ACE Sports Nutrition

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In what way(s) do products of fat digestion and fat-soluble vitamins move from the digestive system into circulation?

- Carried on adipocytes into the bloodstream - Active diffusion using a carrier protein called lipoprotein lipase - transported by chylomicrons through lymphatic system

In addition to serving as an energy storage site, what other functions does adipose tissue serve?

- insulates the body - protects bones -produces hormones

Essential functions of carbohydrates

- provide fuel for brain function - Provide flavor to foods - Enhance protein sparing - Improve cholesterol levels

What are the best factors to consider when evaluating the quality of a carbohydrate?

1. Effect on blood glucose levels 2. Nutrient density 3. Extent of processing

Which of these pediatric athletes is at the highest risk of not consuming adequate calories? A. 10 y/o point guard B. 10 y/o gymnast C. 9 y/o quarterback D. 12 y/o soccer player

10 y/o gymnast

What is recommended daily fiber intake for a 7-y/o child? A. 7g B. 20 g C. 10g D. 12g


According to the recommended dietary allowance, what is the minimum amount of carbohydrate that should be consumed each day? A. 500 g/day B. 325 g/day C. 130 g/day D. 225 g/day

130 g/day

Which of the following best describes the chemical structure of a triglyceride?

3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone

Approximately how much stored adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy is available in the muscle for immediate use?

3 seconds worth

A shot putter would like to gain approximately 1 pound of muscle mass per week. In addition to participating in resistance training, approximately how many additional calories per day would you recommend that the athlete consume?

300 to 500 calories

A nutrition label indicates that a serving of the products is 16 chips. Calories listed on the label are 140. If a person consumes 40 chips, how many calories were consumed?

350 calories

What is the average height gain during peak growth velocity that occurs during early adolescence?

4 inches per year

According to the MyPlate recommendations, what percentage of dietary intake should come from fruits and vegetables? A. 50% B. 40% C. 25 % D. 30%


How many sites does the U.S. Olympic Committee recommend using when skinfold measures are utilized to assess body composition?


Consumption of which of the following foods would meet the adequate intake for omega-3 fatty acid consumption in a week? A. 2tbsp of canola Oil B. 1/2 cup of walnuts C. 8 0z salmon D. 2 tbsp olive oil

8 oz salmon

Which of the following athletes would be considered underweight? A. 150 m shortstop BMI 18.5 B. 120 f volleyball BMI 16 C. 140 m ice skater with body fat 15% D. 90 f gymnast BMI 19

A 120-lb female volleyball player with a BMI of 16

Which of the following clients should not be advised to use a low-carbohydrate diets as a means of weight loss?

A client on dialysis

How are excess fat-soluble vitamins excreted? A. Through feces B. through Urine C. Through sweat D. Through respiration

A. Through feces

Which diagnostic criterion for anorexia nervosa is specified in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5)?

Absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles

Which type of illness is characterized by a sudden onset but is usually time-limited?

Acute illness

Vegetarian athletes commonly find it difficult to consume enough calories to meet energy demands. Which of the following strategies would you suggest to a vegetarian athlete who is having difficulty meeting energy needs?

Add snacks that include dried fruit, seeds, nuts, or avocado between meals

What type of energy is produced when glucose is broken down?

Adenosine triphosphate

When providing recommendations to the general public regarding the consumption of vitamins, is an estimated average requirement (EAR) cannot be established, which amount is recommended? A. Upper level (UL) B. Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) C. Adequate intake (AI) D. Dietary reference intake (DRI)

Adequate intake (AI)

What immediate treatment should be provided to a client who experiences anaphylactic shock after consuming a food allergen?

Administer epinephrine via an EpiPen and transport as needed

What is the predominant energy system utilized by endurance athletes?

Aerobic system

What factors are takin into consideration when estimating BMI in children?

Age and sex-appropriate growth rates

Why might vegan athletes need to consider eating algae or consulting a physician about supplement?

