Week 6

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The fluid part of the blood is called: Select one: a. plasma b. hemoglobin c. red blood cells d. white blood cells


Which muscle, illustrated below, draws the lower lip and corner of the mouth sideways and down, partially opening the mouth, as in surprise or fright? platysma Select one: a. trapezius b. platysma c. buccinator d. masseter


Most of the activities or production of the cell take place in the: Select one: a. nucleus b. stomach c. cytoplasm d. cell membrane


The risorius is located at the corner of the mouth and draws the mouth up and out, as in the expression of: Select one: a. whistling b. distaste c. grinning d. sarcasm


The study of structures that can be seen with the naked eye is called: Select one: a. physiology b. histology c. gross anatomy d. biology

Gross anatomy

Which type of muscle responds automatically to control various body functions? Select one: a. striated b. voluntary c. non-striated d. cardiac


Number 1 in the diagram below illustrates the muscle that circles the mouth, contracts the lips and is known as:

Oracular is oris

The study of the functions of the organs and systems of the body is known as: Select one: a. physiology b. anatomy c. biology d. gross anatomy


Bone is composed of 2/3 mineral matter and: Select one: a. 1/3 oxygen b. 1/3 organic matter c. 1/3 nitrogen d. 1/3 hydrogen

1/3 organic matter

The thumb has how many phalanges? Select one: a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 2


Of the eight bones that compose the cranium, how many are affected by scalp massage? Select one: a. 6 b. 4 c. 2 d. 8


The average resting heart rate is how many beats per minute? Select one: a. 160-180 b. 130-140 c. 30-40 d. 60-100


On the average, an adult has how much blood flowing through the circulatory system? Select one: a. 4 to 6 quarts b. 4 to 6 pints c. 8 to 10 pints d. 8 to 10 quarts

8to10 pints

Muscles that separate the fingers are called: Select one: a. abductors b. opponens c. adductors d. flexors


Which area of science involves the study of the organs and systems of the body? Select one: a. physiology b. histology c. anatomy d. myology Feedback


The triangle-shaped muscle that lifts the arm or turns it is the: Select one: a. extensor b. deltoid c. bicep d. flexor


Which of the following arteries supplies blood to the upper surface of the foot? Select one: a. dorsalis pedis b. ulnar c. posterior tibial d. popliteal

Dorsalis pedis

The primary function of the excretory system is to: Select one: a. circulate blood throughout the body b. regulate and control the growth and reproduction of the body c. eliminate waste products from the body d. intake oxygen to be absorbed into the blood

Eliminate waste products from the body

Which of the following muscles flexes the joint of the small toe? Select one: a. abductor digiti minimi b. peroneus brevis c. flexor digiti minimi brevis d. flexor digitorum brevis

Flexor digiti minimi breves

Which of the following is the thigh bone or the longest bone in the body? Select one: a. femur b. tibia c. patella d. fibula


The outer and narrower of the 2 lower leg bones, extending from the knee to the ankle, is known as the: Select one: a. femur b. fibula c. patella d. metatarsals


Which muscle bends the wrist and closes the fingers? Select one: a. supinator b. flexor c. deltoid d. adductor


The stomach and which other organ are responsible for digesting food? Select one: a. kidneys b. liver c. intestines d. brain


What structure filters foreign particles from the lymph vessels? Select one: a. capillaries b. lymph nodes c. veins d. arteries

Lymph nodes

Which muscle is used when nodding yes or no? Select one: a. platysma b. sternocleido mastoideus c. temporalis d. trapezius

Sternocleceido mastiodeus

The muscles that respond to commands regulated by will are referred to as: Select one: a. striated b. cardiac c. non-striated d. involuntary


The chin and lower lip are supplied with blood by which artery? Select one: a. angular b. inferior labial c. parietal d. submental


Which smaller branch of the external maxillary artery supplies blood to the upper lip and septum? Select one: a. parietal b. frontal c. superior labial d. anterior auricular

Superior labial

The muscle that turns the palm of the hand up is the: Select one: a. tricep b. pronator c. supinator d. deltoid


The function of the lungs is to: Select one: a. circulate blood b. eliminate waste products c. supply the blood with oxygen d. control all body functions

Supply the body with oxegyn

The two bones located on either side of the head, directly above the ears and below the parietal bones are the: Select one: a. frontal bones b. turbinal bones c. palatine bones d. temporal bones

Temporal bones

The coordination of which two muscles enables the body to perform chewing (mastication)? Select one: a. temporalis and masseter b. auricularis and latissimus dorsi c. risorius and corrugator d. procerus and latissimus dorsi

Temporal is and masseter

The muscle located above and in front of the ear that performs both opening and closing the jaw, as in chewing, is called the: Select one: a. temporalis b. caninus c. masseter d. buccinator


What is the center of a cell

The center of the cell is the nucleus.

