A&P Ch. 1-4 Exam

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What type of section would separate (1) the two eyes? (2) the nose and two ears? (3) the neck and naval? (Module 1.21B)

(1) sagittal (or mid-sagittal, if along midline); (2) frontal; (3) transverse, or horizontal

Magnesium atoms have two electrons in the outermost shell. As a result, you would expect magnesium to form ions with a charge of


Which of the following is the symbol for an amino group?


How many nuclei do most body cells contain? (Module 3.8B)


In Figure 3-1, which molecule is a combination of a sugar and a lipid?


Magnesium atoms have two electrons in their outermost shells, and chlorine atoms have seven. The compound magnesium chloride would contain

1 magnesium and 2 chlorine.

Calculate the area in blue. All numbers are in centimeters (cm). If you need help, scan the QR code in the upper right corner on the opposite page. (Module 1.3A)

10.24 square centimeters

Of the following choices, the pH of the least acidic solution is


If an isotope of oxygen has 8 protons, 10 neutrons, and 8 electrons, its mass number is


Calculate the weight of 1 mol of glucose. (The atomic weight of carbon = 12).

180 grams

The innermost electron shell in an atom holds up to ________ electrons.


How many electrons are shared by the oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule?

2 pairs of electrons

Indicate the maximum number of electrons that can occupy each of the first three energy levels of an atom. (Module 2.3A)

2, 8, 8

How many chromosomes are contained within a typical somatic cell? (Module 3.9C)

23 pairs

In Figure 3-1, which structure is water most likely to pass through?


The following is a list of the steps involved in the process of secretion by the Golgi apparatus.. Material moves from cisterna to cisterna by means of transfer vesicles. 2. Exocytosis. 3. Products from RER are packaged into transport vesicles. 4. Secretory vesicles are formed at the trans face. 5. Vesicles arrive at the cis face. 6. Enzymes modify arriving proteins and glycoproteins.

3, 5, 6, 1, 4, 2

In Figure 3-1, which structure is related to glycocalyx?


The LM at the top of this page is magnified 400 times (400x). If the ocular lens used to make this image has a magnification of 10x, what is the magnification of the objective lens? (Module 4.2C)


In Figure 3-1, microfilaments are labeled with which number?


In the reaction listed below, what coefficient needs to be added to balance the equation? 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + ________ O2.


If an element is composed of atoms with an atomic number of 6 and a mass number of 14, then the nucleus of a neutral atom of this element contains

6 protons and 8 neutrons.

In Figure 3-1, which molecule is the peripheral protein?


Which of the labels in Figure 4-1 indicates a hemidesmosome?


What is a chromatid, and how many are present during normal mitosis in a human cell? (Module 3.20B)

A chromatid is a copy of a duplicated chromosome, and 92 are present.

What is a functional group? (Module 2.13B)

A functional group is a grouping of atoms that confer specific chemical properties to the rest of the molecule to which it is attached.

What is a gene? (Module 3.10A)

A gene is a portion of a DNA strand that functions as a hereditary unit and codes for a specific protein.

What is a benign tumor? (Module 3.21B)

A mass produced by abnormal growth and division of cells that remains within the original tissue and does not spread.

Define module, and state where the learning outcomes appear. (Module 1.5A)

A module is an independent, self-contained unit about a specific topic. Learning outcomes appear in the lower right-hand corner of each module.

What kind of bond forms during the dehydration synthesis of two amino acids, and which functional groups are involved? (Module 2.17B)

A peptide bond forms between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of the other amino acid

Describe a person in the anatomical position. (Module 1.20A)

A person in anatomical position is standing erect, facing the observer, arms at the sides with the palms facing forward, and the feet together.

What functions are associated with a simple cuboidal epithelium and a transitional epithelium? (Module 4.6D)

A simple cuboidal epithelium is associated with secretion and absorption, and a transitional epithelium is associated with stretching.

AMP + P →


The anticodon for the triplet UCA is


Adding a phosphate group to adenosine forms


Compare AMP with ADP. (Module 2.19B)

AMP has one phosphate group and ADP has two phosphate groups.

The endoplasmic reticulum is not responsible for ________ synthesis.


Describe ATP. (Module 2.19A)

ATP consists of an adenosine molecule with three phosphate groups attached.

________ connective tissue is a type of ________ connective tissue.

Adipose; loose

Which of the following is not part of cell theory?

All cells differentiate into specialized cell types.

An excess of hydrogen ions in the body fluids can have fatal results because this can

All of the answers are correct.

Why can inflammation occur in any organ in the body? (Module 4.18C)

All organs have connective tissues.

Explain why a pseudostratified epithelium is not truly stratified. (Module 4.7B)

All the cells form a single layer and contact the basement membrane.

Why do the pharynx, esophagus, anus, and vagina have a similar epithelial organization? (Module 4.5B)

All these sites are subject to physical stresses and abrasion.

Describe the functional groups that are considered acidic or basic. (Module 2.13D)

An amino group acts as a base because it can accept hydrogen ions, and a carboxyl group acts as an acid because it releases a hydrogen ion.

What is the relationship between an atom and matter? (Module 2.1A)

An atom is the smallest stable unit of matter, and matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.

What is an enzyme? (Module 2.9A)

An enzyme is a protein that lowers the activation energy of a reaction.

Define cancer. (Module 3.21A)

An illness characterized by cell cycle mutations that produce malignant cells.

A red blood cell has a diameter of about 8μm. Use that information to estimate the diameter of the oocyte in micrometers (μm) and millimeters (mm). (1 mm = 1000 μm) (Module 1.11C)

An oocyte has a diameter about 11 times greater than the red blood cell.

Define organ. (Module 1.10B)

An organ is two or more tissues working to perform several functions.

Describe the two layers making up the perichondrium. (Module 4.13B)

An outer fibrous layer made up of dense irregular connective tissue with fibroblasts; an inner cellular layer.

What is the purpose of anatomical terms? (Module 1.20D)

Anatomical terms are used because they provide a standardized frame of reference for describing the human body.

Explain the link between anatomy and physiology. (Module 1.8B)

Anatomy is the study of internal and external body structures; physiology is the study of how living organisms perform their vital functions.

Define apoptosis. (Module 3.18B)

Apoptosis is genetically controlled cell death.

Contrast appositional and interstitial growth of cartilage. (Module 4.13C)

Appositional growth adds new layers to the outside, and interstitial growth enlarges the cartilage from within.

Explain why the atoms of inert elements do not react with one another or combine with atoms of other elements. (Module 2.3B)

Atoms of inert elements are nonreactive because the outermost electron shell (valence shell) contains the maximum number of electrons possible.

Which of the labels in Figure 4-1 indicates a tight junction?


Define the term biology. (Module 1.1B)

Biology is the study of life.

How do epithelial tissues obtain needed nutrients? (Module 4.4C)

Blood vessels travel through underlying tissues to provide nutrients.

