Acts - Interactive Questions

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What are two reasons Ananias and Sapphira were punished so severely?

First, God controls the timing of judgement for sin and may move it up as He wishes. Second, it was important that the Christians' credibility not be compromised.

For how long had the underlying causes that produced the Jerusalem Council been building?

For twenty years

Out of these thirteen times of trouble, how many times did God provide deliverance?

Four times

In 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, how does Paul state the fulfillment of the Feast of Unleavened Bread by portraying its significance for the cleansing of the Christian life?

Get rid of the old yeast of malice and wickedness. Celebrate the Festival with unyeasted bread of sincerity and truth.

In what two ways did God glorify Jesus?

God glorified Jesus by (1) raising Jesus from the dead and by continuing to (2) do miracles in Jesus' name.

What does Peter's sermon in Acts 3:17-26 tell us about the heart of God?

God's heart is willing to forgive even the worst sinners.

What does fire symbolize in relation to God?

God's presence (Exodus 3:2), judgment, and purification (Luke 3:16-17).

A first-century person called a God-fearer was what?

God-fearer was a technical term that described a Gentile attracted to Judaism. God-fearers had already become Jews in their hearts but had not yet completed the conversion physically.

How did Stephen try to connect with his listeners and show he was a good Jew?

He called them "brothers and fathers."

What does this reveal about Stephen's attitude toward the Sanhedrin?

He did not hate them, but forgave them.

What was significant about Peter's bold stand?

He had only recently denied Jesus. Now the Holy Spirit gave him power to stand fearlessly.

What did Apollos' teaching and personal life lack?

He knew only about the baptism of John, not of baptism in the name of Jesus or in the Holy Spirit.

What two philosophical groups did Paul meet in Athens, and what was their opinion of him?

He met the (1) Epicureans and the (2) Stoics. They said, "What is this babbler trying to say? and " He seems to be advocating foreign gods."

In what two places did Paul first minister in Anthens?

He spoke at the synagogue and in the market place.

About what two sources of attack did Paul warn the Ephesian elders?

He warned of (1) "savage wolves," as in false teachers, who would come in to prey on the flock and (2) members of the flock itself who would arise with false teaching.

Why was Stephen arrested and put on trial?

He was charged with speaking against the Law and the Temple.

What happened when Peter and John reached out and touched the beggar?

He was healed.

What New Testament book wrestles with the same concepts that are reflected in Stephen's preaching?


What were some of the implications of faith in Christ that Stephen was first to recognize?

If salvation is by grace rather than by bondage to works, what are we still doing participating in a lifestyle celebrating a covenant with God based on the Law? Why were they still worshiping in the temple and looking to priests to mediate the relationship with God when believers are all priests unto God? Sacrifices are not longer necessary because the perfect sacrifice had come.

Contrast the response to the gospel in the cities of Thessolonica, Berea, and Athens.

In Thessolonica, some responded positively, but others were jealous and stirred up a riot forcing Paul to leave. They even sent people to Berea to stir up people there against the missionaries. In Berea, the Jews nobly received the word with great eagerness. They tested what Paul said against the Scriptures. Many believed. In Athens, some mocked and others wanted to hear more, but a few believed.

Give an example from Acts 1 when Peter turned to God's Word for guidance.

In deciding to replace Judas, Peter turned to the Book of Psalms.

In what three locations did Paul teach in Ephesus?

In the synagogue, in the lecture hall of Tyrannus, and from house to house.

Had the eunuch continued reading his scroll until he came to Isaiah 56:3-8, how would his joy have been even greater?

Isaiah 56:3-8 promises that God would draw the foreigner and the eunuch to himself. With these wonderful promises, the eunuch could look with joy toward the time of fulfillment, when he would be no longer an alien but a fellow citizen.

How does praying in tongues benefit the individual?

It builds the believer up, or edifies him or her.

Why was it important for people to see Jesus' twelve disciples standing together?

It gave strength and credibility to what Peter said.

Is Philip's casting out of evil spirits the first mention of exorcism in Acts? If not, locate a previous example.

It is not the first time. A previous example can be found in Acts 5:16.

Which would seem to make more sense when considering whether it was safe to sail, to listen to the pilot and owner or to a prisoner?