Algae and seaweed are the only plant sources of the essential fatty acids docosahexaenioc acid and eicosapentaenoic acid

What substance combine in long chains to form proteins? A. Micelles B. Amino Acids C. Glucose D. Trypsin

Amino Acids

research indicates the benefit of consuming low glycemic index foods prior to an exercise session is:

An increase in fatty acid oxidation, and therefore glucose sparing

Which of the following is a 10-step process that converts pyruvate to ATP and lactic acid?

Anaerobic respiration

Which of the following statements correctly describes weight trends among the general population?

Approx 2/3 of the adult population has overweight or obesity versus only 30% of children, indicating that over time the normal trend is weight gain

How many meals a week must be composed of non-meat alternatives if you are following a flexitarian or vegetarian-inclined diet?

At least four meals per week

Which class of vitamins is particularly important to endurance athletes due to the role they play in the body's ability to convert food into usable energy?

B vitamins

Which of the following foods contains gluten?


Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which a mineral can be absorbed and used by the body? A. Cofactor content B. Bioavailability C. Macromineral content D. Functional Quotient


Which criteria would be used to classify a patient as having stage 1 hypertension?

Blood pressure greater than or equal to 130/80 mmHg

What causes pregnancy-induced anemia?

Blood volume increases more quickly than red blood cells can be produced

Which of the following food would be considered a low-glycemic index choice? A. Broccoli B. Applesauce C. Baked Potato D. Steamed Rice


In what key way do brown fat cells differ from white fat cells?

Brown fat is more metabolically active and tends to consume energy

What is the most commonly used supplement among endurance athletes?


Which type of protein releases amino acids over a period of several hours due to the way it is transported and digested? A. Whey B. Soy C. Leucine D. Casein


Which of the following foods when combined with an iron-rich food would enhance the absorption of iron present in the foods consumed? A. Coffee B. Citrus foods, such as oranges or lemons C. Milk D. Whole grain

Citrus foods, such as oranges or lemons

In addition to weight loss, gastrointestinal complaints, absence of a medical or mood disorder, excessive fear of becoming obese and caloric restriction of less than 1,200 caloires per day, which of the following characteristics would lead to a diagnosis of anorexia athletica?

Compulsive exercise

Which method of cooling becomes ineffective when the relative humidity is very high?


Which of the following strategies would help an thlete maximize carbohydrate absorption?

Consumption of carbohydrates that contain two different saccharides

Which of the following situations is an example of lack of relevance for the use of a Nutrional supplement?

Creatine supplementation in a cross-country runner

Which of the following pts would you consider to be most at risk for developing CVD? A. 44y/o construction work who has HBP B. 45 y/o Kinder teacher, nother of 2 w/ Obesity, has begun walking 30 min/day, tried to eat fish 2/wk, and limits her saturated fat intake C. 60y/o grandmother who likes to garden and has type 2 diabetes D. 20y/o male college student with overweight, smokes, high cholesterol, and lost his father to a myocardial infarction at the age of 45

D. 20y/o male college student with overweight, smokes, high cholesterol, and lost his father to a myocardial infarction at the age of 45

Which of the following actions could be considered outside the scope of practice of an allied health professional?

Diagnosing vitamin or nutrient deficiencies based on data collected during a nutrition assessment

Which piece of information provided to the public represents the overall nutrition reference value for specific nutrients? A. Estimated average requirement (EAR) B. Dietary reference intake (DRI) C. Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) D. Tolerable upper intake level (UL)

Dietary reference intake (DRI)

At which of the following times would an athlete be most at risk for illness due to a lowered immune response?

During the taper period just prior to a major competition

To where do the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH) that are produced following the citric cycle move to have their hydrogen atoms stripped?

Electron Transport Chain

Which of the following is a severe, possibly fatal, complication of hyponatremia?


Which structure keeps food in the digestive system and prevents it from moving into the trachea? A. Pyloric sphincter B. Pharynx C. Glottis D. Epiglottis


a 17 y/o high school football player is searching for a supplement to increase his cardiovascular endurance and improve overall muscluar strength and performance. What type of supplement is he seeking?

