United States History Chapters 28-31

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Native Americans

Unlike other groups demanding more assimilation into mainstream society, many ____________ wanted greater independence from it.

accepted bribes

Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign in disgrace when investigators discovered that he had

Readmitting weapon inspectors and declaring its weapons of mass destruction

A UN resolution set a deadline for Iraq to take several actions including

discount retailing, Wal-mart, Sam Walton

A new method of selling goods called ____________ began to have a major impact. The most successful of these chains was ____________, which was founded by ____________.

entitlement programs

A problem Clinton faced in trying to reduce the federal deficit was

entitlement programs

A problem Clinton faced in trying to reduce the federal deficit was that it was not easy to cut funding for ____________ because so many people relied on them


In 1977 Stephen Wozniak and Steve Jobs introduced the Apple II, the first practical and affordable ____________ for personal use.

Camp David Accords, Israel, Egypt

In 1978 Carter helped broker a historic peace treaty known as the ____________ between ____________ and ____________, a first major step toward peace in the Middle East.


In 1995 the federal government was shut down after President Clinton was impeached

had a 50/50 split vote to impeach him, under a vote in which it was decided that he was not guilty of perjury or obstruction of justice, remove him from office

In 1998 Clinton was involved in a scandal with a White House intern. The House ____________ the president and the Senate put him ____________. There were not enough votes to ____________.


In 2003 ____________ took command of the peacekeeping efforts in Afghanistan.

John Roberts

In 2005 ____________ became the chief justice of the supreme court

domestic terrorism, Oklahoma City

In April 1995, an act of ____________ shocked that nation when a bomb was detonated near a federal building in ____________.

Helsinki Accords

In August 1975, President Gerald Ford met with leaders of NATO and the Warsaw Pact to sign the

Serbs, non-Serbs, Bosnian Muslims, The United States and it allies in NATO, Dayton Accords

In Bosnia, the ____________ began ethnic cleansing of ____________ and ____________. After military action by ____________, Clinton arranged a peace plan called the ____________.

Iraq had invaded Kuwait

In January 1991, the United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf for what reason?

former Attorney General John Mitchell

In June 1973, John Dean testified that the Watergate break-in had been ordered by

it's traditional values, Protestant evangelicals, the use of television and particularily televangelists, Moral Majority

Many Americans were drawn to conservatism because they thought society had lost tough with ____________. The largest group was the ____________. Their ministries were able to reach millions through ____________. Televangelists helped build a substantial group known as the ____________.


President Nixon's policy of ____________ profoundly eased tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States.


Several nations agreed to phase out the production of CFCs after seeing evidence of a hole in the ____________ layer above Antarctica.

Revenue sharing

____________ bills, an important element of President Nixon's New Federalism, granted federal funds to state and local agencies.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

____________, a disease that weakens the immune system and lowers resistance to illness, became an epidemic during the 1980s.

Strategic Defense Initiative

a plan, nicknamed "Star Wars," to develop weapons that could destroy incoming missiles

Jesse Jackson

first African American to make a serious run for a presidential nomination

Shirley Chisholm

first African American woman to serve in Congress

Sandra Day O'Connor

first woman on the Supreme Court, appointed by President Reagan

Federal Campaign Act Amendments

limited campaign contributions and established an independent agency to administer stricter election laws

Tiananmen Square

location of pro-democracy demonstrations violently crushed by the Chinese government in 1989

John Dean

member of President Nixon's inner circle who leveled accusations against the president

Moral Majority

movement founded by Jarry Falwell that backed conservative candidates and issues

Ayatollah Khomeini

name for Iran's monarch


nation accused of sponsoring terrorism

the U.S. military

During his presidency, Reagan launched the largest peacetime buildup of


During the 1960s and 1970s, a growing number of Americans began to examine how their highly industrialized society was affecting the environment, and many were alarmed at what they discovered


During the 1980s, ____________ citizens became vocal in the political arena, especially about issues such as Social Security and Medicare.

set out to improve relations with China's communist government

Détente began when President Nixon

news, entertainment, Ted Turner, WTBS, superstation

Entrepreneurs transformed the ____________ and ____________ industries. ____________ pioneered a new kind of broadcasting by creating ____________, the first television ____________.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Why was President Clinton impeached, and what was the outcome?