It seemed logical to listen to those with experience at sea and with the most at stake materially.

How does wind symbolize the work of the Spirit?

It symbolizes the bringing of new life.

How did the second missionary journey get started?

It was Paul's idea, a logical next step to follow up on the churches started on the first journey.

What spurred the Thessalonians to reject the gospel?


On which location does the first part of Acts focus? Where does Acts next focus? By the end of Acts, where is the geographic focus?

Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria; and the whole earth

Who baptizes believers in the Spirit?


What four restrictions were placed on the Gentile believers?

"Abstain from food sacrificed by idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality" (Acts 15:29).

Memorize the prophecy in Joel 2:28-29

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and woman, I will pour out my Spirit in those days."

In sharing his prospects for the future, what two statements did Paul make that show he anticipated difficult days ahead?

"And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me tat prison and hardships are facing me" (Acts 20:22-23). "Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom will ever see me again" (Acts 20:25).

What were the names of some in Athens who believed?

"Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, also a woman named Damaris, and a number of others" (Acts 17:34).

What phrase in Acts 4:8 suggest the source of Peter's assurance and wisdom on this occasion?

"Filled with the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit gave Peter power to witness in spite of danger.

What statement of Stephen shows he died consciously following the Lord in His death?

"Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit" and "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."

What statement made by the apostles in Acts 1 shows they still hoped Jesus would establish an earthly kingdom right away?

"Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6)

What specific event led to the Jerusalem Council?

"Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: 'Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved'" (Acts 15:1)

What two commands and one promise did Peter give those who wished to know what to do when his sermon ended?

(1) "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." (2) "And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38)

Locate four times the words "sign and wonders" have already been used together in Acts 2 and 4.

(1) Acts 2:19, (2) Acts 2:22, (3) Acts 2:43, and (4) 4:30

What six principles for overcoming difficulties in ministry?

(1) Don't give up when you meet resistance. (2) Keep a good attitude. (3) Be adaptable. (4) Be prepared for the worst battles after the greatest victories. (5) Fight the good fight. (6) Look at what God is accomplishing in and through you.

What are three ways to organize the Books of Acts?

(1) Geographically, (2) by the ministries of Peter and Paul, and (3) by the messages and their speakers.

What characteristics did Luke give of the man to whom the angel of the Lord sent Philip in Acts 8:27-28?

(1) He was an Ethiopian; (2) He was a eunuch, castrated or born with physical defects; (3) He was the treasurer of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians; (4) He had gone as a pilgrim to Jerusalem; (5) He was reading from the Book of Isaiah.

What are seven principles of missions activity found in Acts 13:4-12?

(1) Missionary work is a team effort. (2) Start with the familiar. (3) Start in the logical place. (4) Extend your reach. (5) Expect opposition. (6) Be full of the Spirit. (7) When the gospel is faithfully preached in truth and power, people will believe on the Lord.

What are the four attitudes and disciplines individuals or churches can practice to prepare for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

(1) Obedience, (2) unity, (3) prayer, and the (4) study and application of God's Word.

What three historical dates help determin when Luke wrote Acts?

(1) Paul's imprisonment in Rome (AD 60-63) was included in Acts, so Luke must have written after Paul's imprisonment. (2) The burning of Rome in AD 64 is not mentioned, indicating Luke wrote before AD 64. (3) Jerusalem's destruction in AD 70 is not mentioned, so Acts was written before that time. Luke wrote Acts around AD 63.

The conversion of what two groups added to the rigid conservatism regarding requirements for Gentile believers?

(1) Priests (Acts 6:7) and (2) Pharisees (Acts 15:5)

What are thirteen marks of biblical church according to Acts 2:37-47?

(1) Repentance, (2) baptism, (3) receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, (4) devotion to doctrine, (5) devotion to fellowship, (6) devotion to breaking bread or communion, (7) devotion to prayer, (8) signs and wonders, (9) generosity, (10) public gathering for worship, (11) glad meal times, (12) favor with people, and (13) growth.

Acts 14:22-23 lists four ways Paul and Barnabas followed through in establishing the new converts in the faith. What were these four ways?

