World War 1 Chapter 29

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Great Britain, France, and Russia - later joined by Japan and US. Russia leaves war in 1917 and US enters. Italy had been a member of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria - Hungary but changed due to the unjust start of the war


a British passenger ship attacked and sunk by a German UBoat. The attack left 1,198 peopel dead, including 128 U.S. citizens

Total War

countries devoted all their resources to the war effort


goods were in short supply that governments turned to rationing. Under this system, people could buy only small amounts of those items that were also needed for the war effort. Eventually rationing covered a wide range of goods, from butter to shoe leather

George Clemenceau

known as the tiger. He oversaw the Paris Peace Conference because he could speak both French and English. He was part of the Big Four and negotiator of the Treaty of Versailles. He wanted Germany to pay for war reparations.


one sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war

Schlieffen Plan

German battle strategy named after General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen. The plan was to quickly defeat France in the west and then to fight Russia in the east. The Germans thought this was possible because Russia's railroad system, that would be used to supply soldiers, was not as advanced as other European nations

War Guilt clause

Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles. Forced Germany to take sole responsibility for the war and as a result, Germany had to pay reparations to the allies

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Austrian Archduke who was murdered by a Serbian Black Hand member in protest of Austrian control of Slavic lands in the Balkans.

Central Powers

Germany and Austria-Hungary. They were known as the Central Powers because of their location in the heart of Europe. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire would later join their forces.


alliance system had been designed to keep peace in Europe. But it would instead help push the continent into war

Self determination

This meant allowing people to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live

What were the legacies of WW1? At least three

1.) New technological advancements in warfare 2.) Huge loss of life - About 8.5 million and 21 million were wounded 3.) Hurt economies of Europe - total cost of the war at $338 billion 4.) Land destroyed - farmland (trenches) 5.) Psychological impact of disillusionment- seen in literature and art 6.) Treaty of Versailles (post WW1 peace agreement) caused more than tension and led to WW2

Powder Keg

Balkan peninsula made up of many different ethno-linguistic groups. Each competing for more land. Serbia wnated all Balkan slavs which Russia supported. Austria did not like this and thought it threatened their own countries unity as they had a large Slav population so they took Bosnia and Herzegovina. Slavs did not like this and swore to take these areas back from Austria.

Triple Alliance

Bismark wanted to make sure that France could not seek revenge for its defeat in the Franco-Prussian war so he formed an alliance. First the dual alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary then three years later with Italy forming the Triple Alliance. In 1881, Bismark took yet another possible ally away from France by making a treaty with Russia. This alliance will quickly change in the early 1900s.


Bosnia's capital where Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murdered by Serbian Black Hand member, Princip.

Triple Entente

British response to the build up of German navy created an alliance with France and later Russia. This alliance ensure that Britain would not fight against France or Russia but not necessarily go to the war with them.

Kaiser Wihelm 2

Forced Bismark to resign to become ruler of Germany. He built up the navy which made Great Britain respond by forming an alliance with Russia who was once allied with Germany

Identify and Explain at least three factors that made WW1 a total war.

Governments devoted nearly all their resources-economic, manpower, and propaganda- to the war

Unrestricted submarine warfare

In 1917, Germans intensified the submarine warfare and announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ships in the waters around Britain

What factors led to Russia's withdrawl from the war?

In March 1917, civil unrest in Russia due in large part to war - related shortages of food and fuel - forced Czar Nicholas to step down. 5.5 million Russian soldiers had been wounded, killed, or taken prisoner. Eight months after the new government took over, a revolution started in Russia and communist leader, Lenin took power. March 1918, a truce was signed between Russia and Germany to end the war between them (Treaty of Bret-Litovsk)

Was the description of the Balkans as a "powder keg" of Europe justified?

It was justified because of the hostility and conflict among its many ethnic groups.


Nationalism can serve as a unifying force within a country and can cause intense competition among nations, with each seeking to overpower the other. Europe's great powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France - became rivals due to this strong sense of nationalism, competition for materials and markets, and territorial disputes. France was bitter about the lost of land to Germany in the Franco-Prussian War. Austria-Hungary and Russia both tried to dominate in the Balkans, a region in southeast Europe. Within the Balkans, the intense nationalism of Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, and other ethnic groups led to demands for independence

Which was the most important influence in setting the stage for WW1? Militarism, alliances, imperialism, or nationalism.

Nationalism or Imperialism - intensified the competition among nations; Militarism - led to arms build up that made large-scale war possible

What were the three forces at work in Europe that helped set the stage for war?

Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism were the three forces at work that helped set the stage for war. Also, Alliances and the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand will further progress tensions and spark the onset of the first world war.

What were two major obstacles faced by Russia during World War 1? What was their major assets?

Obstacles: Russia was not industrialized which caused a shortage on food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots, and blankets. Supply shipments to Russia were sharply limited by German control of the Baltic Sea and North Sea and the Ottoman controlled straits from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea Assets: The Russian army had one assets which was their numbers. Even though Russia suffered huge loss of life, they were able to replenish their forces with new soldiers. As a result, the Germans were not able to quickly defeat the Russians in the east to focus on the west (the Schlieffen Plan)


On November 9, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm 2 stepped down. Germany declared itself a republic. A representative of the new German government met with French Commander Marshal Foch in a railway car near Paris. The two signed an armistice, or an agreement to stop fighting. On November 11, World War 1 came to an end

Fourteen Points

President Wilson's peace proposal outlined a plan for achieving a just and lasting peace that included the end to secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade, and reduced national armies and navies, changes in colonial claims, suggestions for changing boarders and creating new nations, self-determinism, and a "general association of nations" that would protect"great and small states alike" to negotiate solutions without going to war


The Gallipoli Campaign was an Allies plan to take the Dardanelles - a narrow sea starit was the gateway to Constantinople. By securing the Dardanelles, the alliesd believed that they could take Constantinople, defeat the Turksd, and establish a supply line to Russia. It turned into another bloody stalemate. Both sides dug trenches, from which they battled for the rest of the year. In December, the allies gave up the campaign and began to evacuate. They had suffered about 250,000 casualties

Trench Warfare

The allies and the central power armies on the Western Front had dug miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire. This tactic was not very beneficial as both sides suffered huge loss of life for very little gain


The nations of Europe believed that to be truly great, they needed to have a powerful military. By 1914, all the great powers except Britain had a large standing armies. In addition, military experts stressed the importance of being able to quickly mobilize, or organize and move troops in case of a war. Generals in each country developed highly detailed plans for such a mobilization. The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war was known as militarism.

Western Front

The war turned into a long and bloody stalemate, or dead-lock, along the battlefields of France. This deadlocked region in northern France became known as the Western Front.

What was the purpose of the League of Nations?

To keep peace among nations

Who were the members of the Triple Entente? The Triple Alliance?

Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente - Great Britain, France, Russia

Woodrow Wilson

US President. Part of the Four. Proposed Fourteen Points for peace.

How did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?

With the war guilt clause, Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war. Germany's economy, military, and borders gained all suffered and decreased drastically

League of Nations

based on Wilson's 14th point, an international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations

Eastern Front

battlefield along the German and Russian border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans and Austro-Hungarians

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