McCarran-Walter Act

allowed people fleeing communism entry into the United States as refugees

defaulting on their mortgage payments

an economic recession was sparked in 2007 when many people with low incomes or poor credit began ____________ and housing prices began to fall.


"openness," allowing more freedom of religion and speech in the Soviet Union


"restructuring," allowing some private enterprise and profit making in the Soviet Union


A(n) ____________ serves as a place for people to share stories and photos on the Internet.

actively recruit African American employees and students.

Affirmative action, an approach to civil rights that emerged in the 1970s, called for companies and institutions to

raising interest rates

After inflation surged in 1978, President Carter responded by reducing the money supply and

social behavior

Although liberals tend to favor government intervention in the economy, they are generally suspicious of attempts to use the government to regulate

neighborhoods were still segregated and children went to neighborhood schools

Although the Supreme Court had ordered an end to segregated public schools in 1954, many schools remained segregated in the early 1970s because

U.S. manufacturing plants were old and inefficient

American manufacturing was in decline by the 1970s, in large part because

send their children to public schools

American public opinion split over whether unauthorized immigrants should be allowed to

Donating food, money, and supplies

Americans responded quickly to the attacks on September 11, 2001, by

manufacturing, factories, lost their jobs, inflation and a stagnant economy

Another problem was the decline in ____________. Many problems, combined with ____________, created a situation nicknamed ____________.

William F. Buckley, National Review, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), Barry Goldwater

Another reason for the revival of conservatism was that a young Republican named ____________ started a new magazine called the ____________ and founded a group called ____________. This new conservative movement helped enable ____________ to become the Republican nominee in 1964.


As Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were creating Apple, Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft to design PC

focused on specific audiences

As cable television spread across the country in the late 1970s and 1980s, many of the new networks that appeared specialized in one type of broadcasting or

Essay/Short Answer Question

Based on the above excerpt, why does Osama bin Laden call on Muslims to kill Americans?


Believers in supply-side economics supported higher taxes, allowing businesses and investors to use extra capital on new investments.

recount, court, U.S. Supreme Court, Bush

Bush led by a slim margin, so Al Gore asked for a ____________ and petitioned the ____________ to extend the deadline. Bush asked the ____________ to rule on the constitutionality of the recount. The ruling upheld ____________ as the certified winner of the 2000 election.


By 2007 over one billion people worldwide were regularly using the ____________.

increasing government spending, cutting taxes, Department of Energy, foreign oil

Carter tried to fix the economy through ____________ and ____________. He created the ____________ and asked Americans to reduce their consumption because of their dependence on ____________.

John Roberts

Chief Justice appointed by George W. Bush

its huge population offered a potential market for American goods

China became an important factor in world trade because

Clinton was impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.

Choose the statement below that most accurately describes Clinton's impeachment.


Citizen involvement in local environmental groups and long-standing organizations such as the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, and the Wilderness Society declined after the first Earth Day.

democracy, embargo, step aside, peacekeepers

Clinton fought to restore ____________ in Haiti after its president was overthrown. After an ____________ severly hurt the country, Haiti's leaders were persuaded to ____________ and U.S. troops arrived to serve as ____________.


Clinton's AmeriCorps program put student to work improving low-income housing, teaching children to read, and cleaning up the environment.

economy, massive federal deficit, interest rates, wanted to raise taxes on middle and upper incomes along with placing new taxes on gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas

Clinton's first focus was the ____________, and the biggest problem was the ____________. If this were lowered, ____________ would come down and the economy would grow. To do this, Clinton ____________.

Family Medical Leave Act, AmeriCorps program, low-income housing, cleaning up of the environment

Clinton's first major success was passage of the ____________. Congress also created ____________ to improve ____________, ____________, and teach children to read.


