ab psych ch. 2
The process of attachment typically begins between ____ of age.
6-12 months
Which part of the brain is most responsible for regulating our emotional experiences, expressions, and impulses?
Limbic system
Mike is having a very difficult time in school. Which gland would produce epinephrine in response to the stress he is experiencing?
Attachment theory considers crying (in an infant) to be a behavior that ____.
enhances relationships with the caregiver
Most often, adaptational failure is due to a(n) ____.
ongoing interaction between the individual and environment
The ____ gland oversees the body's regulatory functions by producing several hormones, including estrogen and testosterone.
individual differences in emotion _____ account for differing responses to a stressful environment
The windows of time during which environmental influences on development are enhanced are called ____.
sensitive periods
Cindy has recently been diagnosed with anorexia. From a biological perspective, which neurotransmitter plays a role in eating disorders?
The neurotransmitter implicated in regulatory problems, such as eating and sleep disorders, is ____.