Welsch Chapter 6 Packet & Crossword

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What are three ways that sin is defined in the CCC?

An offense against reason, truth, and right conscience A failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods An utterance, deed, or desire contrary to the eternal law

What is the antidote to sin?


The ___ message of the Bible is of God's love for ___. The story of salvation develops from ___ onward to the coming of Jesus ___. God's ___ is manifested through the life, Passion, Death, and Ressurection of Jesus Christ who came into the world to ___ sin and extend his Father's ___. The ___ tells of sin's origins in the world and its ___ on humanity.

Essential; humanity; Genesis; Christ; love; forgive; mercy; Bible; effect

List each of the six evidences of sin explained by the author and note one example of each

Everyday actions: neglecting chores Widespread dishonesty: cheating at school Hate and Prejudice: harboring hate towards others Greed: contributing to poverty for your own gain Excess consumerism: exploiting natural resources Violence: terrorism

Identify the five steps of the Sacrament of Penance

Examine your conscience Have contrition for your sins Confess your sins Receive absolution Do the penance assigned

T or F? While the Sacramanet of Penance erases Original Sin and restores the gift of original holiness, other effects of Original Sin remain, including the loss of original justice

False; Baptism

T or F? The Exsultet is a solemn proclomation chanted at Christmas Mass which celebrates Jesus Christ as the glorious Redeemer of humankind

False; Easter Vigil

T or F? Sin can only result from a person's actions

False; also non-actions

T or F? Personal sins can be classified as works of the flesh opposed to the gifts of the Holy Spirit

False; fruits

T or F? Only God and priests have the power to forgive sins

False; only God

T or F? The Sacrament of Penance is complete whether or not one completes the penance assigned by the priest.

False; only when

T or F? Original sin is the consequence of sin.

False; sin is the consequence of original sin

T or F? Because of Original Sin we are no longer made in the image of God

False; we are still made in the image of God

Conversion and refocusing on the ___ of Jesus Christ are ways to ___ sinfulness. Sin is ___ and it is a major ___ to living a moral life. Sin manifests itself as both action and ___ to act. Sin manifests itself as an ___ and as abuse of ___. Thinking about sinfulness helps us recognize its enormity and its ___ to our own lives.

Good News; overcome; everywhere; barrier; failure; attitude; power; proximity

Explain the three conditions that must be present for a personal sin to be mortal

Grave matter: specified by the 10 Commandments Full knowledge: you must know that what you're doing is very wrong Complete consent: you must give full consent of the will

Briefly explain three Hebrew words for sin

Hattah: when you sin, you miss your "mark" of being in union with God Pesha: willfully violating God's reign Awon: refers to the consequences of sin and is associated with the punishment of sinfulness

What does the Protoevangelium (Gn 3:15) reveal about God's love?

He has absolute fidelity to humanity despite its sinfulness

In order to grow in ___, we must admit that we are not ___ and that we needs God's help. Living a moral life means ___ up to our sinfulness. God forgives the sin of ___ anyone who approaches him seeking forgiveness. The only ___ sin is the "blasphemy against the ___-the total and deliberate ___ to repent and receive God's ___.

Holiness; perfect; owning; anyone; unforgiveable; Spirit; refusal; mercy

Means "God saves"


What are the three New Testament descriptions for sin?

Lawlessness: contempt for God and his law Injustice: a failure to do right Falsehood/darkness: sin that opposses God's truth

Sin is an ___ against God whereby sinners, through a false love of ___, turn from God's love. Through willfulness and ___, sinners disobey God's ___ law and make themselves like ___. Although evidence of sin is ___, many people deny its reality. Refusal to __ the reality of sin harms individuals and ___ society.

Offense; self; pride; eternal; gods; everywhere; accept; corrupts

How does Original Sin differ from personal sin?

Original Sin is the sin of Adam and Eve, which describes the fallen state of every person. Personal Sin is committed by one person and is his or her own responsibility.

Christ's ___ and Death prove the existence of sin in its many ___. He is the ___ of God to sinners. Jesus came to ___ people from their sins and in fact the name Jesus means "___." Receiving God's mercy requires ___. This means to receive God's ___ we must admit our sins and allow the ___ to lead us through Christ to God the Father.

Passion; forms; mercy; save; God saves; conversion; mercy; Holy Spirit

Jesus is the Divine ___ and the key to understanding sin and ___. He is God's mercy who not only ___ about sin but also ___ sin. Jesus personally ministered to sinners, ___, and those outside of the Law. He not only bore the sins of all who ever ___, he forgave them. His essential message was: "This is the time of ___. The Kingdom of God is at hand. ___, and believe in the gospel."

Physician; forgiveness; warned; forgave; outcasts; lived; fulfillment; Repent

Sin is ___, meaning when we sin, we ___ others. Personal sin ___ people from each other and even from their very ___. It crushes lives, ___ hearts, weakens intellects, and ___ wills. If personal sin is ___, it kills charity and we lose sanctifying ___. When we sin, we get into the ___ of sin and create vice through the ___ of the same sinful acts.

Relational; hurt; alienates; selves; hardens; enslaves; serious; grace; habit; repetition

What three things does Jesus ask of each of us?

