WWI Honors Western Civ

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A British liner that a German submarine torpedoed


A policy of supporting neither side in a war.


Another costly event happened at this river. Nearly 60,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded in one day. After the five month battle, more than one million soldiers were killed.

6. What role did citizens of Europe's overseas colonies play in WW I?

Colonies for the Allies used their troops, laborers, and supplies. Colonial recruits from British India and French West Africa fought on European battlefields. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand sent troops to British aid.

9. Why was Franz Ferdinand assassinated?

Franz Ferdinand was assassinated because he went to visit Sarajevo in Serbia. News of the visit angered Serbian nationalists and the viewed the Austrians as foreign aggressors. As a result, the Black Hand, a terrorist group, took action and killed him.


an agreement to end fighting.

what were the new republics after the war

czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary

what three nations gained indpendence after one hundred years of foreign rule

estonia, latvia, and lithuania


groups of merchant ships protected by warships.


payments for war damage.


people who wanted to make extreme changes.


This place in France is where Germany attempted to overwhelm the French. This lasted into an 11-month struggle which cost more than half a million casualties.

Four things about efforts to make peace

-1896: The first modern Olympic games were held in Athens "promote peace and respect for life" -Alfred NObel - dynamite and nobel peace prize -Dutch Doctor Aletta Jacobs worked for women's suffrage -1899: First Universal Peace Conference and Mogue Tribunal was world court to settle disputes; Netherlands

Four things about Zimmerman Note

-1917: British intercepted a message from the German foriegn minster -Germany asked MExico to fight against US -Promise of return of the last territory in NM, TX, AZ, anti german feelilngs intensified -US Declares War April 1917

Economic ties one thing

-Allies lose millions of dollars

Four things about Fatal Shots with Assasination

-Archduke ignores warnings of Austria police about SErbia -Bomb attempt fails in morning -Cacrilo Princip shoorts archduke and wife in the afternoon -Austria blames Serbia foro supporting terrorists

Three things about Sarajevo

-Austria recently annexed it -BOsnia: hotbed of Serbian Nationalism -Serbs in BOsnia wanted to unite with Serbia

two things about central powers

-BIsmarck 1882: Triple Alliance -Germany, Italy, austria-hungary

Two things about Propaganda

-Both sides waged a propaganda war. propaganda is the spreading of idas to promot a cause or dmaage anotehr one -censorship: preven discouraging news from reading the public

Three things about Battle of the Marne

-Britain and France troops defeat Germany -Stopped German offensive -Destroyed German hopes for quick victory on the Western Front and result was a stalemante, battle lines remained unchanged for four years

One thing about souther europe ad ww1

-Bulgaria joines the central powers and helped crush Serbia

Three things about causes of alliance systems

-Distrust led the great powers to sign treaties pledging to defed one another -these alliances were intended to create powerful combinatoins that no one would dare attack -Growth of rival alliance systems increased international tensoins

Eight things about End of War

-Effects exhaust the Germans -Allied counterattack Battle of Meusse - Argone -Septer Germans realized war is over -November: kIaser steps down -Austria-hungray was also reeling toward collapse -Nationalist revolts splintered Hapsburg EMpire -New German government sought an armistice -at 11 am on Novermber 11. 1918

Four things about Allied powers

-France and Russia formed an alliance -1904 France and Britain signed on entrance -NOt as formal as a treaty byt military and diplomatic ties -Britain and Russia sign an entente as well

Six things about THe FOurteen Points

-Free seas -Free trades -Arms reduction -No Secret Treaties -Eastern Europe: Self-determination "People choose own government" -Keep the peace in the future

Five thignsa bout Schiliefffen Plan

-German Military plan to defeat France and Russia -"Knock out Blow" aimed at France first -Defeat France quickly, then go fight Russia, avoid two front war -Avoid French defenses by invasoin of Belgium -German thought Great Britain wouldn't intervene

Six things about unrestricted Submarine Warfare

-German Submarines attack merchant passenger ships carrying Americans -Prevent supplies from reaching Allies -Lusitania sunk : Germans said it had weapons -Germans agree to surface and give warnings -neutral passengers to escape to the lifeboats -1916 resume unrestriected warfare

Three things about failure of the Schlieffen Plan

-German forces swept through Beligum toward paris -Russia mobilized more quickly than expected -Germany shifted troops to the east to confront Russia, weakening German forces in the west