Muscle makes up approximately what percentage of the body's weight? Select one: a. 40% to 50% b. 10% to 20% c. 60% to 70% d. 20% to 30%

40 to 50

What term means "in front of"? Select one: a. posterior b. superior c. anterior d. inferior


Which of the following muscles moves the big toe away from the other toes? Select one: a. flexor digitorum brevis b. abductor hallucis c. flexor digiti minimi brevis d. abductor digiti minimi

Abductor hallicus

Muscles that draw the fingers together are called: Select one: a. adductors b. abductors c. opponens d. flexors


Which artery supplies the sides of the nose with blood? Select one: a. frontal b. angular c. middle temporal d. superior labial


The process of building up larger molecules from small ones is: Select one: a. anabolism b. cell division c. catabolism d. physiology


The frontalis and occipitalis muscles are joined by a tendon called the: Select one: a. auriculari b. procerus c. mentalis auricularis d. aponeurosis


Thick-walled vessels that carry pure blood from the heart through the body are: Select one: a. arteries b. capillaries c. veins d. lymph vessels


The occipitalis muscle is located at the nape of the neck and draws the scalp: Select one: a. back b. to the right c. forward d. to the left


The occipital artery supplies blood to the: Select one: a. lower portion of the face b. back of the head c. sides and top of the head d. center of the forehead

Back of the head

The midsection of the muscle is called the: Select one: a. cardiac b. insertion c. origin d. belly


What is the sticky, salty fluid that circulates through the body, bringing nourishment and oxygen to all parts of the body? Select one: a. platelets b. blood c. lymph d. thrombocytes


Osteology is the study of: Select one: a. muscles b. nerves c. germs d. bones


The organ that controls all body functions is the: Select one: a. skin b. brain c. kidneys d. liver


The muscle located between the jaws and cheek that is responsible for compressing the cheek to release air outwardly, as in blowing is called the: Select one: a. risorius b. triangularis c. buccinator d. caninus


Located above the corners of the mouth, which muscle raises the angle of the mouth, as in snarling? Select one: a. triangularis b. caninus c. risorius d. buccinator


Which of the following are small vessels that take nutrients and oxygen from the arteries to the cells? Select one: a. varicose veins b. ventricles c. veins d. capillaries


The muscle of the heart itself and the only muscle of its type in the human body is the: Select one: a. cardiac muscle b. voluntary muscle c. supportive muscle d. striated muscle

Cardiac muscle

The body system responsible for circulation of the blood, including the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries, is called the: Select one: a. lymph-vascular system b. nervous system c. cardiovascular system d. integumentary system


Which of the following correctly describes veins? Select one: a. thick-walled vessels b. carry blood from the capillaries to the heart c. carry blood from capillaries to the cells d. positioned deeper in the body than arteries

Carry from the capillaries to the heart

The release of energy within a cell necessary for the performance of specific body functions is called: Select one: a. osteology b. catabolism c. sleep d. anabolism


The outer surface of the cell that encloses the protoplasm is known as the: Select one: a. nucleus b. cell membrane c. cytoplasm d. anabolism

Cell membrane

What are the basic units of living matter? Select one: a. bones b. cells c. kidneys d. tissues


The seven bones that form the top part of the spinal column and are often manipulated in extended scalp massage are called the: Select one: a. sternum b. cervical vertebrae c. thorax d. scapula

Cervical vertebrae

The purpose of the heart is to: Select one: a. circulate blood b. control all body functions c. digest food d. supply the blood with oxygen

Circulate blood

When a salon professional performs a massage treatment, what system is directly influenced and stimulated? Select one: a. digestive b. circulatory c. endocrine d. excretory


The bone that forms the area from the throat to the shoulder is known as the: Select one: a. radius b. humerus c. sternum d. clavicle


The function of the masseter muscle is to: Select one: a. pull the lip down b. close the jaw c. open the jaw d. compress the cheek

