Washington State Department of Licensing Washington Driver Guide

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Which of the following statements about driving on highways is true?

Slower vehicles should use the right lane, and faster vehicles should use the left lane. Where there are three or more lanes going in the same direction, the middle lanes usually offer the smoothest flow of traffic. The left lane is for passing. Slower vehicles and those exiting the highway should normally use the right lane.

What influences the effects of alcohol

The amount of food in your stomach, the body weight of an individual, and how much time passes between drinks.

Organ Donor Program:

The donor symbol will appear on your license and your information will be given to the donor registry to ensure your wishes will be carried out.

four way stop

The driver reaching the intersection first goes first (after coming to a complete stop) If more than one vehicle arrives at the same time, the vehicle to the right goes first People turning must yield to people going straight.

an HOV lane is used for

carpools, buses, motorcycles, or decaled low-emission vehicles

Backing up is not allowed on freeways or expressways EXCEPT for

emergency vehicles. In Washington State, backing up is not allowed on limited-access highways, except for emergency vehicles in the course of duty. If you back up on a highway, you risk getting hit by another vehicle. [RCW § 46.61.60]

Before you enter an intersection, you must look for

look both left and right for approaching vehicles and crossing pedestrians. If you are stopped, look both left and right just before you start to move. Also look across the intersection to make sure that your way is clear through the intersection.

Fashing yellow arrow

means left turns are allowed, but you must yield to oncoming traffic including bicyclists and pedestrians.

Fashing yellow light

means slow down and proceed with caution.

Fashing red traffic light

means the same as a stop sign.

Yellow traffic light

means the traffic light is about to change to red.

Green traffic light

means you can go through the intersection. You must yield to emergency vehicles and others as required by law. If you are stopped and the light turns green, you must allow crossing traffic to clear the intersection before you go ahead. If you are turning left, you may turn but only when safe to do so. Oncoming traffic has the right-of-way. Be alert for signs that prohibit left turns.

red arrow

means you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the arrow. You may also turn left onto a one-way street with traffic moving left after coming to a full stop if there is no sign prohibiting turns on a red arrow when it is safe to do so. A red arrow means you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the arrow. You may proceed when the red arrow goes out and a green arrow or light goes on. If you are turning right, you may turn after coming to a full stop if it is safe and if there is no sign prohibiting the turn on a red arrow. You may also turn left onto a one-way street with traffic moving left after coming to a full stop if there is no sign prohibiting turns on a red arrow when it is safe to do so.

Car crashes are the number _____ killer of children 1 to 12 years old in the United States.


At this intersection, the white line painted across each approach lane represents

the point before a vehicle should stop A stop line is a solid white line painted across an approach lane at an intersection. The stop line is located before the crosswalk. If a stop sign or traffic signal requires you to stop, you must stop before the stop line. If there is no stop line, you must stop before the crosswalk.

If an oncoming vehicle has its high-beam headlights on, you should look toward

the right edge of the road The high beams of an oncoming vehicle can be blinding. To avoid being temporarily blinded, slow down, keep right, look away from the oncoming vehicle, and look toward the right edge of the road to stay on course until the vehicle has passed by.

What is the first rule of a safe and legal turn?

to move into the proper lane well before the turn The first rule of a safe and legal turn is to move into the proper lane well before the turn. To turn left, move into the leftmost lane going in your direction unless signs, signals, or road markings indicate otherwise. To turn right, move into the rightmost lane unless signs, signals, or road markings indicate otherwise.

red traffic light (steady)

to stop

If you have entered an intersection to turn left and the traffic light changes to yellow, what should you do?

turn left A steady yellow traffic light is a warning that the light is about to turn red. If you have already entered the intersection, you must follow through. Perform the maneuver you intended to make and clear the intersection safely.

On one-way roads, solid yellow lines are used as

used as left-edge lines, and solid white lines are used as right-edge lines.

A red light with a green arrow means

you may go cautiously in the direction of the arrow, yielding to pedestrians and vehicles already in the intersection. A red light with a green arrow means you may go cautiously in the direction of the arrow. This is a "protected" turn; oncoming traffic is stopped at a red light while the green arrow is lit for you. However, you must still yield to pedestrians and vehicles that are already in the intersection.

You may not drive with more than ______ people in the front seat if it blocks your view or interferes with the control of your vehicle.


You should use your horn when:

It may help prevent a collision

Stick the penny into the tread, head first. If the tread does not come at least to _______, the tire is illegal and unsafe and you need to replace it.

Lincoln's head (2/32 inch)


No passing in 2-way left-turn lanes and (danger zones). Do not pass where a vehicle is likely to enter or cross the road, such as intersections, railroad crossings, and shopping center entrances. You can help the driver pass by keeping to the far side of your lane and reducing your speed slightly. Never speed up when a vehicle is trying to pass you. Avoid driving in a large vehicle's No-Zones whenever possible. Two solid yellow lines mean that passing is not allowed on either side of the lines. You may cross the lines only to make a left turn. Don't try to pass another vehicle when you're approaching or moving through an intersection or crosswalk. On multilane roads, the leftmost lane should be used for passing slower vehicles. If you pass on the right, the other driver may have difficulty seeing you and might suddenly change lanes in front of you.

unmarked crosswalk

Under Washington State law, when you reach a marked or unmarked crosswalk, you must stop if a pedestrian or bicyclist is within one lane of your half of a two-way roadway or anywhere within a one-way roadway. [WA Rev Code § 46.61.235] crosswalk is present at every intersection, even if it is not painted

High beams

You must dim your lights to low beams within 500 feet of a vehicle coming toward you or within 300 feet of a vehicle you are following.