Three things about Verdun

-German forces tried to overwhelm the French -French "They SHall not pass" -11 month struggle cost more than a half million casualities on both sides

seven things about the treaty of Versaille

-German ordered to sign the treaty drawn up by the ALlies -war guilt clause: Germans assume full blame for causing war -huge reparations -limited siz of military -Alsace and Lorraine to France -Stripped of overseas lands -severely affected German econom

three things about economic impacts of world war 1

-both sides set up systems to recruit, army, transport and supply huge fighting focus -all nations except Britain imposed universal military conservation -Governments raised taxes, borrowed money, and rehearal found and other products

Four things about Austria declaring war on Serbia

-Germany offered full support to Austria. instead of urging restratin, the Kaiser gave Austria a "Blank Check" -Serbia sought help fro Rusia, the champion of Slavic nations. When austria refused to soften its demands, Russia began to mobilize -Germany responds by declaring war on Russia -Russia appealaed to its ally France. France offered full supporters to Russia, prompting Germany to declare war on France

Five things about unfulfilled goals of the treaty

-Germany; unfair -italy: not rewards -Japan: ignored i china -china: forced to take unwatned hodlings -russia: new and old states takes away from their land

Three things about Battle of Gallipoli

-Great Britain attempts to go through Dardanelles to supply Russia -Also to attack Germany from South -Huge failure to Allies

Four things about outside europe in WW1

-Japan allied with Britianand tired to impose a protecerate on China -the ottoman empire joined the central powers in 1914 -Arab natioalists revolted against Ottoman rule with help from British Officer Laurence of Arabia -Ottomans lose lots of territory to Arabs

Five things about aggressive nationalism causing international tensions

-Nationalist feelings were strong in both Germany and France -France - bitter about loss to Germany 1871 -In East EUrope, Pan-Slavism held that all Slavic peoples -Shared a common nationalisty. Russia fel tthat it had a duty to lead and defend all Slavs -Balkan was of indepeden raised tensions. "Power Keg"

Two thingsa bout Somme

-Single day 60,000 British soldiers were killed -over 1 million soldiers were killed, withotu either sdie winning an advantage

Who were the big three at the Paris Peace COnference

-Wiolson "peace with victory" -David Lloyd George of GB, knew taht his people demanded harsh treatment for Germany -Georges Clemenceau "The TIger: France: wekaen Germany so that it could never threaten France again

Three things about morales during the war

-as morale collapsed , troops mtineied or deserted -long casualty lists, food shortages, and the failure of generals to win promised victroies led to calls for peace -in Russia, soldiers left the front to joining full scale revolution back home

five things about technology of WW1

-first mechanized war -weapons cause massive destruction and hgih casuality rates -rapid fire machine guns -artillers; poison gas; tanks; zepplins -u boats

three things about political turmoil

-governments had collapsed in Russia, Germany, Austria, and Ottoman EMpire -Conservatives warned agaist the spread of bolshevism, or communism -african and asian soliders had discovered that hte imperioal powers wer enot as invincible as they seemeed

two things about imperialism in Europe

-in 1906 and again in 1911, Competition for colonies brought France and Germany to the bank of war -Britain felt threatened by German econonmic growth

Eight things about Revolution in Russia

-incompetant generals and corruption destroyed public confidence -march 1917 bread riots lead to revolution -Allies for it at first : democracy and stronger ally -Lenin (communists) tkes over and wants to pull out of War -Treaty of Brest - Litovsk with Germany -Russia drops out of war -Germany can have total focus on the Western Front

Four things about cultural ties

-many Americans supported the allies -cultural ties to Great Britain - language and customs -Sympathized with France -Supported Democracy

five things about hopes for global peace

-mor than 40 nations joined League of Nations -goal was to negotiate instead of going to war -al most agree on common action -Wilson dreams comes true without american involvements and us never signs it ; Senate feels it isolates Us soverignty -USa plays loner as they gthe league as neverless; sign in a separte treaty with Germany

Four things about the costs of war

-more than 8.5 milllion deaths. 2x that number had been wounded -famine threatened many regions -across the european continent, homes, farms,factories, roads, and churches had been shelled to rubble -People everywhere were shaked and disilusioned

Four things about historians on ww1

-parties mush share blame for this -each power felt their cause was just -Asutra wanted to punish serbia for encouragin terrorism -germany stand by itsd allly = austira -russa protects serbia -france helps russia -britain felt committed to protect belhim and feared german power

Five things about women in the war?