(1) Strengthening the disciples. (2) Encouraging them to remain true to the faith and alerting them that "we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). (3) Appointing elders in every place. (4) Being committed to the Lord with prayer and fasting.

What six results of Philip's ministry in the Samaritan city are mentioned in Acts 8:6-8, 12-13?

(1) The people paid close attention to Philip (8:6). (2) Signs followed - exorcisms and healing the lame (8:7). (3) There was much joy in the city (8:8). (4) Many believed the good news (8:12). (5) Men and women were baptized (8:12). (6) Simon the sorcerer (8:13).

What were two positive effects of the incident with the seven sons of Sceva?

(1) The public was seized with fear and held the name of Jesus in high honor. (2) "Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds. A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly" (Acts 19:18-19)

What are five steps the apostles took to handle the conflict?

(1) The recognized the problem existed and took intelligent steps to solve it; (2) they did not condemn or accuse either sides; (3) they honestly faced their own limitations; (4) they were open to change; and (5) they delegated authority to others.

What two examples does Gamaliel give to illustrate his belief in the sovereignty of God?

(1) Theuda, whose followers were scattered when he was killed; and (2) Judas the Galilean, whos revolt failed and his followers scattered when he was killed.

List some possible reasons for suffering:

(1) To make the victory sweeter; (2) discipline from the Lord; (3) so we can be a resource and example for others; (4) to change our direction; (5) we may never know.

In what two key areas will churches that reject the baptism of the Holy Spirit by lacking?

(1) Worship and (2) evangelism

What is the difference between speaking in tongues in 1 Corinthians 12 and Acts 2:4?

1 Corinthians 12 is speaking about a gift of the Spirit for use in corporate worship services. Acts 2:4 speaks of Christians praying individually to God in other languages.

Read Matthew 23:27-37. How do Stephen's stern words and weeping heart mirror the behavior and attitude of Jesus?

Jesus sternly denounced the hypocrites, then wept, longing to embrace those who rejected Him.

In what ways was it good for the disciples that Jesus go away? What is the benefit for believers today?

Jesus was one person in one place while on earth. But when He went away, He sent the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be with every believer, thus multiplying the ministry and effectiveness of the church. Each believer can live with constant presence and infilling of the Holy Spirit.

How many healing miracles are recorded in the first seven chapters of Acts?

Just one, the healing of the lame beggar

Who wrote Acts?


In light of the sign of fire, what is the importance of Luke 3:16-17?

Luke recorded John the Baptist's words that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire, a symbol of judgment and purification.

Who was the first recorded convert in Europe?


What was the purpose of a miraculous sign like the healing of the lame man?

Miracles are signs, a doorway to reveal the nature and authority of Jesus Christ.

Did Israel's possession of a place of worship (tent of witness or temple) guarantee the purity and vitality of its faith, based on Stephen's statement in Acts 7:44-50?


Was James' life wasted? Explain your answer.

No. He was a significant leader in the early church.

Does the sound like the blowing of a violent wind ever occur again in Acts when believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit? What can be inferred from this?

No. Rushing wind is not a normative or typical sign of being filled with the Spirit.

Based on Acts 15:2, is it always wrong for Christians to sharply dispute with other Christians?

No. Sometimes it is important to defend truths that must not be compromised.

How many books of the Bible did the apostle James write? How many churches does Acts record him planting? How many sermons are we told he preached?


Why are personal experiences by themselves not sufficient for ensuring godly decisions?

Our experiences are important, but they are not infallible. They can be biased and can lead us astray.

What were some unexpected benefits of the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas?

Paul chose a new companion, Silas. Silas' Roman citizenship would prove an important asset on this trip (Acts 16:37). If Barnabas and Mark had been on the team, there might not have been room for Timothy (Acts 16:3) and Luke (Acts 16:10). Under the son of encouragement (Barnabas), Mark wold recover from his earlier failure (Acts 13:13). He would be a living example that God could use a person who had failed at first. Because of Barnabas' faith in his cousin, we have Mark's Gospel. Paul later realized that Mark was no longer a quitter and found him useful. In fact, he asked Mark to com to Rome at a time when Christian leaders feared for their lives (2 Timothy 4:11).

How did Paul's serman to intellectuals differ from his sermons to Jews?