Regulatory signs

signs that set limits or give commands, you must obey them and they control traffic. Common types of regulatory signs are: Speed limit signs These signs indicate the maximumsafe speed allowed or the minimum safe speed required. The maximum limit should be driven only in ideal driving conditions and you must reduce your speed when conditions require it. For example, you should reduce your speed when the roadway is slippery, during rain, snow or icy conditions, or when it is foggy and difficult to see clearly down the road. Some high speed roads have minimum speed limits and you are required to travel at least this fast so you are not a hazard to other drivers. If the minimum posted speed is too fast for you, use another road. Variable Speed Limit Signs - These digital signs post variable speed limits that help warn drivers of backups ahead in an attempt to evenly distribute the flow of traffic. The overhead signs can also quickly close entire lanes and provide warning information to drivers before they reach slower traffic. This advance notification and variable speed 3-6 limits helps reduce collisions that cause backups and stop- and-go traffic. lane closed lane open regulatory speed merge left merge left or right merge right Lane use control signs These signs tell you where you can go or where you can turn and often use an arrow symbol. These signs can be located on the side of the road or hanging over the lane of travel. Sometimes arrows may be painted on the road as a supplement to the signs. No passing signs These signs tell you where passing is not permitted. Passing areasare based on how far you can see ahead. Placement of these signs are considered at locations of unseen hazards such as hills and curves, intersections, driveways, and other places a vehicle may enter the roadway. These signs, along with pavement markings, indicate where you can pass another vehicle, the beginning and ending of a passing one, or where you may not pass. Where passing is permitted, you may do so only if it is safe. Be aware of road conditions and other vehicles. A triangular No Passing Zone sign can also be used. These signs are yellow or orange and placed on the left side of the roadway. Stop sign An eight-sided sign that is red with white letters. You must come to a full stop at a marked stop line, but if none, before entering a marked crosswalk or, if none, at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic. You must wait until crossing vehicles and pedestrians have cleared and pull forward only when it is safe. Yield sign A downward pointing triangle. It is red and white with red letters. It means you must slow down and yield the right-of-way to traffic in the intersection you are crossing or roadway you are entering. Do Not Enter sign A square sign with a white horizontal line inside a red ball means you cannot enter. You will see this sign at roadway openings that you should not enter, such as exit ramps where you would be going in the wrong direction, in crossovers on divided roadways, and at numerous locations on one-way streets. Disabled Parking sign A rectangular sign with a white background and green lettering, and the international disabled person symbol in white on a blue background marks special parking stalls at businesses and stores. Your passenger must have and display a disabled person's parking placard or license plate to park in these stalls. There is a 25 fine for parking installs without displaying the required placard or plate and for blocking the access aisle next to a space reserved for physically disabled persons. Traction Advisory signs A rectangular sign with a white background and black letters. These signs tell you when chains are required. There is a $500 penalty for failing to use chains when required. Common types of guide signs are: Destination signs These signs are square or rectangular shaped and are green or brown with white lettering. They show directions and distance to various locations such as cities, airports, or state lines or to special areas such as national parks, historical areas, or museums. 3-8 Service signs These signs are square or rectangular shaped and are blue or brown with white letters or symbols. They show the location of various services such as rest areas, gas stations, campgrounds, or hospitals. Route number signs The shape and color of route number signs indicate the type of roadway - interstate, U.S., state, city, or county road.


According to the Washington Driver Guide, marijuana has been reported to cause decreased car handling performance, slower reaction times, impaired time and distance estimation, inability to maintain headway, subjective sleepiness, impaired motor coordination, and impaired ability to focus.

According to the Washington Driver Guide, the most frequently detected psychoactive substance among drivers is

Alcohol According to the Washington Driver Guide, the most frequently detected psychoactive substance among drivers is alcohol. Marijuana is the second most frequently detected psychoactive substance.

To secure the load in your vehicle or trailer:

-Tie it down with rope, netting, or straps. -Tie large objects directly to your vehicle or trailer. -Consider covering the entire load with a sturdy tarp or netting. -Don't overload your vehicle or trailer. -Always double-check your load to make sure it's secure. -Don't forget that animals should also be properly secured. Before you drive, ask yourself these questions: -Is there any chance of debris or cargo falling or blowing out of my vehicle? -Is my load secured at the back, sides, and top? -What would happen to my load if I had to brake suddenly, I hit a bump, or another vehicle hit me? -Would I want my loaded vehicle driving through my neighborhood? -Would I feel safe if I were driving behind my vehicle?

Numbers to know

.02% B.A.C. legally intoxicated D.U.I. under age 21 More than 0.00 nanograms per milliliter of blood of THC/marijuana under age 21 is illegal (sould be zero) .08% B.A.C. legally intoxicated D.U.I. over age 21 More than 5.00 nanograms per milliliter of blood of THC/marijuana over age 21 is illegal 5 days seller must report sale of vehicle to Dept. of Licensing 6 years validity of a driver's license 10 days you must report change of address or name for driver's license 15 days buyer of vehicle must transfer title and registration 20 mph maximum speed in school zones 25 mph maximum speed in cities, towns and on ocean beaches 50 mph maximum speed on county roads 60 mph maximum speed on state highways 60 mph maximum speed on interstate freeways (urban area) 70 mph maximum speed on interstate freeways (rural)

In Washington State, you can be arrested for driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of ______ or above.

0.08% In Washington State, if you are found to be driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or more, you can be arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI). If you are under 21 years of age, you can also be arrested for a BAC of 0.02% or more.

It takes an average person's body about _________ to get rid of the alcohol in one typical alcoholic drink.

1 hour Your liver breaks down alcohol at a predictable rate. Typically, this is one standard drink per hour, where one standard drink equals 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer. Neither black coffee nor exercise nor a cold shower can increase that rate.