Clinton's health care reform plan died without ever coming to a vote in Congress.

"Contract with America", Senate, vetoed

Congressional Republicans created the ____________. This legislation was partly defeated in the ____________ and the president ____________ other parts.

economic, communism, religious, good, evil

Conservatism revived because some Americans believed that liberal ____________ ideas were leading the country toward ____________. Some peopel also viewed the Cold War in ____________ terms, seeing the struggle against communism as a struggle between ____________ and ____________.

economy, free enterprise

Conservatives believe that government regulation of the ____________ should be limited and that ____________ is the most effective economic system.

social problems, high taxes, government programs, wealth

Conservatives believe that the majority of ____________ can be solved by commitment to religious faith and other private efforts. They oppose ____________ and ____________ that redistribute ____________.

the dismissal of the head of FEMA

Criticism of the govenment's response to Hurricane Katrina led to


Critics of the affirmative action programs that emerged in the 1970s viewed them as a form of "____________ discrimination".

Essay/Short Answer Question

Describe Ronald Reagan's economic policies and their effect on social programs.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Describe how Clinton's tax policies led to a federal budget surplus.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Describe the domestic challenges George H.W. Bush faced as president and explain the actions President Bush took in response to those challenges.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Describe the origins of the environmental movement in the United States during the 1960s and early 1970s.

Brady Bill

Despite strong opposition from many Republicans and the National Rifle Association, the Democrats in Congress passed a gun-control law known as the

Essay/Short Answer Question

Do you agree with Bob Woodward that the Watergate scandal was "a good thing" for the United States? Why or why not?

Essay/Short Answer Question

Explain how conservative responses to political, economic, and social probelms in the late 1970s, such as the violence that hit New York City following a blackout in July 1977, helped bring together a new conservative coalition.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Explain how the United States economy in the 1970s was different from the economy of the 1950s and 1960s.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Explain how the entertainment industry was transformed during the 1980s. What caused the industry to change?

Essay/Short Answer Question

Explain the policy of detente as it is described by President Nixon in the excerpt above. In what ways was detente successful?

Essay/Short Answer Question

Explain the problem described by Ruth Baston in the excerpt above, and explain whether or not the problem was solved by busing.

taxes were too high

For many Americans, the conservative idea that the government had become too big meant simply that

While Inflation Now (WIN), did little, Henry Kissinger, detente

Ford launched a program called ____________, but it ____________ to revive the economy. Ford kept ____________ on as secretary of state and continued Nixon's policy of ____________.

prescription drugs

George W. Bush convinced Congress to enact a program that allows people over age 65 to sign up for insurance to help cover the cost of ____________.

Essay/Short Answer Question

How did George W. Bush win the presidential election of 2000?

Essay/Short Answer Question

How did United States foreign policy change after September 11, 2001?

Rising waters breached the levees that protected the city

Hurricane Katrina caused large amounts of damage to New Orleans because

Personal Computer

IBM's first compact computer

the Nixon Doctrine

In 1969 President Richard Nixon announced that the United States would now expect its allies to take care of their own defense, a policy known as


In 1970 Congress passed and President Richard Nixon signed a new antipollution law that created the Environmental Protection Agency.


In 1973, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries announced that its members would impose a(n) ____________ of petroleum to countries that supported Israel.


In 1975 entrepreneur Ted Turner launched the television station ____________.

Strategic Arms Limitation

In May 1972, President Nixon and the Soviets signed the first ________ Treaty, also known as SALT I, a plan to limit nuclear arms


In May 1989, students and workers held demonstrations calling for democracy in

revolutionaries, American Embassy in Tehran, January 20 1981, Carter left office

In November 1979, ____________ in Iran took 52 Americans hostage when they stormed the ____________. The hostages were released on ____________, the day ____________.

asking Congress to pass a huge tax cut

In an approach to economic policy that came to be called "Reaganomics," President Ronald Reagan sought to keep interest rates high while

universities could not use "fixed quotas" to maintain a diverse student body

In its 1978 University of California Regents v. Bakke decision, the Supreme Court ruled that

the Soviet Union

In late December 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the end of

adequate schools

In the 1970s, civil rights leaders began to focus on securing for African Americans access to good jobs and


In the 1970s, the federal government began deregulating the ____________ industry, leading to the rise of competing phone companies.