-replace men in factories -worked in war industries -grew food when shortages threateened (great Britain) -joined branches of the armed forces (nurses; drivers) -Proved they were equals to men; led to suffrage

two things about colonies and ww1

-the allies overran German colonies in Africa and Asia -The great powers turned to their own colonites for troops, labor, and supplies

Three things about america arriving in time

-time was needed to recruit, train, supply, and transport a modern army across the atlantic -1918: two million doughboys from AEF joined the war weary allies at Western Front -Good fighters/ morale boost/ financial aid

Thre things about madate system

-victorious allies added to their overseas empire -system of mandates:: britian and france replace Germany and Turks as rulers of coloniests -Betrayed colonist people

Three diifficult issues of paris conference

-vittorio Orlando of Italy secret traty for land not honored -creating nationalist states are difficult because ethey overlap -Wilson comprimises but noy on League of Nations with collective secuirty

Fourteen Points

A list of terms for resolving American neutrality and future wars. He called for freedom of the seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, and en end to secret treaties.


A vital strait connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean which the Turks cut off supplies to Russia.

One things about Battle of Tennenberg

After Russia was defeated in the battle of Tannenberg, armies in the east fought on Russian soil

four causes of WW1

Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism

How did Serbs view Austria?

As foreign oppressors

10. How did Austria and Germany react?

Austria blamed Serbia and believed that Serbia would stop at nothing to achieve its goal of a South Slav empire. Germany was horrified and told Francis Joseph to take a firm stand toward Serbia and gave Austria permission to undertake whatever action it chose.

What happened when Serbia did not accept all of the terms of the ultimatum Austria sent?

Austria declares war on Serbia.

Why might some Turkish Armenians have helped the Russians during World War I? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.

Based on the text, "Armenians were a minority in the Ottoman Empire and did not have the same rights as Muslims." From this statement, Armenians would help Russia in hope that a win for Russia would allow for Turkish Armenians to overcome discrimination and receive freedom.

8/3/14 Germany invades __


Great Britain declares war on Germany due to alliance with __


Why did both sides dig trenches on the Western Front?

Both sides dug trenches on the Western Front to protect their armies from fierce enemy fire.


Competition for colonies


Final set of demands.

One things about militarism

Great Powers expanded their armies and navies, creating an arms race that further incrased suspicion and made war more likely.

5. How did imperialism and imperial rivalries inflame tensions in Europe

In 1905 and 1911, competition for colonies brought France and Germany to the brink of war in Morocco and under France's influence. Germany did gain some territory in central Africa and as a result, Britain and France strengthened their ties against Germany.


Large gas-filled balloons. Germany uses these to bomb the English coast.

T. E. Lawrence

Later known as Lawrence of Arabia, he was sent to support the Arab revolt and led guerilla raids against the ottoman.

The ____ Offesnive pushes ALlies back


6. What was militarism and what effect did it have on countries>

Militarism is the glorification of the military. As a result, Britain and Germany built up their navies and armies. The arms race helped military leaders gain influence and civilian governments turned to military leaders for advice.


Military supplies and raw materials.

6. Describe the conditions in Europe after WW I

More than 8.5 million people were dead and even more were wounded. Many were now handicapped and famine was widespread. There were also pandemics, financial troubles, high costs of war debts, and more political turmoil.

7. What effect did nationalism have on tensions in Europe?

Nationalism caused tension in Austria-Hungary because it might foster rebellion among the minority populations within its empire. Ottoman Turkey then felt threatened by nearby nations. In 1912, many Balkan states attacked Turkey and succeeded in taking a large area of land away from Turkish control.

2. Why did nations form alliances?

Nations formed alliances there was an atmosphere of fear and distrust and the great powers set out to protect themselves

Unity or Death aka Black Hand

Serbiban Nationalist terrorsit grow that vowed to take action -sponsered by Serbian military

Why did some people from the European colonies think that fighting in World War I might lead to citizenship or independence?

People from European colonies thought that fighting in World War I would lead to independence because they expected that their service would be a step toward citizenship. Because these people helped out, in return they wanted that country to grant them freedom.