If you refuse to take a breath or blood alcohol level test, your driving privilege is automatically suspended for:

1 year

Minimum Distances

1/3 mile - distance needed to pass with oncoming traffic at 55mph 15 seconds (1/3 mile) - clear sight in front of you to pass on hills/curves Signal 100 feet before turning 150 feet - average length headlights provide safe vision, low beam 200 feet - before an approaching vehicle, a pass must be completed 200 feet - before/after a stationary emergency vehicle with a siren or flashing lights - no speeding/improper passing 200 feet - the minimum distance it takes to stop at 30 mph 300 feet average length headlights provide safe vision, high beam 300 feet behind the vehicle you must dim headlights 300 feet you are allowed to drive in a two-way left-turn lane 400 feet - minimum distance it takes to stop at 50 mph400 feet - distance lit by headlights 500 feet - must dim headlights for an oncoming vehicle. Sunset to Sunrise - turn on headlights by at least 1⁄2 hour after sunset and 1⁄2 hour before sunrise.

At a speed of 55 mph, you need about __________ to pass another vehicle.

10 seconds At a speed of 55 mph, you need about ten seconds to pass another vehicle. This means you need a ten-second gap in oncoming traffic and sight-distance to pass. At 55 mph, your vehicle will travel about 807 feet in ten seconds. So will an oncoming vehicle that is also traveling at 55 mph. Therefore, to pass safely without risking a collision with the oncoming vehicle, you will need over 1,600 feet of empty roadway ahead of you - about three-tenths of a mile. It is hard to judge the speed of oncoming vehicles at this distance.

When you parallel park in Washington State, you must park within ________ of the curb.

12 inches

Parking laws

2 inches distance from curb to be legally parked 16 years age under which it is illegal to leave a child in a parked vehicle with the motor running 5 feet no parking from a driveway Do not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. 20 feet no parking from a crosswalk at an intersection (pedestrian safety zone). 20 feet no parking from a fire station driveway Do not park within 30 feet of a stop sign, traffic signal, or yield sign. 50 feet no parking from a railroad crossing 75 feet no parking from a fire station on the opposite side Do not park within 50 feet of a railroad crossing. Do not park in an intersection, on a crosswalk/sidewalk, in a construction area if blocking traffic, bridge/overpass, tunnel/underpass, wrong side of the street, in disabled parking if you don't have a placard/plate, on roadside of a parked vehicle (double parking), railroad tracks, shoulder of a freeway (unless an emergency), and no parking signs.

If a driver aged 13 through 17 is convicted of possession of alcohol, a drug offense, or a firearm-related offense, his or her license will be revoked for at least _______ for a second offense.

2 years If a driver aged 13 through 17 is convicted of possession of alcohol, a drug offense, or a firearm-related offense, and it was his or her second such offense, his or her license will be revoked for two years or until he or she turns 18, whichever is longer. [Juvenile Alcohol/Drug/Firearms Violations; In Shape to Drive; Washington Driver Guide] Next Question

When overtaking or passing a bicycle, you should allow at least _______ of space between your vehicle and the bicycle.

3 feet Be alert for bicyclists along the roadway because bicyclists are often difficult to see. Extra caution is necessary. When you pass a bicycle, Washington State law requires you to pass "at a safe distance to clearly avoid coming into contact with the ... bicyclist." The Washington Driver Guide recommends leaving at least three feet of space between your vehicle and the bicycle. (Note: The laws in some other states require three, four, or even six feet of space under certain conditions.) [RCW § 46.61.110]

You must get a Washington State driver's license within ______ of the date you become a resident.

30 days

Smoking marijuana has been shown to impair one's driving abilities for up to

5 hours Smoking marijuana has been shown to impair performance on driving tasks and on driving courses for up to five hours. Next Question

THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. In Washington State, a driver who is at least 21 years old can be arrested for driving with a THC level of _____ nanograms per milliliter of blood or higher.

5.00 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. In Washington State, a driver can be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) if he or she is found to be driving with a THC level of 5.00 nanograms per milliliter of blood or higher. A driver under 21 years of age can also be arrested for driving with a THC level greater than zero but less than 5.00 nanograms per milliliter of blood. [RCW § 46.61.502], [RCW § 46.61.503]

Keep the headlights, backup, brake, and tail lights clean. Dirt on the lenses can reduce the light by _____ percent.


You must not follow a fire truck closer than ________ when it is responding to a fire alarm.


In Washington State, the maximum speed limit on state highways is _______ unless otherwise posted.

60mph In Washington State, the maximum speed limit on state highways is 60 mph unless otherwise posted. The maximum speed limit on some rural interstate highways is 70 mph. Next Question

What is a No-Zone?

A blind spot toward the rear of a large vehicle A blind spot toward the front of a large vehicle A blind spot toward the side of a large vehicle Large commercial vehicles such as trucks have big blind spots called No-Zones. No-Zones exist toward the front, rear, and sides of the vehicle. It is impossible to completely avoid a truck's No-Zones. However, do not remain in a No-Zone any longer than necessary to safely pass the large vehicle.

You see this flashing yellow "X" signal above your lane. What does it mean?

A flashing yellow "X" indicates that this lane can only be used to make turns. A steady yellow "X" warns that the lane is about to close in your direction, at which time the signal will change to a steady red "X." [Reversible Lanes, Rules of the Road, Washington Driver Guide]

Maria's Law:

A person who causes an injury or death by failing to secure a load properly can be charged with a gross misdemeanor and can face a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. A driver whose unsecured items cause property damage can be charged with a misdemeanor.

Slow Moving Vehicle sign:

A reflective orange triangle on the rear of a vehicle means it is traveling less than 25 mph.

A single dashed yellow line usually marks the centerline of a two-way roadway where

A single dashed yellow line usually marks the centerline of a two-way roadway on which a vehicle may pass if it is safe.