Close the jaw

Which arteries supply blood to the face, head and neck? Select one: a. external jugulars b. posterior auriculars c. internal jugulars d. common carotid arteries

Common cartoon arteries

Which type of tissue supports, protects and holds the body together? Select one: a. nerve tissue b. muscular tissue c. epithelial tissue d. connective tissue

Connective tissue

Which of the following is NOT an example of metabolism? Select one: a. controlling the basic functions and activities of the cell b. building up of larger molecules from smaller ones c. breaking down of larger molecules or substances into smaller ones d. releasing energy to perform specific body functions

Controlling the basic functions and activities of the cell

The muscle that controls the eyebrows, drawing them in and downward is the: Select one: a. corrugator b. levator palpebrae c. auricularis d. orbicularis


What is the role of epithelial tissue? Select one: a. contract to produce motion b. support, protect and hold the body together c. coordinate body functions d. cover and protect body surfaces and internal organs

Cover and protect body surfaces and internal organs

The parietal bones form the: Select one: a. bridge of the nose b. upper jaw c. crown and upper sides of the head d. cheek

Crown and upper sides of the head

Most of the activities of the cell take place in the: Select one: a. stomach b. nucleus c. cytoplasm d. cell membrane


What is another name for red blood cells? Select one: a. leucocytes b. hemoglobin c. plasma d. erythrocytes


The spongy bone found between the eyes that forms part of the nasal cavity is called the: Select one: a. temporal b. occipital c. ethmoid d. frontal


Which muscle straightens the fingers and wrist? Select one: a. tricep b. bicep c. flexor d. extensor


Which of the following muscles is located on the outside of the lower leg and bends the foot up and extends the toes? Select one: a. flexor digiti minimi brevis b. tibialis anterior c. extensor hallucis longus d. extensor digitorum longus

Extensor digitorum tongus

Which artery supplies blood to the lower portion of the face, including the mouth and nose? Select one: a. external maxillary b. superficial temporal c. posterior auricular d. occipital

External maxillary

Mary is performing a scalp massage on a client. Which of the following bones would be affected by the massage Mary is offering? Select one: a. ethmoid b. phalanges c. sphenoid d. frontal


The bone that extends from the top of the eyes to the top of the head and forms the forehead is called the: Select one: a. parietal bone b. occipital bone c. temporal bone d. frontal bone

Frontal bone

The process of blood traveling from the heart, throughout the body and back to the heart is called: Select one: a. general circulation b. arterial circulation c. local circulation d. vein circulation


Which of the following is the largest bone of the upper arm that extends from the elbow to the shoulder? Select one: a. ulna b. carpals c. humerus d. radius


Which artery supplies blood to the lower lip? Select one: a. transverse b. submental c. anterior auricular d. inferior labial

Inferior labial

The portion of the muscle that is joined to the movable attachments: bones, movable muscle or skin, is known as the: Select one: a. origin b. insertion c. belly d. sternum


Muscles affected by massage are generally manipulated from the: Select one: a. origin attachment to insertion attachment b. insertion attachment to belly attachment c. insertion attachment to origin attachment d. belly attachment to insertion attachment

Insertion attachment to origin attachment

Which artery supplies blood to parts of the brain, eyes and forehead? Select one: a. transverse b. internal carotid artery c. inferior labial d. anterior auricular

Internal carotid artery

The point at which two or more bones are joined together is called a: Select one: a. ligament b. tendon c. synapse d. joint


Organs that eliminate water and waste products are the: Select one: a. liver b. lungs c. stomach d. kidneys


The smallest two bones of the facial skeleton that form the front part of the inner, bottom wall of the eye socket are called the: Select one: a. maxillae b. lacrimal c. mandible d. nasal


The upper chambers of the heart include the: Select one: a. left and right atrium b. extensor c. right ventricle d. left ventricle

Left and right atrium

The lower chambers of the heart include the: Select one: a. right atrium b. left atrium c. left and right ventricle d. pericardium

Left and right ventricle

Long bones are found in the: Select one: a. legs b. back c. chest d. skull


The tissue type that carries food, waste products and hormones is: Select one: a. muscular tissue b. liquid tissue c. nerve tissue d. connective tissue

Liquid tissue

The organ responsible for removing toxic byproducts of digestion is the: Select one: a. intestines b. liver c. stomach d. kidneys


The colorless liquid produced as a byproduct when plasma passes nourishment to capillaries and cells is known as: Select one: a. protein particles b. blood c. lymph d. blood platelets


