world history 1111

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What percentage of the Roman Empire's population was Christian before the conversion of Constantine?


Gaius Marius was elected consul this many times, which was a record


Which of the following statements is not true about the Swahili city-states?

A single sultan ruled over all of the Swahili city-states

Which of the following best describes the status of knights in the eleventh and twelfth centuries CE?

Because armor, horses, and weapons were expensive, knights gradually became part of a warrior aristocracy, with more rights than peasants

When waging war in China, the Mongols faced which challenge?

Chinese cities were usually walled, and some of these walled cities even connected to smaller fortified towns through a set of underground tunnels

This legislation ended the Conflict of the Orders in the early Roman Republic

lex hortensia

During the late Middle Ages, the two principal actors responsible for the exploration of West Africa and the Atlantic region were

Genoese merchants and Iberian kings

The Five Pillars of Islam are the Shahada (the profession of God's oneness), Salat (prayer facing Mecca five times daily), Zakat (giving money to support the Muslim community), Sawm (fasting from all food and drink from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan), and

Hajj, the requirement that at least once in his or her lifetime, every able-bodied Muslim should make a journey to the city of Mecca

Which of the following was not usually true of a Khagan?

He obtained his position by hereditary descent, as eldest son of the prior Khagan

Which of the following was not true of Genghis Khan?

His ascendancy to power culminated with his execution of rivals at a great Mongol assembly held in 1206

All of the following were true of the Mali Empire except

Mali built a Trading Post Empire along the East African coast

Which of the following was not true about the reforms of the Gracchi and their subsequent significance for the Roman Republic

The political violence against the Gracchi set a dangerous precedent, got a lot of popular support which suggested their reforms would be championed again by later politicians, and proposed laws showed a growing conflicting between the rich and poor

Which two former allies fought against each other in the final civil war of the Roman Republic?

caesar and pompey

Why was Sufi practice instrumental in helping to convert the peoples of Central Asia to Islam?

Sufis were doctrinally flexible and so made some concessions to pre-Muslim practices among new converts to Islam

Which of the following statements best describes the Incan military?

The Incas had an effective army that wore light armor. Two of the strengths of their army were their ability to use the landscape to their advantage and their mobility

Identify the most accurate description of the Mayan political system.

The Maya were not unified under one ruler. Individual Mayan rulers had great power over their own kingdoms, but there was never one Mayan king who ruled over the entire Mayan civilization

How were kivas used at the Chaco Canyon sites?

individual kin groups used them as gathering places

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between Christians and Muslims in Ethiopia?

Their relationship was tense throughout the Medieval Period. Muslim teachings of jihad were at odds with Christian values and the two groups were in a constant state of war from 600 to 1300 CE

How has Ethiopia's environment compared to the environment the rest of the African continent?

Unlike much of the continent, Ethiopia had very fertile, volcanic soils capable of supporting large populations

The Quran states that Abraham was

a Jew

All of the following occurred in eleventh and twelfth century Europe except

a substantial decrease in population caused by plague, famine, and warfare

Rome's last pagan emperor was

julian the apostate

The Pact of Umar

allows Christians to maintain their own worship, but it also subjects them to several restrictions placed on them by their Muslim conquerors

When the 'Abbasids seized control of the caliphate

one Umayyad, 'Abd al-Rahman, escaped, eventually ending up in Spain, where he would establish a new Umayyad dynasty

The environment of the Great Bison Belt was

arid grassland

The first foods domesticated during the Archaic period in Mesoamerica included

beans, squash, and maize

The Islamization of Central Asia

began in the eighth century CE and took several centuries

Genghis Khan's vision of a united political empire was never truly achieved because

civil wars emerged among his descendants, thus breaking the empire up along the lines created by the four patrimonial states

Which Julio-Claudian emperor retired to Capri for the final 11 years of his rule, trusting the bureaucratic machine to run the Roman Empire without him?


Under the system established by Genghis Khan, how would someone establish that he had a right to rule the khanate?

descent from Genghis Khan through his wife Börte

From the seventh to the ninth centuries CE, Muslim thinkers

engaged in disputes over the juristic traditions, and by the ninth century, a consensus emerged that the Hadith were a major source for the application of divine law to everyday life

Historians have relied on this type of source to describe the rise of Sundiata Keita

epics recounted orally by griots

The aim of the First Triumvirate was

for all three members to help each other win additional consulships

During the Classical Period of Islam, the punishment for adultery under sharia law was

for the person who committed adultery to be stoned to death if the adultery could be established by four witnesses. Death by stoning was exceedingly rare

Where was the Great Bison Belt?

from Alaska through the Great Plains of North America to the Gulf of Mexico

The chronicle sources of the ninth century CE state that Norsemen attacked the rest of Europe

from ships


had great ecological and climate diversity

Cincinnatus was seen as the ideal Roman in the Roman Republic because

he showed self-sacrificial humility, and preferred Rome's interests above his own, he won an important military victory, and resigned his position as dictator to return to his farm

Vespasian succeeded in establishing a new imperial dynasty due to all of the following except

his noble birth and family connections

Which of the following was least important to the way of life of a pastoral nomad in Central Asia?


