintain the anaerobic environment needed for nitrogen fixation.

Crops that have been genetically modified to express transgenes from Bacillus thuringiensis, a soil bacterium, require less pesticide. The "transgenes" involved encode a protein (Bt toxin) that is toxic to many insect pests (Figure 38.17). The Bt toxin used in crops is produced in the plant as a harmless protoxin that only becomes toxic if activated by alkaline conditions, such as in the guts of most insects. Because vertebrates have highly acidic stomachs, protoxin consumed by humans or livestock is rendered harmless by denaturation

The nutritional quality of plants is also being improved. For example, some 250,000 to 500,000 children go blind each year because of vitamin A deficiencies. More than half of these children die within a year of becoming blind. In response to this crisis, genetic engineers created "Golden Rice," a transgenic variety supplemented with transgenes that enable it to produce grain with increased levels of betacarotene, a precursor of vitamin A. The commercial release of Golden Rice has been delayed for over a decade by restrictions and regulations requiring further health and environmental safety tests. Another target for improvement by genetic engineering is cassava, a staple for 800 million of the poorest people on our planet (Figure 38.18).

In the 1930s, scientists determined the action spectrum for light-induced germination of lettuce seeds. They exposed water-swollen seeds to a few minutes of singlecolored light of various wavelengths and then stored the seeds in the dark. After two days, the researchers counted the number of seeds that had germinated under each light regimen. They found that red light of wavelength 660 nm increased the germination percentage of lettuce seeds maximally, whereas far-red light—that is, light of wavelengths near the upper edge of human visibility (730 nm)—inhibited germination compared with dark controls (Figure 39.16). What happens when the lettuce seeds are subjected to a flash of red light followed by a flash of far-red light or, conversely, to far-red light followed by red light? The last flash of light determines the seeds' response: The effects of red and far-red light are reversible.

The photoreceptors responsible for the opposing effects of red and far-red light are phytochromes. So far, researchers have identified five phytochromes in Arabidopsis, each with a slightly different polypeptide component. In most phytochromes, the light-absorbing portion is photoreversible, converting back and forth between two forms, depending on the color of light to which it is exposed. In its red-absorbing form (Pr), a phytochrome absorbs red (r) light maximally and is converted to its far-red-absorbing form (Pfr); in its Pfr form, it absorbs far-red (fr) light and is converted to its Pr form (Figure 39.17). This Pr 4 Pfr interconversion is a switching mechanism that controls various light-induced events in the life of the plant. Pfr is the form of phytochrome that triggers many of a plant's developmental responses to light. For example, Pr in lettuce seeds exposed to red light is converted to Pfr, stimulating the cellular responses that lead to germination. When red-illuminated seeds are then exposed to far-red light, the Pfr is converted back to Pr, inhibiting the germination response.

Figure 39.7 Cell elongation in response to auxin: the acid growth hypothesis. The cell expands in a direction mainly perpendicular to the main orientation of the microfibrils in the cell wall (see Figure 35.31). Auxin increases the activity of proton pumps, which pump H+ from the cytoplasm. The H+ reduces the pH of the cell wall. The reduced pH activates wedge-shaped proteins called expansins (red) which separate the microfibrils (brown) from the polysaccharides (green).

The polysaccharides are cleaved by cell wall-loosening enzymes (purple). This process loosens the microfibrils, making the cell wall more flexible. At the same time, more microfibrils (not shown) are formed. Water uptake and increased turgor then cause the cell to elongate.

Bulk Flow by Positive Pressure: The Mechanism of Translocation in Angiosperms: Phloem sap flows from source to sink at rates as great as 1 m/hr, much faster than diffusion or cytoplasmic streaming. Researchers have concluded that phloem sap moves through the sieve tubes of angiosperms by bulk flow driven by positive pressure, known as pressure flow (Figure 36.17). The building of pressure at the source and reduction of that pressure at the sink cause sap to flow from source to sink.

The pressure-flow hypothesis explains why phloem sap flows from source to sink, and experiments build a strong case for pressure flow as the mechanism of translocation in angiosperms (Figure 36.18). However, studies using electron microscopes suggest that in nonflowering vascular plants, the pores between phloem cells may be too small or obstructed to permit pressure flow

Figure 36.12 Ascent of xylem sap. Hydrogen bonding forms an unbroken chain of water molecules extending from leaves to the soil. The force driving the ascent of xylem sap is a gradient of water potential (Ψ). For bulk flow over long distance, the Ψ gradient is due mainly to a gradient of the pressure potential (ΨP). Transpiration results in the ΨP at the leaf end of the xylem being lower than the ΨP at the root end. The Ψ values shown at the left are a "snapshot." They may vary during daylight, but the direction of the Ψ gradient remains the same.

The rate of transpiration is regulated by stomata: Leaves generally have large surface areas and high surfaceto-volume ratios. The large surface area enhances light absorption for photosynthesis. The high surface-to-volume ratio aids in CO2 absorption during photosynthesis as well as in the release of O2, a by-product of photosynthesis. Upon diffusing through the stomata, CO2 enters a honeycomb of air spaces formed by the spongy mesophyll cells (see Figure 35.18). Because of the irregular shapes of these cells, the leaf's internal surface area may be 10 to 30 times greater than the external surface area.

Photoperiodism and Control of Flowering: An early clue to how plants detect seasons came from a mutant variety of tobacco, Maryland Mammoth, that grew tall but failed to flower during summer. It finally bloomed in a greenhouse in December. After trying to induce earlier flowering by varying temperature, moisture, and mineral nutrition, researchers learned that the shortening days of winter stimulated this variety to flower. Experiments revealed that flowering occurred only if the photoperiod was 14 hours or shorter. This variety did not flower during summer because at Maryland's latitude the photoperiods were too long.

The researchers called Maryland Mammoth a short-day plant because it apparently required a light period shorter than a critical length to flower. Chrysanthemums, poinsettias, and some soybean varieties are also short-day plants, which generally flower in late summer, fall, or winter. Another group of plants flower only when the light period is longer than a certain number of hours. These long-day plants generally flower in late spring or early summer. Spinach, for example, flowers when days are 14 hours or longer. Radishes, lettuce, irises, and many cereal varieties are also long-day plants. Day-neutral plants, such as tomatoes, rice, and dandelions, are unaffected by photoperiod and flower when they reach a certain stage of maturity, regardless of photoperiod.

Soil Texture: The texture of soil depends on the sizes of its particles. Soil particles can range from coarse sand (0.02-2 mm in diameter) to silt (0.002-0.02 mm) to microscopic clay particles (less than 0.002 mm). These different-sized particles arise ultimately from the weathering of rock. Water freezing in crevices of rocks causes mechanical fracturing, and weak acids in the soil break rocks down chemically. When organisms penetrate the rock, they accelerate breakdown by chemical and mechanical means. Roots, for example, secrete acids that dissolve the rock, and their growth in fissures leads to mechanical fracturing. Mineral particles released by weathering become mixed with living organisms and humus, the remains of dead organisms and other organic matter, forming topsoil. The topsoil and other soil layers are called soil horizons (Figure 37.2).

The topsoil, or A horizon, can range in depth from millimeters to meters. We focus mostly on properties of topsoil because it is generally the most important soil layer for plant growth. The topsoils that are the most fertile—supporting the most abundant growth—are loams, which are composed of roughly equal amounts of sand, silt, and clay. Loamy soils have enough small silt and clay particles to provide ample surface area for the adhesion and retention of minerals and water.

Researchers discovered a bacterial strain that had undergone a mutation in the gene encoding this enzyme that rendered it glyphosate-resistant. When this mutated bacterial gene was spliced into the genome of various crops, these crops also became glyphosate-resistant. Farmers achieved almost total weed control by spraying glyphosate over their fields of glyphosate-resistant crops. Unfortunately, the overuse of glyphosate created a huge selective pressure on weed species, with the result that many have evolved resistance to glyphosate.

There has also been a growing appreciation in recent decades of the role that gut bacteria play in animal and human health, and claims have been made that glyphosate may be having negative effects on the health of humans and livestock by interfering with beneficial gut bacteria. What's more, in 2015 the World Health Organization deemed glyphosate a probable cause of cancer.

Signal transduction pathways link signal reception to response: Dodder plants receive specific signals from their environment and respond to them in ways that enhance survival and reproductive success, but dodder is not unique in this regard. Consider a more mundane example: a forgotten potato in the back corner of a kitchen cupboard. This modified underground stem, or tuber, has sprouted shoots from its "eyes" (axillary buds). These shoots, however, scarcely resemble those of a typical plant. Instead of sturdy stems and broad green leaves, this plant has ghostly pale stems and unexpanded leaves, as well as short, stubby roots (Figure 39.2a).

These morphological adaptations for growing in darkness, collectively referred to as etiolation, make sense if we consider that a young potato plant in nature usually encounters continuous darkness when sprouting underground. Under these circumstances, expanded leaves would be a hindrance to soil penetration and would be damaged as the shoots pushed through the soil. Because the leaves are unexpanded and underground, there is little evaporative loss of water and little requirement for an extensive root system to replace the water lost by transpiration. Moreover, the energy expended in producing green chlorophyll would be wasted because there is no light for photosynthesis. Instead, a potato plant growing in the dark allocates as much energy as possible to elongating its stems. This adaptation enables the shoots to break ground before the nutrient reserves in the tuber are exhausted. The etiolation response is one example of how a plant's morphology and physiology are tuned to its surroundings by complex interactions between environmental and internal signals.

Unlike ectomycorrhizae, arbuscular mycorrhizae do not ensheath the root but are embedded within it. They start when microscopic soil hyphae respond to the presence of a root by growing toward it, establishing contact, and growing along its surface. The hyphae penetrate between epidermal cells and then enter the root cortex, where they digest small patches of the cell walls but don't pierce the plasma membrane. Instead of entering the cytoplasm, a hypha grows into a tube formed by invagination of the root cell's membrane

This invagination is like poking a finger gently into a balloon without popping it; your finger is like the fungal hypha, and the balloon skin is like the root cell's membrane. After the hyphae have penetrated in this way, some of them branch densely, forming structures called arbuscules ("little trees"), which are important sites of nutrient transfer between the fungus and the plant. Within the hyphae themselves, oval vesicles may form, possibly serving as food storage sites for the fungus. Arbuscular mycorrhizae are far more common than ectomycorrhizae, being found in over 85% of plant species, including most crops. About 5% of plant species don't form mycorrhizal associations. Figure 37.15 provides an overview of mycorrhizae.

The Debate over Plant Biotechnology: Much of the debate about GM organisms (GMOs) in agriculture is political, social, economic, or ethical and therefore outside the scope of this book. But we should consider the biological concerns about GM crops. Some biologists, particularly ecologists, are concerned about the unknown risks associated with the release of GMOs into the environment. The debate centers on the extent to which GMOs could harm the environment or human health.

Those who want to proceed more slowly with agricultural biotechnology (or end it) are concerned about the unstoppable nature of the "experiment." If a drug trial produces unanticipated harmful results, the trial is stopped. But we may not be able to stop the "trial" of introducing novel organisms into the biosphere. Here we examine some criticisms that have been leveled by opponents of GMOs, including the alleged effects on human health and nontarget organisms and the potential for transgene escape.

Sugar-Conducting Cells of the Phloem: Unlike the water-conducting cells of the xylem, the sugar-conducting cells of the phloem are alive at functional maturity. In seedless vascular plants and gymnosperms, sugars and other organic nutrients are transported through long, narrow cells called sieve cells. In the phloem of angiosperms, these nutrients are transported through sieve tubes, which consist of chains of cells that are called sieve-tube elements, or sieve-tube members.

Though alive, sieve-tube elements lack a nucleus, ribosomes, a distinct vacuole, and cytoskeletal elements. This reduction in cell contents enables nutrients to pass more easily through the cell. The end walls between sieve-tube elements, called sieve plates, have pores that facilitate the flow of fluid from cell to cell along the sieve tube. Alongside each sieve-tube element is a nonconducting cell called a companion cell, which is connected to the sieve-tube element by numerous plasmodesmata (see Figure 6.27). The nucleus and ribosomes of the companion cell serve not only that cell itself but also the adjacent sieve-tube element. In some plants, the companion cells in leaves also help load sugars into the sieve-tube elements, which then transport the sugars to other parts of the plant.

Control of Apical Dominance Apical dominance, the ability of the apical bud to suppress the development of axillary buds, is under the control of sugar and various plant hormones, including auxin, cytokinins, and strigolactones. The sugar demand of the shoot tip is critical for maintaining apical dominance. Cutting off the apical bud removes apical sugar demand and rapidly increases sugar (sucrose) availability to axillary buds. This increase of sugar is sufficient to initiate bud release. However, not all of the buds grow equally: Usually only one of the axillary buds closest to the cut surface will take over as the new apical bud.

Three plant hormones—auxin, cytokinins, and strigolactones—play a role in determining the extent to which specific axillary buds elongate (Figure 39.8). In an intact plant, auxin transported down the shoot from the apical bud indirectly inhibits axillary buds from growing, causing a shoot to lengthen at the expense of lateral branching. The polar flow of auxin down the shoot triggers the synthesis of strigolactones, which directly repress bud growth. Meanwhile, cytokinins entering the shoot system from roots counter the action of auxin and strigolactones by signaling axillary buds to begin growing. Thus, in an intact plant, the cytokinin-rich axillary buds closer to the base of the plant tend to be longer than the auxin-rich axillary buds closer to the apical bud. Mutants that overproduce cytokinins or plants treated with cytokinins tend to be bushier than normal.

A different mechanism of asexual reproduction has evolved in dandelions and some other plants. These plants can sometimes produce seeds without pollination or fertilization. This asexual production of seeds is called apomixis (from the Greek words meaning "away from the act of mixing") because there is no joining or, indeed, production of sperm and egg. Instead, a diploid cell in the ovule gives rise to the embryo, and the ovules mature into seeds, which in the dandelion are dispersed by windblown fruits.

Thus, these plants clone themselves by an asexual process but have the advantage of seed dispersal, usually associated with sexual reproduction. Plant breeders are interested in introducing apomixis into hybrid crops because it would allow hybrid plants to pass desirable genomes intact to offspring

Cellular-Level Defenses: Some plant cells are specialized for deterring herbivores. Trichomes on leaves and stems hinder the access of chewing insects. Laticifers and, more generally, the central vacuoles of plant cells may serve as storage depots for chemicals that deter herbivores. Idioblasts are specialized cells found in the leaves and stems of many species, including taro (Colocasia esculenta). Some idioblasts contain needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate called raphides. They penetrate the soft tissues of the tongue and palate, making it easier for an irritant produced by the plant, possibly a protease, to enter animal tissues and cause temporary swelling of the lips, mouth, and throat. The crystals act as a carrier for the irritant, enabling it to seep deeper into the herbivore's tissues. The irritant is destroyed by cooking.

Tissue-Level Defenses: Some leaves deter herbivores by being especially tough to chew as a result of extensive growth of thick, hardened sclerenchyma tissue. The bright red cells with thick cell walls seen in this cross section through the major vein of an olive leaf (Olea europaea) are tough sclerenchyma fibers.

Fertilization: In natural ecosystems, mineral nutrients are usually recycled by the excretion of animal wastes and the decomposition of humus. Agriculture, however, is unnatural. The lettuce you eat, for example, contains minerals extracted from a farmer's field. As you excrete wastes, these minerals are deposited far from their original source. Over many harvests, the farmer's field will eventually become depleted of nutrients. Nutrient depletion is a major cause of global soil degradation. Farmers must reverse nutrient depletion by means of fertilization.

Today, most farmers in industrialized nations use fertilizers containing minerals that are either mined or prepared by energy-intensive processes. These fertilizers are usually enriched in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)— the nutrients most commonly deficient in depleted soils. You may have seen fertilizers labeled with a three-number code, called the N-P-K ratio. A fertilizer marked "15-10-5," for instance, is 15% N (as ammonium or nitrate), 10% P (as phosphate), and 5% K (as the mineral potash).

