World geography: chapter 28 vocabulary

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Economic tiger

A country with rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports

Spheres of influences

A method of dividing foreign control in China, after the country was forced to sign q series of treaties granting special privileges to the Europeans. China was partitioned for control by Britian, France, Germany, and Russia. Amount others


A movement based on the teachings of Confucius stressed the importance of education in an ordered society in which one respects ones elders and obeys the government


A philosophy based on the back Tao te Ching and the teachings of Lao-Tzu, who lived in China in the sixth century B.C. And believed in preserving and restoring harmony in the individual, with nature, and in the universe, with little interferon from the government


A religion that originated in India about 500 B.C. And spread to China, where it grew into a major religion by A.D. 400


A series of rules from the same family

Pacific rim

An economic and social region including with countries surrounding the Pacific Ocean, extending clockwise from New Zealand in the western pacific and including the west coast of the U.S.

Boxer rebellion

An uprising in China in 1900, spurred by angry Chinese militants, or boxers, over foreign control, several hundred Europeans, Christians, and Chinese died

Three kingdoms

The kingdoms formed in the peninsula of Korea by A.D. 300, Koguryo in northeast, paekche in the southwest , and silly in the southeast


The largest city in North Korea, with more than 25 million people


The largest city in South Korea, with a population of more then ten million people

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