Distinguish between the two types of supporting tissues with respect to their characteristic fibers. (Module 4.14D)

Bone contains only collagen fibers, whereas cartilage can contain collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers.

Which of the labels in Figure 4-1 indicates an adhesion belt


Using chemical notation, write the molecular formula for glucose, a compound composed of 6 carbon (C) atoms, 12 hydrogen (H) atoms, and 6 oxygen (O) atoms. (Module 2.7D)


The nucleotide sequence of three mRNA codons is AUU-GCA-CUA. What is the complementary anticodon sequence for the second codon? (Module 3.12B)


What do the transport processes of facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common? (Module 3.16C)

Carrier proteins are used to transport materials in both processes.

________ are transmembrane proteins that connect two cell membranes together

Cell adhesion molecules

When does cell division begin and end? (Module 3.18C)

Cell division begins at mitosis and ends at cytokinesis.

Which of the following is not a cation?


Contrast the descriptions used by clinicians and anatomists when referring to the positions of injuries or internal organs of the abdomen and pelvis. (Module 1.20C)

Clinicians base their descriptions on four abdominopelvic quadrants, whereas anatomists use nine abdominopelvic regions.

Distinguish between the cytoplasm and cytosol. (Module 3.2A)

Cytoplasm is the material between the plasma membrane and the nuclear membrane; cytosol is the fluid portion of the cytoplasm.

Which of the labels in Figure 4-1 is very abundant in cardiac muscle?


What molecule in the nucleus contains instructions for making proteins? (Module 3.9B)


What enzymes must be present for DNA replication to proceed normally? (Module 3.19C)

DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, and DNA helicase

________ is the process of duplicating chromosomes prior to cell division.

DNA replication

Chromosomes consist of ________ and ________.

DNA; proteins

What is the purpose of directional and sectional terms? (Module 1.21C)

Directional and sectional terms are used because they provide a standardized frame of reference for describing the human body.

________ are soluble inorganic compounds whose solutions will conduct an electric current.


Define electrolytes. (Module 2.11B)

Electrolytes are ions that will conduct an electrical current in a solution.

Describe the subatomic particle not in the nucleus. (Module 2.1C)

Electrons are not in the nucleus. They whirl around the nucleus creating an electron cloud.

________ secrete hormones and prohormones in the interstitial fluid, which later enters blood.

Endocrine glands

Describe the two primary types of glands. (Module 4.8A)

Endocrine glands release their substances into the interstitial fluid; exocrine glands release their secretions into ducts that open onto an epithelial surface.

Describe endocytosis. (Module 3.17A)

Endocytosis occurs when a vesicle forms at the plasma membrane, encloses a large volume of extracellular fluid and contents, and then moves into the cytoplasm.

Where do cells obtain the energy needed for their vital functions? (Module 2.19C)

Energy comes from breaking high energy bonds in a compound

________ accelerate chemical reactions that occur in the human body.


Why do our cells need enzymes? (Module 2.9B)

Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction so it can occur.

________ tissues combine to form body membranes that cover and protect other structures and tissues in the body.

Epithelia and connective

Define the word eponym. (Module 1.19B)

Eponym is a term denoting an anatomical structure or clinical condition that is named after a person.

________ is when a vesicle fuses to the plasma membrane and discharges its contents to the extracellular environment.


Describe exocytosis. (Module 3.17C)

Exocytosis occurs when a vesicle forms inside the cell, encloses a large volume of intracellular fluid and contents, and then fuses with the plasma membrane to release it outside the cell.

Describe the role of fibroblasts in connective tissue. (Module 4.11B)

Fibroblasts secrete hyaluronic acid and proteins that rom the ground substance and create the extracellular fibers.

Which phase of the cell cycle has the most variable duration?

G0 phase

A cell is actively manufacturing enough organelles to serve two functional cells. This cell is probably in what phase of interphase? (Module 3.19B)


How is genetic information coded in the cell? (Module 3.8A)

Genetic information is coded by the sequence of nucleotides in DNA.

Describe the simplest type of unicellular exocrine gland. (Module 4.9B)

Goblet cell; this cell is scattered among absorptive cells in the intestines

Renewal or modification of the cell membrane is a function of the

Golgi apparatus.

Stacks of cisternae that store, alter, and package synthesized products are called

Golgi apparatus.

What are the differences between gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy? (Module 1.8A

Gross anatomy involves the study of body structures that can be seen with the unaided eye; microscopic anatomy is the study of body structures that cannot be seen without magnification

Distinguish between growth and development. (Module 1.7B)

Growth refers to an increase in size. Development refers to changes in structures and functions as the organism grows.

Which of the following is both an anion and a compound?


________ is the study of tissue structures.


The Appendix contains tables of the normal physiological values regarding dissolved materials in various body fluids. Most of these values are listed as ranges, rather than averages. Why? (Module 1.17C)

Homeostatic control is not precise, and normal ranges are not fixed with absolute values.

The molecule H2 is known as


Which of the following statements about hydrogen bonds is false?

Hydrogen bonds are strong attractive forces between hydrogen atoms and negatively charged atoms.

Distinguish between hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules. (Module 2.11C)

Hydrophilic molecules are attracted to water, whereas hydrophobic molecules do not interact with water molecules.

In the anatomical position, describe an anterior view and a posterior view. (Module 1.21A)

In anatomical position, anterior view shows the subject's face, whereas a posterior view shows the subject's back.

Describe the process of carrier-mediated transport. (Module 3.16A)

In carrier-mediated transport, integral membrane proteins bind ions or molecules and transport them across the membrane.

Compare the role of water in hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis reactions. (Module 2.8A)

In hydrolysis, water is a reactant; in dehydration synthesis, water is a product.

________ compounds do not usually contain carbon as a primary structural atom.


Carbon-12 (12C) is the most common form of the element carbon. How is the isotope carbon-13 (13C) similar to and different from 12C? (Module 2.2B)

Isotope 13C has the same chemical properties but has one more neutron than 12C

Which of the following is correct regarding cytoplasm?

It contains cytosol and organelles.

Which of the following statements about water is not correct?

It has a relatively low heat capacity.

Why is cholesterol necessary in the body? (Module 2.16B)

It is a component of plasma membranes and is important for cell growth and division.

Which of the following is correct regarding fructose?

It is an isomer of glucose.

Why is the genetic code described as a triplet code? (Module 3.10B)

It is described as a triplet code because a sequence of three nitrogenous bases specifies the identity of a specific amino acid.

What is an important characteristic of amino acid uracil?

It is found only in RNA.

Which of following properties of the cytoskeleton is false?

It is made of cytobones.

Which of the following statements about tissue swelling that occurs during inflammation is true?

It is triggered by histamine and caused by increased endothelial permeability.

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of the endocrine system?

It produces a more rapid response than the nervous system.

Which of the following statements about the Golgi apparatus is false?

It sends transport vesicles to the RER.

In what country was cadaver-based anatomy established as a discipline studied by medical professionals? (Module 1.19C)


Much of the early history in anatomy is tied to what country?