Paul used God's Word as His text when speaking to Jews. But when he spoke to the intellectuals, he did not quote the Bible, but Greek poets. His text ws the statue to an unknown God. He connected with them on their own wave length.

What type of work did Paul do? How do we know he worked hard for the cause of the gospel?

Paul was a tent maker. He worked (probably morning) to support himself and the missionary team. Then he taught for hours each day in the Hall of Tyrannus. He also oversaw the work in all the churches in the surrounding areas, wrote letters, prayed, and taught from house to house. Paul was busy.

Summarize the two-part public accusation against Paul that created a citywide uproar.

Paul was accused of teaching against the Jewish people, their law, and the temple and of defiling the presence of God in the temple by bringing Gentiles inside.

Which charges, if any, was Paul guilty of and during which trial was he found guilty?

Paul was never found guilty of any charge during any of the five trials he endured.

List the person or group before whom Paul was tried on each of these occasions.

Paul was tried before the crowd, the Sanhedrin, Governor Felix, Govenor Festus and King Agrippa.

Summarize Paul's approach to ministry in Thessalonica.

Paul went first to the synagogue, where he debated and answered questions. He pointed them to the truth in the Word of God.

Where did Paul start ministering in Philippi since there was no synagogue?

Paul went to a small group of Jewish women and God-fearers who met outside the city gate by the river Gangites.

From Acts 9:15-16, note the three purposes for Saul's life revealed to Ananias and the process Saul would go through in achieving them.

Paul would carry the Lord's name to Gentiles, kings, and the sons of Israel. he would suffer much for Christ. Acts 13-28 shows the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Describe the relationship between the blessing and duty of Pentecost. Which do you believe is more important?

Pentecost involves both aspects. God pours out His blessing on His people and gives them power to work in the harvest. Both are important but must be kept in proper balance.

To what does Pentecost refer? What does the word mean?

Pentecost refers to the number of days counted after Passover. Pentecost means "fiftieth"

Identify the obstacles Peter and John faced in Acts 4:1-22. How did they respond?

Peter and John faced fear, doubt, and blame, but they overcame these. They praised God for what happened to them, trusting in God's sovereignty (Acts 4:24).

How did Peter exalt Jesus?

Peter gave God credit for the miracle rather than claiming it for himself.

What word does Peter use to describe their (Sanhedrin) sin? What does his word choice indicate about how God is willing to treat those who killed His Son?

Peter uses the word ignorance to describe their sin. it shows that God is willing to offer pardon even to those who killed Jesus.

What group of people caused trouble for Peter?

Peter's trouble came not from the irreligious, but religious leaders, the Sanhedrin.

What is the difference between preaching and proving?

Preaching involves telling our own experiences. Proving takes study and wisdom and involves logical arguments to persuade.

What issues could not be compromised at the Jerusalem Council?

Repentance and faith in Christ.

How is the challenge of 5:1-11 met with victory in 5:12-16?

Satan should have left Ananias and Sapphira alone (Acts 5:2). By the time the incident is over, there is a greater fear and reverence for God in the church and population, signs and wonders are abundant, and more than ever believers are added to the church.

What notable New Testament figure is introduced at the death of Stephen?

Saul, who would later become the apostle Paul

Note Luke's careful detail in giving a summary ship log of the journey from Philippi to Miletus. How many days were involved in that leg of the trip (Acts 20:6-15)?

Seventeen days - from Philippi to Troas, five days; seven days at Troas; one day from Troas to Assos; four days from Assos to Miletus.

What enabled Paul to start ministering full-time?

Silas and Timothy arrived with a favorable report from the churches in Macedonia and a gift of money.

What is the difference between sins of ignorance and sins of a high hand?

Sins of ignorance were unintentional. In the Old Testament, when a person repented and offered an acceptable sacrifice, he or she could be forgiven of such sins. But sins of a high hand were intentional. No sacrifice could bring forgiveness. Such sins were to be punished severely.

Retaliation is the normal human response to being unfairly attacked as Peter and John were. How did Peter and John respond instead? How difficult would it have been for you to respond as Peter and John did?

Some normal human responses would be to get defensive, get angry, or fight back. Peter and John were not bitter, violent, or defensive. Answers about a personal response will vary.