Failure to Appear in Court for Traffic violations

A situation in which a defendant does not attend a scheduled court hearing, pay a traffic infraction, or criminal citation for a moving traffic offense. If you don't comply within 15 days, the court notifies us and we will mail you a Notice of Suspension. You then have 45 days to comply or we will suspend your driving privilege. You also have the right to request an administrative review. If you comply within 45 days, the suspension will not go into effect. If you do not comply, we will suspend your driving privilege and you must not drive. You may be arrested and your vehicle may be impounded if you are caught driving while your privilege is suspended.

Abstract of driving record:

A summary explanation of a motorist's driving record. This usually includes the class license, state registration, personal identification, and any traffic violations committed.

Center lane

A two-way left-turn lane (also known as a shared center turn lane) is reserved for making left turns (and U-turns where permitted) and can be used by vehicles traveling in either direction. (In Washington State, vehicles may also turn left into this lane from another road.) The lane is marked on each side by a solid yellow line and a dashed yellow line. This lane must never be used for passing or through traffic. In Washington State, you may not drive farther than 300 feet in this lane. Use this lane with caution because vehicles traveling in the opposite direction may also be using it.

Check the Vehicle

A vehicle that is not working properly creates risk, is unsafe, and costs more to run than one that is maintained. It can also break down or cause a collision. If a vehicle is not working well, you might not be able to get out of an emergency situation. Braking system - Only your brakes can stop your vehicle. It is very dangerous if they are not working properly. If they do not seem to be working properly, are making a lot of noise, smell funny, or the brake pedal goes to the floor, have a mechanic check them. Lights - Make sure that turn signals, brake lights, tail lights, and headlights are operating properly. These should be checked from the outside of the vehicle. Brake lights tell other road users that you are stopping and turn signals tell them you are turning. Passenger trucks, cars, vans, and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) manufactured after 1993 must have a third rear brake light mounted high in the center of the vehicle. A misaligned headlight can shine where it does not help you and may blind other drivers. If you are having trouble seeing at night or if other drivers are constantly flashing their headlights at you, have a mechanic check the headlights. Windshield and wipers - Damaged glass can easily break in a minor collision or when something hits the windshield. Have a damaged windshield repaired or replaced. Windshield wipers keep the rain and snow off the windshield. Some vehicles also have wipers for rear windows and headlights. Make sure all wipers are in good operating condition. If the blades are not clearing water well, replace them. Tires - Worn or bald tires can increase your stopping distance and make turning more difficult when the road is wet. Unbalanced tires and low pressure cause faster tire wear, reduce fuel economy, and make the vehicle harder to steer and stop. If the vehicle bounces, the steering wheel shakes, or the vehicle pulls to one side, have a mechanic check it. Check tire air pressure with an air pressure gauge when the tires are cold. Check the vehicle owner's manual for the recommended pressure. Steering system - If the steering is not working properly, it is difficult to control the direction you want to go. If the vehicle is hard to turn or does not turn when the steering wheel is first turned, have the steering checked by a mechanic. Never turn your vehicle's ignition to the "lock" position while it is in motion. This will cause the steering to lock if you try to turn the steering wheel and you will lose control of your vehicle. Suspension system - Your suspension helps you control your vehicle and provides a comfortable ride over varying road surfaces. If the vehicle continues to bounce after a bump or a stop, or is hard to control, you may need new shocks or suspension parts. Have a mechanic check it. Exhaust system - The exhaust system helps reduce the noise from the engine, helps cool the hot gases coming from the engine, and moves these gases to the rear of the vehicle. Gases from a leaky exhaust can cause death inside a vehicle in a very short time. Never run the motor in a closed garage. If you sit in a vehicle with the motor running for a long time, open a window. Some exhaust leaks are easily heard but many are not. This is why it is important to have the exhaust system checked periodically. Engine - A poorly running engine may lose power that is needed for normal driving and emergencies, may not start, gets poor fuel economy, pollutes the air, and could stall when you are on the road causing you and traffic a problem. Follow the procedures recommended in the owner's manual for maintenance. 2-4 Horn - The horn may not seem like it is important for safety, but as a warning device, it could save your life. Only use your horn as a warning to others. Loose objects - Unsecured objects, such as groceries or luggage, can become dangerous in a collision or a sudden stop. Put loose objects into the vehicle's storage compartments or trunk. If this isn't possible, secure the objects in place. Make sure there are no objects at your feet or under your seats that could roll under the pedals or distract you while you drive. Litter - The fines for littering are severe. Vehicle drivers and passengers should always properly dispose of all waste paper, glass, plastic, and potentially dangerous materials.

Federal Selective Service System Registration:

All male applicants applying for a driver's license, instruction permit, intermediate license, and ID card who are under the age of 26 must be given the opportunity to register with the Selective Service System (SSS).

To be issued an instruction permit, you must:

Be at least 15-1/2 years old (or 15 years old if enrolled in an approved driver-training course); Pass the knowledge test (unless enrolled in an approved driver-training course); Complete the vision and medical screenings, and; Pay an application/examination fee.

To get a standard driver license, you must:

Be at least 18 years old, and show proof of identity and age. (provide your Social Security number) Proof of Washington State residence. pay an application/examination fee. pass the medical and vision screenings, the knowledge test, and the driving test. turn in any other driver licenses. not have a currently suspended, revoked, or cancelled driving privilege. pay the licensing fee.

To be issued an intermediate driver license, you must:

Be between the ages of 16 and 18 years old. Show us proof that you have passed an approved driver-training course with at least 30 hours of classroom and six hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. Get the consent of your parent or guardian. Pass the medical and vision screenings, the knowledge test, and the driving test. Have had an instruction permit for at least six months. Have at least 50 hours of driving experience, including 10 hours at night Not have been issued a traffic ticket that is pending when you apply for your license, and not have been convicted of committing a traffic violation within the last six months. Not have been convicted of and must not have been found to have committed an offense involving the use of alcohol or drugs while you had an instruction permit. Provide your Social Security number

If it looks like a collision may happen, you should

Depending on the situation: Slow down or stop, turn away, or even speed up.