What properties are common to keratinized epithelia? (Module 4.5C)

Keratinized epithelia are both tough and water resistant.

Our understanding of how the human body works is based on a knowledge of which level(s) of organization? (Module 1.10C)

Knowledge about each level contributes to our total understanding of how the body works.

Which languages are the source of many modern anatomical terms? (Module 1.19A)

Latin and Greek

What is transcription? (Module 3.11A)

Making an RNA strand from the DNA template.

________ increase surface area to facilitate absorption of extracellular materials.


Define mitosis, and list its four stages. (Module 3.20A)

Mitosis is the division of a cell into two identical daughter cells. The four stages are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

________ are permanent alterations in a cell's DNA that affect the nucleotide sequence of one or more genes.


When a small amount of HCl or NaOH is added to a solution of Na2HPO4, the pH of the solution barely changes. Based on these observations, all of the following are true concerning the compound Na2HPO4 except

Na2HPO4 adsorbs excess H+ and OH- directly onto the surface of its crystalline structure.

An important buffer in body fluids is


Describe the immediate cellular destinations of newly synthesized proteins from free ribosomes and fixed ribosomes. (Module 3.5A)

Newly synthesized proteins from free ribosomes enter the cytosol, and newly synthesized proteins from fixed ribosomes go to enter the ER.

List the chemical symbols of the six most abundant elements in the human body and their total percentage contribution to total body weight. (Module 2.2E)

O, C, H, N, Ca, and P. They account for 99.3% of total body weight.

The gravitational field of the moon is 17% of Earth's. How would the weight and mass of a 100-pound astronaut change on the moon? (Module 2.1D)

On the moon, the astronaut would have the same mass as on Earth but would weigh 17 pounds (100 × 0.17).

________ molecules are compounds that contain carbon as the primary structural atom.


Describe the external environment of most of the body's cells. (Module 3.2D)

Our cells are surrounded by a watery extracellular fluid.

The molecule O2 is known as


Most of a cell's ATP is produced within its mitochondria. What gas do mitochondria require to produce ATP, and what gas results? (Module 3.7B)

Oxygen is required to produce ATP, and carbon dioxide is released in the process.

Distinguish between passive and active processes of membrane passage. (Module 3.13C)

Passive processes do not need ATP and active processes do need ATP.

________ are short-chain fatty acids in which five of the carbon atoms are joined in a ring.


The enzyme ________ is required for the synthesis of mRNA.

RNA polymerase

How are chemical reactions represented? (Module 2.7B)

Reactions are represented by chemical equations and the arrow represents the direction of the reaction.

A cell duplicates its chromosomes during the ________ phase.


What do scientists mean when they use the term "Black Box"? (Module 1.6A)

Scientists are referring to missing knowledge.

________ epithelium is found inside the eyes.

Simple squamous

Describe the different states of matter in terms of shape and volume. (Module 2.5A)

Solids have a fixed volume and shape, liquids have a constant volume but no fixed shape, and gases have neither a constant volume nor a fixed shape.

________ cells are all of the cells of the body except the reproductive cells (sperm and oocytes).


________ are large lipid molecules with distinctive carbon-ring frameworks.


________ epithelium is found lining the anus and vagina.

Stratified squamous

Describe why table salt is a compound. (Module 2.4A)

Table salt is a compound because it is made up of more than one element in a fixed proportion.

What is translation? (Module 3.12A)

Taking the mRNA sequence and producing a protein.

________ attach skeletal muscles to bones, and ________ connect one bone to another.

Tendons; ligaments

What characteristic of phospholipids accounts for their packing into a double layer? (Module 3.3D)

That they are amphipathic, containing a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end.

List the three major functions of the Golgi apparatus. (Module 3.6A)

The Golgi apparatus (1) renews or modifies the plasma membrane, (2) modifies and packages cellular secretions, and (3) packages special enzymes within vesicles (lysosomes) for use within the cell.

Explain why small insects can walk on the surface of a pond and why tears protect the surface of the eye from dust particles. (Module 2.5C)

The attraction of water molecules creates a surface tension barrier that prevents small objects from penetrating the water.

If the amount of chloride ion in blood plasma increases, which of the following would initially occur?

The blood osmotic pressure will increase.

What does the presence of many mitochondria imply about a cell's energy requirements?

The cell has high energy demand.

Describe the changes in appearance of the transitional epithelium lining the urinary bladder as stretching occurs. (Module 4.6C)

The cells become flatter.

Compare the functioning of the elbow joint with a door on a hinge. (Module 1.9A)

The elbow moves in a single plane like the opening and closing of a door on a hinge.

Describe the orientations of phospholipids and glycolipids when they form a micelle

The hydrophobic tails are inside, and the hydrophilic heads form the surface of the micelle.

Imagine two rigid chambers separated by a rigid membrane that is freely permeable to water but impermeable to glucose. Side 1 contains a 10 percent glucose solution and side 2 contains pure water. At equilibrium, what will be the situation?

The hydrostatic pressure will be higher in side 1

Contrast the effects of a hypotonic solution and a hypertonic solution on a red blood cell. (Module 3.15C)

The hypotonic solution would cause the RBC to swell and it may burst (hemolysis), and the hypertonic solution would cause the RBC to shrink (crenation).

Why do certain cells in the ovaries and testes contain large amounts of SER?

The ovaries and testes produce large amounts of steroid hormones which are lipid based.

Define diffusion. (Module 3.14A)

The passive movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is achieved.

Describe osmosis. (Module 3.15A)

The passive movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from a solution with a lower solute concentration to a solution with a higher solute concentration.

Explain how the ionic compound sodium chloride dissolves in water. (Module 2.11A)

The positive poles of water molecules are attracted to the negatively charged chloride ions, and the negative poles of water molecules are attracted to the positively charged sodium ions.

What is the source of energy that converts glucose, a six-carbon molecule, into two three-carbon molecules in cells? (Module 2.8C)

The potential energy stored in the covalent bonds of the glucose molecule is released when some of the bonds break.

In the hydrolysis of a triglyceride, what are the reactants and the products? (Module 2.15D)

The reactants are a triglyceride and three water molecules; the products are a glycerol molecule and three fatty acids.

Relate an enzyme's structure to its reaction specificity. (Module 2.18B)

The reaction specificity relates to the unique shape of the active site to which only a complementary shape can bind.

Define metastasis. (Module 3.21C)

The spread of cancer cells beyond the original tissue, leading to secondary tumors.

Predict what would happen to the function of a structure if its anatomy were altered.

The structure's function would be impaired or eliminated.

Name the substrates and product in the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by RNA polymerase. (Module 3.11C)

The substrates are RNA nucleotides, and the product is a strand of mRNA.

Try this experiment. Pick one of the two examples, cover up the text, and focus solely on the art. What did you discover? (Module 1.2B)

The text-art integration is important for understanding what was described

Describe the three parts necessary for homeostatic regulation. (Module 1.17B)

The three parts necessary for homeostatic regulation are the receptor, the control center, and the effector.