Summarize the meaning of Matthew 18:15-17.

Some people's outward characteristics clearly distinguish them from believers. If such people refuse to repent, they should be put out of the church.

What is meant by the title Sovereign Lord?

Sovereign Lord refers to a ruler with absolute power and authority. It means God is in total control of every situation we may face.

What are four purposes for speaking in tongues?

Speaking in tongues is (1) the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, it is (1) one of nine gifts of the Spirit, it is (3) a regular means of personal prayer, and it (4) is a sign to unbelievers.

Read Acts 6:3,8; 7:55. What are the terms used to describe the fullness of Stephen's life?

Stephen was full of the Spirit and of wisdom (6:3), full of grace and power (6:8), and full of the Holy Spirit (7:55).

How does the setting for Stephen's preaching ministry differ from the setting of the apostles' preaching? Compare Acts 6:9 with Acts 3:11-4:4; 5:12-21, 42.

Stephen's ministry was in the synagogue; the apostles' was in the temple.

What new idea about suffering is introduced in Acts 3 and 4?

Suffering is often the consequence of doing right; certainly suffering is not always a consequence of doing.

Whose acts does the Book of Acts record?

The Book of Acts records the acts of the apostles and also the acts of the Holy Spirit.

When was the Day of Pentecost?

The Day of Pentecost was an Old Testament Feast as well as the birthday of the church in the New Testament.

Who was ordering Peter's opportunities to preach?

The Holy Spirit

What power enables believers to witness for Jesus?

The Holy Spirit gives believers power to witness.

What gave Peter authority to speak?

The Holy Spirit illuminated God's Word to Peter.

How does it feel to know someone truly understands you? How does this relate to how the Holy Spirit communicates with God for the believer?

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us, communicating with God on a deeper level than we are capable of on our own.

How is the Holy Spirit a gift from the Father?

The Holy Spirit is a precious gift that the Father gives to His children who ask. Being filled with the Spirit is not something that can be earned or purchased.

Who was scattered after death of Stephen? Who remained behind?

Acts 8:1 says that "all except the apostles were scattered." It seems reasonable that this refers to the mid-level leaders, such as the remaining members of the seven selected to oversee the church welfare system.

In what city does the Book of Acts begin? In what city does Acts end? What is the significance of this progression?

Acts begins in Jerusalem. Acts ends in Rome. This progression shows the geographic growth of the church. The church grew in an ever-widening circle.

How does Acts serve as a bridge between the Gospels ad the Epistles?

Acts fills a gap in the written history of the church. Acts introduces us to key figures and churches mentioned in the Epistles

From Acts 14:20-22, describe the important role other believers play in the encouragement of struggling Christians.

After the disciples gathered around the wounded Paul, he was able to get up and return to the city. Paul and Barnabas returned to all the towns they had previously visited and encouraged believers to remain true to the faith.

How many were healed by the Apostles?

All. We are not told specific numbers, but all who came were healed.

What is an apostle?

An apostle was someone chosen by the Lord to be an authorized eyewitness of His ministry.

What is preaching?

Announcing the good news.

How many others in the Bible can you think of who suffered for being righteous?

Answers could include: Abel, David, Elijah, Job, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Paul, and James.

What are four basic doctrines of the church?

Answers may vary but could include Jesus as (1) Savior, (2) Healer, (3) Baptizer, and (4) returning King.

Why do you think the apostles might have chosen to stay in Jerusalem when others fled?

Answers may vary. Flight had been an earlier sign of their failure. They may have felt pastoral responsibility toward those who remained behind. They might not have wanted the imprisoned believers feel abandoned.

What would be some challenges in bringing in a large group of new believers into any church?

Answers will vary but could include logistics (where do you put everyone?), doctrine (how do we teach all these people what they need to know?), the need for new workers, setting a godly example for so many new people, discipleship of so many by so few, etc.

How might the problem have become worse if the apostles had ignored it?

Answers will vary but might include that the feelings would have escalated. The Grecian Jews would have felt angry and embittered, whil their compaints might have alienated the Hebraic Jews or made them defensive. The end result would be greater division and more bad feelings.

What does the distance the eunuch was willing to travel to reach Jerusalem by chariot say about him?