If a police officer stops you for a traffic violation, which of the following documents may the officer ask you for?

Driver license Vehicle registration Proof of insurance Washington State law requires every driver of a motor vehicle to be financially responsible in the event of a traffic accident. The most common way to meet this financial responsibility requirement is to be covered by a vehicle liability insurance policy. If a police officer stops you for a traffic violation or an equipment check, he or she may ask you for your driver license, insurance card, or vehicle registration. You must keep the insurance card or equivalent proof of financial responsibility with you whenever you drive.

There are tough penalties in the first year:

First violation - the passenger and nighttime restrictions are extended until age 18 and a warning letter is sent to you and your parent or guardian if you receive a ticket for violating the restrictions or any other traffic law or you are involved in an collision where: - you receive a ticket. - you are determined to have caused the collision. - no one involved in the collision receives a ticket. - no one was found to cause the collision. - only your car was involved in the collision. Second violation - you are suspended for six months (or until age 18 if that comes first). Third violation - you are suspended until age 18.You and your parent, or guardian, are notified before any suspension action is taken. On your 18th birthday, your license will become a standard driver license without the intermediate license restrictions. You do not need to visit a driver licensing office to make this change.

Tailgating is the practice of

Following too closely. Don't do it. On interstate highways, the most common type of collision is the rear-end collision, and the most frequent cause of rear-end collisions is tailgating. Often, a vehicle in front of the tailgater suddenly slows down and the tailgater doesn't have enough space to avoid colliding with it.

When it is raining or the road is wet, you should reduce your speed to avoid

Hydroplaning When it is raining or the road is wet, as you go faster, your tires will start to ride up on the water like water skis because of low traction with the road. This condition is called hydroplaning. To avoid this condition, drive slower than 35 mph on wet roads. On a wet road, at speeds of up to 35 mph, modern tires will usually channel water away to maintain contact with the road. However, in deep water at higher speeds, the channeling action of the tires becomes less effective and the tires start to ride on a layer of water like water skis. This is called "hydroplaning." It may result in a loss of braking and steering control. To prevent the onset of hydroplaning, slow down.

Your Photograph:

ID card will include a photo showing a full front view of your face. We will ask you to remove anything that obstructs a full view of your face and head (like a hat, sunglasses, or hair in the face). If you choose not to remove it, your license will be marked "Not Valid for Identification." We will make exceptions for medical and religious reasons.

Talk and text ticket

If police see you holding a phone to your ear or texting while driving, they can pull you over. Tickets are costly and could be more if your distracted driving causes a collision.


If traffic from another roadway is merging onto the roadway you are traveling on, adjust your speed and vehicle position to allow the traffic to merge safely.

stop sign

If vehicles approaching from opposite directions each reach a stop sign at about the same time, the vehicle turning left must yield to the vehicle going straight or turning right. Rumble strips are intended to alert drowsy or inattentive drivers through vibration and sound that their vehicles have left the travel lane or are approaching a stop sign or signal.

Intermediate Driver License:

If you are 16 or 17 and meet the requirements, we will issue you an intermediate license with restrictions meant to ease you into your responsibilities as a driver.

Insurance required by law

If you operate a motor vehicle registered in this state, you must have liability insurance and carry proof that you have such insurance. You must have an automobile liability policy or bond from a state-approved insurance or surety company that provides the following: $25,000 or more, payable for the bodily injury or death of one person in a collision in which only one person was injured or killed. $50,000 or more, payable for the bodily injury or death of two or more persons in any one collision, and; $10,000 or more, payable for injury to or destruction of property of others in any one collision.

You are driving in a roundabout. If an emergency vehicle using a siren, air horn, or a red or blue flashing light approaches you, what should you do?

If you're in a roundabout, continue to your exit, then pull over to the right and let the emergency vehicle pass.

Replacement License

If your drivers license or ID card has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, you may apply for a replacement online if your citizenship has already been verified on your record. You may also go to your local licensing office and apply for a replacement. To do so you must pay a $25 fee. If you have proof that the license was stolen (like a police report), the fee may be waived. You must also show two forms of identification. In some cases, you may be asked to show proof of legal presence. If you are out-of-state temporarily and need a license replacement, you can receive a temporary 90-day permit if you make a request in writing or via email. In the case of military personnel stationed outside of the state, you may make a request online or through the mail to receive a 90-day temporary permit and further instruction for renewal.

Seat belts

In Washington State it is illegal to drive or to be a passenger without properly wearing seat belts or using child safety restraints. Locking reduces the risk of doors opening during a sudden swerve, braking, or crash. The driver can be cited and fined if not properly wearing a seat belt. The driver will also be fined for any passengers under age 16 who are not properly wearing a seat belt or secured in a child safety restraint. Passengers over 16 years are responsible for wearing their seat belts and for paying any fine. How to buckle up correctly for the best safety: - put the shoulder belt across the middle of your chest and away from your neck. - adjust the lap belt across your hip bones below your stomach. - NEVER put the shoulder belt behind your back or under an arm.

Clean Glass Surfaces

It is important that you are able to see clearly through the windows, windshield, and mirrors. Here are some things you can do to help: Keep the windshield clean. Bright sun or headlights on a dirty windshield make it hard to see. Carry liquid cleaner and a paper or cloth towel so you can clean your windshield whenever it is necessary. Keep your window washer bottle full. Use antifreeze wash in areas where the temperature could fall below freezing. Keep the inside of your windows clean, especially if anyone has been smoking in the vehicle. Smoking causes a film to build up on the inside glass. Clear snow, ice, or frost from all windows before driving. Do not hang things from your mirror or clutter the windshield with decals. They could block your view.