Describe the appearance of simple columnar epithelial cells in a sectional view. (Module 4.7A)

They appear columnar with an elongated nucleus close to the basement membrane.

Describe the appearance of simple cuboidal epithelial cells in sectional view. (Module 4.6A)

They appear like a cube, as tall as they are wide, with the nucleus centered in the middle of the cell.

Describe the structure and role of prostaglandins. (Module 2.16A)

They are a type of eicosanoid released by cells to coordinate local cellular activities and produce pain sensations.

What do cholesterol, phospholipids, and glycolipids have in common? (Module 2.16D)

They are all structural lipids that form membranes of cells.

Which of the following is correct about peripheral proteins?

They are bound to the inner or outer surface of plasma membrane.

Explain how the complementary strands of DNA are held together. (Module 2.20B)

They are held by complementary base pairing; adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine.

Which of the following is correct regarding enzymes?

They are organic catalysts and are made of proteins.

What do a mesothelium and an endothelium have in common? (Module 4.5A)

They both are simple squamous epithelium.

Which of the following statements about simple epithelia is false?

They cover surfaces subjected to mechanical or chemical stress.

What is the functional significance of gap junctions? (Module 4.4B)

They permit chemical communication (diffusion of ions and small molecules) that coordinates the activities of adjacent cells.

Microtubules do not have which of the following functions?

They stiffen microvilli.

What do eye-tracking studies tell us about the most effective way to learn? (Module 1.2A)

To read the text and the art together.

Describe trace elements. (Module 2.2D)

Trace elements are present in small amounts in the body and are required for normal growth and maintenance.

What process would be affected if a cell could not synthesize the enzyme RNA polymerase? (Module 3.11D)

Transcription of RNA from DNA.

________ epithelium is found in the ureter.


The mRNA sequence that is complementary to the sequence ATC on DNA is


Describe the kind of bonds that hold the atoms in a water molecule together. (Module 2.4C)

Water molecule bonds are polar covalent bonds, in which unequal sharing of electrons occurs.

Cations are smaller in diameter than their electrically neutral atom. Why? (Module 2.3D)

When electrons are lost, the remaining electrons are pulled closer toward the nucleus.

Epithelium is connected to underlying connective tissue by

a basal lamina.

In chemical notation, the symbol Ca2+ means

a calcium ion that has lost two electrons

When two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration synthesis,

a disaccharide is formed.

What is a tissue? (Module 4.1B)

a group of similar cells and their cell products

In living cells, complex metabolic reactions proceed in a series of steps called

a metabolic pathway.

In an aqueous solution, sodium ions would move toward

a negative terminal.

Every amino acid has a central carbon atom to which all of the followings are attached except

a phosphate group.

bstrate molecules bind to enzymes at the ________ sites.


During digestion, the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the stomach contents increases to many times that in cells lining the stomach. Which transport process could be responsible? (Module 3.16D)

active transport

Which of the following membrane transport mechanisms is not directly a passive process?

active transport

A process that requires cellular energy to move a substance against its concentration gradient is called

active transport.

Adenosine is formed by combining

adenine and ribose

The purines found in DNA are ________ and ________.

adenine; guanine

The most abundant high-energy compound in cells is

adenosine triphosphate

What product is formed from the addition of a phosphate group to ADP?

adenosine triphosphate

Cells that store fat are called


Which type of loose connective tissue contains primarily lipids? (Module 4.11C)

adipose tissue

If a substance has a pH that is greater than 7, it is


A chemical imbalance in the blood can cause the heart to stop pumping blood, which in turn will cause other tissues and organs to cease functioning. This observation supports the view that

all levels of organization within an organism are interdependent.

When electrons are transferred from one atom to another, and the two atoms unite as a result of the opposite charges,

an ionic bond is formed.

During mitosis, chromatids separate into daughter chromosomes during


A person facing forward with hands at the sides and palms facing forward is in the ________ position



anchor the cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane.

In an aqueous solution, cations are attracted toward


Ions with a negative charge are called


An anatomical term that means the same as "ventral" is


Lymphocytes can develop into cells that secrete defense proteins against disease. Some of these cells are termed plasma cells, while their proteins are called


During the synthesis of proteins, amino acids are assembled in the proper sequence because each tRNA molecule that brings them to the ribosome has a(n) ________ that binds to a complementary codon in the mRNA.


The process of lactation (milk production) depends on both merocrine and ________ secretion by mammary gland epithelial cells


Which of the following is a type of secretion in which some cytoplasm is lost with the product?


The genetically programmed death of cells is called


In ________ growth, cartilage grows wider or thicker in diameter


All of the following are true of neurons except that they

are a very specialized form of connective tissue.

DNA mutation and development of cancerous cells are less dangerous in epithelial tissue than in connective tissue because epithelia

are avascular.

All of the following are true concerning enzymes except that they

are consumed during the reaction.

Elements that have atoms with full outer shells of electrons

are inert gases.

Generally, cells with a very brief interphase and lacking a G0 phase

are stem cells.

Carbohydrate molecules

are the body's most readily available source of energy.

Each of the following is an example of dense connective tissue except

areolar connective tissue.

The actual mass of an atom is known as its

atomic weight.

The smallest stable units of matter are


A functional group is best described as reoccurring clusters of

atoms that greatly influence the chemical properties of molecules they are part of.

Anchoring proteins

attach the plasma membrane to other structures in the cell.

The ________ is the part of a neuron that conducts the signal to other cells.


While standing in the anatomical position,

back refers to dorsal

A(n) ________ removes hydrogen ions, and a(n) ________ releases hydrogen ions.

base; acid

Which structures separate epithelial tissue from connective tissue

basement membranes

All of the following participate in thermoregulation, except

blood vessels.

Chondrocytes are to cartilage as osteocytes are to


Osseous tissue is also called


Which type of cells recycle the calcium and phosphate stored there?

bone cells

Which of the following is/are inorganic substance(s)?

both water and carbon dioxide

The integrating center for the negative feedback loop that regulates body temperature is the


By what means are water molecules attracted to each other? (Module 2.5B)

by hydrogen bonds

In the body, inorganic compounds

can serve as buffers.

A mature red blood cell lacks a nucleus. Thus, it

cannot make new proteins and will be worn out within a few months.

The group of organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a near 1:2:1 ratio is defined as a


By weight, which element is the second most abundant in the human body?


The molecule CO2 is known as

carbon dioxide

All amino acid molecules contain

carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.

All fatty acids contain a functional group at one end called the ________ group.


Intercalated discs and striations are characteristic of ________ tissue.

cardiac muscle

Which organ system transports nutrients, metabolic wastes, gases, and defense cells?