Plants are actually nourished by the soil solution, which consists of the water and dissolved minerals in the pores between soil particles. After a heavy rain, water drains from the larger spaces in the soil, but smaller spaces retain water because water molecules are attracted to the negatively charged surfaces of clay and other particles. The large spaces between soil particles in sandy soils generally don't retain enough water to support vigorous plant growth, but they do enable efficient diffusion of oxygen to the roots. Clayey soils tend to retain too much water, and when soil does not drain adequately, the air is replaced by water, and the roots suffocate from lack of oxygen. Typically, the most fertile topsoils have pores containing about half water and half air, providing a good balance between aeration, drainage, and water storage capacity. The physical properties of soils can be adjusted by adding soil amendments, such as peat moss, compost, manure, or sand.

Topsoil Composition: A soil's composition encompasses its inorganic (mineral) and organic chemical components. The organic components include the many life-forms that inhabit the soil.

Organic Components: The major organic component of topsoil is humus, which consists of organic material produced by the decomposition of fallen leaves, dead organisms, feces, and other organic matter by bacteria and fungi. Humus prevents clay particles from packing together and forms a crumbly soil that retains water but is still porous enough to aerate roots. Humus also increases the soil's capacity to exchange cations and is a reservoir of mineral nutrients that return gradually to the soil as microorganisms decompose the organic matter.

Topsoil is home to an astonishing number and variety of organisms. A teaspoon of topsoil has about 5 billion bacteria, which cohabit with fungi, algae and other protists, insects, earthworms, nematodes, and plant roots. The activities of all these organisms affect the soil's physical and chemical properties. Earthworms, for example, consume organic matter and derive their nutrition from the bacteria and fungi growing on this material. They excrete wastes and move large amounts of material to the soil surface. In addition, they move organic matter into deeper layers. Earthworms mix and clump the soil particles, allowing for better gaseous diffusion and water retention. Roots also affect soil texture and composition. For example, they reduce erosion by binding the soil, and they lower soil pH by excreting acids.

Water-Conducting Cells of the Xylem: The two types of water-conducting cells, tracheids and vessel elements, are tubular, elongated cells that are dead and lignified at functional maturity. Tracheids occur in the xylem of all vascular plants. In addition to tracheids, most angiosperms, as well as a few gymnosperms and a few seedless vascular plants, have vessel elements. When the living cellular contents of a tracheid or vessel element disintegrate, the cell's thickened walls remain behind, forming a nonliving conduit through which water can flow. The secondary walls of tracheids and vessel elements are often interrupted by pits, thinner regions where only primary walls are present (see Figure 6.27 to review primary and secondary walls). Water can migrate laterally between neighboring cells through pits.

Tracheids are long, thin cells with tapered ends. Water moves from cell to cell mainly through the pits, where it does not have to cross thick secondary walls. Vessel elements are generally wider, shorter, thinner walled, and less tapered than the tracheids. They are aligned end to end, forming long pipes known as vessels that in some cases are visible with the naked eye. The end walls of vessel elements have perforation plates that enable water to flow freely through the vessels. The secondary walls of tracheids and vessel elements are hardened with lignin. This hardening provides support and prevents collapse under the tension of water transport.

Signal transduction pathways must also have a means for turning off when the initial signal is no longer present, such as when a sprouting potato is put back into the cupboard. Protein phosphatases, which are enzymes that dephosphorylate specific proteins, are important in these "switch-off" processes. At any particular moment, a cell's functioning depends on the balance of activity of many types of protein kinases and protein phosphatases.

Transcriptional Regulation: As discussed in Concept 18.2, the proteins we call specific transcription factors bind to specific regions of DNA and control the transcription of specific genes (see Figure 18.10). In the case of phytochrome-induced de-etiolation, several such transcription factors are activated by phosphorylation in response to the appropriate light conditions. The activation of some of these transcription factors depends on their phosphorylation by protein kinases activated by cGMP or Ca2+.

Figure 36.9 Transport of water and minerals from root hairs to the xylem. Apoplastic route. Uptake of soil solution by the hydrophilic walls of root hairs provides access to the apoplast. Water and minerals can then diffuse into the cortex along this matrix of walls and extracellular spaces. Symplastic route. Minerals and water that cross the plasma membranes of root hairs can enter the symplast.

Transmembrane route. As soil solution moves along the apoplast, some water and minerals are transported into the protoplasts of cells of the epidermis and cortex and then move inward via the symplast. The endodermis: controlled entry to the vascular cylinder (stele). Within the transverse and radial walls of each endodermal cell is the Casparian strip, a belt of waxy material (purple band) that blocks the passage of water and dissolved minerals. Only minerals already in the symplast or entering that pathway by crossing the plasma membrane of an endodermal cell can detour around the Casparian strip and pass into the vascular cylinder (stele). Transport in the xylem. Endodermal cells and also living cells within the vascular cylinder discharge water and minerals into their walls (apoplast). The xylem vessels then transport the water and minerals by bulk flow upward into the shoot system.

Effects of Transpiration on Wilting and Leaf Temperature: As long as most stomata remain open, transpiration is greatest on a day that is sunny, warm, dry, and windy because these environmental factors increase evaporation. If transpiration cannot pull sufficient water to the leaves, the shoot becomes slightly wilted as cells lose turgor pressure. Although plants respond to such mild drought stress by rapidly closing stomata, some evaporative water loss still occurs through the cuticle. Under prolonged drought conditions, leaves can become severely wilted and irreversibly injured.

Transpiration also results in evaporative cooling, which can lower a leaf's temperature by as much as 10°C compared with the surrounding air. This cooling prevents the leaf from reaching temperatures that could denature enzymes involved in photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.

The upward pull on the sap creates tension within the vessel elements and tracheids, which are like elastic pipes. Positive pressure causes an elastic pipe to swell, whereas tension pulls the walls of the pipe inward. On a warm day, a decrease in the diameter of a tree trunk can even be measured. As transpirational pull puts the vessel elements and tracheids under tension, their thick secondary walls prevent them from collapsing, much as wire rings maintain the shape of a vacuum-cleaner hose. The tension produced by transpirational pull lowers water potential in the root xylem to such an extent that water flows passively from the soil, across the root cortex, and into the vascular cylinder.

Transpirational pull can extend down to the roots only through an unbroken chain of water molecules. Cavitation, the formation of a water vapor pocket, breaks the chain. It is more common in wide vessel elements than in tracheids and can occur during drought stress or when xylem sap freezes in winter. The air bubbles resulting from cavitation expand and block water channels of the xylem. The rapid expansion of air bubbles produces clicking noises that can be heard by placing sensitive microphones at the surface of the stem.

Auxin's Role in Plant Development The polar transport of auxin is a central element controlling the spatial organization, or pattern formation, of the developing plant. Auxin is synthesized in shoot tips, and it carries integrated information about the development, size, and environment of individual branches. This flow of information controls branching patterns. A reduced flow of auxin from a branch, for example, indicates that the branch is not being sufficiently productive: New branches are needed elsewhere. Thus, lateral buds below the branch are released from dormancy and begin to grow.

Transport of auxin also plays a key role in establishing phyllotaxy (see Figure 36.3), the arrangement of leaves on a stem. A leading model proposes that polar auxin transport in the shoot tip generates local peaks in auxin concentration that determine the site of leaf primordium formation and thereby the different phyllotaxies found in nature.

Neither the early land plants nor early land fungi were fully equipped to exploit the terrestrial environment. The early plants lacked the ability to extract essential nutrients from the soil, while the fungi were unable to manufacture carbohydrates. Instead of the fungi becoming parasitic on the rhizoids of the evolving plants (roots or root hairs had not yet evolved), the two organisms formed mycorrhizal associations, a mutualistic symbiosis that allowed both of them to exploit the terrestrial environment. Fossil evidence supports the idea that mycorrhizal associations occurred in the earliest land plants. The small minority of extant angiosperms that are nonmycorrhizal probably lost this ability through gene loss.

Types of Mycorrhizae: Mycorrhizae come in two forms called ectomycorrhizae and arbuscular mycorrhizae. Ectomycorrhizae form a dense sheath, or mantle, of mycelia (mass of branching hyphae; see Figure 31.2), over the surface of the root. Fungal hyphae extend from the mantle into the soil, greatly increasing the surface area for water and mineral absorption. Hyphae also grow into the root cortex. These hyphae do not penetrate the root cells but form a network in the apoplast, or extracellular space, which facilitates nutrient exchange between the fungus and the plant. Compared with "uninfected" roots, ectomycorrhizae are generally thicker, shorter, and more branched. They typically do not form root hairs, which would be superfluous given the extensive surface area of the fungal mycelium. Only about 10% of plant families have species that form ectomycorrhizae. The vast majority of these species are woody, including members of the pine, oak, birch, and eucalyptus families

Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture: Ancient farmers recognized that crop yields on a particular plot of land decreased over the years. Moving to uncultivated areas, they observed the same pattern of reduced yields over time. Eventually, they realized that fertilization, the addition of mineral nutrients to the soil, could make soil a renewable resource that enabled crops to be cultivated season after season at a fixed location. This sedentary agriculture facilitated a new way of life. Humans began to build permanent dwellings—the first villages. They also stored food for use between harvests, and food surpluses enabled some people to specialize in nonfarming occupations. In short, soil management, by fertilization and other practices, helped prepare the way for modern societies.

Unfortunately, soil mismanagement has been a recurrent problem throughout human history, as exemplified by the American Dust Bowl, an ecological and human disaster that ravaged the southwestern Great Plains of the United States in the 1930s. This region suffered through devastating dust storms that resulted from a prolonged drought and decades of inappropriate farming techniques. Before the arrival of farmers, the Great Plains had been covered by hardy grasses that held the soil in place in spite of recurring droughts and torrential rains. But in the late 1800s and early 1900s, many homesteaders settled in the region, planting wheat and raising cattle. These land uses left the soil exposed to erosion by winds. A few years of drought made the problem worse. During the 1930s, huge quantities of fertile soil were blown away in "black blizzards," rendering millions of hectares of farmland useless (Figure 37.4). In one of the worst dust storms, clouds of dust blew eastward to Chicago, where soil fell like snow, and even reached the Atlantic coast. Hundreds of thousands of people in the Dust Bowl region were forced to abandon their homes and land, a plight immortalized in John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath.

Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering: Plant biotechnology has two meanings. In the general sense, it refers to innovations in the use of plants (or substances obtained from plants) to make products of use to humans— an endeavor that began in prehistory. In a more specific sense, biotechnology refers to the use of GM organisms in agriculture and industry. Indeed, in the last two decades, genetic engineering has become such a powerful force that the terms genetic engineering and biotechnology have become synonymous in the media.

Unlike traditional plant breeders, modern plant biotechnologists, using techniques of genetic engineering, are not limited to the transfer of genes between closely related species or genera. For example, traditional breeding techniques could not be used to insert a desired gene from daffodil into rice because the many intermediate species between rice and daffodil and their common ancestor are extinct. In theory, if breeders had the intermediate species, over the course of several centuries they could probably introduce a daffodil gene into rice by traditional hybridization and breeding methods. With genetic engineering, however, such gene transfers can be done more quickly, more specifically, and without the need for intermediate species. The term transgenic is used to an organism that has been engineered to contain DNA from another organism of the same or a different species (see Concept 20.1 for a discussion of the methods underlying genetic engineering).

Totipotency, Vegetative Reproduction, and Tissue Culture: In a multicellular organism, any cell that can divide and asexually generate a clone of the original organism is said to be totipotent. Totipotency is found in many plants, particularly but not exclusively in their meristematic tissues. Plant totipotency underlies most of the techniques used by humans to clone plants.

Vegetative Propagation and Grafting: Vegetative reproduction occurs naturally in many plants, but it can often be facilitated or induced by humans, in which case it is called vegetative propagation. Most houseplants, landscape shrubs and bushes, and orchard trees are asexually reproduced from plant fragments called cuttings. In most cases, shoot cuttings are used. At the wounded end of the shoot, a mass of dividing, undifferentiated totipotent cells called a callus forms, and adventitious roots develop from the callus. If the shoot fragment includes a node, then adventitious roots form without a callus stage.

Cohesion and Adhesion in the Ascent of Xylem Sap Cohesion and adhesion facilitate the transport of water by bulk flow. Cohesion is the attractive force between molecules of the same substance. Water has an unusually high cohesive force due to the hydrogen bonds each water molecule can potentially make with other water molecules. Water's cohesive force within the xylem gives it a tensile strength equivalent to that of a steel wire of similar diameter. The cohesion of water makes it possible to pull a column of xylem sap from above without the water molecules separating.

Water molecules exiting the xylem in the leaf tug on adjacent water molecules, and this pull is relayed, molecule by molecule, down the entire column of water in the xylem. Meanwhile, the strong adhesion of water molecules (again by hydrogen bonds) to the hydrophilic walls of xylem cells helps offset the downward force of gravity.

Leaf Abscission The loss of leaves from deciduous trees helps prevent desiccation during seasonal periods when the availability of water to the roots is severely limited. Before dying leaves abscise, many essential elements are salvaged from them and stored in stem parenchyma cells. These nutrients are recycled back to developing leaves during the following spring. The colors of autumn leaves are due to newly made red pigments as well as yellow and orange carotenoids (see Concept 10.2) that were already present in the leaves and are rendered visible by the breakdown of the dark green chlorophyll in autumn.

When an autumn leaf falls, it detaches from the stem at an abscission layer that develops near the base of the petiole (Figure 39.14). The small parenchyma cells of this layer have very thin walls, and there are no fiber cells around the vascular tissue. The abscission layer is further weakened when enzymes hydrolyze polysaccharides in the cell walls. Finally, the weight of the leaf, with the help of the wind, causes a separation within the abscission layer. Even before the leaf falls, a layer of cork forms a protective scar on the twig side of the abscission layer, preventing pathogens from invading the plant. A change in the ratio of ethylene to auxin controls abscission. An aging leaf produces less and less auxin, rendering the cells of the abscission layer more sensitive to ethylene. As the influence of ethylene on the abscission layer prevails, the cells produce enzymes that digest the cellulose and other components of cell walls.

In traditional plant breeding, when a desirable trait is identified in a wild species, the wild species is crossed with a domesticated variety. Generally, those progeny that have inherited the desirable trait from the wild parent have also inherited many traits that are not desirable for agriculture, such as small fruits or low yields. The progeny that express the desired trait are again crossed with members of the domesticated species and their progeny examined for the desired trait. This process is continued until the progeny with the desired wild trait resemble the original domesticated parent in their other agricultural attributes.

While most breeders cross-pollinate plants of a single species, some breeding methods rely on hybridization between two distant species of the same genus. Such crosses sometimes result in the abortion of the hybrid seed during development. Often in these cases the embryo begins to develop, but the endosperm does not. Hybrid embryos are sometimes rescued by surgically removing them from the ovule and culturing them in vitro.

The multistep conversion of N2 to NH3 by nitrogen fixation can be summarized as follows: N2 + 8e- + 8H+ + 16ATP S 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 P i The reaction is driven by the enzyme complex nitrogenase. Because the process of nitrogen fixation requires 16 ATP

molecules for every 2 NH3 molecules synthesized, nitrogenfixing bacteria require a rich supply of carbohydrates from decaying material, root secretions, or (in the case of the Rhizobium bacteria) the vascular tissue of roots.

Figure 35.4 Evolutionary adaptations of roots. ◀ Buttress roots. Because of moist conditions in the tropics, root systems of many of the tallest trees are surprisingly shallow. Aerial roots that look like buttresses, such as seen in Gyranthera caribensis in Venezuela, give architectural support to the trunks of trees. ▶ "Strangling" aerial roots. Strangler fig seeds germinate in the crevices of tall trees. Aerial roots grow to the ground, wrapping around the host tree and objects such as this Cambodian temple. Shoots grow upward and shade out the host tree, killing it

▲ Pneumatophores. Also known as air roots, pneumatophores are produced by trees such as mangroves that inhabit tidal swamps. By projecting above the water's surface at low tide, they enable the root system to obtain oxygen, which is lacking in the thick, waterlogged mud. ▲ Prop roots. The aerial, adventitious roots of maize (corn) are prop roots, so named because they support tall, top-heavy plants. All roots of a mature maize plant are adventitious whether they emerge above or below ground. ▲ Storage roots. Many plants, such as the common beet, store food and water in their roots.