Railroad crossing warning signs:

Many railroad crossings have signs or signals to warn drivers to slow down and yieldto trains. Never try to beat a train across the tracks. Never start to cross until the traffic clears ahead. Wait until there is room on the far side so you will not have to stop on the tracks. It is wise not to shift gears when crossing railroad tracks, just in case you stall. Trains are large and may be moving faster than they look, it can take up to a mile for a train to come toa full stop with 1 cars trains cannot yield to cars. Be aware that trains can come from opposite directions at the same time. Some common railroad crossing warning signs and signals are: a round yellow warning sign with an X symbol and black RR letters is placed along the road before you get to a railroad crossing. a white X-shaped sign or crossbuck with Railroad Crossing on it is located at the railroad crossing. This sign has the same meaning as a Yield sign. You must yield to trains crossing the road. at some crossings, along with the crossbuck sign, you will see side-by-side red lights that will flash alternately when a train is approaching. When the lights are flashing, you must stop. At some crossings there is also a crossing gate that will lower when a train is coming. Do not drive around the gate. Some crossings also have a bell or a horn that will sound. Do not cross until the bell or horn has stopped. crossings with more than one train track will often post a sign that shows the number of tracks. These signs warn you that there is more than one track and there may be more than one train crossing. Not all crossings with more than one 3-4 train track will have these signs so it is important to check for more than one track before crossing. Safety at Railroad Crossings If you approach a railroad crossing and your vehicle becomes disabled on the crossing, or if you observe an obstruction on the railroad tracks or at the crossing, but no train is approaching or present: Immediately call the Emergency Notification System (ENS). The phone number is located on the blue sign attached to the railroad track-crossing gate. Let them know exactly what obstruction is present and your location. After you have notified ENS, call 911 and report the issue to your local law enforcement.

Identification cards:

Photo identification cards are given to non-drivers of any age. You must show the same identification that we require for a driver license.

Green Arrow

Protected turn/go in direction of arrow There should be no oncoming or crossing traffic while the arrow is green. Watch for pedestrians or bicyclists crossing in front of your vehicle. You must stop for pedestrians and bicyclists if they are in, or within, one lane of your half of the roadway.

If you are having vehicle trouble and need to stop, what is the first thing you should do?

Pull off the road and move away from traffic. If your vehicle breaks down on the road, make sure that other drivers can see it. If you are having vehicle trouble and need to stop, do the following: Pull off the road, away from all traffic if possible. Turn on your emergency flashers. Lift the hood to signal the emergency. If you have emergency flares or warning triangles, place them behind your vehicle.

Enhanced Driver License:

REAL ID compliant and valid for air travel within the United States and can be used to cross the borders of Canada and Mexico by land or sea.

Sex-Offender/Kidnapping Offender Registration

Sex offenders and kidnapping offenders in Washington State must register within three business days of establishing, or re-establishing, residence. These persons must register with the sheriff of the county in which they reside. Failure to register may result in criminal prosecution. Contact your county sheriff for information.

The hand and arm bent at 90 degrees and pointing downward indicate the driver's intention to

Slow or stop You must use hand signals if your vehicle's turn signals have failed. To indicate a right turn, the hand and arm are bent at 90 degrees and pointing upward. To indicate a left turn, the hand and arm are extended leftward. To slow down or stop, the hand and arm are bent at 90 degrees and pointing downward.

yellow arrow

The protection of a green arrow will end. If you intend to turn in the direction of the arrow, be prepared to stop.

In a skid, the most important vehicle control device is

The stearing wheel If you start to skid, stay calm, ease your foot off the gas pedal, and carefully steer in the direction in which you want the front of your vehicle to go. Avoid braking, especially if your vehicle is not equipped with antilock brakes (ABS). Your vehicle may overshoot and start to skid in the opposite direction. To prevent this from happening, turn the steering wheel the other way as soon as your vehicle starts to straighten out. Once the vehicle is back under your control, straighten the wheels.

Motorcycle or Trike Instruction Permit:

These allow you to operate a motorcycle or a three-wheeled motorcycle-based vehicle on public roadways.

Work area signs:

These construction, maintenance, or emergency operations signs are generally diamond or rectangle shaped and orange with black letters or symbols. They warn you that people are working on or near the roadway. These warnings include reduced speed, detour, slow moving vehicles ahead, and poor or suddenly changing road surfaces.

Warning signs:

These signs are usually yellow with black lettering or symbols and most are diamond shaped. These signs warn you to slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. They warn you of sharp curves, special situations, speed zones, or hazards ahead. Some common warning signs are shown below.

Standard Driver License:

This allows you to operate a motor vehicle on public roadways. Your license is valid for up to six years from the date of your last birthday.

Instruction Permit:

This allows you to operate a motor vehicle within WA while being supervised by a licensed driver. This licensed driver must have at least five years of licensed driving experience and sit in the right-front passenger seat.

work zones

Ticket fines are usually doubled in work zones Diamond-shaped orange "work zone" warning signs are often posted in advance of road construction projects Some work zones are mobile A flagger has the same authority as a regulatory sign Whenever you drive in a work zone, proceed with caution. Slow down, be alert for the unexpected, obey the signs, and change lanes to leave more room for workers or equipment. Don't slow down suddenly, but be prepared to stop anytime. In Washington State, fines for speeding are doubled in work zones.

