Wiley Plus EXAM 3

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a polarized cell

(ALL OF THESE CHOICES ARE CORRECT) Has a charge imbalance across its membrane, includes most cells of the body, and exhibits a membrane potential

Interoceptors are found in

(Blood vessels, visceral organs, and muscles.)all of these are correct

Which of the following are divisions of the peripheral nervous system?

(Somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and enteric nervous system)all of these are correct

list the 3 ways neurotransmitters can be removed from the synapse

1) degrade with enzyme in synapse, 2) reuptake by astrocyte or terminal bulb, 3) diffusion away from the synapse

Which of the following is NOT a function of the nervous system?

ALL OF THESE ARE FUNCTION(sensory function, integrative function, and motor function)

Based on your knowledge of ANS receptors, explain how beta blockers are able to manage conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure)?

ANS Neurotransmitters and Receptors Solution: Norepinephrine and epinephrine binds to beta adrenergic receptors on heart muscle cells and stimulate an increase in heart rate and force of contraction. Beta blockers are antagonists of norepinephrine and epinephrine meaning that beta blockers can bind and block their effects, leading to a decrease in heart rate and force of contraction and lowering of blood pressure.

Which neurotransmitter is released by the preganglionic neuron at the autonomic ganglion in the diagram?


Which neurotransmitter is released at the gland by the preganglionic neuron in the diagram?


Which endocrine gland is directly innervated by sympathetic preganglionic axons?

Adrenal gland

Which of the following responses is NOT caused by activation of the sympathetic division?

Airway constriction

Which of the following responses is NOT caused by activation of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

Airway dilation

Which of the following is NOT a parasympathetic terminal ganglion?

All are parasympathetic terminal ganglion(otic ganglion, ciliary ganglion, submandibular ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion)

When the summed total of postsynaptic potentials rises above threshold, creation of action potentials occurs

At the Trigger Zone

Which disorder is characterized by an exaggerated response of the sympathetic division of the ANS that occurs in most individuals with spinal cord injury at or above T6?

Autonomic dysreflexia

Which of the following types of neurons have one axon and one dendrite emerging from the cell body and are found in the retina of the eye, inner ear, and olfactory region of the brain?

Bipolar Neuron

Which type of depression results in an individual with a manic-depressive illness.

Bipolar disorder

Which of the following does NOT contribute to the longer lasting and more widespread effects observed with sympathetic activation versus parasympathetic activation?

Blood flow to the hypothalamus is decreased when sympathetic activation occurs.

Autonomic motor neurons regulate visceral activities by 1. increasing activities in effector tissue. , 2. decreasing activities in effector tissue. 3. changing the direction of impulse conduction across synapses.

Both 1 and 2

With respect to neurons, the term "nerve fiber" refers to

Both Axons and Dendrites

Chromatolysis refers to

Break up of Nissl bodies after neural injury

The ANS is involved in controlling what?

Cardiac, endocrine, smooth, and exocrine muscles

The superior mesenteric ganglion receives nervous input from the

Celiac ganglion

The nervous system can distinguish between a light touch and a heavier touch by

Changing the frequency of impulses sent to sensory centers

Which of the following is NOT a sympathetic prevertebral ganglion?

Ciliary ganglion

Which responses is caused by activation of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

Decreased pupil diameter, digestion jucies, increased gastric motility, decreased heart rate

Wallerian degeneration refers to

Degeneration of the distal end of axon and myelin sheath after neural injury

An excitatory neurotransmitter _____ the postsynaptic membrane.


Describe four ways drugs can modify the effects of neurotransmitters.

Drugs can modify neurotransmitter effects by: 1) stimulating or inhibiting their synthesis, 2) enhancing or blocking their release, 3) activating or blocking their receptor, and 4) stimulating or inhibiting their removal.

Schwann's cells begin to form myelin sheaths around axons in the peripheral nervous system

During Fetal Development

In the process of spatial summation, _____ are added together and _____ are subtracted from that total to determine whether _____ will be created at the trigger zone of the postsynaptic neuron.

EPSPs; IPSPs; action potentials

A postsynaptic neuron responds to neurotransmitters released by a presynaptic neuron by creating

Either EPSPs or IPSPs

Faster communication and synchronization are two advantages of

Electrical Synapses

In temporal summation, a single presynaptic neuron stimulates the creation of action potentials in a postsynaptic neuron when it

Fires at a fast enough rate that the sum of EPSPs in the postsynaptic neuron moves above threshold

Which of the following descriptions of a preganglionic neuron is NOT correct?

