Adam Smith-Review Questions

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According to Smith, what effect does government intervention have on the free market system?

According to Smith, government intervention destroys the market system's natural ability to regualte itself

According to Smith, what effect does a monopoly have on the free market system?

According to Smith, the formation of monopolies destroys competition. W/o competition, the market cannot operate in the best interest of the society

According to Smith, what determines the value of commodity in a free market system?

According to Smith, the labor that goes into the production of the commodity determines the value of a commodity in a free market system

According to Smith, what are the three laws of economics?

According to Smith, the three laws of economics are self-interest, competition, and accumulation

The division of labor makes each individual independent of others for both the necessities and the luxuries of life


Why did Smith believe individuals pursued work that would satisfy the demands of society?

Smith believed individuals pursued work that would satisfy the demands of society because of self-interest

How did Smith believe human beings gained moral knowledge?

Smith believed that human beings gained moral knowledge from rational thinking and conscience

What did Smith think would happen if the free market system was left alone?

Smith believed that if the free market system was left alone, society will continually improve

What did Smith believe was the role of competition in a market system?

Smith believed that the role of competition in a market system is to keep the prices, the quantity, and the quality of products at a level satisfactory to the marketplace

What role did Smith think the government should play in society?

Smith believed that, in society, the government should provide for the defedence of the nation, keep the society secure by administering justice, and should maintain public work

What did Smith think was the natural result of self-interest?

Smith believed thta the natural result of self-interest was competition

What idea did Smith promote in The Theory of Moral Sentiments?

Smith promoted the idea that empathy was the basis for moral principles

What is the "invisible hand"?

The "invisible hand" is competition

What is the title of Smith's book outlining his economic ideas?

The Wealth of Nations is Smith's book outlining his economic ideas

What is the Law of Accumulation?

The law of accumulation is when the capitalists accumulate profits that can be invested in the production of more and better products. All of society therefore benefits from the profits of the capitalists.

A division of labor allows individuals to produce distinct products


All of society benefits from the accumulation of wealth


Human beings are creatures of self-interest motivated by a desire for wealth


In a free market system each individual is free to choose the place, the amount, and the kind of work that most satisfies personal needs and desires


No society can truly be happy when too many people are poor


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