Which two organ systems are involved with circulation within the body? (Module 1.13A)

cardiovascular and lymphatic systems

What kinds of molecules are involved in both active and passive processes of membrane passage? (Module 3.13D)

carrier proteins

Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in the matrix of


All of the following are connective tissue proper, except


Ions with a + charge are called


Some cells contain large numbers of mitochondria while others have relatively few or none. This suggests that

cells with large numbers of mitochondria have a high energy demand

List the common characteristics shared by all living things. (Module 1.7A)

cells, organization, responsiveness, regulation, growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism

Name the simplest level of organization that includes the smallest living units in the body.

cellular level

What is the smallest living level of organization?

cellular level

Oxygen is required in biological systems for

cellular respiration

The cylindrical shaped organelle with nine groups of microtubule triplets is called


What type of integral protein allows water and small ions to pass through the plasma membrane? (Module 3.3C)

channel protein

Water molecules and small ions enter a cell through

channels formed by integral proteins.

The anatomical term for the buccal region is the


Which of the following is a structural component of cell membranes?


In cells that are not dividing, chromosomes uncoil to form a tangle of fine fibers known as


The complex structures of DNA and protein found in the cell nucleus are


Which of the following is an example of a nonmembranous organelle?


Which one of the following is an extension of plasma membrane?


A unit in messenger RNA consisting of a set of three consecutive nucleotides is termed a(n)


The dominant fiber type in most dense connective tissue is


The three types of protein fibers in connective tissue are

collagen, reticular, and elastic.

Which type of tissue fills internal spaces of the body?


Which of the following tissues fills internal spaces and provides structural support?

connective tissue

The three types of connective tissue include

connective tissue proper, fluid connective, and supporting connective.

Characteristics of epithelia include all of the following except


The start of each gene begins with a(n) ________ segment.


When atoms complete their outer electron shell by sharing electrons, they form

covalent bonds.

Red blood cell shrinkage is to ________ as cell bursting is to ________.

crenation; hemolysis

Which of the four tissue membranes is relatively waterproof and usually dry? (Module 4.15D)


The physical process by which a single animal cell separates into two cells is called


Which of the following refers to the dense connective tissue that surrounds a muscle and blends with the tendon?

deep fascia

Tissues that provide strength and support for areas subjected to stresses from many directions are

dense irregular connective tissues.

In stratified epithelia adapted to resist mechanical forces, which of the following types of cell-to-cell junctions are especially abundant?


Which of the following cellular structures locks the terminal webs of neighboring cells to prevent cell distortion and leakage?


A membrane transport process is found experimentally to lack a saturation limit. Which of the following is a possible property of the process?


The movement of oxygen from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is an example of


Gas exchange is to the respiratory system as absorption of nutrients is to the ________ system(s).


What do lysosomes contain? (Module 3.6B)

digestive enzymes

The wrist is ________ to the elbow.


In a molecule of oxygen gas, two pairs of electrons are shared equally by two oxygen atoms. The type of bond that is formed is an example of a

double nonpolar covalent bond.

While standing erect, the direction of caudal is


Before the mRNA transcribed from a gene can be used to translate into a protein, it must be

edited to remove introns and transported into the cytoplasm.

A cell or organ that responds to commands of the control center in negative feedback is termed a(n)


Which connective tissue fiber is characteristic of the cartilage supporting the ear? (Module 4.13A)


During ionization, water molecules disrupt the ionic bonds of a salt to produce a mixture of ions. These ions can carry a current and so are called


Ionic bonds are formed when

electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another.

A(n) ________ is a pure substance composed of atoms.


The reaction A + B + energy → AB is an example of a(n)

endergonic reaction.

Chemical reactions that absorb energy are called


Directing long-term changes in the activities of other organ systems is the major function of the ________ system.


Glands that secrete hormones into the interstitial fluid are ________ glands.


Two types of vesicular transport are

endocytosis and exocytosis.

The intake of small membrane vesicles from the extracellular fluid is called


The lining of the heart and blood vessels is called


The hydrolysis of ATP yields ADP, a phosphate ion, and


Secretions through a duct might provide ________, whereas ductless secretions act as ________.

enzymes; hormones

Examination of a tissue sample reveals groups of cells united by junctional complexes and interlocking membranes. The cells have one free surface and lack blood vessels. The tissue is most likely ________ tissue.


The tissue that always has a "top" and a "bottom" is ________ tissue.


Which type of tissue covers exposed surfaces of the body?


What is the relative percentage of body weight from each of the four tissue types? (Module 4.16A)

epithelial 3%, connective 45%, muscle 50%, and nervous 2%

What two types of tissues contribute to the formation and maintenance of the basement membrane? (Module 4.4D)

epithelial and connective tissue

Which of the following tissues covers and protects exposed surface areas of the body?

epithelial tissue

Close examination of an organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells. The layers do not contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells is open to the internal cavity of the organ. This tissue is probably


Which of the following is a chemical messenger coordinating local cellular activities?


Chemical reactions that release energy are called


Chemical reactions that yield energy, such as heat, are said to be


Cells that are specialized for secretion

exhibit polarity.

Assume that the transport of a particular amino acid across the plasma membrane is observed (1) to occur only down its concentration gradient and (2) to slow when a similar amino acid is added to the extracellular fluid. The movement of the amino acid through the membrane is most likely by

facilitated diffusion.

The process by which molecules such as glucose are moved into cells along their concentration gradient with the help of membrane-bound carrier proteins is called

facilitated diffusion.

Which type of cells are spherical and contain energy molecules?

fat cells

All of the following are fixed cells of connective tissue proper, except


Which of the following connective tissue cells produces collagen?


A herniated disc is an injury of the pads of cartilage between the vertebrae in which the cartilage bulges from normal position. What type of cartilage is affected?


The type of cartilage found in the intervertebral discs is ________ cartilage.


What types of phagocytic cells are present in connective tissue proper? (Module 4.11E)

fixed and free macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils

Two classes of macrophages include

fixed macrophages and free macrophages

Which cytoskeletal structure is found only in males? (Module 3.4D)


Blood belongs to which of the following types of connective tissue?

fluid connective tissue

What is the primary function of kidneys?

form and concentrate urine

Microfilaments do not

form centrioles.

If a cell lacked the enzyme DNA polymerase, it could not

form complementary sequences of DNA.

If an animal cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to

form the mitotic spindle.

Simple cuboidal epithelium is found

forming the kidney tubules.

Identify three different types of membranes based on permeability. (Module 3.13B)

freely permeable, selectively permeable, and impermeable

Because the anatomy and physiology of the body's structures are interrelated, it is often said that "form determines ________."


The three familiar states of matter listed in order from the least to most thermal energy are

gas, liquid, solid.

The triplet codes needed to specify a specific polypeptide chain are found in the


The functional units of DNA that contain the instructions for making one or more proteins are


Which term does not describe cells with abnormal growth and division?

germ cells

The most important metabolic fuel molecule in the body is


polysaccharide that is formed in muscle cells to store glucose is


) A carbohydrate is attached to a diglyceride in which type of lipid?


Mesothelium is to the body cavities as endothelium is to the

heart and blood vessels.