Sony Walkman, access, Videocassette recorders (VCR), watch taped films

In the 1980s, the ____________ made music portable. it was a new way for people to ____________music. Video technology changed with the introduction of ____________, enabling people to ____________ whenever they wished.

Cut taxes and improve public education

In the 2000 presidential campaign, both AI Gore and George W. Bush promised to

George W. Bush, Al Gore, Ralph Nader

In the 2000 presidential election, ____________ ran for the Republicans and ____________ for the Democrats. ____________ ran on the Green Party ticket.

Democrats won a majority in both the House and the Senate

In the 2006 midterm elections, it became clear that voters were unhappy with the president and the Republican Congress when

Geneva Conventions

In the case of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court ruled that the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay violated the

the Natural Resources Defense Council

In the early 1970s, long-standing environmental organizations grew rapidly in membership and political influence, and environmental activists formed new groups such as

American workers shifted to more skilled jobs or to the service industry

In the period after NAFTA passed,


Iranian monarch supported by the United States

John Edwards

John Kerry's running mate in the 2004 presidential election

government, economy, disadvantaged Americans, social programs, wealthy

Liberals believe that the ____________ should regulate the ____________. They also believe it should help ____________ through ____________ and putting more of the tax burden on the ____________.

economy, social behavior

Liberals believe the government should intervene in the ____________ but not in ____________.

musicians, entertainers, Live Aid, Farm Aid, senior citizens, AARP (originally stood for the American Association of Retired Persons)

Many ____________ and ____________ raised awareness of social issues by presenting concerts such as ____________ and ____________. Another activist group was ____________. Their major lobbying organization is ____________.

South, West, Sunbelt, Republican, high taxes and federal regulations, Northeast

Many conservatives split their votes between the two parties. However, when many Americans moved to the ____________ and ____________, the area known as the ____________, they began voting ____________ in large numbers. Both areas resented the ____________ that interfere with the area's growth or restrict the use of natural resources. This region lessened the political power of the ____________ region.

Earth Day

Many observers point to April 1970 and the celebration of ____________ as the beginning of the environmental movement

American society had lost its way

Members of the new conservative coalition that had come together by the late 1970s were united by a common belief that

embargo of petroleum

OPEC decided to use oil as a weapon by announcing a(n) ____________ to countries that supported Isreal.

World Trade Center, New York City, the Pentagon, White House, Pennsylvania

On September 11, 2001, passenger jets slammed into the two towers of the ____________ in ____________. Soon afterward, a third plane crashed into ____________ near Washington, D.C. A fourht plane was probably targeting the ____________ or the Capitol, but crashed in a field in ____________.

would be too expensive for them

Opposition to Clinton's health care plan came from many groups, including small business owners who believed that the plan

Taliban, bin Laden and his supporters, terrorist camps, the Middle East

President Bush demanded that the ____________ regime turn over ____________ and shut down all ____________ in ____________.

human rights, Afghanistan, embargo on the sale of grain to the Soviet Union, 1980 Summer Olympic Games

President Carter condemned the Soviet Union as a violator of ____________. When the Soviets invaded ____________, he imposed an ____________ and boycotted the ____________ in Moscow.


