VN105 CH7 The Skeletal System: Bones and Joints

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Bone-forming cell.



What type of endoscope is used to examine and repair joints?

An arthroscope is used to examine and repair joints.


Area of junction between two or more bones; articulation.


Bony framework of the body


End of a long bone

What are five categories of bone disorders?

Five categories of bone disorders are metabolic disorders, tumors, infections, structural disorders, and fractures.


Immovable joint.


Membranous area in the infant skull where bone has not yet formed; also spelled fontanelle; "soft spot."

Where would you find phalanges?

Phalanges constitute the bones of the fingers and toes.


Slightly movable joint.

Which tarsal bone is the heel bone? Which tarsal bone forms a joint with the tibia?

The calcaneus is the heel bone; the talus forms a joint with the tibia.


cell that breaks down bone


freely movable joint; synovial joint


inflammation of a joint


shaft of a long bone


A joint; an area of junction or union between two or more structures.

Which is the most freely moveable type of joint?

A synovial joint or diarthrosis is the most freely moveable type of joint.

Reggie's lower limb was moved away from the midline of his body. What term describes this movement?

Abduction is the term that describes movement away from the midline of the body.

What is the most common type of joint disorder?

Arthritis is the most common type of joint disorder.

What compounds are deposited in the intercellular matrix of the embryonic skeleton to harden it?

Calcium compounds are deposited in the intercellular matrix of the embryonic skeleton to harden it.

What are the two types of osseous (bone) tissue, and where is each type found?

Compact bone makes up the main shaft of a long bone and the outer layer of other bones; spongy (cancellous) bone makes up the ends of the long bones and the center of other bones. It also lines the medullary cavity of the long bones.


Connective tissue membrane covering a bone.

Which forms first—the soft callus or the bony callus?

In fracture repair, a soft callus forms before the bony callus.


Instrument for examining the interior of the knee and surgically repairing the knee.

Which abnormal curve is an exaggerated concave curve? Which is an exaggerated convex curve?

Kyphosis is an exaggerated concave curve; lordosis is an exaggerated convex curve.


Loss of substance from a solid tissue, such as bone or a tooth, and return of the components to the blood.

During the healing process of Reggie's fracture, which cell type would produce new bone tissue?

Osteoblasts would produce new bone tissue.

Which cells are located in the spaces of compact bone?

Osteocytes are located in the spaces (lacunae) of compact bone.

Which hormone stimulates osteoclast activity?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates osteoclast activities.


Pertaining to a thick, lubricating fluid found in joints, bursae, and tendon sheaths; pertaining to a freely movable (diarthrotic) joint.

Reggie's fracture extended from the greater trochanter to the lesser trochanter. Does it cross the proximal or distal end of the bone?

Reggie's fracture crosses the proximal end of the bone.

Would this fracture pass through the medullary cavity?

Reggie's fracture would not pass through the medullary cavity.


Small, fluid-filled sac found in an area subject to stress around bones and joints

bone marrow

Substance that fills the central cavity of a long bone (yellow marrow) and the spaces in spongy bone (red marrow).


Subunit of compact bone, consisting of concentric rings of bone tissue around a central channel; haversian system.


Surgical replacement or repair of a damaged joint.

Which is the largest fontanel?

The anterior fontanelle is the largest fontanelle.

What are the three types of cells found in bone, and what is the role of each?

The cells found in bone are osteoblasts, which build bone tissue; osteocytes, which maintain bone; and osteoclasts, which break down (resorb) bone.

From an anterior view, which group(s) of vertebrae form a convex curve? Which vertebrae are the largest and heaviest? Why?

The cervical and lumbar vertebrae form a convex curve. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest and heaviest because they bear the most weight.

To what bones do the costal cartilages attach?

The costal cartilages attach to the ribs.

What are the scientific names for the shaft and the ends of a long bone?

The diaphysis is the shaft of a long bone; the epiphysis is the end of a long bone.

Reggie fractured the proximal end of a long bone. What is the scientific name for the bone region involved?

The end of a long bone is the epiphysis.

What are the centers for secondary growth of a long bone called?

The epiphyseal plates are the secondary growth centers of a long bone.

What is the lateral bone of the leg? Which bone of the leg is weight bearing?

The fibula is the lateral bone of the leg; the tibia is weight bearing.

What are the five regions of the vertebral column?

The five regions of the vertebral column are the cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx.

What are the four regions of the appendicular skeleton?

The four regions of the appendicular skeleton are the shoulder girdle, upper extremity, pelvic bones, and lower extremity.

Would Reggie's fracture line contact red marrow or yellow marrow?

The fracture line would contain red marrow.

What is the purpose of the greater trochanter of the femur? What type of tissue covers and protects the ends of the bones?

The greater trochanter is a point for ligament attachment; articular (hyaline) cartilage covers the ends of a bone.

Give three terms that describe the joint proximal to Reggie's fracture.

The hip joint that is proximal to Reggie's fracture is a diarthrotic joint, synovial joint, and ball-and-socket joint.

What bone is nicknamed the "sit bone?"

The ischium is nicknamed the "sit bone."

What are some functions of bone markings?

The markings on bones help form joints, are points for muscle attachments, and allow passage of nerves and blood vessels.

Which two bones make up each side of the hard palate? What is a foramen? Which bone makes up the superior and middle conchae?

The maxilla and palatine bones make up each side of the hard palate. A foramen is a hole. The ethmoid makes up the superior and middle conchae.

What part of what bone forms the bony prominence of the elbow?

The olecranon of the ulna forms the bony prominence of the elbow.

What are the membranes on the outside and the inside of a long bone called?

The periosteum is the membrane on the outside of a long bone; the endosteum is the membrane on the inside of a long bone.

What does the prefix supra- mean?

The prefix supra- means above; the prefix infra- means below.

Which bones make up the skeleton of the trunk?

The skeleton of the trunk consists of the vertebral column and the bones of the thorax, which are the ribs and sternum.

What are three types of joints based on the degree of movement they allow?

The three types of joints based on the degree of movement allowed are synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, and diarthrosis.

What is the medial bone of the forearm?

The ulna is the medial bone of the forearm.

How many phalanges are there on each hand?

There are 14 phalanges on each hand.


Thin membrane that lines a bone marrow cavity.


Reduction in bone density to below average levels.


Circular movement at a joint.


mature bone cell; maintains bone but does not produce new bone tissue

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