A midsagittal section would pass through the


What is an important by-product of exergonic reactions? (Module 2.9C)


Give the term for the "study of tissues." (Module 4.1A)


The central principle of physiology is


The maintenance of a constant internal environment in an organism is termed


The tendency for physiological systems to stabilize internal conditions is called


Which type of connective tissue is found between the ribs and the sternum, or supporting the trachea?

hyaline cartilage

Oppositely charged ions in solution are prevented from combining by

hydration spheres.

The weakest bond between two atoms is the ________ bond


Which element commonly has only a proton as its nucleus?


List the elements that make up organic compounds. (Module 2.13A)

hydrogen and carbon, and generally oxygen as well

Diffusion of a substance across the cell membrane is influenced by all of the following except

hydrolysis of ATP.

Nonpolar organic molecules are good examples of

hydrophobic compounds

Molecules that do not readily dissolve in water are called


Which of the following functional groups of organic compounds link molecules through dehydration synthesis?

hydroxyl group

"Spikes" form on a dehydrating blood cell when it is placed in a(n) ________ solution.


A solution that contains a lower osmotic pressure than the cytoplasm of a cell is called


Hemolysis may occur when a blood cell is placed into a(n) ________ solution


The skin swells and puckers during a long bath. This suggests that bath water is a(n) ________ fluid.


When homeostatic mechanisms fail, an individual will experience the symptoms of

illness or disease.

Each of the following is true concerning mitochondria except

in glycolysis reaction pyruvate is produced from glucose inside the mitochondria.

Elastic cartilage is found

in the ear.

The chin is ________ to the nose.


Identify the two processes in the response to tissue injury. (Module 4.18A)

inflammation and regeneration

Protection from environmental hazards is a function of the ________ system.


The stage in a cell's life cycle in which the cell performs its normal functions and prepares for division is called


Growth of cartilage by accumulation of matrix around chondrocytes is called ________ growth.


Endocrine glands empty their products into ________ and are referred to as ________ glands, while exocrine gland secretions empty into ________ or onto surfaces.

interstitial fluid; ductless; ducts

Membrane-bound proteins that use metabolic energy to move ions across the plasma membrane are called

ion pumps.

All of the following are characteristics of synovial membrane except that it

is avascular.

Atoms of the same element whose nuclei contain the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons, are called


All of the following are correct regarding RNA except

it contains a double helix.

All of the following can be true about osmotic pressure except

it forces solutes toward the higher water concentration.

All of the following are characteristics of nucleus, except

it packages and sorts products.

The epithelial tissue that covers skin is classified as

keratinized stratified squamous.

Which of the following organs is located between the peritoneum and the body wall?


The anatomical name for the patellar region is the


What is the structure marked with an X in the MRI scan? (Module 1.4B)

left kidney

Which of the following lipids are produced in response to cellular injury or disease?


Simple columnar epithelia are found

lining the gallbladder.

Transitional epithelium is found

lining the urinary bladder.

Which gastrointestinal organ is responsible for bile secretion and regulation of blood nutrient composition?


Unlike cartilage, bone

living connective

In dehydration reactions, compounds

lose water molecules

A function of the glycocalyx is

lubrication of the cell surface.

Interstitial fluid that enters a lymphatic vessel is termed


Which cellular structure is responsible for cell autolysis?


Which of the following organelles damages pathogens?


A molecule of ________ contains all the codons needed to produce a particular polypeptide.


Messenger RNA is vital to the cell because

mRNA can leave the nucleus, and DNA cannot leave the nucleus.

Cells that engulf bacteria or cell debris within loose connective tissue are


What is the main function of mesenchymal cells?

make new connective tissue cells

You would find pseudostratified columnar epithelium lining the

male reproductive tract.

Predict the reactants and the type of chemical reaction involved when muscle cells make and store glycogen. (Module 2.14D)

many glucose monomers; dehydration synthesis

Which is larger: an element's atomic number or mass number? (Module 2.2A)

mass number

What type of cells contain histamine and heparin?

mast cells

In describing parts of the mitochondrion, folds are to cristae as the contained fluid is to


Cancer cells

may exhibit metastasis.

The heart is ________ to the lungs.


The endoplasmic reticulum is an example of a(n) ________ organelle.


Which type of glands secret their products by exocytosis?


The epithelium that lines the body cavities is known as


Which type of RNA links the genetic information in the nucleus with the cytoplasmic sites of protein synthesis? (Module 3.10D)

messenger RNA

List the three types of RNA involved in protein synthesis. (Module 3.10C)

messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA

What is the term for mRNA?

messenger ribonucleic acid

Compounds that can be synthesized or broken down by chemical reactions inside the body are called


Endocytosis is a

method for transporting substances into the cell.

Terminal web is a layer of ________ just inside plasma membrane at the exposed surface of the cell.


List the three basic components of the cytoskeleton. (Module 3.4A)

microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules

Name and define the unit used to measure cell size. (Module 1.11A)

micrometer; equal to one-millionth of a meter

Which cytoskeletal component is common to both centrioles and cilia? (Module 3.4B)


Which of the following cytoskeleton components moves the chromosomes during cell division?


Providing strength and moving materials within the cell is a function of the filaments and


Epithelial cells lining the internal passageways of the genitourinary tract usually have ________ at their free surface.


Which of the following is an example of a membranous organelle?


Which of the following organelles produces 95% of cell ATP?


Most of the ATP required to power cellular operations is produced in the


DNA replication occurs during what two cellular processes? (Module 3.19D)

mitosis and meiosis

Nuclear division in somatic cells is known as


The proper distribution of a cell's genetic material to two daughter cells is accomplished by the process of


Each of the following is a function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum except

modification of protein.

H2O is an example of a(n)

molecular formula

All of the following are correct regarding DNA except

molecular shape varies with hydrogen bonding along the length of the strand.

List the three structural classes of carbohydrates, and give an example of each. (Module 2.14C)

monosaccharides (glucose), disaccharides (sucrose), and polysaccharides (starch)

Breathing faster and deeper eliminates more carbon dioxide from the body than normal breathing. Under these circumstances,

more carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood in the lungs.

Which of the following membranes line cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?


Unicellular exocrine glands secrete


Specific proteins are manufactured through the interaction of ________ and ________.

multiple enzymes; three types of RNA

All of the following are organs of the endocrine system, except


Tissue that is specialized for contraction is ________ tissue.


Which type of tissue contracts to produce movements?


Which of the following cell types is long, slender and makes contractions?

muscle cells

In which of the following are the four tissue types arranged correctly from the highest to lowest percentage of body weight?

muscle, connective, epithelial, nervous

If a response decreases a disturbance, the system is classified as a ________ feedback system.


When body temperature rises, a center in the brain initiates physiological changes to decrease the body temperature. This is an example of

negative feedback.

An alternate term for tumor is


Organs are made up of different tissues. What tissues are found in skeletal muscles? (Module 4.17C)

nervous tissue, connective tissue, and skeletal muscle tissue

Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue.


Which type of tissue conducts electrical impulses?