Figure 36.15 Some xerophytic adaptations. Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) is common in the southwestern region of the United States and northern Mexico. It is leafless during most of the year, thereby avoiding excessive water loss (right). Immediately after a heavy rainfall, it produces small leaves (below and inset). As the soil dries, the leaves quickly shrivel and die. Oleander (Nerium oleander), shown in the inset, is commonly found in arid climates. Its leaves have a thick cuticle and multiple-layered epidermal tissue that reduce water loss. Stomata are recessed in cavities called "crypts," an adaptation that reduces the rate of transpiration by protecting the stomata from hot, dry wind. Trichomes help minimize transpiration by breaking up the flow of air, allowing the chamber of the crypt to have a higher humidity than the surrounding atmosphere (LM).

▶ The long, white hairlike bristles along the stem of the old man cactus (Cephalocereus senilis) help reflect the intense sunlight of the Mexican desert.

Dispersal by Animals: The sharp, tack-like spines on the fruits of puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris) can pierce bicycle tires and injure animals, including humans. When these painful "tacks" are removed and discarded, the seeds are dispersed. ▶ Seeds in edible fruits are often dispersed in feces, such as the black bear feces shown here. Such dispersal may carry seeds far from the parent plant.

◀ Some animals, such as squirrels, hoard seeds or fruits in underground caches. If the animal dies or forgets the cache's location, the buried seeds are well positioned to germinate. ▶ Ants are chemically attracted to seeds with "food bodies" rich in fatty acids, amino acids, and sugars. The ants carry the seed to their underground nest, where the food body (the lighter-colored portion shown here) is removed and fed to larvae. Due to the seed's size, unwieldy shape, or hard coating, the remainder is usually left intact in the nest, where it germinates. ◀ The sharp, tack-like spines on the fruits of puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris) can pierce bicycle tires and injure animals, including humans. When these painful "tacks" are removed and discarded, the seeds are dispersed.

Some plants bloom after a single exposure to the photoperiod required for flowering. Other species need several successive days of the appropriate photoperiod. Still others respond to a photoperiod only if they have been previously exposed to some other environmental stimulus, such as a period of cold. Winter wheat, for example, will not flower unless it has been exposed to several weeks of temperatures below 10°C. The use of pretreatment with cold to induce flowering is called vernalization (from the Latin for "spring"). Several weeks after winter wheat is vernalized, a long photoperiod (short night) induces flowering

A Flowering Hormone? Although flowers form from apical or axillary bud meristems, it is leaves that detect changes in photoperiod and produce signaling molecules that cue buds to develop as flowers. In many short-day and long-day plants, exposing just one leaf to the appropriate photoperiod is enough to induce flowering. Indeed, as long as one leaf is left on the plant, photoperiod is detected and floral buds are induced. If all leaves are removed, the plant is insensitive to photoperiod.

The pale, rootlike appendages of Genlisea, the wetland herb seen in Figure 37.1, are actually highly modified underground leaves adapted for trapping and digesting a variety of small soil inhabitants, including bacteria, algae, protozoa, nematodes, and copepods. But how do these trap-leaves work? Imagine twisting a narrow strip of paper to make a drinking straw. This is essentially the mechanism by which these corkscrewshaped tubular leaves form.

A narrow spiral slit runs along most of the trap-leaf's length; it is lined with curved hairs that allow microorganisms to enter the leaf tube but not exit. Once inside, prey find themselves traveling inexorably upward toward a small chamber lined with digestive glands that seal their fate. The inability of prey to backtrack is ensured by another set of curved hairs that allow only one-way passage (see micrograph at left). Genlisea's carnivorous habit is a marvelous adaptation that enables the plant to supplement the meager mineral rations available from the boggy, nutrient-poor soils in which it grows with minerals released from its digested prey.

A stamen (microsporophyll) consists of a stalk called the filament and a terminal structure called the anther; within the anther are chambers called microsporangia (pollen sacs) that produce pollen. Petals are typically more brightly colored than sepals and advertise the flower to insects and other animal pollinators. Sepals, which enclose and protect unopened floral buds, usually resemble leaves more than the other floral organs do.

Complete flowers have all four basic floral organs (see Figure 38.2). Some species have incomplete flowers, lacking sepals, petals, stamens, or carpels. For example, most grass flowers lack petals. Some incomplete flowers are sterile, lacking functional stamens and carpels; others are unisexual (sometimes called imperfect), lacking either stamens or carpels. Flowers also vary in size, shape, color, odor, organ arrangement, and time of opening. Some are borne singly, while others are arranged in showy clusters called inflorescences. For example, a sunflower consists of a central disk composed of hundreds of tiny incomplete flowers, surrounded by sterile, incomplete flowers that look like yellow petals (see Figure 40.23). Much of floral diversity represents adaptation to specific pollinators.

Researchers are also engineering plants with enhanced resistance to disease. In one case, a transgenic papaya that is resistant to a ring spot virus was introduced into Hawaii, thereby saving its papaya industry.

Considerable controversy has arisen concerning transgenic crops that are resistant to the herbicide glyphosate. Glyphosate is lethal to a wide variety of plants because it inhibits a key enzyme in a biochemical pathway that is found in plants (and most bacteria) but not in animals.

When the soil pH dips to 5 or lower, toxic aluminum ions (Al3+ ) become more soluble and are absorbed by roots, stunting root growth and preventing the uptake of calcium, a needed plant nutrient. Some plants can cope with high Al3+ levels by secreting organic anions that bind Al3+ and render it harmless. However, low soil pH and Al3+ toxicity continue to pose serious problems, especially in tropical regions, where the pressure of producing food for a growing population is often most acute.

Controlling Erosion: As happened most dramatically in the Dust Bowl, water and wind erosion can remove large amounts of topsoil. Erosion is a major cause of soil degradation because nutrients are carried away by wind and streams. To limit erosion, farmers plant rows of trees as windbreaks, terrace hillside crops, and cultivate crops in a contour pattern (Figure 37.6). Crops such as alfalfa and wheat provide good ground cover and protect the soil better than maize and other crops that are usually planted in more widely spaced rows.

Figure 39.11 Precocious germination of wild-type mangrove and mutant maize seeds. Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seeds produce only low levels of ABA, and their seeds germinate while still on the tree. In this case, early germination is a useful adaptation. When released, the radicle of the dart-like seedling deeply penetrates the soft mudats in which the mangroves grow. Precocious germination in this maize mutant is caused by lack of a functional transcription factor required for ABA action.

Ethylene: During the 1800s, when coal gas was used as fuel for streetlights, leakage from gas pipes caused nearby trees to drop leaves prematurely. In 1901, the gas ethylene was demonstrated to be the active factor in coal gas. But the idea that it is a plant hormone was not widely accepted until the advent of a technique called gas chromatography simplified its identification.

Fruit Growth In many plants, both auxin and gibberellins must be present for fruit to develop. The most important commercial application of gibberellins is in the spraying of Thompson seedless grapes (Figure 39.9b). The hormone makes the individual grapes grow larger, a trait valued by the consumer. The gibberellin sprays also make the internodes of the grape bunch elongate, allowing more space for the individual grapes. By enhancing air circulation between the grapes, this increase in space also makes it harder for yeasts and other microorganisms to infect the fruit.

Germination The embryo of a seed is a rich source of gibberellins. After water is imbibed, the release of gibberellins from the embryo signals the seed to break dormancy and germinate. Some seeds that normally require particular environmental conditions to germinate, such as exposure to light or low temperatures, break dormancy if they are treated with gibberellins. Gibberellins support the growth of cereal seedlings by stimulating the synthesis of digestive enzymes such as α-amylase that mobilize stored nutrients (Figure 39.10).

Common Types of Plant Cells:

In a plant, as in any multicellular organism, cells undergo cell differentiation; that is, they become specialized in structure and function during the course of development. Cell differentiation may involve changes both in the cytoplasm and its organelles and in the cell wall. Figure 35.10, on the next two pages, focuses on the major types of plant cells. Notice the structural adaptations that make specific functions possible. You may also wish to review basic plant cell structure (see Figures 6.8 and 6.28).

Fruits are classified into several types, depending on their developmental origin. Most fruits are derived from a single carpel or several fused carpels and are called simple fruits (Figure 38.11a). An aggregate fruit results from a single flower that has more than one separate carpel, each forming a small fruit (Figure 38.11b). These "fruitlets" are clustered together on a single receptacle, as in a raspberry. A multiple fruit develops from an inflorescence, a group of flowers tightly clustered together. When the walls of the many ovaries start to thicken, they fuse together and become incorporated into one fruit, as in a pineapple (Figure 38.11c).

In some angiosperms, other floral parts contribute to what we commonly call the fruit. Such fruits are called accessory fruits. In apple flowers, the ovary is embedded in the receptacle, and the fleshy part of this simple fruit is derived mainly from the enlarged receptacle; only the apple core develops from the ovary (Figure 38.11d). Another example is the strawberry, an aggregate fruit consisting of an enlarged receptacle studded with tiny, partially embedded fruits, each bearing a single seed.

Sugars are transported from sources to sinks via the phloem: The unidirectional flow of water and minerals from soil to roots to leaves through the xylem is largely in an upward direction. In contrast, the movement of photosynthates often runs in the opposite direction, transporting sugars from mature leaves to lower parts of the plant, such as root tips that require large amounts of sugars for energy and growth. The transport of the products of photosynthesis, known as translocation, is carried out by another tissue, the phloem.

Movement from Sugar Sources to Sugar Sinks: Sieve-tube elements are specialized cells in angiosperms that serve as conduits for translocation. Arranged end to end, they form long sieve tubes (see Figure 35.10). Between these cells are sieve plates, structures that allow the flow of sap along the sieve tube. Phloem sap, the aqueous solution that flows through sieve tubes, differs markedly from the xylem sap that is transported by tracheids and vessel elements. By far the most prevalent solute in phloem sap is sugar, typically sucrose in most species. The sucrose concentration may be as high as 30% by weight, giving the sap a syrupy thickness. Phloem sap may also contain amino acids, hormones, and minerals.

Figure 37.12 The roles of soil bacteria in the nitrogen nutrition of plants. Ammonium is made available to plants by two types of soil bacteria: those that fix atmospheric N2 (nitrogen-fixing bacteria) and those that decompose organic material (ammonifying bacteria). Although plants absorb some ammonium from the soil, they absorb mainly nitrate, which is produced from ammonium by nitrifying bacteria. Plants reduce nitrate back to ammonium before incorporating the nitrogen into organic compounds.

Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria: A Closer Look Although Earth's atmosphere is 79% nitrogen, plants cannot use free gaseous nitrogen (N2) because there is a triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms, making the molecule almost inert. For atmospheric N2 to be of use to plants, it must be reduced to NH3 by a process known as nitrogen fixation. All nitrogen-fixing organisms are bacteria. Some nitrogen-fixing bacteria are free-living in the soil (see Figure 37.12), whereas others are rhizospheric. Among this latter group, members of the genus Rhizobium form efficient and intimate associations with the roots of legumes (such as beans, alfalfa, and peanuts), altering the structure of the hosts' roots markedly, as will be discussed shortly.

Embryo Development: The first mitotic division of the zygote is asymmetrical and splits the fertilized egg into a basal cell and a terminal cell (Figure 38.7). The terminal cell eventually gives rise to most of the embryo. The basal cell continues to divide, producing a thread of cells called the suspensor, which anchors the embryo to the parent plant. The suspensor helps in transferring nutrients to the embryo from the parent plant and, in some species, from the endosperm. As the suspensor elongates, it pushes the embryo deeper into the nutritive and protective tissues. Meanwhile, the terminal cell divides several times and forms a spherical proembryo (early embryo) attached to the suspensor. The cotyledons begin to form as bumps on the proembryo. A eudicot embryo, with its two cotyledons, is heart-shaped at this stage

Soon after the rudimentary cotyledons appear, the embryo elongates. Cradled between the two cotyledons is the embryonic shoot apex. At the opposite end of the embryo's axis, where the suspensor attaches, an embryonic root apex forms. After the seed germinates—indeed, for the rest of the plant's life—the apical meristems at the apices of shoots and roots sustain primary growth (see Figure 35.11).

Although large surface areas and high surface-to-volume ratios increase the rate of photosynthesis, they also increase water loss by way of the stomata. Thus, a plant's tremendous requirement for water is largely a consequence of the shoot system's need for ample exchange of CO2 and O2 for photosynthesis. By opening and closing the stomata, guard cells help balance the plant's requirement to conserve water with its requirement for photosynthesis (Figure 36.13).

Stomata: Major Pathways for Water Loss: About 95% of the water a plant loses escapes through stomata, although these pores account for only 1-2% of the external leaf surface. The waxy cuticle limits water loss through the remaining surface of the leaf. Each stoma is flanked by a pair of guard cells. Guard cells control the diameter of the stoma by changing shape, thereby widening or narrowing the gap between the guard cell pair. Under the same environmental conditions, the amount of water lost by a leaf depends largely on the number of stomata and the average size of their pores.

The changes in turgor pressure in guard cells result primarily from the reversible absorption and loss of K+ . Stomata open when guard cells actively accumulate K+ from neighboring epidermal cells (Figure 36.14b). The flow of K+ across the plasma membrane of the guard cell is coupled to the generation of a membrane potential by proton pumps (see Figure 36.6a). Stomatal opening correlates with active transport of H+ out of the guard cell. The resulting voltage (membrane potential) drives K+ into the cell through specific membrane channels.

The absorption of K+ causes the water potential to become more negative within the guard cells, and the cells become more turgid as water enters by osmosis. Because most of the K+ and water are stored in the vacuole, the vacuolar membrane also plays a role in regulating guard cell dynamics. Stomatal closing results from a loss of K+ from guard cells to neighboring cells, which leads to an osmotic loss of water. Aquaporins also help regulate the osmotic swelling and shrinking of guard cells.

By increasing the length of roots, primary growth facilitates their penetration and exploration of the soil. If a resource-rich pocket is located in the soil, the branching of roots may be stimulated. Branching, too, is a form of primary growth. Lateral (branch) roots arise from meristematically active regions of the pericycle, the outermost cell layer in the vascular cylinder, which is adjacent to and just inside the endodermis (see Figure 35.14).

The emerging lateral roots destructively push through the outer tissues until they emerge from the established root (Figure 35.15).

Growth and Flowering: Once a seed has germinated and started to photosynthesize, most of the plant's resources are devoted to the growth of stems, leaves, and roots (also known as vegetative growth). This growth, including both primary and secondary growth, arises from the activity of meristematic cells (see Concept 35.2). During this stage, usually the best strategy is to photosynthesize and grow as much as possible before flowering, the reproductive phase.

The flowers of a given plant species typically appear suddenly and simultaneously at a specific time of year. Such timing promotes outbreeding, the main advantage of sexual reproduction. Flower formation involves a developmental switch in the shoot apical meristem from a vegetative to a reproductive growth mode. This transition into a floral meristem is triggered by a combination of environmental cues (such as day length) and internal signals, as you'll learn in Concept 39.3. Once the transition to flowering has begun, the order of each organ's emergence from the floral meristem determines whether it will develop into a sepal, petal, stamen, or carpel (see Figure 35.36).

Figure 38.8 Seed structure. Common garden bean, a eudicot with thick cotyledons. The fleshy cotyledons store food absorbed from the endosperm before the seed germinates. Maize, a monocot. Like all monocots, maize has only one cotyledon. Maize and other grasses have a large cotyledon called a scutellum. The rudimentary shoot is sheathed in a structure called the coleoptile, and the coleorhiza covers the young root.

The length of time a dormant seed remains viable and capable of germinating varies from a few days to decades or even longer, depending on the plant species and environmental conditions. The oldest carbon-14-dated seed that has grown into a viable plant was a 2,000-year-old date palm seed from Israel. Most seeds are durable enough to last a year or two until conditions are favorable for germinating. Thus, the soil has a bank of ungerminated seeds that may have accumulated for several years. This is one reason vegetation reappears so rapidly after an environmental disruption such as fire

Nine of the essential elements are called macronutrients because plants require them in relatively large amounts. Six of these are the major components of organic compounds forming a plant's structure: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. The other three macronutrients are potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Of all the mineral nutrients, nitrogen contributes the most to plant growth and crop yields. Plants require nitrogen as a component of proteins, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, and other important organic molecules. Table 37.1 summarizes the functions of the macronutrients.