The body system responsible for circulation of lymph is called the: Select one: a. lymph-vascular system b. nervous system c. integumentary system d. cardiovascular system

Lymph vascular

A subsystem of the circulatory system responsible for distributing white blood cells to help develop immunity is known as the: Select one: a. integumentary system b. lymph-vascular system c. nervous system d. cardiovascular system

Lymph vascular system

The bone that makes up the lower jaw and is the largest bone of the facial skeleton is the: Select one: a. maxillae b. mandible c. lacrimal d. nasal


What's the largest bone in the facial bones


The two bones that form the upper jaw are the: Select one: a. maxillae b. zygomatic c. mandible d. lacrimal


The chemical process in which cells receive nutrients for cell growth and reproduction is known as: Select one: a. metabolism b. catabolism c. physiology d. anabolism


All of the following are bones of the cranium EXCEPT: Select one: a. occipital b. frontal c. temporal d. metacarpal


The 5 long, thin bones that form the palm of the hand are the: Select one: a. metacarpals b. carpals c. maxillae d. phalanges


The study of structures too small to be seen without using a microscope is called: Select one: a. gross anatomy b. biology c. microscopic anatomy d. physiology

Microscopic anatomy

What is another name for histology? Select one: a. gross anatomy b. microscopic anatomy c. physiology d. osteology

Microscopic anatomy

Myology is the study of the structure, function and diseases of the: Select one: a. muscles b. cells c. organs d. skeleton


The tissue that contracts, when stimulated, to produce motion is known as: Select one: a. muscular tissue b. nerve tissue c. epithelial tissue d. liquid tissue

Muscular tissue

Which two bones join to form the bridge of the nose? Select one: a. skull b. nasal c. zygomatic d. maxillae


Which type of tissue coordinates body functions in addition to carrying messages to and from the brain and spinal cord? Select one: a. nerve b. muscular c. connective d. epithelial


The control center of cell activities is called the: Select one: a. cytoplasm b. nucleus c. protoplasm d. body system


What three basic parts are found in most human cells? Select one: a. muscle, protoplasm, cell membrane b. muscle, cytoplasm, cell membrane c. nucleus, cytoplasm, connective tissue d. nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane

Nucleus cytoplasm sell membrane

The bone that forms the back of the skull, indenting above the nape area, is the: Select one: a. temporal b. frontal c. parietal d. occipital


The epicranius is formed by two muscles called the frontalis and the: Select one: a. temporalis b. corrugator c. occipitalis d. procerus


The muscles that cause the thumb to move toward the fingers, giving the ability to grasp or make a fist are called: Select one: a. abductors b. adductors c. opponens d. flexors


The muscles shown below control the closing of the eyelids and are known as: Select one: a. buccinator b. mentalis c. procerus d. orbicularis oculi

Orbicularis oculi

A separate body structure composed of two or more different tissues is a(n): Select one: a. tissue b. system c. muscle d. organ


The nonmoving portion of the muscle attached to bone or another fixed muscle is the: Select one: a. origin b. insertion c. synapse d. belly


What is the technical term for bone? Select one: a. vomer b. osteo c. os d. humerus


Which artery supplies blood to the crown and sides of the head? Select one: a. parietal b. angular c. inferior labial d. submental


Another name for the kneecap is: Select one: a. fibula b. patella c. talus d. tarsal


The muscles that assist in swinging the arms and extend across the front of the chest are called: Select one: a. pectoralis major and pectoralis minor b. zygomaticus major and zygomaticus minor c. flexor and extensor d. supinator and pronator

Pectoralis major and pectoralis minor

The heart muscle is entirely encased in a membrane called the: Select one: a. pericardium b. pronator c. supinator d. thrombocyte


The muscle that causes the foot to invert and turn outward is the: Select one: a. abductor hallucia b. peroneus longus c. tibialis anterior d. peroneus brevis

Peroneus longus

The 14 bones of the foot that form the digits are known as the: Select one: a. tarsals b. patellas c. metatarsals d. phalanges


The fourteen bones that form the digits or fingers of the hands are called the: Select one: a. metacarpals b. phalanges c. carpals d. ulnas


What is the artery called that supplies blood to the knee joint and muscles in the thigh and calf? Select one: a. posterior tibial b. anterior tibial c. dorsalis pedis d. popliteal