Epithelia specialized for providing sensations of smell, taste, sight, equilibrium, and hearing are known as


All ________ function to propagate electrical signals from one place to another.


A solution containing equal numbers of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is


Isotopes of an element differ in the number of

neutrons in the nucleus

The nucleus is surrounded by the

nuclear envelope.

Transfer of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytosol occurs through

nuclear pores.

Molecules that store and process genetic information are

nucleic acids.

The components of ribosomes are synthesized by


Which organelle is most prominent in cells that make large amounts of protein?


Histones are found in


What is the individual subunit of nucleic acid called?


The center of an atom is called the


Which organelle is visible under light microscope?


Visceral pericardium is located

on the heart itself

Terms of anatomical direction are used to describe

one body part in relation to another

The heart is an example of a(n)


Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are classified as

organic molecules.

Which of the following is arranged in correct order from the most complex to the simplest?

organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, molecular

What are mature bone cells in lacunae called? (Module 4.14B)


What is the functional unit of compact bone? (Module 4.14C)


The chemical behavior of an atom is determined by the

outermost electron shell.

Which of the following organs is not contained within the abdominal cavity?


By weight, which element is the most plentiful in the human body?


The ________ of a solution is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in moles per liter.


Of the list below, which has the highest concentration of hydroxide ions?

pH 14

Define pH. (Module 2.12A)

pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.

Which has the greater concentration of hydrogen ions, a substance with a pH of 5 or a substance with a pH of 4?

pH of 4 is greater.

Which pH is closest to normal blood pH?

pH of 7

During an inflammatory response to injury, which of the following is least likely in the region of the injury?

pale, cold skin

A cut parallel to the midsagittal plane would produce a ________ section.


Which of the following terms refers to the foot?


The quadrants of the abdominopelvic region include all of the following except the

pelvic quadrant.

The thoracic cavity contains the

pericardial and pleural cavities.

Which of the following structures is located within the mediastinum?

pericardial sac

Cartilage is separated from surrounding tissues by a fibrous


The plasma membrane includes all of the following except

peripheral proteins.

If a surgeon makes an incision just inferior to the diaphragm, which body cavity will be opened? (Module 1.22C)

peritoneal portion of the abdominopelvic cavity

The serous membrane covering the stomach and most of the intestines is called the


The ________ of a membrane indicates how easy it is for substances to cross.



permit the passage of water and small solutes.

Which of the following organelles neutralizes toxic compound during cell metabolism?


Some white blood cells engulf bacteria and bring them into the cell. What is this process called? (Module 3.17D)


A defense cell engulfing a bacterium illustrates


Which structural component of the plasma membrane is mostly responsible for isolating a cell from its external environment? (Module 3.3A)


The watery fluid component of blood is called


Antibodies are produced by

plasma cells

The three major subdivisions of extracellular fluid found in the body are

plasma, lymph, and interstitial fluid.

Which cavities in the body are lined by serous membranes? (Module 4.15A)

pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial

If a response increases a disturbance, the system is classified as a ________ feedback system.


Kinetic energy is stored as ________ energy when a spring is stretched.


A sequence of amino acids bonded together in a linear chain is called a

primary structure.

All of the following are part of the inflammation response except

production of collagenous framework

A massage therapist often begins a massage by asking clients to lie face down with their arms at their sides. Which anatomical term describes that position? (Module 1.20B)


A person lying face down is in the ________ position.


What function is served by motile cilia on epithelial cell surfaces? (Module 4.3C)

propel material across the cell surface

What is the purpose of motile cilia? (Module 3.4C)

propel material across the cell surface

mRNA is needed to synthesize ________ in the cytoplasm.


Each of the following is an example of an inorganic compound except


A hydrogen ion is the same as what subatomic particle? (Module 2.12B)


The "atomic number" of an atom is determined by the number of ________ it has.


The mass number represents the number of

protons + neutrons

The mass of an atom is largely determined by the number of ________ it has.

protons + neutrons

The nucleus of an atom consists of

protons + neutrons

The atomic weight of an atom reflects the average number of

protons + neutrons + electrons.

Which subatomic particles have a positive charge? Which are uncharged? (Module 2.1B)

protons; neutrons

List four essential functions of epithelial tissue. (Module 4.3A

provides physical protection, controls permeability, provides sensation, and produces specialized secretions

Adenine and guanine are

purines represented by A and G

Ribosomes are composed of protein and


Name the participants in a chemical reaction. (Module 2.7A)


Homeostatic regulation usually involves a(n) ________ that detects a particular stimulus, and a(n) ________ that responds to the stimulus by communicating with a(n) ________ whose activity has an effect on the same stimulus.

receptor; control center (integrating center); effector

What type of cells makes up almost half the volume of blood?

red blood cells

Which type of cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide?

red blood cells

All of the following are examples of positive feedback, except

relaxation of smooth muscles' blood vessels when body temperature goes up.

Mitosis is to somatic cells as meiosis is to ________ cells.


Describe the basic processes in humans and other animals. (Module 1.7C)

respiration, digestion, circulation, and excretion

Which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?


The framework or stroma of organs such as the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes is made up of ________ tissue.

reticular connective

What is the term for rRNA?

ribosomal ribonucleic acid

Look at the woman standing. On which wrist is her bracelet found? (Module 1.4A)


The urinary bladder is found in the ________ quadrant and the ________ quadrant.

right lower; left lower

The right pleural cavity contains the

right lung

The liver is primarily located in the ________ quadrant.

right upper

Which of the structural representations of glucose shown below is more common in the body? (Module 2.14B)

ring form

Which form of endoplasmic reticulum modifies and packages newly synthesized proteins?

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following consists of a network of intracellular membranes with attached ribosomes?

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which of the following organelles has ribosomes bound to its membrane?

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Which plane divides the body into right and left parts?


he maximum rate of an enzyme reaction occurs at

saturation limit.

All of the following are correct regarding protein denaturation except

secondary structure becomes nonfunctional.

Epithelial cells exhibit modifications that adapt them for


Cell membranes are said to be ________ because they allow some substances to pass but not others.

selectively permeable

The mediastinum

separates the pleural cavities, and contains the pericardial cavity.

Adhesions of abdominopelvic organs due to friction occur when ________ is/are damaged.

serous membranes

The reduction of friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces of an internal cavity is the function of

serous membranes.

Which of the following is not a function of membrane proteins?

serve as cell nutrients

A shortage of cholesterol in the body could interfere with the formation of

sex hormones.

Which of the following lists contains only trace elements?

silicon, fluorine,

A gland formed by cells arranged in a blind round pocket with a single unbranched duct would be called

simple alveolar (acinar).

Merocrine sweat glands are classified as

simple coiled tubular

The body's most delicate type of epithelium is the ________ epithelium.

simple squamous

The epithelial cells that are flat, thin and have one layer are called

simple squamous.

If one pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms, a ________ occurs.If one pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms, a ________ occurs.

single polar covalent bond

Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood formation?