Answers will vary but should include the idea that the man seemed very determined or spiritually hungry to undertake such a long, difficult journey.

Are there any unimportant jobs in the kingdom of God?

Answers will vary but should indicate that all jobs done in the right spirit are important.

Since God is willing to forgive even the worst sinners who repent, do we have any right or excuse not to forgive others - or ourselves?

Answers will vary, but God's willingness to forgive should spur believers to forgive also.

How should knowing you have a sovereign Lord affect your attitudes and responses when life seems unfair and out of control?

Answers will vary, but should deal with the concept of giving us peace and assurance knowing God is in control and is working even in what seems like chaos.

Stephen and others on trial preached Christ rather than defending themselves. What does this communicate about what was most important to them?

Answers will vary, but should emphasize that these men valued Christ more than their own lives.

Why did that not turn out to be the wisest choice?

Answers will vary, but should indicate that God knows more than the wisest people. When God directs his servant as He directed Paul, it is always best to listen to Him.

Read Acts 10:3. Do you believe God knows each person individually? Explain.

Answers will vary. God called Cornelius by name. As our creator and redeemer, He knows each of us intimately.

What does the diversity of the Philippian converts tell us about the power of God and the chance for unity in our own varied churches today?

Answers will vary. In Christ, the things that unite us are greater than the things that divide us.

Why do you believe Stephen's face glowed? Why did this not stop his accusers from killing him?

Answers will vary. It was obviously some heavenly manifestation of Stephen's godliness. Stephen's enemies were fighting against God, so such a reminder of Stephen's relationship with God would not work in his favor.

If Cornelius was devout, God-fearing, liberal in charity, and a man of prayer, did he need to be saved? Base your answers on Matthew 5:5; John 3:21; Acts 4:12; 11:18; and Ephesians 2:8-9.

Answers will vary. Jesus promised to satisfy the hungry. The "good" person who is walking toward the light will embrace the greater light of Christ. If salvation could be obtained by our goodness, Christ need not have come. Only through faith in Jesus Christ can anyone be saved.

What should you do when it seems another Christian is opposing you or working against what you are trying to do for God?

Answers will very, but Christians should first look at their own hearts and motives. Likely some in the Sanhedrin sincerely thought they were doing God's work. Some who identify with Peter and John might actually be more like the Sanhedrin. Christians who find themselves in conflict with other Christians for doing right should follow Peter and John's example. They should speak the truth boldly but with respect. They should not fear or back down from what is right not matter what the result or cost. They must leave the outcome in God's hands and trust Him to work it out for His glory.

Who can and should preach?

Any believer can and should tell others the good news.

Compare and contrast Barnabas' gift with that of Ananias and Sapphira.

Barnabas gave all the money from the sale of his land. Ananias and Sapphira kept some for themselves but said they gave it all. Barnabas gave to help and encourage Christians in need. Ananias and Sapphira gave to earn respect and enhance their own reputation.

Compare the ministry strengths of Barnabas and Saul from Acts 11:22-25.

Barnabas was an exhorter or encourager. Saul was a teacher.

Why was suffering a reason to rejoice for the apostles?

Because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

From Matthew 5:23-24 and 18:15-17, what is the correct way to handle disputes with other believers?

Before a Christian can be right with God, he or she must first make things right with other Christians with whom he or she has a dispute. First, the offended must go alone to the offender and try to resolve things. If the latter will not listen, the offended should take along one or two others to witness what is said. If there is still no reconciliation, the problem should be brought to the church for arbitration. If that still does not work, the offender should no longer be regarded as a Christian brother or sister.

What are two of the most important qualifications for being an effective disciple?

Being (1) willing to learn and (2) willing to obey

How are repentance and baptism connected?

Both involve the washing away of sins. Repentance is the spiritual act. Baptism is the physical act that symbolizes that spiritual act.

How does Paul state the fulfillment of Passover in 1 Corinthians 5:7?

Christ is our Passover lamb, sacrificed to save us.

What issues were simply matters of preference or culture that were not essential to salvation?

Cultural issues that were a matter of tradition and preference, such as circumcision and dietary laws.

What one command did the Lord give Saul, and how did Saul respond to it?