Keeping Your Driver License

To keep your driver's license, you must drive safely at all times. You can lose your license for: -driving or being in physical control of a vehicle while you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. -refusing to allow a police officer to test you for alcohol. -leaving the scene of a collision in which you were involved, without first identifying yourself. giving false information when you apply for a license. -being involved in a collision when you are uninsured. We may suspend the license of an uninsured driver, and/or owner, involved in a collision for up to three years. Also, failing to settle a civil court judgment resulting from the collision can result in a suspension for 13 or more years. -failing to appear and complete a reexamination that we have requested within the required period of time. -using a motor vehicle to commit a felony or for causing the death of someone in a motor vehicle collision. -having too many moving traffic violations on your driving record (Habitual Traffic Offender). -reckless driving or reckless endangerment of a roadway worker. -racing, vehicular assault, or vehicular homicide. -trying to elude a police vehicle. -leaving a gas station without paying for fuel you have pumped. -failing to appear or failing to respond to a traffic citation or Notice of Infraction for a moving traffic violation. -driving while your license is suspended, revoked, canceled, or denied. -carrying a license that shows a false name, incorrect information, or fraudulent alterations. -lending a license to another person or for using another person's license. -using a driver's license issued by another state while your driving privilege in Washington is suspended. -receiving two or more traffic offenses while driving with an intermediate license. -making, selling, or delivering a forged, false, counterfeit, altered, blank, or unlawfully issued driver's license or identification card.

Traffic Control Devices

Traffic control devices include traffic signals, signs, pavement markings, and roundabouts. Traffic control also can be provided by law enforcement, highway construction or maintenance personnel, or school crossing guards. You must obey directions from these persons. If a traffic signal is not working, come to a complete stop, then yield to traffic as if it were a four-way stop.

Restraining children

Under Washington State law, all occupants of a passenger car - the driver and all passengers - must wear safety belts or appropriate child restraints. The driver is responsible for ensuring that all passengers under 16 years of age are suitably restrained. Safety belts have been proven to save lives - even in the rear seat. children under 13 years old are to be transported in the back seat where it is practical to do so. children up to their 8th birthday, unless they are 4'9" tall (whichever comes first), must use a child safety restraint. They should not move to a seat belt before they are ready per height and age. the restraint system must be used exactly and according to BOTH the safety seat AND vehicle manufacturer's instructions. vehicles equipped with lap-only seat belts are exempt from the requirement to use a booster seat for a child weighing more than 40 pounds. children 8 years of age or at least 4'9" who wear a seat belt MUST use it correctly (never under the arm or behind the back) or continue to use a child safety restraint. Child safety restraints include: A REAR-FACING CAR SEAT is the best seat for your young child to use. It has a harness, that in a crash, cradles and moves with your child to reduce the stress to the child's fragile neck and spinal cord. A FORWARD-FACING CAR SEAT has a harness and tether that limits your child's forward movement during a crash. A BOOSTER SEAT positions the seat belt so that it fits properly over the stronger parts of your child's body. A SEAT BELT should lie across the hip bones and be snug across the shoulder and chest to restrain the child safely in a crash. It should not rest on the stomach area or across the neck.

You see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights stopped ahead. What must you do?

Under Washington State's Move Over Law, to pass an emergency vehicle, tow truck, or other roadway assistance vehicle that is stopped with its lights flashing, you must move into a non-adjacent lane if possible, leaving at least one vacant lane between you and the vehicle. If this is impossible (no other lanes in your direction) or unsafe, you must slow down until you have passed the vehicle. (Note: All US states now have their own Move Over Laws, but some of them require drivers to do different things. When traveling out of state, always check the local traffic laws.) [RCW § 46.61.212] Next Question

Twin Registry:

We will ask you if you are a twin or triplet in cooperation with the University of Washington. The university has the largest twin registry in the United States. The registry is helpful for medical research to help determine if a disease is 1-14 caused by environmental factors or genetics.

Vision and Medical Screenings:

We will check your vision before we issue a license. We will also ask you whether you have a mental or physical condition or are taking any medication which could impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle. If so, we may require you to be examined by an eye care or medical specialist before we proceed with your application.


When approaching a roundabout, yield to vehicles and bicyclists within the circulating roadway. Look to your left to see if there is an appropriate gap in traffic. (If not, you may need to stop until an appropriate gap becomes available.) Always enter the roundabout to the right and proceed on the right side of the central island. also called traffic circles or rotaries, do not have traffic signals, instead, all vehicles move around a circular pathway in the same direction. If you are in an intersection when you're approached by an emergency vehicle using a siren, air horn, or a red or blue flashing light, you must clear the intersection and pull over to the right to let the emergency vehicle pass. And a roundabout is one type of intersection. If you're in a roundabout, continue to your exit, then pull over to the right and let the emergency vehicle pass.

Highways are typically most slippery:

When it first starts to rain after a dry spell


Where there are no signs to control turning, you must turn into the lane farthest from the one you came from. Where there are no signs or lane markings to control turning, you should turn from the lane that is closest to the direction in which you want to go and turn into the lane closest to the one you came from. This way, you will cross the fewest lanes of traffic.

Different color curbs

White-Stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail. Green-Park for a limited time. Look for a posted sign next to the green zone for time limits, or locate the time limit painted on the curb. Yellow-Stop no longer than the time posted to load or unload passengers or freight. Drivers of noncommercial vehicles are usually required to stay with the vehicle. Red-No stopping, standing, or parking. (Buses may stop at a red zone marked for buses) Blue-Parking is permitted only for a disabled person or driver of a disabled person who displays a placard or special license plate for disabled persons or disabled veterans.

Driver License Renewal

You can renew your license no earlier than 6 months before your license expires. You are also required to take a vision test and a highway sign recognition test when you renew.

An intermediate license comes with these driving restrictions:

You cannot drive between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. unless you are with a parent, a guardian, or a licensed driver who is at least 25 years old. For the first six months, no passenger under the age of 20 may be with you while you drive unless that person is a member of your immediate family. No more than three passengers under the age of 20 may be with you while you drive unless they are members of your immediate family. May not use a cell phone or other wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle unless the holder is using the device to report illegal activity, summon medical or other emergency help, or prevent injury to a person or property.

