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Under this treaty, _ Indian tribes ceded most of _ and _ to the United States.

12; ohio and indiana

federalists: _ of the thirteen states had to _ the document. a. Not a given that ratification would occur. b. Each state elected _ to special convention. 2. The Federalist was published to generate support for _. a. Hamilton argues that government was an expression of _, not its _

9 and ratify; delegate (representative); ratification; freedom and enemy

a. The _ Act of 1790 limited the process by which _ become citizens) to "free white persons

Naturalization ; immigrants

3. The U.S. victory at the Battle of Fallen _ led to the treaty of _ in 1795

Timbers; Greenville

1. The Constitution identifies three populations inhabiting the United States

a. Indians b. "Other persons", which meant slaves c. "People", who were the only ones entitled to American freedom

. The treaty established the annuity system - yearly grants of federal _ to _ _ that led to continuing U.S. government influence in tribal affairs.

annuity; money to indian tribes

1. Anti-_, who opposed _, argues that the republic had to be small and warned that the Constitution would result in an oppressive government. 2. _ was the Anti-Federalists' watchword a. They argues for a _ of Rights 3. Federalists tended to be men of substantial property, urban dwellers seeking prosperity, and rural residents tied to the commercial marketplace. 4. Anti-Federalists drew support from small _ in more isolated rural areas. 5. Federalists dominated the _, which helped them carry the day. 6. Madison won support for the _ by promising a bill of _ later. 7. By mid-1788, the required nine states had ratified..

anti federalists and ratification; liberty; bill of rights; farmers; press; constitution and bill of rights;

_ meant transforming traditional Indian life with tools and changing gender roles. b. Most Indians rejected these changes.

assimilation .

b. For most of U.S. history, citizenship has been defined by _ as well as _ allegiance

blood; political

2. American nationality combined aspects of both _ and _ _

civic and ethnic nationalisms

1. Madison believed the _ would protect _ without the addition of a bill of _. a. In a sense, the Bill of Rights defined the "_ rights" of the _ of _.

constitution and liberty and bill of rights; unalienable rights of declaration of independence;

"Extend the Sphere" 1. Madison had a new vision of the relationship between government and society in _. 2. Madison argued that the large size of the United States was a source of _, not weakness. 3. Madison helped to popularize the liberal idea that men are generally motivated by self-_ and that the good of society arises from the clash of these private _

federalist; stability; self interest and interests

1. The Revolution widened the divide between _Americans and those who remained in _. 2. "We _ _" increasingly meant white Americans.

free and slavery; we the people

The status of citizenship for free blacks was left to _ states. 3. Like Crev__, many white Americans excluded blacks from their conception of the American people.

individual; Crevecoeur

8. Only _ _ and North _ voted _ ratification, but they eventually joined the new government

rhode island and north carolina; against

b. Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia claimed blacks lacked _-_, reason, and devotion to the larger community. 2. Jefferson did not think any group was fixed permanently in a status of _. a. Freeing the slaves without removing them from the country would _ the nation's freedom. 4. Jefferson saw slave trade as immoral and tried to avoid _ his own slaves.

self control and devotion; inferiority; endanger; selling. . He did not believe black Americans should stay in America a. Ironically upon his death, more than 200 of his slaves were sold to pay his large debts

2. The _ system was used with Indians, and Congress forbade the transfer of Indian land without _ approval

treaty; federal

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