Ado Exam 2

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Which of the following statements best describes how adolescent sons and daughters interact with their parents?

Girls and boys interact with their parents in similar ways.

Parents view many issues of right and wrong based on_______, whereas adolescents view these issues as matters of______.

convention; personal choice

Peter is noticing changes in the expression of affection and distribution of power in his relationships with his parents. He is less likely to rush to them with a problem and is spending more time with his friends. What type of autonomy is developing with Peter?



Minimize the time and energy they devote to interacting with their child Adult-centered, passive, dismissing Pose few demands on the adolescent Poor or little communication Do not monitor or supervise behavior Detached, distant, withdrawn, absent

Current research on the effects of remarriage indicates that

girls have more problems than boys.

Which of the following examples reflects the development of emotional autonomy in an adolescent-parent relationship?

When Ogechi is upset about an argument with her best friend, she asks other friends for their opinions instead of rushing to her mother for advice.

Adolescents often judge keeping one's room clean and style of dress as matters of personal choice, whereas parents tend to judge these issues as matters of

social convention.

The paradox of adolescent autonomy is that

whereas adolescents today are expected to be increasingly autonomous psychologically and socially, they are now less autonomous economically.

Research has shown that people whose parents were psychologically controlling during their adolescence were

less likely to be in romantic relationships in their 30s.

According to Baumrind, children of indulgent parents tend to be

less mature and more conforming to their peers.

Parents who use a lot of psychological control are best characterized as being

overprotective and intrusive.

Benjamin's parents expect him to tell them everything. However, now that he's 13 years old, he feels entitled to keep secrets from them. This is an example of an adolescent-parent disagreement over which kind of issue?

parental control


place a high value on obedience and conformity Adult-centered, autocratic, rigid Strict rules and expectation Unilateral decision making Little warmth or communication Expects obedience, distrusting Punitive punishment Discourages open communication

Which of the following statements accurately reflects research on adolescent-sibling relationships?

Adolescent-sibling relationships involve more conflict than adolescent-friend relationships.

Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of increased emotional autonomy among adolescents

Adolescents are able to see their parents as people.

Which of the following statements about family conflict is true?

Among teenagers and parents who report having problems, the great majority had problematic relationships during childhood.

Children of Authoritative parents

Associated with socially competent behavior Socially responsible Self-reliant Happy Liked by peers and teacher Gregarious

Children of Authoritarian parents

Associated with socially incompetent behavior Are obedient Conscientious, but fail to initaite tasks and poor communication. Anxious about social comparison Not especially happy More likely to feel guilty or depressed Often rebel as adolescents

Children of Neglectful parent

Associated with socially incompetent behavior lack self control needy and over realiant on parents approval.

Children of Indulgent/Permissive parents

Associated with socially incompetent behavior Expect to get their own way Decreased self-control or impulse control immature emotional regulation impeads relationship formation. un happy

Which of the following statements about ethnic minority families and parenting styles is true?

Because ethnic minority families are more likely to live in dangerous areas, parental control may actually be beneficial for these adolescents.

Which statement regarding autonomy development best fits with Anna Freud's theory?

Detachment in adolescence is a result of tensions between family members.

Which of the following statements about emotional autonomy is true?

Emotional autonomy involves a transformation in family relationships rather than detachment.

Craig's parents were permissive when he was a child and mostly let him spend his time as he liked. Now that he is 14, they are becoming stricter. They do not let him make decisions about what to do with his free time, and they closely monitor his activities. How is Craig likely to respond to this shift?

He will resist obeying his parents' rules.

Which of the following is an example of conventional moral reasoning?

Marcy decides not to join her friend in shoplifting jewelry because it is against the law, and her family and friends do not approve of breaking the law.

Which child would be expected to have the most conflict with his parents?

Robert, a 13-year-old

According to behavioral geneticists, siblings are actually quite different from each other. Which of the following has been used to explain this difference?

Siblings may experience their family environment very differently.

Which statement about autonomy during adolescence is true?

The growth of autonomy during adolescence is gradual and progressive.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about stereotyping adolescents?

The more parents believe in the stereotype of adolescents as difficult, the more they expect their child to conform to it.

