Acient Greece
What is direct democracy? Which Greek city-states used direct democracy?
A political system in which ceitizens participate directly in the decision- making is direct democracy.
Which were characteristics of Alexander the Great's empire? Select all that apply.
Alexandria, Egypt became a center for learning. Greece was unified under one ruler.
Whp united ancient Greece and built a very famus extensive empire
Alxer the great
To which continents did Alexander the Greats empire expand
Asia, Europe, and Africa
What city - states joined together to defeat the Persians?
Atheniaens - Battle of Marathon (First Persian War). Spartans battle of thermopylae ( 2 Persian War)
What were the causes of the Peloponnesian War?
Athens placed a trade ban on Megara, a member of the Peloponnesian League and allies. This causes conflict between Sparta and allies with Athens and allies. Both sides prepared for war.
What were colonies? What was the purpose of haveing coloines?
Colonies give recources to people.
Why did direct democracy work in ancient Athens?
Direct Damoracy tends to work in places that are smaller populations
What are the diffrences betweem direct demoracy and reprsented demoracy?
Direct democracy are all the citens could get togther and vote. Represent democracy provied recores ro countries.
in what types of places is diircet democracy more likey to work? In other words, why wouldn't or couldn't the United States use direct democracy?
Direct democracy is most practicable in small areas asd communities whereas the US is too large in area where citizens live too far apart and no buildings could assemble our large population of of citizens.
Which of the following is one of the promises made by doctors in the Hippocratic oath?
Doctors will ask their patients questions and make observations.
The most likely reason why an acient Greek might worship more than one god is that
Each god offerd help in diffrent areas
what was an Ephor? Which city state had Ephors? How do Ephors demonstrate characteristics of democracy?
Ephors could remocve kings who broke the law
what were the characteristics of ancient Greek literature?
Epic poems reflected the belief that the Gods controlled humans' live Lyric poetry was sung about topics like war, politics, and emotions. Comedies told about violent conflict and heroes' downfalls in battle.
What is a oligarch?
Government in which a small group of people rule.
Why was Alexandria a perfect location for the exchange of products, ideas, and new technology?
Great for trade, and people to come toghter in Eurpe, Africs, and Asia
What negative effect did the Peloponesian war have on greece
Greece faught argent Ethor.
The most important long term impact of Socrates was
His promotion of critical thinking and reason
Who was considered to be a citizen ancient Athens? What could citizens do in ancient Athens
In Athens all adults, males who were not slaves or foreigners were citizens. Citizns could vote in the assembly and act as Jurrors to hear evidence and decided a court case
Why was the Great Library of Alexandria important?
It attracted brilliant scholars from around the ancient world.
what was the primary purpose of the Olympic games?
It was a religious event where Zeus was honored.
what about Euclid
Known as the father of geomerty
what was the purpose of the persian war? Who fought in it
Persia conquerd the greek aonian city state who rebel agienst Darius the king of perisan with the assistance of the Athenians. Darius is angered by this and sets out to conquer all of Greece
The Victory Athens over Persia at Marathon was surprising
Persia was a much larger pwer than Athens
Name two inportant characterisitics of Sparta's government?
Sparta's government was run by oligarchs. they were fearful of a democratic government like Athens.
on a given day how were Spartan boys most likey to spend their time
Spear throwing
In which area did Sparta differ most from Athens
The citys economic basis
what were the effects of the Peloponnesian War?
The conflict lasted for 27 years with no winner and ended in a truce. Later Sparta with Persian money built a strong navey do defeat the Athenian Navy. Athens was forced to surender in 404 bce. Athens power never fully recovered after that.
What effect did mountains have on the relationship among Greek city - states?
The fertile land for crops was only in the valleys and plains between mountain ranges where communities could develop. This lead to the isolation of the city- states and hinderded unification under a single government
wjo fought th eperisan war? who won
The greecs fought in the war and the perisan won.
Which geographic feature played the largest role in creating independent greek city states
The mountains prevented city states from interacting
How did greece's physical features contrubute to independet city states
The mountines in the sea keep seperate in the city states. It was diffacult
Which best illustrates the Socratic method?
The teacher asks a series of questions and the students discuss them.
Why did metics not have the full rights of citizens
They were foreigners
What is the purpose of a colony?
To excape crowding and lack of land to provide new homes and land for farming and/or port for trading.
What is a fablr? what is the purpose of the fables?
To teach a lesson
what statements can be used as evidence that ancient Greek beliefs and art has been influential?
We read fables as children to learn moral lessons. The columns of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. provide balance and harmony. Comedies and dramas are popular types of theater on Broadway.
What is a Ephor
an elected member of the Spartan government that was responsible for day to day operations. They had the power to remove a king who broke Spartan law.
How did the ancint Greeks addres overpopulation
conquering neighboring city - states and forcing them to provide food, etc. to the conqueror. Migration and colonization of new lands
Desdcribe what life was like for cildren in Sparta? How was life diffrent for boys and girls
for sparta, boys in Sparta were expeted to obey the rules. Boys in Athens boys were expeted to learn math, do jim and listen to music
in the Greek city-state goverments voting was open to
free men born in that city state
Describe Athenian democracy. what were the parts of the goverment? Who was considered to be citizens? Who could vote
irect Demoracy Assembly councill and courts were free adult Atheain women slave people and Forgenniers
what about Herodotus
known as the father of history
what was a key good tha tAthens traded with other city states
olive oil
Which principle do modern democracies share ancient Athens
people should have a voice in goverment
what about Aristotle
sought knowledge through observation
Which was the most important lasting impact of Alexander's conquests?
the spread of Greek ideas around the ancient world.
what is the evidence that ancient Greece was polytheistic?
they had many gods and goddesses.
In what city state did women have the most freedom
they had there most freedom in sparta
why did the greeks hold the olympic games
to honer Zueze