President Clinton convinced Congress to grant China permanent normal trade relation status.

he knew that most senators were opposed to it

President Clinton did not submit the Kyoto Protocol to the Senate for ratification because


President Clinton opposed new gun-control laws.

foreign policy matters

President Clinton spent much of his time during the second term on

foreign oil

President Jimmy Carter felt that the most serious problem related to the U.S. economy was the nation's dependence on

Vietnam war, Great Society

President Johnson increased deficit spending to fund the ____________ and the ____________.

executive privilege

President Nixon argued that recordings of White House conversations should remain confidential to protect national security, a principle known as

the New Federalism

President Nixon dismantled a number of federal programs and gave more control to state and local governments, a policy he called

foreign affairs

President Nixon once expressed the hope that a "competent cabinet" of advisers could run the country, which would allow him to focus his energies on

George McGovern

President Nixon's Democratic opponent in the 1972 presidential election


President Nixon's policy of turning that responsibility for South Vietnam's defense over to the South Vietnamese military was known as ____________.

massive Soviet defense spending would cause the Communist system to collapse

President Reagan began a massive buildup of the U.S. military, in part because he believed that


President Reagan believed that cutting taxes and building up the military were more important than balancing the budget.


President Reagan believed that the United States should oppse guerilla groups fighting to overthrow Communist or pro-Soviet goverments, an approach that came to be known as the Reagan Doctrine.

excessive government regulations hurt the economy

President Reagan encouraged and promoted deregulation because he believed that


President Reagan encouraged the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates and asked Congress to pass a massive tax cut, in what critics called

negotiation with Communists

President Richard Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, both believed that ____________________ would lead to establishing positive relations with the United States' Cold War enemies.

Billy Graham

Protestant minister who built a national following


Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, one of the most controversial and influential books of the 1960s, assailed the increasing use of


Reagan's first act as president was to sign an executive order eliminating price controls on oil and gasoline, a step towards


Shortly after the public learned of U.S. negotiations with China, the Soviet Union proposed an American-Soviet high-level diplomatic meeting, or

drugs, poverty, disease, AIDS, homosexual men, heterosexual, gay activist movement

Social problems such as ____________, ____________, homelessness, and ____________ continued to plague the country. The ____________ epidemic was first found in ____________. It sooon spread to ____________ men and women. The Stonewall Riot marked the beginning of the ____________.


Southern and Western regions of the United States

Archibald Cox

Special Prosecutor who took Nixon to court to give up the Watergate tapes and was eventually fired by Nixon's order

middle, upper

Strong economic growth most benefited ____________ - and ____________ -class Americans.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Study the illustrations of the ballots to help you answer the following question: What effect did chads have on the outcome of the 2000 presidential election?

videogames, military computer

Technology allowed for a new form of entertainment called ____________. Early forms developed from ____________ technology.


The 2000 election was one of the closest in American history; Bush won the popular vote


The 2000 presidential election was determined by the contested results of

new methods of retailing that lowered prices

The American economy grew rapidly in the 1980s for several reasons, including lower taxes that spurred investment and spending, new technology that created new business opportunities, and

They were not part of any nation's armed forces

The Bush administration claimed that procedures regarding treatment of prisoners specified in the Geneva convention did not apply to terrorists because


The Dayton Accords was an agreement intended to bring peace to

fight terrorism

The Department of Homeland Security was created to coordinate efforts to

DDT spraying

The Environmental Defense Fund was established by a group of scientists to finance a series of legal actions in the late 1960s and early 1970s to halt

coordinates antipollution activities with state and local governments

The Environmental Protection Agency sets and enforces pollution standards, promotes research, and

they were not part of any nation's armed forces

The George W. Bush administration maintained that the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay were not covered by the Geneva Conventions because they were ____________, not suspects charged with a crime.

turned over the Watergate tapes

The House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon in the summer of 1974, just days after the president

charge him with misconduct

The House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon, or

made several changes to U.S. immigration law

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

the Bill of Rights

The Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 recognized the legitimacy of local reservation law and guaranteed reservation residents the protections of


The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 marked the beginning of the end of the cold war.

unauthorized immigration

The Reagan administration's amnesty program of 1986 was intended to solve the problem of

allowing cable companies to offer telephone service

The Telecommunications Act passed in 1996 changed the telecommunications industry by


The U.S supreme court ruled that the vote recount in Florida for the 2000 presidential election violated the Constitution's equal protection clause

the Department of Homeland Security

The USA Patriot Act of 2001 put immigration under the control of

wiretap suspects, seize voicemail, and track internet communications

The USA patriot act is an anti-terrorist bill that allows the government to

Federal Campaign Act Amendments

The Watergate crisis led to new laws intended to limit the power of the executive branch, including the Ethics in Government Act, the FBI Domestic Security Investigation Guidelines Act, and the


The ____________ Act of 1973 prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities by any federally funded program.