The Lord commanded obedience by instructing Saul to wait in Damascus for further instructions. Saul added to his obedience the sign of total remorse and repentance, abstaining from food and drink (and praying) until his orders come.

Why did the apostles have the authority to teach?

The Lord had commissioned them to do so.

Explain the source of the challenge against the church in Acts 5:17-40. How successful was this challenge? Why?

The Sadducees became jealous, bringing physical persecution against all the apostles. It was unsuccessful, for the apostles rejoiced in the persecution and continued their ministry.

What type of sin had the Sanhedrin committed in killing Jesus?

The Sanhedrin had committed an intentional sin of a high hand.

What is more important that the signs of the Spirit's presence?

The Spirit himself

One thing occurred in Samaria at the puring forth of the Spirit that had not happened at Pentecost. What was it?

The apostles laid their hands on believers.

How is the challenge of 4:1-22 met with victory in 4:23-37?

The attempt to harass Peter and John unified the believers even more. They sensed a greater need for boldness, and they manifested great love for each other.

What is the believer's part in being baptized in the Spirit?

The believer's part is to come to Jesus, ask Him for His Spirit, , receive the Spirit, and speak in the new language the Spirit gives us.

What drew the crowd on the Day of Pentecost?

The believers speaking in other tongues drew the crowd. The work of the Holy Spirit draws crowds to hear the gospel.

Explaing how the church was challenged in Acts 5:1-11. How effective was it? Why?

The church faced potential division through inroads of a selfish spirit. God's judgment of Ananias and Sapphira rooted out sin an selfishness and brought a healthy fear and reverence for God's holiness.

In what four ways did the early church grow in Acts?

The church grew (1) numerically, (2) geographically, it (3) expanded its mission, and it grew in (4) theology.

Is the Day of Pentecost over? Explain.

The church's Pentecost began in Acts 2 but continues to the present day until the return of Christ. The Day of Pentecost is the era of the Spirit at work in and through believers.

Look at the map. If Paul left Ephesus and traveled through Macedonia to Greece encouraging believers, what places and churches is it likely he visited?

The churches he founded on his second missionary journey - Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, and Corinth.

What issue provoked the Jews into assaulting Paul?

The deep-seated commitment to purity and holiness made the Jews very sensitive to perceived defilement of anything holy and threats to traditions and customs. The Jews were convinced that Paul represented a clear threat to purity and Jewish traditions.

Who stood with Peter before the crowd?

The eleven apostles, including Matthias.

What were the two parts of Paul's sermon in Acts 13:14-43?

The first part traced God's sovereign acts in Israel's history. The second part was about Jesus - His life, death, resurrection, and provision for the forgiveness of sins.

What was the difference between the first messengers of the gospel to Antioch and the second?

The first were unsucessful, not because they did not have adequate knowledge of the Lord, but because they did not have an adequate methodology to reach the Gentiles. The second group of believers not only knew the Lord, but also knew how to speack of Him to the Gentiles.

Why did Luke give so much space to the story of Cornelius?

The implications of these events posed the single greatest theological problem of the early church - whether a Gentile could be saved without first becoming a Jew.

What was the man's to being healed (healed by Peter and John).

The man went with Peter and John into the temple courts, walking, jumping, and praising God. His life was transformed.

What is one of the greatest lessons we can learn in deliverance or death?

The principle of trust in God.

How is the challenge of 5:17-40 met with victory in 5:41-42?

The public proclamation of the gospel is undiminished, the apostles are more popular than ever, and the church continues to grow.

The Feast of Firstfruits is fulfilled through what event as described in 1 Corinthians 15:20?

The resurrection of Christ

Summarize three reasons why it was important for the disciples to wait for the gift the Father had promised.

The task is bigger than we are, the task is too hard to accomplish without the Spirit's power, and the task is not yet finished.

What was the apostles' doctrine based on?

The teaching of Jesus.

What two factors led the Samaritans to accept Philip's message?

The word he proclaimed and the signs he performed.

What did Paul have in common with Priscilla and Aquila?

Their nationality (Jewish), occupation (tent makers), and their faith in Jesus.

How did some from the circumcision party respond to events at Cornelius' house?

They complained and discounted what God had done at Caesarea.