THe date chosen for the archduke's viist was a significant date in Serbian history. On that date in 1389, Serbia had been conquered by ______ ______. On the saem date in 1912, Serbia had freed itself ____ ____ _______ ___

Ottoman Empire; from Ottoman-Turkish rule


Prepare its military forces for war

Alsace and Lorraine:

Provinces or areas of France that were now occupied by Germany due to France's loss in the Franco-Prussian war.


Spread of a disease across an entire country, continent, or the whole world.

Why did the Germans launch a major offensive in in early 1918?

The Germans launched a major offensive because of the power of the Allies. As America came in with the Allies, Germany most likely felt pressured to launch another attack to gain an edge and promote nationalism.

3. List the alliances and their members"

The Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary The Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia

4. Why did the US enter the war? ( at least 2 reasons

The United States entered the war because German submarines kept attacking merchant and passenger ships carrying American citizens. Another reason is that many Americans supported the Allies, as they felt their ties of culture and langue to Britain and sympathized with the French as another democracy.

13. What was the goal of Germany's Schlieffen Plan

The goal of Germany's Schlieffen Plan was to have Germany first defeat France quickly and then concentrate its forces against Russia. To ensure a victory, the plan requires German armies to march through neutral Belgium and then swing behind French lines. The goal was to encircle and crush France's army.

4. What effect did the growth of rival alliances have?

The growth of rival alliance systems made governments nervous. As a result, a small conflict could turn into a large and deadly war.

9. How did the peace treaties both follow and violate Wilson's principle of self determination?

The peace treaty followed Wilson's principle of self-determination because Eastern Europe states gained independence. However, Allied powers added to their own overseas empires and created mandates, which were essentially colonies administered by other powers.

2. How did women's support for the war effort help them later?

Their support for the war gave women a new sense of pride and confidence. They disregarded the idea that women were too "delicate" for demanding and dangerous jobs. In the US and the UK, women would help them gain the right to vote.


These were used to defend against submarines.

1. What measures did wartime governments take to control a. National economies

They raised taxes and borrowed huge amounts of money to pay the costs of war. They also rationed food and other products. They also introduced other economic controls such as setting prices and forbidding strikes

Why did trenches cause a stalemate on the Western Front?

Trenches caused stalemates in the Western Front because the battle lines in France would remain almost unchanged for four years. Because the opposing trench land was no man's land, soldiers were forced to look through coils of barbed wire and watch for enemy attack. As a result, one side may overrun a few trenches while the enemy plans a counterattack with similar results. Each side then rushed in reinforcements to replace the dead and wounded.

7. Identify 2 issues to be settled at the Paris Peace Conference

Two issues to be settled at the Paris Peace Conference were the ideas and establishment of democracy and self-determination.

Poison gas

Used by Germans mostly. It blinded or choked the victim and caused burns and blisters.


Usually equipped with machine guns, pilots confronted each other in the sky.

12. Who was on what side when the war started?

When the war started, Russia and France supported Serbia while Germany declared war on Russia and France.

8. How did Wilson's goals differ from those of other allied leaders?

Wilson wanted the Fourteen Points to be the basis of peace. David Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister, promised to build a postwar Britain "fit for all heroes." Georges Clemenceau from France wanted to weaken Germany so that it could never again threaten France.

3. What effect did the Russian Rev. have on the war?

With Russia out of the war, Germany could concentrate its forces on the Western Front making the Central Powers much stronger than before.

What was the problem with the slave state

Yugoslavia, had serbs, croats, muslims -probles was nationalists claimes overlapped -many groups still ruled by others


a nonbinding agreement to follow common policies.


a deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other.

collective security

a system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all.

An underground network linked _____, communications trenches, and gun emplacements --- millions of soldiers roasted under the boilng summer sum


Some German, Irish, Jewish, eople and RUssia in American supported _______ powers



he draft which required all young men to be ready for military or other service.


he glorification of the military.


horrible acts against innocent people.


named from the German word for Unterseeboat, this did great damage to the Allied forces, as it sank merchant ships carrying supplies to Britain

Froze through the long winters, they shared their food with __________

rats and their beds with lice


territories administered by western powers.

total war:

the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort.


the right of people to choose their own form of government.


the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause.

After the assasination of the archduke, Austrat sent Serbia an _____, or final set of dmeands.


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