Ergogenic acid

Which term refers to a state of water balance in which fluid intake is basically equal to fluid loss?


How does the body manage carbohydrate consumption that exceeds it shirt-term storage capabilities?

Excess carbohydrates are converted to fat for long-term storage

An athlete with no known food allergies notes itching, light-headedness, hives, and symptoms of anaphylaxis after consuming salad with scallops, celery, tomatoes, and cheese approximately 3 hours before a long run. The athlete notes that he has eaten all of these foods many times in the past. What condition might you suspect?

Exercise-induced food allergy

Which weight cycling strategy focuses on creating weight loss from exposure to heat and increasing exercise levels?

Facilitated thermoregulation

which of the following nutrients can be easily manipulated to provide the biggest adjustment in caloric intake if young athletes?


In what way does fat consumption lead to reduced food consumption in a person who regulates his or her food intake based on physiological cues?

Fat consumption stimulates release of hormones that results in increased blood sugar uptake.

Which of the following factors may decrease the risk of the development of cardiovascular disease in people with obesity?

Fitness levels

Which vitamin supplement is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for all women of childbearing age? A. Pyridoxine B. Vitamin A C. Folate D. Vitamin B12


Which vitamin should be supplemented prior to conception and during the 1st trimester to decrease risk of neural tub defects such as spina bifida?

Folic acid

Which type of fiber is defined as an isolated natural and synthetic nondigestible fiber that is associated with health benefits such as weight loss, decreased cholesterol and colon cancer prevention? A. low viscosity fiber B. high viscosity fiber C. Dietary fiber D. Functional fiber

Functional Fiber

which hormone stimulates feelings of hunger when the stomach is empty?


Which protein, when consumed by a patient with celiac disease, triggers an autoimmune response?


Which types of amino acids can be used for energy production during catabolic processes? A. Glucogenic and ketogenic B. Transaminated and glucogenic C. Deaminated and proteolytic D. Dipeptides and tripeptides

Glucogenic and ketogenic

An allied health professional may use which of the following tools, characterized by a systemic review of a patients health history and risk factors, to determine whether a referral is needed to a dietitian, physician, or mental health professional?

Health Screening

A client indicates that she has calculated her own BMI using an online calculator. She reports that the calculator indicated her BMI is 21.2. What recommendation should be given to this patient based solely on this BMI score?

Her BMI is in the normal range. She should continue to focus on sound diet and exercise habits.

which of the following food selections will provide older adults with the benefits of glycemic control, gastric motility, and reduced low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol

High-fiber fruits and vegetables

Why are cellulose and other fiber essentially indigestible in the human digestive system?

Humans lack the enzymes necessary to break the glycosidic bonds in these polysaccharides

Which part of the brain is responsible for regulating body temperature?


Where does aerobic respiration occur?

In the mitochondria of the working cells

Why are athletes at high altitudes at an increased risk of dehydration?

Increased diuresus and high respiratory fluid loss

which action best characterizes immunanutritional support?

Increasing carbohydrate intake to decrease blood cortisol and cytokine levels

Which of the following must be included on the packaging of a dietary supplement?

Ingredient label with name and quantity of each ingredient

Due to the high demands on the body imposed by sport activities, which mineral may need to be supplemented in athletes as it plays a key role in oxygen uptake and transport to working tissues?


What is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world? A. Osteopenia B. Pellagra C. neural tube defects D. Iron-deficiency anemia

Iron-deficiency anemia

Which of the following athletes might benefit the most from carbohydrate loading prior to an event? A. ironman triathlete B. 1,600-meter swimmer C. sprinter D. 10k runner

Ironman triathlete

Why is consumption of a well-balanced diet preferable to consumption of a variety of supplements?

It is unlikely that over- or under-consumption of key vitamins and minerals will occur with a wall-balanced diet

Which carrier protein is primarily responsible for transporting cholesterol in the bloodstream to body cells? A. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) B. very LDL C. Chylomicrons D. HDL


Which frequency/duration meets the criteria for subthreshold bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder?

