Abraham Lincoln

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His Family

source: Biogrphy.com Direct Quote-Abraham Lincoln as born in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. The couple had two other children: Abraham's older sister Sarah and younger brother Thomas, who died in infancy. Paraphrase- Abraham's parents were Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. His sister was Sarah and his brother was Thomas, but he died soon after birth.

Farming and Work

source: Biogrphy.com Direct Quote-Young Lincoln eventually migrated to the small community of New Salem, Illinois where over a period of years he worked as a shopkeeper, postmaster, and eventually a general store owner. Paraphrase-His first couple of jobs were a shopkeeper, postmaster, and later a store owner.

inspiration to get into politics/William Herndon

source: bio Direct Quote: In 1844, Abraham Lincoln partnered with William Herndon in the practice of law. Paraphrase: Lincoln paired with a guy named William Herndon in 1844 to practice law.

assassination/The after math

source: bio Direct Quote: Lincoln was taken from the theater to a Peterson home across the street and laid in a coma for nine hours before dying the next morning. His body lay in state at the capitol before a funeral train took him back to his final resting place in Springfield, Illinois. Paraphrase: Abe died the next morning after being in a coma for 9 hours. He was then taken by a funeral train to Illinois where his final resting place was in Springfield.


source: bio Direct quote: -Honest Abe -The Great Emancipator Paraphrase: Abraham Lincoln has many nicknames but two of them stand out; one of them being Honest Abe, as well as TheGreat Emancipator.

his family/Mary Owens

source: bio Direct quote: About a year after the death of Anne Rutledge, Lincoln courted Mary Owens. Paraphrase: Lincoln began courting Mary Owens, and got engaged in 1840, but in 1841 broke off the engagement. A while later Abe met her again and they got married in 1842 on November 4.

Emancipation Proclamation/Aboloshing Slavery

source: bio direct Quote: Antietam on September 22, 1862, Abraham felt confident enough to reshape the cause of the war from "union" to abolishing slavery. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, which stated that all individuals who are held as slaves "henceforward shall be free." Paraphrase: Abraham Lincoln broadcasted the Emancipation Proclamation on the first of January 1863 which established that everyone who were slaves 'henceforward shall be free."

Farming and work/education

source: biography.com Direct Quote- It was while growing into manhood that he received his formal educations-- an estimated total of 18 months-- a few days or weeks at a time. Paraphrase- He had an education when he was a teenager that helped him learn to read and write. He spent about 18 months in school.

Presidency/Black Hawk War

source: biography.com Direct Quote- When the Black Hawk War broke out in 1832 between the United States and Native Americans, the volunteers in the area elected Lincoln to be their captain. Paraphrase- During 1832, when the Black Hawk War began, people nominated and elected Abr to be captain.


source: book Direct Quote- It was Sunday, February 12, 1809 a day that was to become famous in American history. Paraphrase- Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809.

Location of Birth

source: book Direct Quote- When he grew to manhood, Lincoln remembered nothing of Sinking Spring Farm, his birthplace on the South Fork of Nolin Creek, near Hodgenville, Kentucky. paraphrase- Abe was born in a small, one room cabin in Hodgenville, Kentucky.

presidency/Abes 272 words

source: ebsco Direct Quote: Abe Lincoln reminds us to make our lives count by filling the hours we have with what's worthy, kind, funny, and honorable. Paraphrase: He basically tells us to always act like the glass is half full.

Election/The oath of office

source: ebsco direct Quote: When Lincoln took the oath of office on March 4, 1861, he was confronted with a hostile confederacy determined to expand and threatening the remaining federal forts in the South, the most important of which was Fort Sumter in the Harbor of Charleston, S.C. Paraphrase: Lincoln took the oath of office on March 4, 1861.

2nd term/Beginning of the civil War

source: ebscohost.com Direct Quote: On Apr. 12, 1861 Fort Sumter was fired upon, and the civil War began. Paraphrase: Fort Sumter received fire on April 12, 1861, therefor, starting the beginning of the Civil War.

his family/Abrahams Family

source:bio Direct Quote: they met later, at a social function and eventually married on November 4, 1842. The couple had four children, of which only one, Robert, survived to adulthood. Paraphrase: Abrahams wife was Mary Owens and they had four children. Robert was the only one who lived to be an adult.


source:bio Direct quote: Before political battle had a chance to firmly develope, Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, by well-known actor and confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. Paraphrase:On April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth; this was a very sad day in history.

his family/Abe's 1st real love

source:biography.com Direct Quote: It was soon after this that he purportedtly met and became romantically involved with Anne Rutledge. Before they had a chance to be engaged, a wave of typhoid fever came over New Salem and Anne died at age 22. Her death was said to have left Lincoln severly depressed. Paraphrase: Lincoln soon met a lady named Anne Rutledge, who he was courting, but befor he was able to get engaged Anne was diagnosed with typhoid fever and died at age 22; this left Abe very depressed.

his family/thomas Remarries

source:ebsco Direct Quote: In 1819 his father married Sarah Bush Johnston, a kindly widow, who soon gained the boy's affection. Paraphrase: After Abe's mother died, Thomas, his dad, got remarried to a lady named Sarah Bush, who Lincoln soon adapted to.

assassination/lincoln Memorial

source:ebsco Direct Quote: Paintings, scupltures, and architechtural works memorializing Lincoln are legion, the most famous shrines are his home and tomb in Springfield, Ill., and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Paraphrase: Abe was honored after his death with the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

Election/A new republican

source:ebscohost.com Direct Quote: He had already realized that his sentiments were leading him away from the whigs and toward the new republican Party, and in 1856 he became a republican. Paraphrase: In 1856, he noticed that he was being lead towards the Republican Party by his sentiments and would no longerbe apart of the whigs.

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