World Geography - Exam (quizzes + tests)

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One challenge caused by urbanization is overpopulation. As more and more people move to the urban areas, there is not enough space for everyone. This leads to houses and living situations being overcrowded.

Explain one challenge presented by urbanization.

An example of a pull factor that generally leads to urbanization is more job opportunities.

Explain one pull factor that generally leads to urbanization.


Governments create these in order to maintain order and/or maintain justice.

It has accelerated cultural change by allowing ideas and traditions to spread quickly.

How has computer technology affected a change in cultural diffusion in recent decades?

the consent of the people

In the eyes of Enlightenment philosophers, from where does a government derive its power?


Judging the practice of another culture based on your own cultural norms and beliefs

cultural reductionism

Minimizing a culture down to one trait or overly simplifying a culture


Movement from one place to another, either within the same country or internationally

compass rose

On a map, what is most useful tool for helping find the direction from one location to another?

scale bar

On a map, what is most useful tool for helping find the distance from one location to another?


Shelter or protection from danger granted by a country to someone forced to leave their home country.

push factor

negative reasons for wanting to leave a place

pull factor

positive reasons for wanting to go to a place


the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country

Hierarchical Diffusion

the beginning of a cultural trait that starts with a minority and spreads to the majority.


the cultural trait that is retained the longest by those who have immigrated to a new place.


the shared beliefs, practices, and norms of a group of people

cultural diffusion

the spread of materials, ideas, and cultural characteristics from one culture to another


when an immigrant replaces their old culture with new cultural traits, which often results in their previous cultural


when an individual slowly assimilates to the new culture after migrating


Varying greatly from place to place, these practices (based on values & beliefs) are passed from generation to generation through oral or written documents

cultural revitalism

Viewing the actions of a person or cultural group through the lens of that person/people's culture

language tree

A ____________ is a group of related languages that have all developed from one earlier language.

urban area

A city; a developed area with a high population density

rural area

A countryside or a less developed area with a small population

asylum seeker

A person who has moved across international borders in search of protection and filed a claim for asylum with the host country's government.

Internally Displaced Person

A person who is forcibly uprooted within his or her country but who has not crossed an international border.


A person who leaves his or her country due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, political views, or membership in a particular social group.


An individual person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in their life.


Body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on three sides by water

When a government has "absolutism" then it has full control of the country and all of its aspects.

Briefly describe the concept of "absolutism."

The "mandate of heaven" is when a person is said to be appointed by God to lead the country. A monarch had to have the "mandate of heaven" in order to rule.

Briefly explain the "mandate of heaven" as it might apply to a monarch.

The laws of the federal government have supremacy over the laws of a state. If a state law contradicts the federal law, then the federal law overrides the state law.

Briefly explain the concept of "supremacy" between the state and federal governments in a federal system.

Colonization is the act of setting up permanent settlements in foreign lands and asserting control over the native population.

Describe the process of colonization

Forced migration is when people are forced out of the land that they lived in due to some other force.

Describe the process of forced migration

The pull factor in this article is the land on the other side of the land bridge that has more animals and plants. This abundant land is pulling the clan to migrate for more resources.

Describe the push/pull factor described in this article. Language is developing among people. You have heard from hunters in another clan about a land bridge that crosses to a new area where there is an abundant supply of animals and plants. Your clan migrates to a new area.


Does this article represent a pull factor or a push factor? Language is developing among people. You have heard from hunters in another clan about a land bridge that crosses to a new area where there is an abundant supply of animals and plants. Your clan migrates to a new area.


The nation of Panama is a narrow strip of land connecting Central America to South America. On one side of Panama is the Pacific Ocean; on the other side is the Caribbean Sea. Which word would best describe Panama?


The process of population moving into cities and developing those areas

Religion is the practice of rituals and the honoring of certain places, objects, and experiences that are seen as special and are made sacred compared to mundane life. Religion plays many roles in society. Religion helps establish social cohesion, is used as a form of social control meaning people will behave well to remain in God's good graces, and provides people with a sense of purpose.

What is Religion and what role does it play in society?

When power is split between a central government and the state governments

What is federalism?

the most common type of map projection

What is the Mercator Projection?

ethnic group

What is the term for a group of people who share common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or place of origin?

They all distort direction, distance, shape, or size.

What problem do all maps of the world have?


Which element of culture maintains order within the country, provides protection from outside dangers, and supplies other services to the people?


Which element of culture most influences moral values to the celebration of holidays and festivals?

the strength of the state

Which of the following is most important in a fascist system?


Which option best represents urbanization? a) After a drought hits his hometown in the Midwest, George moves to California to continue his farm work. b) Forced to leave his home in southern Georgia, John was marched thousands of miles to Indian Territory in Oklahoma. c) After earning a degree in Paleontology, Ross moved to Manhattan to teach at a university in the city. d) After a series of natural disasters chase the Croods from their cave, they eventually find asylum with the Bettermans.


Which word best describes the Hawaiian Islands?

cultural hearth

a center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread

language family

a group of languages that share a common origin or root language


a lack of government and law


a system devised by society to make decisions regarding laws, regulations, rights, responsibilities, relationships with other societies


a system of government based on religious beliefs and customs


a system of government in which a king or queen holds power, passing that power hereditarily


a system of government in which a small group of people have power over the many

democratic republic

a system of government in which citizens elect representatives to speak and vote on their behalf

direct democracy

a system of government in which each eligible citizen participates in decision making by voting on issues


a system of government in which officials (either elected or appointed) represent the people

totalitarian dictatorship

a system of government in which one leader has absolute control over all aspects of society, art, culture, politics, etc.


a system of government in which one person has all the power

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