Of the following tissues, which has the least ability to regenerate after injury?

skeletal muscle

Gap junctions can be found in all of the following tissues except

skeletal muscle.

The muscle tissue that shows no striations is ________ muscle.


Synthesis of lipids and glycogen takes place at the

smooth ER.

Which organelle synthesizes lipids and carbohydrates?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Which type of muscle tissue regulates blood vessel diameter? (Module 4.17A)

smooth muscle tissue

In order to maintain cellular homeostasis, an exchange pump ejects ________ ions from the cell and imports ________ ions.

sodium; potassium

The principal cations in our body fluids are ________ and ________.

sodium; potassium

A(n) ________ is a homogeneous mixture containing a solvent and a solute.


Identify the three basic components of connective tissue. (Module 4.10A)

specialized cells, protein fibers, and ground substance

Which of the following are large polysaccharides and major dietary source of energy?


Special cells called ________ cells maintain tissues by unending cycles of cell division.


Examination of a sample of glandular cells reveals an extensive network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Which of the following is the likeliest product of these cells?

steroid hormones

Which of the following is a structural component of digestive secretions in bile?


Which of the following is a structural component of hormones?


Which of the following is not a function that membrane proteins perform?

stiffening the membrane

Which of the following substances would be most acidic?

stomach secretions, pH = 1

The ________ epithelium is found in the large pancreatic ducts.

stratified columnar

The ducts of sweat glands and mammary glands are covered by ________ epithelium.

stratified cuboidal

All of the following types of epithelium can be found where absorption or secretion takes place except

stratified squamous.

Describe the functions of the cytoskeleton. (Module 3.2C)

strengthens and supports the cells and enables movement of cellular structures and materials

What term means the fibrous supporting network formed of reticular fibers? (Module 4.11D)


When placed in water, an inorganic compound dissociates 99 percent, forming hydrogen ions and anions. This compound would be a

strong acid.

What three characteristics are used to describe multicellular exocrine glands? (Module 4.9A)

structure of the duct, shape of the secretory area, and relationship between the duct and secretory areas

Anatomy is to ________ as physiology is to ________.

structure; function

What are the reactants in an enzymatic reaction called? (Module 2.18A)


Microscopic examination of a tissue reveals a loose framework of fibers embedded in a large volume of fluid ground substance and adipocytes and mast cells. This tissue would most likely be

superficial fascia between skin and muscle.

Name the three layers of fascia and their types of connective tissue. (Module 4.15C)

superficial fascia consists of adipose and areolar tissue; deep fascia consists of dense regular tissue; and subserous fascia consists entirely of areolar tissue

A person is lying on the bed gazing at the ceiling. She is in the ________ position.


Damage to a joint cartilage is affecting which type of tissue?

supporting connective

Functions of epithelia include all of the following except

supporting muscle cells.

A dust particle floating on a water surface illustrates

surface tension.

What are the four indications of inflammation that occur following an injury? (Module 4.18B)

swelling, redness, heat, and pain

AB → A + B is to decomposition as A + B → AB is to


The reaction N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3 is an example of a(n)

synthesis reaction.

Amino acids are transferred to the ribosome to be incorporated into a growing polypeptide chain by


As each codon arrives at the active site of a ribosome, it attracts another molecule containing the anticodon. This molecule is called


During this phase of cell division, the chromosomes uncoil, the nuclear membrane forms, and cytokinesis occurs.


An example of a receptor in a negative feedback loop controlling body temperature would be

temperature sensors on the skin that detect a stimulus.

When a protein-releasing factor recognize a stop codon, the process is called


Which of the following is a result of convoluted coiling and folding that grants protein its final three-dimensional shape?

tertiary structure

The structure of RNA differs from DNA in that

the backbone of RNA contains ribose

If the concentration of sodium chloride in the interstitial fluid surrounding cells decreases and the concentration of other solutes remains constant,

the cells will swell.

What two factors limit the rate of facilitated diffusion across a plasma membrane? (Module 3.16B)

the concentration gradient of the substance and the number of carrier proteins

Identify the cell from which all the cells of your body are descendants. (Module 3.1B)

the fertilized ovum

What is human A&P? (Module 1.1A

the field of human anatomy and physiology

A high-energy bond in ATP is present between

the first and second, and the second and third, phosphate groups

The loose connective tissue component of a mucous membrane is called

the lamina propria.

The ER is connected to and continuous with what other organelle in the cell?

the nuclear envelope around the nucleus

What makes a connective tissue "loose" or "dense"? (Module 4.12A)

the packing or volume of fibers

Which one of the following best defines differentiation?

the process of gradual structural and functional specialization of daughter cells

Facilitated diffusion differs from ordinary diffusion in that

the rate of molecular movement is limited by the number of available carrier molecules.

Motile cilia cover the free surface of

the respiratory tract.

During mitosis, two daughter cells form, each of which has

the same number of chromosomes as the original cell.

All of the following are structures of the cardiovascular system, except

the spleen.

What is formula weight? (Module 2.7C)

the sum of the atomic weights of the elements making up an ionic compound

Which property of water helps keep body temperature stabilized?

thermal inertia

All of the following are correct about integral protein, except

they are bound to the inner surface of plasma membrane.

What is the most important function of carbohydrates? (Module 2.14A)

they are the primary energy source

The two major divisions of the ventral body cavity are the

thoracic and abdominopelvic.

Identify the body cavities of the trunk. (Module 1.22B)

thoracic cavity (which contains the pleural and pericardial cavities) and the abdominopelvic cavity (consisting of the peritoneal, abdominal, and pelvic cavities)

The muscle known as the diaphragm separates the ________ from the ________.

thoracic cavity; abdominopelvic cavity

The anatomical name for the pollex is the


The pyrimidine bases found in DNA are ________ and ________.

thymine; cytosine

Identify the various types of epithelial intercellular connections. (Module 4.4A)

tight junctions, adhesion belts, gap junctions, and desmosomes

The process of forming mRNA is called


What is the term for tRNA?

transfer ribonucleic acid

Identify the epithelium that lines the urinary bladder, and describe its unusual functional characteristic. (Module 4.6B)

transitional epithelium, allows for repeated stretching and recoiling back to its original shape

Which of the following structures would you use to get the best resolution when viewing a sample?

transmission electron microscope

Loose connective tissue functions in all of the following ways except

transporting substances throughout the body.

Which one of the following must be broken down to fatty acids and glycerol for use as an energy source?


Goblet cells are classified as

unicellular exocrine glands.

Which of the following is not considered an abdominopelvic region?

upper right

Elimination of excess water, salts, and waste products are functions of the ________ system.


Which of the following transport processes always requires metabolic energy?

vesicular transport

Hydrophilic molecules readily associate with

water molecules

In hydrolysis reactions, compounds react with

water, causing decomposition

Describe lipids in terms of their elemental composition and solubility in water. (Module 2.15A)

water-insoluble organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

Defense cells in blood are called

white blood cells

The three kinds of formed elements in blood are

white cells, red cells, and platelets.

The common term for the carpal region is the


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