Forms gap junctions with postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia

Which of the following neurotransmitters are used in virtually all of the inhibitory synapses found in the spinal cord?

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine

Which of the following does NOT describe the sympathetic division of the ANS?

Ganglia primarily found in the head

What region does the superior cervical ganglion primarily serve?


Which disorder involves the loss of sympathetic innervation to one side of the face due to inherited mutation, injury or disease?

Horner's syndrome

Which is a sympathetic prevertebral ganglion?

Inferior mesenteric ganglion, superior mesenteric ganglion, and celiac ganglion

what factors limit neurogenesis in the CNS of adults

Inhibitory influences from neuroglia, mainly from oligodendrocytes, and the absence of growth-stimulating cues present during fetal development.

Which of the following is NOT a type of channel used in production of electrical signals in neurons?

Ion-gated channel

Na+/K+-ATPase is considered to be an electrogenic pump because

It contributes to the negativity of the resting membrane potential

which type of channels are used in the production of electrical signals in neurons?

Leakage channel, ligand-gated channel, mechanically gated channel, and voltage-gated channel.

Name the type of membrane channel that opens in response to chemical binding and is found in dendrites of some sensory receptors like pain receptors, and in the dendrites and cell bodies of interneurons and motor neurons.

Ligand-Gated Channels

A depolarizing graded potential

Makes the membrane less polarized

Name the type of membrane channel that opens in response to touch, pressure, vibration, or tissue stretching and is found in the auditory receptors of the ear, and in touch and pressure receptors in the skin.

Mechanically Gated Channels

Which of the following types of electrical signals allow rapid long-distance communication within the nervous system?

Nerve Action Potential

Which of following organelles is a common site of protein synthesis in neurons?

Nissl Body

Which ganglia contain the cell bodies of the parasympathetic postganglionic neurons that serve the parotid salivary glands?

Otic ganglia

Which of the following nerves provides innervation for the external genitals?

Pelvic splanchnic nerve

Ability to change based on experience.

Plasticity means

Which of the following types of neurons would normally have the shortest axon?

Preganglionic sympathetic neurons

Which of the following types of neurons is exclusively found in the cerebellum?

Purkinje cells

During this period, a second action potential can only be initiated by a larger than normal stimulus

Relative Refractory Period

Diffusion, enzymatic degradation, and uptake by cells are all ways to

Remove a Neurotransmitter

Occurs only in myelinated axons.

Saltatory conduction

Thoracolumbar is another name for which division of ANS?


The motor portion of the autonomic nervous system can be divided into

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions

Which of the following does NOT describe the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

Synapses with smooth muscle in blood vessels

Describe the difference between spatial and temporal summation in a postsynaptic neuron​

Temporal summation occurs when a single pre-synaptic neuron fires many times in succession, causing the post-synaptic neuron to reach its threshold and fire. Spatial summation occurs when excitation potentials from many different pre-synaptic neurons cause the post-synaptic neuron to reach its threshold and fire.

Describe the possible ways in which the axon of a sympathetic preganglionic neuron connects with postganglionic neurons after it reaches the sympathetic trunk ganglia.

The axon may 1) synapse with postganglionic neurons in the first ganglion it reaches, 2) ascend or descend to higher or lower ganglia via sympathetic chains, or 3) continue without synapsing through sympathetic trunk ganglia to end at a prevertebral ganglion and synapse with postganglionic neurons there. 4) also pass, without synapsing, through the sympathetic trunk ganglion and a prevertebral ganglion and then extend to chromaffin cells of the adrenal medullae that are functionally similar to sympathetic postganglionic neurons.

Which of the following statements describes a common response of an autonomic effector during the "fight-or-flight" response?

The pupils dilate

Name the type of membrane channel that opens in response to changes in membrane potential and is located in axons of all types of neurons.

Voltage-Gated Channels

Briefly describe the events that occur during the depolarizing phase of an action potential.

Voltage-gated Na + channels open rapidly allowing Na + to rush into the cell driven by both the electrical and chemical gradient. The inward rush of Na + causes the membrane potential to become less negative, resulting in depolarization.