Less than once a week and/or fewer than 3 months in duration

Which of the following athletes might benefit from a high power-to-weight ratio?

Long distance cyclist

To maintain an adequate breast milk supply, what steps should lactating athletes take?

Maintain adequate hydration and consumption of fluids during training

Which of the following athletes is at the greatest risk for compromised growth potential due to intense physical training during childhood? A. female tennis player B. female swimmer C. Male wrestler D. Male gymnast

Male gymnast

What factor limits the impact of carbohydrates consumed during endurance exercise on performance?

Maximum ability to digest and absorb carbohydrates being consumed

Which of the following methods is the simplest way for an athlete to estimate baseline euhydration state?

Measure body weight after first urine void averaged for 3 days for males and 7 days for females

Which of the following measures have recently been taken by the NACA to reduce the negative impacts of weight reduction tatics that cause dehydration in wrestlers?

Measurement of specific gravity of urine at weigh-in

Which of the following athletes is most likely to take advantage of all of the energy systems based on the power, intensity, and duration required by the sport? A. shot putter B. middle distance runner C. Marathon runner D. power lifter

Middle distance runner

which of the following best describes the change in the demographic presentation of patients with eating disorders?

More males and minorities are being diagnosed with eating disorders in recent years

In what organ does protein digestion begin? A. Mouth B. large intestine C. small intestine D. Stomach


Why should consumers exercise caution when purchasing any product that claims to boost muscle mass?

Muscle-building products are often intentionally contaminated with anabolic steroids

A minor league baseball player wishes to take protein supplement to enhance his recovery after workouts. What seal should he look for on the product label that would indicate the product had been screened by an independent organization for banned substances?

NSF seal

What state occurs when calories consumed is roughly equal to calories expended?

Neutral energy balance

A 30 y/o female complains of significant distress and depression. She recounts that several nights each week she awakes from sleep and consumes a large number of empty calories. The patient is otherwise healthy and does not abuse other substances. Which condition might you suspect?

Night-eating syndrome

Which of the following foods will be broken down and absirbed most quickly for use during exercise? A. Cheese B. OJ C. Tuna D. Apple and PB


Which of the following is an example of a complex Carbohydrate? A. Glucose B. Oligosaccharide C. Monosaccharide D. Disaccharide


Which of the following nutrients is currently being investigated for its anti-inflammatory effects and role in improving the healing process following an injury?

Omega-6 fatty acids

When participating in a weight loss program, how often should a client monitor his or her weight to improve success rates?

Once a week

An athlete reports that she experienced an itchy, tingling sensation in her mouth, lips, and throat and mild swelling of her tongue after consuming some kiwi fruit. She says that she also started sneezing and her nose started running, so her symptoms may just be a cold. She states that she has ttied kiwi once before and did not have any symptoms. She denies any food allergies and notes only mild hay fever. what do you expect?

Oral allergy syndrome

Consumption of which of the following foods in conjunction with an iron-rich plant food will improve the amount of iron the body is able to absorb?

Orange Juice

Which of the following ingredients on a food label would indicate that the product contains trans fat? A. Canola oil B. coconut oil C. unsaturated sunflower oil D. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil

Which proteolytic enzyme found in the small intestine is presponsible for breaking protein down into individual amino acids or chains of 2-3 amino acids? A. Leptin B. Pepsin C. Gastrin D. Trypsin


what wave-like motion is responsible for the movement of food products through the digestive system? A. Peristalsis B. Fermentation C. Brush border motion D. Gastric Emptying


Which portion of the circulatory system moves nutrients directly from their absoprtion in the small intestine to the liver for distribution to the rest of the body? A. lymphatic circulation B. Hepatic circulation C. Portal circulation D. Intervilli circulation

Portal circulation

Which of the following would indicate that an athlete was appropriately hydrated during exercise?