Christianity was introduced in Aksum

in the 4th century CE

Umayyad Spain was significant in relation to Western Europe because

it would be through Umayyad Spain that the learning of the ancient world eventually moved to Western Europe.

What was the eventual fate of the Ayyubid sultanate that Salah al-Din established in Egypt?

its sultans would be overthrown by their mamluks in the mid thirteenth century CE

In the Qur'an, Muhammad states that

jesus was the Messiah, born of Mary, and worked miracles. Jesus was a human

The first significant addition to Genghis Khan's empire was

northern china

In addition to having defeated the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem in battle, Salah al-Din's other major accomplishment was to have

overthrown the Shia Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt.

Both Tiberius Gracchhus and Gaius Gracchus unsuccessfully attempted to pass major land reforms by using thier elected office as

plebian tribunes

Which of the following was not a reform instituted in the Roman army by Gaius Marius

requiring troops to purchase and bring their own armor

Roman respect for mos maiorum resulted in

resistance to change and innovation

On December 25 in the year 800, Pope Leo III declared Charlemagne to be

roman emperor

Which period of Roman history did the nineteenth-century British historian Edward Gibbon call "the happiest age" of mankind?

rule of the five good emperors

The oral tradition about Kilwa Kisiwani shows all of the following except

the rulers of Swahili city-states traced their descent to the kings of Great Zimbabwe

Which group loved Emperor Nero?


Which of the following best describes gender relations in early medieval Europe?

society was patriarchal, but women had some rights (such as to keep property brought into a marriage) and often took part in economic life.

In the field of learning, Charlemagne and his successors

sought to promote the copying of books and the foundation of schools throughout the empire in order to increase Latin literacy as part of a program of moral reform

Which politician changed the Roman constitution in order to weaken the plebeian tribunate?


According to Tacitus, what were the two secrets of the empire that were revealed in 69 CE?

that emperors could be made outside the city of Rome, and that they army could make emperors

What was Saint Augustine's view of human sexuality?

that sexuality could be good in the context of a Christian marriage, but even then, it had to be focused on having children and was still tainted by human greed and lust

In the years before the Prophet Muhammad preached Islam

the Arabs lived in tribes, usually a group of relatives who claimed descent from a common ancestor

Although many of the papacy's efforts at Church reform in the eleventh century were successful, one consequence was that

the Catholic and Orthodox churches were split from one another

Which of the following is true of the Macedonian Dynasty?

the Macedonian Emperors enjoyed a series of military and political successes so that by the death of Basil II in 1025, the Empire was the strongest it had been since the seventh century

In the Battle of Manzikert,

the Seljuk Turks under Alps Arslan wiped out the Byzantine field army under the command of Emperor Romanos IV

The Inca were associated with all of the following except

the Tello Obelisk

One difference between the Toltecs and their Teotihuacán predecessors was

the Toltec desire to conquer. They pursued war for reasons beyond the usual captive taking and territorial gain, viewing conquest as a "sacred war."

Which of the following was not a major cause of a large-scale loss of life in late medieval Western Europe?

the crusades

Which event is considered to be the end of the Roman Empire in the West?

the deposition of the emperor romulus augustulus in 476 ce

Upon the death of Charlemagne's son Louis the Pious

the empire was divided between Louis's three sons Charles the Bald, Louis the German, and Lothar

Stories about Sundiata Keita demonstrate syncretism as they

trace his background to the early followers of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and also to the powerful pre-Islamic, local clans of the lion and the buffalo

Prior to the rise of the Mongols, which ethnic group had the most significant impact on Central Asia?


The name Genghis Khan means

universal ruler

The climate of Africa

varies greatly across the continent

Which state could be considered the strongest and most successful during the period from 1000 to 1500 CE?


Which city was not conquered by the Mongols?


Machu Picchu

was likely built during the reign of Pachacuti and used as a royal retreat

In Western Europe of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, castles

were initially made of wood, but later came to be constructed out of stone

Non-Muslims living in Muslim-ruled territory

were required to pay a tax called a jizya, but otherwise allowed to practice their religion

When did the traditional Roman religion become illegal in the Roman Empire?

when theodosius outlawed it

What was one of the primary causes of the dispute that would eventually lead to the split between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

whether 'Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law, should have succeeded to the rule of the Muslim faithful, or whether a new caliph should be chosen by consensus.

When did the Roman Empire fall?

with the assassination of julus caesar, at the death augustus, and during the dictatorship of sulla

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