Eugene McCarthy
A Minnesota Senator who ran for the democratic ballot in 1968. Was very anti war and would run against Johnson on a platform to end the war in Vietnam.
Tet offensive
A surprise attack the US suffered but won during the Tet holiday where weapons were hidden in coffins and a attack was launched.
Robert Kennedy
Ran in the 1968 election and was a senator from New York. Decided not to run citing party loyalty, but decided to run later after Johnson dropped from the 1968 election. Was shot after winning the California primary.
George Wallace
Ran in the 1968 election as a third party and was a champion of school segregation and state's rights. Allowed Nixon to win.
Clark Clifford
The replacement for Robert McNamara as the secretary of defense. Concluded that the war was un-winnable.
Hubert Humphrey
Was LBJ's vice president who ran on the Democratic Ballot. Had Johnson's support.