After being released by the Sanhedrin, what did the believers pray for and what did they not pray for?

They did not pray for protection or that the persecution would end. They prayed not for vengeance but for courage to continue doing what was right. They asked for strength to speak God's Word with boldness. They asked God to move among them and stir the people again with miraculous signs and wonders in Jesus' name.

What two actions did Peter and John take in ministering to the believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit?

They prayed for them and laid hands on them.

What is one example of the different emphasis believers used to preach more effectively to the Greeks?

They preached Jesus as Lord, a term much more meaningful to the Gentile mind that Christ or Messiah, terms meaningful to the Jews.

Whom did the apostles nominate to take Judas' place among the Twelve? Why? (See Acts 1:21-23)

They proposed two men; Joseph called Barsabbas (also know as Justus) and Matthias. They were looking for men who had been with them during Jesus' ministry. The person selected had to be an eyewitness with the other apostles of Jesus' life and resurrection.

Look at Luke 9:51-55 and John 4:27. Contrast Peter and John's attitudes toward Samaritans with those displayed in 8:14-25.

They seem to have overcome their prejudice against the Samaritans and embraced them as brothers and sisters.

How did Priscilla and Aquila help Apollos? What was good about the way they handled the situation?

They took him aside privately and explained the gospel more fully. This was good because they corrected the problem so Apollos could teach more fully, yet it did not publicly embarrass or demean his ministry.

What did the disciples do to obey Jesus before Penecost?

They waited in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit, as Jesus commanded.

Why did the Jews talk abusively against what Paul said?

They were jealous.

Why would rumors about Paul be so offensive, even threatening, to devoted Jews?

They would have been the same as teaching arainst God himself. They would have been the same as trying to destroy the holiness that God had established in the world through His covenants and laws.

In what two ways was the Council's decision communicated to the Gentiles?

They wrote a letter outlining what had been decided. They they sent Judas and Silas to communicate the loving spirit of the Jerusalem church and give encouragement to the Gentile believers.

What is the significance of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles?

This clearly showed that non-Jews were accepted by God without first becoming Jews and being circumcised. It opened a whole new world of evangelism.

What were the tree qualifications used to select the seven leaders?

Those chosen were to have (1) good reputations, be (2) full of wisdom, and (3) full of the Spirit.

What happens to those who refuse to listen to and obey God?

Those who refuse to listen to and obey will lose their ability to hear it or see it.

Who was most likely to mock the believers, those who understood on of the fifteen languages or those who spoke only Aramaic? Why?

Those who spoke only Aramaic might be more likely to mock. Speaking in tongues would sound like nonsense to them, but it would convince those who understood the miracle of Pentecost.

From 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, describe the type of people who were among those who believed in Christ at Corinth.

Those who were sexually immoral (pornoi - refers to sexual immorality of all kinds), idolators, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers.

Why is prayer so important for Christians and churches?

Through prayer, believers or churches submit to the Lord

When and how was the church in Rome started?

We are not told and so do not know.

How did Peter know Ananias was lying?

We are not told for sure, but Acts 5:3 says, "you have lied to the Holy Spirit." It is likely the word of knowledge operated through Peter.

Would heeding the prophetic warnings given during his journey to Jerusalem have caused Paul to miss God's will?

We can only conclude that, yes, listening to the warnings and staying away from Jerusalem would have caused Paul to disobey God and fail to fulfill His plans for Paul and Christianity.

How did the Holy Spirit keep Paul from going to Asia or Bithynia?

We do not know for sure, but we do know Paul was sensitive. When his rationality and the Spirit's checking were in conflict, he listened to the Spirit.

In what similar ways did God prepare Cornelius and Peter for the next step in spreading the gospel? Why was it important for God to prepare them both?

While in prayer, both men saw a vision and go intructions from the Lord. To break the religious and social barriers, it was necessary for God to do something unusual.

In light of John 17:20-23, why is the unity of believers a necessary condition for the church's experience of Pentecost?

Without genuine love for the brothers and sisters, the whole Christian enterprise fails. One who would be used of God must want to experience and express His love at least as much as His power. God will not trust His power to a group of believers who lack unity, for they will only perpetuate their differences in the new believers.

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