Pre- and post-exercise body weight are the same

What is the "all or none"" principle as it relates to birth defects?

Prenatal vitamins must be taken consistently for at least 6 months prior to conception to guarantee no birth defects are identified

Which category of food is regulated by many of the laws contained in the 2013 Food Safety Modernization Act? A. Produce B. Meat C. Organic D. Dairy


Which weight-loss medication may result in a decrease in blood pressure and diabetes risk but could be dangerous for pregnant women because it may increase heart rate and chances for birth defects?


An allied health-care provider wishes to share information about a client with the primary care physician to which the client has been referred. The client refuses to sign a HIPAA release. What actions should be taken by the allied health provider?

Recommend that the client see his or her primary care physician and arrange follow-up care based on guidelines provided by the physician.

Prior to beginning an exercise program, what type of professional should an athlete with diabetes meet with to construct a nutrition plan that merges effectively with his or her exercise protocol.

Registered dietitian or certified diabetes educator

What is one of the primary treatments of a foodborne illness regardless of the cause? A. isolation to avoid transmission to others B. induction of vomiting C. Rehydration D. Antibiotic therapy


Which condition is often associated with severe dehydration and occurs when skeletal muscle begins to break down and is released into the bloodstream, sometimes resulting in kidney failure?


An athlete with whom you are wokrking with relates that during her last marathon she "hit the wall and bonked" at the 10-mile mark. What caused this sensation to occur?

She experienced extreme fatgue, as her glycogen stores were severely depleted

What form of denatured protein can be absorbed in the epithelial cells of the small intestine? A. only short chain polypeptides B. single amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides C. Only single amino acids' D. Tripeptides and polypeptides

Single amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides

A yogurt product makes an on-label claim that it helps to build strong bones and teeth. What is this type of advertising called? A. Market-based research claim B. Structure-function claim C. health-benefit marketing D. Qualified health claim

Strucutre-function claim

Which of the following simple sugars is formed by combining a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule? A. Galactose B. Sucrose C. Lactose D. Maltose


What is typically the first sign of underlying CVD in asymptomatic athletes?

Sudden cardiac arrest

Which of the following best described that role of the allied health provider with regard to nutritional supplements?

The allied health provider should not recommend or endorse a specific product but should provide guidance to athletes who may be evaluating nutritional supplements

An allied health-care provider is worried that an athlete with whom she is working is suffering from iron depletion and possibly anemia. What recommendation should she make to the athlete?

The athlete should be referred to her primary care physician for evaluation

The athletic training staff is concerned that one of the senior members of the women's swim team is exhibiting behaviors that are consistent with an eating disorder. Which of the following health professionals would be the best person to confront this athlete?

The athletic trainer who has worked with this athlete and her team for the past 4 years

What information does a country of origin label (COOL) provide to consumers?

The country in which the product originated

An athlete is participating in a 10k that starts at 8am. When would be the most advantageous time for this athlete to consume his pre-event snack?

The night before, just before going to bed.

What is protein bioavailability?

The rate at which a protein is digested

Why is it important to make sure that athletes and coaches are better educated about hyponatremia?

The signs of hyponatremia and dehydration are very similar and often people suffering from hyponatremia may think they are dehydrated and consume additional fluids

What process is utilized by the FDA before new supplements are permitted to be placed on the market?

The supplement manufacturer must notify the FDA a minimum of 75 days prior to release and must attest that there are no significant health risks associated with the product

What are frequent serial body composition measurements not recommended?

There is a high margin and body composition changes occur slowly

Why are soy-based food products considered to be heart healthy?

They tend to be low in saturated fats

What is the purpose of the Dietary Guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?

To provide a foundation for which people can develop healthy eating plans

What is the purpose of the MyPlate icon?

To simplify the governments nutrition into an easy-to-understand format

Why do women have higher essential body fat requirements than males?

