US History Industrial Revolution Test

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What were some problems of industrialization in the united states?

tenements, cultural upheaval, poor/rich classes created, rise of private power

How did innovations in marketing and sales encourage conspicuous consumerism in the United States?

Advertising and mass media. Newspapers, phone campaigns, billboards in NYC

Why did many children hold factory jobs at the end of the 1800s? How did working at young ages affect these children?

Cheaper, less complaints, easier to replace. Children were mistreated

Describe Alice Paul's impact on the women's suffrage movement.

Protester who was arrested for civil disobedience. Went on a hunger strike and was force-fed in order to survive. Became a martyr in the movement

How was the women's suffrage movement connected to the temperance movement?

The suffrage movement put the people and infrastructure in place to eventually ban alcohol.

The United States has a history of tension between business and government. Give at least two examples of this conflict

Businesses making more money and becoming more powerful than government

How did the needs of business and industry influence public education in the United States?

Businesses needed workers. Schools gave skills to perform work related tasks

What were the benefits of company towns and company stores to the businesses that ran them?

Cheap living. Employee buy-in to corporate system. Company makes additional money from goods and services and housing. Companies opened credit lines for employees, then made profits when they paid them back.

How did the "new" immigrants affect the politics of unionization, and what motivated them to do so?

Cities had to deal with cultures living together. They supported unions generally as they were a vessel for representation

Describe the importance of women gaining the right to vote.

Fair representation. 50% of people had no voice before, now all can "speak" through voting. More equal playing field. Incredibly important.

How did the United States encourage people to move west? How did private companies aid in this movement?

Homestead Act. Companies often loaned money for the journey in exchange for ownership of land and assets.

Summarize the impact of immigration on the U.S. workforce and the growth of industry during the nineteenth century.

Huge amounts of immigrants led to growth of industry. More people = More jobs and more room for growth.

During the Industrial Revolution, many people moved away from farms and into cities. What caused this migration? What effects did moving into the city have on the people who chose to do this?

Jobs! Death of cash crop industry and rise of factories. Effects were improvements in lifestyle because of services in cities.

After 1870, the number of corporations in America rose dramatically." How can you account for the rise of corporations during this period?

Laissez-Faire: environment with no rules... many entrepreneurs took advantage and started businesses. Government was favorable to corporations and anti-union

What trends led to the rise of the suffrage movement in the 1890s?

Laws affecting women. Rise of women in the workforce. Rise of educated women

Summarize the educational opportunities available to women and African Americans at the turn of the century.

Limited at best. Most did not attend school or receive public services. African Americans were subject to racism and Jim Crow laws.

Which forms of entertainment popular during the Gilded Age are still popular today? What does their enduring popularity suggest about entertainment during that time?

Live performance, theater, Illusion, Circus. Entertainment was high quality!

Why were first- and second-class passengers able to enter into the United States right away, while third-class (steerage) passengers had to pass through Ellis Island?

Money. Could pay for immigration services which streamlined the process and avoided crowds.

How were the "new" immigrants that came to the United States between 1870 and 1900 different from earlier immigrants?

New immigrants were primary Irish and Eastern European. Earlier immigrants were British and/or religious.

Pull factors are reasons to come to a place for immigrates.

Opportunity and possibility of becoming wealthy.

What problems did the Progressives see with life in the 1890s? How did they approach these problems?

Progressives saw a lot of positives for America, but a lot of negatives for certain groups. This includes women, African Americans, children, etc.

How did urbanization contribute to the growth of the middle class?

Public services, banking, universities, public schools, more jobs, less day-to-day needs in cities.

What were some benefits of industrialization to the United States?

Public services, increased world strength, more connected world, increase in immigrant contributions, rise of education, rise of workers rights

How did railroads and factories cause a "spiral of growth" during the Industrial Revolution?

Railroads opened new ways to trade and brought in more people. More people led to more jobs and factories. More jobs and factories meant more railways were needed. This was the cycle that led to exponential growth during this time.

Were big business tycoons like John D. Rockefeller "robber barons" who were bad for the nation as a whole or "captains of industry" who served the nation well?

Robber Barons: exploited the working class, killed off competition, created monopolies Captains of industry: their financial growth let to the USAs financial growth. Taxes and charity pay for public services, etc

What technological innovation changed the oil industry in the mid-1800s? How did this change encourage the growth of industry in general?

Steam Engine - Made it easier to produce oil. Made it possible to produce gasoline which became a huge commodity

Several major inventions during the Industrial Revolution had an important impact on life in the United States. In your opinion, which single innovation had the biggest impact on the nation and why?

Steam engine, spinning jenny, telegraph, steam engine, dynamite, etc. There are many inventions you can find

Which invention or innovation do you think had the most important impact on daily life in U.S. cities?


What innovations helped make the construction of skyscrapers possible? How did skyscrapers, in turn, help fuel urban growth?

Steel, machinery, gas engine. Skyscrapers fit more people, so more workers for industries and more people to buy manufactured goods.

Summarize how the outcome of the Pullman Strike affected trade unions over the next few decades.

Successful strike meant that unions had a bargaining chip in the future. (they knew strikes could work)

Summarize what tenement life was like?

Tenement life was horrible. Many people living in small spaces. Unclean. Unsafe. Shared facilities such as sinks and bathrooms. Hard to escape the tenement life.

Summarize what it was like to work in a sweatshop in the late 1800s.

Terrible conditions. Low Pay. Strict Rules. Fear of death and injury. Unsafe.

During the Gilded Age, the standard of living rose in the United States. What technological developments contributed to this rise in the standard of living?

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. Public services. Power/Electricity. Telephones, etc.

What issues with factories did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire bring to light?

Unsafe working conditions. No safety regulations. Not enough exits. No fire inspection to make sure it didn't happen.

A historian once noted that the United States was born on the farm and moved to the city. What does this statement mean?

Urbanization post civil-war led to more people in cities and less people in farms. America was built on a farm economy, but became in industrial economy during the In. Revolution. New jobs were appearing in cities which fueled the change.

Why did public opinion begin to turn against unions after the Haymarket demonstrations in Illinois and the Homestead Strike in Pennsylvania?

Violence at the strike where 4 police were killed was viewed as radical and unnecessary. Media companies supported big businesses

Push factors are reasons to leave a place for immigrates.

War and not as much freedom

What kinds of discrimination did immigrants face in the new country?

anti-Irish, called drunks and stupid. Forced into ethic neighborhoods. Politics was focused on immigration issues

What is "conspicuous consumerism"

consumers who buy expensive items to display wealth and income rather than to cover the real needs of the consumer. Like Yeezys

What "push factors" drove farmers to give up their farms and move to the city?

declining industry, new inventions weaken farming jobs.

What "pull factors" might have attracted farmers to city life?

growing industry, lots of good jobs available, more services.

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