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What detail on the first page best shows the reader August has something wrong with his face?

"I know ordinary kids dont make other ordinary kids run away."

After telling August about her plans to dress up as a unicorn, summer tells August that feels like she can tell him anything. What quote from August most likely causes summer to feel this way?

"Then you should do it. Who cares what other people think right?"

Which phrase that Julian said most likely caused jack to punch him?

"You don't have to be friends with that freak if you don't want to be, you know".

Why was August so rude to summer when he sat with her at lunch the Monday after Halloween?

August thought summer was asked by Mr. Tushman to be friends with him, like Jack, and that was the only reason she sat with him.

On the first day of school during home room, the teacher gives everyone a chance to introduce themselves. After August speaks, Julian asks August if he likes Darth Sidious. Why does this upset August?

Darth Sidiousis a character who gets his face burned and becomes totally deformed.

After reading why summer sat by August at lunch on the first day of school, the reader can tell that summer ______________.

Does not care what other people think about her.

What does via want most when she is at school?

For people to know her for who she is, not just a girl with a "deformed" brother.

What do we learn about jack in the first chapter, after he initially says he will not volunteer to help the new boy around school?

He already knows who august is.

Why does via know something bad happened to August at school?

He did not want to go trick or treating

Why does August say that he eats like a tortoise?

He has a hole in the roof of his mouth, which forces him to chew with his two front teeth.

After reading the chapter called "Ex-friends" which best summarizes jack's feelings about the fact that August is not talking to him?

He has no idea why August is mad at him and he's really upset that they aren't hanging out together.

Why did jack change his mind and decide to accept Mr. Tushman's invitation to help August at school?

He realized that if a nice boy like Jamie screamed at august and ran away from him, then August will really need a lot of help in middle school.

Which best describes how August feels about being started at all day?

He understands why they stare at him, saying that If a Wookiee came to his school, he wouldstare at it.

Jack thinks the bravest thing he's ever done was become friends with August. Why doesn't he write about that for his December precept?

He was afraid if having to read his paper aloud or have displayed on the bulletin board.

Which best explains why via's grandmother said she loved via more than anyone else in the world, even August?

Her grandma said August already had lots of angels looking over him, but via needed someone to look out for her.

What is the main thing summer and august talk about during their first lunch together?

How their names both deal with the summer season and if anyone else in the school has a name that's a summer word

Why does via think August should return to school?

If August wants to be "normal", he needs to learn to deal with bad days at school, which happen to everyone.

After charlotte tells jack what's going on with the other boys, she makes sure no one sees her leave the room. This means she __________.

Is nervous about another student seeing her talking to jack.

When jack returns to school after winter break, he notices that many of his old friends don't talk to him. Why does this happen?

Julian has probably told people not to talk to jack as a way of getting back at jack for punching him.

Why did August's mom think Julian was nice?

Julian politely told her all about the baby chicks and that August will get to see them in the spring.

When August describes why his first month of school was difficult, he said "Every new class I had was like a new chance for kids to "not stare" at me." Why does he use quotation marks around the words "not stare"?

Kids would pretend not to stare, but August knew they still were.

Which best describes why via does not want to hang out with Miranda and Ella, even though they have been friends for years?

Miranda and Ella now talk about people that via does not know. They changed a lot during the summer. So via decided to stop sitting with them at lunch and hanging out with them.

Which is the first clue that something has changed in Miranda's and Via's friendship?

Miranda did not text or call via when she returned from summer camp the previous year.

Mr. Tushman tells jack that punching another student is usually an automatic expulsion. Which of these helps jack. Get off with a fairly light punishment?

Mr. Tushman knows jack is a nice kid who has never done anything like this before.

When August enters Beecher Prep on the first day of school, he begins to notice kids staring at him. August then does what he normally does when this happens, which is _______________.

Pretending not to notice.

When August leaves Mr. Tushman's office with the three students, his mom says,"See you soon". But August notices her voice sounded a little higher than normal. Why would his mom's voice have been higher?

She is really nervous about August leaving with three students that he has never met before.

In the chapter called " August through the peephole", which best summarizes via's frustration with August?

She thinks August needs to communicate his feelings and start acting more grown-up.

Why has via spent many hours looking at old family photos?

She wants to see if anyone else looks like August.

Why did summer leave Savanna's Halloween party so early?

She was uncomfortable with the way people were talking about August.

Why were Julian and jack talking so openly about August,when normally they don't say such mean things to him?

Since August was wearing a different costume and sitting at a different desk.

Which best describes the mood of everyone at via's house after the first day of school?


Before starting fifth grade, August writes, " Since I've never been to a real school before; I am pretty petrified." Based on the contex clues what does petrified mean?


What is the most likely reason why August's parents take him to Beecher prep two weeks before school starts?

They hoped that August would feel more comfortable about school if he toured the school and met the principle.

Since August had never attended school before Julian_________________.

Told August what erasers and chalk looked like.

What caused August to know for sure that the other kids at Beecher Prep had a fear of touching him?

Tristin ignored the teacher and ran to the sink to wash his hands as soon as possible after accidentally bumping into August.

What causes jack to realize what summer meant by "bleeding scream"?

When learning that he'd have to start a science project, he started, he started thinking of melting ghost faces with their mouths open wide.

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