To support reproductive functions like menstruation and lactation

The process in which the nonessential amino acid is formed by transfer of a nitrogen group from one amino acid to another compound is described by which of the following terms? A. Catabolism B. transamination C. Proteolysis D. Denatuation


Which type of diabetes is characterized by the cells' decreased ability to respond to normally produced insulin, resulting in increased insulin production

Type 2 diabetes

Which emerging imaging technique that is used over current skinfold measurement sites may be used in the future to predict overall body composition and site-specific composition changes?


How can an athlete tell is he or she euhydrated prior to exercise?

Urine is the color of weak lemonade

Which of the following tests is the best indicator of aerobic endurance?


Which of the following food choices could be consumed by a lacto-ovo vegetarian but not by a vegan? A. veggie pizza B. grilled portbello shroom on mixed greens C. hummus and veg stick D. rice and black beans

Veggie Pizza

Which vitamin plays a key role in the breakdown of glycogen to glucose? A. Vitamin B6 B. Vitamin C C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B6

You are working with athlete who has celiac disease. Which of the following should you monitor for closely?

Vitamin deficiencies

At what point does the body rely on the breakdown of protein for energy?

When muscle glycogen stores become depleted and no carbohydrates are ingested

What does research indicate is the key to a successful diet plan in maintaining weight loss?

Whether or not the person can stick to the diet

An athlete is considering taking a calcium carbonate supplement. When should the athlete take this supplement to provide the best possible absorption? A. As soon as she wakes up B. Right before she goes to bed C. With food D. with OJ, as the vitamin C enhances absorption

With Food

When should the first post-exercise recovery snack by consumed?

Within 30 minutes following completion of the exercise session

In what stage of pregnancy are food cravings most common?

Within the first 2 weeks after conception

If an athlete chooses to participate in carbohydrate loading in preparation for an event, how should training be adjusted in the days leading up to the event?

Workouts should be tapered so as not to deplete glycogen stores

An athlete seeks guidance on vitamin and mineral supplementation. Which of the following responses is most consistent with the current research?

a multivitamin and mineral supplement daily is associated with decreased risk of chronic disease

What us the only stimulant that is not banned by the World anti-Doping Association (WADA)?


If an athlete chooses to adopt a gluten-free diet improve performance and minimize gastrointestinal distress, what nutrient must be carefully planned into the diet in adequate amounts?


Which of the following athletes might see the most benefit from carbohydrate loading in the days before a competition A. College soccer player B. Olympic Sprinter C. Elite 5k runner D. rec flag football player

college soccer player

Which of the following tips might help a person who tends to overeat recognize the body's cues of hunger and satiety? A. eat slowly and remove distractions like television or cell phone B. use a smaller plate C. Drink water instead of a sugary drink with meals D. Exercises immediately following a meal

eat slowly and remove distractions like television or cell phone

Which condition is characterized by an elevated water-to-sodium ratio in the blood, which can result in encephalopathy? A. Hyponatremia B. Dehydration C. sodium deficient anemia D. heatstroke


how dies ulcerative colitis differ from Crohn's disease?

it is limited to the colon and rectum

Which of the following factors plays a key role in determining the rate and extent of fluid loss as well as the ability to maintain ideal core temperature in various environmental conditions?

level of acclimatization

Which condition is often commonly called "bigorexia" or "reverse anorexia"

muscle dysmorphic disorder

Which type of lipid is water soluble at one end and water insoluble at the other end? A. Eicosanoid B. Triglyceride C. trans fat D. Phospholipid


What is the primry benefit associated with consumption of protein before and during exercise for athletes who do not consume adequate carbohydrates or a person attempting to lose weight by restricting calories?

preservation of lean muscle tissue and burning of fat tissue for energy

What is the overall recommendation for fat intake for endurance athletes?

recommendation is the same as that for the general public

Which allied health professional is best prepared to provide and individualized assessment of nutritional status and unique nutritional needs?

registered dietition

What storage form of fat is released as fatty acids that can be broken down to ATP through beta oxidation? A. glycogen B. Triacylglycerols C. Glycerol D. Adipocytes


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