The other essential elements are called micronutrients because plants need them in only tiny quantities. They are chlorine, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, nickel, and molybdenum. Sodium is a ninth essential micronutrient for plants that use the C4 or CAM pathways of photosynthesis (see Concept 10.4) because it is needed for the regeneration of phosphoenolpyruvate, the CO2 acceptor used in these two types of carbon fixation.

Pushing Xylem Sap: Root Pressure: At night, when there is almost no transpiration, root cells continue actively pumping mineral ions into the xylem of the vascular cylinder. Meanwhile, the Casparian strip of the endodermis prevents the ions from leaking back out into the cortex and soil. The resulting accumulation of minerals lowers the water potential within the vascular cylinder. Water flows in from the root cortex, generating root pressure, a push of xylem sap.

The root pressure sometimes causes more water to enter the leaves than is transpired, resulting in guttation, the exudation of water droplets that can be seen in the morning on the tips or edges of some plant leaves (Figure 36.10). Guttation fluid should not be confused with dew, which is condensed atmospheric moisture.

Effector-Triggered Immunity: Over the course of evolution, plants and pathogens have engaged in an arms race. PAMP-triggered immunity can be overcome by the evolution of pathogens that can evade detection by the plant. These pathogens deliver effectors, pathogen-encoded proteins that cripple the plant's innate immune system, directly into plant cells. For example, some bacteria deliver effectors inside the plant cell that block the perception of flagellin. Thus, these effectors allow the pathogen to redirect the host's metabolism to the pathogen's advantage.

The suppression of PAMP-triggered immunity by pathogen effectors led to the evolution of effector-triggered immunity. Because there are thousands of effectors, this plant defense is typically made up of hundreds of disease resistance (R) genes. Each R gene codes for an R protein that can be activated by a specific effector. Signal transduction pathways then lead to an arsenal of defense responses, including a local defense called the hypersensitive response and a general defense called systemic acquired resistance. Local and systemic responses to pathogens require extensive genetic reprogramming and commitment of cellular resources. Therefore, a plant activates these defenses only after detecting a pathogen.

The continuing debate about GMOs in agriculture exemplifies one of this textbook's recurring ideas: the relationship of science and technology to society. Technological advances almost always involve some risk of unintended outcomes. In the case of genetically engineered crops, zero risk is probably unattainable.

Therefore, scientists and the public must assess on a case-by-case basis the possible benefits of transgenic products versus the risks that society is willing to take. The best scenario is for these discussions and decisions to be based on sound scientific information and rigorous testing rather than on reflexive fear or blind optimism.

The protoderm, the outermost primary meristem, gives rise to the epidermis, a single layer of cuticle-free cells covering the root. Root hairs are the most prominent feature of the root epidermis.

These modified epidermal cells function in the absorption of water and minerals. Root hairs typically only live a few weeks but together make up 70-90% of the total root surface area. It has been estimated that a 4-monthold rye plant has about 14 billion root hairs. Laid end to end, the root hairs of a single rye plant would cover 10,000 km, one-quarter the length of the equator.

In working to create biofuel crops from wild precursors, scientists are focusing their domestication efforts on fastgrowing plants, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and poplar (Populus trichocarpa), that can grow on soil that is too poor for food production. Scientists do not expect the plant biomass to be burned directly. Instead, the polymers in cell walls, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, which constitute the most abundant organic compounds on Earth, would be broken down into sugars by enzymatic reactions.

These sugars, in turn, would be fermented into alcohol and distilled to yield biofuels. In addition to increasing plant polysaccharide content and overall biomass, researchers are trying to genetically engineer the cell walls of plants to increase the efficiency of the enzymatic conversion process.

Chapters 29 and 30 provided an overview of plant diversity, including both nonvascular and vascular plants. In Unit Six, we'll focus on vascular plants, especially angiosperms because flowering plants are the primary producers in many terrestrial ecosystems and are of great agricultural importance.

This chapter mainly explores nonreproductive growth—roots, stems, and leaves—and focuses primarily on the two main groups of angiosperms: eudicots and monocots (see Figure 30.16). Later, in Chapter 38, we'll examine angiosperm reproductive growth: flowers, seeds, and fruits.

Figure 36.2 An overview of resource acquisition and transport in a vascular plant during the day. In photosynthesis, CO2 is taken up and O2 released through the stomata of leaves and green stems. Transpiration, the loss of water from leaves (mostly through stomata), creates a force within leaves that pulls xylem sap upward. Water and minerals are transported upward from roots to shoots as xylem sap.

Water and minerals in the soil are absorbed by roots. In cellular respiration, root cells exchange gases with the air spaces of soil, taking in O2 and discharging CO2. Phloem sap can flow both ways between shoots and roots. It moves from sites of sugar production (usually leaves) or storage (usually roots) to sites of sugar use or storage. Sugars are produced by photosynthesis in the leaves.

Figure 39.2 Light-induced de-etiolation (greening) of dark-grown potatoes. Before exposure to light. A dark-grown potato has tall, spindly stems and nonexpanded leaves—morphological adaptations that enable the shoots to penetrate the soil. The roots are short, but there is little need for water absorption because little water is lost by the shoots.After a week's exposure to natural daylight. The potato plant begins to resemble a typical plant with broad green leaves, short sturdy stems, and long roots. This transformation begins with the reception of light by a specific pigment, phytochrome.

When a shoot reaches light, the plant undergoes profound changes, collectively called de-etiolation (informally known as greening). Stem elongation slows; leaves expand; roots elongate; and the shoot produces chlorophyll. In short, it begins to resemble a typical plant (Figure 39.2b). In this section, we will use this de-etiolation response as an example of how a plant cell's reception of a signal—in this case, light—is transduced into a response (greening). Along the way, we will explore how studies of mutants provide insights into the molecular details of the stages of cell signal processing: reception, transduction, and response (Figure 39.3).

Researchers have used a novel technique to identify clock mutants of Arabidopsis. One prominent circadian rhythm in plants is the daily production of certain photosynthesis-related proteins. Molecular biologists traced the source of this rhythm to the promoter that initiates the transcription of the genes for these photosynthesis proteins. To identify clock mutants, scientists inserted the gene for an enzyme responsible for the bioluminescence of fireflies, called luciferase, to the promoter.

When the biological clock turned on the promoter in the Arabidopsis genome, it also turned on the production of luciferase. The plants began to glow with a circadian periodicity. Clock mutants were then isolated by selecting specimens that glowed for a longer or shorter time than normal. The genes altered in some of these mutants affect proteins that normally bind photoreceptors. Perhaps these particular mutations disrupt a light-dependent mechanism that sets the biological clock.

Seed Dormancy: An Adaptation for Tough Times: The environmental conditions required to break seed dormancy vary among species. Some seed types germinate as soon as they are in a suitable environment. Others remain dormant, even if sown in a favorable place, until a specific environmental cue causes them to break dormancy The requirement for specific cues to break seed dormancy increases the chances that germination will occur at a time and place most advantageous to the seedling. Seeds of many desert plants, for instance, germinate only after a substantial rainfall. If they were to germinate after a mild drizzle, the soil might soon become too dry to support the seedlings. Where natural fires are common, many seeds require intense heat or smoke to break dormancy; seedlings are therefore most abundant after fire has cleared away competing vegetation.

Where winters are harsh, seeds may require extended exposure to cold before they germinate; seeds sown during summer or fall will therefore not germinate until the following spring, ensuring a long growth season before the next winter. Certain small seeds, such as those of some lettuce varieties, require light for germination and will break dormancy only if buried shallow enough for the seedlings to poke through the soil surface. Some seeds have coats that must be weakened by chemical attack as they pass through an animal's digestive tract and thus are usually carried a long distance before germinating from feces.

Asymmetrical cell divisions also play a role in the establishment of polarity, the condition of having structural or chemical differences at opposite ends of an organism. Plants typically have an axis, with a root end and a shoot end. Such polarity is most obvious in morphological differences, but it is also apparent in physiological properties, including the movement of the hormone auxin in a single direction and the emergence of adventitious roots and shoots from "cuttings."

" In a stem cutting, adventitious roots emerge from the end that was nearest the root; in a root cutting, adventitious shoots arise from the end that was nearest the shoot.

Figure 35.36 The ABC hypothesis for the functioning of organ identity genes in flower development. (a)A schematic diagram of the ABC hypothesis. Three classes of organ identity genes are responsible for the spatial pattern of floral parts. These genes, designated A, B, and C, regulate expression of other genes responsible for development of sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels Carpels develop where only C genes are expressed. Stamens develop where both B and C genes are expressed. Petals develop where both A and B genes are expressed. Sepals develop where only A genes are expressed.

(b) Side view of wild type flower and flowers with organ identity mutations. The phenotype of mutants lacking a functional A, B, or C organ identity gene can be explained by the model in part (a) and the observation that if either the A gene or C gene is suppressed, the other gene is expressed in that whorl. For example, if the A gene is suppressed in a mutant, the C gene is expressed where the A gene would normally be expressed. Therefore, carpels (C gene expressed) develop in the outermost whorl, and stamens (B and C genes expressed) develop in the next whorl.

Figure 36.6 Solute transport across plant cell plasma membranes. (a) H+ and membrane potential. The plasma membranes of plant cells use ATP-dependent proton pumps to pump H+ out of the cell. These pumps contribute to the membrane potential and the establishment of a pH gradient across the membrane. These two forms of potential energy can drive the transport of solutes. (b) H+ and cotransport of neutral solutes. Neutral solutes such as sugars can be loaded into plant cells by cotransport with H+ ions. H+/sucrose cotransporters, for example, play a key role in loading sugar into the phloem prior to sugar transport throughout the plant.

(c) H+ and cotransport of ions. Cotransport mechanisms involving H+ also participate in regulating ion fluxes into and out of cells. For example, H+/NO3 - cotransporters in the plasma membranes of root cells are important for the uptake of NO3 - by plant roots. (d) Ion channels. Plant ion channels open and close in response to voltage, stretching of the membrane, and chemical factors. When open, ion channels allow specific ions to diffuse across membranes. For example, a K+ ion channel is involved in the release of K+ from guard cells when stomata close.

The procambium gives rise to the vascular cylinder, which consists of a solid core of xylem and phloem tissues surrounded by a cell layer called the pericycle. In most eudicot roots, the xylem has a starlike appearance in cross section, and the phloem occupies the indentations between the arms of the xylem "star" (Figure 35.14a).

. In many monocot roots, the vascular tissue consists of a core of undifferentiated parenchyma cells surrounded by a ring of alternating xylem and phloem tissues (Figure 35.14b).

The dermal tissue system serves as the outer protective covering of the plant. Like our skin, it forms the first line of defense against physical damage and pathogens. In nonwoody plants, it is usually a single tissue called the epidermis, a layer of tightly packed cells. In leaves and most stems, the cuticle, a waxy epidermal coating, helps prevent water loss. In woody plants, protective tissues called periderm replace the epidermis in older regions of stems and roots. In addition to protecting the plant from water loss and disease, the epidermis has specialized characteristics in each organ.

. In roots, water and minerals absorbed from the soil enter through the epidermis, especially in root hairs. In shoots, specialized epidermal cells called guard cells are involved in gaseous exchange. Another class of highly specialized epidermal cells found in shoots consists of outgrowths called trichomes. In some desert species, hairlike trichomes reduce water loss and reflect excess light. Some trichomes defend against insects through shapes that hinder movement or glands that secrete sticky fluids or toxic compounds (Figure 35.9).

Transpiration drives the transport of water and minerals from roots to shoots via the xylem: Picture yourself struggling to carry a 19-liter (5-gallon) container of water weighing 19 kilograms (42 pounds) up several flights of stairs. Imagine doing this 40 times a day. Then consider the fact that an average-sized tree, despite having neither heart nor muscle, transports a similar volume of water effortlessly on a daily basis. How do trees accomplish this feat? To answer this question, we'll follow each step in the journey of water and minerals from roots to leaves.

Absorption of Water and Minerals by Root Cells: Although all living plant cells absorb nutrients across their plasma membranes, the cells near the tips of roots are particularly important because most of the absorption of water and minerals occurs there. In this region, the epidermal cells are permeable to water, and many are differentiated into root hairs, modified cells that account for much of the absorption of water by roots (see Figure 35.3). The root hairs absorb the soil solution, which consists of water molecules and dissolved mineral ions that are not bound tightly to soil particles. The soil solution is drawn into the hydrophilic walls of epidermal cells and passes freely along the cell walls and the extracellular spaces into the root cortex.

In this chapter, we'll examine various adaptations that help plants acquire resources such as water, minerals, carbon dioxide, and light more efficiently. We'll look at what nutrients plants require and how plant nutrition often involves other organisms. The acquisition of these resources, however, is just the beginning of the story. Resources must be transported to where they are needed. Thus, we will also examine how water, minerals, and sugars are transported through the plant.

Adaptations for acquiring resources were key steps in the evolution of vascular plants: Most plants grow in soil and therefore inhabit two worlds—above ground, where shoots acquire sunlight and CO2, and below ground, where roots acquire water and minerals. The successful colonization of the land by plants depended on adaptations that allowed early plants to acquire resources from these two different settings.

The morphological features of leaves are often products of genetic programs that are tweaked by environmental influences. Interpret the data in the Scientific Skills Exercise to explore the roles of genetics and the environment in determining leaf morphology in red maple trees.

Almost all leaves are specialized for photosynthesis. However, some species have leaves with adaptations that enable them to perform additional functions, such as support, protection, storage, or reproduction (Figure 35.7).

Figure 35.26 Variations in leaf arrangement, leaf shape, and shoot growth between different populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Information in the genomes of these populations may provide insights into strategies for expanding crop production into new environments.

Another property that makes Arabidopsis attractive to molecular biologists is that its cells can be easily transformed with transgenes, genes from a different organism that are stably introduced into the genome of another. CRISPR technology (see Figure 20.14), which is rapidly becoming the technique of choice for creating plants with specific mutations, has been used successfully in Arabidopsis. By disrupting or "knocking out" a specific gene, scientists can garner important information about the gene's normal function.

Plants have a hierarchical organization consisting of organs, tissues, and cells: Plants, like most animals, are composed of cells, tissues, and organs. A cell is the fundamental unit of life. A tissue is a group of cells consisting of one or more cell types that together perform a specialized function. An organ consists of several types of tissues that together carry out particular functions.

As you learn about each of these levels of plant structure, keep in mind how natural selection has produced plant forms that fit plant function at all levels of organization. We begin by discussing plant organs because their structures are most familiar.

An important feature of cell division that does affect plant development is the symmetry of cell division—the distribution of cytoplasm between daughter cells. Although chromosomes are allocated to daughter cells equally during mitosis, the cytoplasm may sometimes divide asymmetrically.

Asymmetrical cell division, in which one daughter cell receives more cytoplasm than the other during mitosis, usually signals a key event in development. For example, the formation of guard cells typically involves both an asymmetrical cell division and a change in the plane of cell division. An epidermal cell divides asymmetrically, forming a large cell that remains an undifferentiated epidermal cell and a small cell that becomes the guard cell "mother cell." Guard cells form when this small mother cell divides in a plane perpendicular to the first cell division (Figure 35.29). Thus, asymmetrical cell division generates cells with different fates— that is, cells that mature into different types.

In contrast to a flaccid cell, a walled cell with a greater solute concentration than its surroundings is turgid, or very firm. When turgid cells in a nonwoody tissue push against each other, the tissue is stiffened. The effects of turgor loss are seen during wilting, when leaves and stems droop as a result of cells losing water.

Aquaporins: Facilitating Diffusion of Water: A difference in water potential determines the direction of water movement across membranes, but how do water molecules actually cross the membranes? Water molecules are small enough to diffuse across the phospholipid bilayer, even though the bilayer's interior is hydrophobic. However, their movement across biological membranes is too rapid to be explained by unaided diffusion. Transport proteins called aquaporins (see Figure 7.1 and Concept 7.2) facilitate the transport of water molecules across plant cell plasma membranes. Aquaporin channels, which can open and close, affect the rate at which water moves osmotically across the membrane. Their permeability is decreased by increases in cytosolic Ca2+ or decreases in cytosolic pH.

