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Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, Empress Dowager Cixi of China, and Queen Min of Korea all ruled during what century?

19th Century

Which of the following best describes the plot of the 360-word-long poem titled "Ballad of Mulan"?

A woman disguises herself as a man to fight in a war.

________ was the Mongolian head of state from 1911 to 1924 who proclaimed independence from China.

Bogd Khan

The Chinese Nationalist army, helped by the Soviets, began a Northern Expedition in 1926-27 advancing from Guangzhou to the Yangtze River. After defeating local warlords, they turned their attention against the __________.


________ was the code of conduct practiced by the samurai which later became a common standard of ethos in Japan.


The Nationalist-led government in the Republic of China, also known as Taiwan, was originally established in 1949 by __________ following the revolution in mainland China.

Chiang Kai-shek

First originating in _________, celadon is a highly prized ceramic glaze of green color that resembles jade.


Temujin, also known as _________, is viewed as the founding father of Mongolia.


The Five Classics are part of which Eastern faith?


__________ is considered the most well-known Chinese philosopher whose teachings emphasize personal and governmental morality and family loyalty.


The _______ is the sacred text of Daoist Philosophy and describes how one can achieve virtue and inner strength.


__________ was considered the most powerful figure in the People's Republic of China from the late 1970s until his death in 1997.

Deng Xiaoping

Also called the Tokugawa period, the _________ period was established by Shogun Tokugawa leyasu and lasted from 1603 until 1867.


The ______ stands as the worst nuclear catastrophe in Japan's history and the second-worst in world history behind __________.

Fukushima; Chernobyl

Under the __________ dynasty Korea began to form its won cultural tradition distinct form the rest of East Asia.


The Yellow Turban Rebellion led to the development of warlordism in China and weakened the _______ dynasty.


Daoist faith healer Zang Jue led the Yellow Turban Rebellion which contributed to the fall of which Chinese dynasty?

Han Dynasty

__________ period is named for the location of its imperial capital which was moved from Nara to its new location which is modern day Kyoto.


Emperor Kanmu established the capital of Japan at _________.


Emperor Kanmu established the capital of Japan at ___________.


China ceded the island of ________ to Britain in the Treaty of Nanjing.

Hong Kong

Who declared the Taiping Tianguo dynasty and led the Taiping Rebellion?

Hong Xiuquan

Zhu Chongba took the adopted title __________ meaning "Vastly Martial", and was the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty.


From 2002 to 2012, _________ served as general secretary to the Chinese Communists Party Youth League under the Mentor ship of Song Ping. He then served as vice president from 1998 to 2003 and as president of China from 2003 to 2013.

Hu Jintao

"Salaryman" is associated with white collar workers located in ___________ who work extremely long hours and have extreme devotion to their company.


A "be" were traditional working groups in __________ from the 5th to 7th century CE that provided specific economic services and revenue for their lineage groups.


China's May 4th Movement began as a student demonstration against the decision of the Versailles Peace Conference to transfer the former German concessions in Shandong province to __________.


Ise Grand Shrine is a major piligrimage destination located in ______ consisting of the Inner and Outer Shrines.


The 2nd - 6th century Haniwa sculptures were used in which modern country/countries?


The _________ were a group of people in China that established the Jin dynasty during the 12th century. They are divided up into three subgroups: Jianzhou, Yeren, and Haixi.


The _________ period was a time in feudal Japan from 1192 to 1333 that began under Minamoto Yoritomo.


The term ______ describes Japanese pilots who deliberately crashed their planes into targets.


The 50th emperor of Japan, ___________, established the Japanese capital of Heian-Kyo. His accomplishments laid the basis for the Heian period.


The ________, a nomadic Mongolian people, controlled a section of northern China and Manchuria in the 10th through the 12th century.


North Korean Leader ________ met with US President Donald Trump for a historic summit in 2018.

Kim Jong-un

The ______ kingdom of Korea existed from 37 BCE to 668 CE and formed an aristocracy with elected bureaucratic leaders.


The ________ was an effort to gain national independence and rebuild society in China from 1917 to 1921.


Han is a cultural concept in __________ based on the emotion of grief or resentment.


How is Jomon pottery created?

Laying down layers of clay coils

___________ was famous for his vies on life and his drinking poetry and is considered one of China's greatest poets.

Li Bai

Becoming the Zhou capital in 771, ________ was subsequently moved to an area northeast of its original location and was also referred to as Henanfu.


Becoming the Zhou capital in 771, _________ was subsequently moved to an area northeast of its original location and was also referred to as Henanfu.


Historically, the northeastern part of China is called ________ and is comprised of the modern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang.


Communist leader __________ led the Chinese Communist Party from 1935 to 1976, was chairman of the People's Republic of China from 1949 to 1976, and was best known for his Cultural Revolution.

Mao Zedong

__________ penned Il Milione about his travels of East Asia and time in Kublai Khan's court.

Marco Polo

The ______ was an effort to gain national independence and rebuild society in China from 1917 to 1921.

May Fourth Movement

Saigo Takamori was a leader of the rebellion against the Tokugawa shogunate and is credited with repairing the Japanese imperial system of government with the _______ in 1868.

Meiji Restoration

The ______ of 1868 returned control of Japan to Emperor Meiji from the Military government Tokugawa.

Meiji Restoration

The _________ of 1868 returned control of Japan to Emperor Meiji from the military government Tokugawa.