Voter registration:

You may register to vote at any driver licensing office if you meet the following requirements. You must be: -a United States citizen whose civil rights are not currently revoked. -a Washington State resident. -at least 18.

Change of Address or Name

You must notify the Department within ten days of: -an address change. -a legal name change. A name change may only be made in-person and you must bring documents proving identity in your new name. Address changes can be done online.

Adjust Seat and Mirrors

You should sit so the airbag will hit you in the chest if there is a collision. Also, sit so you can touch the floor below the brake pedal with your feet. You should be able to see out the back window with the rearview mirror. Adjust the side mirrors so that you can see a small amount of the side of your vehicle when you lean forward slightly. This will help you see the traffic behind you. Head restraints are designed to prevent whiplash if you are hit from behind. They should be adjusted so the head restraint contacts the back of your head.

When you are following a vehicle that makes frequent stops, you should allow _________ than usual.

a greater following distance Vehicles such as buses and post office vans make frequent stops. And every stop represents a hazard. When following one of these vehicles, you should maintain a greater following distance than usual.

If a tire suddenly goes flat or blows out, you should NOT

brake hard If you experience a blowout, hold the steering wheel tightly, steer straight ahead, and slowly ease your foot off the gas pedal. Don't brake hard; you might lock the wheels and lose control. Brake lightly only after the vehicle is back under your control. Pull completely off the road at the nearest safe location.

On some roadways, lanes marked as "Transit" are reserved for

busses only On various roadways, one or more lanes may be reserved for special vehicles. Reserved lanes are marked by signs stating that the lane is reserved for special use, and they often have a white diamond posted at the side of the road or painted on the pavement surface. "Transit" or "Bus" means that the lane is for bus use only.

A(n) __________ sign on a truck means that the truck's load is potentially dangerous.

diamond shaped

Fines _________ for moving violations in construction areas when workers are present.


You should signal continuously while turning because it:

lets other drivers know your intentions

In Washington State at night, you must use _________ whenever you're following another vehicle within 300 feet.

low beams Under Washington State law, you must dim your headlights to low beam whenever you're within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle or within 300 feet of a vehicle you are following. High beams can blind the driver of the vehicle you are following by reflecting off the vehicle's mirrors.

If you are driving down a steep downgrade, you should

shift into a lower gear. If you keep applying the brakes to control your speed on a steep descent, the brakes may fade (lose their effectiveness). Instead, release the gas pedal and shift into a lower gear (even with an automatic transmission). This will generate a braking effect to slow the vehicle, known as engine braking. The lower the gear, the greater the engine braking effect. Apply the brakes only when engine braking is insufficient or you want to stop.

Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you should _________ and watch for oncoming vehicles.

slow down and move to the right side of the road Hills and curves on rural roads are often steeper and sharper than on highways. Before reaching the crest of a hill or entering a curve, slow down, move to the right side of the road, and watch for oncoming vehicles.

If you approach a vehicle with a reflective triangular orange sign on its rear, you must

slow down and use caution A reflective triangular orange emblem on the rear of a vehicle identifies it as a slow-moving vehicle, which Washington State defines as a vehicle that usually travels at speeds not exceeding 25 mph. Slow-moving vehicles include farm tractors, animal-drawn vehicles, and roadway maintenance vehicles. If you approach one of these vehicles, slow down and proceed with caution. Be patient; the driver may pull over to let you pass. Washington State law requires a slow-moving vehicle to pull over whenever there are at least five other vehicles stuck behind it. [RCW § 46.61.427] Next Question

__________ mark the left edge of one-way roads and separate opposing lanes of traffic on two-way roads.

solid yellow lines

A solid white line between lanes of traffic means that you should

stay in your lane A solid white line between lanes of traffic means that you should stay in your lane unless a special situation requires you to change lanes.

If you approach a pedestrian walking with a white cane or a white cane tipped with red who is about to cross the road, you must

stop A pedestrian walking with a white cane or a white cane tipped with red is blind or visually impaired. You must stop and yield to the pedestrian. Don't use your horn; it might startle the blind pedestrian. Next Question

At an intersection, if you see a pedestrian using a guide dog or other service animal or carrying a white cane, you must

stop your vehicle A pedestrian using a guide dog or other service animal or carrying a white cane is blind or visually impaired. Use extreme caution around such pedestrians. Under Washington State law, you must not enter a crosswalk in which a blind pedestrian is crossing the roadway, and you must do whatever is necessary to avoid injuring the pedestrian or the service animal. Don't use your horn because it could confuse or frighten the blind pedestrian or the service animal. [RCW § 70.84.040]

To maintain a safe following distance behind the vehicle ahead of you, the Washington Driver Guide recommends that you use _________ at speeds over 30 mph.

the 4 second rule At speeds of 30 mph or less, a three-second following distance may be sufficient. To maintain a safe following distance behind the vehicle ahead of you, the Washington Driver Guide recommends that you use the four-second rule at speeds over 30 mph. That is, leave at least four seconds of following distance behind the vehicle ahead of you. Under more hazardous driving conditions, you should increase your following distance even more.

When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way

the left vehicle

To hold the steering wheel, especially in turns, you should keep

your left hand between 8 and 9 o'clock and your right hand between 3 and 4 o'clock. Keeping your hands on opposite sides of the steering wheel facilitates quick turns. When driving a modern vehicle equipped with airbags, place your left hand between 8 and 9 o'clock and your right hand between 3 and 4 o'clock. If your hands are higher than that when the driver's side airbag deploys, it could shove your hands into your face or even injure your hands. This position also allows you to make turns without taking your hands off the wheel.

THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. In Washington State, a driver under 21 years of age may not drive with a THC level greater than _____ nanograms per milliliter of blood.

zero Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. In Washington State, it is illegal for a driver under 21 years of age to drive with any detectable amount of THC in his or her blood.

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