The algal ancestors of plants absorbed water, minerals, and CO2 directly from the water in which they lived. Transport in these algae was relatively simple because every cell was close to the source of these substances. The earliest plants were nonvascular and produced photosynthetic shoots above the shallow fresh water in which they lived. These leafless shoots typically had waxy cuticles and few stomata, which allowed them to avoid excessive water loss while still permitting some exchange of CO2 and O2 for photosynthesis. The anchoring and absorbing functions of early plants were assumed by the base of the stem or by threadlike rhizoids (see Figure 29.6).

As plants evolved and increased in number, competition for light, water, and nutrients intensified. Taller plants with broad, flat appendages had an advantage in absorbing light. This increase in surface area, however, resulted in more evaporation and therefore a greater need for water. Larger shoots also required stronger anchorage. These needs favored the production of multicellular, branching roots. Meanwhile, as greater shoot heights further separated the top of the photosynthetic shoot from the nonphotosynthetic parts below ground, natural selection favored plants capable of efficient long-distance transport of water, minerals, and products of photosynthesis.

Large-scale projects are under way to determine the function of every gene in Arabidopsis. By identifying each gene's function and tracking every biochemical pathway, researchers aim to determine the blueprints for plant development, a major goal of systems biology. It may one day be possible to make a computer-generated "virtual plant" that enables researchers to visualize which genes are activated in different parts of the plant as the plant develops.

Basic research involving model organisms such as Arabidopsis has accelerated the pace of discovery in the plant sciences, including the identification of the complex genetic pathways underlying plant structure. As you read more about this, you'll be able to appreciate not just the power of studying model organisms but also the rich history of investigation that underpins all modern plant research.

Leaves: In most vascular plants, the leaf is the main photosynthetic organ. In addition to intercepting light, leaves exchange gases with the atmosphere, dissipate heat, and defend themselves from herbivores and pathogens. These functions may have conflicting physiological, anatomical, or morphological requirements. For example, a dense covering of hairs may help repel herbivorous insects but may also trap air near the leaf surface, thereby reducing gas exchange and, consequently, photosynthesis.

Because of these conflicting demands and trade-offs, leaves vary extensively in form. In general, however, a leaf consists of a flattened blade and a stalk, the petiole, which joins the leaf to the stem at a node (see Figure 35.2). Grasses and many other monocots lack petioles; instead, the base of the leaf forms a sheath that envelops the stem.

Stems serve as supporting structures for leaves and as conduits for the transport of water and nutrients. Plants that grow tall avoid shading from neighboring plants. Most tall plants require thick stems, which enable greater vascular flow to and from the leaves and stronger mechanical support for them. Vines are an exception, relying on other objects (usually other plants) to support their stems. In woody plants, stems become thicker through secondary growth (see Figure 35.11).

Branching generally enables plants to harvest sunlight for photosynthesis more effectively. However, some species, such as the coconut palm, do not branch at all. Why is there so much variation in branching patterns? Plants have only a finite amount of energy to devote to shoot growth. If most of that energy goes into branching, there is less available for growing tall, and the risk of being shaded by taller plants increases. Conversely, if most of the energy goes into growing tall, the plants are not optimally harvesting sunlight.

Transpirational Pull Stomata on a leaf's surface lead to a maze of internal air spaces that expose the mesophyll cells to the CO2 they need for photosynthesis. The air in these spaces is saturated with water vapor because it is in contact with the moist walls of the cells. On most days, the air outside the leaf is drier; that is, it has lower water potential than the air inside the leaf. Therefore, water vapor in the air spaces of a leaf diffuses down its water potential gradient and exits the leaf via the stomata. It is this loss of water vapor by diffusion and evaporation that we call transpiration

But how does loss of water vapor from the leaf translate into a pulling force for upward movement of water through a plant? The negative pressure potential that causes water to move up through the xylem develops at the surface of mesophyll cell walls in the leaf (Figure 36.11). The cell wall acts like a very thin capillary network. Water adheres to the cellulose microfibrils and other hydrophilic components of the cell wall.

Gene Expression and the Control of Cell Differentiation: The cells of a developing organism can synthesize different proteins and diverge in structure and function even though they share a common genome. If a mature cell removed from a root or leaf can dedifferentiate in tissue culture and give rise to the diverse cell types of a plant, then it must possess all the genes necessary to make any kind of cell in the plant. Therefore, cell differentiation depends, to a large degree, on the control of gene expression—the regulation of transcription and translation, resulting in the production of specific proteins.

Evidence suggests that the activation or inactivation of specific genes involved in cell differentiation results largely from cell-to-cell communication. Cells receive information about how they should specialize from neighboring cells. For example, two cell types arise in the root epidermis of Arabidopsis: root hair cells and hairless epidermal cells. Cell fate is associated with the position of the epidermal cells. The immature epidermal cells that are in contact with two underlying cells of the root cortex differentiate into root hair cells, whereas the immature epidermal cells in contact with only one cell in the cortex differentiate into mature hairless cells. The differential expression of a homeotic gene called GLABRA-2 (from the Latin glaber, bald) is needed for proper distribution of root hairs (Figure 35.33). Researchers have demonstrated this requirement by coupling the GLABRA-2 gene to a "reporter gene" that causes every cell expressing GLABRA-2 in the root to turn pale blue following a certain protocol. The GLABRA-2 gene is normally expressed only in epidermal cells that will not develop root hairs.

Figure 35.29 Asymmetrical cell division and stomatal development. An asymmetrical cell division precedes the development of epidermal guard cells, the cells that border stomata (see Figure 35.18).

Figure 35.27 The preprophase band and the plane of cell division. The location of the preprophase band predicts the plane of cell division. In this light micrograph, the preprophase band has been stained with green fluorescent protein bound to a microtubule associated protein.

Figure 35.30 Establishment of axial polarity. The normal Arabidopsis seedling (left) has a shoot end and a root end. In the gnom mutant (right), the first division of the zygote was not asymmetrical; as a result, the plant is ball-shaped and lacks leaves and roots. The defect in gnom mutants has been traced to an inability to transport the hormone auxin in a polar manner.

Figure 35.28 Cell division patterns in wild-type and mutant maize plants. Compared with the epidermal cells of wildtype maize plants (left), the epidermal cells of the tangled-1 mutant of maize (right) are highly disordered. Nevertheless, tangled-1 maize plants produce normal-looking leaves.

In contrast, cell fate in animals is largely determined by lineage-dependent mechanisms involving transcription factors. The homeotic (Hox) genes that encode such transcription factors are critical for the proper number and placement of embryonic structures, such as legs and antennae, in the fruit fly Drosophila (see Figure 18.19). Interestingly, maize has a homolog of Hox genes called KNOTTED-1, but unlike its counterparts in the animal world, KNOTTED-1 does not affect the number or placement of plant organs. As you will see, an unrelated class of transcription factors called MADS-box proteins plays that role in plants. KNOTTED-1 is, however, important in the development of leaf morphology, including the production of compound leaves. If the KNOTTED-1 gene is expressed in greater quantity than normal in the genome of tomato plants, the normally compound leaves will then become "super-compound" (Figure 35.32).

Figure 35.31 The orientation of plant cell expansion. Growing plant cells expand mainly through water uptake. In a growing cell, enzymes weaken cross-links in the cell wall, allowing it to expand as water diffuses into the vacuole by osmosis; at the same time, more microfibrils are made. The orientation of the cell expansion is mainly perpendicular to the orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the wall. The orientation of microtubules in the cell's outermost cytoplasm determines the orientation of cellulose microfibrils (fluorescent LM). The microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of other (noncellulose) polysaccharides, some of which form the cross-links visible in the TEM.

Figure 35.34 Phase change in the shoot system of Acacia koa. This native of Hawaii has compound juvenile leaves, consisting of many small leaflets, and simple mature leaves. This dual foliage reflects a phase change in the development of the apical meristem of each shoot. Once a node forms, the developmental phase—juvenile or adult—is fixed; compound leaves do not mature into simple leaves. Leaves produced by adult phase of apical meristem Leaves produced by juvenile phase of apical meristem

Figure 35.32 Overexpression of a Hox-like gene in leaf formation. KNOTTED-1 is a gene that is involved in leaf and leaflet formation. An increase in its expression in tomato plants results in leaves that are "super-compound" (right) compared with normal leaves (left). Figure 35.33 Control of root hair differentiation by a homeotic gene (LM). When an epidermal cell borders a single cortical cell, the homeotic gene GLABRA-2 is expressed, and the cell remains hairless. (The blue color indicates cells in which GLABRA-2 is expressed.) Here an epidermal cell borders two cortical cells. GLABRA-2 is not expressed, and the cell will develop a root hair. The root cap cells external to the epidermal layer will be sloughed off before root hairs emerge.

Figure 36.4 Leaf area index. The leaf area index of a single plant is the ratio of the total area of the top surfaces of the leaves to the area of ground covered by the plant, as shown in this illustration of two plants viewed from the top. With many layers of leaves, a leaf area index value can easily exceed 1.

Figure 36.3 Emerging phyllotaxy of Norway spruce. This SEM, taken from above a shoot tip, shows the pattern of emergence of leaves. The leaves are numbered, with 1 being the youngest. (Some numbered leaves are not visible in the close-up.)

The membranes of plant cells also have ion channels that allow only certain ions to pass (Figure 36.6d). As in animal cells, most channels are gated, opening or closing in response to stimuli such as chemicals, pressure, or voltage. Later in this chapter, we'll discuss how potassium ion channels in guard cells function in opening and closing stomata. Ion channels are also involved in producing electrical signals analogous to the action potentials of animals (see Concept 48.2). However, these signals are 1,000 times slower and employ Ca2+ -activated anion channels rather than the sodium ion channels used by animal cells.

Figure 36.5 Cell compartments and routes for short-distance transport. Some substances may use more than one transport route. The apoplast is the continuum of cell walls and extracellular spaces. The symplast is the continuum of cytosol connected by plasmodesmata.

Diffusion, active transport, and bulk flow act in concert to transport resources throughout the whole plant. For example, bulk flow due to a pressure difference is the mechanism of long-distance transport of sugars in the phloem, but active transport of sugar at the cellular level maintains this pressure difference. In the next three sections, we'll examine in more detail the transport of water and minerals from roots to shoots, the control of evaporation, and the transport of sugars. Figure 36.8 Venation in an aspen leaf. The finer and finer branching of leaf veins in eudicot leaves ensures that no leaf cell is far removed from the vascular system.

Figure 36.7 Water relations in plant cells. In these experiments, flaccid cells (cells in which the protoplast contacts the cell wall but lacks turgor pressure) are placed in two environments. The blue arrows indicate initial net water movement. (a)Initial conditions: cellular ° > environmental °. The protoplast loses water, and the cell plasmolyzes. After plasmolysis is complete, the water potentials of the cell and its surroundings are the same. (b) ) Initial conditions: cellular ° < environmental °. There is a net uptake of water by osmosis, causing the cell to become turgid. When this tendency for water to enter is offset by the back pressure of the elastic wall, water potentials are equal for the cell and its surroundings. (The volume change of the cell is exaggerated in this diagram.)

Figure 36.10 Guttation. Root pressure is forcing excess water from this strawberry leaf

Figure 36.9 Transport of water and minerals from root hairs to the xylem. Apoplastic route. Uptake of soil solution by the hydrophilic walls of root hairs provides access to the apoplast. Water and minerals can then diffuse into the cortex along this matrix of walls and extracellular spaces. Symplastic route. Minerals and water that cross the plasma membranes of root hairs can enter the symplast. Transmembrane route. As soil solution moves along the apoplast, some water and minerals are transported into the protoplasts of cells of the epidermis and cortex and then move inward via the symplast The endodermis: controlled entry to the vascular cylinder (stele). Within the transverse and radial walls of each endodermal cell is the Casparian strip, a belt of waxy material (purple band) that blocks the passage of water and dissolved minerals. Only minerals already in the symplast or entering that pathway by crossing the plasma membrane of an endodermal cell can detour around the Casparian strip and pass into the vascular cylinder (stele). Transport in the xylem. Endodermal cells and also living cells within the vascular cylinder discharge water and minerals into their walls (apoplast). The xylem vessels then transport the water and minerals by bulk flow upward into the shoot system.

By definition, the ΨS of pure water is 0. When solutes are added, they bind water molecules. As a result, there are fewer free water molecules, reducing the capacity of the water to move and do work. In this way, an increase in solute concentration has a negative effect on water potential, which is why the ΨS of a solution is always expressed as a negative number.

For example, a 0.1 M solution of a sugar has a ΨS of -0.23 MPa. As the solute concentration increases, ΨS will become more negative

Short-Distance Transport of Water Across Plasma Membranes: The absorption or loss of water by a cell occurs by osmosis, the diffusion of free water—water that is not bound to solutes or surfaces—across a membrane (see Figure 7.12). The physical property that predicts the direction in which water will flow is called water potential, a quantity that includes the effects of solute concentration and physical pressure. Free water moves from regions of higher water potential to regions of lower water potential if there is no barrier to its flow. The word potential in the term water potential refers to water's potential energy—water's capacity to perform work when it moves from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential.

For example, if a plant cell or seed is immersed in a solution that has a higher water potential, water will move into the cell or seed, causing it to expand. The expansion of plant cells and seeds can be a powerful force: The expansion of cells in tree roots can break concrete sidewalks, and the swelling of wet grain seeds within the holds of damaged ships can produce catastrophic hull failure and sink the ships. Given the strong forces generated by swelling seeds, it is interesting to consider whether water uptake by seeds is an active process.

Evolution of Secondary Growth: Surprisingly, some insights into the evolution of secondary growth have been achieved by studying the herbaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Researchers have found that they can stimulate some secondary growth in Arabidopsis stems by adding weights to the plant. These findings suggest that weight carried by the stem activates a developmental program leading to wood formation. Moreover, several developmental genes that regulate shoot apical meristems in Arabidopsis have been found to regulate vascular cambium activity in poplar (Populus) trees. This suggests that the processes of primary and secondary growth are evolutionarily more closely related than was previously thought.

Growth, morphogenesis, and cell differentiation produce the plant body: The specific series of changes by which cells form tissues, organs, and organisms is called development. Development unfolds according to the genetic information that an organism inherits from its parents but is also influenced by the external environment. A single genotype can produce different phenotypes in different environments. For example, the aquatic plant called the fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana) forms two very different types of leaves, depending on whether the shoot apical meristem is submerged (Figure 35.25). This ability to alter form in response to local environmental conditions is called developmental plasticity. Dramatic examples of plasticity, as in Cabomba, are much more common in plants than in animals and may help compensate for plants' inability to escape adverse conditions by moving

In 1894, a few years after Strasburger's findings, two Irish scientists, John Joly and Henry Dixon, put forward a hypothesis that remains the leading explanation of the ascent of xylem sap. According to their cohesion-tension hypothesis, transpiration provides the pull for the ascent of xylem sap, and the cohesion of water molecules transmits this pull along the entire length of the xylem from shoots to roots.

Hence, xylem sap is normally under negative pressure, or tension. Since transpiration is a "pulling" process, our exploration of the rise of xylem sap by the cohesion-tension mechanism begins not with the roots but with the leaves, where the driving force for transpirational pull begins.

Because cork cells have suberin and are usually compacted together, most of the periderm is impermeable to water and gases, unlike the epidermis. Cork thus functions as a barrier that helps protect the stem or root from water loss, physical damage, and pathogens. It should be noted that "cork" is commonly and incorrectly referred to as "bark." In plant biology, bark includes all tissues external to the vascular cambium. Its main components are the secondary phloem (produced by the vascular cambium) and, external to that, the most recent periderm and all the older layers of periderm (see Figure 35.22). As this process continues, older layers of periderm are sloughed off, as evident in the cracked, peeling exteriors of many tree trunks.

How can living cells in the interior tissues of woody organs absorb oxygen and respire if they are surrounded by a waxy periderm? Dotting the periderm are small, raised areas called lenticels, in which there is more space between cork cells, enabling living cells within a woody stem or root to exchange gases with the outside air. Lenticels often appear as horizontal slits, as shown on the stem in Figure 35.19. Figure 35.24 summarizes the relationships between the primary and secondary tissues of a woody shoot.

