AC311 Chapter 15
finance lease
A lease structured as an installment purchase is a _____ by the lessee
90% or more
_____ of the fair vale of the assets amounts to "substantially all" of the fair value
operating lease
a lease that is more true to the nature of a rental agreeement
contract in which an owner provides a user the right to use an asset in return for periodic cash payments over a period of time
sales type with no selling profit
deferred and expensed over the lease term by increasing the lease with receivables
operating lease
deferred and expensed over the lease term typically on a straight line basis
rental or purchase
depending on the nature of the leasing agreement a lease is accounted for as a ____
sales type lease with selling profit
expensed at the beginning of the lease
operating activity
for a sales type lease the lessor should report cash received on the lease as an
operating lease
in an ____ recording lease expense should reflect straight line rental of the the asset during the lease term
right of use asset
is amortized straight line unless the lessee's pattern of using the asset is different
must disclose its net investments in the lease
owner of the property
implicit rate
the effective interest rate of return the lease payments provide the lessor
sales type lease
the lessor records a lease receivable at the inception of the lease
incremental borrowing rate
the rate the lessee would expect to pay a bank if funds were borrowed to purchase the asset
user of the property
operating and finance
two basic lease classifications by a lessee are