Which muscle is responsible for drawing down the brow and wrinkling the area across the bridge of the nose? Select one: a. procerus b. risorius c. corrugator d. mentalis


The muscle that runs across the front of the lower part of the radius and the ulna and turns the palm of the hand downward and inward is the: Select one: a. extensor b. pronator c. supinator d. flexor


What is the name of the gel-like substance containing water, salt and nutrients that cells are composed of? Select one: a. anabolism b. metabolism c. cytoplasm d. protoplasm


What refers to the phase of circulation in which the blood is oxygenated in the lungs? Select one: a. general circulation b. respiration c. pulmonary circulation d. interior circulation

Pulmonary circulation

The muscle located below the lower lip that pulls the lower lip down or to the side is known as the: Select one: a. quadratus labii inferioris b. risorius c. quadratus labii superioris d. mentalis

Quadratus labil inferioris

The muscle that circles the mouth and is responsible for contracting, puckering and wrinkling the lips, as in kissing or whistling, is known as: Select one: a. caninus b. mentalis c. orbicularis oris d. quadratus labii inferioris

Quadratus labil inferioris

Raising the upper lip is accomplished by which of the following muscles? Select one: a. temporalis b. quadratus labii superioris c. risorius d. masseter

Quadratus lability superioris

Which of the following arteries supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand? Select one: a. radial b. ulnar c. dorsalis pedis d. posterior


The large, flat bone extending from the middle of the back upward to the joint where it attaches to the clavicle is called the: Select one: a. sternum b. scapula c. humerus d. rib


Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system? Select one: a. providing a frame to which muscles can attach b. allowing body movement c. sending and receiving body messages d. surrounding and protecting internal organs

Sending and receiving body messages

The muscle located under the arm that helps in lifting the arm and in breathing is called: Select one: a. deltoid b. serratus anterior c. pectoralis major d. bicep

Serratus anterior

One function of the muscular system includes supporting the: Select one: a. skeletal system b. brain c. endocrine system d. digestive system

Skeletal system

Which body system has the function to give the body shape and strength? Select one: a. nervous system b. endocrine system c. skeletal system d. circulatory system

Skeletal system

Which system has the function of surrounding and protecting internal organs? Select one: a. skeletal system b. respiratory system c. circulatory system d. endocrine system

Skeletal system

Which system is the physical foundation of the body? Select one: a. muscular system b. skeletal system c. endocrine system d. circulatory system

Skeletal system

Which of the organs of the body is the largest? Select one: a. heart b. liver c. brain d. skin


The bone located behind the eyes and nose that connects all the bones of the cranium is known as the: Select one: a. sphenoid bone b. frontal bone c. ethmoid bone d. occipital bone

Sphenoid bone

How do lymph nodes indicate infection in the body? Select one: a. they swell b. they move to another location c. they disappear d. they reduce in size

They swell

Which one of the following components is responsible for the clotting of blood? Select one: a. hemoglobin b. thrombocytes c. plasma d. leukocytes


Which of the following is NOT a part of the muscle? Select one: a. origin b. belly c. insertion d. tibia


Groups of cells of the same kind make up: Select one: a. systems b. tissues c. organs d. lungs


The muscle that aids in drawing the head back and elevating the shoulder blades is known as the: Select one: a. trapezius b. sternocleidomastoideus c. pectoralis d. platysma


The bone located on the little-finger side of the lower arm is the: Select one: a. sternum b. humerus c. ulna d. hyoid


Which of the following arteries supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm? Select one: a. popliteal b. ulnar c. radial d. anterior tibial


The zygomatic bones are the two bones that form the: Select one: a. front part of the inner, bottom wall of the eye socket b. bridge of the nose c. upper cheek and the bottom of the eye socket d. upper jaw

Uppper cheek and the bottom of the eye socket

Which blood vessels carry impure blood? Select one: a. ventricles b. veins c. platelets d. arteries


The salon professional is primarily concerned with which type of muscles found in the head, face, neck, hands and arms? Select one: a. autonomic b. voluntary c. non-striated d. involuntary


Cells that fight bacteria and other foreign substances are called leukocytes or: Select one: a. plasma b. red blood cells c. white blood cells d. hemoglobin

White blood cells

The 8 carpals held together with ligaments make up the: Select one: a. elbow b. hand c. knee d. wrist


The upper cheek and bottom of the eye socket are formed by the malar, also called: Select one: a. zygomatic b. palatine c. vomer d. lacrimal


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