Dermal, Vascular, and Ground Tissues: All three basic vascular plant organs—roots, stems, and leaves— are composed of three fundamental tissue types: dermal, vascular, and ground tissues. Each of these general types forms a tissue system that is continuous throughout the plant, connecting all the organs.

However, specific characteristics of the tissues and the spatial relationships of tissues to one another vary in different organs (Figure 35.8).

It had long been thought that the plane of cell division provides the foundation for the forms of plant organs, but studies of an internally disorganized maize mutant called tangled-1 now indicate that this is not the case. In wild-type maize plants, leaf cells divide either transversely (crosswise) or longitudinally relative to the axis of the parent cell. Transverse divisions precede leaf elongation, and longitudinal divisions precede leaf broadening. In tangled-1 leaves, transverse divisions are normal, but most longitudinal divisions are oriented abnormally, leading to cells that are crooked or curved (Figure 35.28).

However, these abnormal cell divisions do not affect leaf shape. Mutant leaves grow more slowly than wild-type leaves, but their overall shapes remain normal, indicating that leaf shape does not depend solely on precise spatial control of cell division. In addition, recent evidence suggests that the shape of the shoot apex in Arabidopsis depends not on the plane of cell division but on microtubule-dependent mechanical stresses stemming from the "crowding" associated with cell proliferation and growth.

The branching of shoots, which is also part of primary growth, arises from the activation of axillary buds, each of which has its own shoot apical meristem. Because of chemical communication by plant hormones, the closer an axillary bud is to an active apical bud, the more inhibited it is, a phenomenon called apical dominance. (The specific hormonal changes underlying apical dominance are discussed in Concept 39.2.)

If an animal eats the end of the shoot or if shading results in the light being more intense on the side of the shoot, the chemical communication underlying apical dominance is disrupted. As a result, the axillary buds break dormancy and start to grow. Released from dormancy, an axillary bud eventually gives rise to a lateral shoot, complete with its own apical bud, leaves, and axillary buds. When gardeners prune shrubs and pinch back houseplants, they are reducing the number of apical buds a plant has, thereby allowing branches to elongate and giving the plants a fuller, bushier appearance.

The Vascular Cambium and Secondary Vascular Tissue: The vascular cambium, a cylinder of meristematic cells only one cell thick, is wholly responsible for the production of secondary vascular tissue. In a typical woody stem, the vascular cambium is located outside the pith and primary xylem and to the inside of the primary phloem and the cortex. In a typical woody root, the vascular cambium forms exterior to the primary xylem and interior to the primary phloem and pericycle.

In cross section, the vascular cambium appears as a ring of meristematic cells (see step 4 of Figure 35.19). As these cells divide, they increase the cambium's circumference and add secondary xylem to the inside and secondary phloem to the outside. Each ring is larger than the previous ring, increasing the diameter of roots and stems. Some of the stem cells in the vascular cambium are elongated and oriented with their long axis parallel to the axis of the stem or root. The cells they produce give rise to mature cells such as the tracheids, vessel elements, and fibers of the xylem, as well as the sieve-tube elements, companion cells, axially oriented parenchyma, and fibers of the phloem. Other stem cells in the vascular cambium are shorter and are oriented perpendicular to the axis of the stem or root: they give rise to vascular rays—radial files of mostly parenchyma cells that connect the secondary xylem and phloem (see step 3 of Figure 35.19). These cells move water and nutrients between the secondary xylem and phloem, store carbohydrates and other reserves, and aid in wound repair

Monocots and eudicots differ in the arrangement of veins, the vascular tissue of leaves. Most monocots have parallel major veins of equal diameter that run the length of the blade. Eudicots generally have a branched network of veins arising from a major vein (the midrib) that runs down the center of the blade (see Figure 30.16).

In identifying angiosperms according to structure, taxonomists rely mainly on floral morphology, but they also use variations in leaf morphology, such as leaf shape, the branching pattern of veins, and the spatial arrangement of leaves. Figure 35.6 illustrates a difference in leaf shape: simple versus compound. Compound leaves may withstand strong wind with less tearing. They may also confine some pathogens that invade the leaf to a single leaflet, rather than allowing them to spread to the entire leaf.

The vascular tissue of stems in most eudicot species consists of vascular bundles arranged in a ring (Figure 35.17a). The xylem in each vascular bundle is adjacent to the pith, and the phloem in each bundle is adjacent to the cortex

In most monocot stems, the vascular bundles are scattered throughout the ground tissue rather than forming a ring (Figure 35.17b).

Plant roots also form mutually beneficial relationships with microorganisms that enable the plant to exploit soil resources more efficiently. For example, the evolution of mutualistic associations between roots and fungi called mycorrhizae was a critical step in the successful colonization of land by plants. Mycorrhizal hyphae indirectly endow the root systems of many plants with an enormous surface area for absorbing water and minerals, particularly phosphate. The role of mycorrhizae in plant nutrition will be examined in Concept 37.3.

Once acquired, resources must be transported to other parts of the plant that need them. In the next section, we examine the processes and pathways that enable resources such as water, minerals, and sugars to be transported throughout the plant.

The compartmental structure of plants provides three routes for transport within a plant tissue or organ: the apoplastic, symplastic, and transmembrane routes (Figure 36.5). In the apoplastic route, water and solutes (dissolved chemicals) move along the continuum of cell walls and extracellular spaces. In the symplastic route, water and solutes move along the continuum of cytosol. This route requires substances to cross a plasma membrane once, when they first enter the plant. After entering one cell, substances can move from cell to cell via plasmodesmata.

In the transmembrane route, water and solutes move out of one cell, across the cell wall, and into the neighboring cell, which may pass them to the next cell in the same way. The transmembrane route requires repeated crossings of plasma membranes as substances exit one cell and enter the next. These three routes are not mutually exclusive, and some substances may use more than one route to varying degrees.

Minerals that reach the endodermis via the apoplast encounter a dead end that blocks their passage into the vascular cylinder. This barrier, located in the transverse and radial walls of each endodermal cell, is the Casparian strip, a belt made of suberin, a waxy material impervious to water and dissolved minerals (see Figure 36.9). Because of the Casparian strip, water and minerals cannot cross the endodermis and enter the vascular cylinder via the apoplast. Instead, water and minerals that are passively moving through the apoplast must cross the selectively permeable plasma membrane of an endodermal cell before they can enter the vascular cylinder

In this way, the endodermis transports needed minerals from the soil into the xylem and keeps many unneeded or toxic substances out. The endodermis also prevents solutes that have accumulated in the xylem from leaking back into the soil solution. The last segment in the soil-to-xylem pathway is the passage of water and minerals into the tracheids and vessel elements of the xylem. These water-conducting cells lack protoplasts when mature and are therefore parts of the apoplast. Endodermal cells, as well as living cells within the vascular cylinder, discharge minerals from their protoplasts into their own cell walls. Both diffusion and active transport are involved in this transfer of solutes from the symplast to the apoplast, and the water and minerals can now enter the tracheids and vessel elements, where they are transported to the shoot system by bulk flow.

The role of negative pressure potential in transpiration is consistent with the water potential equation because negative pressure potential (tension) lowers water potential. Because water moves from areas of higher water potential to areas of lower water potential, the more negative pressure potential at the air-water interface causes water in xylem cells to be "pulled" into mesophyll cells, which lose water to the air spaces, the water diffusing out through stomata.

In this way, the negative water potential of leaves provides the "pull" in transpirational pull. The transpirational pull on xylem sap is transmitted all the way from the leaves to the young roots and even into the soil solution (Figure 36.12).

Shifts in Development: Phase Changes: Multicellular organisms generally pass through developmental stages. In humans, these are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, with puberty as the dividing line between the nonreproductive and reproductive stages. Plants also pass through stages, developing from a juvenile stage to an adult vegetative stage to an adult reproductive stage. In animals, the developmental changes take place throughout the entire organism, such as when a larva develops into an adult animal. In contrast, plant developmental stages, called phases, occur within a single region, the shoot apical meristem. The morphological changes that arise from these transitions in shoot apical meristem activity are called phase changes. In the transition from a juvenile phase to an adult phase, some species exhibit some striking changes in leaf morphology (Figure 35.34)

Juvenile nodes and internodes retain their juvenile status even after the shoot continues to elongate and the shoot apical meristem has changed to the adult phase. Therefore, any new leaves that develop on branches that emerge from axillary buds at juvenile nodes will also be juvenile, even though the apical meristem of the stem's main axis may have been producing mature nodes for years. If environmental conditions permit, an adult plant is induced to flower. Biologists have made great progress in explaining the genetic control of floral development—the topic of the next section

The three overlapping processes involved in the development of a multicellular organism are growth, morphogenesis, and cell differentiation. Growth is an irreversible increase in size. Morphogenesis (from the Greek morphê, shape, and genesis, creation) is the process that gives a tissue, organ, or organism its shape and determines the positions of cell types. Cell differentiation is the process by which cells with the same genes become different from one another. We'll examine these three processes in turn, but first we'll discuss how applying techniques of modern molecular biology to model organisms, particularly Arabidopsis thaliana, has revolutionized the study of plant development.

Model Organisms: Revolutionizing the Study of Plants: As in other branches of biology, techniques of molecular biology and a focus on model organisms such as Arabidopsis thaliana have catalyzed a research explosion in the last few decades. Arabidopsis, a tiny weed in the mustard family, has no inherent agricultural value but is a favored model organism of plant geneticists and molecular biologists for many reasons. It is so small that thousands of plants can be cultivated in a few square meters of lab space. It also has a short generation time, taking about six weeks for a seed to grow into a mature plant that produces more seeds. This rapid maturation enables biologists to conduct genetic cross experiments in a relatively short time. One plant can produce over 5,000 seeds, another property that makes Arabidopsis useful for genetic analysis

In most plants, the absorption of water and minerals occurs primarily near the tips of elongating roots, where vast numbers of root hairs, thin, finger-like extensions of root epidermal cells, emerge and increase the surface area of the root enormously (Figure 35.3).

Most root systems also form mycorrhizal associations, symbiotic interactions with soil fungi that increase a plant's ability to absorb minerals (see Figure 31.15). The roots of many plants are adapted for specialized functions (Figure 35.4).

Figure 35.35 Organ identity genes and pattern formation in flower development.

Normal Arabidopsis flower. Arabidopsis normally has four whorls of flower parts: sepals (Se), petals (Pe), stamens (St), and carpels (Ca). Abnormal Arabidopsis flower. Researchers have identified several mutations of organ identity genes that cause abnormal flowers to develop. This flower has an extra set of petals in place of stamens and an internal flower where normal plants have carpels.

This question is examined in the Scientific Skills Exercise, which explores the effect of temperature on this process. Water potential is abbreviated by the Greek letter Ψ (psi, pronounced "sigh"). Plant biologists measure Ψ in a unit of pressure called a megapascal (abbreviated MPa). By definition, the Ψ of pure water in a container open to the atmosphere under standard conditions (at sea level and at room temperature) is 0 MPa.

One MPa is equal to about 10 times atmospheric pressure at sea level. The internal pressure of a living plant cell due to the osmotic uptake of water is approximately 0.5 MPa, about twice the air pressure inside an inflated car tire. As you learn to apply the water potential equation, keep in mind the key point: Water moves from regions of higher water potential to regions of lower water potential.

Figure 35.25 Developmental plasticity in the aquatic plant Cabomba caroliniana. The underwater leaves of Cabomba are feathery, an adaptation that protects them from damage by lessening their resistance to moving water. In contrast, the surface leaves are pads that aid in flotation. Both leaf types have genetically identical cells, but their different environments result in the turning on or off of different genes during leaf development.

Orientation of Cell Expansion: Before discussing how cell expansion contributes to plant form, it is useful to consider the difference in cell expansion between plants and animals. Animal cells grow mainly by synthesizing protein-rich cytoplasm, a metabolically expensive process. Growing plant cells also produce additional proteinrich material in their cytoplasm, but water uptake typically accounts for about 90% of expansion. Most of this water is stored in the large central vacuole. The vacuolar solution, or vacuolar sap, is very dilute and nearly devoid of the energetically expensive macromolecules that are found in great abundance in the rest of the cytoplasm.

. Large vacuoles are therefore a "cheap" way of filling space, enabling a plant to grow rapidly and economically. Bamboo shoots, for instance, can elongate more than 2 m per week. Rapid and efficient extensibility of shoots and roots was an important evolutionary adaptation that increased their exposure to light and soil.

Plant cells rarely expand equally in all directions. Their greatest expansion is usually oriented along the plant's main axis. For example, cells near the tip of the root may elongate up to 20 times their original length, with relatively little increase in width. The orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the innermost layers of the cell wall causes this differential growth. The microfibrils do not stretch, so the cell expands mainly perpendicular to the main orientation of the microfibrils, as shown in Figure 35.31. A leading hypothesis proposes that microtubules positioned just beneath the plasma membrane organize the cellulose-synthesizing enzyme complexes and guide their movement through the plasma membrane as they create the microfibrils that form much of the cell wall.

The total area of the leafy portions of all the plants in a community, from the top layer of vegetation to the bottom layer, affects the productivity of each plant. When there are many layers of vegetation, the shading of the lower leaves is so great that they photosynthesize less than they respire. When this happens, the nonproductive leaves or branches undergo programmed cell death and are eventually shed, a process called self-pruning.

Plant features that reduce self-shading increase light capture. A useful measurement in this regard is the leaf area index, the ratio of the total upper leaf surface of a single plant or an entire crop divided by the surface area of the land on which the plant or crop grows (Figure 36.4). Leaf area index values of up to 7 are common for many mature crops, and there is little agricultural benefit to leaf area indexes higher than this value. Adding more leaves increases shading of lower leaves to the point that self-pruning occurs.

Primary growth lengthens roots and shoots:

Primary growth arises directly from cells produced by apical meristems. In herbaceous plants, almost the entire plant consists of primary growth, whereas in woody plants only the nonwoody, more recently formed parts of the plant represent primary growth. Although both roots and shoots lengthen as a result of cells derived from apical meristems, the details of their primary growth differ in many ways.

In most plants, root pressure is a minor mechanism driving the ascent of xylem sap, pushing water only a few meters at most. The positive pressures produced are simply too weak to overcome the gravitational force of the water column in the xylem, particularly in tall plants. Many plants do not generate any root pressure or do so only during part of the growing season. Even in plants that display guttation, root pressure cannot keep pace with transpiration after sunrise. For the most part, xylem sap is not pushed from below by root pressure but is pulled up

Pulling Xylem Sap: The Cohesion-Tension Hypothesis: As we have seen, root pressure, which depends on the active transport of solutes by plants, is only a minor force in the ascent of xylem sap. Far from depending on the metabolic activity of cells, most of the xylem sap that rises through a tree does not even require living cells to do so. As demonstrated by Eduard Strasburger in 1891, leafy stems with their lower end immersed in toxic solutions of copper sulfate or acid will readily draw these poisons up if the stem is cut below the surface of the liquid. As the toxic solutions ascend, they kill all living cells in their path, eventually arriving in the transpiring leaves and killing the leaf cells as well. Nevertheless, as Strasburger noted, the uptake of the toxic solutions and the loss of water from the dead leaves can continue for weeks.

Secondary growth increases the diameter of stems and roots in woody plants: Many land plants display secondary growth, the growth in thickness produced by lateral meristems. The advent of secondary growth during plant evolution allowed the production of novel plant forms ranging from massive forest trees to woody vines. All gymnosperm species and many eudicot species undergo secondary growth, but it is unusual in monocots. It occurs in stems and roots of woody plants, but rarely in leaves.

Secondary growth consists of the tissues produced by the vascular cambium and cork cambium. The vascular cambium adds secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem, thereby increasing vascular flow and support for the shoots. The cork cambium produces a tough, thick covering of waxy cells that protect the stem from water loss and from invasion by insects, bacteria, and fungi. In woody plants, primary growth and secondary growth occur simultaneously. As primary growth adds leaves and lengthens stems and roots in the younger regions of a plant, secondary growth increases the diameter of stems and roots in older regions where primary growth has ceased. The process is similar in shoots and roots. Figure 35.19 provides an overview of growth in a woody stem.