Repent of your sins Believe in the Gospel message of the coming of God's kingdom Love God and love others with the help of the Holy Spirit

The Sacrament of Penance is a powerful ___ of Christ's reaching out to repentant sinners and ___ makes present Jesus' call to ___. In the sacrament, the sinner acknowledges in a ___ way his or her desire to ___ away from sin. One's inal ___ is to confess venial sins once a year but the Church recommends ___ celebration of the sacrament.

Sign; sacramentally; conversion; public; turn; obligation; frequent

Turning away from sin and being truly ___ for our sins leads to a reconciliation that helps us to ___ relationships because sin ___ us from God, others, and from ___. We are assured of God's mercy and forgiveness through the words of ___ spoken by the priest. In the sacrament the ___ and the Church are reconciled and the ___ herself is healed.

Sorry; mend; alienates; yourself; absolution; sinner; Church

What factors can limit complete consent?

Strong emotions or passion, emotional illness, or physical or psychological force inflicted from another person or situation.

Explain what prompted Adam and Eve's act of disobedience

They thought they knew better than God, wanted more freedom, and desired to be like God

T or F? A good spiritual practice to counteract venial sins and other vices is to engage in some act of self-denial


T or F? Confession of sins out loud shows one is owning up to his or her sins


T or F? Fraternal correction recognizes our duty not only to eradicate sin in our own lives, but to encourage those you know to live a life free of sin.


T or F? One sins mortally when we freely choose to do something that seriously contradicts the love of God or terminates the love of neighbor


T or F? Original Sin means that our human nature is wounded, causing our mortality, ignorance, the inclination to sin and suffering, as well as a weakened will.


T or F? The personal sin of Adam and Eve is also the Original Sin that has affected humanity ever since.


T or F? When we make ourselves more important than God,we in effect, worship ourselves.


T or F? While sins are committed by individuals, sins can become embedded in institutions such as when governments have long-standing policies of discrimination against certain groups.


___ sin involves disobeying the moral ___ in less serious matters or disobeying the moral law in a ___ matter, without full knowledge or without complete ___. Though it weakens a relationship with God, it does not ___ it. Committing venial sins keeps your from ___ in holiness but does not deprive us of ___ grace or eternal happiness in heaven.

Venial; law; grave; consent; destroy; growing; sanctifying

What proves a person's willingness to convert?

admitting your sins, feeling genuine contrition, approaching God for his forgiveness, and making a commitment to sin no more

Mortal sin results in total rejection of God and ___ from him



an unlimited appreciation for one's own worth; arrogance; excessively high opinion of oneself

The ___ to sin is conversion


An Old Testament word for sin which means "guilt" or "iniquity"


If your personal sin is serious, it kills ___ in you


Sins of ___ include lying, cheating, and misusing the gift of sexuality


Conversion is an interior judgement of ___ that acknowledges that you are a sinner


A genuine sadness for not loving


The word "penance" is associated with the movement towards ___


Repentance is a key ___ for a disciple of Christ to turn from sinfulness and embrace the way of the Cross


___ correction is a duty not only to work with Christ's grace to eradicate sin in your own life, but to encourage those around you to live a life free of sin


An Old Testament word for sin which means "missing the mark"


The two sacraments of ___ are Penance and Anointing of the Sick


Original ___ was the state of Adam and Eve before the fall, in which they shared in the divine life



immoderate desire for earthly goods; love of money or possessions rather than loving God and others


inordinate, unrestrained craving for pleasure, especially sexual pleasure


intemperate desire for revenge; hostile and wrathful feelings toward others


jealousy over another's good fortune, possessions, talents, or looks

Original ___ was the state of Adam and Eve before the fall, in which they enjoyed three harmonies



laziness in keeping the faith or practicing virtue; neglecting to do one's duties out of lethargy

Venial sin is the failure to observe in ___ matters the obligations of the moral law


Mortal sin is personal sin that involves serious ___, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will


The spiritual works of ___ are charitable actions that include instructing, advising, consoling, and comforting


The Greek term ___ means "conversion"


A grave infraction of the law of God

mortal sin

Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and the mandate to love God and ___


A failure to act when you should is a sin of ___


The priest assigns a ___ which are actions or prayers that will help promote your conversion and heal some of the hurt your sin may have caused others


Genesis 3 describes the ___ sin of Adam and Eve that is also the Original Sin of all ___. Consequently, they lost the grace of original ___ and original justice which means the soul lost ___ over the body, ___ between man and woman became marked by ___ and domination, harmony with creation was broken, and ___ entered into existence

personal; humanity; holiness; control; relations; lust; death

An Old Testament word for sin which means "rebellion"


The belief that you can go it alone without God or others


A term that means "first gospel"


By naming ths sacrament "___," the Church acknowledges that sin harms relationships


From the Greek metanoia, a change of mind or heart


"Admonish the ___" is one of the spiritual works of mercy


a cycle of sin, violence, and injustice caused by individual sins

social sins

The Sacrament of Confession emphasizes one aspect of the confession or "___" of your sins



unrestrained, immoderate consumption of food or drink

Means "easilty forgiven"


Clouds your conscience and corrupts your judgement of good and evil


Your minimum obligation as a Catholic is to confess your sins once a ___


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