The al-Qaeda organization was initially founded to fight the Soviet Union in Iraq


The attack on September 11, 2001, killed nearly 3,000 people

the Middle East, Middle East Oil, a strict interpretation of the Quran, Israel

The attacks at the World Trade Center and at the Pentagon were carrried out by groups from ____________, who targeted Americans because the United States invested in ____________, which made ruling families rich. The rise of this industry led to the spread of ____________. Also, the United States supported the state of ____________ and its right to exist.

Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda

The attacks were the work of ____________ and his organization called ____________.

Iran, Iraq, North Korea

The axis of evil was comprised of

end deficit spending

The central message of H. Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign was the need to

inefficient central planning and huge expenditures in the arms race

The collapse of the Soviet Union's economy that began in the late 1980s was caused by

militants stormed the American embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage.

The crisis in Iran that undermined Jimmy Carter's presidency began in November 1979, when


The disability rights movement began with the ____________ living movement at the University of California at Berkeley.

manufacturing declined while prices were rising

The economic condition called "stagflation" had its beginnings in the early 1970s, when


The economic expansion the nation experienced during Reagan's first term as president made him very popular, contributing to his reelection in 1984.

reduce carbon dioxide emissions worldwide

The goal of the Kyoto Protocol was to

evangelical Protestants

The largest religious group within the social conservative movement that formed by the late 1970s was

Department of Homeland Security

To protect Americans from further attacks by terrorists, a new cabinet agency, the ____________, was established

Florida, electoral votes to win

The outcome of the presidential election of 2000 hinged on the state of ____________, since both candidates needed it 25 ____________.


The portion of the nation's wealth earned by the ____________ five percent of Americans began to rise in the late 1980s.

the new federal budget, funds, balance the budget

The president and Republicans classed over ____________. When the federal government ran out of ____________, Clinton and Congress allowed it to shut down. Soon, they all reached an agreement to ____________.

executive order, terrorism, Office of Homeland Security, USA PATRIOT Act

The president issued an ____________ freezing the assets of those suspected of ____________, and he created the ____________ to coordinate efforts to stop terrorism. Congress passed the ____________ to make it easier to track down suspects.


The process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected is called

baby boomers entering the workforce

The rapid economic growth of the 1980s and the cultural emphasis on accumulating wealth was partly caused by

baby boom, culture

The rapid economic growth of the 1980s was partly caused by the ____________. Their concerns helped shape the ____________.

began reducing its armed forces and canceling orders for military equipment

The recession that began in 1990 was caused in part by the end of the Cold War, because the United States


The regime that held power in Afghanistan and sheltered Osama Bin Laden

middle- and upper-class Americans

The strong economic growth of the 1980s mostly benefited

cutting social programs

The tax cut President Reagan won from Congress would increase the budget deficit, so Reagan proposed ____________ to keep the deficit under control.

Essay/Short Answer Question

Think about immigration policies before and after the Immigration Act of 1965. Then read the quote from Philip Burton. Do you think the current policies have achieved the goal of eliminating discrimination? Why or why not?

the United States would have to accept rulings in trade disputes that might hurt the economy

Those who opposed the United States joining the World Trade Organization worried that

Bob Woodward

Washington Post reporter who helped break the Watergate story

Essay/Short Answer Question

What do many experts believe causes global warming, and why is this issue controversial?

the Internet

What had its roots in a computer networking system established by an agency of the U.S. Defense Department?

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

Which act granted a pardon to undocumented immigrants already living in the United States?


Which nation allowed the United States to attack Iraq from its territory in 2003?

Southerners began shifting their votes to the Republican Party

Which of the following developments was necessary for conservatives to build a coalition that could elect a president?

videocassette recorders

Which of the following entertainment technologies changed television viewing habits as well as the movie industry in the 1980s?