The evolution of vascular tissue consisting of xylem and phloem made possible the development of extensive root and shoot systems that carry out long-distance transport (see Figure 35.10). The xylem transports water and minerals from roots to shoots. The phloem transports products of photosynthesis from where they are made or stored to where they are needed. Figure 36.2 provides an overview of resource acquisition and transport in an actively photosynthesizing plant.

Shoot Architecture and Light Capture: Because most plants are photoautotrophs, their success depends ultimately on their ability to photosynthesize. Over the course of evolution, plants have developed a wide variety of shoot architectures that enable each species to compete successfully for light absorption in the ecological niche it occupies. For example, the lengths and widths of stems, as well as the branching pattern of shoots, are all architectural features affecting light capture.

By preventing toppling, the taproot enables the plant to grow taller, thereby giving it access to more favorable light conditions and, in some cases, providing an advantage for pollen and seed dispersal. Taproots can also be specialized for food storage.

Small vascular plants or those that have a trailing growth habit are particularly susceptible to grazing animals that can potentially uproot the plant and kill it. Such plants are most efficiently anchored by a fibrous root system, a thick mat of slender roots spreading out below the soil surface (see Figure 30.16). In plants that have fibrous root systems, including most monocots, the primary root dies early on and does not form a taproot. Instead, many small roots emerge from the stem. Such roots are said to be adventitious, a term describing a plant organ that grows in an unusual location, such as roots arising from stems or leaves. Each root forms its own lateral roots, which in turn form their own lateral roots. Because this mat of roots holds the topsoil in place, plants such as grasses that have dense fibrous root systems are especially good at preventing soil erosion.

Pressure potential (ΨP) is the physical pressure on a solution. Unlike ΨS, ΨP can be positive or negative relative to atmospheric pressure. For example, when a solution is being withdrawn by a syringe, it is under negative pressure; when it is being expelled from a syringe, it is under positive pressure. The water in living cells is usually under positive pressure due to the osmotic uptake of water.

Specifically, the protoplast (the living part of the cell, which also includes the plasma membrane) presses against the cell wall, creating what is known as turgor pressure. This pushing effect of internal pressure, much like the air in an inflated tire, is critical for plant function because it helps maintain the stiffness of plant tissues and also serves as the driving force for cell elongation. Conversely, the water in the hollow nonliving xylem cells (tracheids and vessel elements) of a plant is often under a negative pressure potential (tension) of less than -2 MPa.

Roots: A root is an organ that anchors a vascular plant in the soil, absorbs minerals and water, and often stores carbohydrates and other reserves. The primary root, originating in the seed embryo, is the first root (and the first organ) to emerge from a germinating seed. It soon branches to form lateral roots (see Figure 35.2) that can also branch, greatly enhancing the ability of the root system to anchor the plant and to acquire resources such as water and minerals from the soil.

Tall, erect plants with large shoot masses generally have a taproot system, consisting of one main vertical root, the taproot, which usually develops from the primary root. In taproot systems, the role of absorption is restricted largely to the tips of lateral roots. A taproot, although energetically expensive to make, facilitates the anchorage of the plant in the soil.

By studying mutants with abnormal flowers, researchers have identified and cloned three classes of floral organ identity genes, and their studies are beginning to reveal how these genes function. Figure 35.36a shows a simplified version of the ABC hypothesis of flower formation, which proposes that three classes of genes direct the formation of the four types of floral organs. According to the ABC hypothesis, each class of organ identity genes is switched on in two specific whorls of the floral meristem. Normally, A genes are switched on in the two outer whorls (sepals and petals); B genes are switched on in the two middle whorls (petals and stamens); and C genes are switched on in the two inner whorls (stamens and carpels). Sepals arise from those parts of floral meristems in which only A genes are active; petals arise where A and B genes are active; stamens where B and C genes are active; and carpels where only C genes are active.

The ABC hypothesis can account for the phenotypes of mutants lacking A, B, or C gene activity, with one addition: Where A gene activity is present, it inhibits C, and vice versa. If either the A gene or C gene is suppressed, the other gene is expressed. Figure 35.36b shows the floral patterns of mutants lacking each of the three classes of organ identity genes and depicts how the hypothesis accounts for the floral phenotypes. By constructing such hypotheses and designing experiments to test them, researchers are tracing the genetic basis of plant development. In dissecting the plant to examine its parts, as we have done in this chapter, we must remember that the whole plant functions as an integrated organism. Plant structures largely reflect evolutionary adaptations to the challenges of a photoautotrophic existence on land.

Different mechanisms transport substances over short or long distances: Given the diversity of substances that move through plants and the great range of distances and barriers over which such substances must be transported, it is not surprising that plants employ a variety of transport processes. Before examining these processes, however, we'll look at the two major pathways of transport: the apoplast and the symplast.

The Apoplast and Symplast: Transport Continuums: Plant tissues have two major compartments—the apoplast and the symplast. The apoplast consists of everything external to the plasma membranes of living cells and includes cell walls, extracellular spaces, and the interior of dead cells such as vessel elements and tracheids (see Figure 35.10). The symplast consists of the entire mass of cytosol of all the living cells in a plant, as well as the plasmodesmata, the cytoplasmic channels that interconnect them.

Only the youngest secondary phloem, closest to the vascular cambium, functions in sugar transport. As a stem or root increases in circumference, the older secondary phloem is sloughed off, which is one reason secondary phloem does not accumulate as extensively as secondary xylem.

The Cork Cambium and the Production of Periderm: During the early stages of secondary growth, the epidermis is pushed outward, causing it to split, dry, and fall off the stem or root. It is replaced by tissues produced by the first cork cambium, a cylinder of dividing cells that arises in the outer cortex of stems (see Figure 35.19) and in the pericycle in roots. The cork cambium gives rise to cork cells that accumulate to the outside of the cork cambium. As cork cells mature, they deposit a waxy, hydrophobic material called suberin in their walls before dying.

Another factor affecting light capture is leaf orientation. Some plants have horizontally oriented leaves; others, such as grasses, have leaves that are vertically oriented. In low-light conditions, horizontal leaves capture sunlight much more effectively than vertical leaves. In grasslands or other sunny regions, however, horizontal orientation may expose upper leaves to overly intense light, injuring leaves and reducing photosynthesis. But if a plant's leaves are nearly vertical, light rays are essentially parallel to the leaf surfaces, so no leaf receives too much light, and light penetrates more deeply to the lower leaves.

The Photosynthesis-Water Loss Compromise: The broad surface of most leaves favors light capture, while open stomatal pores allow for the diffusion of CO2 into the photosynthetic tissues. Open stomatal pores, however, also promote evaporation of water from the plant. Over 90% of the water lost by plants is by evaporation from stomatal pores. Consequently, shoot adaptations represent compromises between enhancing photosynthesis and minimizing water loss, particularly in environments where water is scarce. Later in the chapter, we'll discuss the mechanisms by which plants enhance CO2 uptake and minimize water loss by regulating the opening of stomatal pores.

Growth: Cell Division and Cell Expansion: Cell division enhances the potential for growth by increasing the number of cells, but plant growth itself is brought about by cell enlargement. The process of plant cell division is described more fully in Chapter 12 (see Figure 12.10), and Chapter 39 discusses the process of cell elongation (see Figure 39.7). Here we are concerned with how cell division and enlargement contribute to plant form.

The Plane and Symmetry of Cell Division: The new cell walls that bisect plant cells during cytokinesis develop from the cell plate (see Figure 12.10). The precise plane of cell division, determined during late interphase, usually corresponds to the shortest path that will halve the volume of the parent cell. The first sign of this spatial orientation is rearrangement of the cytoskeleton. Microtubules in the cytoplasm become concentrated into a ring called the preprophase band (Figure 35.27). The band disappears before metaphase but predicts the future plane of cell division.

Leaf size and structure account for much of the outward diversity in plant form. Leaves range in length from 1.3 mm in the pygmyweed (Crassula connata), a native of dry, sandy regions in the western United States, to 20 m in the palm Raphia regalis, a native of African rain forests. These species represent extreme examples of a general correlation observed between water availability and leaf size. The largest leaves are typically found in species from tropical rain forests, whereas the smallest are usually found in species from dry or very cold environments, where liquid water is scarce and evaporative loss is more problematic.

The arrangement of leaves on a stem, known as phyllotaxy, is an architectural feature important in light capture. Phyllotaxy is determined by the shoot apical meristem (see Figure 35.16) and is specific to each species (Figure 36.3). A species may have one leaf per node (alternate, or spiral, phyllotaxy), two leaves per node (opposite phyllotaxy), or more (whorled phyllotaxy). Most angiosperms have alternate phyllotaxy, with leaves arranged in an ascending spiral around the stem, each successive leaf emerging 137.5° from the site of the previous one. Why 137.5°? One hypothesis is that this angle minimizes shading of the lower leaves by those above. In environments where intense sunlight can harm leaves, the greater shading provided by oppositely arranged leaves may be advantageous.

Sandwiched between the protoderm and the procambium is the ground meristem, which gives rise to mature ground tissue. The ground tissue of roots, consisting mostly of parenchyma cells, is found in the cortex, the region between the vascular tissue and epidermis. In addition to storing carbohydrates, cells in the cortex transport water and salts from the root hairs to the center of the root.

The cortex also allows for extracellular diffusion of water, minerals, and oxygen from the root hairs inward because there are large spaces between cells. The innermost layer of the cortex is called the endodermis, a cylinder one cell thick that forms the boundary with the vascular cylinder. The endodermis is a selective barrier that regulates passage of substances from the soil into the vascular cylinder (see Figure 36.8).

Root Architecture and Acquisition of Water and Minerals: Just as carbon dioxide and sunlight are resources exploited by the shoot system, soil contains resources mined by the root system. Plants rapidly adjust the architecture and physiology of their roots to exploit patches of available nutrients in the soil. The roots of many plants, for example, respond to pockets of low nitrate availability in soils by extending straight through the pockets instead of branching within them. Conversely, when encountering a pocket rich in nitrate, a root will often branch extensively there. Root cells also respond to high soil nitrate levels by synthesizing more proteins involved in nitrate transport and assimilation. Thus, not only does the plant devote more of its mass to exploiting a nitrate-rich patch, but the cells also absorb nitrate more efficiently.

The efficient absorption of limited nutrients is also enhanced by reduced competition within the root system. For example, cuttings taken from stolons of buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides) develop fewer and shorter roots in the presence of cuttings from the same plant than they do in the presence of cuttings from another buffalo grass plant. Researchers are trying to uncover how the plant distinguishes self from nonself.

Figure 36.11 Generation of transpirational pull. Negative pressure (tension) at the air-water interface in the leaf is the basis of transpirational pull, which draws water out of the xylem. In transpiration, water vapor (shown as blue dots) 1 diffuses from the moist air spaces of the leaf to the drier air outside via stomata. At first, the water vapor lost by transpiration is replaced by evaporation from the water film that coats mesophyll cells.

The evaporation of the water film causes the air-water interface to retreat farther into the cell wall and to become more curved. This curvature increases the surface tension and the rate of transpiration. The increased surface tension shown in step pulls water from surrounding cells and air spaces. Water from the xylem is pulled into the surrounding cells and air spaces to replace the water that was lost

Leaf Growth and Anatomy: Figure 35.18 provides an overview of leaf anatomy. Leaves develop from leaf primordia (singular, primordium), projections shaped like a cow's horns that emerge along the sides of the shoot apical meristem (see Figure 35.16). Unlike roots and stems, secondary growth in leaves is minor or nonexistent. As with roots and stems, the three primary meristems give rise to the tissues of the mature organ.

The leaf epidermis is covered by a waxy cuticle except where it is interrupted by stomata (singular, stoma), which allow exchange of CO2 and O2 between the surrounding air and the photosynthetic cells inside the leaf. In addition to regulating CO2 uptake for photosynthesis, stomata are major avenues for the evaporative loss of water. The term stoma can refer to the stomatal pore or to the entire stomatal complex consisting of a pore flanked by the two specialized epidermal cells known as guard cells, which regulate the opening and closing of the pore. (We will discuss stomata in detail in Concept 36.4.)

Beyond these basic traits, the plant's genome makes it particularly well suited for analysis by molecular genetic methods. The Arabidopsis genome, which includes about 27,000 proteinencoding genes, is among the smallest known in plants. Furthermore, the plant has only five pairs of chromosomes, making it easier for geneticists to locate specific genes. Because Arabidopsis has such a small genome, it was the first plant to have its entire genome sequenced.

The natural range of Arabidopsis includes varied climates and elevations, from the high mountains of Central Asia to the European Atlantic coast, and from North Africa to the Arctic Circle. These local varieties can differ markedly in outward appearance (Figure 35.26). Genome-sequencing efforts are being expanded to include hundreds of populations of Arabidopsis from throughout its natural range in Eurasia. Contained in the genomes of these populations is information about evolutionary adaptations that enabled Arabidopsis to expand its range into new environments following the retreat of the last ice age. This information may provide plant breeders with new insights and strategies for crop improvement.

As a tree or woody shrub ages, older layers of secondary xylem no longer transport water and minerals (a solution called xylem sap). These layers are called heartwood because they are closer to the center of a stem or root (Figure 35.22).

The newest, outer layers of secondary xylem still transport xylem sap and are therefore known as sapwood. Sapwood allows a large tree to survive even if the center of its trunk is hollow (Figure 35.23). Because each new layer of secondary xylem has a larger circumference, secondary growth enables the xylem to transport more sap each year, supplying an increasing number of leaves. Heartwood is generally darker than sapwood because of resins and other compounds that permeate the cell cavities and help protect the core.of the tree from fungi and wood-boring insects.

Water Movement Across Plant Cell Membranes: Now let's consider how water potential affects absorption and loss of water by a living plant cell. First, imagine a cell that is flaccid (limp) as a result of losing water. The cell has a ΨP of 0 MPa. Suppose this flaccid cell is bathed in a solution of higher solute concentration (more negative solute potential) than the cell itself (Figure 36.7a). Since the external solution has the lower (more negative) water potential, water diffuses out of the cell. The cell's protoplast undergoes plasmolysis—that is, it shrinks and pulls away from the cell wall. If we place the same flaccid cell in pure water (Ψ = 0 MPa) (Figure 36.7b), the cell, because it contains solutes, has a lower water potential than the water, and water enters the cell by osmosis. The contents of the cell begin to swell and press the plasma membrane against the cell wall.

The partially elastic wall, exerting turgor pressure, confines the pressurized protoplast. When this pressure is enough to offset the tendency for water to enter because of the solutes in the cell, then ΨP and ΨS are equal, and Ψ = 0. This matches the water potential of the extracellular environment— in this example, 0 MPa. A dynamic equilibrium has been reached, and there is no further net movement of water.

Bulk Flow Transport via the Xylem: Water and minerals from the soil enter the plant through the epidermis of roots, cross the root cortex, and pass into the vascular cylinder. From there the xylem sap, the water and dissolved minerals in the xylem, is transported long distances by bulk flow to the veins that branch throughout each leaf. As noted earlier, bulk flow is much faster than diffusion or active transport. Peak velocities in the transport of xylem sap can range from 15 to 45 m/hr for trees with wide vessel elements. The stems and leaves depend on this rapid delivery system for their supply of water and minerals.

The process of transporting xylem sap involves the loss of an astonishing amount of water by transpiration, the loss of water vapor from leaves and other aerial parts of the plant. A single maize plant, for example, transpires 60 L of water (the equivalent of 170 12-ounce bottles) during a growing season. A maize crop growing at a typical density of 60,000 plants per hectare transpires almost 4 million L of water per hectare (about 400,000 gallons of water per acre) every growing season. If the transpired water is not replaced by water transported up from the roots, the leaves will wilt, and the plants will eventually die.

Primary Growth of Roots: The entire biomass of a primary root is derived from the root apical meristem. The root apical meristem also makes a thimble-like root cap, which protects the delicate apical meristem as the root pushes through the abrasive soil. The root cap secretes a polysaccharide slime that lubricates the soil around the tip of the root. Growth occurs just behind the tip in three overlapping zones of cells at successive stages of primary growth. These are the zones of cell division, elongation, and differentiation (Figure 35.13).