Which statement concerning adolescents' ability to see their parents as people is true?

This aspect of emotional autonomy often develops later in adolescents' relationships with their fathers than with their mothers.

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that most adolescents

appear to maintain close, respectful, and loving relationships with parents.

Tamari's father has absolute standards and expects Tamari to conform to them without exception. If she disobeys he generally punishes her and sees no reason why he should explain his rules to Tamari. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father, and I love you. I know what's best for you." Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style?


Decha's teacher is concerned about him because he is passive and indifferent to new experiences and shows little intellectual curiosity. He also shows signs of developing lowself-esteem. Based on Baumrind's classification of parenting styles, Decha's parents are most likely


Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with overall psychological competence?


Which of the following types of parenting promotes healthy emotional autonomy in adolescents?


Yusuf's parents set rules for him, but he feels that when a rule seems unfair, he can discuss it with his parents, and even if they don't agree to change the rule, they at least listen to his opinions. Yusuf's parents fit best into which of the following parenting styles?


Cara hates that her mother always asks her where she is going and who she is hanging out with. Cara's attempts to keep secrets are her attempt to establish


The distancing that takes place between parents and teenagers in early adolescence will

be temporary.


behave in an accepting, benign, and somewhat passive way Child-centered, indulgent, appeasing No guidelines, nondirective Avoid confrontation, rarely discipline adolescent Warm, accepting, nurturing Overinvolved, blurred roles Few rules or expectations

Juanita has decided not to go along with her friends and drink alcohol after school. She realizes that drinking is wrong and decides not to give in to the peer pressure. Which of the three types of autonomy is Juanita exhibiting?


Which of the following aspects of autonomy involves the capacity to make independent decisions and follow through with them?

behavioral autonomy

As Da-Xia moves into adolescence, her opinions begin to differ from those of her parents. She realizes that her parents are not always right and is starting to develop her own values. Which type of autonomy is Da-Xia developing?

cognitive autonomy

Conflict between parents and adolescents over appropriate leisure activities is

common across many cultures.

In classical psychoanalytic theories, the process of separation that occurs during early adolescence is referred to as


Research indicates that________ has negative effects on adolescents' mental health, whereas________ has positive effects.

detachment; individuation

Authoritative parenting promotes intellectual development and psychosocial maturity through which of the following?

discussions about decisions and rules that help children understand social relationships

Marcus is a teenager who generally respects his parents. On which of the following issues, however, is Marcus most likely to side with his friends and against his parents?

how to wear his hair

Adolescents are likely to show signs of psychological distress when their parents

impede the individuation process.

During adolescence, an individual's peer group usually________ in importance.


In contrast to the psychoanalytic perspective, many researchers today assert that older adolescents who are gradually and progressively sharpening their sense of self as autonomous, competent, and separate from their parents are in the process of


Emotional autonomy develops best when parents encourage________ and________.

individuation; emotional closeness

Lupe's parents express love toward her and want her to be happy. They let her, for the most part, establish her own schedule. Lupe eats when she's hungry, has full run of the house, goes out when she pleases, and sleeps when she's tired. This parenting style is best described as


One reason that the adolescent years may constitute a difficult period of adjustment is that parents

may also be experiencing identity crises of their own.

In addition to coping with the increasing importance of an adolescent's peer group, one of the biggest concerns in families with adolescents is often


Felicia is very warm and accepting towards both of her two children, but she also sets firm rules that the children must follow with very few exceptions. According to Baumrind, the characteristics that best describe her are

responsive and demanding.

Amalia is most likely to be adversely affected by her parents' divorce if

she blames herself for her parents' problems.

The fact that most books for parents of teenagers tend to focus on the problems instead of normative development is concerning because

the more parents believe in the stereotypes, the worse their relationships with their teenagers become.

As Alex enters adolescence, he and his parents are experiencing severe relationship problems. The most likely explanation is that

their problematic relationship has existed since Alex's childhood.


warm but firm use induction Child-centered Establish firm guidelines Engage adolescent in decision making Warm, accepting involved, trusting Monitoring Supports assertiveness and self-regulation Encourages psychological autonomy

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