Clean Air Act

Which of the following established emissions standards for factories and automobiles?

They sell large quantities of goods at low prices.

Which of the following statements about discount retailers is accurate?

The unemployment rate for Native Americans was much higher than the national average

Which of the following statements accurately describes conditions faced by Native Americans in 1970?

Immigration from non-European countries soared.

Which of the following was a result of the Immigration Act of 1965?

encouraging the Soviets to pursue diplomacy more actively

Which of the following was one purpose of President Nixon's trip to China?

religious faith and private efforts

While liberals generally believe that the government should help disadvantaged Americans through social programs, many conservatives believe that social problems can be solved through

Saddam Hussein

Who sent his army to invade oil-rich Kuwait in August 1990?

Joseph Lieberman

Who was the first Jewish American for a major political party

Not all of the hand recounts could be completed by the deadline

Why did AI Gore challenge the Florida state law that set a deadline to certify election results?

The Taliban supported and sheltered Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

Why did the United States attack Afghanistan and defeat its Taliban government?

independent counsel

after Watergate, could be appointed to investigate and prosecute wrongdoing by high government officials

Rachel Carson

author who sounded the alarm on the effect of pesticides on birds, fish, and other creatures


cartel that placed an embargo on petroleum to the United States


charge of lying under oath included in Clinton impeachment articles


chemical used in air conditioners and refrigerators that could potentially deplete the Earth's protective atmosphere

Oliver North

chief figure in the Iran-Contra scandal who admitted to covering up illegal actions

Jesse Jackson

civil rights leader who founded Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity)


combination of rising prices and economic stagnation

Barry Goldwater

conservative Republican nominee for president in 1964

Moral Majority

conservative movement founded by evangelical minister Jerry Falwell

Saddam Hussein

dictator overthrown by United States-led forces in 2003


due to the economic recession, by 2009 the ____________ rate was up to 7.2 percent

National Security

during the administration of George W. Bush, the ____________ agency began wiretapping some domestic telephone calls to overseas locations


early computer operating system developed for the PC

Hamid Karzai

elected president of Afghanistan in the country's first democratic election

global warming

environmental threat that could lead to droughts

Camp David Accords

historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, brokered by President Carter

Love Canal

housing development in New York state evacuated because of toxic waste

supply-side economics

idea that high taxes weaken the economy by taking money away from investors

Immigration Reform and Control Act

punished employers who hired illegal immigrants


island nation invaded by the United States in 1983


laying off workers and managers to increase a company's efficiency

oil industry

led to the spread of Western ideas in the Middle East


one of the states with the highest populations of foreign-born residents

capital gains tax

paid by businesses and investors when they sell stocks or real estate for a profit


place from which many legal immigrants came

Reagan Doctrine

policy of supporting guerilla groups fighting Communist or pro-Soviet governments

ethnic cleansing

policy of the Serbs to brutally expel Bosnian Muslims from the region

Contract with America

program of 10 proposed changes that helped Republicans win the majority in both houses of Congress in 1994


programs that pardoned undocumented immigrants, allowing them to stay in the United States


restructuring plan instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the late 1980s to save the Soviet economy

migration chains

result of immigration policy that favored the children, spouses, and parents of U.S. citizens


rise in the cost of goods

Donald Rumsfeld

secretary of defense that resigned in 2006

Wounded Knee

seized and occupied for 70 days by Native American activists

Web browser

software that enabled Internet users to click links to jump from Web site to Web site

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

stated that no person with a disability can be discriminated against by an entity receiving federal funding

rainbow coalition

term used by presidential candidate Jesse Jackson for a broad group of minorities and the poor


the state that determined the winner of the 2000 presidential election

Archibald Cox

took Nixon to court to make him give up the Watergate tapes and was eventually fired at the president's request

cell phones

wireless digital technology made it possible to miniaturize these devices

William F. Buckley

worked to spread conservative ideas to a wider audience by founding the magazine National Review

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