The zone of cell division includes the stem cells of the root apical meristem and their immediate products. New root cells are produced in this region, including cells of the root cap.

Genetic Control of Flowering: Flower formation involves a phase change from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. This transition is triggered by a combination of environmental cues, such as day length, and internal signals, such as hormones. (You will learn more about the roles of these signals in flowering in Concept 39.3.) Unlike vegetative growth, which is indeterminate, floral growth is usually determinate: The production of a flower by a shoot apical meristem generally stops the primary growth of that shoot. The transition from vegetative growth to flowering is associated with the switching on of floral meristem identity genes.

The protein products of these genes are transcription factors that regulate the genes required for the conversion of the indeterminate vegetative meristems to determinate floral meristems. When a shoot apical meristem is induced to flower, the order of each primordium's emergence determines its development into a specific type of floral organ—a sepal, petal, stamen, or carpel (see Figure 30.8 to review basic flower structure). These floral organs form four whorls that can be described roughly as concentric "circles" when viewed from above. Sepals form the first (outermost) whorl; petals form the second; stamens form the third; and carpels form the fourth (innermost) whorl. Plant biologists have identified several organ identity genes belonging to the MADS-box family that encode transcription factors that regulate the development of this characteristic floral pattern. Positional information determines which organ identity genes are expressed in a particular floral organ primordium. The result is the development of an emerging floral primordium into a specific floral organ. A mutation in a plant organ identity gene can cause abnormal floral development, such as petals growing in place of stamens (Figure 35.35). Some homeotic mutants with increased petal numbers produce showier flowers that are prized by gardeners.

Primary Growth of Shoots: The entire biomass of a primary shoot—all its leaves and stems—derives from its shoot apical meristem, a domeshaped mass of dividing cells at the shoot tip (Figure 35.16).

The shoot apical meristem is a delicate structure protected by the leaves of the apical bud. These young leaves are spaced close together because the internodes are very short. Shoot elongation is due to the lengthening of internode cells below the shoot tip. As with the root apical meristem, the shoot apical meristem gives rise to three types of primary meristems in the shoot—the protoderm, ground meristem, and procambium. These three primary meristems in turn give rise to the mature primary tissues of the shoot.

Long-Distance Transport: The Role of Bulk Flow: Diffusion is an effective transport mechanism over the spatial scales typically found at the cellular level. However, diffusion is much too slow to function in long-distance transport within a plant. Although diffusion from one end of a cell to the other takes just seconds, diffusion from the roots to the top of a giant redwood would take several centuries. Instead, long-distance transport occurs through bulk flow, the movement of liquid in response to a pressure gradient. The bulk flow of material always occurs from higher to lower pressure. Unlike osmosis, bulk flow is independent of solute concentration.Long-distance bulk flow occurs within specialized cells in the vascular tissue, namely, the tracheids and vessel elements of the xylem and the sieve-tube elements of the phloem. In leaves, the branching of veins ensures that no cell is more than a few cells away from the vascular tissue (Figure 36.8)

The structures of the conducting cells of the xylem and phloem facilitate bulk flow. Mature tracheids and vessel elements are dead cells and therefore have no cytoplasm, and the cytoplasm of sieve-tube elements (also called sieve-tube members) is almost devoid of organelles (see Figure 35.10). If you have dealt with a partially clogged drain, you know that the volume of flow depends on the pipe's diameter. Clogs reduce the effective diameter of the drainpipe. Such experiences help us understand how the structures of plant cells specialized for bulk flow fit their function. Like unclogging a drain, the absence or reduction of cytoplasm in a plant's "plumbing" facilitates bulk flow through the xylem and phloem. Bulk flow is also enhanced by the perforation plates at the ends of vessel elements and the porous sieve plates connecting sieve-tube elements

The chief functions of the vascular tissue system are to facilitate the transport of materials through the plant and to provide mechanical support. The two types of vascular tissues are xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts water and dissolved minerals upward from roots into the shoots. Phloem transports sugars, the products of photosynthesis, from where they are made (usually the leaves) to where they are needed or tored—usually roots and sites of growth, such as developing leaves and fruits.

The vascular tissue of a root or stem is collectively called the stele (the Greek word for "pillar"). The arrangement of the stele varies, depending on the species and organ. In angiosperms, for example, the root stele is a solid central vascular cylinder of xylem and phloem, whereas the stele of stems and leaves consists of vascular bundles, separate strands containing xylem and phloem (see Figure 35.8). Both xylem and phloem are composed of a variety of cell types, including cells that are highly specialized for transport or support. Tissues that are neither dermal nor vascular are part of the ground tissue system. Ground tissue that is internal to the vascular tissue is known as pith, and ground tissue that is external to the vascular tissue is called cortex. Ground tissue is not just filler: It includes cells specialized for functions such as storage, photosynthesis, support, and short-distance transport.

The leaf's ground tissue, called the mesophyll (from the Greek mesos, middle, and phyll, leaf), is sandwiched between the upper and lower epidermal layers. Mesophyll consists mainly of parenchyma cells specialized for photosynthesis. The mesophyll in many eudicot leaves has two distinct layers: palisade and spongy. Palisade mesophyll consists of one or more layers of elongated parenchyma cells on the upper part of the leaf. Spongy mesophyll is below the palisade mesophyll. These parenchyma cells are more loosely arranged, with a labyrinth of air spaces through which CO2 and O2 circulate around the cells and up to the palisade region. The air spaces are particularly large in the vicinity of stomata, where CO2 is taken up from the outside air and O2 is released.

The vascular tissue of each leaf is continuous with the vascular tissue of the stem. Veins subdivide repeatedly and branch throughout the mesophyll. This network brings xylem and phloem into close contact with the photosynthetic tissue, which obtains water and minerals from the xylem and loads its sugars and other organic products into the phloem for transport to other parts of the plant. The vascular structure also functions as a framework that reinforces the shape of the leaf. Each vein is enclosed by a protective bundle sheath, a layer of cells that regulates the movement of substances between the vascular tissue and the mesophyll. Bundle-sheath cells are very prominent in leaves of species that carry out C4 photosynthesis (see Concept 10.4).

Different meristems generate new cells for primary and secondary growth: A major difference between plants and most animals is that plant growth is not limited to an embryonic or juvenile period. Instead, growth occurs throughout the plant's life, a process called indeterminate growth. Plants can keep growing because they have undifferentiated tissues called meristems containing cells that can divide, leading to new cells that elongate and become differentiated (Figure 35.11). Except for dormant periods, most plants grow continuously. In contrast, most animals and some plant organs—such as leaves, thorns, and flowers—undergo determinate growth; they stop growing after reaching a certain size.

There are two main types of meristems: apical meristems and lateral meristems. Apical meristems, located at root and shoot tips, provide cells that enable primary growth, growth in length. Primary growth allows roots to extend throughout the soil and shoots to increase exposure to light. In herbaceous (nonwoody) plants, it produces all, or almost all, of the plant body. Woody plants, however, also grow in circumference in the parts of stems and roots that no longer grow in length. This growth in thickness, known as secondary growth, is made possible by lateral meristems: the vascular cambium and cork cambium. These cylinders of dividing cells extend along the length of roots and stems. The vascular cambium adds vascular tissue called secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem. Most of the thickening is from secondary xylem. The cork cambium replaces the epidermis with the thicker, tougher periderm

The object in Figure 35.1 is not the creation of a computer genius with a flair for the artistic. It is a head of romanesco, an edible relative of broccoli. Romanesco's mesmerizing beauty is attributable to the fact that each of its smaller buds resembles in miniature the entire vegetable (shown below). (Mathematicians refer to such repetitive patterns as fractals.) If romanesco looks as if it were generated by a computer, it's because its growth pattern follows a repetitive sequence of instructions. As in most plants, the growing shoot tips lay down a pattern of stem ... leaf ... bud, over and over again.

These repetitive developmental patterns are genetically determined and subject to natural selection. For example, a mutation that shortens the stem segments between leaves will generate a bushier plant. If this altered architecture enhances the plant's ability to access resources such as light and, by doing so, to produce more offspring, then this trait will occur more frequently in later generations— the population will have evolved.

Romanesco is unusual in adhering so rigidly to its basic body organization. Most plants show much greater diversity in their individual forms because the growth of most plants, much more than in animals, is affected by local environmental conditions. All adult lions, for example, have four legs and are of roughly the same size, but oak trees vary in the number and arrangement of their branches.

This is because plants respond to challenges and opportunities in their local environment by altering their growth. (In contrast, animals typically respond by movement.) Illumination of a plant from the side, for example, creates asymmetries in its basic body plan. Branches grow more quickly from the illuminated side of a shoot than from the shaded side, an architectural change of obvious benefit for photosynthesis. Changes in growth and development facilitate a plant's ability to acquire resources from its local environment

The first division of a plant zygote is normally asymmetrical, initiating polarization of the plant body into shoot and root.

This polarity is difficult to reverse experimentally, indicating that the proper establishment of axial polarity is a critical step in a plant's morphogenesis. In the gnom (from the German for a dwarf and misshapen creature) mutant of Arabidopsis, the establishment of polarity is defective. The first cell division of the zygote is abnormal because it is symmetrical, and the resulting ball-shaped plant has neither roots nor leaves (Figure 35.30).

As secondary growth continues, layers of secondary xylem (wood) accumulate, consisting mainly of tracheids, vessel elements, and fibers (see Figure 35.10). In most gymnosperms, tracheids are the only water-conducting cells. Most angiosperms also have vessel elements. The walls of secondary xylem cells are heavily lignified, giving wood its hardness and strength. In temperate regions, wood that develops early in the spring, known as early (or spring) wood, usually has secondary xylem cells with large diameters and thin cell walls (Figure 35.20).

This structure maximizes delivery of water to leaves. Wood produced later in the growing season is called late (or summer) wood. It has thick-walled cells that do not transport as much water but provide more support. Because there is a marked contrast between the large cells of the new early wood and the smaller cells of the late wood of the previous growing season, a year's growth appears as a distinct growth ring in cross sections of most tree trunks and roots. Therefore, researchers can estimate a tree's age by counting growth rings. Dendrochronology is the science of analyzing tree growth ring patterns. Growth rings vary in thickness, depending on seasonal growth. Trees grow well in wet and warm years but may grow hardly at all in cold or dry years. Since a thick ring indicates a warm year and a thin ring indicates a cold or dry one, scientists use ring patterns to study climate changes (Figure 35.21).

As water evaporates from the water film that covers the cell walls of mesophyll cells, the air-water interface retreats farther into the cell wall. Because of the high surface tension of water, the curvature of the interface induces a tension, or negative pressure potential, in the water. As more water evaporates from the cell wall, the curvature of the air-water interface increases and the pressure of the water becomes more negative. Water molecules from the more hydrated parts of the leaf are then pulled toward this area, reducing the tension. These pulling forces are transferred to the xylem because each water molecule is cohesively bound to the next by hydrogen bonds.

Thus, transpirational pull depends on several of the properties of water discussed in Concept 3.2: adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension.

This flow enhances the exposure of the cells of the cortex to the soil solution, providing a much greater membrane surface area for absorption than the surface area of the epidermis alone. Although the soil solution usually has a low mineral concentration, active transport enables roots to accumulate essential minerals, such as K+ , to concentrations hundreds of times greater than in the soil.

Transport of Water and Minerals into the Xylem: Water and minerals that pass from the soil into the root cortex cannot be transported to the rest of the plant until they enter the xylem of the vascular cylinder, or stele. The endodermis, the innermost layer of cells in the root cortex, functions as a last checkpoint for the selective passage of minerals from the cortex into the vascular cylinder (Figure 36.9). Minerals already in the symplast when they reach the endodermis continue through the plasmodesmata of endodermal cells and pass into the vascular cylinder. These minerals were already screened by the plasma membrane they had to cross to enter the symplast in the epidermis or cortex

Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation: A plant's body is more than a collection of dividing and expanding cells. During morphogenesis, cells acquire different identities in an ordered spatial arrangement. For example, dermal tissue forms on the exterior and vascular tissue in the interior—never the other way around. The development of specific structures in specific locations is called pattern formation.

Two types of hypotheses have been put forward to explain how the fate of plant cells is determined during pattern formation. Hypotheses based on lineage-based mechanisms propose that cell fate is determined early in development and that cells pass on this destiny to their progeny. In this view, the basic pattern of cell differentiation is mapped out according to the directions in which meristematic cells divide and expand. On the other hand, hypotheses based on positionbased mechanisms propose that the cell's final position in an emerging organ determines what kind of cell it will become. In support of this view, experiments in which neighboring cells have been destroyed with lasers have demonstrated that a plant cell's fate is established late in the cell's development and largely depends on signaling from its neighbors.

Short-Distance Transport of Solutes Across Plasma Membranes: In plants, as in any organism, the selective permeability of the plasma membrane controls the short-distance movement of substances into and out of cells (see Concept 7.2). Both active and passive transport mechanisms occur in plants, and plant cell membranes are equipped with the same general types of pumps and transport proteins (channel proteins, carrier proteins, and cotransporters) that function in other cells. There are, however, specific differences between the membrane transport processes of plant and animal cells. In this section, we'll focus on some of those differences.

Unlike in animal cells, hydrogen ions (H+ ) rather than sodium ions (Na+ ) play the primary role in basic transport processes in plant cells. For example, in plant cells the membrane potential (the voltage across the membrane) is established mainly through the pumping of H+ by proton pumps (Figure 36.6a), rather than the pumping of Na+ by sodium-potassium pumps. Also, H+ is most often cotransported in plants, whereas Na+ is typically cotransported in animals. During cotransport, plant cells use the energy in the H+ gradient and membrane potential to drive the active transport of many different solutes. For instance, cotransport with H+ is responsible for absorption of neutral solutes, such as the sugar sucrose, by phloem cells and other plant cells. An H+ /sucrose cotransporter couples movement of sucrose against its concentration gradient with movement of H+ down its electrochemical gradient (Figure 36.6b). Cotransport with H+ also facilitates movement of ions, as in the uptake of nitrate (NO3 - ) by root cells (Figure 36.6c).

Basic Vascular Plant Organs: Roots, Stems, and Leaves The basic morphology of vascular plants reflects their evolutionary history as terrestrial organisms that inhabit and draw resources from two very different environments—below the ground and above the ground. They must absorb water and minerals from below the ground surface and CO2 and light from above the ground surface. The ability to acquire these resources efficiently is traceable to the evolution of roots, stems, and leaves as the three basic organs. These organs form a root system and a shoot system, the latter consisting of stems and leaves (Figure 35.2).

Vascular plants, with few exceptions, rely on both systems for survival. Roots are almost never photosynthetic; they starve unless photosynthates, the sugars and the other carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis, are imported from the shoot system. Conversely, the shoot system depends on the water and minerals that roots absorb from the soil.

Stem Growth and Anatomy: The stem is covered by an epidermis that is usually one cell thick and covered with a waxy cuticle that prevents water loss. Some examples of specialized epidermal cells in the stem include guard cells and trichomes. The ground tissue of stems consists mostly of parenchyma cells. However, collenchyma cells just beneath the epidermis strengthen many stems during primary growth. Sclerenchyma cells, especially fiber cells, also provide support in those parts of the stems that are no longer elongating.

Vascular tissue runs the length of a stem in vascular bundles. Unlike lateral roots, which arise from vascular tissue deep within a root and disrupt the vascular cylinder, cortex, and epidermis as they emerge (see Figure 35.15), lateral shoots develop from axillary bud meristems on the stem's surface and do not disrupt other tissues (see Figure 35.16). Near the soil surface, in the transition zone between shoot and root, the bundled vascular arrangement of the stem converges with the solid vascular cylinder of the root.

How Solutes and Pressure Affect Water Potential: Solute concentration and physical pressure are the major determinants of water potential in hydrated plants, as expressed in the water potential equation: Ψ = ΨS + ΨP

where Ψ is the water potential, ΨS is the solute potential (osmotic potential), and ΨP is the pressure potential. The solute potential (ΨS) of a solution is directly proportional to its molarity. Solute potential is also called osmotic potential because solutes affect the direction of osmosis. The solutes in plants are typically mineral ions and sugars.

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