Which of the following are structures containing sympathetic preganglionic axons that connect the anterior ramus of the spinal nerve with the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk?

White rami communicantes

This type of neuron has one dendrite and one axon emerging from the cell body.

bipolar neuron

During the resting state of a voltage-gated Na+ channel, 1. the inactivation gate is open. 2. the activation gate is closed. 3. the channel is permeable to Na+.

both 1 and 2

Which ganglion supplies the stomach with postganglionic neurons?

celiac ganglion

The largest autonomic plexus is called the

celiac plexus

Which disorder is a type of neuropathy often caused by long term diabetes mellitus?

diabetic neuropathy

This type of neural circuit consists of a single presynaptic neuron synapsing with several postsynaptic neurons

diverging circut

Which of the following terms is used to designate an effector that is innervated by both the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the ANS?

dual innervation

Preganglionic neurons are supplied to the submandibular ganglion by which cranial nerve?

facial nerve VII

This type of nervous tissue contains neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, axon terminals, and neuroglial cells.

gray matter

Which autonomic plexus is located anterior to the fifth lumbar vertebra and serves the pelvic viscera?

hypogastric plexus

Autonomic tone is regulated by the


Which the following regions of the brain serve as the major control and integration center of the ANS?


In an action potential, the current that flows down the axon of a neuron is generated by the movement of _____ across the membrane.


Name the type of membrane channel that randomly opens and closes and is found in dendrites, cell bodies, and axons of all types of neurons.


Which nerve supplies the inferior mesenteric ganglion with preganglionic neurons?

lumbar splanchnic nerve

Which of the following types of neurons is the most common type of neuron found in the brain and spinal cord?

multi-polar neuron

Which of the following types of cells display the property of electrical excitability?

muscle cells and neurons

Which of the following are types of cholinergic receptors?

nicotinic and muscarinic receptors

The chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla possess what type of receptor that makes them responsive to the ACh released by preganglionic sympathetic neurons?

nicotinic receptors

The two main neurotransmitters of the autonomic nervous system are

norepinephrine and acetylcholine

Acetylcholine is released by _____ postganglionic neurons and is removed from the synaptic cleft at a _____ rate than norepinephrine

parasympathetic; faster

Postganglionic neurons from the otic ganglion supply the

parotid gland.

Which of the following lists the components of an autonomic reflex arc in the proper sequence of activation?

receptor, sensory neuron, integrating system, motor neuron, effector

A postganglionic neuron in the ANS

releases neurotransmitter that binds to the effector wall

Hearing your cell phone ring in an otherwise quiet lecture hall is an example of which of the following types of nervous system functions?

sensory function

Which does describe the sympathetic division of the ANS?

short preganglionic neurons, synapses with smooth muscle in blood vessel walls, stimulates sweat glands, thoracolumbar output

The autonomic nervous system is NOT involved in controlling

skeletal muscle

One of the main differences between a somatic reflex and autonomic reflex is the type of effectors that are activated. The effectors in somatic reflexes are _____, while the effectors in autonomic reflexes are _____.

skeletal muscles; smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands

Describe four ways drugs can modify the effects of neurotransmitters.

stimulating or inhibiting their synthesis, enhancing or blocking their release, activating or blocking their receptor, and stimulating or inhibiting their removal.

Which division of the ANS innervates the sweat glands and the hair follicles?


List the three major factors that contribute to the creation of the resting membrane potential in excitable cells.

unequal distribution of ions across the plasma membrane, inability of most anions to leave the cell, and the electrogenic nature of the Na+,K+ -ATPase

Parasympathetic innervation of the liver occurs through

vangus nerve X

When a depolarizing graded potential makes the axon membrane depolarize to threshold,

voltage-gated Na+ channels open rapidly

Which of the following types of adrenergic receptors are only found in brown adipose tissue where their activation stimulates heat production?


Explain how blood flow to tissues changes during the fight-or-flight response

​During the fight-or-flight response, vasodilation occurs in those vessels serving the heart and skeletal muscles crucial to fight or flight. In contrast, vasoconstriction occurs in those vessels serving areas less vital to fighting/fleeing like skin, digestive organs, and the urinary system. The changes in blood vessel diameter are induced by activation of the sympathetic division of the ANS.

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