Meiji Restoration

___________ was an early Chinese philosopher whose development of Orthodox Confucianism earned him the title "second sage."


Marco Polo first traveled to Asia as a __________.


The Taiping Rebellion, Opium Wars, and Boxer Rebellion all weakened the ________ dynasty.


__________ was elected great khan in 1251 and ruled a Mongol Empire from the capital of Karakorum.


The _______ took place in 1931 and was the onset of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.

Mukden Incident

Dating from 1500 to 300 BCE, the _______ period was characterized by its plain, hard-fired pottery.


This period in Korean history is known for intensive agriculture and is sometimes referred to as the "Korean Bronze Age".

Mumun Period

The __________ period was headed by the Ashikaga shogunate and lasted from 1338 to 1573.


The ________ occurred during the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and resulted in the murder and rape of hundreds of thousands of Chinese by the Japanese Imperial Army

Nanjing Massacre

As Son and successor to Genghis Khan, __________ greatly expanded the Mongol empire and was its first leader to use the term Khagan or "Great Khan".


_________ were used as a form of divination in ancient China during the Shang dynastic era.

Oracle bones

__________ is the capital of North Korea.


Chinese prisoners captured by Arab forces at the Battle of Talas taught their captors how to make ________.


As President of the ROK, __________ is known for his repressive authoritarian regime's Yushin order.

Park Chung Hee

__________ was the president of South Korea from 1963 to 1979 and is credited for massive economic expansion despite harsh authoritarian rule.

Park Chung-hee

Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj has served both as the ___________ and _________ in Mongolia.

President; Prime Minister

Ruling for over 60 years, Emperor _________ was the fourth emperor of the Qing dynasty who drove out both Mongol and Turkish invaders, gained territory, and established the New Province.


The Taiping Rebellion, Opium Wars, and Boxer Rebellion weakened which Chinese Dynasty?


__________ oversaw the successful preparations for the summer Olympics in Seoul in 1988

Roh Tae-Woo

Founder of democratic reform in South Korea, __________ served as president from 1988 to 1993.

Roh Tae-woo

The _______ was a samurai revolt led by Saigo Takamori against the Meiji government.

Satsuma Rebellion

Conservative politician ________ is the current prime minister of Japan.

Shinzo Abe

A bankugu is also know as a ___________.


1. Led Japan from 593 to 622 2. Reestablished trade with China and adopted the Chinese calendar 3. Expanded authority of bureaucratic groups and court systems Which of the following Japanese leaders is described above?


1. Led Japan from 593 to 622 2. Reestablished trade with China and adopted the Chinese calendar. 3. Expanded authority of bureaucratic groups and court systems. The above describes which Japanese leader?


___________ was the first great Chinese historian noted for his Shiji or "Historical Records".

Sima Qian

The Kwangju Uprising was a protest against the military government of _______ in 1980 and is considered to be a turning point in the country's struggle for democracy.

South Korea

Amaterasu is regarded as an _______ deity.


______ was the first president of South Korea and served from 1948 to 1960.

Syngman Rhee

After overthrowing the Songa clan, the ________ established a disciplined government under the rule of the emperor that was adopted from ideas of the Chinese Tang.

Taika Reforms

Self-proclaimed Chinese prophet Hong Xiuquan led the ________ from 1850 to 1864 in which roughly 20 million people died fighting.

Taiping Rebellion

The term _______ describes Japans progression to a more representational government from 1912 to 1926.

Taisho democracy

According to legend, _________ was the first Korean monarch.


The _______ spans across Tibet, the Uyghur Autonomous Region, and the Chinese provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan.

Tibetan Plateau

The Boshin War was a civil war fought between the _________ shogunate and supporters of the Japanese emperor.


Emperor Meiji's reign from 1867 to 1912 ended the _______, and Japan transformed from an isolated country into an imperial power of the modern world.

Tokugawa shogunate

_______ is the largest industrial city and capital of Japan located on the largest island, Honshu.


Harbor wave translated in Japanese means _____________.


Tidal waves typically initiated by earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions are known as __________.


The mound tomb period is also known as the ________ period and is characterized by its unique burial mounds surrounded by moats.


The 2019 summit between the North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump was held in what Asian country?


________ Served during the Tang Dynasty and was one of the most effective yet controversial monarchs in China's history.

Wu Zetian

_________ was China's sole female emperor.

Wu Zetian

Legendary ruler Yu the Great is credited with establishing what Chinese dynasty by draining flood waters to create fertile land?

Xia Dynasty

The _________ is the longest river in Asia.

Yangtze River

__________ was the Korean king who founded the Choson dynasty, expanded Neo-Confucianism, and developed trade with the Ming dynasty?

Yi Song-gye

_________ is a Chinese principle relating to the duality of all things found in the universe.

Yin and Yang

Kublai Khan completed the conquest of China and established the ______ dynasty.


Member of the Hui, ________ was a Chinese maritime commander of the 14th Century who led a fleet that extended exploration west to Africa.

Zheng He

1. Ruled China from 1122 BCE to 256 BCE 2. Used a feudal system of government until the system split into eastern and western dynasties 3. Formed written script and used bronze to make goods. Which of the following dynasties is described above?

Zhou dynasty

The First and Second Sino-Japanese Wars were conflicts between China and Japan over the control of _________ and the expansion of Japanese influence from 1937 to 1945.

the Korean Peninsula

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